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Severe natural disturbances can lead to the recovery of the original vegetation or the shift to new vegetation types. While post-disturbance succession is well documented for regularly disturbed ecosystems, little is known about the pathways and rapidity of vegetation dynamics after rare events such as peat mass movements in bogs. We monitored the floristic changes in a mire subject to a bog burst in 1987 for two decades through the repeated sampling of permanent plots. The mean species number per plot increased continuously, while the evenness increased only in the first decade and then slightly decreased. Declining species were mostly mire species, while colonist species were mostly wet meadow species. Species turnover was higher in the first decade after the disturbance, and was also higher in the area of peat erosion than in the area of peat accumulation. Changes in plant species composition indicate a succession towards tall-forb vegetation (Filipendulion), acidic fen vegetation (Caricion fuscae) and swamp willow forest (Salicion). We conclude that the effects of the disturbance are still ongoing, and that the mire’s potential for recovery is therefore difficult to predict.  相似文献   

Many species are expanding their distributions to higher latitudes due to global warming. Understanding the mechanisms underlying these distribution shifts is critical for better understanding the impacts of climate changes. The climate envelope approach is widely used to model and predict species distribution shifts with changing climates. Biotic interactions between species, however, may also influence species distributions, and a better understanding of biotic interactions could improve predictions based solely on climate envelope models. Along the northern Gulf of Mexico coast, USA, subtropical black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) at the northern limit of its distribution grows sympatrically with temperate salt marsh plants in Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. In recent decades, freeze‐free winters have led to an expansion of black mangrove into salt marshes. We examined how biotic interactions between black mangrove and salt marsh vegetation along the Texas coast varied across (i) a latitudinal gradient (associated with a winter‐temperature gradient); (ii) the elevational gradient within each marsh (which creates different marsh habitats); and (iii) different life history stages of black mangroves (seedlings vs. juvenile trees). Each of these variables affected the strength or nature of biotic interactions between black mangrove and salt marsh vegetation: (i) Salt marsh vegetation facilitated black mangrove seedlings at their high‐latitude distribution limit, but inhibited black mangrove seedlings at lower latitudes; (ii) mangroves performed well at intermediate elevations, but grew and survived poorly in high‐ and low‐marsh habitats; and (iii) the effect of salt marsh vegetation on black mangroves switched from negative to neutral as black mangroves grew from seedlings into juvenile trees. These results indicate that the expansion of black mangroves is mediated by complex biotic interactions. A better understanding of the impacts of climate change on ecological communities requires incorporating context‐dependent biotic interactions into species range models.  相似文献   

This paper presents the methodology and results of a vegetation reconstruction method based on botanical sampling, the knowledge of succession pattern, digital photograph-interpretation and automatic delineation via image segmentation. The aim is to provide a methodology for interpretation of archived black-and-white aerial photographs, which can be applied at other study sites. Our study area was the Nyíres-tó mire in the Bereg Plain (NE Hungary). Initially, botanical sampling was carried out, and this was followed by separation and identification of current vegetation types. In our study we selected automatic delineation using multi-resolution image segmentation as the method for vegetation mapping. Based on the present-day vegetation map produced and the known successional pathway of the mire, archive aerial photographs were analyzed separately in reverse chronological order to derive plant associations present at the different photograph acquisition dates. With this method we were able to make a chronological sequence of digital vegetation maps over a period of almost fifty years (1956–2002). The analysis of vegetation maps showed that forest cover increased steadily until 1988. After an artificial water supply was introduced (in 1986), the spread of tree-dominated associations became slower, and the relative cover of the different vegetation types reached a stable state.  相似文献   

Abstract. Vegetation switches are those processes in which there is positive-feedback between vegetation and environment, i.e. a vegetation state modifies its environment producing conditions more favourable to itself (Wilson & Agnew 1992). Switches can produce and maintain abrupt ecotones between plant communities. Such a sharp ecotone exists between beech-podocarp forest and mire vegetation, both on deep peat, in southwest New Zealand. One such site was examined. There was no apparent explanation for the ecotone in the present topography nor in the substrate. Levelled transects through the forest demonstrated that most seedling establishment occurred on dead fallen tree boles. These microsites were significantly richer in N, P and K than the wet sump microsites. We argue that this is a mechanism whereby trees can become established in the forest, but not in the open mire. In the forest, the presence of trees ensures the presence of dead-log microsites on the ground, permitting tree seedlings to grow. In the mire, there are no such micro-sites, and trees cannot establish. The ecotone may be sharpened because of the presence of an ecotonal band of the small tree Leptospermum sco-parium between forest and mire. This species can reproduce vegetatively by root suckers in the mire. Its boles are light, and even if they fall to the mire surface they are not thick enough to form a substrate for tree-seedling establishment. The larger tree species may be prevented from falling onto the mire by the wind-sheltering of the forest, and by the zone of Leptospermum. The postulated process would represent a new kind of water-/nutrient-mediated switch, of Type 1 (‘One-sided’). It may occur in many waterlogged forests worldwide.  相似文献   

