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Heterocyclic amines (HCAs), a group of genotoxic compounds formed during the heating of proteinaceous food items, have been known since the late 1970s. However, the genotoxic effect of these compounds in the low dose region has not yet been thoroughly studied. Here we used a sensitive flow cytometer-based micronucleus assay in mice to determine the frequency of micronucleated erythrocytes (fMPCE) of the three common HCAs, 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP), 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (MeIQx), and 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ), in the low dose region. We especially looked for any deviation from linearity of the dose-response curves. Male Balb/C mice were intra peritoneally injected with different doses of either PhIP (0-36 mg/kg b.w.), MeIQx (0-90 mg/kg b.w.) or IQ (0-40 mg/kg b.w.). In the case of PhIP, we found a significant dose-response relationship, while MeIQx and IQ did not display an increased fMPCE level. This flow cytometer method allows for determination of the DNA content of micronuclei. All three HCAs tested here yielded a low DNA content of micronuclei, indicating that they do not possess aneugenic effects. A comparison between the HCAs and acrylamide (AA), another heat induced genotoxic compound, revealed that the slope of the dose-response curve is about 10 times steeper for PhIP than AA. In spite of this, AA probably constitutes a higher human risk than HCAs since the intake is about a 100- to 1000-fold higher than the intake of HCAs.  相似文献   

Heterocyclic amines (HCAs), a group of genotoxic compounds formed during the heating of proteinaceous food items, have been known since the late 1970s. However, the genotoxic effect of these compounds in the low dose region has not yet been thoroughly studied. Here we used a sensitive flow cytometer-based micronucleus assay in mice to determine the frequency of micronucleated erythrocytes (fMPCE) of the three common HCAs, 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP), 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (MeIQx), and 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ), in the low dose region. We especially looked for any deviation from linearity of the dose–response curves. Male Balb/C mice were intra peritoneally injected with different doses of either PhIP (0–36 mg/kg b.w.), MeIQx (0–90 mg/kg b.w.) or IQ (0–40 mg/kg b.w.). In the case of PhIP, we found a significant dose–response relationship, while MeIQx and IQ did not display an increased fMPCE level. This flow cytometer method allows for determination of the DNA content of micronuclei. All three HCAs tested here yielded a low DNA content of micronuclei, indicating that they do not possess aneugenic effects. A comparison between the HCAs and acrylamide (AA), another heat induced genotoxic compound, revealed that the slope of the dose–response curve is about 10 times steeper for PhIP than AA. In spite of this, AA probably constitutes a higher human risk than HCAs since the intake is about a 100- to 1000-fold higher than the intake of HCAs.  相似文献   

This article is part of a Special Issue “Puberty and Adolescence”.  相似文献   

A wide variety of pathogens is transmitted from ticks to vertebrates including viruses, bacteria, protozoa and helminths, of which most have a life cycle that requires passage through the vertebrate host. Tick-borne infections of humans, farm and companion animals are essentially associated with wildlife animal reservoirs. While some flying insect-borne diseases of humans such as malaria, filariasis and Kala Azar caused by Leishmania donovani target people as their main host, major tick-borne infections of humans, although potentially causing disease in large numbers of individuals, are typically an infringement of a circulation between wildlife animal reservoirs and tick vectors. While new tick-borne infectious agents are frequently recognised, emerging agents of human tick-borne infections were probably circulating among wildlife animal and tick populations long before being recognised as clinical causes of human disease as has been shown for Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Co-infection with more than one tick-borne infection is common and can enhance pathogenic processes and augment disease severity as found in B. burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum co-infection. The role of wild animal reservoirs in co-infection of human hosts appears to be central, further linking human and animal tick-borne infections. Although transmission of most tick-borne infections is through the tick saliva, additional routes of transmission, shown mostly in animals, include infection by oral uptake of infected ticks, by carnivorism, animal bites and transplacentally. Additionally, artificial infection via blood transfusion is a growing threat in both human and veterinary medicine. Due to the close association between human and animal tick-borne infections, control programs for these diseases require integration of data from veterinary and human reporting systems, surveillance in wildlife and tick populations, and combined teams of experts from several scientific disciplines such as entomology, epidemiology, medicine, public health and veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

目的分析人类与部分实验动物的RETN基因同源性,为人类RETN基因相关疾病及基因功能研究对理想实验动物的选择提供依据。方法提取猕猴、大鼠、小鼠和树鼩的脂肪组织总RNA,用相应的RETN引物进行RT-PCR,对其产物进行双向测序;同时在GenBank中查询人类、猪、牛的RETN基因序列;再运用ORF Finder软件调取其ORF核苷酸序列和氨基酸序列,用DANMAN软件对所获得的序列进行比对,分析其同源性。结果人类RETN的核苷酸序列与猕猴、小鼠、树鼩、大鼠、猪、牛的同源性分别为95.4%、65.4%、65.4%、66.4%、81.0%、81.0%;氨基酸序列分别为91.7%、55.6%、55.6%、53.7%、75.9%、72.2%。;系统进化树结果表明,就RETN基因而言,人与猕猴的亲缘关系较近。结论基于同源性分析结果,在RETN的进化上猕猴与人类存在较近的亲缘关系,是研究人类RETN生物学功能及其相关疾病的最佳实验动物。  相似文献   

