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Blood flow capacity in skeletal muscle declines with age. Reduced blood flow capacity may be related to decline in the maximal vasodilatory capacity of the resistance vasculature. This study tested the hypothesis that aging results in impaired vasodilatory capacity of first-order (1A) arterioles isolated from rat-hindlimb locomotory muscle: 1A arterioles (90-220 microm) from gastrocnemius and soleus muscles of young (4 mo) and aged (24 mo) Fischer-144 rats were isolated, cannulated, and pressurized via hydrostatic reservoirs. Vasodilatory responses to increasing concentrations of ACh (10(-9) to 10(-4) M), adenosine (ADO, 10(-10) to 10(-4) M), and sodium nitroprusside (SNP, 10(-10) to 10(-4) M) were evaluated at a constant intraluminal pressure of 60 cmH(2)O in the absence of flow. Flow-induced vasodilation was also evaluated in the absence of pressure changes. Responses to ADO and SNP were not altered by age. Endothelium-dependent vasodilation induced by flow was significantly reduced in arterioles from both gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. In contrast, endothelium-dependent vasodilation to ACh was reduced only in soleus muscle arterioles. These results indicate that aging impairs vasodilatory responses mediated through the endothelium of resistance arterioles from locomotory muscle, whereas smooth muscle vasodilatory responses remain intact with aging. Additionally, ACh-induced vasodilation was altered by age only in soleus muscle arterioles, suggesting that the mechanism of age-related endothelial impairment differs in arterioles from soleus and gastrocnemius muscles.  相似文献   

The excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate causes dilation of newborn pig cerebral arterioles in vivo that is blocked by inhibition of carbon monoxide (CO) production. CO, a potent dilator in cerebral circulation in vivo, is produced endogenously in cerebral microvessels via heme oxygenase (HO). In isolated pressurized cerebral arterioles (approximately 200 microm) from newborn pigs, we investigated the involvement of CO and the endothelium in response to glutamate. A CO-releasing molecule, dimanganese decacarbonyl (10(-8)-10(-6) M), dilated cerebral arterioles. Glutamate (10(-6)-10(-4) M) and 1-aminocyclopentane-cis-1,3-dicarboxylic acid (cis-ACPD; 10(-6)-10(-5) M), a N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor agonist, caused cerebral vascular dilation. Dilation of cerebral arterioles to glutamate and cis-ACPD was abolished by chromium mesoporphyrin (CrMP; 10(-6) M), a HO inhibitor. In contrast, CrMP did not alter dilation to isoproterenol, a -adrenergic receptor agonist. Endothelium-denuded cerebral arterioles did not dilate to glutamate or bradykinin (endothelium-dependent dilator), whereas responses to isoproterenol were preserved. These data indicate that cerebral arterioles from newborn pigs may directly respond to glutamate and the NMDA receptor agonists by endothelium-dependent dilation that involves stimulation of CO production via the HO pathway in the endothelium.  相似文献   

With most cardiovascular disease risk factors, endothelium-dependent dilation of skeletal muscle resistance arterioles is compromised, although with hypercholesterolemia, impairments to reactivity are not consistently observed. Using apolipoprotein E (ApoE) and low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) gene deletion male mouse models of hypercholesterolemia at 20 wk of age, we tested the hypothesis that arteriolar dilation would be maintained due to an increased stimulus-induced production of dilator metabolites via cyclooxygenase and cytochrome P-450 epoxygenase pathways. Arterioles from both strains demonstrated mild reductions in dilation to hypoxia and acetylcholine versus responses in C57/Bl/6J (C57) controls. However, although inhibition of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) attenuated dilation in arterioles from C57 controls, this effect was absent in ApoE or LDLR strains. In contrast, cyclooxygenase-dependent portions of dilator reactivity were maintained across the three strains. Notably, although combined NOS and cyclooxygenase inhibition abolished arteriolar responses to hypoxia and acetylcholine in C57 controls, significant reactivity remained in ApoE and LDLR strains. Whereas inhibition of cytochrome P-450 omega-hydroxylase and epoxygenases had no effect on this residual reactivity in ApoE and LDLR strains, inhibition of 12/15-lipoxygenase with nordihydroguaiaretic acid abolished the residual reactivity. With both hypoxic and methacholine challenges, arteries from ApoE and LDLR strains demonstrated an increased production of both 12(S)- and 15(S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid, end products of arachidonic acid metabolism via 12/15-lipoxygenase, a response that was not present in C57 controls. These results suggest that with development of hypercholesterolemia, mechanisms contributing to dilator reactivity in skeletal muscle arterioles are modified such that net reactivity to endothelium-dependent stimuli is largely intact.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide (CO) is an endogenous dilator in the newborn cerebral circulation. The present study addressed the hypothesis that endogenous CO attenuates pial arteriolar vasoconstriction caused by hypocapnia, platelet activating factor, and elevated blood pressure. Experiments used anesthetized piglets with implanted, closed cranial windows. Topical application of a metal porphyrin inhibitor of heme oxygenase was used to inhibit production of CO. Chromium mesopophyrin increased vasoconstriction in response to hypocapnia. The constrictor response to a topical stimulus, platelet activating factor, was also increased by application of chromium mesoporphyrin. Inhibition of heme oxygenase did not constrict pial arterioles in normotensive newborn pigs (mean arterial pressure of about 70 mmHg), but did constrict pial arterioles of piglets with experimentally induced increases in arterial pressure (mean arterial pressure greater than 90 mmHg). In fact, pial arterioles of normotensive piglets transiently dilated to chromium mesoporphyrin, whereas those of hypertensive piglets progressively constricted during 10 min of chromium mesoporphyrin treatment. Therefore, inhibition of heme oxygenase augments cerebral vasoconstriction in response to several very different constrictor stimuli. These data suggest endogenous CO attenuates vasoconstrictor responses in the newborn cerebral circulation.  相似文献   

