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Compared with other mammals, reproduction is expected to be particularly costly for European badgers ( Meles meles L.) since both the gestation and mating periods occur in the winter when the animals are inactive and feed little. This paper assesses the costs of breeding status in both male and female badgers, in terms of body condition, ectoparasite load, haematology and mortality. By the end of the lactation period (May), breeding females had suffered a marked loss in body condition, although there was no such cost associated with gestation. However, females regained the weight that they had lost by the autumn following lactation. Lactating two-year-olds experienced a higher age-specific mortality than those that did not breed, but there was no difference among older females. No costs of breeding status could be detected among males at the end of the spring mating period. However, breeding males sustained testicular activity later into the summer than non-breeders, and by the autumn they had acquired more bite wounds and become anaemic. This suggests that there was a physiological cost associated with extended testicular activity in breeding males.  相似文献   

We explore the effects of biotic and abiotic factors on the population demography of frillneck lizards (Chlamydosaurus kingii) in the Australian wet‐dry tropics. Annual growth rates of males were significantly higher across all body sizes compared to females, resulting in a significant larger maximum body size in males. Both male and female lizards were highly philopatric and 81% of the among‐year recapture distances were less than 200 m. Juvenile and adult frillnecks were subjected to low but highly variable annual survival rates. Both proportion of juveniles and relative proportion of reproductive females showed extensive among‐year variations. No relationship was, however, observed between proportion of gravid females and that of juveniles captured during the subsequent year. High rainfall in January was negatively correlated with recruitment most likely caused by increased egg/embryo mortality due to flooding of nest sites. We therefore suggest that the lack of association between female reproduction and juvenile recruitment was due to the effects of stochastic variation in January rainfall. Lizard numbers increased during the first five years of the study followed by a decline during the subsequent four years. Our analyses show that annual variation in survival constituted the main determinant in driving the annual change in frillneck numbers. Surprisingly, no relationship was observed between fillneck population dynamics and annual variation in juvenile recruitment. We suggest that the 7‐years over which these analyses were conducted were insufficient to detect any significant effects of recruitment on lizard numbers, demonstrating the need for long‐term studies to accurately document vertebrate population demographic processes in areas experiencing stochastic variations rainfall such as the Australian wet‐dry tropics.  相似文献   

19 juvenile members of known genealogies in two wild baboon groups were studied over a 16-month period to compare the ontogeny of agonistic experience and dominance relations for males and females. Juveniles of all age-sex classes were disproportionately likely to receive aggression from and submit to adult males per unit of time spent in proximity. This pattern intensified with increasing juvenile age. With age, juvenile females more often submitted to unrelated adult females from higher-ranking families, whereas this was not true for juvenile males. All juveniles received aggression from older group members more often during feeding than was expected by chance. High rates of agonistic interaction with unrelated adult females accounted for old juvenile females (3–5.5 years-old) interacting agonistically more frequently than male age peers and young juveniles of either sex (1–2.5 years-old). Adult females were also more aggressive toward females among young juveniles, suggesting that adult females target females among juveniles for aggression and resistance to rank reversal. Within juvenile age groups, males dominated all females and all younger males, irrespective of maternal dominance status. Dominance relations among female age-peers were generally isomorphic with relations among their mothers. No juvenile targeted any older male for rank reversal. Males targeted all older females, whereas females typically targeted only older females from families lower-ranking than their own. The strong sexual dimorphism in adult body size in baboons may explain why juvenile males' dominance relations with peers and adult females are not structured along lines of family membership as is true for the less dimorphic macaques. Acquisition of higher agonistic status probably allows juveniles of both sexes to increase their success in within-group feeding competition during late stages of juvenility, which, in turn, could affect important life-history traits such as age at menarche and adult body size.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the growth and mortality patterns of young were examined in a small population of European wild rabbits. Juveniles were trapped and tagged for individual identification soon after their emergence from underground nests. Age was estimated from weight on first capture and survivorship determined from the last date individuals were observed. Differences in growth rates of young born throughout the season and between the three years of the study were related to population density. Maternal social status had no significant effect on post-emergence growth rates of kittens, or on offspring survival. Young born in females' first litters of the season, in March, had significantly lower mortality than subsequent litters. Cats and stoats were regularly observed on the study site and are likely to have been major agents of juvenile mortality. There was no difference in the growth rates of the sexes, and correspondingly non-breeding adult males and females were of similar body weight. From their first days above ground juvenile males suffered significantly higher mortality than females. Differential mortality may be linked to previously reported sex differences in behaviour if the greater activity of young males made them more vulnerable to predation or attack by neighbouring territorial conspecifics.  相似文献   

