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The Kleier model of phloem-mobility of xenobiotics combines the intermediate permeability hypothesis with the acid trap mechanism for weak acids. The output of the model is dependent on the lipophilicity of a compound, for which octanol/water partition coefficients (log Kow) have been used as a measure. The membrane permeability of xenobiotics is predicted from these partition coefficients, and the nature of the sieve tube membranes has been modelled using regressions derived from Nitella or potato permeability data. A wide range of log Kow values for herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and experimental compounds (400) have been tabulated along with the model output for various membrane parameters. The application of the model is in broad agreement with literature and experimental observations on many of the known phloem mobile herbicides and predicts low phloem mobility for the fungicides and insecticides considered here, again in agreement with the literature. The behaviour of herbicides representative of the main chemical families and modes of action are reviewed, along with examples of the few phloem-mobile fungicides and insecticides identified.Abbreviations Kow octanol-water partition coefficient - pKa –log10 acid dissociation constant - Cf Concentration factor - P membrane permeability  相似文献   

The glutathione S-transferases (GST) are a family of isoenzymes serving a major role in the biotransformation of many reactive compounds. The isoenzymes from rat, man and mouse are divided into three classes, alpha, mu and pi, on the basis of similar structural and enzymatic properties. In view of the fact that the individual isoenzymes demonstrate differential though overlapping substrate selectivities, the extent to which biotransformation occurs is dependent on the actual profile of isoenzymes present. Consequently, both genetic factors as well as external factors causing changes in the levels or activities of individual isoenzymes are of relevance with respect to an individual's susceptibility towards electrophilic compounds. This review article deals with a number of determinants of GST isoenzyme patterns and/or activities, including tissue distribution, developmental patterns, hormonal influences, induction and inhibition. In addition, current knowledge on specific properties of class alpha, class mu and class pi isoenzymes is presented.  相似文献   

Phloem mobility of magnesium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Magnesium-28 was applied to specific leaves of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) plants. After 24 hours, as much as 7% of the absorbed Mg was exported from the treated bean leaves and 11% was transported basipetally from the treated zone of the barley leaves. Transport of Mg did not occur past a heat-killed section of the treated leaf, thereby indicating that translocation took place via the phloem. Mg movement in the phloem was also evident in autoradiograms of bean stem segments in which the xylem was separated from the phloem by a thin sheet of plastic.  相似文献   

Kleier DA 《Plant physiology》1988,86(3):803-810
A passive diffusion model has been developed which simultaneously accounts for the dependence of phloem mobility on permeability and acid dissociation. The model is consistent with the observation that the addition of an acid moiety to an otherwise phloem immobile compound may enhance that compound's ability to move in the phloem. However, acid trapping in the basic phloem is not the only enhancement factor. Acid functionalization also lowers the effective permeability usually towards its optimum value. The unified theory predicts that for a given acid dissociation constant there is an optimum permeability and conversely for a given permeability there is an optimum dissociation constant.  相似文献   

Different LPS mutants ofSalmonella typhimurium andSalmonella minnesota have been investigated with respect to (1) their tendency to associate, with HeLa cell monolayers, and (2) their physicochemical surface properties. Aqueous biphasic partitioning, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, and ion exchange chromatography have been used to characterize the bacterial cell surface properties with respect to charge and hydrophobicity. Liability to hydrophobic interaction was defined either by the change of partition in a dextran-polyethylene-glycol (PEG) system by the addition of PEG-palmitate (P-PEG), or by the elution pattern from Octyl-Sepharose. Accordingly, charge was assessed by the effect of positively charged trimethylamino-PEG (TMA-PEG) on the partition, and by the elution from DEAE-Sephacel. Bacterial being negatively charged and liable to hydrophobic interaction had the highest tendency to associate with HeLa cells. In some cases the methods for surface analysis gave conflicting results on charge and/or liability to hydrophobic interaction of the same LPS mutant. Possible reasons for these differences and the role of bacterial cell surface structures contributing to physicochemical character are discussed.  相似文献   