CO is a biologically active gas that produces cellular effects by multiple mechanisms. Because cellular binding of CO by heme proteins is increased in hypoxia, we tested the hypothesis that CO interferes with hypoxic pulmonary vascular remodeling in vivo. Rats were exposed to inspired CO (50 parts/million) at sea level or 18,000 ft of altitude [hypobaric hypoxia (HH)], and changes in vessel morphometry and pulmonary pressure-flow relationships were compared with controls. Vascular cell single strand DNA (ssDNA) and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) were assessed, and changes in gene and protein expression of smooth muscle alpha-actin (sm-alpha-actin), beta-actin, and heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) were evaluated by Western analysis, RT-PCR, and immunohistochemistry. After 21 days of HH, vascular pressure at constant flow and vessel wall thickness increased and lumen diameter of small arteries decreased significantly. The presence of CO, however, further increased both pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and the number of small muscular vessels compared with HH alone. CO + HH also increased vascular PCNA and nuclear ssDNA expression compared with hypoxia, suggesting accelerated cell turnover. CO in hypoxia downregulated sm-alpha-actin and strongly upregulated beta-actin. CO also increased lung HO activity and HO-1 mRNA and protein expression in small pulmonary arteries during hypoxia. These data indicate an overall propensity of CO in HH to promote vascular remodeling and increase PVR in vivo.  相似文献   

This study identified the role of CO in regulating the tomato root hair development. Exogenous CO promoted the root hair density and elongation in a concentration-dependent manner. Analysis of cross sections of primary roots also indicated that CO induced the formation of root hairs. Genetic analysis reveals that tomato mutant yg-2 (defective in haem oxygenase-1 activity and intracellular CO generation) displayed a phenotype of delayed root hair development, which however could be reversed by exogenous CO. Further, we analysed LeExt1 :: β -glucuronidase reporter gene for root hair formation and found increasing expression of LeExt1 in the CO-exposed root hairs. Finally, CO was able to act synergistically with auxin, ethylene and NO. It is shown that the effect of CO could be blocked by NPA (auxin transport inhibitor), AVG (ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor), Ag+ (ethylene action inhibitor) or cPTIO (NO scavenger). Exposure of tomato roots to CO also enhanced intracellular NO and reactive oxygen species generation in root hairs. Our results suggest that CO would be required for root hair development and may play a critical role in controlling architectural development of plant roots by a putative mechanism of cross-talk with auxin, ethylene and nitric oxide.  相似文献   

