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Chloroplasts are bounded by a pair of outer membranes, the envelope, that is the only permanent membrane structure of the different types of plastids. Chloroplasts have had a long and complex evolutionary past and integration of the envelope membranes in cellular functions is the result of this evolution. Plastid envelope membranes contain a wide diversity of lipids and terpenoid compounds serving numerous biochemical functions and the flexibility of their biosynthetic pathways allow plants to adapt to fluctuating environmental conditions (for instance phosphate deprivation). A large body of knowledge has been generated by proteomic studies targeted to envelope membranes, thus revealing an unexpected complexity of this membrane system. For instance, new transport systems for metabolites and ions have been identified in envelope membranes and new routes for the import of chloroplast-specific proteins have been identified. The picture emerging from our present understanding of plastid envelope membranes is that of a key player in plastid biogenesis and the co-ordinated gene expression of plastid-specific protein (owing to chlorophyll precursors), of a major hub for integration of metabolic and ionic networks in cell metabolism, of a flexible system that can divide, produce dynamic extensions and interact with other cell constituents. Envelope membranes are indeed one of the most complex and dynamic system within a plant cell. In this review, we present an overview of envelope constituents together with recent insights into the major functions fulfilled by envelope membranes and their dynamics within plant cells. Special Issue of Photosynthesis Research in honor of Andrew A. Benson.  相似文献   

In the previous paper (Block, M. A., Dorne, A.-J., Joyard, J., and Douce, R. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 13273-13280), we have described a method for the separation of membrane fractions enriched in outer and inner envelope membranes from spinach chloroplasts. The two envelope membranes have a different weight ratio of acyl lipid to protein (2.5-3 for the outer envelope membrane and 0.8-1 for the inner envelope membrane). The two membranes also differ in their polar lipid composition. However, in order to prevent the functioning of the galactolipid:galactolipid galactosyltransferase during the course of envelope membrane separation, we have analyzed the polar lipid composition of each envelope membrane after thermolysin treatment of the intact chloroplasts. The outer envelope membrane is characterized by the presence of high amounts of phosphatidylcholine and digalactosyldiacylglycerol whereas the inner envelope membrane has a polar lipid composition almost identical with that of the thykaloids. No phosphatidylethanolamine or cardiolipin could be detected in either envelope membranes, thus demonstrating that the envelope membranes, and especially the outer membrane, do not resemble extrachloroplastic membranes. No striking differences were found in the fatty acid composition of the polar lipids from either the outer or the inner envelope membrane. The two envelope membranes also differ in their carotenoid composition. Among the different enzymatic activities associated with the chloroplast envelope, we have shown that the Mg2+-dependent ATPase, the UDP-Gal:diacylglycerol galactosyltransferase, the phosphatidic acid phosphatase, and the acyl-CoA thioesterase are associated with the inner envelope from spinach chloroplasts whereas the acyl-CoA synthetase is located on the outer envelope membrane.  相似文献   

Amyloplasts were separated from other subcellular organelles by sedimentation through a discontinuous sucrose density gradient. Purified amyloplast envelope membranes were similar in most characteristics to those from other types of plastids. A substantial proportion of the carotenoid content of these membranes was present in the esterified form. In contrast to published work on chloroplasts of photosynthetic tissue, our results showed that the acylase (acyl-CoA:sn-glycerol 3-phosphate acyltransferase) is firmly bound to the envelope membranes. Evidence was obtained to indicate that digalactosyldiacylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol and sulpholipid, but not monogalactosyldiacylglycerol, are exclusively found in the cell as amyloplast lipids.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed for the large scale preparation of membranes from pig atria which are enriched 10-13 fold in the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. The procedure involved differential centrifugation and sucrose-gradient centrifugation in solutions containing 150 mM-NaClO4 and 5 mM-EDTA to minimize membrane aggregation. The final membrane preparation bound about 1.1 pmol of L-quinuclidinyl benzilate/mg of protein. Comparable results were obtained with either fresh or frozen tissue. About the same yield (120 pmol of L-quinuclidinyl benzilate sites/100 g of tissue) and specific activity of membranes were obtained from different regions of the atria. The final preparation was stable at -80 degrees C in buffered sucrose solutions. The membranes appeared mostly as sheets or fragments and partly as closed vesicles in the electron microscope and were heterogeneous in isopycnic Percoll gradients. Marker enzyme studies showed that the receptor was enriched in parallel with the plasma membrane markers guanylate cyclase (particulate form) and (Na+ + K+)-activated ATPase. Some contamination by mitochondrial outer and endoplasmic reticulum membranes was evident from the distribution of monoamine oxidase and glucose-6-phosphatase activity, but the preparation was largely free of sarcoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrial inner, and lysosomal membranes.  相似文献   

