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Sire, J.‐Y. and Arnulf, I. 2000. Structure and development of the ctenial spines on the scales of a teleost fish, the cichlid Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum. — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 81 : 139–158 Numerous teleost species possess ctenoid scales characterized by the presence of ctenial spines arranged in rows (the cteni) along their posterior, free margin. Whilst the morphology and function of the ctenial spines are similar to those of odontodes (extra‐oral teeth), e.g. in armored catfish, their homology is questionable. To address this problem, we have studied ctenial spine development, structure, attachment to a bony support, and replacement with the aim of comparing these features to those described for odontodes. The ctenial spines have been studied in a growth series of the cichlid Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum, using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Ctenial spines are entirely constituted of a collagen matrix. They lack a pulp cavity and, although their distal end can be in contact with the epidermal basal layer cells, they are not covered by an enameloid‐like tissue. They are attached to the scale by means of a narrow strand of unmineralized collagen matrix acting as a ligament and allowing spines to be movable. The ctenial spines develop as prolongations of the external layer of the scale, a woven‐fibroid collagen matrix, and subsequently grow by addition of parallel‐fibred collagen matrix. New ctenial spines are added at the posterior scale border in waves that follow the same rhythm as the deposition of circuli in the anterior region. From the focus region to the scale border, the ctenial spines constitute lines in which only the most posterior ctenial spine is functional. The other spines that are no longer functional are not shed but resorbed from the top, and their attachment region mineralizes and thickens by deposition of new material. The remnants of spines constitute the main part of the superficial layer of the scale in which anchoring bundles attach; this region is covered afterwards by the limiting layer, a tissue devoid of collagen fibrils. Because of their tooth‐like morphology (shape and size), their posterior orientation and their attachment to the scale surface, the ctenial spines resemble odontodes. Moreover, both elements perform a similar hydrodynamic function. Nevertheless, the structure and development of the ctenial spines differ completely from those of odontodes and consequently, they cannot be considered homologous elements. Ctenial spines and odontodes in teleosts provide us with a beautiful example of homoplasy; they share shape and function, but have a different origin as evidenced by their different structure and process of development.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphisms in the dermal structures of two elasmobranch species have previously been reported and it has been linked to the use of the mouth by males during copulation. Until relatively recently, the fact, that male Scyliorhinus canicula use their mouths for grasping and biting females during copulation was unknown. This study reveals that not only do adult (M ≥ 525 mm, F ≥ 550 mm) S. canicula show a sexual dimorphism in the epidermis and dermis, but that hatchling S. canicula are born with a sexually dimorphic epidermal layer and this persists into the juvenile stage (M < 525 mm, F < 550 mm). A sexual dimorphism was found in all size classes with both hatchling and juvenile female S. canicula having significantly thicker epidermal layers than hatchling and juvenile male S. canicula. Adult female S. canicula were found to possess both a significantly thicker epidermal and dermal layer than adult male S. canicula. The presence of a sexual dimorphism in the epidermal and dermal layers of adult S. canicula could be directly related to reproductive behaviour in response to the male biting the female prior to copulation.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of the skin in three-dimensional collagen gel matrix culture   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary The skin comprises three layers: epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. We report here on a skin, reconstructed in vitro, that is composed of all three layers. The topmost layer, epidermis, was exposed to air by a new method. The exposure induced an extensive proliferation, and differentiation, i.e. keratinization was eventually observed in the cultured epidermal cells. Skin thus cultured will be a useful graft of transplantation and provide an ideal model system in which to study diseases of the skin.  相似文献   

The external morphology and internal structure of the male sexual tube of the hermit crab Micropagurus acantholepis, a member of the family Paguridae from Australian waters, is described in detail using histological thick sectioning and scanning and transmission electron microscopy techniques. This is the first in-depth study of a sexual tube in the Paguroidea, a group where a remarkable number of genera (55.9% in the family Paguridae) with species having these intriguing sexual structures are known. In M. acantholepis a sexual tube is present on the left side, whereas only a gonopore is present on the right side. The tube is used for the delivery of spermatophores to the female and consists of a sheath of cuticular origin surrounding an internal, functional extension of the posterior vas deferens. Pedunculate spermatophores were observed within the lumen and partially extruding from the terminal opening of the tube in preserved specimens. The tube protrudes from the left coxa of the fifth pereopod as an elongate 3-mm-long, hollow, coiled structure with a terminal opening. Exteriorly the tube consists of a conspicuous thick chitinous cuticular ridge throughout its length, and a thin chitinous cuticle with sparse, regularly arranged simple setae. Interior to the cuticle, the tube contains loose connective tissue, secretory cells, oblique muscle, circular muscle, and epithelial cells. The latter cells line a central lumen that runs the length of the sexual tube. The morphology, cellular composition, and function of the tube are discussed.  相似文献   

