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Heteroplasmic nucleotide polymorphisms are rarely observed in wild animal mitochondrial DNA. The occurrence of such site heteroplasmy is expected to be extremely rare at nonsynonymous sites where the number of nucleotide substitutions per site is low due to functional constraints. This report deals with nonsynonymous mitochondrial heteroplasmy from two wild fish species, chum salmon and Japanese flounder. We detected an A/C nonsynonymous heteroplasmic site corresponding to putative amino acids, Ile or Met, in NADH dehydrogenase subunit-5 (ND5) region of chum salmon. The heteroplasmic site was at the 3rd position of 58th codon. As for Japanese flounder we detected a C/T nonsynonymous heteroplasmic site corresponding to putative amino acids, Leu or Pro, in ND4 region. The heteroplasmic site was at the 2nd position of 450th codon. We also verified heteroplasmy at these sites by sequencing cloned fragments.  相似文献   

A variable combination of developmental delay, retinitis pigmentosa, dementia, seizures, ataxia, proximal neurogenic muscle weakness, and sensory neuropathy occurred in four members of a family and was maternally transmitted. There was no histochemical evidence of mitochondrial myopathy. Blood and muscle from the patients contained two populations of mitochondrial DNA, one of which had a previously unreported restriction site for AvaI. Sequence analysis showed that this was due to a point mutation at nucleotide 8993, resulting in an amino acid change from a highly conserved leucine to arginine in subunit 6 of mitochondrial H(+)-ATPase. There was some correlation between clinical severity and the amount of mutant mitochondrial DNA in the patients; this was present in only small quantities in the blood of healthy elderly relatives in the same maternal line.  相似文献   

The MRL/MpJ mouse is an inbred laboratory strain of Mus musculus, known to exhibit enhanced autoimmunity, increased wound healing, and increased regeneration properties. We report the full-length mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence of the MRL mouse (Accession # EU450583), and characterize the discovery of two naturally occurring heteroplasmic sites. The first is a T3900C substitution in the TPsiC loop of the tRNA methionine gene (tRNA-Met; mt-Tm). The second is a heteroplasmic insertion of 1-6 adenine nucleotides in the A-tract of the tRNA arginine gene (tRNA-Arg; mt-Tr) at positions 9821-9826. The level of heteroplasmy varied independently at these two sites in MRL individuals. The length of the tRNA-Arg A-tract increased with age, but heteroplasmy at the tRNA-Met site did not change with age. The finding of naturally occurring mtDNA heteroplasmy in an inbred strain of mouse makes the MRL mouse a powerful new experimental model for studies designed to explore therapeutic measures to alter the cellular burden of heteroplasmy.  相似文献   

Temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis was used to screen 70% of the mtDNA, including all 22 tRNA genes, for heteroplasmy in 75 children with neuromuscular and/or multi-system dysfunction and elevated lactate levels, and in 95 controls. Standard PCR/ASO (allele specific oligonucleotide) and Southern analyses were also employed. Excluding common length variants, heteroplasmy was found in 22 patients and two controls (P < 0.001), with four patients demonstrating heteroplasmy in two locations each. Of the 23 heteroplasmic variants sequenced among the patients, 17 were novel point variants in the control region (CR) and only two involved tRNA genes. Heteroplasmy is highly associated with the disease group, and is predominately found in the CR, an area rarely studied in patient populations. These variants may be pathological mutations or disease markers.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial DNA of the bowfin fish and each of two species of treefrogs displays large-scale size variation. Within each species, mitochondrial genomes span more than a 700 base pair range, and the size polymorphism is localized to one portion of the genome. In addition, about 5 percent of the total 357 individuals surveyed were observed to carry two size classes of mtDNA. These findings are among the few documented instances of extensive within-species mtDNA size polymorphism and individual heteroplasmy, and constitute exceptions to previously reached generalizations about the molecular basis of mtDNA variation.  相似文献   