Myocardial hypoperfusion is accompanied by concomitant increases in adenosine and endothelin-1 (ET-1) production, but the vasodilatory effect of adenosine prevails over that of ET-1. Therefore, we hypothesized that adenosine-induced or ischemic preconditioning reduces the vasoconstrictive effect of ET-1. Coronary arteriolar diameter in vivo was measured using fluorescence microangiography in anesthetized open-thorax dogs. ET-1 (5 ng. kg(-1). min(-1) administered intracoronary, n = 10) induced progressive constriction over 45 min [25 +/- 6% (SE)]. The constriction was blocked by preconditioning with adenosine (25 microgram. kg(-1). min(-1) administered intracoronary) for 20 min and 10 min of washout (n = 10) or attenuated by ischemic preconditioning (four 5-min periods of ischemia, 9 +/- 5% at 45 min). To investigate the receptor involved in this process, coronary arterioles (50-150 micrometer) were isolated and pressurized at 60 mmHg in vitro. The ET-1 dose-response curve (1 pM-5 nM) was rightward shifted after preconditioning with adenosine (1 microM) for 20 min and 10 min of washout (n = 11). Blockade of A(2) receptors [8-(3-chlorostyryl)caffeine, 1 microM, n = 9] but not A(1) receptors (8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine, 100 nM, n = 7) prevented this shift. These results suggest that adenosine confers a vascular preconditioning effect, mediated via the A(2) receptor, against endothelin-induced constriction. This effect may offer a new protective function of adenosine in preventing excessive coronary constriction.  相似文献   

Our previous studies implicated that oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL), a putative atherogenic agent, impairs endothelium-dependent, nitric oxide (NO)-mediated dilation of isolated coronary arterioles to pharmacological agonists. However, it is not known whether oxLDL specifically affects NO-mediated dilation or generally impairs endothelium-dependent function, including the release of hyperpolarizing factors. In this regard, we investigated the dilation of isolated porcine coronary arterioles (50- to 100-microm luminal diameter) in response to the activation of various endothelium-dependent pathways before and after intraluminal incubation of the vessels with oxLDL (0.5 mg protein/ml for 60 min). In the absence of oxLDL, all vessels developed basal tone and dilated in response to the activation of NO synthase (by flow and adenosine), cyclooxygenase (by arachidonic acid), cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase (by bradykinin), and endothelial membrane hyperpolarization (by sucrose-induced hyperosmolarity). Incubation of the vessels with oxLDL for 60 min did not alter basal tone but did inhibit the vasodilatory responses to increased flow and adenosine in a manner similar to that of the NO synthase inhibitor N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester. Vasodilations in response to flow and adenosine were not affected by intraluminal incubation of the vessels with either a vehicle solution or the native LDL (0.5 mg protein/ml, 60 min). In contrast with the NO-mediated response, hyperosmotic vasodilation mediated by endothelial hyperpolarization was not affected by oxLDL. Endothelium-dependent dilations to the cyclooxygenase activator arachidonic acid and to the cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase activator bradykinin and endothelium-independent vasodilation to sodium nitroprusside were also not altered by oxLDL. Collectively, these results indicate that oxLDL has a selective effect on endothelium-dependent dilation with specific impairment of the NO-mediated response, whereas cyclooxygenase and cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase-mediated dilations are spared from this inhibitory effect. In addition, oxLDL does not appear to affect vasodilation mediated by hyperpolarization of the endothelium.  相似文献   

In isolated resistance arterioles with spontaneous tone, ligation of alpha4beta1- and alpha5beta1-integrins induces vasoconstriction whereas ligation of alphavbeta3-integrin induces vasodilation. However, whether integrins directly participate in myogenic constriction to pressure elevation is not known. To answer this question, isolated rat skeletal muscle arterioles were exposed to step increments in pressure in the absence or presence of peptides and function-blocking antibodies known to bind alpha4beta1-, alpha5beta1-, or alphavbeta3-integrins while vessel diameter was continually monitored. Myogenic constriction, as assessed by the ability of isolated arterioles to reduce their diameter in response to two consecutive increments in intraluminal pressure (90-110 and 110-130 cmH2O), was not affected by treatment with any of the control peptides (RAD, LEV), a control antibody (anti-rat major histocompatibility complex), an alpha4beta1-integrin-binding peptide (LDV), or an anti-alpha4-integrin antibody. In contrast, alpha5beta1-integrin blockade with either anti-alpha5- or anti-beta1-integrin antibody caused a significant inhibition of myogenic constriction. Also, both RGD peptide and anti-beta3-integrin antibody inhibited myogenic constriction. These results indicate that alpha5beta1- and alphavbeta3-integrins are necessary for myogenic constriction and further suggest that integrins are part of the mechanosensory apparatus responsible for the ability of vascular smooth muscle cells to detect and/or respond to changes in intraluminal pressure.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide promotes Fas/CD95-induced apoptosis in Jurkat cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A properly functioning immune system is dependent on programmed cell death/apoptosis at virtually every stage of lymphocyte development and activity. Carbon monoxide (CO), an enzymatic product of heme oxyenase-1, has been shown to possess anti-apoptotic effects in a number of different model systems. The purpose of the present study was to expand on this knowledge to determine the role of CO in the well established model of Fas/CD95-induced apoptosis in Jurkat cells, and to determine the mechanism by which CO can modulate T-cell apoptosis. Exposure of Jurkat cells to CO resulted in augmentation in Fas/CD95-induced apoptosis, which correlated with CO-induced up-regulation of the pro-apoptotic protein FADD as well as activation of caspase-8, -9, and -3 while simultaneously down-regulating the anti-apoptotic protein BCL-2. These effects of CO were lost with overexpression of the small interfering RNA of FADD. CO, as demonstrated previously in endothelial cells, was also anti-apoptotic in Jurkat cells against tumor necrosis factor and etoposide. We further demonstrate that this pro-apoptotic effect of CO was independent of reactive oxygen species production and involved inhibition in Fas/CD95-induced activation of the pro-survival ERK MAPK. We conclude that in contrast to other studies showing the anti-apoptotic effects of CO, Fas/CD95-induced cell death in Jurkat cells is augmented by exposure to CO and that this occurs in part via inhibition in the activation of ERK MAPK. These data begin to elucidate specific differences with regard to the effects of CO and cell death pathways and provide important and valuable insight into potential mechanisms of action.  相似文献   