Heart failure (HF) is among the socially significant diseases, involving over 2% of the adult population in the developed countries. Diagnostics of the HF severity remains complicated due to the absence of specific symptoms and objective criteria. Here, we present an indicator of the HF severity based on the imaging of tissue parameters around the nailfold capillaries. High resolution nailfold video capillaroscopy was performed to determine the perivascular zone (PZ) size around nailfold capillaries, and 2‐photon tomography with fluorescence lifetime imaging was used to investigate PZ composition. We found that the size of PZ around the nailfold capillaries strongly correlates with HF severity. Further investigations using 2‐photon tomography demonstrated that PZ corresponds to the border of viable epidermis and it was suggested that the PZ size variations were due to the different amounts of interstitial fluid that potentially further translates in clinically significant oedema. The obtained results allow for the development of a quantitative indicator of oedematous syndrome, which can be used in various applications to monitor the dynamics of interstitial fluid retention. We therefore suggest PZ size measured with nailfold video capillaroscopy as a novel quantitative sensitive non‐invasive marker of HF severity.   相似文献   

Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss , were exposed to water from the Rhine for 24 days and their skin examined by light and electron microscopy. Relative to control fish mitotic figures were common and seen throughout the epidermis. Pavement cells in fish exposed to Rhine water contained significantly more secretory vesicles than control fish. Necrotic pavement cells were apparent after 24 h, and apoptotic cells from day 4 on. Mucous secretion was intense and the differentiation of mucous cells was stimulated. Some of these cells synthesized mucus of high electron density, probably of a serous composition. Leucocytes invaded the dermis and epidermis, and towards the end of the experiment many apoptotic and necrotic lymphocytes were found. In the dermis fibroblasts were abundant and actively producing collagen. Pigment containing cytoplasmic extensions of melanocytes penetrated into the epidermis. After 14 and 24 days of exposure many pigment cells, melanocytes, iridocytes and xanthocytes became apoptotic. Most of these changes are known from fish exposed to heavy metals, acid water or other stressful treatments, indicating that exposure to Rhine water is a stressful experience for trout.  相似文献   

黑龙江产十种蕨类植物孢子囊和叶表皮的扫描电镜观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
邢怡  党安志  刘保东 《植物研究》2004,24(4):413-418
用扫描电镜对黑龙江产十种不同科属、不同生境的蕨类植物的孢子囊和叶表皮进行了详细观察,结果显示:蕨类植物的孢子囊和叶表皮在扫描电镜下,显示出更为丰富的形态特征,并表现出细致而稳定的异同点,可作为蕨类系统分类的现代手段,能更好的应用于疑难科属的分类研究;十种蕨类植物也都表现出其形态结构与生态生理的高度一致性.  相似文献   

王徐萍  刘晴  董彩虹 《菌物学报》2021,40(7):1723-1736
ku70和ku80是非同源末端连接修复通路的关键基因,在一些丝状真菌中其基因敲除株可作为底盘菌株,提高同源重组效率和基因敲除效率.本研究从蛹虫草基因组中鉴定得到Cmku70 及 Cmku80基因,分别编码分子量为71.50kDa和80.96kDa的蛋白,均含有Ku core结构域,预测均定位于细胞核.系统进化分析表明K...  相似文献   

The skin of rainbow trout was examined at the ultrastructural and cytochemical level after a 3–h exposure to an elevation of the water temperature, from 15 to 22° C. Within 3 h, the thickness of the epidermis had significantly ( P <0·05) decreased when compared to control fish. After 24 h it was restored, and from day 4 onwards even increased above control levels. The thickening of the epidermis was associated with appearance of many mitotic cells, not observed in control fish. Within 24 h many apoptotic epidermal cells were found, indicating enhanced ageing of the cells. Filament cells from the outer epidermal layers synthesized vesicles with peroxidasc activity within 3 h after temperature elevation. This enzyme was found also in apoptotic as well as in necrotic filament cells. Mucous cells became elongated and their mucosomes displayed peroxidase activity. Occasionally electrondense, probably serous, mucosomes appeared. In the epidermis rodlet cells were found. Both epideimis and dermis, became invaded by many lymphocytes and macrophages. The latter contained vesicles with peroxidase activity. Pigment–containing cytoplasmic extensions of melanocytes penetrated the epidermis while iridocytes disappeared from the dermis. The synthetic activity of dermal fibroblasts was stimulated. These results show that a moderate temperature elevation has pronounced and prolonged effects on the skin of the exposed fish. The effects are to a high extent comparable with those of stressors such as heavy metals, acid water or wounding.  相似文献   

Carotenoids were found for the first time in the vitreous body of human eye during the fetal period from week 15 until week 28. Their maximum content was timed to week 16–22. No carotenoids were found the vitreous body of 31-week fetuses, as well as adult humans, which corresponds to the published data. It was shown using HPLC that chromatographic characteristics of these carotenoids correspond to those of lutein and zeaxanthin, characteristic pigments of the retinal yellow macula.  相似文献   

