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Hatchery‐reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar ( n  = 25) and wild anadromous brown trout (sea trout) Salmo trutta ( n  = 15) smolts were tagged with coded acoustic transmitters and released at the mouth of the River Eira on the west coast of Norway. Data logging receivers recorded the fish during their outward migration at 9, 32, 48 and 77 km from the release site. Seventeen Atlantic salmon (68%) and eight sea trout (53%) were recorded after release. Mean migratory speeds between different receiver sites ranged from 0·49 to 1·82 body lengths (total length) per second (bl s−1) for Atlantic salmon and 0·11–2·60 bl s−1 for sea trout. Atlantic salmon were recorded 9, 48 and 77 km from the river mouth on average 28, 65 and 83 h after release, respectively. Sea trout were recorded 9 km from the release site 438 h after release. Only four (23%) sea trout were detected in the outer part of the fjord system, while the rest of the fish seemed to stay in the inner fjord system. The Atlantic salmon stayed for a longer time in the inner part than in the outer parts of the fjord system, but distinct from sea trout, migrated through the whole fjord system into the ocean.  相似文献   

The community structure of trophically transmitted intestinal helminths of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post‐smolts was highly variable among four fjords in Norway. There were no severely pathogenic parasite species. Post‐smolts from the southernmost Trondheimsfjord had a higher diversity of freshwater parasite species compared to the three northern fjords (Tanafjord, Altafjord and Malangen). In contrast, the highest diversity and proportion of marine species was found in the three northern fjords. Post‐smolts were generally more infected with marine parasites in the outer rather than inner parts of all of the fjords. The prevalence of the acanthocephalan Echinorynchus gadi (range: 13–42%) and marine trematodes (range: 14–47%) was higher in post‐smolts in outer zones of the northern fjords than in fish from Trondheimsfjord (0 and 6%, respectively). The within‐fjord variability and north‐south geographical gradient in parasite infection patterns reflected differences in marine feeding of the post‐smolts on potential intermediate hosts such as amphipods ( E. gadi ) and fish larvae (trematodes), which were higher in the northern fjords (range: 27–28 and 67–85%, respectively) than in Trondheimsfjord (5 and 19%, respectively). High intensities of marine parasites suggest that some post‐smolts from northern fjords may have a prolonged fjord‐feeding compared to those from Trondheimsfjord. Parasites of both freshwater and marine origin appear to be suitable as bio‐indicators of feeding and migratory pattern of Atlantic salmon post‐smolts and preadults during their seaward migration.  相似文献   

Discriminant function analysis was used to distinguish morphologically between samples of parr, smolts and adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar from several hatchery and river systems in Ireland. The effect of habitat shift was investigated in Atlantic salmon parr. Parr grown from the eyed‐egg stage with a non‐sibling group in a hatchery environment, came to resemble the mean body shape of their host hatchery Atlantic salmon stock more closely than that of a full sibling group grown at their natal hatchery. Wild Atlantic salmon smolts differed in shape from hatchery‐reared smolts. This difference was less pronounced, but still statistically significant when wild adults were compared with hatchery‐reared adults captured in the coastal drift‐net fishery after a year spent at sea. Rearing conditions had a significant impact on the production and growth of fish body shape. This in turn may have affected adaptability and survivorship of ranched Atlantic salmon in the marine environment.  相似文献   

The survival of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in the Baltic Sea was examined in relation to smolt traits (length and origin) and annual environmental factors [sea surface temperature (SST) and seasonal North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index], and prey fish abundance (herring Clupea harengus and sprat Sprattus sprattus) in the main basin and the southern Gulf of Bothnia. The study was based on recapture data for Carlin‐tagged hatchery‐reared and wild smolts from the Simojoki, a river flowing into the northern Gulf of Bothnia. The survival of the wild and reared groups was analysed using an ANOVA model and a stepwise regression model, with the arcsin‐transformed proportion of recaptured fish as the response variable. The results demonstrated a combined influence of smolt traits and environmental factors on survival. For the reared Atlantic salmon released in 1986–1998 (28 groups), the increasing annual mean SST in July in the southern Gulf of Bothnia and increasing mean smolt size improved survival. If the SST in July was excluded from the model, the NAO index in May to July also had a positive effect on survival (P < 0·10). The log10‐transformed abundance of 0+ year herring in the southern Gulf of Bothnia entered the model (P < 0·15) if the SST and NAO index were excluded. For the wild Atlantic salmon released in 1972–1993 (21 groups), only the increasing SST in July showed a significant association with improved survival (P = 0·004). Prey fish abundance in the main basin of the Baltic Sea had no influence on the survival of reared or wild smolt groups. The interaction between smolt size and the SST in July was not significant. The origin was a better, but not a significant, predictor of marine survival compared to the smolt size or the SST in July. The mean recapture rate of the wild groups was twice that of the reared groups in the whole data. The results suggest that cold summers in the Gulf of Bothnia reduce the survival of young Atlantic salmon in both wild and reared groups. The larger smolt size of the reared groups compared with the wild groups to some extent compensated for their lower ability to live in the wild.  相似文献   

