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Filial cannibalism (the consumption of one's own viable offspring) is common among fish with paternal care. In this study, I use a computer simulation to study simultaneous evolution of male filial cannibalism and female mate choice. Under certain conditions, selection on parental males favors filial cannibalism. When filial cannibalism increases a male's probability to raise the current brood successfully, filial cannibalism also benefits the female. However, when egg eating is a male investment into future reproduction, a conflict between female and male interests emerges. Here I investigate how female discrimination against filial cannibals affects evolution of filial cannibalism and how different female choice criteria perform against filial cannibalism. The introduction of discriminating females makes the fixation of filial cannibalism less likely. I introduced three different female choice criteria: (1) females who could discern a male's genotype, that is, whether the male was going to eat eggs as an investment in future reproductive events; (2) energy-choosing females that preferred to mate with males who had enough energy reserves to live through the current brood cycle without consuming eggs; and (3) females that preferred to mate with already mated males, that is, males with eggs in their nest. Genotype choice never coexisted with filial cannibals at fixation and filial cannibals were unable to invade a population with genotype-choosing females. Energy choice was successful only when males had high energy reserves and were less dependent on filial cannibalism as an alternative energy source. The egg choosers frequently coexisted with the cannibals at fixation. When the female strategies were entered simultaneously, the most frequent outcome for low mate sampling costs was that both the cannibals and the egg choice was fixed and all other strategies went extinct. These results suggest that sexual conflicts may not always evolve toward a resolution of the conflict, but sometimes the stable state retains the conflict. In the present case, this was because the egg-preference strategy had a higher fitness than the other female strategies. The outcome of this simulation is similar to empirical findings. In fish with paternal care, male filial cannibalism and female preference for mates with eggs commonly co-occur.  相似文献   

Social organization from the simplest societies through early “states” generally increases in hierarchical complexity. The prediction is made on the basis of Darwinian theory that to the extent that conflicts of interest among individuals in a society are not overridden by common interest, individuals should exploit hierarchical positions of strength to maximize inclusive fitness at the expense of others in the group. Consistent with this prediction, cross-cultural evidence from 24 well-known ethnographically described societies yields high correlations between group size and hierarchical complexity, asymmetry in the resolution of individual conflicts, perquisites taken by third parties, and degree of polygyny attained by individuals at the top of the social hierarchy.  相似文献   

The embryonic midline in vertebrates has been implicated in left-right development, but the mechanisms by which it regulates left-right asymmetric gene expression and organ morphogenesis are unknown. Zebrafish embryos have three domains of left-right asymmetric gene expression that are useful predictors of organ situs. cyclops (nodal), lefty1 and pitx2 are expressed in the left diencephalon; cyclops, lefty2 and pitx2 are expressed in the left heart field; and cyclops and pitx2 are expressed in the left gut primordium. Distinct alterations of these expression patterns in zebrafish midline mutants identify four phenotypic classes that have different degrees of discordance among the brain, heart and gut. These classes help identify two midline domains and several genetic pathways that regulate left-right development. A cyclops-dependent midline domain, associated with the prechordal plate, regulates brain asymmetry but is dispensable for normal heart and gut left-right development. A second midline domain, associated with the anterior notochord, is dependent on no tail, floating head and momo function and is essential for restricting asymmetric gene expression to the left side. Mutants in spadetail or chordino give discordant gene expression among the brain, heart and gut. one-eyed pinhead and schmalspur are necessary for asymmetric gene expression and may mediate signaling from midline domains to lateral tissues. The different phenotypic classes help clarify the apparent disparity of mechanisms proposed to explain left-right development in different vertebrates.  相似文献   

Summary (±)-Tricarbonyl 6-3-methylbenzyl alcohol)chromium was resolved to of 100%e.e. and of 92%e.e. by lipase-catalyzed transesterifications arranged in homotopic and heterotopic double resolutions.  相似文献   

This review tracks a decade of dynamic kinetic resolution developments with a biocatalytic inclination using enzymatic/microbial means for the resolution part followed by the racemization reactions either by means of enzymatic or chemocatalyst. These fast developments are due to the ability of the biocatalysts to significantly reduce the number of synthetic steps which are common for conventional synthesis. Future developments in novel reactions and products of dynamic kinetic resolutions should consider factors that are needed to be extracted at the early synthetic stage to avoid inhibition at scale-up stage have been highlighted.  相似文献   

