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树木年轮分析在全球变化研究中的应用   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
树木年轮的宽度、密度、图像分析、同位素含量等都与气候因子温度、湿度以及大气成分的变化成复杂的相关关系。本文总结了树木年轮分析的几种主要研究方法以及在全球气候变化、大气污染以及重建大气CO2浓度中的应用,同时利用树木年轮分析对全球变化研究中存在的问题、争议等作了简要的探讨,并对未来全球变化中的年轮年代学研究的方向作了展望。  相似文献   

灌木年轮学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
芦晓明  梁尔源 《生态学报》2013,33(5):1367-1374
灌木往往分布在树线以上或以北的高海拔和高纬度地区以及干旱、半干旱区,是把传统上以乔木为主的树轮研究扩展至森林分布界限以外的唯一选择.尽管灌木具有以上研究潜力,迄今用于树木年代学研究的灌木种类仅有30种左右.介绍了灌木年轮研究方法,综述了过去几十年来环北极高纬度地区,干旱、半干旱区以及高海拔地区的灌木年轮研究的主要进展.主要研究进展如下:(1)发掘一些灌木的树木年代学潜力;(2)揭示限制灌木生长的主要环境因子,并尝试利用灌木年轮宽度等指标重建过去区域气候变化历史;(3)探讨全球变暖的背景下,灌木的生长或分布范围的变化;(4)通过人为控制增温来揭示变暖对灌木生理特征和生长的影响.这些研究展示了灌木在扩展传统乔木树轮研究网络方面的潜力,也是树木年代学研究中最有前景的研究方向之一.目前的灌木年轮学研究多集中于环北极苔原带.作为地球的第三极,青藏高原具有广泛的高山灌木分布,具有把青藏高原边缘区以乔木为主的树木年轮网络扩展至更高海拔和高原内部的潜力.青藏高原高山灌木的年轮学研究并没有引起足够的重视.青藏高原高山灌木的生长是如何适应极端环境条件的,全球变暖的背景下,青藏高原高山灌木的分布和生长正在发生哪些变化等,都有待深入研究.  相似文献   

Choosing what scientific project to pursue is the most important decision that scientists at all levels continually face. Time devoted to a project can further desirable knowledge and advance a career or cost years in lost opportunity. Knowing what to consider before embarking on a specific scientific journey, as well as when to drop a project and change course, offers a way of practicing science that keeps us mindful of what is relevant at a given time and place while preserving our freedom to explore the most exciting findings. This article explores both the pressures that restrict this delicate decision-making process and the processes that scientists can apply to overcome those pressures. Above all else, as it turns out, we must still love the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake – and this love directly impacts our results.  相似文献   

Within the field of pile-dwelling research in SW Germany, the application of a dendroarchaeological approach to the study of young wood among large timber series has allowed a better understanding of the short-term development of settlement showing high variations of building activity coupled with varying strategies of timber supply and woodland use. This is illustrated by systematic tree-ring investigations at the Neolithic lake-shore site of Hornstaad-Hörnle I, which have demonstrated an occupation of 20 years around 3900 BC. On specific levels of dendrodating and on the basis of heteroconnections, short alternating building phases with specific choice of timber have been found, showing a wave-like development of the settlement. Repeated short-term repairs also give an estimation of the time spans during which the houses were in use. Furthermore, the timber supply seems to have been based principally on coppicing and the defoliation damages caused by the cyclic development of the cockchafer can be detected in the young oak series. Particularly interesting are the alternating building phases with ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) on one side, and oak (Quercus robur L./Quercus petraea [Matt] Liebl.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) on the other side. After an initial building phase with ash wood gained from the azonal vegetation, the strong development of the village was accompanied by the systematic use of timber from an oak and beech mixed stand located in the mesophile deciduous forest. In our interpretation, this alternance seems to be linked with a shifting cultivation system at the beginning of the Neolithic lake-shore site occupation at Lake Constance. Oak and beech building phases correspond to a short period of greater concentration of occupation, probably with increasing agricultural activities whereas the use of ash wood gained from the hydrophilous vegetation belt behind the village, occurred in the phases of installation or dissolution of the community. In comparison, later settlement development in the whole region shows a greater stability in the building activity as well as in the woodland use.  相似文献   

