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Densities of Corixidae (Hemiptera), larval Odonata, and large larval Trichoptera were estimated in the littoral zone of small lakes in an acid-stressed area near Sudbury, Ontario. Fish were present in some lakes and absent in others, and fishless lakes occurred across a wide range of pH. Corixidae were significantly more abundant in lakes without fish than in lakes with fish, and their numbers were not related to the pH of fishless lakes. Anisoptera (Odonata) larvae tended to be more numerous in benthic samples from fishless lakes than from lakes with fish, and their exuviae were significantly more abundant around fishless lakes. In most lakes, the assemblage was dominated by three species; Leucorrhinia glacialis, Libellula julia, and Cordulia shurtleffi. In lakes containing white sucker, Catostomus commersoni, Gomphus spp. were most numerous. In the most acid fishless lakes, L. julia was uncommon, and L. glacialis was extremely abundant. In fishless lakes, numbers of Anisoptera larvae and exuviae were negatively correlated with pH, though species richness was positively correlated with pH. Exuviae of Zygoptera (Odonata) were more abundant around fishless lakes, irrespective of pH. Larvae of Limnephilus (Trichoptera) were most abundant in non-acid fishless lakes, and absent at pH<5.2. Abundances of Banksiola (Trichoptera) were negatively correlated with the pH of fishless lakes.  相似文献   

Fish larvae assemblages in the Gulf of California   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distributional diversity and assemblages of fish larvae in the Gulf of California indicated two main seasonal stages and two transitional periods: in winter, the tropical water mass is confined to the south‐east portion of the mouth of the Gulf and larval fish assemblages are dominated by subtropical and temperate‐subarctic species; in summer; tropical water invades the Gulf and assemblages are dominated by tropical species. Both seasonal stages are separated by transitional periods coinciding with strong latitudinal temperature gradients. During the autumn and spring transitional periods, the Gulf of California splits into three regions: a northern region where temperate and subarctic species spawn from autumn to spring, a southern region dominated by tropical and subtropical species year round and a central region where tropical and temperate assemblages merge. Seasonal changes in the location of the regions, as well as the borders between them, show expansion and contraction of the northern and southern faunas related to the general oceanic circulation patterns during the year.  相似文献   

生物多样性监测和保护过程中通常用到指示类群,然而对于这些指示类群有效性的测度仍然十分欠缺.为探讨不同类群水生昆虫群落的一致性及空间因子、环境变量的相对影响,作者于2010年4月对东苕溪流域源头溪流21个采样点进行了调查.共记录水生昆虫7目44科92属130种.我们将水生昆虫群落划分成鞘翅目(C)、蜉蝣目+襀翅目+毛翅目(EPT)和双翅目+广翅目+蜻蜒目(DMO)3个类群.一致性分析结果表明:3个类群的群落一致性(r)较高,分别为C对EPTr=0.65 (P<0.001)、C对DMO r=0.67 (P<0.001)、EPT对DMO r=0.82 (P<0.001).方差分解表明环境变量是影响不同类群水生昆虫群落结构的主要因素,空间因子的影响相对较小.环境因子中影响不同类群水生昆虫群落的关键变量大体相似,其中海拔、pH、平均流速和化学需氧量是最主要的驱动因子.我们的结果表明该研究区域不同类群的水生昆虫群落一致性很高,且对环境变量的响应也相似;因此,在水生昆虫生物多样性保护中可考虑利用其中的某一类群,如蜉蝣目+襀翅目+毛翅目(EPT)类群,作为有效的指示类群.  相似文献   

Variation in plant traits among plant species may promote the development of a characteristic functional assemblage of insect herbivores associated with each plant species. However, only a small number of studies have detailed the representation of several herbivore guilds among co‐occurring plant species to determine whether the functional structure of herbivorous insect assemblages varies widely and consistently among plant species. The present study provides one of the few published data sets reporting on the density of several guilds of insect herbivores among numerous plant species. Variation in guild associations with plant phenology and season are also described. Insect herbivores were divided into 10 guilds, and the representation of these guilds was examined for 18 co‐occurring plant species. Guild densities and assemblage composition varied significantly among plant species, even when variation over time was taken into account. Variation in guild densities and assemblage composition were not strongly related to the taxonomic relationships of the plants. The highest densities of several guilds occurred in spring and summer, although other guilds were not strongly seasonal. Certain guilds were strongly associated with the presence of new leaves, whereas other guilds appeared to prefer mature leaves. This resulted in assemblage differences between samples containing new and mature leaves and samples containing mature leaves only. Even though the timing and duration of leaf and flower production varied among plant species, this did not explain all variation in guild densities among plant species. It is suggested that additional factors, including plant traits, are contributing to the wide and consistent variation in herbivore assemblage composition among plant species.  相似文献   

