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云南热带季雨林及其与热带雨林植被的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
朱华 《植物生态学报》2011,35(4):463-470
在中国植物学文献中, 对热带季雨林的解释和运用是不一致的, 特别是易于把季雨林与热带雨林相混淆。季雨林是在具有明显干、湿季变化的热带季风气候下发育的一种热带落叶森林植被, 是介于热带雨林与热带稀树草原(savanna)之间的一个植被类型。云南的热带季雨林在分布生境、生态外貌特征、植物种类组成和地理成分构成上, 均与热带雨林有明显区别, 季雨林主要分布在海拔1 000 m以下的几大河流开阔河段两岸和河谷盆地, 其群落结构相对简单, 乔木一般仅有1至2层, 上层树种在干季落叶或上层及下层树种在干季都落叶; 在生活型组成上, 季雨林的木质藤本相对较少, 大高位芽植物及地上芽植物很少, 但地面芽植物很丰富, 地下芽植物和一年生植物也相对丰富; 在叶级和叶型特征上, 季雨林植物的小叶和复叶比例相对较高, 分别占到24%和44%; 在植物区系地理成分构成上, 季雨林的热带分布属合计也占绝对优势, 但以泛热带分布属的比例相对较高, 约占到总属数的30%, 热带亚洲至热带非洲分布属的比例也较高, 约占总属数的12%。季雨林的地理成分更为多样性, 起源与发展历史也更复杂和古老。  相似文献   

西双版纳热带季节雨林粗木质物残体储量及其空间分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粗木质物残体(CWD)在森林生态系统的物质循环和碳动态中发挥着重要作用,但目前国内对热带地区CWD储量与其空间分布关系上的研究还处于起步阶段。对西双版纳1hm2热带季节雨林样地调查发现,≥10cm的粗木质物残体占森林总凋落物量的68.02%,其中45.72%的CWD处于腐解中后期。由于多数大径级的CWD分布于15°~25°的坡地上,且其饱和持水力随腐解等级的增加而上升,因此,CWD将有助于改善坡地生境下的水肥条件。CWD的分布受风向和本地湿热环境的影响,但掉落指向则更倾向于随机过程。CWD产生和分布上的普遍性有可能对森林生境异质性和生物多样性产生重大影响。  相似文献   

枯立木是森林生态系统物质循环和能量流动的重要组成部分,对森林群落动态和演替具有重要作用。该研究以位于桂西南的弄岗北热带喀斯特季节性雨林15 hm~2森林动态监测样地为平台,以样地中2011年第一次植被调查数据胸径(diameter at breast height,DBH)≥1 cm的枯立木为研究对象,在充分考虑空间自相关的基础上分析其不同径级(小径级,1 cm≤DBH5 cm;中径级,5 cm≤DBH15 cm;大径级,15 cm≤DBH)的空间分布格局、枯立木多度与环境因子的相关性及生境关联性等。结果表明:枯立木所有个体和小径级分别在0~4 m和0~5 m尺度上表现为聚集分布,其它尺度为随机分布;中径级和大径级在0~30 m尺度上均为随机分布。大径级与凹凸度表现为显著负相关,所有个体和小径级与干旱度指数和样方内所有植株个体数为显著正相关,所有个体和小径级与样方内最大胸径和平均胸径呈显著负相关。所有个体和小径级与3种生境类型间的关联性并不显著;中径级与山坡呈正关联性、与山脊呈负关联性、与山谷无显著关联性;大径级与山谷呈正关联性、与山坡无显著关联性、与山脊呈负关联性。在喀斯特季节性雨林中,枯立木空间分布格局总体表现为随机分布,仅小径级在小尺度内聚集分布,而较大径级在样地中表现出一定的生境关联性;树木死亡过程可能是小尺度内密度制约、大尺度内生境过滤和个体自然衰老等生态学过程形成的。  相似文献   

