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R. H. Cherry 《BioControl》1979,24(1):35-39
Seasonally acclimatized citrus blackfly (CBF),Aleurocanthus woglumi Ashby, and its parasite,Amitus hesperidum Silv. were exposed to extreme temperatures for 3-hour periods and survivorship measured. In summer experiments, the LD50 for CBF adults and 1st instar nymphs occurred between 40° and 45°C. The LD50 forA. hesperidum adults occurred between 35° and 40°C and increased with decreased humidity, although some adults could continue to emerge from parasitized CBF up to 45°C. In winter experiments, the LD50 for CBF eggs and adults occurred between ?5° and ?10°C and for other CBF stages between ?10° and ?15°C. The LD50 for adultA. hesperidum, and survival and emergence of the parasites from CBF both occurred between ?10° and ?15°C. Comparing data from the 2 seasons shows that adults are the most temperature sensitive stage of CBF and the parasite is more temperature sensitive than CBF, especially at higher temperatures. Correlating lethal temperature data with field meteorological conditions shows that short-term temperature exposures cannot be expected to stop the potential spread of CBF orA. hesperidum through Florida.  相似文献   

Searching behavior ofAmitus hesperidum Silvestri andEncarsia opulenta (Silvestri) for immatureAleurocanthus woglumi Ashby was similar. Both parasitoids moved unidirectionally until they encountered a host aggregation at which time they changed to a pattern of short walks with numerous turns. Parasitoid ovipositor insertion was generally at midbody between the host sternites and tergites.Amitus hesperidum females showed a significant preference for 1st instar hosts, have an ovipositional marker, do not feed on exudates from ovipositional wounds (host feed), and have significantly shorter ovipositional times and adult life spans thanE. opulenta which showed a significant preference for 2nd instar hosts, lack an ovipositional marker, and host feed.Encarsia opulenta females showed a significant preference for hosts previously parasitized byA. hesperidum but the reverse was not true. The average number of hosts parasitized by females of both parasitoid species was uninfluenced by the previous presence of the other parasitoid species on the same leaf.  相似文献   

Three species of laboratory-reared parasites of citrus blackfly,Aleurocanthus woglumi Ashby, were released at Fort Lauderdale, Florida in 1976 following discovery of this citrus pest in residential properties there.Amitus hesperidum Silv. andProspaltella opulenta Silv. were recovered 6 weeks after release and sharp increases in the rate of parasitism were observed throughout the season. Seven months after the initial release, 100% parasitism of citrus blackfly pupae was observed at some release sites, and 95% of the original release sites were found positive for the parasite. Observations after 1 year showed significant levels of parasitism over a large area. The rapid establishment and increase of these parasite species indicate that environmental conditions and the host at Fort Lauderdale are suitable for these species and that they may well provide control of the pest.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory choice tests in which searching adultEncarsia opulenta Silvestri were exposed to variable densities of citrus blackfly,Aleurocanthus woglumi Ashby, indicated the following: (1) a direct functional relationship between adult parasite aggregation and host density, resulting in (2) a direct density-dependent mortality ofA. woglumi within a single generation timespan. The implications of such nonrandom searching patterns byE. opulenta on stability of the host-parasite interaction on Texas citrus are discussed.  相似文献   

From November, 1976 until October, 1979 citrus blackfly,Aleurocanthus woglumi Ashby and its parasite populations were sampled monthly in urban areas of Broward County, Florida. During this period, the parasites,Amitus hesperidum Silvestri andProspaltella opulenta Silvestri became established and exerted control onA. woglumi populations. Parasite succession was noted in thatA. hesperidum was first abundant and later replaced in abundance byP. opulenta. The 2 parasite species continued to coexist and exert mortality on low pest populations in spite of chemical spraying used for eradication showing that integrated control ofA. woglumi is a definite possibility now that the pest is well established in Florida.
Résumé De novembre 1976 à octobre 1979, on a échantillonné mensuellement dans les zones urbaines du Comté de Broward, Floride, les populations de la mouche noire des citrus,Aleurocanthus woglumi Ashby et de ses parasites. Pendant cette période les parasites,Amitus hesperidum Silvestri etProspaltella opulenta Silvestri se sont établis et ont limité les populations deA. woglumi. Une succession dans les parasites a été notée:A. hesperidum fut abondant d'abord et remplacé ensuite en fréquence parP. opulenta. Les 2 espèces ont continué à coexister et causent la mortalité des faibles populations du ravageur malgré les traitements chimiques utilisés pour l'éradication; ce qui montre la possibilité d'une lutte intégrée contreA. woglumi maintenant que ce ravageur est bien établi en Floride.