During the flood season of 1992–1993, 139 species of fishes were collected from a floodplain lake system in the central Amazon Basin. Fish species distribution was examined relative to abiotic variables in seven vegetation strata on Marchantaria Island, Solimões River. Both environmental variables and species distributions were influenced by a river channel to floodplain-interior gradient. Species diversity was significantly higher in vegetated areas than in unvegetated areas, with deeper water Paspalum repens stands harbouring the highest diversity. As a result, species richness and catches were positively related to habitat complexity, while catch was also negatively related to dissolved oxygen (DO) and water depth. Low DO and shallow waters appeared to act as a refuge from predation. Fish assemblages were related to water chemistry, but species richness was not. Canonical correspondence analysis provided evidence that floodplain fish assemblages formed by the 76 most common species were influenced by physical variables, macrophyte coverage and habitat complexity, which jointly accounted for 67% of the variance of fish species assemblages. Omnivores showed no pattern relative to the river channel to floodplain-interior gradient while detritivores were more likely to be found at interior floodplain sites and piscivores closer to the river. Piscivores could be further separated into three groups, one with seven species associated with free-floating macrophytes in deep water, a second with five species found in shallow waters with rooted grasses and a third with six open water orientated species. The results suggest that fish assemblages in the Amazon floodplain are not random associations of species.  相似文献   

1. Classification of European lake fish assemblages can be based on fish‐assemblage structure or morphological, geographical, physical and chemical lake attributes. However, substantial gaps in knowledge exist with respect to the correspondence between both classification approaches. 2. Here, we compiled fish assemblage data from 165 lakes situated in the European ‘Central Plains’ ecoregion. Cluster analysis of fish abundances was performed to compare fish assemblage types of the entire ecoregion with those from previous country‐specific studies. Nonparametric group comparisons, classification trees and partial canonical ordinations were used to infer the correspondence between fish assemblage types and morphology, geographical position and nutrient concentration of the lakes. 3. Three distinct fish assemblages were revealed: vendace (Coregonus albula), ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) lake types. Both latitude and lake depth were the best determinants of lake type, but total phosphorus (TP) concentrations were also important. Vendace lakes were deep and had low TP concentrations, whereas the shallower ruffe and roach lakes had higher TP values. Roach lakes were more frequent in the north‐west area of the ecoregion, whereas ruffe lakes were more often found south of the Baltic Sea. 4. Controlling for the influence of nutrient concentration showed that lake morphology and geographical position were important determinants of fish assemblages. However, the variance explained was low (<20%), implying that biological interactions may also be important in forming the lake‐specific fish assemblages. 5. The results suggest that fish assemblages differ between deep and shallow lakes, and between the north‐west and south‐east locations within the Central Plains ecoregion. Accordingly, establishment of depth‐related lake morphotypes is needed, and the European ecoregions recommended to be used in evaluation systems according to the Water Framework Directive seem to be too coarse to reflect the subtle differences of fish species richness along geographical gradients.  相似文献   

Four oxbow lakes and two neighbouring sections of their parent Warta River (Odra River system, Poland) were sampled to investigate differences in fish assemblages between habitats in 1999–2000. Additional comparisons were made with 12 other oxbow lakes in this section of the river that were sampled 30–40 years ago. Downstream of a man‐made reservoir, higher species number, diversity and evenness were recorded in oxbow lakes than in the river channel. Upstream of the reservoir, differences in these variables from both habitats were insignificant. Fluvial and stagnant water samples were clearly separated in the multivariate space of a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA). For two oxbow lakes and two neighbouring sections of the Warta River, 12 abiotic and biotic environmental variables were available, and only velocity, water temperature and conductivity were significantly correlated with canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) axes. Fish assemblages of four recently investigated oxbow lakes were clearly separated in the multivariate space of DCA from other neighbouring oxbows sampled 30–40 years ago. Species previously subdominant were becoming rare. Oxbow lakes that are continuously or at least periodically connected with the channel are indispensable for maintaining high biodiversity and a sustainable fishery in the river system.  相似文献   

