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We examined the hypothesis that elevated CO2 concentration would increase NO3 absorption and assimilation using intact wheat canopies (Triticum aestivum cv. Veery 10). Nitrate consumption, the sum of plant absorption and nitrogen loss, was continuously monitored for 23 d following germination under two CO2 concentrations (360 and 1000 μmol mol–1 CO2) and two root zone NO3 concentrations (100 and 1000 mmol m3 NO3). The plants were grown at high density (1780 m–2) in a 28 m3 controlled environment chamber using solution culture techniques. Wheat responded to 1000 μmol mol–1 CO2 by increasing carbon allocation to root biomass production. Elevated CO2 also increased root zone NO3 consumption, but most of this increase did not result in higher biomass nitrogen. Rather, nitrogen loss accounted for the greatest part of the difference in NO3 consumption between the elevated and ambient [CO2] treatments. The total amount of NO3-N absorbed by roots or the amount of NO3-N assimilated per unit area did not significantly differ between elevated and ambient [CO2] treatments. Instead, specific leaf organic nitrogen content declined, and NO3 accumulated in canopies growing under 1000 μmol mol–1 CO2. Our results indicated that 1000 μmol mol–1 CO2 diminished NO3 assimilation. If NO3 assimilation were impaired by high [CO2], then this offers an explanation for why organic nitrogen contents are often observed to decline in elevated [CO2] environments.  相似文献   

Two cultivars of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cvs. Alexandria and Hanno) and three cultivars of winter wheat (cvs. Riband, Mercia and Haven) were grown at two concentrations of CO2 [ambient (355 pmol mol?1) and elevated (708 μmol mol?1)] under two O3 regimes [clean air (< 5 nmol mol?1 O3) and polluted air (15 nmol mol?1 O3 at night rising to a midday maximum of 75 nmol mol?1)] in a phytotron at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Between the two-leaf stage and anthesis, measurements of leaf gas-exchange, non-structural carbohydrate content, visible O3 damage, growth, dry matter partitioning, yield components and root development were made in order to examine responses to elevated CO2 and/or O3. Growth at elevated CO2 resulted in a sustained increase in the rate of CO2 assimilation, but after roughly 6 weeks' exposure there was evidence of a slight decline in the photosynthetic rate (c.-15%) measured under growth conditions which was most pronounced in the winter cultivars. Enhanced rates of CO2 assimilation were accompanied by a decrease in stomatal conductance which improved the instantaneous water use efficiency of individual leaves. CO2 enrichment stimulated shoot and root growth to an equivalent extent, and increased tillering and yield components, however, non-structural carbohydrates still accumulated in source leaves. In contrast, long-term exposure to O3 resulted in a decreased CO2 assimilation rate (c. -13%), partial stomatal closure, and the accumulation of fructan and starch in leaves in the light. These effects were manifested in decreased rates of shoot and root growth, with root growth more severely affected than shoot growth. In the combined treatment growth of O3-treated plants was enhanced by elevated CO2, but there was little evidence that CO2 enrichment afforded additional protection against O3 damage. The reduction in growth induced by O3 at elevated CO2 was similar to that induced by O3 at ambient CO2 despite additive effects of the individual gases on stomatal conductance that would be expected to reduce the O3 flux by 20%, and also CO2-induced increases in the provision of substrates for detoxification and repair processes. These observations suggest that CO2 enrichment may render plants more susceptible to O3 damage at the cellular level. Possible mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

Straw from wheat plants grown at ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations was placed in litterbags in a grass fallow field and a wheat field. The CO2 treatment induced an increase in straw concentration of ash‐free dry mass from 84% to 93% and a decrease in nitrogen concentration from 0.43% to 0.34%. After five months of decomposition, less than 50% of the straw was decomposed. The content of ash‐free dry mass remaining in straw from plants grown at elevated CO2 was significantly higher than that from plants grown at ambient CO2 (4.02 vs. 3.69 g AFDM per litterbag in the fallow field and 3.40 vs. 2.67 g AFDM per litterbag when buried in the wheat field). The immobilization of nitrogen during decomposition was significantly higher in the ambient straw, and there was a significant negative correlation between the content of organic matter remaining per litterbag and the nitrogen concentration in the recovered straw samples. After five months of decomposition, hyphal biomass was significantly lower in straw from plants grown at elevated CO2 (? 30% and ?13% in the fallow and wheat field, respectively). Bacterial biomass was not significantly affected by the CO2 induced changes in the litter quality, but the lower decomposition rate and fewer bacterial grazers in the straw from plants grown at elevated CO2 together indicate reduced microbial activity and turnover. Notwithstanding this, these data show that growth at elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration results in slower decomposition of wheat straw, but the effect is probably of minor importance compared to the effect of varying crops, agricultural practise or changing land use.  相似文献   

