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In this work we extend approximate aggregation methods in time discrete linear models to the case of time varying environments. Approximate aggregation consists in describing some features of the dynamics of a general system involving many coupled variables in terms of the dynamics of a reduced system with a few number of variables. We present a time discrete time varying model in which we distinguish two time scales. By using perturbation methods we transform the system to make the global variables appear and build up the aggregated system. The asymptotic relationships between the general and aggregated systems are explored in the cases of a cyclically varying environment and a changing environment in process of stabilization. We show that under quite general conditions the knowledge of the behavior of the aggregated system characterizes that of the general system. The general method is also applied to aggregate a multiregional time dependent Leslie model showing that the aggregated model has demographic rates depending on the equilibrium proportions of individuals in the different patches.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to develop an approximate aggregation method for certain non-linear discrete models. Approximate aggregation consists in describing the dynamics of a general system involving many coupled variables by means of the dynamics of a reduced system with a few global variables. We present discrete models with two different time scales, the slow one considered to be linear and the fast one non-linear because of its transition matrix depends on the global variables. In our discrete model the time unit is chosen to be the one associated to the slow dynamics, and then we approximate the effect of fast dynamics by using a sufficiently large power of its corresponding transition matrix. In a previous work the same system is treated in the case of fast dynamics considered to be linear, conservative in the global variables and inducing a stable frequency distribution of the state variables. A similar non-linear model has also been studied which uses as time unit the one associated to the fast dynamics and has the non-linearity in the slow part of the system. In the present work we transform the system to make the global variables explicit, and we justify the quick derivation of the aggregated system. The local asymptotic behaviour of the aggregated system entails that of the general system under certain conditions, for instance, if the aggregated system has a stable hyperbolic fixed point then the general system has one too. The method is applied to aggregate a multiregional Leslie model with density dependent migration rates.  相似文献   

As the result of the complexity inherent in nature, mathematical models employed in ecology are often governed by a large number of variables. For instance, in the study of population dynamics we often deal with models for structured populations in which individuals are classified regarding their age, size, activity or location, and this structuring of the population leads to high dimensional systems. In many instances, the dynamics of the system is controlled by processes whose time scales are very different from each other. Aggregation techniques take advantage of this situation to build a low dimensional reduced system from which behavior we can approximate the dynamics of the complex original system.In this work we extend aggregation techniques to the case of time dependent discrete population models with two time scales where both the fast and the slow processes are allowed to change at their own characteristic time scale, generalizing the results of previous studies. We propose a non-autonomous model with two time scales, construct an aggregated model and give relationship between the variables governing the original and the reduced systems. We also explore how the properties of strong and weak ergodicity, regarding the capacity of the system to forget initial conditions, of the original system can be studied in terms of the reduced system.  相似文献   

In this work we develop approximate aggregation techniques in the context of slow-fast linear population models governed by stochastic differential equations and apply the results to the treatment of populations with spatial heterogeneity. Approximate aggregation techniques allow one to transform a complex system involving many coupled variables and in which there are processes with different time scales, by a simpler reduced model with a fewer number of ‘global’ variables, in such a way that the dynamics of the former can be approximated by that of the latter. In our model we contemplate a linear fast deterministic process together with a linear slow process in which the parameters are affected by additive noise, and give conditions for the solutions corresponding to positive initial conditions to remain positive for all times. By letting the fast process reach equilibrium we build a reduced system with a lesser number of variables, and provide results relating the asymptotic behaviour of the first- and second-order moments of the population vector for the original and the reduced system. The general technique is illustrated by analysing a multiregional stochastic system in which dispersal is deterministic and the rate growth of the populations in each patch is affected by additive noise.  相似文献   

In ecology, we are faced with modelling complex systems involving many variables corresponding to interacting populations structured in different compartmental classes, ages and spatial patches. Models that incorporate such a variety of aspects would lead to systems of equations with many variables and parameters. Mathematical analysis of these models would, in general, be impossible. In many real cases, the dynamics of the system corresponds to two or more time scales. For example, individual decisions can be rapid in comparison to growth of the populations. In that case, it is possible to perform aggregation methods that allow one to build a reduced model that governs the dynamics of a lower dimensional system, at a slow time scale. In this article, we present a review of aggregation methods for time continuous systems as well as for discrete models. We also present applications in population dynamics. A first example concerns a continuous time model of a single population distributed on a system of two connected patches (a logistic source and a sink), by fast migration. It is shown that under a certain condition, the total equilibrium population can be larger than the carrying capacity of the logistic source. A second example concerns a discrete model of a population distributed on two patches, still a source and a sink, connected by fast migration. The use of aggregation methods permits us to conclude that density-dependent migration can stabilize the total population.  相似文献   