Biological diversity can be divided into: alpha (α, local), beta (β, difference in assemblage composition among locals), and gamma (γ, total diversity). We assessed the partitioning of taxonomic diversity of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) and of functional feeding groups (FFG) in neotropical savanna (southeastern Brazilian cerrado) streams. To do so, we considered three diversity components: stream site (α), among stream sites (β1), and among hydrologic units (β2). We also evaluated the association of EPT genera composition with heterogeneity in land use, instream physical habitat structure, and instream water quality variables. The percentage of EPT taxonomic α diversity (20.7%) was smaller than the β1 and β2 diversity percentages (53.1% and 26.2%, respectively). The percentage of EPT FFG collector-gatherer α diversity (26.5%) was smaller than that of β1 diversity (55.8%) and higher than the β2 (17.7%) diversity. The collector-gatherer FFG was predominant and had the greatest β diversity percentage among stream sites (β1, 55.8%). Our findings support the need for implementing regional scale conservation strategies in the cerrado biome, which has been degraded by anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

Estuarine and lagoonal surveys of Socotra Island and selected sites on the Hadhramout coast of Yemen were conducted with the objective of documenting and analysing fish diversity and assemblage structure. A total of 74 species in 35 families were recorded, among which 65 species in 32 families were from Socotra and 20 species in 17 families were from mainland Yemen. Twenty‐one species represent new faunal records for Socotra. Including historic records re‐examined in this study, the total fish species richness of estuaries and lagoons of Socotra Island reaches 76, which is relatively high compared to species inventories of well‐researched coastal estuaries in southern Africa. Five species dominate the occurrence and abundance frequencies: Terapon jarbua, Hyporhamphus sindensis, Aphanius dispar, Ambassis gymnocephala and Chelon macrolepis. Rarefaction and extrapolation analyses suggest that the actual number of fish species inhabiting some of those estuaries might be higher than the one observed. Thus, additional sampling at specific sites should be conducted to record other less conspicuous species. Ordination and multivariate analyses identified four main distinct assemblage clusters. Two groups are geographically well structured and represent northern Socotra and mainland Yemen, respectively. The other two assemblage groups tend to be determined to a greater extent by the synchrony between physical (e.g. estuary opening periods) and biological (e.g. spawning and recruitment periods) variables than by geographical location. Finally, the single intertidal lagoon of Socotra represents by itself a specific fish assemblage. The high proportion of economically important fish species (38) recorded underscores the paramount importance of these coastal water bodies as nursery sites, and for sustaining vital provisioning ecosystem services.  相似文献   

The assemblages of aquatic insects are important members of water ecosystems. Based on former studies among the most important factors structuring the assemblages are numerous abiotic ones, such as the sort and the particle size of the substratum. Most of the sampling protocols, e.g. AQEM, determine microhabitats based on those. Nevertheless, we have no information yet about whether or not these different, precisely determined microhabitats have different assemblages. In this study we compared the aquatic insect assemblages of different microhabitat types in three seasons using ADONIS and linear discriminant analyses. We proved that seasonal changes of abiotic factors had a major role in structuring the assemblages. In spring and summer the assemblages differed significantly, however, in autumn no significant differences were found. We supposed that the variation among the assemblages was due to the abundance patterns of frequent species instead of the presence of rare or sparse species. The indicator species analyses also corroborated this suppososition while symmetrical indicator species were not found.  相似文献   

A manipulative field experiment was performed to determine the effect of birds, subsidized by aquatic insect emergence, on the insect herbivores in a riparian deciduous forest. Insectivorous birds were observed more frequently in the riparian forest than in upland forest away from the stream, utilizing both herbivorous insects feeding on the riparian vegetation and aquatic insects emerging from the stream as their prey. Field experiments revealed that the insect herbivore population in the riparian forest was more depressed by bird predation than that in the upland forest. This suggests that allochthonous prey input to the in situ prey population was responsible for a modification in the interaction between birds and herbivorous insects, resulting in a heterogeneous food web structure in the forest.  相似文献   