J. R. Quezada 《BioControl》1974,19(3):243-254
The citrus blackfly,Aleurocanthus woglumi Ash., was first observed in El Salvador in 1965. Its dispersal was followed during a three-year period (1969–1972) in which it infested most citrus orchards in the country. Indigenous natural enemies as the predatorsDelphastus sp. andChrysopa sp., and the pathogenic fungusAschersonia aleyrodis Web. are unable to exert any economic control of the pest. The introduction of the parasiteProspaltella opulenta Silvestri from Mexico brought about the successful biological control of the pest. Life table studies carried out before and after introduction of the parasite helped to assess the value ofP. opulenta as an effective natural enemy of the citrus blackfly.
Résumé L'Aleurode des citrus,Aleurocanthus woglumi Ash. a été observé pour la première fois en Salvador en 1965. Son extension a été suivie pendant trois ans de 1969 à 1972, au cours desquels il a envahi la plupart des vergers d'agrumes du pays. Les ennemis naturels indigènes, tels que les prédateursDelphastus sp. etChrysopa sp. ainsi que le champignon pathogèneAschersonia aleyrodis Web. ne sont pas capables d'avoir un effet économiquement satisfaisant. L'introduction du Mexique du parasiteProspaltella opulenta Silvestri a été un succès pour la lutte biologique contre ce ravageur. L'étude des tables de vie effectuée avant et après cette introduction confirme la valeur deP. opulenta comme ennemi naturel officace de l'Aleurode des citrus.

Encarsia deserti n.sp., a parasite ofBemisia tabaci Gennadius is described. It resemblesE. formosa Gahan, but has a light brown head and thorax, is smaller, and is biparental. This species was found in Southern California and Arizona parasitizingB. tabaci and was introduced into Israel for the control of this pest.  相似文献   

Tachinaephagus zealandicus Ashmead was reared from puparia ofProtocalliphora n. sp. [Dip.], representing a new host record for this parasitoid. The habitat ofProtocalliphora is qualitatively different than those of all previously recorded hosts for this parasitoid.T. zealandicus has been imported from Australia and New Zealand and this record strengthens the belief that it has become established in California.  相似文献   

Telenomus remus Nixon, a scelionid egg parasite of Lepidoptera, was released against fall armyworm,Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), near Homestead, Florida U.S.A. from May 1975 — May 1977. A small percentage (4.5) of the egg masses collected were parasitized byT. remus, however no recoveries were made in the months following the final release. An egglarval parasite,Chelonus insularis (=texanus) (Cresson), was reared from 50% of the larvae from eggs collected.T. remus apparently was not established in Florida.
Résumé Telenomus remus Nixon, scelionide parasite des œufs de lépidoptères, a été laché contreSpodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) près de Homestead en Floride, de mai 1975 à mai 1977. Un faible pourcentage des pontes récoltées (4,5%) se révélèrent parasitée parT. remus, cependant aucun parasite ne fut retrouvé dans les mois qui suivirent le dernier lacher. Un parasite ovo-larvaire,Chelonus insularis (=texanus) (Cresson) a été obtenu à partir de 50% des larves issues des œufs récoltés. ApparemmentT. remus n'a pas été établi en Floride.

The parasitoidEphedrus cerasicola Starý oviposited in all 4 nymphal instars and in newly moulted adults ofMyzus persicae (Sulzer). The different host categories were offered with no choice. The duration of an oviposition increased with the age of nymphs, being about 13, 18, 21, 22, and 17 s from 1 st instars to adults, respectively. Observations of number of stabbing attacks prior to oviposition, percent of the encounters not resulting in oviposition, time from first encounter to oviposition, handling time and aphid defensive behaviour also indicated that 1 st instarM. persicae are most easily parasitized. The behaviour ofE. cerasicola in encounters with unparasitized and parasitized hosts, suggested that the parasitoid could discriminate. In encounters with parasitized 1 st to 4th instar aphids,E. cerasicola used only the antennae in 80% of the encounters that resulted in discrimination.  相似文献   

The exotic root weevil egg parasite,Tetrastichus haitiensis Gahan, imported from Puerto Rico and released in Florida between 1969 and 1971, was found established on citrus root weevil egg masses in 1978 near Oakhill, Florida. It was also recovered there from field-collected weevil egg masses from June to August 1978 and from citrus bouquets containing egg masses placed in the grove during July and August 1978. In addition, a new species ofTrichogramma was discovered. In the laboratory, this species parasitized egg masses of 4 species of weevils that attack citrus in Florida. These areDiaprepes abbreviatus (L.),Pachnaeus litus (Germar),P. opalus (Olivier) andArtipus floridanus Horn.  相似文献   

A survey of black scaleSaissetia oleae (Olivier) parasitoids present in southern California was conducted between September 1987 and September 1989. From 308 collections of black scale-infested citrus, olive, and oleander twigs from 19 sites in southern California, 1,610 specimens were collected. Nine primary and six secondary parasitoid species were identified. Four primary species were abundant in southern California:Metaphycus bartletti Annecke & Mynhardt,M. helvolus (Compere),Scutellista caerulea (Fonscolombe) (=S. cyanea Motschulsky), andDiversinervus elegans Silvestri. The most common secondary parasitoids wereMarietta mexicana (Howard),Cheiloneurus noxius Compere, andTetrastichus minutus (Howard). In the coastal region of southern California,M. bartletti was the most abundant parasitoid, followed in order byD. elegans, S. Caerulea, andM. helvolus. In the intermediate and interior regions,M. helvolus was most abundant.D. elegans was second most abundant in the intermediate region, but was rare in the interior region.M. bartletti was second in abundance in the interior region and third in the intermediate region.   相似文献   