Takahashi  Koichi  Azuma  Hiroto  Yasue  Koh 《Ecological Research》2003,18(5):549-558
Tree-ring width chronologies were developed for Abies veitchii, Betula ermanii and Betula platyphylla var. japonica in their altitudinal ecotone (approximately 1600m a.s.l.) on Mount Norikura, central Japan, to determine what climatic conditions affect the growth of tree species in the upper and lower distribution limits of an altitudinal ecotone. This altitude was the lower distribution limit for A.veitchii and B.ermanii in the subalpine zone, and was the upper distribution limit for B.platyphylla var. japonica in the montane zone on Mount Norikura. Tree-ring widths of the two Betula species and A.veitchii were positively correlated with the August precipitation of the current and previous years, respectively. Precipitation in August (the hottest month) was reduced compared with other months during summer. Tree-ring width of B.platyphylla var. japonica showed no correlation with temperatures in any month in its upper distribution limit. In contrast, tree-ring widths of B.ermanii and A.veitchii were negatively correlated with the August temperatures of the current and previous years, respectively, at the lower distribution limit of these species. Therefore, the two Betula species and A.veitchii responded to climatic conditions of the current and previous years, respectively. The present study also suggests that a water deficit in August reduces growth of these three species in this altitudinal ecotone, irrespective of the upper or lower distribution limits, and that a high August temperature is more detrimental to the growth of A.veitchii and B.ermanii in their lower distribution limits. Thus, the three species with different altitudinal distributions examined in the present study responded differently to climatic conditions in this altitudinal ecotone on Mount Norikura.  相似文献   

This study explored whether circadian preference is related to students' attitudes and choices to attend lectures or watch them online, and whether these variables relate to course performance. The subjects were 847 students enrolled in an introductory psychology course who completed an online survey that contained the Morningness - Eveningness Questionnaire and that ascertained their attitudes towards online lectures and the extent to which they attended lectures or watched them online; course performance was also recorded. The results revealed that evening-type students were significantly more likely to have a positive attitude toward online lectures and to choose to watch lectures online. Course performance was not linked to morningness - eveningness preference, lecture mode choice, or their interaction. The results suggest that online lectures appeal differentially to students with a morning or evening orientation, but that watching lectures in a modality that does not accommodate a student's circadian preference does not handicap performance.  相似文献   

Variability in xylem anatomy is of interest to plant scientists because of the role water transport plays in plant performance and survival. Insights into plant adjustments to changing environmental conditions have mainly been obtained through structural and functional comparative studies between taxa or within taxa on contrasting sites or along environmental gradients. Yet, a gap exists regarding the study of hydraulic adjustments in response to environmental changes over the lifetimes of plants. In trees, dated tree-ring series are often exploited to reconstruct dynamics in ecological conditions, and recent work in which wood-anatomical variables have been used in dendrochronology has produced promising results. Environmental signals identified in water-conducting cells carry novel information reflecting changes in regional conditions and are mostly related to short, sub-annual intervals. Although the idea of investigating environmental signals through wood anatomical time series goes back to the 1960s, it is only recently that low-cost computerized image-analysis systems have enabled increased scientific output in this field. We believe that the study of tree-ring anatomy is emerging as a promising approach in tree biology and climate change research, particularly if complemented by physiological and ecological studies. This contribution presents the rationale, the potential, and the methodological challenges of this innovative approach.  相似文献   

Concerns about the negative effects of marine scientific research are in clear juxtaposition to the beneficial role that scientific knowledge plays in enhancing the understanding of the oceans and protecting the marine environment. This presents a regulatory paradox that is examined in this article in light of the legal framework in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The article traces how these general principles in the Convention are elaborated in soft law instruments for the promotion of environmentally sustainable research practices. It also looks at an example of state practice in this area by examining regulatory measures instituted in the Canadian Endeavour Hydrothermal Vent Marine Protected Area.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the legal status of unmanned instruments (particularly, floats and gliders) for observation purposes in the ocean environment. These new kinds of instruments are being deployed by the thousands into the oceans, not the least as part of the Argo Project of the International Oceanographic Commission. Their uncontrolled drifting has raised legal questions, especially when such instruments enter waters subject to the jurisdiction of foreign states. The authors argue that the current international legal framework is insufficient to address the pertinent issues, and that a new legal regime is needed.  相似文献   

信息系统建设有助于提升医院科研管理水平。从科研项目管理、科研经费管理、科研物资管理、科研资源共享、科研绩效管理等方面对医院科研管理信息化发展方向进行了探讨。北京大学人民医院构建了科研管理信息系统,并与医院资源管理系统集成,促进了科研项目的全过程精细化管理。  相似文献   

声景包含重要的生态信息,具有实时性强、信息密度高的特点,有重要研究价值。现有的声景研究中,音频及相关环境参数采集和分析仍需要大量的人工作业,耗时耗力。基于多传感集成、边缘计算和深度学习技术,建立了一套声景大数据在线采集与分析系统,包括边缘计算节点和中心计算服务器。并通过3个实验站点,进行了近1年的技术验证,实现了声景大数据的自动化在线采集、传输和分析。该系统能适应户外恶劣的自然环境,能根据任务需求持续不断地进行声景大数据在线采集和分析,稳定性好。声学指数可以反映声景变化,但因指数侧重点不同,不同的声学指数之间变化特征差异较大,需要组合使用。通过声纹特征图能直观地识别出不同发声源,对物种的快速识别、声源的分类等具有较强的借鉴意义。系统借助VGGish网络提取的高维声景特征图能很好地识别不同站点和不同时间的声景变化,在不同站点和昼夜上具有较高的区分精度,有快速和直观地反映不同生态系统的类型特征、生态系统动态变化的潜力。丰富声纹特征库、优化声景特征分析神经网络、建设声景长期监测共享网络,有助于扩展系统在物种识别、生物多样性快速分析、生物与环境相互作用机制方面的应用。研究为声景大数据的在线采集...  相似文献   