Two clones of 5-year-old Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] were exposed to two atmospheric concentrations of CO2 (350 and 750 μmol mol?1) and O3 (20 and 75nmolmol?1) in a phytotron at the GSF-Forschung-szentrum (Munich) over the course of a single season (April to October). The phytotron was programmed to recreate an artificial climate similar to that at a high elevation site in the Inner Bavarian Forest, and trees were grown in large containers of forest soil fertilized to achieve contrasting levels of potassium nutrition, designated well-fertilized or K-deficient. Measurements of the rate of net CO2 assimilation were made on individual needle year age classes over the course of the season, chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics were recorded after approximately 23 weeks, and seasonal changes in non-structural carbohydrate composition of the current year's foliage were monitored. Ozone was found to have contrasting effects on the rate of net CO2 assimilation in different needle age classes. After c. 5 months of fumigation, elevated O3 increased (by 33%) the rate of photosynthesis in the current year's needles. However, O3 depressed (by 30%) the photo-synthetic rate of the previous year's needles throughout the period of exposure. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements indicated that changes in photosystem II electron transport played no significant role in the effects of O3 on photosynthesis. The reasons for the contrasting effects of O3 on needles of different ages are discussed in the light of other recent findings. Although O3 enhanced the rate at which CO2 was fixed in the current year's foliage, this was not reflected in increases in the non-structural carbohydrate content of the needles. The transfer of ambient CO2-grown trees to a CO2-enriched atmosphere resulted in marked stimulation in the photosynthetic rate of current and previous year's foliage. However, following expansion of the current year's growth, the photosynthetic rate of the previous year's foliage declined. The extent of photosynthetic adjustment in response to prolonged exposure to elevated CO2 depended upon the clone, providing evidence of intraspecific variation in the long-term response of photosynthesis to elevated CO2. The increase in photosynthesis induced by CO2 enrichment was associated with increased foliar concentrations of glucose, fructose and starch (but no change in sucrose) in the new growth. CO2 enrichment significantly enhanced the photosynthetic rate of K-deficient needles, but there was a strong CO2soil interaction in the current year's needles, indicating that the long-term response of trees to a high CO2 environment may depend on soil fertility. Although the rate of photosynthesis and non-structural carbohydrate content of the new needles were increased in O3-treated plants grown at higher levels of CO2, there was no evidence that elevated CO2 provided additional protection against O3 damage. Simultaneous exposure to elevated O3 modified the effects of elevated CO2 on needle photosynthesis and non-structural carbohydrate content, emphasizing the need to take into account not only soil nutrient status but also the impact of concurrent increases in photochemical oxidant pollution in any serious consideration of the effects of climate change on plant production.  相似文献   

Genotypic variability was studied in two Mediterranean grass species, Bromus erectus and Dactylis glomerata , with regard to the response to CO2 of leaf total non-structural carbohydrate concentration ([TNC]lf), specific leaf area (SLA), and leaf carbon and nitrogen concentrations ([C]lf and [N]lf, respectively). Fourteen genotypes of each species were grown together on intact soil monoliths at ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations (350 and 700 μmol mol−1, respectively). In both species, the most consistent effect of elevated CO2 was an increase in [TNC]lf and a decrease in leaf nitrogen concentration when expressed either as total dry mass [Nm]lf, structural dry mass [Nmst]lf or leaf area [Na]lf. The SLA decreased only in D. glomerata , due to an accumulation of total non-structural carbohydrates and to an increase in leaf density. No genotypic variability was found for any variable in B. erectus , suggesting that genotypes responded in a similar way to elevated CO2. In D. glomerata , a genotypic variability was found only for [Cst], [Nm]lf, [Nmst]lf and [Na]lf. Since [Nm]lf is related to plant growth and is a strong determinant of plant–herbivore interactions, our results suggest evolutionary consequences of elevated CO2 through competitive interactions or herbivory.  相似文献   