Sher EA  Shaklai M  Shaklai N 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33039
The physiological role of the respiratory hemoproteins (RH), hemoglobin and myoglobin, is to deliver O(2) via its binding to their ferrous (Fe(II)) heme-iron. Under variety of pathological conditions RH proteins leak to blood plasma and oxidized to ferric (Fe(III), met) forms becoming the source of oxidative vascular damage. However, recent studies have indicated that both metRH and peroxides induce Heme Oxygenase (HO) enzyme producing carbon monoxide (CO). The gas has an extremely high affinity for the ferrous heme-iron and is known to reduce ferric hemoproteins in the presence of suitable electron donors. We hypothesized that under in vivo plasma conditions, peroxides at low concentration can assist the reduction of metRH in presence of CO. The effect of CO on interaction of metRH with hydrophilic or hydrophobic peroxides was analyzed by following Soret and visible light absorption changes in reaction mixtures. It was found that under anaerobic conditions and low concentrations of RH and peroxides mimicking plasma conditions, peroxides served as electron donors and RH were reduced to their ferrous carboxy forms. The reaction rates were dependent on CO as well as peroxide concentrations. These results demonstrate that oxidative activity of acellular ferric RH and peroxides may be amended by CO turning on the reducing potential of peroxides and facilitating the formation of redox-inactive carboxyRH. Our data suggest the possible role of HO/CO in protection of vascular system from oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide effects on calcium levels in vascular smooth muscle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
H Lin  J J McGrath 《Life sciences》1988,43(22):1813-1816
Previously we showed that carbon monoxide (CO) relaxes vascular smooth muscle in the working heart and thoracic aorta preparations perfused with hemoglobin-free, Krebs-Henseleit (KH) solution. The CO-induced relaxation was not caused by hypoxia, nor was it mediated by adrenergic influences, adenosine, or prostaglandins. In these studies the effect of CO on calcium (Ca++) concentrations in vascular smooth muscle was determined using 45Ca as a tracer. Isolated rat thoracic aorta segments were incubated with 45Ca and gassed with O2, N2, or CO for 60 min. Verapamil was used to verify the effectiveness of the test system. Ca++ concentrations were 488 +/- 35 and 515 +/- 26 mM/g tissue (X +/- SE) in aortic rings gassed with O2 and N2, respectively. CO reduced Ca++ concentrations significantly (P less than 0.01) by 29% to 369 +/- 18 mM/g tissue. Verapamil treatment reduced Ca++ concentrations by 40% to 314 +/- 23 mM/g tissue. These results suggest that CO relaxes vascular smooth muscle and dilates blood vessels by decreasing Ca++ concentrations in vascular smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450-4A1 (CYP4A1) is an omega-hydroxylase that catalyzes the metabolism of arachidonic acid to 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE). The goal of this study was to determine the vasomotor consequences of vascular overexpression of CYP4A1. Isolated rat gracilis muscle arterioles transfected ex vivo with an expression plasmid containing CYP4A1 cDNA expressed more CYP4A protein than vessels transfected with the control plasmid. In arterioles pressurized to 80 mmHg, the internal diameter of vessels transfected with CYP4A1 cDNA (55 +/- 3 microm) was surpassed (P < 0.05) by that of vessels transfected with control plasmid (97 +/- 4 microm). Treatment with a CYP4A inhibitor (N-methylsulfonyl-12,12-dibromododec-11-enamide; DDMS) or with an antagonist of 20-HETE actions [20-hydroxyeicosa-6(Z),15(Z)-dienoic acid; 20-HEDE] elicited robust dilation of arterioles transfected with CYP4A1 cDNA, whereas the treatment had little or no effect in vessels transfected with control plasmid. Examination of the intraluminal pressure-internal diameter relationship revealed that pressure increments over the range of 40-100 mmHg elicited a more intense (P < 0.05) myogenic constrictor response in arterioles transfected with CYP4A1 cDNA than in those with control plasmid. Arterioles transfected with CYP4A1 cDNA also displayed enhanced sensitivity to the constrictor action of phenylephrine. Treatment with DDMS or 20-HEDE greatly attenuated the constrictor responsiveness to both constrictor stimuli in vessels overexpressing CYP4A1, whereas the treatment had much less effect in control vessels. These data suggest that CYP4A1 overexpression promotes constriction of gracilis muscle arterioles by intensifying the responsiveness of vascular smooth muscle to constrictor stimuli. This effect of CYP4A1 overexpression appears to be mediated by a CYP4A1 product.  相似文献   