We have developed a fast and reliable method for the separation of two membrane fractions respectively enriched in outer and inner envelope membranes from isolated, intact, purified spinach chloroplasts kept in a hypertonic medium (0.6 M mannitol). This separation was achieved by osmotically shrinking the inner envelope membrane, thus widening the intermembrane space, and then subsequently removing the "loosened" outer envelope membrane by applying low pressure to the shrunken chloroplasts and slowly extruding them through the small aperture of a Yeda press under controlled conditions. By centrifugation of the mixture obtained through a discontinuous sucrose gradient, we were able to separate two membrane fractions having different densities (fraction 2 or light fraction, d = 1.08 g/cm3, and fraction 3 or heavy fraction, d = 1.13 g/cm3). The recent characterization of polypeptides localized on the outer envelope membrane from spinach chloroplasts, E10 and E24 (Joyard, J., Billecocq, A., Bartlett, S. G., Block, M. A., Chua, N.-H., and Douce, R. J. Biol. Chem., 258, 10000-10006) enabled us to characterize our two membrane fractions. Analyses of the polypeptides by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacryl-amide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting have shown that fraction 2 (light fraction) was completely devoid of polypeptide E30, which is involved in the transport of phosphate across the inner envelope membrane, but was enriched in polypeptides E10 and E24. The reverse was true for fraction 3 (heavy fraction). Under these conditions, it is clear that fraction 2 is strongly enriched in outer envelope membrane whereas fraction 3 consisted mostly of inner envelope membrane. Indeed, by immunoelectrophoresis, we were able to demonstrate that, on a protein basis, fraction 2 contained about 90% of outer membrane, whereas fraction 3 contained about 80% of inner membrane. Further characterization of the outer envelope membrane was achieved by using thermolysin, a nonpenetrant protease.  相似文献   

A number of hydrophobic proteins have been separated and purified to varying degrees from synaptic membranes derived from bovine brain. The proteins, which have been obtained using preparative acrylamide gel electrophoresis, have been analyzed for molecular weight, amino acid composition, peptide mapping, N-terminal amino acids, and for their ability to bind calcium and ATP. A number of the proteins bound calcium, the greatest binding being associated with a component having a molecular weight of 1.5 · 104, a binding capacity of 4 calcium/molecule, and a Km of 1.5 · 10?5 M. An acidic tryptic peptide derived from this protein was evidently responsible for the calcium-binding. ATP binding appeared to be confined largely to the higher molecular weight proteins. From the peptide mapping there appears to be a similar acidic component in a number of the proteins exhibiting calcium-binding. ATP-binding was associated mainly with the high molecular weight proteins, particularly those which consisted of numerous basic tryptic peptides.  相似文献   

Envelope membranes were isolated by sucrose density gradient floatation centrifugation from the homogenate of cyanelles prepared from Cyanophora paradoxa. Two yellow bands were separated after 40 h of centrifugation. The buoyant density of one of the two fractions (fraction Y2) coincided with that of inner envelope membranes of spinach or plasma membranes of cyanobacteria. The other yellow fraction (fraction Y1) migrated to top of sucrose-gradient even at 0% sucrose. Pigment analysis revealed that the heavy yellow fraction was rich in zeaxanthin while the light fraction was rich in β-carotene, and the both fractions contained practically no chlorophylls. Another yellow fraction (fraction Y3) was isolated from the phycobiliprotein fraction, which was the position where the sample was placed for gradient centrifugation. Its buoyant density and absorption spectra were similar to outer membranes of cyanobacteria. We have assigned fractions Y2 and Y3 as inner and outer envelope membrane fractions of cyanelles, respectively. Protein compositions were rather different between the two envelope membranes indicating little cross-contamination among the fractions. H. Koike and Y. Ikeda contributed equally.  相似文献   

