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生境梯度影响下的天然红松种群空间格局与种内关联   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董雪  杜昕  孙志虎  谷会岩  陈祥伟 《生态学报》2020,40(15):5239-5246
为理清生境梯度下天然红松种群空间分布规律,以黑龙江省凉水国家级自然保护区内自坡底至坡顶的四种生境(生境Ⅰ,谷地平坡潮湿生境;生境Ⅱ,坡下缓坡潮湿生境;生境Ⅲ,坡上斜坡半湿润生境;生境Ⅳ,坡顶陡坡半干旱生境)类型中建群种红松种群为研究对象。分析不同林层(主林层、亚林层、演替层、更新层)红松种群的数量特征,并基于O-ring函数,在重复采样条件下评价了红松种群空间分布格局。结果表明:(1)下坡位生境(生境Ⅰ、Ⅱ)红松更新层种群数量显著大于上坡位(生境Ⅲ、Ⅳ)(P<0.05),演替层中差异不显著;自坡底至坡顶的生境梯度上,主林层和亚林层中红松株数比例增加,红松种群年龄结构结构由倒J型向J型转变。(2)下坡位原始红松林更新层和演替层中红松种群聚集规模与聚集强度均高于上坡位,坡顶(生境Ⅳ)原始红松林更新层中红松种群聚集规模与聚集强度高于坡上(生境Ⅲ)。(3)四类生境的原始红松林中主林层与更新层中红松种群总体表现为空间独立,在个别尺度上表现出微弱的空间正关联或负关联;在0—5 m尺度上,下坡位红松林原始林内演替层与主林层红松种群表现为空间负关联,而上坡位生境林分对应林层间空间关系则为空间正关...  相似文献   

Aims: The analysis of point patterns, which deals with data sets consisting of mapped locations of organisms in a study region, is especially important to plant ecological studies because the locations of plants can often be approximated as points. However, few studies used point pattern analysis with data collected by replicated sampling. a principle procedure of acquiring data in ecological research. Therefore, we explore the applicability of point pattern analysis under conditions of replicated sampling in this study. Methods: Three replicated 5 m × 5 m plots of homogenous communities were established on a site with eight years of restoration in Nei Mongol steppe. In each plot, the locations of individuals in Leymus chinensis and Stipa grandis populations were mapped. O-Ring function was used to describe the population patterns and species association between L. chinensis and S. grandis for each plot as well as the integrative data of the three replicates. Important findings: Population patterns and species associations differed among the three replicated plots. This illustrates that if point pattern analysis was applied to describe the population patterns and species associations only by using data from a single plot sampling, the results could be misleading. Whereas it would be more reliable to integrate the data of replicated plots in the point pattern analysis because in this way the resulting O-Ring function is a weighted average, where the weight is the number of points in the replicate i divided by the total number of points in all replicated plots.  相似文献   

种群空间格局是生态学研究的基本问题之一。典型草原带由于过度放牧退化严重, 原生群落罕见, 探讨原生群落的种群空间格局具有重要生态学意义。大针茅(Stipa grandis)草原是典型草原区广泛分布的主要群落类型, 1979年围封的大针茅样地, 是目前保存完整的大针茅草原原生群落。本文选择大针茅草原原生群落和长期过度放牧群落, 应用O-Ring函数结合不同零假设模型分析了大针茅种群的空间格局。结果表明: 在原生群落中大针茅种群在小尺度范围内呈均匀分布, 而在长期过度放牧群落中则表现为聚集分布。这说明在大针茅草原原生群落中竞争是主要的相互作用, 而在长期过度放牧群落中正相互作用居主导, 验证了胁迫梯度假说; 同时证明长期过度放牧改变了种群空间格局。  相似文献   

采用点格局分析方法对华西雨屏区白夹竹分株种群的分布格局以及不同龄级分株之间的相互关系进行分析.结果表明:白夹竹分株种群在0~0.32 m空间尺度上呈集群分布,0.64~4.48 m空间尺度上呈均匀分布,>4.48 m空间尺度上呈随机分布.各龄级分株种群在0~8.00 m空间尺度上主要呈随机分布,龄级间略有差别.其中,Ⅰ龄级与Ⅱ、Ⅲ龄级分别在1.76~4.16 m、0.32~4.16 m尺度上接近或达到空间负关联,与Ⅳ龄级在0.32~3.04 m尺度上呈显著空间负关联,表现为随着龄级差距的加大,幼龄分株与高龄级分株的空间负关联增加.白夹竹分株种群的空间格局及不同龄级分株之间的相互关系由尺度、分株龄级及环境因素共同决定.  相似文献   