喀斯特植物群落果实类型和种子散布特征的研究, 对于理解喀斯特植物群落更新与拓展特征, 进而揭示喀斯特石漠化地区恢复植被的自然扩展机制及制定植被恢复规划具有重要意义。该研究以石林地质公园不同群落类型为对象, 研究不同群落的果实类型谱与种子散布谱, 以揭示果实类型与种子散布方式对恢复植被的影响。采用石林地质公园不同群落各1 hm 2样地记名计数法调查的维管束物种名录, 依据Flora of China对物种果实的描述确定其果实类型; 根据文献、数据库以及果实、种子形态性状确定种子散布方式。结果表明: (1)石林地质公园282种维管束植物共16种果实类型(含孢子), 其中瘦果、蒴果、浆果和核果的物种比例均大于10%。木本植物、草本植物、藤本植物的优势果实类型分别为核果、瘦果和浆果。石林地质公园各群落的木本植物、草本植物和藤本植物的果实类型谱差异不显著。在原生林、次生林、灌丛、灌草丛和人工辅助云南松林不同群落中, 浆果和核果的物种比例减少, 瘦果、颖果和蒴果的物种比例增加。(2)石林地质公园植物种子以动物传播为主, 其次为风传播。在原生林、次生林、灌丛、灌草丛和人工辅助云南松林不同群落中, 风传播的物种比例增加了73%-87%, 动物传播(包括鸟类传播)减少了31%-36%。(3)物种的种子散布方式直接影响到植被恢复物种和恢复策略的选择。基于恢复目标, 选择自然传播能力强的乡土物种或地带性植被关键种, 辅以传播廊道, 有助于喀斯特的植被恢复。  相似文献   

Gash模型在热带季节雨林林冠截留研究中的应用   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
王馨  张一平  刘文杰 《生态学报》2006,26(3):722-729
为了验证Gash林冠截留解析模型在西双版纳热带季节雨林中的适用性,基于2003年的热带季节雨林气候及林冠特征观测数据、采用Gash模型对林冠截留进行了模拟.结果显示,西双版纳热带季节雨林样地年降雨量为1244.4mm,穿透降雨为867.3mm,树干径流为114.4mm,树冠截留量为262,7mm,林内穿透降雨量和林外降雨量之间存在显著的正相关关系;降雨过程中饱和林冠的蒸发强度为0.12mm/h,使林冠饱和的降雨为0.6mm,林冠枝叶部分持水能力为0.41mm,树干持水能力为0.18mm;模型模拟的年林冠截留量为274.9mm,干季为71.7 mm,雨季为203.1 mm;模拟的相对误差年值为4.3%,干季为0.1%,雨季为6.9%,模拟与实测有很好的一致性,显示了Gash模型适用于西双版纳地区热带季节雨林林冠截留计算.  相似文献   

热带季节雨林生态系统净光合作用特征及其影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以西双版纳热带季节雨林生态系统为对象,利用涡度相关系统定量分析了2003-2006年该生态系统光合作用特征及其环境控制因子.结果表明: 2003-2006年西双版纳热带季节雨林生态系统净光合作用年际变化较小,其最大光合速率(Peco,opt)、昼间呼吸速率(Reco,d)和表观量子效率(α)平均值分别为-0.813 mg·m-2·s-1、0.238 mg·m-2·s-1和-0.0023 mg·μmol-1受气温(Ta)和饱和水汽压差(VPD)等环境因子的交互影响,不同季节生态系统光合作用特征有所差异.雨季的降水量大、气温较高,生态系统的光合能力最强;雾凉季的浓雾为植物提供了部分水分,其光合水平仍较高;干热季气温较高、降水少,Ta和VPD升高,Peco,opt和α下降.净生态系统CO2交换主要受>20 ℃的Ta和>1 kPa VPD的影响.  相似文献   