A 450 cm sediment core from Taperebal, in the mangrove region of northeastern Pará State in northern Brazil has been studied through pollen analysis in order to reconstruct mangrove development and dynamics and to infer relative sea-level (RSL) changes during the Holocene. Six AMS radiocarbon dates, which provide a somewhat limited age control with some uncertainties, suggest early and late Holocene deposits interrupted by a hiatus between them. A patchy vegetation of coastal Amazon rain forest, restinga, salt marsh and some mangrove, which was dominated by Avicennia, covered the study area during the early Holocene period. The occurrence of an early Avicennia dominated mangrove phase has not been reported so far from other sites in northern Brazil. During the mid Holocene mangroves mostly replaced the former coastal Amazon rain forest, restinga and some salt marsh vegetation, reflecting the rise in the RSL. Rhizophora trees expanded markedly and Avicennia became rare. In the sediment core there is apparently a gap between the depths of 115 and 85 cm (possibly starting between 5900 and 5750 b.p.). The deposits above 85 cm are of modern age and were probably deposited during the last decades. This gap can be explained by the lowering of the RSL as is shown for other northern Brazilian coastal sites. The deposition of sediments during the last decades suggests that the modern RSL is high compared to other periods in the Holocene. Pollen data from these deposits show that Rhizophora trees dominate the mangrove forests, also indicating a high RSL.  相似文献   

Following a severe fire in 1986 on the estuarine raised mire of Cors Fochno, Wales, a larval transect was initiated across the burnt and unburnt sections to investigate the recovery of the rosy marsh moth Coenophila subrosea population. This paper reports the results of 16 years of surveillance and relates larval density to the growth of the main food plant, bog myrtle Myrica gale. Earlier suggestions that fire is a necessary management tool to maintain Myrica at a young stage of its growth appear unfounded and hydrological effects are probably sufficient to ensure rapid turnover of the foodplant. Eighteen years in which there has been no significant disturbance to the mire vegetation has not led to the predicted decline in the moth population. However, changes in vegetational composition are occurring as a result of conservation management to the hydrological regime of the mire and further studies will be required to investigate whether restoration of the peatland water table leads to a significant reduction in the abundance in food plants or a decline in the status of the rosy marsh moth.  相似文献   

The semi-diurnal tidal regime (≥2 m) in the Paria Gulf on the Atlantic coast of Venezuela, and the flat landscape of the region, allow the penetration for tens of km of marine waters into the rivers draining the northeastern coastal plain of the country. The levels of salinity, tidal flooding, and sedimentation decrease perpendicularly from the river channel toward the back swamps. The vegetation varies sequentially from fringe mangroves along the river margins, to back swamps containing forests dominated by Pterocarpus officinalis, herbaceous communities of Lagenocarpus guianensis, and palm swamps with Mauritia flexuosa, Chrysobalanus icaco, and Tabebuia spp. This environmental structure was used to test the hypotheses that: (a) mangrove distribution is strongly associated with salinity of interstitial water, and (b) they occupy areas where tidal influence and sediment dynamics determine a relatively open N cycle. Analyses of soil, water, and plants along a 1.5 km transect located near the confluence of the Guanoco and San Juan Rivers (Sucre and Monagas States, Venezuela) revealed that: (a) conductivity decreased from 11 to 0.2 mmhos cm−1 from the river fringe to the internal swamp, whereas Na in the same stretch decreased from 100 to 2 μM; (b) average leaf tissue concentrations of Na, P, and N decreased significantly along the transect; (c) P. officinalis showed a large Na-exclusion capacity indicated by positive K/Na ratios from 8 to 200, and Crinum erubescens counteracted Na by accumulating K above 1,000 mmol kg−1; (d) leaves varied widely in δ 13C (−25.5 to −32‰) and δ 15N (4 to −10.5‰) values. Samples were aggregated according to soil carbon content corresponding to those of the mangrove forest belt (5–28 mol C kg−1; 0–650 from river fringe) and those of the back swamps (40–44 mol C kg−1; 700–1,500 m from river fringe). The concentrations of Na, P, and N (in mmol kg−1) and δ 15N values (in ‰) were significantly higher in the mangrove forest compared to the back swamp (Na 213 vs. 88; P 41 vs. 16; N 1,535 vs. 727; δ 15N 1.5 vs. −3.7), indicating that the fringe forest was not nutrient limited. These results support the hypotheses that mangroves are restricted to the more-saline sections of the transect, and that the fringe forest has a more open N cycle, favoring 15N accumulation within the system.  相似文献   