Variability in juvenile survival rate is expected to be an important component of the dynamics of long-lived animal populations. Across a range of species, individual variation in juvenile body mass has been shown to be an important cause of variation in fates of juveniles. Our goal in this paper was to estimate age-specific apparent survival rates for Weddell seals ( Leptonychotes weddellii ) in Erebus Bay, Antarctica, and to investigate hypotheses about relationships between body mass at weaning and apparent survival rate for juveniles. Mark–resighting models found average apparent juvenile survival rate (survival from weaning to age 3) was similar between males and females, and revealed positive relationships between body mass at weaning and apparent juvenile survival rate. The effects of body mass on juvenile survival rate differed between the sexes and the relationship between body mass and survival rate was stronger in males. These results indicate that the magnitude of energy transferred from mother to pup during lactation likely has important consequences on offspring survival rate and maternal fitness.  相似文献   

We studied determinants of breeding dispersal (the distance that an animal shifts its mean home range co-ordinate between reproductive events) in an individually marked population of sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) in south west Sweden during 1987–1991. Female breeding dispersal was not determined by age, size, body condition, or number of partners, and females and males that dispersed further did not experience a higher mortality. However, females with a low reproductive output dispersed further than females that reproduced more successfully, and males that lost in bodily condition dispersed further than males that better maintained body condition. We also looked for relationships between age-differences and band-sharing similarity (DNA fingerprinting = DFP) in three categories of lizards — all females, all males, and males and females — to establish whether males would be likely to mate with close kin. Age-difference was strongly correlated with band-sharing in only one category, males and females. When males were older than females this relationship was not significant. However, when females were older than males, age-difference was strongly correlated with band-sharing. Furthermore, females that were old enough to be the mothers of the courting males shared significantly more bands with these males than did the younger females, including the females of the same age as the males. Although parental-specific DFP bands necessary for establishing paternity among our adult lizards were inaccessible to us, we suggest that our circumstantial evidence strongly suggests that some males mate with their mothers. Males that were more closely related with their neighbours also moved further when we controlled statistically for age and mating success. We suggest that by mating with many partners males not only increase their mating success, but also increase the probability of mating with females with ‘good genes’: mean heterozygosity of parents (as revealed by micro-satellites) were strongly correlated with offspring survival.  相似文献   


High mortality and abnormal growth patterns commonly found in captive juvenile tuatara were hypothesised to be due in part to the effects of long‐term chronic stress of captivity. This study compared plasma concentrations of the reptilian adrenal steroid, corticosterone, in wild juvenile tuatara on Stephens Island, Cook Strait, and in captive juveniles of Stephens Island origin, held in New Zealand institutions, in February and August 1992. Seasonal variation in plasma concentration of corticosterone in wild juveniles in four seasons of the year was also examined. This is the first study of seasonal cycles in plasma corticosterone in a wild juvenile reptile. Plasma corticosterone concentrations were significantly higher in captive juvenile females (4.21 ± 0.27 ng/ml; mean ± SE) compared with wild juvenile females (2.44 ± 0.42 ng/ml) in February (P < 0.05), but not in August, and there was no difference in concentration between captive and wild juvenile males in either month. There was significant seasonal variation in plasma corticosterone in wild juvenile females (P < 0.05). However, there was no seasonal variation observed in wild juvenile males, and the magnitude of the variation in plasma corticosterone was low in both sexes (1.28 ± 0 ng/ml ‐4.65 ±3.41 ng/ml). Although mean plasma corticosterone was higher in captive juvenile females compared with wild juvenile females in February 1992, the value in captive females was within the range of mean plasma corticosterone concentrations observed in the seasonal study, and may be therefore due to asynchronicity of seasonal cycles, rather than stress. Further research is required; however, lack of correlation between plasma corticosterone concentrations and either growth rate or density indicate that captive juvenile tuatara in New Zealand are not suffering from pronounced chronic stress.  相似文献   