滇东南热带雨林种子植物区系的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
李耀利  朱华  王洪 《广西植物》2002,22(4):320-326
通过对滇东南地区热带雨林植被的初步调查 ,统计滇东南热带雨林种子植物区系有种子植物 119科 ,378属 ,6 73种 (包括变种和亚种 )。种子植物分布区类型组成是主产热带和亚热带的科占 82 .35% ;热带分布属占非世界属数的 93.87% ;典型热带分布种占总种数的 75.93%。热带分布属中以亚洲热带分布属最多 ,占非世界属数的 4 0 .2 7% ;典型热带分布种中以热带亚洲分布及其变型越南 (印度支那 )至云南 (华南 )分布占比例最高 ,分别为 71.4 7%和 16 .34 %。分布区类型分析表明滇东南热带雨林种子植物区系具有热带亚洲区系的特点 ,属于古热带植物区中的马来亚森林植物亚区之中的北部湾区系。进一步分析表明此区系具热带北缘的性质。分布区类型的组成也表明此区系古特有种丰富。  相似文献   

近年来, 功能多样性和谱系多样性为探究群落构建机制提供了新方法。为了更准确地了解海南岛高海拔热带云雾林群落构建机制, 该研究以海南岛霸王岭热带云雾林为对象, 测定7个环境因子和13个植物功能性状。利用主成分分析(PCA)筛选环境因子, 以霸王岭、尖峰岭和黎母山热带云雾林分布物种建立区域物种库, 结合模型, 分析Rao二次熵(RaoQ)和平均成对谱系距离(MPD)变化对植物群落构建的影响。结果表明: 林冠开阔度、土壤全磷含量和坡度是影响植物群落构建的关键环境因子。多数功能性状的系统发育信号很低且不显著, 说明热带云雾林群落的系统发育关系与功能性状随历史进程变化不一致。RaoQMPD的实际观测值都显著低于期望值, 且其标准效应值与土壤磷含量显著相关, 说明生境过滤是驱动热带云雾林群落构建的关键因子, 土壤磷含量是群落构建的关键环境筛。  相似文献   

Abstract Monsoon rainforests occur as scattered patches within a landscape dominated by eucalypt savannas across the wet–dry tropics of northern Australia. This study formed part of a larger project that investigated the interactions between frugivores and monsoon rainforest patches in the Top End of the Northern Territory. Phenological patterns in a set of 12 wet monsoon forests (WMF) and four dry monsoon forests (DMF) were examined by monitoring individuals of more than 100 species over 30 months. Phenological patterns of both WMF and DMF were closely related to the strongly seasonal climate. Leaf flush occurred before the onset of the wet season in WMF, and coincided with the onset of the wet in DMF. Major flowering peaks coincided with leaf flush in both forest types. Fruiting was concentrated in the wet season in both forest types, but fruiting peaks of WMF and DMF were separated by 3–4 months. Variations in fruiting patterns among forest types, patches, seasons and groupings of plant species (based on life form and ecological positioning) provide a mosaic of food resources for frugivores. This has important implications for the conservation and maintenance of the frugivore–rainforest system in northern Australia.  相似文献   