在疫情防控的特殊背景下,教师基于"超星学习通"平台构建了生物化学在线课程。教师通过利用优质丰富的教学资源,注重引入思政教育,构建合理有效的评价体系,保证教学活动顺利开展。在线学习实践和调查反馈显示,学生对在线课程大多持认可态度,并希望今后能继续开展线上教学方式。教师充分认识到线上教学由应急化转向常态化,需将传统教学的优势和线上学习的优势结合起来,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,达到最优的教育教学过程和最佳的学习效果。  相似文献   

Protein fluorescence is a powerful tool for studying protein structure and dynamics if we have a means to interpret the spectral data in terms of protein structural properties. Our previous research successfully provided this support through the development of individual software modules implementing the algorithms for fluorescence and structural analyses. Now we have integrated the developed software modules, introduced a new program for the assignment of tryptophan residues to spectral-structural classes, and created a web-based toolkit PFAST: protein fluorescence and structural toolkit: http://pfast.phys.uri.edu/. PFAST contains three modules: (1) FCAT is a fluorescence-correlation analysis tool, which decomposes protein fluorescence spectra to reveal the spectral components of individual tryptophan residues or groups of tryptophan residues located close to each other, and assigns spectral components to one of five previously established spectral-structural classes. (2) SCAT is a structural-correlation analysis tool for the calculation of the structural parameters of the environment of tryptophan residues from the atomic structures of the proteins from the Protein Data Bank (PDB), and for the assignment of tryptophan residues to one of five spectral-structural classes. (3) The last module is a PFAST database that contains protein fluorescence and structural data obtained from results of the FCAT and SCAT analyses.  相似文献   

为适应新型冠状病毒肺炎时期线上教学的需求,本文结合生物化学课程特点,对生物化学线上教学模式进行了探索与实践。依托学习通平台创建网络课程,整合、优化线上教学资源,利用学习通同步课堂实时互动,及时进行形成性评价及反馈,保证教学质量。在此总结线上教学经验,希望为生物化学线上教学提供参考。  相似文献   

The integration-based genome database provides useful information through a user-friendly web interface that allows analysis of comparative genome for agricultural plants. We have concentrated on the functional bioinformatics of major agricultural resources, such as rice, Chinese cabbage, rice mutant lines, and microorganisms. The major functions are focused on functional genome analysis, including genome projects, gene expression analysis, gene markers with genetic map, analysis tools for comparative genome structure, and genome annotation in agricultural plants.


The database is available for free at http://nabic.naas.go.kr/  相似文献   

In contrast to traditional ocean observation systems such as research vessels and moorings, gliders, a specific category of autonomous underwater vehicles, can be operated individually or as fleets. These devices are designed to allow for continuously and remotely commanded ocean observation from the surface down to at least 1 km depth and deliver data with high horizontal and temporal resolution. This article assesses the legal framework and identifies the legal conditions that ought to be fulfilled in order to deploy and operate gliders in conformity with the international law of the sea.  相似文献   

We present an interactive, searchable expressed sequence tag database for the periwinkle snail Littorina saxatilis, an upcoming model species in evolutionary biology. The database is the result of a hybrid assembly between Sanger and 454 sequences, 1290 and 147,491 sequences respectively. Normalized and non-normalized cDNA was obtained from different ecotypes of L. saxatilis collected in the UK and Sweden. The Littorina sequence database (LSD) contains 26,537 different contigs, of which 2453 showed similarity with annotated proteins in UniProt. Querying the LSD permits the selection of the taxonomic origin of blast hits for each contig, and the search can be restricted to particular taxonomic groups. The database allows access to UniProt annotations, blast output, protein family domains (PFAM) and Gene Ontology. The database will allow users to search for genetic markers and identifying candidate genes or genes for expression analyses. It is open for additional deposition of sequence information for L. saxatilis and other species of the genus Littorina. The LSD is available at http://mbio-serv2.mbioekol.lu.se/Littorina/.  相似文献   

During the 1970s variations in the number of citations published in CURRENT PRIMATE REFERENCES seemed to parallel changes in the fortunes of primate research in the United States. In 1981 and 1982, however, the trends diverged, with the number of citations increasing 25% over the two years. In an effort to identify more specifically some factors underlying the trend in literature growth, citations of journal articles appearing in 1971, 1976, and 1981 issues were tabulated according to the general subject indicated by the title and the site of research indicated by the author's address. The number of journal articles was 20% larger in 1981 than in 1971. The United States was the largest contributor in all three years, but its relative contribution declined. Continental Western Europe ranked second consistently, and its contribution grew at an above-average rate. Japan ranked fifth in 1971 and third in 1981. India contributed less than 2% of the literature in 1971 and more than 3% in 1981, as a result of a doubling of its contribution. The subject composition of the literature did not change greatly.  相似文献   

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