The occurrence of different forms of asymmetry complicates the analysis and interpretation of patterns in asymmetry. Furthermore, between-individual heterogeneity in developmental stability (DS) and thus fluctuating asymmetry (FA), is required to find relationships between DS and other factors. Separating directional asymmetry (DA) and antisymmetry (AS) from real FA and understanding between-individual heterogeneity in FA is therefore crucial in the analysis and interpretation of patterns in asymmetry. In this paper we introduce and explore mixture analysis to (i) identify FA, DA and AS from the distribution of the signed asymmetry, and (ii) to model and quantify between-individual heterogeneity in developmental stability and FA. In addition, we expand mixtures to the estimation of the proportion of variation in the unsigned FA that can be attributed to between-individual heterogeneity in the presumed underlying developmental stability (the so-called hypothetical repeatability). Finally, we construct weighted normal probability plots to investigate the assumption of underlying normality of the different components. We specifically show that (i) model selection based on the likelihood ratio test has the potential to yield models that incorporate nearly all heterogeneity in FA; (ii) mixtures appear to be a powerful and sensitive statistical technique to identify the different forms of asymmetry; (iii) restricted measurement accuracy and the occurrence of many zero observations results in an overestimation of the hypothetical repeatability on the basis of the model parameters; and (iv) as judged from the high correlation coefficients of the normal probability plots, the underlying normality assumption appears to hold for the empirical data we analysed. In conclusion, mixtures provide a useful statistical tool to study patterns in asymmetry.  相似文献   

Current research in birds suggests that a conflict should exist during reproduction for the role of the glucocorticoid corticosterone (CORT). While elevated levels have been correlated with the increased energetic demand of raising offspring, elevated CORT levels have traditionally been implicated in reproductive abandonment. We examined the relationship between CORT and nest desertion in breeding wild female European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) incorporating analyses of both total circulating levels and 'free', unbound CORT through analysis of corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG). Free baseline CORT levels of nest-abandoning birds were significantly higher than nonabandoning birds within each stage, with chick-rearing birds exhibiting the highest free baseline CORT levels, while concurrently remaining the most resistant stage to nest desertion. Elevated free baseline CORT levels in chick-rearing birds were not due to increased total CORT secretion, but rather to a decrease in CBG levels. Overall, our results suggest that CORT and CBG interact to play a role in mediating the increased energetic demand of offspring, while minimizing the chances of nest desertion, thereby alleviating any potential behavioral conflict for CORT during reproduction. Furthermore, these results demonstrate that the traditional view of the role of CORT during reproduction is much more complex than previously appreciated. Together with mounting evidence, we suggest that elevated corticosteroid levels are an inherent and necessary part of reproduction in nonmammalian tetrapods.  相似文献   

Intrafamilial conflict and parental investment: a synthesis   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We outline and develop current theory on how inherent genetic conflicts of interest between the various family members can affect the flow of parental investment from parents to offspring, and discuss the problems for empirical testing that this generates. The parental investment pattern realized in nature reflects the simultaneous resolution of all the conflicts between the family players. This depends on the genetic mechanism, the mating system and reproductive constraints, on whether extra demand by progeny affects current or future sibs, and particularly on the behavioural mechanisms underlying demand (begging or solicitation) and supply (provision of parental investment by parents). The direction of deviation from the optimal parental investment for the parent(s) depends on the slope of what we term the 'effect of supply on demand', the mechanism that determines how changes in food supply affect begging levels. If increasing food increases begging (positive slope), less parental investment is supplied than the parental optimum and if increasing food decreases begging (negative slope), more parental investment is supplied. The magnitude of deviation depends on both the 'effect of supply on demand' and on the 'effect of demand on supply' (the mechanism determining how changes in begging affect food supply, which always has a positive slope). We conclude that it will often be impossible to deduce the extent of underlying conflict by establishing the amount of parental investment given relative to the ideal optimum for the parent. Some possible directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict appears to be a powerful force in evolution. We suggest that selection theory can readily be adapted for cases of sexual conflict and illustrate how it can provide a new perspective on what traits cause conflict and might respond to its presence. Use of selection theory resolves some terminological confusion, provides operational measures of conflict and generates a conceptual tool for parsing the causes and consequences of conflict in complex systems of male–female interactions.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict has extremely important consequences for various evolutionary processes including its effect on local adaptation and extinction probability during environmental change. The awareness that the intensity and dynamics of sexual conflict is highly dependent on the ecological setting of a population has grown in recent years, but much work is yet to be done. Here, we review progress in our understanding of the ecology of sexual conflict and how the environmental sensitivity of such conflict feeds back into population adaptivity and demography, which, in turn, determine a population's chances of surviving a sudden environmental change. We link two possible forms of sexual conflict – intralocus and interlocus sexual conflict – in an environmental context and identify major gaps in our knowledge. These include sexual conflict responses to fluctuating and oscillating environmental changes and its influence on the interplay between interlocus and intralocus sexual conflict, among others. We also highlight the need to move our investigations into more natural settings and to investigate sexual conflict dynamics in wild populations.  相似文献   