In this work we extend previous results regarding the use of approximate aggregation techniques to simplify the study of discrete time models for populations that live in an environment that changes randomly with time. Approximate aggregation techniques allow one to transform a complex system involving many coupled variables and in which there are processes with different time scales, by a simpler reduced model with a fewer number of 'global' variables, in such a way that the dynamics of the former can be approximated by that of the latter. We present the reduction of a stochastic multiregional model in which the population, structured by age and spatial location, lives in a random environment and in which migration is fast with respect to demography. However, the technique works in much more general settings as, for example, those of stage-structured populations living in a multipatch environment. By manipulating the original system and appropriately defining the global variables we obtain a simpler system. The paper concentrates on establishing relationships between the original and the reduced systems for a given separation of time scales between the two processes. In particular, we relate the original state variables and the global variables and, in the case the pattern of temporal variation is Markovian, we relate the presence of strong stochastic ergodicity for the original and reduced systems. Moreover, we relate different measures of asymptotic population growth for these systems.  相似文献   

The balance between births and deaths in an age-structured population is strongly influenced by the spatial distribution of sub-populations. Our aim was to describe the demographic process of a fish population in an hierarchical dendritic river network, by taking into account the possible movements of individuals. We tried also to quantify the effect of river network changes (damming or channelling) on the global fish population dynamics. The Salmo trutta life pattern was taken as an example for.We proposed a model which includes the demographic and the migration processes, considering migration fast compared to demography. The population was divided into three age-classes and subdivided into fifteen spatial patches, thus having 45 state variables. Both processes were described by means of constant transfer coefficients, so we were dealing with a linear system of difference equations. The discrete case of the variable aggregation method allowed the study of the system through the dominant elements of a much simpler linear system with only three global variables: the total number of individuals in each age-class.From biological hypothesis on demographic and migratory parameters, we showed that the global population dynamics of fishes is well characterized in the reference river network, and that dams could have stronger effects on the global dynamics than channelling.  相似文献   

In this work we study the behavior of a time discrete multiregional stochastic model for a population structured in age classes and spread out in different spatial patches between which individuals can migrate. The dynamics of the population is controlled both by reproduction-survival and by migration. These processes take place at different time scales in the sense of the latter being much faster than the former. We incorporate the effect of demographic stochasticity into the population, which results in both dynamics being modelled by multitype Bienaymé–Galton–Watson branching processes. We present a multitype global model that incorporates the effect of both processes and, making use of the existence of different time scales for demography and migration, build a reduced model in which the variables correspond to the total population in each age class. We extend previous results that relate the behavior of the original and the reduced model showing that, given a large enough separation of time scales between demography and migration, we can obtain information about the behavior of the multitype global model through the study of the simpler reduced model. We concentrate on the case where the two systems are supercritical and therefore the expected number of individuals grows to infinity, and show that we can approximate the asymptotic structure of the population vector and the asymptotic population size of the original system through the study of the reduced model.  相似文献   

Aggregation of variables allows to approximate a large scale dynamical system (the micro-system) involving many variables into a reduced system (the macro-system) described by a few number of global variables. Approximate aggregation can be performed when different time scales are involved in the dynamics of the micro-system. Perturbation methods enable to approximate the large micro-system by a macro-system going on at a slow time scale. Aggregation has been performed for systems of ordinary differential equations in which time is a continuous variable. In this contribution, we extend aggregation methods to time-discrete models of population dynamics. Time discrete micro-models with two time scales are presented. We use perturbation methods to obtain a slow macro-model. The asymptotic behaviours of the micro and macro-systems are characterized by the main eigenvalues and the associated eigenvectors. We compare the asymptotic behaviours of both systems which are shown to be similar to a certain order.  相似文献   