Aims Diversity of climbing seed plants and their reproductive habits and characteristics are central for the understanding of community structure and dynamics of forests and hence are important for forest protection. However, little is known about the climbing seed plants in northern tropical karst seasonal rain forests. Here, using the data of the species diversity and reproductive habits of climbing seed plants in Nonggang, Guangxi, China, we aim to 1) explore the species diversity and distribution of climbing seed plants in northern tropical karst seasonal rain forests, 2) study the flowering and fruiting phenology and 3) the associations of reproductive characteristics to the environment. Methods Species composition, preferred habitat, flowering time, fruiting time and fruit types of climbing seed plants were surveyed. The seasonality of flowering and fruiting were analyzed by concentration ratio and circular distribution. Climbing seed plants were divided into three groups according to their growth forms and places in spatial forest structure: bush ropes, herbaceous vines and lianas. Monthly flowering ratios, fruiting ratios, fruit types and their ratios in different groups were determined. These relationships of flowering ratio, fruiting ratio, fruit type and its ratio to meteorological factors were investigated using Pearson correlation analysis. Important findings There were a total of 333 species of climbing seed plants in Nonggang karst seasonal rain forest, belonging to 145 genera and 56 families. Bush ropes, herbaceous vines and lianas contained 119, 88 and 126 species, respectively. At species level, herbaceous vines were more abundance in valleys, while bush ropes and lianas were more abundance on slopes. Flowering and fruiting of climbing seed plants occurred seasonally, with flowering peaking in April to September, while fruiting peaking in July to December. The seasonality of flowering and fruiting in bush ropes was weaker than in herbaceous vines and lianas. Flowering ratio was significantly positively correlated with rainfall and air temperature, which suggest that flowering peaks in monsoon season. Peak time for fruiting was about three months later than the peak time of flowering, around the end of monsoon season. The ratio of samara species to all fruiting species in lianas was significantly positively correlated with wind speed, but negatively correlated with rainfall and air temperature. It showed that samara in lianas tended to occur in dry season with high wind speed. In conclusion, species diversity and the seasonal features of reproduction of climbing seed plants in Nonggang karst seasonal rain forest were closely related to the spatial and temporal variations of habitat resources.  相似文献   

Aims Spatial distribution patterns and formation mechanisms of species diversity are fundamental issues in community ecology. The objectives of this study are to assess the species diversity patterns at the different spatial scales in Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China.
Methods Based on the dataset from the 60 hm2 plot in the tropical montane rain forest in Jianfengling, Hainan Island, the spatial distribution patterns of species richness, species abundance, Shannon-Wiener, Simpson and Pielou’s evenness indices were analyzed at six spatial scales, including 5 m × 5 m, 10 m × 10 m, 20 m × 20 m, 40 m × 40 m, 100 m × 100 m, and 200 m × 200 m, respectively.Important findings
Results showed that spatial distribution patterns of species richness, species abundance and Shannon-Wiener index were much more obviously changed with the spatial scales than Simpson and Pielou’s evenness indices. Change of variance of the species richness with the increase of spatial scales was unimodal, which had the maximum value at the 20 m × 20 m scale. Variance of the species abundance showed a linear relationship with the increase of spatial scales. The positive relationship between species richness and abundance gradually decreased and even disappeared with the increase of sampling scales, which may be correlated with the increase of habitat heterogeneity. The effects of spatial scales on Shannon-Wiener, Simpson, and Pielou’s evenness indices may be also correlated with the composition of rare species in the plot.  相似文献   

森林生态系统地上生物量的分布格局是物种分布格局的重要内容。局域尺度内因地形差异引起的生境异质性是地上生物量分布格局形成的环境基础。本文以弄岗北热带喀斯特季节性雨林15 ha动态监测样地2011年第一次普查数据中每木个体为研究对象, 尝试以每20 m × 20 m样方内所有个体及不同径级类群的胸高断面积之和为木本植物地上生物量的衡量指标, 利用广义可加模型对喀斯特季节性雨林中胸高断面积之和的空间分布格局进行研究, 定量分析了其对7个地形因子的响应。结果表明, 洼地、山坡和山脊3种生境类型中, 所有个体的胸高断面积之和山坡最高、山脊最低, 且山脊与山坡、洼地的差异均显著; 广义可加模型结果显示, 不同地形因子对胸高断面积之和的解释偏差差异明显, 其中海拔、坡向、凹凸度、岩石裸露率对胸高断面积之和的解释偏差依次降低, 而干旱度指数、坡度和地形湿润指数解释偏差相对较小。喀斯特季节性雨林木本植物胸高断面积之和空间分布的异质性及其与地形因子之间的关系, 反映了胸高断面积之和在地形因子对土壤、水分和光照等条件重分配影响下的多重响应机制及生长策略。  相似文献   