Effects of environmental conditions influencing photosynthesis and photorespiration on senescence and net protein degradation were investigated in segments from the first leaf of young wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Arina) plants. The segments were floated on H2O at 25, 30 or 35°C in continuous light (PAR: 50 or 150 µmol m−2 s−1) in ambient air and in CO2‐depleted air. Stromal enzymes, including phosphoglycolate phosphatase, glutamine synthetase, ferredoxin‐dependent glutamate synthase, phosphoribulokinase, and the peroxisomal enzyme, glycolate oxidase, were detected by SDS‐PAGE followed by immunoblotting with specific antibodies. In general, the net degradation of proteins and chlorophylls was delayed in CO2‐depleted air. However, little effect of CO2 on protein degradation was observed at 25°C under the lower level of irradiance. The senescence retardation by the removal of CO2 was most pronounced at 30°C and at the higher irradiance. The stromal enzymes declined in a coordinated manner. Immunoreactive fragments from the degraded polypeptides were in most cases not detectable. However, an insolubilized fragment of glycolate oxidase accumulated in vivo, especially at 25°C in the presence of CO2. Detection of this fragment was minimal after incubation at 30°C and completely absent on blots from segments kept at 35°C. In CO2‐depleted air, the fragment was only weakly detectable after incubation at 25°C. The results from these investigations indicate that environmental conditions that influence photosynthesis may interfere with senescence and protein catabolism in wheat leaves.  相似文献   

1. There have been no reports of the long-term responses of the desiccation-tolerant (DT) plants to elevated CO2. Xerophyta scabrida is a DT woody shrub, which loses chlorophylls and thylakoids during desiccation: a so-called poikilochlorophyllous desiccation-tolerant species (PDT). When the leaves of X. scabria are allowed to desiccate, the species shows many of the normal features of (P)DT plants.
2. However, the duration of photosynthesis in X. scabria is prolonged by 300% when the measurements are made at 700 as opposed to 350p.p.m. CO2. The implication is that the carboxylating enzymes must still have been active at this time to enable appreciable photosynthetic activity. This response could have far-reaching implications for the success of such species in a future climate.
3. Lichens and mosses, representing the homoiochlorophyllous DTs (HDT), retain their chlorophyll content and photosynthetic apparatus during desiccation. We show the desiccation responses of two common HDT species ( Cladonia convoluta and Tortula ruralis ) to elevated CO2 for comparison. Both HDT species showed increased net CO2 uptake in the material grown at high CO2 by more than 30% in moss and by more than 50% in lichen. It is concluded that desiccation-tolerant plants will be among the main beneficiaries of a high CO2 future.  相似文献   

Spring wheat cv. Minaret was grown to maturity under three carbon dioxide (CO2) and two ozone (O3) concentrations in open-top chambers (OTC). Green leaf area index (LAI) was increased by elevated CO2 under ambient O3 conditions as a direct result of increases in tillering, rather than individual leaf areas. Yellow LAI was also greater in the 550 and 680 μmol mol–1 CO2 treatments than in the chambered ambient control; individual leaves on the main shoot senesced more rapidly under 550 μmol mol–1 CO2, but senescence was delayed at 680 μmol mol–1 CO2. Fractional light interception (f) during the vegetative period was up to 26% greater under 680 μmol mol–1 CO2 than in the control treatment, but seasonal accumulated intercepted radiation was only increased by 8%. As a result of greater carbon assimilation during canopy development, plants grown under elevated CO2 were taller at anthesis and stem and ear biomass were 27 and 16% greater than in control plants. At maturity, yield was 30% greater in the 680 μmol mol–1 CO2 treatment, due to a combination of increases in the number of ears per m–2, grain number per ear and individual grain weight (IGW). Exposure to a seasonal mean (7 h d–1) of 84 nmol mol–1 O3 under ambient CO2 decreased green LAI and increased yellow LAI, thereby reducing both f and accumulated intercepted radiation by ≈ 16%. Individual leaves senesced completely 7–28 days earlier than in control plants. At anthesis, the plants were shorter than controls and exhibited reductions in stem and ear biomass of 15 and 23%. Grain yield at maturity was decreased by 30% due to a combination of reductions in ear number m–2, the numbers of grains per spikelet and per ear and IGW. The presence of elevated CO2 reduced the rate of O3-induced leaf senescence and resulted in the maintenance of a higher green LAI during vegetative growth under ambient CO2 conditions. Grain yields at maturity were nevertheless lower than those obtained in the corresponding elevated CO2 treatments in the absence of elevated O3. Thus, although the presence of elevated CO2 reduced the damaging impact of ozone on radiation interception and vegetative growth, substantial yield losses were nevertheless induced. These data suggest that spring wheat may be susceptible to O3-induced injury during anthesis irrespective of the atmospheric CO2 concentration. Possible deleterious mechanisms operating through effects on pollen viability, seed set and the duration of grain filling are discussed.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. Minaret was grown in open-top chambers (OTCs) in 1995 and 1996 under three carbon dioxide (CO2) and two ozone (O3) levels. Plants were harvested regularly between anthesis and maturity to examine the rate of grain growth (dG/dt; mg d–1) and the rate of increase in harvest index (dHI/dt;% d–1). The duration of grain filling was not affected by elevated CO2 or O3, but was 12 days shorter in 1995, when the daily mean temperature was over 3 °C higher than in 1996. Season-long exposure to elevated CO2 (680 μmol mol–1) significantly increased the rate of grain growth in both years and mean grain weight at maturity (MGW) was up to 11% higher than in the chambered ambient air control (chAA; 383 μmol mol–1). However, the increase in final yield obtained under elevated CO2 relative to the chAA control in 1996 resulted primarily from a 27% increase in grain number per unit ground area. dG/dt was significantly reduced by elevated O3 under ambient CO2 conditions in 1995, but final grain yield was not affected because of a concurrent increase in grain number. Neither dG/dt nor dHI/dt were affected by the higher mean O3 concentrations applied in 1996 (77 vs. 66 nmol mol–1); the differing effects of O3 on grain growth in 1995 and 1996 observed in both the ambient and elevated CO2 treatments may reflect the contrasting temperature environments experienced. Grain yield was nevetheless reduced under elevated O3 in 1996, primarily because of a substantial decrease in grain number. The data obtained show that, although exposure to elevated CO2 and O3 individually or in combination may affect both dG/dt and dHI/dt, the presence of elevated CO2 does not protect against substantial O3-induced yield losses resulting from its direct deleterious impact on reproductive processes. The implications of these results for food production under future climatic conditions are considered.  相似文献   

Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L., ev. Mercia) was grown in a controlled-environment facility at two CO2 concentrations (targets 350 and 700 μmol mol?1), and two temperature regimes (tracking ambient and ambient + 4°C). Observations of phenology, canopy growth, dry matter production and grain yield were used to test the ARCWHEAT1 simulation model. Dry-matter production and grain yield were increased at elevated CO2 concentration (27 and 39%, respectively) and reduced at increased temperature (?16 and ?35%, respectively). ARCWHEAT1 substantially underestimated canopy growth for all treatments. However, differences in the facility environment from field conditions over the winter, indicated by the unusually rapid canopy growth observed in this period, meant that empirical model relationships were being used outside the conditions for which they were developed. The ARCWHEAT productivity submodel, given observed green area indices as inputs, overestimated the effect of CO2 on productivity. An alternative, more mechanistic submodel of productivity, based on the SUCROS87 and Farquhar & von Caemmerer models, simulated observed crop biomass very closely. When these productivity simulations were inputed into the ARCWHEAT1 partitioning and grain-fill submodels, grain yield was predicted poorly, mainly as a result of the assumption that the number of grains is proportional to total growth during a short pre-anthesis phase. While yield was not correlated with growth in this phase, it was correlated with growth in longer pre-anthesis phases, indicating that ARCWHEAT1 could be improved by taking into account the contribution of earlier growth in determining yield.  相似文献   