63Ni was applied to nonsenescent source leaves and found to be transported to sink tissues in pea (Pisum sativum L.) and geranium plants (Pelargonium zonale L.). The comparative mobilities (percent tracer transported out of source leaf ÷% 86Rb transported) for 63Ni in peas was 2.12 and in geranium 0.25. The value for the phloem mobile 86Rb was 1.00. By contrast, the comparative mobility of 45Ca, which is relatively immobile in the phloem, was low (0.05 in peas, 0.00 in geranium). Interruption of the phloem pathway between source and sink leaves by steam girdling almost completely inhibited 63Ni accumulation in the sink leaves of both species. We conclude that Ni is transported from nonsenescent source leaves to sink tissues via the phloem of leguminous and nonleguminous plants.  相似文献   

Oat aleurone protoplasts, maintained in sterile liquid culturefor 5 d, are able to take up a number of fluorescent probesof varying charge and of molecular weights in the range 457to 637. In addition to Lucifer Yellow CH, these include PTS,HPTS, Lucifer Yellow AB, calcein, and sulphorhodamine-101, mostof which have previously been described as membrane-impermeantdue to their physicochemical properties. The transport of theseprobes across the plasma membrane and their subsequent sequestrationwithin the vacuole, is inhibited by the drug probenecid, negatingthe possibility that movement is solely by simple diffusion.In contrast, Trypan blue (mol. wt. 961) is excluded by all liveoat aleurone protoplasts. The uptake of carboxyfluorescein into protoplasts during theearly stages of development can, in part, be explained by diffusionof the undissociated molecule and subsequent anion trappingin the cytosol. However, both the uptake into the protein bodiesof 1-d-old protoplasts and into the vacuoles of 5-d-old protoplastsis inhibited by probenecid. This indicates that the transportof carboxyfluorescein is carrier-mediated and that the carrieris present on the tono-plast membrane throughout protoplastdevelopment. Since probes such as carboxyfluorescein have physicochemicalproperties similar to some phloem-mobile xenobiotics, the resultshave important implications for theories pertaining to the movementand compartmentation of xenobiotics within plants. Key words: Aleurone protoplast, oat (Avena sativa), fluorescent xenobiotics, probenecid, transport  相似文献   

Different LPS mutants of Salmonella typhimurium and Salmonella minnesota have been investigated with respect to (1) their tendency to associate with HeLa cell monolayers, and (2) their physicochemical surface properties. Aqueous biphasic partitioning, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, and ion exchange chromatography have been used to characterize the bacterial cell surface properties with respect to charge and hydrophobicity. Liability to hydrophobic interaction was defined either by the change of partition in a dextran-polyethylene-glycol (PEG) system by the addition of PEG-palmitate (P-PEG), or by the elution pattern from Octyl-Sepharose. Accordingly, charge was asssessed by the effect of positively charged trimethylamino-PEG (TMA-PEG) on the partition, and by the elution from DEAE-Sephacel. Bacterial being negatively charged and liable to hydrophobic interaction had the highest tendency to associate with HeLa cells. In some cases the methods for surface analysis gave conflicting results on charge and/or liability to hydrophobic interaction of the same LPS mutant. Possible reasons for these differences and the role of bacterial cell surface structures contributing to physicochemical character are discussed.  相似文献   

我国东北土壤有机碳、无机碳含量与土壤理化性质的相关性   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
祖元刚  李冉  王文杰  苏冬雪  王莹  邱岭 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5207-5216
根据黑龙江、吉林、辽宁省和内蒙古地区相关历史资料数据,分析了我国东北表层土壤(0-50 cm)土壤相关理化性质与有机碳、无机碳的相关性,得到如下结论:土壤全氮、碱解氮、全磷、速效磷、速效钾、K+离子交换量、Fe2O3、P2O5、总孔隙度均与土壤有机碳含量呈显著正相关(R2=0.10-0.94, n=38-345, P<0.0001),但与土壤无机碳含量则大多呈显著负相关(R2=0.11-0.30, n=37-122, P<0.01);与此相反,土壤pH值、容重与土壤有机碳呈负相关(R2=0.36-0.42,n=41-304, P<0.0001),而与无机碳呈显著正相关(R2=0.29-0.31,n=39-125, P <0.01)。表层土壤有机碳、无机碳与土壤理化性质呈相反变化趋势的结果说明,由于土壤利用方式变化所导致的土壤理化性质改变对土壤无机碳和有机碳可能具有相反影响。在研究土壤碳平衡过程中,应该充分考虑这种关系所导致的相互补偿作用,即有机碳的增加,可能意味着无机碳的减少,或者反之。目前研究中普遍忽略无机碳的变化,可能导致生态系统碳收支计算显著偏差,所获得的经验拟合方程有利于对我国东北地区土壤碳平衡研究产生的这种偏差进行粗略估计。  相似文献   