A protocol for the isolation of intact plastids from two marine centric diatoms, Odontella sinensis (Greville) Grunow and Coscinodiscus granii Gough, has been worked out. The cells were broken in a Yeda Press, and the intact plastids were purified by centrifugation in Percoll gradients. Electron microscopy indicates that at least one of the four envelope membranes is present in the isolated plastids. The plastids are photosynthetically active as proven by CO2 fixation which was measured by light-dependent oxygen evolution. Rates up to 50 μmol O2 · (mg Chl)−1 · h−1, i.e. about 40% of the in vivo rate of photosynthesis were obtained. The inhibition of CO2 fixation by external phosphate and the ability of the plastids to reduce added 3-phosphoglycerate photosynthetically indicate the presence of a phosphate translocator in the envelope of the diatom plastids. Light-dependent O2 evolution upon addition of nitrite indicates the presence of nitrite reductase in these plastids. Purified envelope membranes of Odontella plastids analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis contain polypeptides similar to those of the envelope of higher-plant chloroplasts. However, there are additional bands present, which in part may be constituents of the two additional envelope membranes (“chloroplast endoplasmic reticulum”) and in part may represent additional components of the inner membranes. Received: 1 August 1997 / Accepted: 2 February 1998  相似文献   

Jain R  Katavic V  Agrawal GK  Guzov VM  Thelen JJ 《Proteomics》2008,8(16):3397-3405
Plastids are functionally and structurally diverse organelles responsible for numerous biosynthetic reactions within the plant cell. Plastids from embryos have a range of properties depending upon the plant source but compared to other plastid types are poorly understood and therefore, we term them embryoplasts. Isolating intact plastids from developing embryos is challenging due to large starch granules within the stroma and the prevalence of nonplastid, storage organelles (oil bodies and protein storage vacuoles) which compromise plastid integrity and purity, respectively. To characterize rapeseed embryoplasts it was necessary to develop an improved isolation procedure. A new method is presented for the isolation of intact plastids from developing embryos of Brassica napus seeds. Intactness and purity of embryoplast preparations was determined using phase-contrast and transmission electron microscopy, immunoblotting, and multidimensional protein identification technology (MudPIT) MS/MS. Eighty nonredundant proteins were identified by MudPIT analysis of embryoplast preparations. Approximately 53% of these proteins were components of photosystem, light harvesting, cytochrome b/f, and ATP synthase complexes, suggesting ATP and NADPH production are important functions for this plastid type.  相似文献   

R. Höinghaus  J. Feierabend 《Planta》1985,166(4):452-465
To determine the sites of synthesis of chloroplast-envelope proteins, we have analysed several enzyme and translocator functions ascribed to the envelope membranes, and investigated the envelope polypeptide composition of plastids isolated from 70S ribosome-deficient leaves of rye (Secale cereale L.) generated by growing the plants at a temperature of 32°C. Since the ribosomedeficient plastids are also achlorophyllous in light-grown leaves, not only were chloroplasts from mature, green leaves used for comparison, but also those from yellowing, aged leaves as well as etioplasts from dark-grown leaves raised at a temperature of 22° C. A majority of the plastidenvelope polypeptides appeared to be of cytoplasmic origin. The envelopes of ribosome-deficient plastids possessed ATPase (EC activity; this was not, however, dependent on divalent cations, in contrast to the Mn2+- or Mg2+-dependent ATPase which is associated with chloroplast envelopes. Adenylate kinase (EC was present in the stromal fraction of ribosome-deficient plastids and the stromal form of this enzyme is, therefore, of cytoplasmic origin. In contrast to previous findings, adenylate kinase was not, however, specifically associated with the chloroplast-envelope membranes, either in rye or in spinach. Measurements of the uptake of l-[14C]-malate into ribosome-deficient plastids indicated the presence and cytoplasmic origin of the dicarboxylate translocator. Malate uptake into rye etioplasts was, however, low. The phosphate translocator was assayed by the uptake of 3-phospho-[14C]glycerate. While rapid 3-phosphoglycerate uptake was observed for rye chloroplasts and etioplasts, it was hardly detectable for ribosome-deficient, plastids and rather low for chloroplasts from aged leaves. A polypeptide of M r approx. 30000 ascribed to the phosphate translocator was greatly reduced in the envelope patterns of ribosome-deficient plastids and of chloroplasts from aged leaves.  相似文献   