As a result of the complexity inherent in some natural systems, mathematical models employed in ecology are often governed by a large number of variables. For instance, in the study of population dynamics we often find multiregional models for structured populations in which individuals are classified regarding their age and their spatial location. Dealing with such structured populations leads to high dimensional models. Moreover, in many instances the dynamics of the system is controlled by processes whose time scales are very different from each other. For example, in multiregional models migration is often a fast process in comparison to the growth of the population.Approximate reduction techniques take advantage of the presence of different time scales in a system to introduce approximations that allow one to transform the original system into a simpler low dimensional system. In this way, the dynamics of the original system can be approximated in terms of that of the reduced system. This work deals with the study of that approximation. In particular, we work with a non-autonomous discrete time model previously presented in the literature and obtain different bounds for the error we incur when we describe the dynamics of the original system in terms of the reduced one.The results are illustrated by some numerical simulations corresponding to the reduction of a Leslie type model for a population structured in two age classes and living in a two patch system.  相似文献   

Our aim is to model the Salmo trutta population dynamics (three age-classes) in an arborescent river network (four levels, 15 patches), by considering both migrations (fast time scale) and demography (slow time scale). We study how the environmental management can influence the global population dynamics. We present a general model coupling both a linear discrete model for constant migrations and a non-linear density-dependent Leslie model for the demography, with (15 × 3) difference equations (15 patches, three age-classes). The variable aggregation method applied to discrete time models allows us to aggregate the previous model into a new one with only three equations. We assume fecundity and survival gradients with respect to the river network levels. The Salmo trutta whole population tends towards an equilibrium state depending on the environmental structure, and we show that dams have a stronger influence than channelling on this equilibrium.  相似文献   

In this work we consider a structured population with groups and subgroups of individuals. The intra-group dynamics is assumed to be fast in comparison with the inter-group dynamics. We study linear discrete models where the slow dynamics is represented by a single matrix and the fast dynamics is described by means of the first k terms of a converging sequence of different matrices. The number k can be interpreted as the ratio between the two time scales.The aim of this work is to extend aggregation techniques to the case of fast changing environments. The main idea of aggregation is to build up a new system, with lower dimension, that summarizes the information concerning the fast process. This "aggregated" system provides essential information on the original one. It is shown that the asymptotic behavior of the original system can be approximated by the asymptotic behavior of the aggregated system when the ratio between the two time scales is large enough.We present an example of an age structured population in a patchy environment. The migration process is assumed to be fast in comparison with the demographic process. Numerical simulations illustrate that the asymptotic growth rate and the stable age distribution of the population in the original and the aggregated systems are getting closer as the ratio k increases.  相似文献   

This work deals with a general class of two-time scales discrete nonlinear dynamical systems which are susceptible of being studied by means of a reduced system that is obtained using the so-called aggregation of variables method. This reduction process is applied to several models of population dynamics driven by demographic and migratory processes which take place at two different time scales: slow and fast. An analysis of these models exchanging the role of the slow and fast dynamics is provided: when a Leslie type demography is faster than migrations, a multi-attractor scenario appears for the reduced dynamics; on the other hand, when the migratory process is faster than demography, the reduction process gives rise to new interpretations of well known discrete models, including some Allee effect scenarios.  相似文献   

Integrative biology: linking levels of organization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biological systems are composed of different levels of organization. Usually, one considers the atomic, molecular, cellular, individual, population, community and ecosystem levels. These levels of organization also correspond to different levels of observation of the system, from microscopic to macroscopic, i.e., to different time and space scales. The more microscopic the level is, the faster the time scale and the smaller the space scale are. The dynamics of the complete system is the result of the coupled dynamical processes that take place in each of its levels of organization at different time scales. Variables aggregation methods take advantage of these different time scales to reduce the dimension of mathematical models such as a system of ordinary differential equations. We are going to study the dynamics of a system which is hierarchically organized in the sense that it is composed of groups of elements that can be themselves divided into further smaller sub-groups and so on. The hierarchical structure of the system results from the fact that the intra-group interactions are assumed to be larger than inter-group ones. We present aggregation methods that allow one to build a reduced model that governs a few global variables at the slow time scale.  相似文献   