Reproductive tracts of 214 female wild boars collected in Central Portugal between October and February over the period 1997 to 2001 were examined. From this material, we were able to determine reproductive phenology (conception and birth periods) as well as age and weight of sows at puberty, ovulation rates of adults, foetal sex ratio, levels of intrauterine mortality, final litter size and postnatal mortality. Differences between year, region, age and body weight were analysed. A total of 66.8% of the females examined were gestating or lactating and 96.3% of these weighed >40 kg. The highest proportions of pregnant sows were found in the adult age/weight classes (74%). None of the juvenile females (1 year old and younger) were lactating and only 7% was pregnant. The average number of foetuses/female (4.1 ± 1.2SD) and that of corpora lutea per female (4.6 ± 1.7SD) increased from lighter and younger to heavier and older wild sows. Foetal sex ratio was biased towards males (1.3:1). Observed intrauterine mortality rate (9.7%) and postnatal mortality (6.3%) were among the lowest recorded in European wild boar populations. The productivity rate of the Central Portuguese wild boar population was calculated as 1.1 young per individual in the population. Conception and birth periods did not differ significantly between the considered 4 years. Birth synchronisation was pronounced in all the years, with a peak of births occurring in March.  相似文献   

Owing to habitat loss and fragmentation, large mammal populations all over the world are becoming increasingly small and isolated. It is therefore a conservation priority to understand mechanisms influencing the demography of such populations, which can easily be driven to extinction. The Przewalski's horse Equus ferus przewalskii remains one of the world's most endangered species and reintroduced animals are still vulnerable. Over 9 years, we analysed factors affecting mortality and female fecundity at the individual level in a predator-free, closed population of Przewalski's horses, which grew from 11 to 55 individuals. Similar to other wild equids, the annual growth rate of the population was r =0.169. Typically, adult mortality was much lower than juvenile mortality, the latter being correlated with neither inbreeding coefficient of foals nor population density. We found no link between female fecundity and operational sex ratio of the herd, or inbreeding coefficient, lactation status and body condition of the mares. Although food therefore seemed not to be limiting in this population, density (number of horses ha−1) clearly reduced fecundity, especially in subadult mares. Thus, our results show that space can slow the growth rate of a population before resources become limited, a potential source of concern for increasingly shrinking habitats of endangered large mammals. Possible mechanisms causing this may be found in incest avoidance or other social parameters. Finally, in large herbivores, population density is said to exert influence in a sequential order: juvenile survival first, followed by fecundity of young females, then adult females, and adult survival last. Although we observed no link between density and juvenile survival in the studied population, our results otherwise support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The body size of specimens of Triturus marmoratus pygmaeus from Doñana is the smallest recorded for this subspecies. Snout-vent length averages 42.3 mm in males, and 43.9 mm in females. Mean body mass in males is 2.04 g and 2.29 g in females. The age of newts was estimated by means of skeletochronological methods. The maximum longevity recorded was 10 years in females and nine years in males, with one or two years being the age at maturity. As in other newts, body size is not a good predictor of age, since a wide range of body length was found within each age class. Growth in females was substantial in subsequent years, showing an overall positive tendency. However, males showed slight or even negative growth. Newts from Doñana are different from other nearby localities with similar climatic characteristics. This is mainly due to their short juvenile and terrestrial phase.  相似文献   

This paper examines the life history of humpback red snapper Lutjanus gibbus, an important fishery species for coastal communities across the Indo-Pacific, in southern New Caledonia, where the species is lightly exploited. A total of 243 L. gibbus were sampled between January 2013 and December 2016 from occasional harvests of commercial fishers. Examination of sectioned otoliths revealed that opaque increment formation occurred annually between November and March, coinciding with the species' spawning season. Estimates of maximum age were similar between sexes, with observed ages of 38 and 36 years for females and males, respectively, extending the reported longevity of this species by at least 11 years. Growth differed significantly between sexes, with males reaching greater length at age and greater asymptotic length than females (38.88 v. 31.46 cm fork length (LF). Total mortality for all samples was estimated as 0.13 and was slightly higher for males (0.16) than females (0.11). Estimates of natural and fishing mortality were low and slightly higher for males than females. Male L. gibbus were found to mature at slightly greater lengths and younger ages than females, with the length and age at which 50% of individuals attained maturity estimated to be 25.8 cm LF and 3.9 years of age for females and 26.8 cm LF and 3.4 years of age for males. The results provide key baseline information from which to assess the effect of fishing on the species for populations in New Caledonia and adjacent locations and, when viewed with those of other studies, highlight the importance of understanding spatial patterns in demography of harvested fish species across gradients of exploitation and environmental influences.  相似文献   