The effect of varying the density of hatchery‐reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar on the ability of single wild fish to occupy a shelter is assessed. Although there was strong density‐dependence on sheltering overall, the ability of wild Atlantic salmon parr to occupy a shelter was not affected by the presence of hatchery‐reared fish even when outnumbered by four to one. These findings illustrate a competitive asymmetry for shelter in favour of the wild fish at the densities tested.  相似文献   

Until July, post-smolt salmon Salmo salar ( n =337; 129–375 mm L T, mean 225 mm) in the Bothnian Sea relied largely on surface fauna (mainly terrestrial insects). From August onwards, fish was the principal food type. The smallest piscivorous post-smolts were <200 mm, but the main shift to piscivory occurred at sizes of 240–320 mm. Piscivory was promoted by a large smolt size. Almost all one-sea-winter (1-SW) salmon ( n =316; 278–524 mm, mean 397 mm) were piscivorous. Over 70% of the post-smolt and 96% of the 1-SW salmon with identifiable fish species in their stomachs had preyed on herring Clupea harengus. Other fish prey included the ten-spined Pungitius pungitius and three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteusaculeatus but no sprats Sprattus sprattus. The results support earlier observations of a close relationship between recruitment of herring and production of salmon in the Bothnian Sea, and of the crucial role of smolt size in determining the ability of feeding salmon for utilizing the food resources of the area.  相似文献   

What little is known about the seaward migration of Salmo salar smolt migration through standing waters indicates that it is both slow and results in high mortality rates, compared with riverine migration. This may be partly because smolts in lakes need to swim more actively and require more complex directional cues than they do in rivers. In this telemetry study of smolt migration through Loch Lomond, S. salar smolts made repeated movements in directions away from the outflowing river, which considerably increased migration time.  相似文献   

The early marine migration of 55 Atlantic salmon post‐smolts tagged with acoustic transmitters was automatically monitored using 13 to 25 km long arrays of receivers deployed inside the Bay of Fundy, a coastal system on the east coast of Canada. The survival of post‐smolts from groups with short‐ and long‐term transmitters in coastal habitat up to 10 km from the river was 92 to 100%, indicating a successful transition to salt water and departure. Migration for 68 to 77% of post‐smolts followed a direct route and it was rapid (transit time usually <12 h). Post‐smolts initially migrated in a south to south‐west direction ( i.e . orientation towards the mouth of the bay) and they were aggregated near the coast. Post‐smolts with long‐term transmitters were monitored 20 km from the river where they continued to be aggregated, moving near the coast through a 'common corridor', and their survival to that point was at least 84%. Post‐smolts from both groups travelled heading out of the coastal system during ebb tides. Flood tides interrupted migration, and they caused changes in travel direction and delays in departure for post‐smolts not leaving by a direct route. Monitoring of coastal habitat inside the Bay of Fundy intercepted 62% of migrating post‐smolts with long‐term transmitters returning after an initial absence of 2 to 22 days. Returning post‐smolts displayed a resident behaviour, using the habitat monitored inside the Bay of Fundy during July and August.  相似文献   

The greatest numbers of Atlantic salmon smolts were caught at Uskmouth power station during the day on the flood tide and the least on an ebbing night tide. Catch rates during the day on an ebb tide and at night on a flood tide represented an intermediate state. The results, together with tracking data, suggest that salmon smolts prefer to migrate seaward through the lower Usk estuary during the night Oncc an ebbing tide.  相似文献   