There is good reason to believe that the resistance to ixodid ticks acquired by guinea pigs, rabbits and mice is immunologically mediated. One proposed mechanism for this resistance, which may well be common to all these laboratory animals, involves cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions. Basophils accumulate at tick attachment sites in the skin of resistant animals and degranulate in response to tick salivary antigens, releasing histamine and other mediators. The mediators may directly cause ticks to cease salivating and feeding and then to detach, or they may induce reflex grooming reactions by the host, leading to the removal of ticks from the itching skin.There are gaps in the evidence supporting this hypothesis, and it is likely that other modes of tick resistance remain to be described. However, it should be recognized that, although there have been a few details added to the story in the last fifty years, William Trager's original classic observations and conclusions still stand as the core of the current dogma.  相似文献   

The problem of mind is considered in the aspect of natural scientific and philosophical problem of distinction between human and animal. The widespread confusion of the terms "rudiments", "elements" of specifically human properties in animals and "biological prerequisites" of these properties are critically analysed. The idea is formulated according to which only in the process of anthropogenesis the rudiments of new social property--mind, conscience--could appear in the developing human beings.  相似文献   

Intestinal microbiota is considered to play an integral role in maintaining health of host by modulating several physiological functions including nutrition, metabolism and immunity. Accumulated data from human and animal studies indicate that intestinal microbes can affect lipid metabolism in host through various direct and indirect biological mechanisms. These mechanisms include the production of various signalling molecules by the intestinal microbiome, which exert a strong effect on lipid metabolism, bile secretion in the liver, reverse transport of cholesterol and energy expenditure and insulin sensitivity in peripheral tissues. This review discusses the findings of recent studies suggesting an emerging role of intestinal microbiota and its metabolites in regulating lipid metabolism and the association of intestinal microbiota with obesity. Additionally, we discuss the controversies and challenges in this research area. However, intestinal micro-organisms are also affected by some external factors, which in turn influence the regulation of microbial lipid metabolism. Therefore, we also discuss the effects of probiotics, prebiotics, diet structure, exercise and other factors on intestinal microbiological changes and lipid metabolism regulation.  相似文献   

An additional enzyme, 4-oxo-5-hydroxyvalerate (OHV) dehydrogenase was identified and characterized. This enzyme catalyzes the conversion of OHV to 4,5-dioxovalerate, a direct precursor of 5-aminolevulinate. The enzyme was partially purified from rat liver supernatant as two isoenzyme (ca. 40,000 and 70,000 dalton). 5-Aminolevulinate was formed from OHV via 4,5-dioxovalerate by this dehydrogenase and alanine-4,5-dioxovalerate aminotransferase (EC This dehydrogenase required NADP of NAD as a hydrogen acceptor. The enzyme was heat sensitive and catalyzed the reaction reversibly. The dehydrogenase was present in the high speed supernatants of liver and kidney of rat, rabbit and human, and that of spinach leaf.  相似文献   

One of the longest running debates in evolutionary biology concerns the kind of genetic variation that is primarily responsible for phenotypic variation in species. Here, we address this question for humans specifically from the perspective of population allele frequency of variants across the complete genome, including both coding and noncoding regions. We establish simple criteria to assess the likelihood that variants are functional based on their genomic locations and then use whole-genome sequence data from 29 subjects of European origin to assess the relationship between the functional properties of variants and their population allele frequencies. We find that for all criteria used to assess the likelihood that a variant is functional, the rarer variants are significantly more likely to be functional than the more common variants. Strikingly, these patterns disappear when we focus on only those variants in which the major alleles are derived. These analyses indicate that the majority of the genetic variation in terms of phenotypic consequence may result from a mutation-selection balance, as opposed to balancing selection, and have direct relevance to the study of human disease.  相似文献   

The MLVA assay is known to have a high ability to identify and discriminate Brucella species, so that it can be used as an epidemiological tool to discriminate Brucella isolates originating from restricted geographic sources. In this study, the genetic profiles of 38 B. abortus isolates from humans were analyzed and compared with genotypes from animal isolates in South Korea. As a result, it was found that they did not show high genetic diversity and were compacted. They were clustered together with animal isolates, showing a significant correlation to regional distributions. With its ability to prove a significant genetic correlation among B. abortus isolates from animals and humans in South Korea, the MLVA assay could be utilized as part of a program to control and eradicate brucellosis, one of the major zoonoses. This study represents the first data of genetic correlation of B. abortus isolates from humans and animals in South Korea.  相似文献   

The recommendations for minimum floor area given in the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes (1986), as well as in the Publication on the Planning and Structure of Animal Facilities for Institutes Performing Animal Experiments of the Society for Laboratory Animal Science (GV-SOLAS 1989), are plotted in a double logarithmic system in order to get an allometric function of recommended floor area to body weight. Both recommendations correspond very well with the so-called metabolic body weight seen at the allometric exponent of 0.73 and 0.70 respectively. Thus the recommendations in general attribute the floor space according to the metabolic body weight of the animal. Nevertheless, despite this general rule, some species are recommended less space than others when measured on this allometric scale. Thus it must be questioned why, for example, rabbits, chicken and pigs are recommended less space than other species. The general allometric measure seems at least to be a good scale for the comparison of recommended floor space, and for the discussion of species-specific needs for more or less space.  相似文献   

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