Cells containing pathogenic mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) generally also contain the wild-type mtDNA, a condition called heteroplasmy. The amount of mutant mtDNA in a cell, called the heteroplasmy level, is an important factor in determining the amount of mitochondrial dysfunction and therefore the disease severity. mtDNA is inherited maternally, and there are large random shifts in heteroplasmy level between mother and offspring. Understanding the distribution in heteroplasmy levels across a group of offspring is an important step in understanding the inheritance of diseases caused by mtDNA mutations. Previously, our understanding of the heteroplasmy distribution has been limited to just the mean and variance of the distribution. Here we give equations, adapted from the work of Kimura on random genetic drift, for the full mtDNA heteroplasmy distribution. We describe how to use the Kimura distribution in mitochondrial genetics, and we test the Kimura distribution against human, mouse, and Drosophila data sets.  相似文献   

Plant mitochondria have very active DNA recombination activities that are responsible for its plastic structures and that should be involved in the repair of double-strand breaks in the mitochondrial genome. Little is still known on plant mitochondrial DNA repair, but repair by recombination is believed to be a major determinant in the rapid evolution of plant mitochondrial genomes. In flowering plants, mitochondria possess at least two eubacteria-type RecA proteins that should be core components of the mitochondrial repair mechanisms. We have performed functional analyses of the two Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mitochondrial RecAs (RECA2 and RECA3) to assess their potential roles in recombination-dependent repair. Heterologous expression in Escherichia coli revealed that RECA2 and RECA3 have overlapping as well as specific activities that allow them to partially complement bacterial repair pathways. RECA2 and RECA3 have similar patterns of expression, and mutants of either display the same molecular phenotypes of increased recombination between intermediate-size repeats, thus suggesting that they act in the same recombination pathways. However, RECA2 is essential past the seedling stage and should have additional important functions. Treatment of plants with several DNA-damaging drugs further showed that RECA3 is required for different recombination-dependent repair pathways that significantly contribute to plant fitness under stress. Replication repair of double-strand breaks results in the accumulation of crossovers that increase the heteroplasmic state of the mitochondrial DNA. It was shown that these are transmitted to the plant progeny, enhancing the potential for mitochondrial genome evolution.  相似文献   

Length polymorphism due to tandem repeats is a common feature in animal mitochondrial DNA. The rabbit mitochondrial genome contains a 20 bp repeat domain, which generates a general heteroplasmic state. The observed polymorphic patterns suggest a dynamic equilibrium between gain and loss of units that maintains the copy number in the range 3-19 repeat units. In the apparent absence of recombination, slipped-strand mispairing during replication appears to be the primary cause of additions and deletions. To investigate this hypothesis we have set up a plasmid assay in Escherichia coli. A variable number of repeat units was inserted into a plasmid in both orientations relative to the colE1 origin of replication. Our data show that (i) a minimum unit number (>3) is necessary to generate length polymorphs, (ii) the number of events increases with the length tract, (iii) an excess of additions over deletions is found when the copy number is less than 10 and the trend is reversed when it is over 10, (iv) the frequency of deletions-additions is dependent on the orientation, (v) the polymorphism patterns are different according to the orientation. The length polymorphic pattern generated in the bacteria, in one orientation, mimics that observed in the mitochondria, suggesting that slipped mispairing between repeated sequences during DNA replication is responsible for the mitochondrial heteroplasmic state.  相似文献   

Wang Q  Boles RG 《Mitochondrion》2006,6(1):37-42
Due to maternal inheritance, lack of recombination and a high polymorphic density, the mtDNA control region hypervariable (HV) regions are well suited for forensic identification using a maternal relative as the known sample. This analysis can be performed in hair, however, heteroplasmy in this tissue is not rare and can result in an apparent sequence mismatch that complicates this application. There is little data comparing mother and child mtDNA-CR heteroplasmic proportions in hair. In this study, we assayed four hairs per individual in 26 mother-child pairs by TTGE for heteroplasmy across HV1. Single nucleotide heteroplasmy was detected in seven families, and in four families at least two hairs were heteroplasmic. In each of the latter families, sequencing and PCR-RFLP confirmed single nucleotide heteroplasmy in proportions of the variant ranging from < or =10 to > or =90% in the mothers, with far less variability in their children. Sequencing alone would have revealed apparent homoplasmic differences at one nucleotide in these families, possibly resulting in an 'inconclusive' verdict for relatedness of child and mother. However, mother-child heteroplasmic variability did not exceed intra-individual variability in the mothers alone.  相似文献   