In a laboratory study 150 sorghum plants were infested with greenbugs,Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), of ages 1, 3, and 5 days in densities of 5, 10, and 20 aphids per plant. Seventy-five of these infested plants were exposed to mated femaleLysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson), and the number of aphids leaving each plant in a 4-hr period was recorded. Of the 75 plants exposed to parasitoids, an average of 41.0% of the aphids left the plants, compared to 0.9% from the 75 control plants. Twenty-six of the 75 parasitoids used in the experiment were inactive in the presence of aphids, showing no interest in searching for hosts. The number of inactive parasitoids was inversely related to the number of aphids per plant. When only those plants exposed to active parasitoids were considered, an average of 62.8% of the aphids left. To determine the fate of greenbugs leaving plants on hot, sunny, summer days, a small field test was performed in which greenbugs were knocked from plants onto soil exposed to direct sunlight. Air temperature was ca. 29°C and soil temperatures ranged from 45°C to 54°C. Twenty-four greenbugs were knocked to the soil, and all of them ceased activity within 10 seconds and were apparently dead.  相似文献   

Y. Ohnuma  Y. Kainoh 《BioControl》1992,37(2):327-332
The developmental interaction between the egg/larval parasitoid,Ascogaster reticulatus Watanabe (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and its host,Adoxophyes sp. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) was examined. Prior to the egress of a final-instar parasitoid larva from the 4th-instar host larva, host weight decreased by 22% from the maximum weight. The final body weight of a host larva was 27% of the maximum weight of a healthy 5th-instar host. Food consumption was significantly reduced in both 3rd-and 4th-instar parasitized larvae compared with healthy ones. In the 4th instar, a parasitized larva consumed 28% less artificial diet and produced less frass than a healthy larva. The growth rate of the endoparasitoid larvae greatly increased after their host's molt to the 4th instar. Parasitoid larval volume increased 40 fold in the 4th-instar host.   相似文献   

The displacement ofAnagyrus antoniaae Timberlake byNeodusmetia sangwani (Rao) was demonstrated by reduced parasitism by the former in two localities after the latter was introduced into these sites. The competitive factors were: (1) the host-regulative action ofN. sangwani maintained a low host reciprocal balance, and (2) the inability of the female ofA. antoninae at the prevailing host density to find hosts sufficient for reproduction. The lack of competitiveness ofA. antoninae was a result of its inability to develop at high vapor deficits.  相似文献   

Adult femaleLophyroplectus luteator (Thunb.) oviposit in all feeding stages ofNeodiprion sertifer (Geoff.), although they prefer the smallest of any larvae present at a given time. Females tend to distribute eggs contagiously both within and between host feeding colonies. Eclosion of eggs does not occur until after the host has spun its cocoon. Larval development then requires approximately 1 month in the laboratory. There is an obligatory eonymphal diapause which requires a minimum of 60–80 days at 2°C to fulfil, and post-diapause development requires 3–4 weeks.  相似文献   

Significantly more eggs were deposited by the braconid,Pholetesor ornigis (Weed), in the sap-feeding larvae (i.e. instars 1–3), than in the tissue-feeding larvae (i.e. instars 4–5), of its host, the spotted tentiform leafminer,Phyllonorycter blancardella (Fabr.).  相似文献   

The citrus whiteflyDialeurodes citri Ashmead is one of the most important insect pests of citrus groves on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and on the Caspian Sea coast of the Talysh Mountains; it is the most important citrus pest of trench cultivation in Central Asia and in glasshouses. The parasitoidEncarsia lahorensis Howard was introduced in 1983 into Russia (Moscow) from Pakistan. It was reared in a laboratory of the All-Russian Plant Quarantine Institute. The parasitoid was released as follows: in 1985 in Adzharia (Batumi); in 1987 in a glasshouse in Russia (near Moscow) and in 1988-1990 in Central Asia - Uzbekistan (Namangan) and other regions. It established well in all places of release. The rate of parasitization ofD. citri byE. lahorensis reached 50–52% in the orchard in Batumi five years after the first release, 56–60% in the glasshouse in Moscow three years after the first release, and 50% in trenches in Namangan two years after the first release. Levels of the pest populations decreased dramatically in the glasshouse and trenches. The efficiency of the additional feeding ofE. lahorensis adults on the host larvae was evaluated to 26 to 60%. The differences between populations of the parasitoid in the three different areas are discussed.  相似文献   

O'neil  Robert J.  Cate  James R. 《BioControl》1985,30(4):375-384
BioControl - Laboratory studies of competition between populations of 2 parasitoids of the cotton boll weevil,Anthonomus grandis Boheman, showed that populations ofCatolaccus grandis (Burks)...  相似文献   

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