Abstract. Succession, changes in the distribution pattern of forest vegetation, and Pinus forest survival following pine wilt disease were clarified based on phytosociological analysis and vegetation maps. Survival of Pinus forests was restricted to the early successional stages, which were located on ridges and the upper part of slopes. Subsequent to pine wilt disease, the succession progressed from early to late substages of Pinus forest, mixed deciduous and evergreen Quercus, to evergreen Quercus forest. Succession occurs in abandoned pine forests which apparently are in a bad state and are vulnerable to attacks by pine wilt disease.  相似文献   

The functional patterns of microbial communities (microbial respiration, enzyme activities, functional diversity) and the relevant physico-chemical characteristics of rhizospheric soils were studied during the process of mudflat colonization by mangrove. The study site is a fringe mangrove stand located in Montabo Bay at Cayenne (French Guiana). It is characterized by different vegetation development stages dominated by an assemblage of Avicennia germinans and Laguncularia racemosa. Rhizospheric and surface soils were collected from three stations based on successional stages of mangrove colonization: pioneer (P), coppice (C), and young forest (F). The microbial functional patterns showed significant progressive shifts along the mangrove vegetation profile. The P stages, those most influenced by tide currents, were macroscopically characterized by hydro-sedimentary instability and micro-phytobenthic colonization of mudflat. This stage, characterized by low total organic carbon (TOC) content and quality, showed the lowest extracellular enzymatic activities and the highest functional metabolic diversities. TOC quality analyses by 13C CPMAS NMR provided evidence of progressive TOC enrichment and an increasing imprint of aboveground vegetation on C quality as succession occurs. These differences in the origin, amount, and quality of soil organic matter (SOM) of older stages exerted both a quantitative and qualitative control over microbial functional responses. This indicated the enhancement of aboveground–belowground functional linkages, leading to the expression of high decomposition activities and a functional loss and specialization of rhizospheric microbial communities.  相似文献   

The precise characterisation of present-day mangrove ecosystems from modern pollen rain facilitates the accurate use of fossil pollen data for late Quaternary sea level and environmental reconstructions. Here, we investigate whether the analysis of pollen rain data corroborates existing floristic and structural characterisation of different mangrove types at the Caribbean island of San Andrés, Colombia. At 82 plots along 20 transects of four distinct mangrove types, samples were obtained of (i) surface sediments for pollen analysis, and (ii) a range of environmental parameters (including inundation levels, salinity and pH). This information was compared to previously sampled mangrove composition and tree basal area. In surface sediment samples 82 pollen taxa were found, from which 19 were present in the vegetation plots. However, because pollen may be transported by wind and/or watercourses, the overall floristic composition of the different forest types may not necessarily be reflected by the pollen spectra. Local vegetation (i.e. mangroves and beach) represented > 90% of the pollen spectra, while the regional one (i.e. hinterland forests) represented < 5% of it. Unlike the four mangrove types that were previously described in the vegetation, the analysis of pollen samples suggested only three distinct types of forest.The groups were characterised based on (i) the dominance of at least one of the true mangrove species from pollen data ordination and the presence of associated species, and (ii) their relationship with environmental parameters. Rhizophora was present in all plot samples, but did not contribute to forest type separation. In fact, just three true mangrove species proved reliable indicators of (i) high salinity and fringe mangroves (i.e. Avicennia), (ii) high pH levels and landward mangroves (i.e. Conocarpus), and (iii) natural or anthropogenic caused disturbance of forest stands (Laguncularia and associated Acrostichum fern). Hence our study confirms that mangrove pollen spectra can be accurately used to describe different mangrove environments for fossil based palaeoecological reconstructions.  相似文献   