Matsuura ET  Chigusa SI  Niki Y 《Genetics》1989,122(3):663-667
A new experimental system for inducing mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy in Drosophila was developed. By transplanting the germ plasm of Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila mauritiana into the posterior pole of the recipient eggs of D. melanogaster, it was possible to introduce foreign mitochondria into the recipient female germline. Heteroplasmic individuals containing both donor and recipient mtDNA were obtained in intra- and interspecific combinations at similar frequencies. The proportion of donor-derived mtDNA in the heteroplasmic individuals varied considerably from individual to individual irrespective of the donor species used. No significant decrease in or elimination of donor mtDNA was observed, and the heteroplasmic state in female germlines persisted for several generations. The present system should serve very much to promote the study and clarification of the transmission genetics of mtDNA in insects.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic transfer is an assisted reproductive technique that involves the infusion of ooplasm from a donor oocyte into a recipient oocyte of inferior developmental competence. Although this technique has shown some success for couples with recurrent in vitro fertilization failure, it results in mitochondrial heteroplasmy in the offspring, defined as the presence of two different mitochondrial genomes in the same individual. Because the long-term health consequences of mitochondrial heteroplasmy are unknown, there is a need for appropriate animal models to evaluate any physiological changes of dual mtDNA genotypes. This longitudinal study was designed as a preliminary screen of basic physiological functions for heteroplasmic mice (NZB mtDNA on a BALB/cByJ background). The mice were tested for cardiovascular and metabolic function, hematological parameters, body mass analysis, ovarian reserve, and tissue histologic abnormalities over a period of 15 mo. Heteroplasmic mice developed systemic hypertension that corrected over time and was accompanied by cardiac changes consistent with pulmonary hypertension. In addition, heteroplasmic animals had increased body mass and fat mass compared with controls at all ages. Finally, these animals had abnormalities in electrolytes and hematological parameters. Our findings suggest that there are significant physiological differences between heteroplasmic and control mice. Because ooplasm transfer appears to be consistently associated with mitochondrial heteroplasmy, children conceived through ooplasm transfer should be closely followed to determine if they are at risk for any health problems.  相似文献   

The use of Next-Generation Sequencing of mitochondrial DNA is becoming widespread in biological and clinical research. This, in turn, creates a need for a convenient tool that detects and analyzes heteroplasmy. Here we present MitoBamAnnotator, a user friendly web-based tool that allows maximum flexibility and control in heteroplasmy research. MitoBamAnnotator provides the user with a comprehensively annotated overview of mitochondrial genetic variation, allowing for an in-depth analysis with no prior knowledge in programming.  相似文献   

Determination of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) heteroplasmy for the diagnosis of patients with mitochondrial disorders is a difficult task due to the coexistence of wild-type and mutant genomes. We have developed a new method for genotyping and quantification of heteroplasmic point mutations in mtDNA based on the SNaPshot technology. We compared the data of this method with the widely used "last hot-cycle" PCR-RFLP method by studying 15 patients carrying mtDNA mutations. We showed that SNaPshot is an accurate, reproducible, and sensitive technique for the determination of heteroplasmic mtDNA mutations in different tissues from patients, and it is a promising system to be used in prenatal and postnatal diagnosis of mtDNA-associated disorders.  相似文献   

Restriction site heteroplasmy involving the enzymes NcoI and XbaI was detected in the mitochondrial DNAs of two individuals of the marine fish Sciaenops ocellatus. This represents only the sixth documented example of mitochondrial DNA restriction site heteroplasmy in animals. Two heteroplasmic individuals were found in a survey of nearly 750 individuals, suggesting that in most studies the incidence of mitochondrial DNA site heteroplasmy may be too low to be routinely detected.  相似文献   