Our objective was to test the hypothesis that short-term exercise training (STR) of pigs increases endothelium-dependent dilation (EDD) of coronary arteries but not coronary arterioles. Female Yucatan miniature swine ran on a treadmill for 1 h, at 3.5 mph, twice daily for 7 days (STR; n = 28). Skeletal muscle citrate synthase activity was increased in STR compared with sedentary controls (Sed; n = 26). Vasoreactivity was evaluated in isolated segments of conduit arteries (1-2 mm ID, 3-4 mm length) mounted on myographs and in arterioles (50-100 microm ID) isolated and cannulated with micropipettes with intraluminal pressure set at 60 cmH(2)O. EDD was assessed by examining responses to increasing concentrations of bradykinin (BK) (conduit arteries 10(-12)-10(-6) M and arterioles 10(-13)-10(-6) M). There were no differences in maximal EDD or BK sensitivity of coronary arterioles from Sed and STR hearts. In contrast, sensitivity of conduit arteries (precontracted with PGF(2alpha)) to BK was increased significantly (P < 0.05) in STR (EC(50), 2.33 +/- 0.62 nM, n = 12) compared with Sed animals (EC(50), 3.88 +/- 0.62 nM, n = 13). Immunoblot analysis revealed that coronary arteries from STR and Sed animals had similar levels of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). In contrast, eNOS protein was increased in STR aortic endothelial cells. Neither protein nor mRNA levels of eNOS were different in coronary arterioles from STR compared with Sed animals. STR did not alter expression of superoxide dismutase (SOD-1) protein in any artery examined. We conclude that pigs exhibit increases in EDD of conduit arteries, but not in coronary arterioles, at the onset of exercise training. These adaptations in pigs do not appear to be mediated by alterations in eNOS or SOD-1 expression.  相似文献   

Current literature suggests that chronic nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibition has differential effects on endothelium-dependent dilation (EDD) of conduit arteries vs. arterioles. Therefore, we hypothesized that chronic inhibition of NOS would impair EDD of porcine left anterior descending (LAD) coronary arteries but not coronary arterioles. Thirty-nine female Yucatan miniature swine were included in the study. Animals drank either tap water or water with N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 100 mg/l), resulting in control and chronic NOS inhibition (CNI) groups, respectively. Treatment was continued for 1-3 mo (8.3 +/- 0.6 mg x kg(-1) x day(-1)). In vitro EDD of coronary LADs and arterioles was assessed via responses to ADP (LADs only) and bradykinin (BK), and endothelium-independent function was assessed via responses to sodium nitroprusside (SNP). Chronic NOS inhibition diminished coronary artery EDD to ADP and BK. Incubating LAD rings with L-NAME decreased relaxation responses of LADs from control pigs but not from CNI pigs such that between-group differences were abolished. Neither indomethacin (Indo) nor sulfaphenazole incubation significantly affected relaxation responses of LAD rings to ADP or BK. Coronary arteries from CNI pigs showed enhanced relaxation responses to SNP. In contrast to coronary arteries, coronary arterioles from CNI pigs demonstrated preserved EDD to BK and no increase in dilation responses to SNP. L-NAME, Indo, and L-NAME + Indo incubation did not result in significant between-group differences in arteriole dilation responses to BK. These results suggest that although chronic NOS inhibition diminishes EDD of LAD rings, most likely via a NOS-dependent mechanism, it does not affect EDD of coronary arterioles.  相似文献   

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