  1. Acoustic population monitoring is a noninvasive method that can be deployed continuously over long periods of time and at large spatial scales. One of the newly discovered threats acting on biological diversity is anthropogenic noise. High levels of anthropogenic noise occur in aquatic environments, yet their effects on animals living in freshwater habitats have very rarely been investigated.
  2. Here, we used acoustic monitoring and automatic detection to assess the acoustic activity of a population of a soniferous freshwater insect.
  3. The sounds emitted by the corixid Micronecta scholtzi were recorded in a Mediterranean pond with an array of 12 hydrophones. An automatic analysis based on a measure of the amplitude found in the frequency band of M. scholtzi was developed to assess the level of acoustic activity. We used functional linear models, accounting for the periodicity of the calling behaviour, to estimate the possible effect of temperature, vegetation and a noise due to an immersed engine.
  4. The automatic analysis was validated as an efficient method to measure the acoustic activity. The monitoring revealed a clear 24-hr pattern in the acoustic activity of M. scholtzi and three peaks of activity during the morning. Functional linear models revealed negative effects of both temperature and vegetation and showed that an engine noise, played back for 2 hr during the night, elicited an increase in the level of acoustic activity of the population. Moreover, a cross-correlation procedure showed that noise delayed the acoustic activity of the population.
  5. Our results suggest that acoustic survey and automatic detection are efficient methods to monitor the acoustic activity of an insect population especially in response to an anthropogenic disturbance.

SUMMARY 1. Piscivore stocking at artificially high densities and fishing are the two common approaches to reduce the amount of planktivorous and benthivorous fish in lake biomanipulation programmes. Both measures have advantages and disadvantages, but their relative efficacy has not previously been directly compared.
2. We calculated the average annual catch of roach and bream in a lake undergoing long-term biomanipulation (Feldberger Haussee, Germany) by seining each year between 1992 and 1998. We compared this value with a bioenergetics estimate of annual consumption rates of the dominant cohorts of piscivores, pikeperch and pike, in 1997 and 1998. We also determined species composition and length distribution of prey fish in stomachs of the piscivores.
3. Roach was the dominant prey species of both pikeperch and pike, whereas bream was rarely taken by either piscivorous species. Seining removed on average larger specimens of roach than were found in the stomachs of the piscivores.
4. Based on stocking densities of the piscivores, published mortality rates, and individual consumption rates, feeding of pikeperch and pike on roach exceeded the manual removal of roach by seining by a factor of 4–15 (biomass) in 1997 and 1998.
5. Based on these results, a combination of fishing and piscivore enhancement is recommended. Whereas the stocks of adult roach and bream have to be reduced mainly by fishing, the predation of piscivores should be directed predominantly towards the juvenile zooplanktivorous fish. Therefore, small size-classes of piscivorous fish should be promoted by fisheries management, including stocking and harvest regulations.  相似文献   

Dispersal is the movement of organisms across space, which has important implications for ecological and evolutionary processes, including community composition and gene flow. Previous studies have demonstrated that dispersal is influenced by body condition; however, few studies have been able to separate the effects of body condition from correlated variables such as body size. Moreover, the results of these studies have been inconsistent with respect to the direction of the relationship between condition and dispersal. We examined whether body condition influences dispersal in backswimmers (Notonecta undulata). We also tested whether an interaction between body condition and predation risk (another proximate factor that influences dispersal) could contribute to the previously observed inconsistent relationship between condition and dispersal. We imposed diet treatments on backswimmers in the laboratory, and measured the effects of food availability on body condition and dispersal in the field. We found that dispersal was a positive function of body condition, which may have important consequences for population characteristics such as the rate of gene flow and population growth. However, the effects of body condition and predation risk were additive, not interactive, and therefore, our data do not support the hypothesis that the interaction between condition and predation risk contributes to the inconsistency in the results of previous condition‐dependent dispersal studies.  相似文献   