Palaeobotanical and palynological data were analysed from the Mississippian localities of the north-western part of Russia. The distribution of various fossil plants in the studied area has been traced. The palynological assemblages were described and palaeoecologically analysed. Arborescent lycopsids played the main role in the palaecommunities. Arthrophytes did not significantly influence the composition of the assemblages under study. Pteridosperms dominated only in repopulate disturbed areas. It has been demonstrated that the forest mire vegetation type dominated during all studied time intervals while the non-forest mire gradually diminished. Palaeoecological interpretation of palynological data is generally supported by palaeobotanical data.  相似文献   

Abstract. In order to restore natural salt marsh in a 460‐ha nature reserve established in man‐made salt marsh in the Dollard estuary, The Netherlands, the artificial drainage system was neglected and cattle grazing reduced. Vegetation changes were traced through two vegetation surveys and monitoring of permanent plots over 15 yr after the management had been changed. Exclosure experiments were started to distinguish grazing effects from effects of increased soil waterlogging caused by the neglect of the drainage system. Both vegetation surveys and permanent plots demonstrated a dichotomy in vegetation succession. The incidence of secondary pioneer vegetation dominated by Salicornia spp. and Suaeda maritima increased from 0 to 20%, whereas the late‐successional (Phragmites australis) vegetation from 10 to 15%. Grazing intensity decreased towards the sea. The grazed area contracted landward, which allowed vegetation dominated by tall species to increase seaward. Grazing and increased waterlogging interacted in several ways. The impact of trampling increased, and in the intensively grazed parts soil salinity increased. This can probably be explained by low vegetation cover in spring. Framework Ordination, an indirect‐gradient‐analysis technique, was used to infer the importance of environmental factors in influencing changes in species composition. Many changes were positively or negatively correlated with soil aeration and soil salinity, whereas elevation was of minor importance. Grazing accounted for only a few changes in species frequency. Changes in permanent plots were greater during the first than during the second half of the study period. In exclosures that were installed halfway through the study period, there was a relatively rapid recovery of previously dominant species that had decreased during the first half of the study period. Species richness per unit area in the reserve increased. At the seaward side of the marsh, the altered management allowed succession to proceed leading to establishment of stands of Phragmites australis, whereas on the landward side, the combination of moderate grazing with neglect of the drainage system appeared an effective measure in maintaining habitats for a wider range of halophytic species.  相似文献   

Question: How do we distinguish between concurrent allogenic and autogenic forcings behind changing patterns in plant community structures during mire development? Location: Lakkasuo raised bog, southern Finland. Methods: Two radiometrically dated peat profiles were studied using high resolution plant macrofossil analysis. A combination of partial direct and indirect gradient analyses (CCA and DCA) was applied to quantify the role of different drivers of vegetation changes. Results: Autogenic hydroseral succession explained 16% of the compositional variation in the vegetation. Disturbance successions initiated by fire explained 15% of the variation in the hummock, but only 9% in the wetter lawn. The early post‐disturbance successional stages were characterized by Eriophorum vaginatum. After partialling out the effects of peat depth and time since fire, a moisture gradient explained 29% of variation in the hummock core and 26% in the lawn. The analyses also indicated alternation between species with a similar niche. This interaction gradient explained 26% and 31% of the compositional variation in the hummock and lawn, respectively. The similar order of species replacement from both cores supported the existence of general directional succession in mire vegetation, both during the mire development and after fire events. The autogenic succession was slow and gradual while the disturbance successions were episodic and fast. Conclusion: Our results support the paradigm of the complex nature of mire vegetation dynamics where several interlinked agents have simultaneous effects. The approach of combining partial ordinations developed here appeared to be a useful tool to assess the role of different environmental factors in controlling the vegetation succession.  相似文献   