The development of chloroplasts and the integration of their function within a plant cell rely on the presence of a complex biochemical machinery located within their limiting envelope membranes. To provide the most exhaustive view of the protein repertoire of chloroplast envelope membranes, we analyzed this membrane system using proteomics. To this purpose, we first developed a procedure to prepare highly purified envelope membranes from Arabidopsis chloroplasts. We then extracted envelope proteins using different methods, i.e. chloroform/methanol extraction and alkaline or saline treatments, in order to retrieve as many proteins as possible, from the most to least hydrophobic ones. Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry analyses were then performed on each envelope membrane subfraction, leading to the identification of more than 100 proteins. About 80% of the identified proteins are known to be, or are very likely, located in the chloroplast envelope. The validation of localization in the envelope of two phosphate transporters exemplifies the need for a combination of strategies to perform the most exhaustive identification of genuine chloroplast envelope proteins. Interestingly, some of the identified proteins are found to be Nalpha-acetylated, which indicates the accurate location of the N terminus of the corresponding mature protein. With regard to function, more than 50% of the identified proteins have functions known or very likely to be associated with the chloroplast envelope. These proteins are a) involved in ion and metabolite transport, b) components of the protein import machinery, and c) involved in chloroplast lipid metabolism. Some soluble proteins, like proteases, proteins involved in carbon metabolism, or proteins involved in responses to oxidative stress, were associated with envelope membranes. Almost one-third of the proteins we identified have no known function. The present work helps understanding chloroplast envelope metabolism at the molecular level and provides a new overview of the biochemical machinery of the chloroplast envelope membranes.  相似文献   

Proteomics is a very powerful approach to link the information contained in sequenced genomes, like Arabidopsis, to the functional knowledge provided by studies of plant cell compartments, such as chloroplast envelope membranes. This review summarizes the present state of proteomic analyses of highly purified spinach and Arabidopsis envelope membranes. Methods targeted towards the hydrophobic core of the envelope allow identifying new proteins, and especially new transport systems. Common features were identified among the known and newly identified putative envelope inner membrane transporters and were used to mine the complete Arabidopsis genome to establish a virtual plastid envelope integral protein database. Arabidopsis envelope membrane proteins were extracted using different methods, that is, chloroform/methanol extraction, alkaline or saline treatments, in order to retrieve as many proteins as possible, from the most to the less hydrophobic ones. Mass spectrometry analyses lead to the identification of more than 100 proteins. More than 50% of the identified proteins have functions known or very likely to be associated with the chloroplast envelope. These proteins are (a) involved in ion and metabolite transport, (b) components of the protein import machinery and (c) involved in chloroplast lipid metabolism. Some soluble proteins, like proteases, proteins involved in carbon metabolism or in responses to oxidative stress, were associated with envelope membranes. Almost one third of the newly identified proteins have no known function. The present stage of the work demonstrates that a combination of different proteomics approaches together with bioinformatics and the use of different biological models indeed provide a better understanding of chloroplast envelope biochemical machinery at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Bundle sheath strands were isolated from maize (Zea mays L.) leaves treated with preparations of cellulase, hemicellulase, and pectinase. A three-phase discontinuous gradient yielded two fractions of envelope membranes from bundle sheath chloroplasts. Buoyant densities were 1.06 and 1.09 g cm−3. The lighter fraction contained membrane vesicles under light microscopy, but centrifugation produced a pellet that was too small and unstable for purposes of electron microscopy. The heavier fraction contained single and double membrane vesicles and was studied further. Enzymic, chemical, light microscopic, and electron microscopic examination showed less than 2% contamination by stromal contents, no contamination by microbial, microsomal, or mitochondrial membranes, and possible low levels of lamellar membrane contamination. Yields of 0.5 mg of envelope membrane protein were obtained from 56-g leaf sections. The Mg2+-dependent nonlatent ATPase activity, a marker enzyme for chloroplast envelope membranes, was 40 μmoles Pi released hr−1 mg protein−1, a value similar to that obtained with pure mesophyll chloroplast envelope membranes from other plants.  相似文献   