Aims:  To explore the association of microbial community structure with the development of eutrophication in a large shallow freshwater lake, Lake Taihu.
Methods and Results:  The bacterial and archaeal assemblages in sediments of different lake areas were analysed using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of amplified 16S rDNA fragments. The bacterial DGGE profiles showed that eutrophied sites, grass-bottom areas and relatively clean sites with a eutrophic (albeit dredged) site are three respective clusters. Fifty-one dominant bacterial DGGE bands were detected and 92 corresponding clones were sequenced, most of which were affiliated with bacterial phylotypes commonly found in freshwater ecosystems. Actinobacteria were detected in the centre of the lake and not at eutrophied sites whereas the opposite was found with respect to Verrucomicrobiales . Twenty-five dominant archaeal DGGE bands were detected and 31 corresponding clones were sequenced, most of which were affiliated with freshwater archaeal phylotypes.
Conclusions:  The bacterial community structures in the sediments of different areas with similar water quality and situation tend to be similar in Taihu Lake.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This study may expand our knowledge on the relationship between the overall microbial assemblages and the development of eutrophication in the shallow freshwater lake.  相似文献   

1. To improve mechanistic understanding of plankton responses to eutrophication, a mesocosm experiment was performed in the shallow littoral zone of a south Swedish lake, in which nutrient and fish gradients were crossed in a fully factorial design. 2. Food chain theory accurately predicted total biomass development of both phyto‐ and zooplankton. However, separating zooplankton and algae into finer taxonomic groups revealed a variety of responses to both nutrient and fish gradients. 3. That both nutrients and fish are important for phytoplankton dynamics was seen more clearly when viewing each algal group separately, than drawing conclusions only from broad system variables such as chlorophyll a concentration or total phytoplankton biovolume. 4. In some taxa, physiological constraints (e.g. sensitivity to high pH and low concentrations of free CO2) and differences in competitive ability may be more important for the biomass development than fish predation, grazing by herbivorous zooplankton, and nutrient availability. 5. We conclude that food chain theory accurately predicted responses in system variables, such as total zooplankton or algal biomass, which are shaped by the dynamics of certain strong interactors (‘keystone species’), such as large cladocerans, cyanobacteria and edible algae (<50 μm), whereas responses at finer taxonomic levels cannot be predicted from current theory.  相似文献   

We removed the surface-orienting aquatic insects from a fishless pond to determine their predation effects on zooplankton behavior and size structure. A second fishless pond served as the unmanipulated reference system in this two year study. In the reference pond and the treatment pond prior to manipulation, daphnids exhibited pronounced diel vertical migrations. Following the removal of surface-orienting aquatic insects from the treatment pond, daphnid migration changed to a reverse migration strategy that was significantly different from that observed in the reference system. Average daphnid body size increased significantly following predator removal in the treatment system. Our data indicate that predation by aquatic insect predators, such as notonectids and dytiscids, may affect daphnid migration behavior in fishless systems. Vertical migration by daphnids may allow coexistence with surface-orienting insects in ponds that are deep enough to provide a spatial refuge from these predators.  相似文献   

We assessed effects of groundwater pumping to elevate lake levels on lake water chemistry and fish population metrics at seven Florida lakes. Following groundwater pumping, lake level fluctuation was reduced and lake water samples increased in mean pH, total alkalinity, total phosphorus, chloride and Secchi depth compared to historical means, indicating a close resemblance to the chemistry of aquifer water in the region. Fish community metrics from the augmented lakes were compared to 36 non-augmented lakes in Florida. The mean values for catch per unit effort, species richness and biomass of harvestable fishes, determined by electrofishing, were lower in augmented lakes compared to non-augmented lakes. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated a high probability of a low abundance of individual species in augmented lakes compared to a majority of non-augmented lakes. The augmented lake with the lowest pumping rate exhibited less of a shift in limnological variables from historical values, and had fish population characteristics more closely resembling those of non-augmented lakes. Thus, reduced volumes of groundwater introduction could lower impacts to limnological and fish population characteristics. Augmentation allows for lakes to be utilized for recreational activities, and without augmentation some lakes in central Florida would likely go dry due to groundwater withdrawals for water supply. Therefore, allowing more natural water level fluctuations and possible reductions in total pumpage are recommended to reduce impacts to limnological and fish population characteristics, while still allowing sufficient groundwater pumping to preserve lake habitats.  相似文献   

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