Following exposure to a predator stimulus (a brown trout Salmo trutta ), the opercular rate of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar fry increased by 35·3 ± 11·0%(mean ± 95% CI). The time taken for opercular rate to decline to baseline levels depended upon the occurrence of any associated locomotory activity. Opercular rates of fish that dashed when exposed remained elevated for 38·2 ± 20·6 min, whereas those of individuals that did not move ('freezers') recovered within 7·2 ± 2·9 min. The duration that opercular rate remained elevated was positively correlated with the magnitude of the elevation, which was higher in 'dashers' than freezers. The maximum opercular rate in 'freezers' was similar between wild fry and hatchery‐reared fry (from wild parents). There was a significant delay, however, in hatchery compared with wild fry in the time until peak ventilatory response and onset in the decline phase. This difference in opercular response suggests that hatchery fish were slower to realize fully the potential danger from the predator. Any delay in response could be directly attributed to the effect of hatchery‐rearing environment, rather than domestication or hatchery selection effects.  相似文献   

Microsatellite DNA variation was used to assess the outcome of stocking Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and migratory trout Salmo trutta in River Sävarå, N Sweden. No information on pre‐stocking genetic composition of S. salar and S. trutta in River Sävarå was available. In 2 year‐classes of S. salar smolt, microsatellite data indicated that post‐stocking genetic composition differed markedly (FST= 0·048) from the main donor strain, Byskeälven S. salar, and from other Gulf of Bothnia S. salar stocks (FST 0·047 and 0·132). The STRUCTURE programme failed to detect any substructuring within Sävarå salmon. It was concluded that only minor introgression estimated to a proportion of 0·11 (95% CI 0·07–0·16) has occurred in S. salar. Salmo trutta showed overall low differentiation among populations with maximum FST of 0·03 making analysis more cumbersome than in S. salar. Still, the SävaråS. trutta deviated significantly from potential donor populations, and STRUCTURE software supported that majority of trout in Sävarå formed a distinct genetic population. Admixture was more extensive in S. trutta and estimated to 0·17 (95% CI 0·10–0·25).  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon straying from the River Imsa   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Mean estimated straying rate for Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. leaving the River Imsa as smolts during 1976–1999 was 15% for hatchery fish and 6% for wild conspecifics. Hatchery Atlantic salmon selected for production traits during four or more generations strayed >50%. The straying rate was higher for Atlantic salmon staying 2 rather than 1 year at sea before attaining maturity. For spawning, 96% of the strays entered streams within 420 km from the River Imsa, and c . 80% entered streams within 60 km of the mouth of the River Imsa, whether the fish were wild or hatchery released. Within the 60 km zone, the number of strays caught in a river increased with the Atlantic salmon catch in that river, but there was no significant relationship between straying rate and water discharge or distance from the river to the River Imsa. The observed straying rate of hatchery Atlantic salmon decreased with increasing number of fish entering the River Imsa. Sexual maturation as parr did not influence the tendency to stray. The results suggest that the establishment of temporary zones, free of fish farms, outside important Atlantic salmon rivers by the fisheries authorities in Norway should be large, whole fjords, to be effective.  相似文献   

Fifty‐three one‐sea‐winter Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (45–63 cm L T) were radio‐tagged in the Tana fjord, Barents Sea, in 1995. Thirty‐seven fish (70%) entered the freshwater zone of the River Tana in an average of 3 days after release in the fjord. The migration speeds in the lowest river section below the first riffle area were significantly higher than in the subsequent river section below the second riffle area. Similarly, the observed time spent in the first riffle area was significantly lower than in the next riffle area. The majority of Atlantic salmon entered the river during the hours of high tide and the subsequent ebb tide. In addition, most river entries were recorded around midnight. No effects of river flow on the river entry or migration speed were detected, but the migration speed of Atlantic salmon in both river sections examined was greater at lower temperatures. Twenty‐eight fish (72%) were recaptured in the river, 71% of them with weirs and gillnets, and 29% by rod and line. Over half of the Atlantic salmon (54%) were recaptured within 3 weeks following river entry, and within the first 100 km of the river (56%). The results are discussed in relation to earlier studies on multi‐sea‐winter Atlantic salmon in the River Tana.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at 24 enzymatic loci was investigated in eight south European Atlantic salmon populations from the rivers Nivelle, Cares, Sella, Narcea, Esva, Navia, Porcia and Eo. In these rivers, management based on supplementation of native populations with foreign stocks was carried out for more than one decade. Population genetic patterns expressed in terms of allele frequencies, mean heterozygosity and conformity to Hardy‐Weinberg equilibrium, were significantly different between populations. Relevant temporal changes of genetic variability were reported. Evidence that foreign stocking has disturbed the genetic patterns of some of the studied populations is presented.  相似文献   