Aims The community structure and function of the shrub-encroached grassland, as well as its formation mechanism, is one of hot scientific problems in vegetation science. The spatial pattern analysis is an important means for studying plant population interactions and the relationships between plant population and environment. The shrub-encroached grassland is one major vegetation type in Nei Mongol. Knowledge on the spatial pattern of shrub can improve our understanding on adaptive characteristics of shrub to steppe environment.
Methods We chose Caragana tibetica encroached grassland distributed in Ordos City as research objects. The spatial position of each C. tibetica individual in 64 m × 64 m study plot was determined by a method of “three-distance location method”, and then the spatial pattern and intraspecific associations of C. tibetica individuals was analyzed with the point pattern analysis.
Important findings The results showed that C. tibetica population was at the rising stage. The mature individuals showed a uniform distribution at the scale of less than 3.7 m, subsequently exhibiting a random distribution with an increased scale. The juvenile individuals showed an aggregation distribution at the scale of 0.3-20.4 m, but a uniform distribution at other scales. The dead C. tibetica individuals were distributed aggregately at the scale from 0.7 to 1.4 m, but randomly at other scales. An indistinctive positive association was found for live C. tibetica individuals to dead individuals at the scale of less than 9.9 m, but no associations was found between them at other scales. The mature individuals negatively interacted with juveniles at the scale of larger than 2.2 m, but unassociated at the other scales.  相似文献   

荒漠草原不同土壤条件下猪毛蒿幼苗种群的点格局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李月飞  陈林  李学斌  张义凡  苏莹 《生态学报》2019,39(17):6273-6281
采用摄影定位法测定了宁夏荒漠草原3种不同土壤条件下猪毛蒿(Artemisia scoparia)幼苗种群的空间格局,并应用完全空间随机模型、泊松聚块模型和嵌套双聚块模型对其分布格局进行了分析。结果表明:(1)在灰钙土生境下,猪毛蒿幼苗种群在小尺度上(0-2.85m)表现为聚集分布,随着尺度的增大先呈现为随机分布(2.85-3.75 m),然后又呈现为均匀分布(3.75-5m);在风沙土生境下,猪毛蒿幼苗种群在0-1.85 m之间表现为聚集分布,在1.85-2.35 m之间表现为随机分布,当尺度大于2.35 m时表现为均匀分布;而基岩风化残积土上的猪毛蒿幼苗种群在整个尺度上均呈现随机分布。(2)猪毛蒿种群幼苗在基岩风化残积土上符合泊松聚块模型,即猪毛蒿种群空间格局的聚块中不存在较高密度的小聚块;而在风沙土和灰钙土上则符合嵌套双聚块模型,即在大聚块中分布较高密度的小聚块。猪毛蒿幼苗种群空间格局的形成与土壤异质性存在着密切的联系,种群在空间中分布格局的形成机制可以通过种群空间格局的分析加以解释。  相似文献   

Larix principis-rupprechtii forest is an important vegetation formation and has a large distribution area in Luya Mountain Reserve,China.Spatial pattern analysis on individual trees in different age-classes of Larix principisrupprechtii was made in this paper.Here,we employed the technique of point pattern analysis,which could analyze patterns under all scales along a gradient.It was based on spatial mapped points of individual distribution.The results of this study showed that the densities of the five age-classes varied in the order:age-class 3>age-class 4>age-class 5>age-class 2>age-class 1.Although age-classes 1 and 2 have much fewer individuals than other three age-classes do,the population was stable at present.However,it would be necessary to take some measures for improving population regeneration for a long-time view.The individuals of all age-classes focused on clumping distribution in space;however,their distribution pattern varied with the change of scale.This mainly depended on biological features of Larix principis-rupprechtii and forest environments,but it also meant that the scale was an important factor in controlling spatial distribution pattern of tree individuals.The feature of clumping distribution became more significant with the increase of age.The relationships between individuals in different age-classes were almost all significantly correlated with each other.These associations became more significant within the older age-classes.This suggested that the individuals of different age-classes were interdistributed,by which the population could get benefits in resource utilization.The technique of point pattern analysis is effective and easy to be used in species pattern study.Its results are more closer to the reality,especially for community structure.  相似文献   