The preprotein translocation at the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts so far involves five proteins: Tic110, Tic55, Tic40, Tic22 and Tic20. The molecular function of these proteins has not yet been established. Here, we demonstrate that Tic110 constitutes a central part of the preprotein translocation pore. Dependent on the presence of intact Tic110, radiolabelled preprotein specifically interacts with isolated inner envelope vesicles as well as with purified, recombinant Tic110 reconstituted into liposomes. Circular dichroism analysis reveals that Tic110 consists mainly of beta-sheets, a structure typically found in pore proteins. In planar lipid bilayers, recombinant Tic110 forms a cation-selective high-conductance channel with a calculated inner pore opening of 1.7 nm. Purified transit peptide causes strong flickering and a voltage-dependent block of the channel. Moreover, at the inner envelope membrane, a peptide-sensitive channel is described that shows properties basically identical to the channel formed by recombinant Tic110. We conclude that Tic110 has a distinct preprotein binding site and functions as a preprotein translocation pore at the inner envelope membrane.  相似文献   

A method for the preparation of enriched plasma membranes from bovine gallbladder muscularis was developed, validated, and applied to the characterization of receptors for the gastrointestinal hormone cholecystokinin (CCK) on this target. Binding of radioiodinated CCK ligands to this preparation was rapid, reversible, temperature-dependent, saturable, and specific. Only structurally related peptides inhibited CCK binding, and good correlation existed between relative potencies for binding inhibition and for stimulating gallbladder contraction. Computer analysis of CCK-binding data using a nonlinear model-fitting program best fit a model with a single class of sites, with Kd 756 pm and binding capacity 4.5 +/- 1.3 pmol/mg of protein. This degree of enrichment for plasma membranes was adequate for the initial biochemical characterization of this CCK receptor. Affinity labeling using 125I-Bolton Hunter-CCK-33 and m-maleimidobenzoyl-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester identified proteins with Mr = 70,000-85,000, Mr = 120,000-125,000, and Mr = 200,000. Labeling was inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner, with an IC50 of 1 nM CCK-8, and the electrophoretic mobility of these bands was not different under reducing and nonreducing conditions. The major labeled band of Mr = 70,000-85,000 has a lower apparent Mr than that of the analogous band in pancreas labeled with similar methods, supporting the molecular heterogeneity of CCK receptors on these two target tissues.  相似文献   

Outer envelope membranes were isolated from purified chloroplasts of pea leaves. The sidedness of the vesicles was analyzed by (i) aqueous polymer-two phase partitioning, (ii) the effect of limited proteolysis on the outer-envelope proteins (OEP) 86 and OEP 7 in intact organelles and isolated membranes, (iii) fluorescence-microscopy and finally (iv) binding of precursor polypeptides to isolated outer-membrane vesicles. The results demonstrate that purified outer envelope membranes occur largely (>90%) as right-side-out vesicles.Abbreviations FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - IEP Pinner-envelope protein - OE outer-envelope protein - pSSU precursor form of the small subunit of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylaseoxygenase - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis We thank P. Å. Albertsson, Lund, Sweden, for introducing one of us (S. E.) to the technique of phase partitioning. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 246) and Fonds der Chemischen Industrie.  相似文献   

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