Arid ecosystems, which occupy about 35% of the Earth's terrestrial surface area, are believed to be among the most responsive to elevated [CO2]. Net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) was measured in the eighth year of CO2 enrichment at the Nevada Desert Free‐Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) Facility between the months of December 2003–December 2004. On most dates mean daily NEE (24 h) (μmol CO2 m?2 s?1) of ecosystems exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2 were similar to those maintained at current ambient CO2 levels. However, on sampling dates following rains, mean daily NEEs of ecosystems exposed to elevated [CO2] averaged 23 to 56% lower than mean daily NEEs of ecosystems maintained at ambient [CO2]. Mean daily NEE varied seasonally across both CO2 treatments, increasing from about 0.1 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1 in December to a maximum of 0.5–0.6 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1 in early spring. Maximum NEE in ecosystems exposed to elevated CO2 occurred 1 month earlier than it did in ecosystems exposed to ambient CO2, with declines in both treatments to lowest seasonal levels by early October (0.09±0.03 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1), but then increasing to near peak levels in late October (0.36±0.08 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1), November (0.28±0.03 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1), and December (0.54±0.06 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1). Seasonal patterns of mean daily NEE primarily resulted from larger seasonal fluctuations in rates of daytime net ecosystem CO2 uptake which were closely tied to plant community phenology and precipitation. Photosynthesis in the autotrophic crust community (lichens, mosses, and free‐living cyanobacteria) following rains were probably responsible for the high NEEs observed in January, February, and late October 2004 when vascular plant photosynthesis was low. Both CO2 treatments were net CO2 sinks in 2004, but exposure to elevated CO2 reduced CO2 sink strength by 30% (positive net ecosystem productivity=127±17 g C m?2 yr?1 ambient CO2 and 90±11 g C m?2 yr?1 elevated CO2, P=0.011). This level of net C uptake rivals or exceeds levels observed in some forested and grassland ecosystems. Thus, the decrease in C sequestration seen in our study under elevated CO2– along with the extensive coverage of arid and semi‐arid ecosystems globally – points to a significant drop in global C sequestration potential in the next several decades because of responses of heretofore overlooked dryland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Grasses with the C3 photosynthetic pathway are commonly considered to be more nutritious host plants than C4 grasses, but the nutritional quality of C3 grasses is also more greatly impacted by elevated atmospheric CO2 than is that of C4 grasses; C3 grasses produce greater amounts of nonstructural carbohydrates and have greater declines in their nitrogen content than do C4 grasses under elevated CO2. Will C3 grasses remain nutritionally superior to C4 grasses under elevated CO2 levels? We addressed this question by determining whether levels of protein in C3 grasses decline to similar levels as in C4 grasses, and whether total carbohydrate : protein ratios become similar in C3 and C4 grasses under elevated CO2. In addition, we tested the hypothesis that, among the nonstructural carbohydrates in C3 grasses, levels of fructan respond most strongly to elevated CO2. Five C3 and five C4 grass species were grown from seed in outdoor open‐top chambers at ambient (370 ppm) or elevated (740 ppm) CO2 for 2 months. As expected, a significant increase in sugars, starch and fructan in the C3 grasses under elevated CO2 was associated with a significant reduction in their protein levels, while protein levels in most C4 grasses were little affected by elevated CO2. However, this differential response of the two types of grasses was insufficient to reduce protein in C3 grasses to the levels in C4 grasses. Although levels of fructan in the C3 grasses tripled under elevated CO2, the amounts produced remained relatively low, both in absolute terms and as a fraction of the total nonstructural carbohydrates in the C3 grasses. We conclude that C3 grasses will generally remain more nutritious than C4 grasses at elevated CO2 concentrations, having higher levels of protein, nonstructural carbohydrates, and water, but lower levels of fiber and toughness, and lower total carbohydrate : protein ratios than C4 grasses.  相似文献   

In the present open‐top chamber experiment, two silver birch clones (Betula pendula Roth, clone 4 and clone 80) were exposed to elevated levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and ozone (O3), singly and in combination, and soil CO2 efflux was measured 14 times during three consecutive growing seasons (1999–2001). In the beginning of the experiment, all experimental trees were 7 years old and during the experiment the trees were growing in sandy field soil and fertilized regularly. In general, elevated O3 caused soil CO2 efflux stimulation during most measurement days and this stimulation enhanced towards the end of the experiment. The overall soil respiration response to CO2 was dependent on the genotype, as the soil CO2 efflux below clone 80 trees was enhanced and below clone 4 trees was decreased under elevated CO2 treatments. Like the O3 impact, this clonal difference in soil respiration response to CO2 increased as the experiment progressed. Although the O3 impact did not differ significantly between clones, a significant time × clone × CO2× O3 interaction revealed that the O3‐induced stimulation of soil respiration was counteracted by elevated CO2 in clone 4 on most measurement days, whereas in clone 80, the effect of elevated CO2 and O3 in combination was almost constantly additive during the 3‐year experiment. Altogether, the root or above‐ground biomass results were only partly parallel with the observed soil CO2 efflux responses. In conclusion, our data show that O3 impacts may appear first in the below‐ground processes and that relatively long‐term O3 exposure had a cumulative effect on soil CO2 efflux. Although the soil respiration response to elevated CO2 depended on the tree genotype as a result of which the O3 stress response might vary considerably within a single tree species under elevated CO2, the present experiment nonetheless indicates that O3 stress is a significant factor affecting the carbon cycling in northern forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

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