An analysis of the effects of spontaneous mutations affecting age-specific mortality was conducted using 29 lines of Drosophila melanogaster that had accumulated spontaneous mutations for 19 generations. Divergence among the lines was used to estimate the mutational variance for weekly mortality rates and the covariance between weekly mortality rates at different ages. Significant mutational variance was observed in both males and females early in life (up to approximately 30 days of age). Mutational variance was not significantly different from zero for mortality rates at older ages. Mutational correlations between ages separated by 1 or 2 wk were generally positive, but they declined monotonically with increasing separation such that mutational effects on early-age mortality were uncorrelated with effects at later ages. Analyses of individual lines revealed several instances of mutation-induced changes in mortality over a limited range of ages. Significant age-specific effects of mutations were identified in early and middle ages, but surprisingly, mortality rates at older ages were essentially unaffected by the accumulation procedure. Our results provide strong evidence for the existence of a class of polygenic mutations that affect mortality rates on an age-specific basis. The patterns of mutational effects measured here relate directly to recently published estimates of standing genetic variance for mortality in Drosophila, and they support mutation accumulation as a viable mechanism for the evolution of senescence.  相似文献   

JAN RYSER 《Journal of Zoology》1988,216(4):673-685
Growth and maturation in a Swiss population of Rana temporaria were studied in 1983 and 1984 by means of skeletochronology. Resting line (growth ring) diameters were used to back-calculate individual body sizes in previous years; these permitted establishment of an average growth curve and determination of individual ages and sizes at first reproduction. Growth was rapid up to maturation, but continued thereafter at a decreased rate. Males were larger than females at age two but females grew faster thereafter, causing sexual dimorphism in adult body sizes. Body size distributions for both years and for frogs recaptured and first captured in 1984 were established. Growth in immatures was positively, but in adults negatively correlated with body size, with considerable variation at all sizes. Individual adult sizes were positively correlated with body sizes at the end of the first year. Average individual age at first reproduction was 2.8 years in males and 3.1 years in females (range in both sexes two to four years). There is no evidence for a two-year-cycle of reproduction.  相似文献   

Data on the relationships between body size and age were obtained for a sample of leopard toads Bufo pardalis from a breeding population of this species from the Cape Peninsula, South Africa. Age was determined by counting the number of lines of arrested growth in histological sections of a digit clipped from each individual. In males there was a positive, but weak, correlation (explaining only 18% of the variance) between body size and age, and in females no correlation at all existed between these two variables. Males which were successful in obtaining matings were not older than unsuccessful males. Age of males at the breeding site ranged from one to three years, whereas females ranged from two to six years old. This represents both the earliest age of reproduction, as well as the greatest difference in longevity between the sexes, documented for an anuran species.  相似文献   

Based on long-term, although intermittent, observations (2 years 4 months of 14 years), we present data on birth seasonality, age at first birth, interbirth intervals, mortality rates, age at first emigration, and population change of a wild population of West African patas monkeys (Etythrocebus patas patas) in northern Cameroon. Birth season was from the end of December until the middle of February, corresponding to the mid-dry season. In spite of large body size, the patas females had the earliest age at first birth (36.5 monthsold) and the shortest interbirth intervals (12 months) compared to the closely related wild forest guenons. Age at first emigration of the males was considered to occur between 2.5 and 4.5 years. The group size of the focal group drastically decreased between 1984 and 1987, and steadily increased until 1994, then decreased again in 1997. The neighboring group also showed a similar trend in group size. The population decreases were likely to be caused by drought over 3 years. Annual crude adult mortality rate was 4% during population increase periods (PIP) between 1987 and 1994. It rose to 22% during all the periods (AP), including drought over 3 years. Despite their smaller body size, the rate of the wild forest guenons (Cercopithecus mitis) (4%) was the same and much lower than those of the patas during PIP and AP, respectively. The annual average juvenile mortality rate was 13% during PIP and it also rose to 37% during AP. That of wild forest guenons (C. ascanius) (10–12%) was a little lower and much lower than those of the patas during PIP and AP, respectively. These findings were consistent with Charnov's theoretical model of mammalian life-history evolution in that patas with high adult and juvenile mortality showed early and frequent reproduction in spite of large body size. Charnov also considered high adult mortality as a selective force and high juvenile mortality as a density-dependent consequence of high fecundity. Our results support the former but not the latter research findings.  相似文献   