It is well known that the recovery of abandoned tropical pastures to secondary rainforest benefits from the arrival of seeds from adjacent rainforest patches. Less is known, however, about how the structural attributes of adjacent rainforest (e.g. tree density, canopy cover and tree height) impact seed rain patterns into abandoned pastures. Between 2011 and 2013, we used seed traps and ground seed surveys to track the richness and abundance of rainforest seeds entering abandoned pastures in Australia's wet tropics. We also tested how seed rain diversity is related to the distance from forest, the proportion of forest cover in the landscape and several structural attributes of adjacent forest patches, specifically average tree height, canopy cover, tree species richness and density. Almost no seeds were captured in elevated pasture seed traps, even near forest remnants. Abundant forest seeds were found in ground surveys but only within 10 m of forest edges. In ground surveys, seeds from wind‐dispersed species were more abundant, but less species rich, than animal‐dispersed species. A survey of pasture seedling recruits suggested that some forest seeds must be dispersing more than 10 m into pasture at very low frequencies, but only a few species are establishing there. Recruits were predominantly animal‐dispersed not wind‐dispersed species. In addition to distance from forest and the proportion of forest within a 100‐ to 200‐m radius of sampling sites, the richness and density of adjacent forest trees were the most important factors for explaining the probability of seed occurrence in abandoned pastures. Results suggest that without some restoration assistance, the recovery of abandoned pastures into secondary rainforest in Australia's tropical rainforests will likely be limited, at least in part, by a very low rate of seed dispersal away from forest edges and by the diversity and density of trees in adjacent remnant forests.  相似文献   

Altitudinal gradients are an excellent study tool to help understand the mechanisms shaping community assembly. We established a series of altitudinal gradients along the east coast of Australia to describe how the distribution of a hyper‐diverse herbivore group (night‐flying Lepidoptera) changes across an environmental gradient in subtropical and tropical rainforests. Two transects were in subtropical rainforest in the same bioregion, one in south‐east Queensland (28.7°S) and one in north east New South Wales (29.7°S). Two were in tropical rainforest, one in mid‐east Queensland (21.1°S) and one in the Wet Tropics of northern Queensland (17.5°S). Replicate plots were established in altitudinal bands separated by 200 m. Canopy and understorey moths were sampled at the beginning and end of the wet season using automatic Pennsylvania light traps. We sorted a total of 93 400 individuals, belonging to 3035 species. The two subtropical transects in the same region showed similar patterns of turnover across altitude, with the most distinctive assemblage occurring at the highest altitude. Moth assemblages in the tropical transects tended to show distinct ‘lowland’ and ‘upland’ communities. For species that were common across several of the transects, many were found at lower altitudes in the subtropics and higher altitudes in the tropics, suggesting they are sensitive to environmental conditions, and track their physiological envelopes across latitudes. These results suggest ubiquitous altitudinal stratification in tropical and subtropical Australian rainforests. The marked response of species to latitude and altitude demonstrates they are sensitive to climatic variables and can be used as indicators to understand future community responses to climate change.  相似文献   

季风常绿阔叶林是中国南亚热带地区的地带性植被, 其群落结构及其动态变化直接影响着该森林能为该地区提供的生态系统服务功能质量。该文利用1992-2015年共24年的长期定点监测数据, 从群落种类组成、生物量、径级、密度等数量特征方面研究了鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林群落结构的动态变化。结果表明: 1)到2015年该森林群落林分个体密度增加了42.7%, 总生物量减少了5.1%; 24年间基于生物量的β多样性指数群落差异为37.4%, 基于个体数的差异则高达65.6%; 2)灌木和小乔木的个体数剧增, 生物量增大, 中乔木和大乔木的个体数变化虽不显著, 但生物量显著降低; 3)小径级(胸径<15 cm)个体数呈显著增加趋势, 其他径级个体数也有显著变化, 但各径级生物量变化基本不显著; 4)香楠(Aidia canthioides)、鼎湖血桐(Macaranga sampsonii)、柏拉木(Blastus cochinchinensis)等物种个体数急剧增加, 锥(Castanopsis chinensis)、木荷(Schima superba)、黄果厚壳桂(Cryptocarya concinna)等树种生物量大量减少, 白颜树(Gironniera subaequalis)、窄叶半枫荷(Pterospermum lanceifolium)等树种生物量增加, 这些物种是群落结构变化的主要贡献者。鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林群落结构在1992-2015年发生了巨大变化, 与演替、虫害和气候变化等影响有关。  相似文献   