当研究对象个体差异很大或者研究尺度与植物大小属于一个数量级时,传统的以种群空间分布的坐标点图为基础的点格局分析方法存在局限性.本文引入一种在传统点格局分析方法基础上发展起来的以栅格数据为分析对象的新方法——扩展点格局分析方法,用以分析具有一定面积和形状对象的空间格局和生态过程,该方法适用于灌木研究对象.以狭域特有种四合木(Tetraena mongolica)种群的空间分布格局分析为例,采用摄影定位法,用图像处理软件及地理信息系统软件将样地信息数字化后,利用扩展点格局分析方法分析了群落中四合木单种的空间分布格局及其与群落中霸王(Zygophyllum xanthoxylum)种群的关系,四合木种群在69~ 99 cm尺度上表现为均匀分布,四合木与霸王在350 ~570cm尺度上表现出显著的负关联关系.结果揭示了灌木种群的空间结构特征.  相似文献   

基于零模型的宁夏荒漠草原优势种群点格局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物种群空间分布格局是多种生态过程综合作用的结果。明确植物优势种群个体的空间分布格局与形成机制有助于认识种群生态适应对策与群落多样性维持机制。以宁夏荒漠草原优势种群蒙古冰草、短花针茅、牛枝子和牛心朴子为研究对象,采用完全空间随机零模型分析其种群空间分布格局特征,并通过异质泊松零模型与泊松聚块零模型探讨生境异质性、扩散限制等因子在其空间分布格局形成过程中的作用。结果显示:(1)完全空间随机零模型下,4个物种在<4 m尺度范围内表现为聚集分布,随尺度增大,逐渐过渡到随机分布和均匀分布。(2)在排除生境异质性的异质泊松零模型下,蒙古冰草种群在整个研究尺度上表现为随机分布;牛枝子、短花针茅和牛心朴子种群仅分别在0—0.2、0.1—0.4 m与0—0.2 m尺度范围内发生偏离,表现为均匀分布与聚集分布,其他尺度均为随机分布。(3)在排除扩散限制的泊松聚块零模型下,所研究种群均表现为随机分布。综上,荒漠草原优势种群在小尺度范围内主要表现为聚集分布;生境异质性与扩散限制均是驱动其空间分布格局形成的重要因子,相对而言,小尺度空间范围内扩散限制的作用更为显著。  相似文献   

北京地区红脂大小蠹空间分布型与抽样技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘杰  王涛  宗世祥  温俊宝  骆有庆 《昆虫知识》2010,47(6):1189-1193
对北京地区红脂大小蠹Dendroctonus valens LeConte空间分布型进行了研究。结果表明红脂大小蠹成聚集分布,其聚集原因是由红脂大小蠹本身的聚集行为或聚集行为与环境的异质性共同作用引起。同时,应用Iwao统计方法,提出了最适理论抽样数和最佳序贯抽样模型。  相似文献   

拉缘蝽空间格局测定结果表明,拉缘蝽的1—3龄若虫、4—5龄若虫和成虫等各虫态的空间格局均属于聚集分布,拉缘蝽1—3龄若虫聚集度最高,4—5龄若虫聚集度下降,成虫聚集度更低。在拉缘蝽空间格局的基础上,确定了Kuno风险决策序贯抽样表和1wao—Kuno(1968)理论抽样数。  相似文献   

不同干扰类型下羊草种群的空间格局   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
生态系统各层次的空间格局与生态学过程的相互关系一直是生态学的研究热点之一,这一问题的关键是选取合适的观察尺度。羊草(Leymus chinensis)作为呼伦贝尔草原的地带性植被,研究其种群空间格局对理解种群生态过程和草地资源可持续利用具有重要意义。利用Ripley's K函数和Monte Carlo随机模拟方法,对两块样地3种干扰下的羊草种群格局进行定量分析。结果表明:(1)刈割、围封、放牧3种干扰对羊草草甸草原恢复改良样地(LM)和贝加尔针茅试验样地(SM)的羊草种群空间格局具有显著影响,空间格局在不同尺度上存在差异。(2)在较小的空间尺度内,羊草种群倾向于非随机分布,在LM样地、SM样地分别为均匀分布和聚集分布;当空间尺度大于临界值后,羊草种群在围封(30-100cm)、放牧干扰(84-100cm)下倾向于随机分布,刈割干扰下仍为聚集分布。这主要与羊草的繁殖对策、群落地位以及各种干扰下对资源的竞争能力有关。(3)空间结构的规律性表面上取决于观察尺度,但更小尺度的数据对局域空间结构的生物学解释可能更有效。  相似文献   

桂林岩溶石山桂林白蜡种群点格局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为掌握桂林岩溶石山桂林白蜡种群分布格局,了解其空间结构现状,采用点格局分析法进行分析,并采用Ripley’s K-方程有效地描述了其空间属性。结果表明,桂林白蜡种群主要呈现随机分布。  相似文献   