Treatment of 5-iodopyrimidine nucleosides with sodium methoxide afforded 6:2'-, 6:5'- and novel 6:3'-O-cyclopyrimidine nucleosides. The rates of cyclization and ring-opening, and the UV-, CD-, mass- and 13C-NMR spectra of the cyclonucleosides were compared with regard to their isomers.  相似文献   

The parallel pharmacological assay system has been of inestimable value in the identification and quantification of prostaglandins. A greater degree of specificity is conferred on the bioassay system by the preparative techniques of extraction and chromatography, for substances which might interfere with the assay of prostaglandins are usually eliminated by these procedures. It would be highly unlikely for a substance to survive the extraction procedure, to exhibit chromatographic properties similar to the prostaglandins and to interfere with their bioassay. We report here such an occurrence. Thus, furosemide not only survived the acidic lipid extraction, but, in addition, it exhibited chromatographic properties identical to those of the prostaglandins of the E series and finally, furosemide, at a dose which in and of itself was without effect on the assay tissues, inhibited the responses to prostaglandins. The quantification of prostaglandins by radioimmunoassay was, on the other hand, not altered by the presence of furosemide. This latter method appears to be the one of choice when interrelations between prostaglandins and furosemide are being examined.  相似文献   

The distribution of solutes in the various cells of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) source leaves, petioles, and sink leaves was studied in tissue prepared by freeze-substitution. The differences in degree of cryoprotection indicated that sieve elements and companion cells of the source leaf, petiole, and sink leaf contain a high concentration of solute. The osmotic pressure of various types of cells was measured by observing incipient plasmolysis in freeze-substituted tissues equilibrated with a series of mannitol solutions prior to rapid freezing. Analysis of source leaf tissue revealed osmotic pressure values of 13 bars for the mesophyll and 30 bars for the sieve elements and companion cells. The osmotic pressure of the mesophyll of sink leaves was somewhat higher.  相似文献   

The lysoenzyme preparation from Streptomyces recifensis subsp. lyticus 2435 had a marked lytic activity against staphylococci of different species, spectra and antibiotic sensitivity. Certain strain differences of the cells in the population could be easily eliminated with increasing the dose. The preparation is a complex of lytic enzymes with high antimicrobial activity. It was concluded that it could be considered as a potentially promising chemotherapeutic agent for treatment of staphylococcal infections.  相似文献   

The complex process of phloem sugar transport involves symplasmic and apoplasmic events. We characterized Arabidopsis thaliana lines ectopically expressing a phloem-specific gene encoding NDR1/HIN1-like26 (NHL26), a putative membrane protein. NHL26 overexpressor plants grew more slowly than wild-type plants, accumulated high levels of carbohydrates in mature leaves, and had a higher shoot biomass, contrasting with slower root growth and a lower seed yield. Similar effects were observed when NHL26 was overexpressed in companion cells, under the control of a companion cell–specific promoter. The soluble sugar content of the phloem sap and sink organs was lower than that in the wild type, providing evidence of a sugar export defect. This was confirmed in a phloem-export assay with the symplastic tracer carboxyfluorescein diacetate. Leaf sugar accumulation was accompanied by higher organic acid, amino acid, and protein contents, whereas analysis of the metabolite profile of phloem sap exudate revealed no change in amino acid or organic acid content, indicating a specific effect on sugar export. NHL26 was found to be located in the phloem plasmodesmata and the endoplasmic reticulum. These findings reveal that NHL26 accumulation affects either the permeability of plasmodesmata or sugar signaling in companion cells, with a specific effect on sugar export.  相似文献   