Growth of chimpanzees reared at the Kumamoto Primates Park of Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho Co. Ltd. was studied cross-sectionally from the viewpoints of somatic growth and reproductive maturation. Distance and velocity curves were expressed using spline function method. Males showed adolescent growth acceleration in body weight, with a peak at 7.86 yrs of age, but not in trunk length. Females showed continuous rapid growth from mid-juvenile to adolescent phase in both body weight and trunk length, but no isolated adolescent spurt. The Sanwa chimpanzees matured at about 12.5 yrs of age for females and 15.0 yrs for males. The mean adult weights and trunk lengths were 53.2 kg and 507.8 mm for males and 42.7 kg and 481.6 mm for females. The Sanwa chimpanzees had similar growth patterns to those of the Yerkes chimpanzees, although they showed a slight delay in infancy, and a higher growth rate from the early juvenile phase onwards. Growth patterns in these two laboratories may be regarded as “normative” for laboratory-reared chimpanzees. They matured earlier than wild chimpanzees by more than two years. The major reason for the retarded maturation in wild chimpanzees is the delay of growth from infant to the early juvenile phases (0–4 yrs of age), probably owing to a limited nutritional supply from the mother. Development of the testes comprised three phases: slow growth from infant to juvenile (until 6.4 yrs); rapid growth around adolescence (until 9.2 yrs); and adult (mean testicular volume, 187 cm3). Setting the nutritional standard at 2,000–2,600 Cal/day (= Kcal/day) per adult, calories were considered for captive chimpanzees in each age class.  相似文献   

The thermal environment and length of the activity season are important factors in shaping life-history trait variation in ectotherms. Many ectothermic vertebrates living at high latitudes or altitudes tend to be larger and older than their conspecifics living at lower latitudes or altitudes. However, detailed data on age, body size and growth variation—and how they may differ between males and females—are still scarce, especially from extreme high-latitude environments. We studied growth (body length increment), age and size structure of common frogs (Rana temporaria) in subarctic Finland (69°04′N) by applying skeletochronological methods to individually marked adults (n?=?169) captured and recaptured between 1999 and 2003. We found that breeding males were on average younger (mean?=?8.5?years) than females (11.9?years) and that males started reproducing earlier (≥3–4?years of age) than females (>4–5?years). The oldest encountered individual was an 18-year-old female, which to our knowledge is the oldest wild common frog ever reported. Females were on average larger (mean body length?=?76.6?mm) than males (70.7?mm), and this appeared to be mainly due to their older age as compared to males. While body length increased and growth rate decreased with age in both sexes, growth rate declined significantly faster with age in males than in females. The latter finding provides a proximate explanation for the observation that even after accounting for age differences among sexes (females?>?males), females were longer than males.  相似文献   

Scales from 7071 barbel from the River Severn were used for age and growth determinations. The scales showed clear annual checks which were laid in May when most fish spawned. Scale structure and length frequency distributions showed an almost total absence of 1968 year class barbel. Growth was significantly faster in some sections of the sampling area than in others. Back-calculated growth analysis showed a systematic decrease in length for each age for females and males in the 1961 to 1967 year classes. Females grew significantly faster than males after four years of age and reached greater ultimate size. There was a preponderance of males between the ages of III and VII and a dominance of females in older age groups. The overall sex ratio of males to females was 2–41: 1. A distinct seasonal growth pattern was shown.  相似文献   

Manning (1987 and 1989) found a positive correlation between several measured aspects of the male's upper tail coverts and male age in a sample of males measured at several different sites. Here we test whether or not the trains of individuals from the same population increase between years. There is no evidence from the data presented that variation in the degree of train elaboration amongst male peacocks is age-dependent beyond 4 years or that peahens always prefer to mate with older males; one young male in his first year of displaying achieved high mating success and was preferred by several females over other older males present. It therefore appears unlikely that the peacock's train acts as an age-indicator.  相似文献   

Dispersal behaviour plays a key role in social organisation, demography and population genetics. We describe dispersal behaviour in a population of African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) in Kenya. Almost all individuals, of both sexes, left their natal packs, with 45 of 46 reproductively active “alpha” individuals acquiring their status through dispersal. Dispersal age, group size and distance did not differ between males and females. However, only females embarked on secondary dispersal, probably reflecting stronger reproductive competition among females than males. When dispersing, GPS-collared wild dogs travelled further than when resident, both in daylight and by night, following routes an order of magnitude longer than the straight-line distance covered. Dispersers experienced a daily mortality risk three times that experienced by adults in resident packs. The detailed movement data provided by GPS-collars helped to reconcile differences between dispersal patterns reported previously from other wild dog populations. However, the dispersal patterns observed at this and other sites contrast with those assumed in published demographic models for this endangered species. Given the central role of dispersal in demography, models of wild dog population dynamics need to be updated to account for improved understanding of dispersal processes.  相似文献   

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