Dominance relationships between pairs of Atlantic salmon parr of known size were assessed at various times during their first year of life. In tests conducted between first feeding and early July, the larger of two fish was dominant in only 54% of pairs, regardless of the magnitude of the size difference between the fish. In September, there was a stronger association between size and status, especially in pairs with a large size differential, where the dominant was larger in 72% of cases. In groups of parr tested in April of the following year, there was no relationship between size and status, the larger of two fish being dominant in 48% of cases, regardless of the magnitude of the size differential. This result suggests that status in early social interactions may depend on behavioural properties rather than size and that the larger size of dominant fish reported in a number of salmonids might be a consequence and not a cause of high status.  相似文献   

Backcalculated lengths at the end of the first growth season in wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar differed significantly between parr smolting at age 1, 2 and 3 years over a period of 11 years (i.e. 1983–1993). Mean body lengths of the respective age groups at the end of the first growth period were 11·1, 6·2 and 4·7 cm, respectively. The mean percentage distribution of fish smolting at age 1, 2 and 3 was 14, 78 and 7%, and the mean smolt age was 1·95 years. Mean lengths at smolting of age groups 1, 2 and 3 were 13·6, 15·8 and 17·5 cm, respectively. Females outnumbered males among the downstream migrating smolts with a mean sex ratio (females/ males) estimated at 1·61, with a significant female surplus in 7 of the 11 years sampled. Of the smolts sampled, 14% exhibited enlarged gonads indicative of parr maturation, and all were males (37% of the parr males sampled). Mean annual smolt density from 1975 to 1996 was 13·4 individuals 100 m−2 ranging between 0·3–31 smolts 100 m−2. Mean densities (100 m−2) of the smolts aged 1, 2 and 3 years were 1·5, 9·3 and 0·9 fish, respectively. Mean annual biomass for the 22-year period (1975–1996) was estimated at 437 g 100 m−2, with a range of variation from 136 to 683 g 100 m−2. Smolt age 2 made up 81% of the mean annual biomass (355 g 100 m−2) and smolt age 1 and 3, 8% (35 g 100 m−2) and 11% (47 g 100 m−2), respectively.  相似文献   

Stomach content analyses were conducted on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post‐smolt (average size, 119–154 mm fork length, L F) caught in eight large Norwegian fjord systems along a north–south geographical axis during 1998–2001. In general, post‐smolts from southern Norway showed low feeding intensity in the fjords, whereas extensive feeding was observed in fjords in the northern and middle parts of Norway. The marine diet mainly included different crustaceans and in particular marine pelagic fish larvae (sand-eels Ammodytes spp., herring Clupea harengus and gadoids), but with a substantial spatial and annual variation in prey diversity and feeding intensity. Insects were most frequently taken in the estuary, although fishes often made a large contribution in mass. In contrast, fishes, and to some extent various crustaceans (particularly Hyperiidae, Gammaridae, Euphausiacea and Copepoda) dominated the diet in the middle and outer parts of the fjords, where post‐smolts also fed more extensively than in the inner part. The results indicate that extensive feeding immediately after sea entrance may be more common for post‐smolts in the northern and middle parts of Norway, than in the southern fjords. The observed differences in post‐smolt feeding may be due to spatial and temporal differences in prey availability within and between the different types of fjord systems, and this might influence post‐smolt growth and survival.  相似文献   

Nocturnal underwater counts of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr were made on four consecutive occasions (two lunar cycles, samplings at both the full and new moon) at four 40 m long sites in the Sainte‐Marguerite River, Québec, Canada, between 30 June and 14 August 2003. Atlantic salmon parr counts did not differ significantly between moon phases. Cloud cover ranged from 0 to 100% during the study, and had no significant effect on parr counts. There were significantly more Atlantic salmon parr in the near shore than in the midstream areas. The findings of this study suggest that the sampling strategy of summer studies aimed at assessing population abundance or developing habitat quality models can be designed without taking moon phase or cloud cover into consideration, but it should account for the higher relative abundance of Atlantic salmon parr in the near shore areas as compared to areas closer to the middle of streams.  相似文献   

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