Regeneration in fringe mangrove forests damaged by Hurricane Andrew   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Baldwin  Andrew  Egnotovich  Michael  Ford  Mark  Platt  William 《Plant Ecology》2001,157(2):151-164
Mangrove forests along many tropical coastlines are frequently andseverely damaged by hurricanes. The ability of mangrove forests to regeneratefollowing hurricanes has been noted, but changes that occur in vegetationfollowing disturbance by hurricane winds and storm tides have not been studied.We measured changes in plant community structure and environmental variables intwo fringe mangrove forests in south Florida, USA that experienced high windvelocities and storm tides associated with Hurricane Andrew (August1992). Loss of the forest canopy stimulated regeneration via seedlinggrowth and recruitment, as well as resprouting of some trees that survived thehurricane. Initial regeneration differed among species in both forests:Rhizophora mangle L. regenerated primarily via growth ofseedlings present at the time of the hurricane (i.e., release of advancerecruits), but many trees of Avicennia germinans(L.) Stearn and Laguncularia racemosa Gaertn.f.resprouted profusely from dormant epicormic buds. In one forest, which wasformerly dominated by Laguncularia, high densities ofRhizophora seedlings survived the hurricane and grew toform dense stands of saplings and small trees ofRhizophora. In the other forest, there were lowerdensitiesof surviving Rhizophora seedlings (possibly due tohigher storm tide), and extensive bare areas that were colonized byAvicennia, Laguncularia, andherbaceous species. This forest, predominantly Rhizophoraat the time of the hurricane, now contains stands of saplings and small treesofall three species, interspersed with patches dominated by herbaceous plants.These findings indicate that moderately damaged fringe forests may regenerateprimarily via release of Rhizophora advance recruits,leading to single-species stands. In severely damaged forests, seedlingrecruitment may be more important and lead to mixed-species stands.Regeneration of mangrove forests following hurricanes can involve differentpathways produced by complex interactions between resprouting capability,seedling survival, post-hurricane seedling recruitment, and colonizationby herbaceous vegetation. These differences in relative importance ofregeneration pathways, which may result in post-hurricane forestsdifferent from their pre-hurricane structure, suggest that models forregeneration of mangrove forests will be more complex than directregeneration models proposed for other tropical forests whereregeneration after hurricanes is dominated by resprouting.  相似文献   

To avoid submergence during sea‐level rise, coastal wetlands build soil surfaces vertically through accumulation of inorganic sediment and organic matter. At climatic boundaries where mangroves are expanding and replacing salt marsh, wetland capacity to respond to sea‐level rise may change. To compare how well mangroves and salt marshes accommodate sea‐level rise, we conducted a manipulative field experiment in a subtropical plant community in the subsiding Mississippi River Delta. Experimental plots were established in spatially equivalent positions along creek banks in monospecific stands of Spartina alterniflora (smooth cordgrass) or Avicennia germinans (black mangrove) and in mixed stands containing both species. To examine the effect of disturbance on elevation dynamics, vegetation in half of the plots was subjected to freezing (mangrove) or wrack burial (salt marsh), which caused shoot mortality. Vertical soil development was monitored for 6 years with the surface elevation table‐marker horizon system. Comparison of land movement with relative sea‐level rise showed that this plant community was experiencing an elevation deficit (i.e., sea level was rising faster than the wetland was building vertically) and was relying on elevation capital (i.e., relative position in the tidal frame) to survive. Although Avicennia plots had more elevation capital, suggesting longer survival, than Spartina or mixed plots, vegetation type had no effect on rates of accretion, vertical movement in root and sub‐root zones, or net elevation change. Thus, these salt marsh and mangrove assemblages were accreting sediment and building vertically at equivalent rates. Small‐scale disturbance of the plant canopy also had no effect on elevation trajectories—contrary to work in peat‐forming wetlands showing elevation responses to changes in plant productivity. The findings indicate that in this deltaic setting with strong physical influences controlling elevation (sediment accretion, subsidence), mangrove replacement of salt marsh, with or without disturbance, will not necessarily alter vulnerability to sea‐level rise.  相似文献   

This study used a plant bioassay to investigate the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) inoculum potential of soil from three vegetation types (fern, secondary forest, and grass) in an abandoned pasture in the tropical humid lowlands at La Selva, in northeastern Costa Rica. Growth, measured as seedling height, number of leaves, and total (above- and belowground) biomass, of Stryphnodendron microstachyum Poepp. et Endl. (Synon. S. excelsum Harms) seedlings was significantly lower when grown in soil inoculum from the fern areas than in soil inoculum from the forest and grass areas. However, S. microstachyum seedlings grown in the fern inoculum had significantly greater VAM colonization than seedlings grown in the forest and grass inoculum. In addition, roots collected from a dominant plant species from each of the three vegetation types showed that the fern (Nephrolepsis biserrata) had significantly greater mycorrhizal colonization than the tree (Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze or the grass (Brachiaria spp.). The results of this study suggest that differences in mycorrhizal inoculum potential among vegetation types and its effects on seedling growth may have important implications for the restoration and management of degraded lands.  相似文献   