Summary The characteristics of elastin-associated microfibrils were investigated in the tunica adventitia of mouse aortas at the ultrastructural cytochemical level. The high iron diamine-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate (HID-TCH-SP) method specific for sulphate groups was used with and without prior treatment ofen bloc specimens with either monopersulphate or cupric sulphite reagent. Amorphous elastin formed a clearly identifiable central core with microfibrils located both peripherally and interstitially. Sequential oxidation with monopersulphate and HID-TCH-SP demonstrated a characteristic staining for oxytalan fibres and intensely stained the microfibrils, whereas amorphous elastin stained weakly. Sequential thiosulphation with cupric sulphite and HID-TCH-SP for the demonstration of disulphide linkages and sulphydryl groups intensely stained microfibrils and weakly to moderately stained the amorphous elastin. This reactivity of the microfibrils was not altered by digestion with chondroitinase ABC, performed prior to or after treatment with either monopersulphate or cupric sulphite. In the specimens not exposed to either monopersulphate or cupric sulphite there was no definite HID-TCH-SP staining of microfibrils and amorphous elastin. Further, immunostaining with rabbit antibody specific for mouse fibronectin localized fibronectin in the microfibrils but not in the amorphous, elastin. These results indicate that elastin-associated microfibrils in mouse aorta lack stainable sulphate complex carbohydrates but are enriched with either disulphide or sulphydryl groups, or both, and further demonstrate the close correlation between these glycoproteins and fibronectin.  相似文献   

Rice starch is composed of amylose and amylopectin. Amylose content, an important determinant of rice starch quality, is primarily controlled by the waxy gene, encoding granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS). The starch branching enzyme (SBE) and soluble starch synthase (SSS) play major roles in the synthesis of amylopectin. Microsatellite polymorphisms in the three genes, the wx gene encoding granule-bound starch synthase I, the SBE gene encoding starch branching enzyme I and the SSS gene encoding soluble starch synthase I, were studied for 56 accessions of waxy rice ( Oryza sativa L.). Four (CT)(n) microsatellite alleles, (CT)(16), (CT)(17), (CT)(18) and (CT)(19), at the wx locus were detected in this set of waxy rice, of which (CT)(17) was the most frequent. Three (CT)(n) microsatellite allele classes were found at the SBE locus, (CT)(8) or (CT)(10) together with an insertion sequence of CTCTCGGGCGA, and (CT)(8) alone without the insertion. There were multiple microsatellites clustered at the SSS locus. However, these alleles can also be grouped into three classes, i.e. the allele class SSS-A = (AC)(2) em leader TCC(TC)(11) em leader (TC)(5)C(ACC)(11), the allele class SSS-B = (AC)(3) em leader TCT(TC)(6) em leader (TC)(4)C(ACC)(9), and the allele class SSS-C = (AC)(3) em leader TCT(TC)(6) em leader (TC)(4)C(ACC)(8). The analyses of starch physicochemical properties among different microsatellite genotypes indicated that the waxy rice group with the (CT)(19) allele, the SBE-A allele and the SSS-B allele was quite different from other groups. Nine out of 15 accessions with a high gelatinization temperature (GT) belonged to the wx (CT)(19) group, all of them belonged to the SBE-A group and 13 of them belonged to the SSS-B group. These microsatellites might be useful in marker-assisted breeding for the improvement of rice grain quality.  相似文献   

New linear analogs of surfactin have been synthesized. Their physico-chemical parameters were determined. The results indicate that these linear products show surface activities although they are lowered compared to those of cyclic compounds. The hemolytic activities have also been assayed. In contrast with cyclic surfactins, no significant hemolysis occurs for the linear products in the range of concentrations tested. Moreover, a protective effect against Triton X-100 induced hemolysis has been highlighted for linear surfactins. The concentration at which this protective effect happens is correlated directly to the CMC, and inversely to the acyl chain length of the product. In a hypotonic medium, analogs having a long acyl chain tend to increase the hemolysis, meanwhile the product with the shortest chain tends to decrease it.  相似文献   

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