We have studied the genetic characteristics of a homopolymeric tract length heteroplasmy associated with the 16189C variant in the mtDNA D-loop control region to identify the factor(s) involved in the generation of the length heteroplasmy. The relative proportion of the various lengths of the polycytosines (i.e., the pattern of the length heteroplasmy) is maintained in an individual, and previous evidence shows that it is regenerated de novo following cell divisions. The pattern is maintained in maternally related individuals, suggestive of mtDNA determinants. Of the 38 individuals with the 16189C variant studied, 39% were found to exhibit the (16180)AAACCCCCCCCCCC(16193) variant associated with A16183C polymorphism [(11C)-group], while 53% showed the (16180)AACCCCCCCCCCCC(16193) variant associated with a further A16182C polymorphism [(12C)-group]. Haplotype analysis of the mtDNA revealed a specific association of the longer mean length of the poly[C] in the (12C)-group with haplogroup B. A similar association was also observed in the (11C)-group, but with a novel haplogroup. Cybrid constructions revealed that the involvement of nuclear factor(s) in the generation of the length heteroplasmy is prominent in homopolymeric tract of eight cytosines. The nuclearly coded factor(s) is/are presumably related to the fidelity of the nuclearly coded components of the mitochondrial DNA replication machinery.  相似文献   

In this report we describe a simple and rapid protocol for reliable quantitation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, which is basically a modification of the traditional polymerase chain reaction (PCR)/restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis technique. Up to now, the PCR/RFLP method has been of limited use for the accurate determination of ratios of mutant and wild type molecules, largely owing to the formation of heteroduplex molecules by PCR and incompleteness of restriction digestion. In order to overcome this problem, we have introduced a single-step primer extension reaction using Vent(R)(exo-) DNA polymerase and a fluorescence-labeled primer to the standard assay. The labeled homoduplex molecules are then digested with a restriction endonuclease, and the nucleic acids fractionated on an automated DNA sequencer equipped with GENESCAN analysis software. The amount of mutant mtDNA is readily estimated from fluorescence intensities of the wild-type and mutant mtDNA fragments corrected for incomplete digestion as monitored by a homologous control fragment. The accuracy of the improved protocol was determined by constructing standard curves obtained from defined mixtures of genomic DNA containing homoplasmic wild-type and mutant mtDNA. The expected values were obtained, with an observed correlation coefficient of 0.997 and a typical variability of +/-5% between repeated measurements. Further validation of the protocol is provided by the screening of five patients and unaffected subjects carrying the guanine to adenine transition at the nucleotide 3460 of the mitochondrial genome responsible for the mitochondrial disorder of Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy.  相似文献   

For identification of somatic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, the mtDNA major noncoding region (D-loop) sequence in blood samples and carotid atherosclerosis plaques from patients with atherosclerosis was analyzed. Five point heteroplasmic positions were observed in 4 of 23 individuals (17%). Only in two cases could heteroplasmy have resulted from somatic mutation, whereas three heteroplasmic positions were found in both vascular tissue and blood. In addition, length heteroplasmy in a polycytosine stretches was registered at nucleotide positions 303–315 in 16 individuals, and also in the 16184–16193 region in four patients. The results suggest that somatic mtDNA mutations can occur during atherosclerosis, but some heteroplasmic mutations may appear in all tissues, possibly being inherited.  相似文献   

Previously we obtained heteroplasmic mice carrying murine and human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Even the fourth generation of such mice had human mtDNA in their organs, hence, they were used to study the possibility of paternal mtDNA transmission. A lineage was obtained in which human mtDNA was transmitted by males to the progeny in four successive generations. This is the first observation of such a continuous paternal transmission of mtDNA. Persistence of paternal mtDNA in several successive generations of animals suggests that mechanisms aimed at elimination of paternally inherited mtDNA species are not as strict as has been postulated.  相似文献   

A family exhibiting heteroplasmy at position 16 355 in hypervariable region I of the human mtDNA control region has been identified. This family consists of a mother, daughter, and son. DNA samples extracted from blood stains, buccal swabs, and hairs from these individuals were amplified by PCR and sequenced utilizing fluoresence-labeled dye terminator chemistry in an automated DNA sequencer. In both the daughter and mother, heteroplasmy was observed in DNA extracted from blood stains, buccal swabs, and hairs. In the blood stains, the proportion of cytosine was greater than thymine in both individuals. Buccal swab extracts showed a more balanced contribution from the two nucleotides. Telogenic hair root and hair shaft samples exhibited a wide range of nucleotide contributions at this position, from predominately cytosine in some samples to predominately thymine in others. The apparent stochastic segregation of mitotypes in hair samples is discussed from a forensic viewpoint, and the mechanism of mtDNA heteroplasmy is considered. Received: 6 November 1996 / Accepted: 13 February 1997  相似文献   

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