Background and AimsIn hierarchically reticulate venation patterns, smaller orders of veins form areoles in which stomata are located. This study aimed to quantify the spatial relationship among stomata at the areole level.MethodsFor each of 12 leaves of M. cavaleriei var. platypetala, we assumed that stomatal characteristics were symmetrical on either side of the midrib, and divided the leaf surface on one side of the midrib into six layers equidistantly spaced along the apical–basal axis. We then further divided each layer into three positions equidistantly spaced from midrib to leaf margin, resulting in a total of 18 sampling locations. In addition, for 60 leaves, we sampled three positions from midrib to margin within only the widest layer of the leaf. Stomatal density and mean nearest neighbour distance (MNND) were calculated for each section. A replicated spatial point pattern approach quantified stomatal spatial relationships at different distances (0–300 μm).Key ResultsA tendency towards regular arrangement (inhibition as opposed to attraction or clustering) was observed between stomatal centres at distances <100 μm. Leaf layer (leaf length dimension) had no significant effect on local stomatal density, MNND or the spatial distribution characteristics of stomatal centres. In addition, we did not find greater inhibition at the centre of areoles, and in positions farther from the midrib.ConclusionsSpatial inhibition might be caused by the one-cell-spacing rule, resulting in more regular arrangement of stomata, and it was found to exist at distances up to ~100 μm. This work implies that leaf hydraulic architecture, consisting of both vascular and mesophyll properties, is sufficient to prevent important spatial variability in water supply at the areole level.  相似文献   

桃潜叶蛾在桃园的空间分布型和取样技术研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用聚集度指标法、Iwao回归分析和频次比较法.研究了桃树重要害虫桃潜叶蛾成虫的空间分布型。结果表明桃潜叶蛾成虫在桃园呈负二项分布,分析提出了该害虫适宜的调查抽样方法。  相似文献   

本文采用聚集指标法分析了刺槐叶瘿蚊Obolodiplosis robiniae(Haldemann)越冬幼虫的空间分布格局,结果表明:刺槐叶瘿蚊越冬幼虫在林间呈聚集分布;其聚集的原因与刺槐叶瘿蚊自身的行为习性有关或由刺槐叶瘿蚊本身与环境的异质性共同作用所造成。采用"z"字型、平行线、棋盘式、大五点、对角线5种抽样方法估计林间刺槐叶瘿蚊越冬幼虫虫口密度,确定对角线法调查15样方为最佳抽样方法。对土壤不同深度土层中越冬幼虫数量调查,明确最适取样深度为3cm。同时利用Iwao回归建立了理论抽样数量模型:n=t2/D2(1.1957/x珋+0.8905)。利用过筛手检和过筛水漂2种方法检数土中幼虫,对检出刺槐叶瘿蚊越冬幼虫虫量及检虫时间进行了对比分析,结果表明过筛水漂法检虫较为可取。  相似文献   

采用6种空间分布型聚集度指标,测定了斑须蝽成虫,若虫,卵等3种虫态在玉米田的空间分布型,研究表明,斑须蝽3种虫态在玉米田中均呈聚集分布,并提出了相应的抽样技术。  相似文献   

王志韬  任珩  辛存林 《生态学报》2023,43(10):4121-4129
植物空间分布格局是物种自身生物学特性与环境因素共同作用的结果,非生殖株丛空间分布格局能够揭示物种无性繁殖与种群扩张过程对异质生境的生态学适应机制。利用基于完全随机、泊松聚块和嵌套双聚块模型的点格局方法和群落学调查,分析了沙鞭(Psammochloa villosa)种群非生殖株丛空间分布格局,探讨了空间格局对降水梯度的响应和适应过程。结果表明:(1)聚集分布是沙鞭种群非生殖株丛的主要类型。在89 mm/a、107.8 mm/a、117.4 mm/a、186 mm/a、191.1 mm/a、363 mm/a降水梯度上聚集尺度分别为3—126 cm、9—200 cm、9—129 cm、6—77 cm、2—95 cm、2—96 cm;(2)基于完全随机模型的空间分布格局对降水的响应规律显著,整体表现为随干旱程度加剧,沙鞭种群非生殖株丛聚集尺度从2—96 cm下降至6—77 cm;(3)在107.8 mm/a、117.4 mm/a、191.1 mm/a、363 mm/a降水梯度上,基于泊松聚块模型的空间分布格局分别在15—19 cm、2—6 cm、2—4 cm、9—25 cm尺度正向偏离泊松聚...  相似文献   

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