Abstract. We examined the vegetation of the Southeast Saline Everglades (SESE), where water management and sea level rise have been important ecological forces during the last 50 years. Marshes within the SESE were arranged in well‐defined compositional zones parallel to the coast, with mangrove‐dominated shrub communities near the coast giving way to graminoid‐mangrove mixtures, and then Cladium marsh. The compositional gradient was accompanied by an interiorward decrease in total aboveground biomass, and increases in leaf area index and periphyton biomass. Since the mid‐1940s, the boundary of the mixed graminoid‐mangrove and Cladium communities shifted inland by 3.3 km. The interior boundary of a low‐productivity zone appearing white on both black‐and‐white and CIR photos moved inland by 1.5 km on average. A smaller shift in this ‘white zone’ was observed in an area receiving fresh water overflow through gaps in one of the SESE canals, while greater change occurred in areas cut off from upstream water sources by roads or levees. These large‐scale vegetation dynamics are apparently the combined result of sea level rise ‐ ca. 10 cm since 1940 ‐ and water management practices in the SESE.  相似文献   

We live in an era of unprecedented ecological change in which ecologists and natural resource managers are increasingly challenged to anticipate and prepare for the ecological effects of future global change. In this study, we investigated the potential effect of winter climate change upon salt marsh and mangrove forest foundation species in the southeastern United States. Our research addresses the following three questions: (1) What is the relationship between winter climate and the presence and abundance of mangrove forests relative to salt marshes; (2) How vulnerable are salt marshes to winter climate change‐induced mangrove forest range expansion; and (3) What is the potential future distribution and relative abundance of mangrove forests under alternative winter climate change scenarios? We developed simple winter climate‐based models to predict mangrove forest distribution and relative abundance using observed winter temperature data (1970–2000) and mangrove forest and salt marsh habitat data. Our results identify winter climate thresholds for salt marsh–mangrove forest interactions and highlight coastal areas in the southeastern United States (e.g., Texas, Louisiana, and parts of Florida) where relatively small changes in the intensity and frequency of extreme winter events could cause relatively dramatic landscape‐scale ecosystem structural and functional change in the form of poleward mangrove forest migration and salt marsh displacement. The ecological implications of these marsh‐to‐mangrove forest conversions are poorly understood, but would likely include changes for associated fish and wildlife populations and for the supply of some ecosystem goods and services.  相似文献   

The effect of human disturbance on mangrove forest may be substantially different from the effects of natural disturbances. This paper describes differences in vegetation composition and structure of five vegetation types in two mangrove areas near Darwin, Australia, 25 years after disturbance. The vegetation in clear-felled forest showed more adult Avicennia marina than in the hurricane-affected forest, and a virtual absence of A. marina juveniles and saplings. This indicates that A. marina will be replaced by other species in the canopy, showing a multi-phase vegetation development in mangrove forest after human disturbance. The mechanism of disturbance and the conditions after clearing therefore affects the vegetation composition for at least 25 years after this disturbance took place.  相似文献   

Mangrove forests are rapidly expanding their distribution in New Zealand, which is at the southern limit of their range. We investigated how these expanding mangrove forests develop through time. We assessed patterns in forest structure and function at the Firth of Thames, which is a rapidly accreting mangrove site in New Zealand where 1 km of mangrove of Avicennia marina has established seaward since the 1950s. Across the intertidal region, mangrove forest structure was highly variable. We used bomb-pulse radiocarbon dating to age the forest. Two major forest establishment events were identified; one in 1978–1981 and another in 1991–1995. These events coincided with sustained El Niño activity and are likely the result of reduced wind and wave energy at the site during these periods. We used the two forests of different ages to assess whether mangroves in New Zealand mature at similar rates as other mangroves and whether they conform to classic models of succession. The timing of forest maturation is similar in New Zealand as in more tropical locations with trees exhibiting features of mature forests as they age from about 10 to about 30 years. In older forest (~30 years old) trees become larger and stands more homogenous than in the younger forest (~10 years old). Carbon and nutrient concentrations in soils increased and soils become more aerobic in older forest compared to younger forest. Additionally, using fertilization experiments, we established that despite reduced growth rates in older forests, nitrogen remained limiting to growth in both older and young forests. However, in contrast to classic successional models leaf tissue nutrient concentrations and nutrient conservation (nutrient resorption from senescence leaf tissue) were similar in forests of differing ages and did not vary with fertilization. We conclude that mangrove forest expansion in New Zealand is influenced by climatic factors. Mangrove forests mature rapidly, even at the limits of their range and they satisfy many of the successional patterns predicted by Odum (1969) for the early stages of forest succession.  相似文献   

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