Animals that live in cooperative societies form hierarchies in which dominant individuals reap disproportionate benefits from group cooperation. The stability of these societies requires subordinates to accept their inferior status rather than engage in escalated conflict with dominants over rank. Applying the logic of animal contests to these cases predicts that escalated conflict is more likely where subordinates are reproductively suppressed, where group productivity is high, relatedness is low, and where subordinates are relatively strong. We tested these four predictions in the field on co-foundress associations of the paper wasp Polistes dominulus by inducing contests over dominance rank experimentally. Subordinates with lower levels of ovarian development, and those in larger, more productive groups, were more likely to escalate in conflict with their dominant, as predicted. Neither genetic relatedness nor relative body size had significant effects on the probability of escalation. The original dominant emerged as the winner in all except one escalated contest. The results provide the first evidence that reproductive suppression of subordinates increases the threat of escalated conflict, and hence that reproductive sharing can promote stability of the dominant-subordinate relationship.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry and immune function in a field cricket   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of morphological traits has attracted great attention as a short-cut measure of individual quality. Whereas there is some evidence that FA of sexual ornaments is negatively associated with immune function, studies concerning FA and immune function in non-ornamental traits are absent. Here, we tested whether FA of three non-ornamental traits in hind limbs is related to male immune function in a population of the Mediterranean field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus. As different measures of male immune function, we used encapsulation rate and lytic activity. We found that a composite measure of FA (cFA) was negatively related to encapsulation rate. However, lytic activity was not related to cFA, but there was a tendency that males with higher body mass had higher lytic activity than males with lower body mass. Our results suggest that FA in non-ornamental traits indicates male immunocompetence in G. bimaculatus .  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry is commonly used as a bioindicator of developmental stress. This study addresses asymmetry under nutritional/systemic stress in the human craniofacial skeleton and its utility as an indicator of developmental instability. Crania from the diachronic Christian cemeteries at Kulubnarti (Sudanese Nubia) were chosen as a model for nutrition/systemic stress. Previous studies indicate that individuals from the Early Christian cemetery were subjected to greater developmental stress when compared with individuals from the Late Christian cemetery. Therefore, crania from the Early Christian cemetery should display a greater magnitude of fluctuating asymmetry than crania from the Late Christian cemetery. Thirty adult crania of comparable age and sex were selected from each population. Landmark coordinates were digitized in two separate trials and averaged to minimize error. Euclidean distance matrix analysis (EDMA) was used to measure and compare the magnitude of fluctuating asymmetry in each sample. Results indicate that crania from the Early Christian cemetery display greater amounts of fluctuating asymmetry than those from the Late Christian cemetery, as predicted. The degree of fluctuating asymmetry for each linear distance is highly correlated between the cemeteries, suggesting that all humans may share common patterns of fluctuating asymmetry in the skull. In contrast, there is little correlation between magnitude of fluctuating asymmetry and length of linear distance, between-subject variability, or measurement error. These results support the hypothesis that poor nutrition/systemic stress increases developmental instability in the human skull and that increased fluctuating asymmetry constitutes morphological evidence of this stress.  相似文献   

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