HEMSLEY, A. R., COLLINSON, M. E. & BRAIN, A. P. R., 1992. Colloidal crystal-like structure of sporopollenin in the megaspore walls of Recent Selaginella and similar fossil spores. TEM and SEM studies of iridescent fossil Erlansonisporites and Recent Selaginella spores reveal a wall composed of three regions. The central region consists of close-packed particles in a semi-crystalline arrangement. This organization is compared with that of aggregated Iridoviridae, prolamellar bodies, lipid micelles and precious opal. Our observations suggest that the structure of this wall region (and that of the remaining regions) can be explained by derivation from colloidal mixtures. It is concluded that colloids and their precursors may play a far more significant part in spore and pollen wall structure than was previously believed.  相似文献   

To assess the impact of a sewage plant on fish, brown trout Salmo trutta were kept in two cages for 55 days in a moderately polluted river upstream of a sewage plant. In one of the cages, undiluted treated waste water of the sewage plant (WWE) was added at an average concentration of 5%, whereas the other cage received river water (R) only. A high mortality occurred in the WWE group. In comparison to control trout held in tap water, the skin structure and ultrastructure were altered clearly in both groups exposed to river water, including necrosis, apoptosis, decreased number of mucous cells, decrease in epidermal thickness, invasion of leucocytes, extension of melanocytes into the epidermis, being gradually more prominent in the WWE group. The most obvious difference between the two exposed groups was found in structure, size and electron density of the secretory vesicles of the filament cells. This and the observed vacuolation of Golgi saccules are indicative for disturbances in the secretory pathway of the filament cells. Certain toxins were suspected to cause the decompaction of myelin sheaths demonstrated in both groups. Reasons for the rather minor overall differences between the exposed groups are discussed. The extremely high mortality rate in the WWE group supports the importance of reducing the load of pollutants in the effluent of the waste-water management plant.  相似文献   

Details of ostracode carapace structures were examined by SEM and TEM. The podocopine ostracode Semicytherura kazahana has major ridges on the carapace surface and develops its prismatic layer inside the adult carapace. Electron microscopy at the final molt reveals that the major ridges arise from the highly dense formation of pits within the underlying swollen epidermis, and that disappearance of the epidermis in the presumptive area of the prismatic layer occurs after the calcification of the outer lamella cuticle, and just before synthesis of the membranous layer. These facts suggest that the formation of the carapace in Semicytherura takes place via a more complex process than that of the other podocopid ostracodes.  相似文献   

The annual growth rate of the horny wall of the hoof was investigated in 38 horses—31 mares and seven stallions. Experimental subjects were Konik horses kept in a conservative breeding herd. The horses hooves of both limbs: the right fore limb and the right hind limb were measured and next growth rate of the horny wall was analysed at five points of the hoof capsule. On the basis of Principal Component Analysis it was found that the subjects needed to be considered in three groups: three-year old mares, older mares and stallions. Next the growth increments were averaged in each investigated group and compared. The dynamics of hoof horn growth turned out to be the highest in the group of young mares, followed by the group of stallions and the group of adult mares. In the winter months the lowest growth increment of the hoof horn was observed in all the analysed groups. In the period of the elongating solar day, i.e. from May to July, the growth was rapid and reached the highest values. Starting from August the growth of the hoof horn decreased.  相似文献   

The fat body of a female Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, at adult ecdysis, contains a large number of protein granules which are composed of light and dark zones. Part of the light zone in some of these granules is believed to be urate. During the first two days after adult ecdysis, fat body development is not essentially different in females reared either under long- or short-day conditions. Protein granules and large vacuoles disappear and the first cell organelles are regenerated. The effect of the photoperiod on the histological structure of the fat is expressed after these events. In females reared under long-day conditions, the fat body becomes specialized for vitellogenin synthesis. Under short-day conditions, the fat body stores massive amounts of lipid until day 6 after adult ecdysis. Then the first electron-dense protein granules develop near the nucleus, and on day 10 the first autophagic vacuoles are seen. These structure changes are discussed in connection with the known biochemical properties of the adult faty body of Leptinotarsa.  相似文献   

We analysed the differentiation of body cover in the grass snake (Natrix natrix L.) over the full length of the embryo's body at each developmental stage. Based on investigations using both light and scanning electron microscopes, we divided the embryonic development of the grass snake integument into four phases. The shape of the epidermal cells changes first on the caudal and ventral parts of the embryo, then gradually towards the rostral and dorsal areas. In stage V on the ventral side of the embryo the gastrosteges are formed from single primordia, but on the dorsal side the epidermis forms the scale primordia in stage VII. This indicates that scalation begins on the ventral body surface, and spreads dorsally. The appearance of melanocytes between the cells of the stratum germinativum in stage VII coincides with changes in embryo colouration. The first dermal melanocytes were detected in stage XI so in this stage the definitive skin pattern is formed. In the same stage the epidermis forms the first embryonic shedding complex and the periderm layer begins to detach in small, individual flakes. This process coincides with rapid growth of the embryos.  相似文献   

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