Nonlinear differential equations have been used for decades for studying fluctuations in the populations of species, interactions of species with the environment, and competition and symbiosis between species. Over the years, the original non-linear models have been embellished with delay terms, stochastic terms and more recently discrete dynamics. In this paper, we investigate stochastic hybrid delay population dynamics (SHDPD), a very general class of population dynamics that comprises all of these phenomena. For this class of systems, we provide sufficient conditions to ensure that SHDPD have global positive, ultimately bounded solutions, a minimum requirement for a realistic, well-posed model. We then study the question of extinction and establish conditions under which an ecosystem modelled by SHDPD is doomed.  相似文献   

We consider a fishery model with two sites: (1) a marine protected area (MPA) where fishing is prohibited and (2) an area where the fish population is harvested. We assume that fish can migrate from MPA to fishing area at a very fast time scale and fish spatial organisation can change from small to large clusters of school at a fast time scale. The growth of the fish population and the catch are assumed to occur at a slow time scale. The complete model is a system of five ordinary differential equations with three time scales. We take advantage of the time scales using aggregation of variables methods to derive a reduced model governing the total fish density and fishing effort at the slow time scale. We analyze this aggregated model and show that under some conditions, there exists an equilibrium corresponding to a sustainable fishery. Our results suggest that in small pelagic fisheries the yield is maximum for a fish population distributed among both small and large clusters of school.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to study the influence of patch selection on the dynamics of a system describing the interactions between two populations, generically called 'population N' and 'population P'. Our model may be applied to prey-predator systems as well as to certain host-parasite or parasitoid systems. A situation in which population P affects the spatial distribution of population N is considered. We deal with a heterogeneous environment composed of two spatial patches: population P lives only in patch 1, while individuals belonging to population N migrate between patch 1 and patch 2, which may be a refuge. Therefore they are divided into two patch sub-populations and can migrate according to different migration laws. We make the assumption that the patch change is fast, whereas the growth and interaction processes are slower. We take advantage of the two time scales to perform aggregation methods in order to obtain a global model describing the time evolution of the total populations, at a slow time scale. At first, a migration law which is independent on population P density is considered. In this case the global model is equivalent to the local one, and under certain conditions, population P always gets extinct. Then, the same model, but in which individuals belonging to population N leave patch 1 proportionally to population P density, is studied. This particular behavioral choice leads to a dynamically richer global system, which favors stability and population coexistence. Finally, we study a third example corresponding to the addition of an aggregative behavior of population N on patch 1. This leads to a more complicated situation in which, according to initial conditions, the global system is described by two different aggregated models. Under certain conditions on parameters a stable limit cycle occurs, leading to periodic variations of the total population densities, as well as of the local densities on the spatial patches.  相似文献   

A central problem in ecology is relating the interactions of individuals-described in terms of competition, predation, interference, etc.-to the dynamics of the populations of these individuals-in terms of change in numbers of individuals over time. Here, we address this problem for a class of site-based ecological models, where local interactions between individuals take place at a finite number of discrete resource sites over non-overlapping generations and, between generations, individuals move randomly between sites over the entire system. Such site-based models have previously been applied to a wide range of ecological systems: from those involving contest or scramble competition for resources to host-parasite interactions and meta-populations. We show how the population dynamics of site-based models can be accurately approximated by and understood through deterministic and stochastic difference equations. Conversely, we use the inverse of this approximation to show what implicit assumptions are made about individual interactions by modelling of population dynamics in terms of difference equations. To this end, we prove a useful and general theorem: that any model in our class of site-based models has a corresponding stochastic difference equation population model, by which it can be approximated. This theorem allows us to calculate long-term population dynamics, evolutionary stable strategies and, by extending our theory to account for large deviations, extinction probabilities for a wide range of site-based systems. Our methodology is then illustrated to various examples of between species competition, predator-prey interactions and co-operation.  相似文献   

研究了一类含时滞的Harrison型捕食者-食饵模型在随机扰动环境下的动力学行为.对于非时滞和时滞模型分别给出了局部和全局稳定性条件.通过白噪声分别对食饵人口增长率的和捕食者人口死亡率进行随机扰动,构建相应的随机时滞微分方程模型讨论环境噪声对其作用的动力学行为.在一定条件下,随机时滞模型存在随机最终有界的唯一全局正解且解的二阶均值是有界的.最后通过数值模拟对给出的分析结果进行了验证.  相似文献   

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