胡璇  徐瑞晶  漆良华  彭超  丁霞  程昌锦  郭雯  张建 《生态学报》2019,39(22):8539-8546
以海南岛甘什岭热带低地雨林白藤(Calamus tetradactylus)、大白藤(C.faberii)、华南省藤(C.rhabdocladus)、黄藤(Daemonorops margaritae)和小钩叶藤(Plectocomia microstachys)5种棕榈藤种群为研究对象,采用点格局分析方法对棕榈藤种内和种间空间分布格局及相互关系进行分析。结果表明:(1)海南岛甘什岭热带低地雨林棕榈藤种群的空间格局与空间尺度有着密切的关系,在小尺度上,5种棕榈藤种群都更倾向于聚集分布,随着尺度的增长,各棕榈藤种群主要趋向于随机分布,形成不同的空间分布格局。(2)各藤种间的空间关联情况在整体尺度上表现出明显负关联的是白藤和黄藤、白藤和大白藤,这可能是因为它们对生存空间及养分的需求相同或相似,存在明显的竞争关系。(3)华南省藤和大白藤在整体尺度上表现出明显正关联,这可能是由于它们在生长过程中相互庇护,用于抵御动物捕食和热带雨林内多变的外部环境。(4)黄藤和小钩叶藤以及白藤和小钩叶藤呈现出明显不相关,这说明它们对环境和生存空间的依赖没有冲突性,能做到和平共存。  相似文献   

西双版纳地区热带季节雨林与橡胶林林冠水文效应比较研究   总被引:30,自引:6,他引:24  
张一平  王馨  王玉杰  刘文杰  刘玉洪 《生态学报》2003,23(12):2653-2665
季节雨林和橡胶林是西双版纳热带森林系统中可以代表原始林和大面积种植的人工林两种林型,采用水量平衡法,利用对以上两种林分林冠水文各分量1996~2001年的观测结果,初步分析其林冠水文效应,结果表明:一年内,季节雨林林冠截留量660.6mm,树干径流量80.7mm,穿透降雨量,853.2mm,分别占同期降雨总量的41.43%、5.24%、53.74%;橡胶林林冠截留量393.5mm,树干径流量104.1mm,穿透降雨量1096.8mm,分别占同期降雨总量的24.68%、6.68%、67.85%;两种林分森林水文各分量干、雨季差异显著,在研究中还发现,季节雨林中树干径流量随径级的增大而减小,干季出现密林(季节雨林)的穿透降雨量大于疏林(橡胶林)的反常现象;与我国其他地区相比,季节雨林和橡胶林有较大的林冠截留率及干流率。  相似文献   

榕树在西双版纳热带雨林生态系统中的作用   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
榕树是西双版纳热带雨林中的关键植物类群之一,能够为多种生物提供栖息地和食物,从而维持该地区热带雨林生态系统的物种多样性。一些种类的榕树有绞杀特性,在森林更新演替中能够起到积极的作用;还有些种类的榕树是先锋物种,在植被恢复中起重要作用。但是,近些年对西双版纳的过度开发已经使热带雨林片断化,榕树种群数量大量减少,榕果内的寄生蜂、食榕果动物也受到了不同程度的影响。保护好西双版纳热带雨林中关键植物类群榕树,是保护和恢复热带雨林生态系统的重要措施之一。  相似文献   

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