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1. Ants are among the most abundant terrestrial organisms, yet little is known of how ant communities divide resources because it is difficult to measure the number of individuals in colonies and the density of colonies. 2. The body size–abundance relationships of the ants of five upland ecosystems in Florida were examined. The study tested whether abundance, energy use, and total biomass were distributed among species and body sizes as predicted by Damuth's energetic equivalence rule. Estimates of average worker body size, colony size, colony mass, and field metabolic rates were used to examine the relationships among body sizes, energy use, and total biomass. 3. Analyses revealed significant variation in energy use and did not support the energetic equivalence hypothesis. Specifically, the energy use and total standing biomass of species with large workers and colonies was much greater than smaller species. 4. These results suggest that larger species with larger colonies account for a disproportionate fraction of the total abundance and biomass of ants. A general model of resource allocation in colonies provides a possible explanation for why ants do not conform to the predictions of the energetic equivalence rule and for why ants are so abundant.  相似文献   

As a general test of the energetic equivalence rule, we examined macroecological relationships among abundance, density and host body mass in a comparative analysis of the assemblages of trophically transmitted endoparasitic helminths of 131 species of vertebrate hosts. Both the numbers and total volume of parasites per gram of host decreased allometrically with host body mass, with slopes roughly consistent with those expected from the allometric relationship between host basal metabolic rate and body mass. From an evolutionary perspective, large body size may therefore allow hosts to escape from the deleterious effects of parasitism.  相似文献   

According to the energetic equivalence rule, energy use by a population is independent of average adult body mass. Energy use can be equated with carbon flux, and it has been suggested that population fluxes of other materials, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, might also be independent of body mass. We compiled data on individual nitrogen deposition rates (via faeces and urine) and average population densities of 26 species of mammalian herbivores to test the hypothesis of elemental equivalence for nitrogen. We found that the mass scaling of individual nitrogen flux was opposite to that of population density for the species in our dataset. By computing the product of individual nitrogen flux and average population density for each species in our dataset, we found that population-level nitrogen flux was independent of species mass, averaging c. 3.22 g N ha−1 day−1. Results from this analysis can be used to understand the influence of mammalian herbivore communities on nitrogen cycling in terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

The effects of fire on the composition of a bird community were investigated in an Amazonian savanna near Alter-do-Ch?o, Pará (Brazil). Mist-net captures and visual counts were used to assess species richness and bird abundance pre- and post-fire in an approximately 20 ha area. Visual counts along transects were used to survey birds in an approximately 2000 ha area in a nearby area. Results using the same method of ordination analysis (multidimensional scaling) showed significant effects of fire in the 20 ha and 2000 ha areas and strongly suggest direct effects on bird community composition. However, the effects were different at different spatial scales and/or in different years, indicating that the effects of fire vary spatially and/or temporally. Bird community composition pre-fire was significantly different from that found post-fire. Using multiple regression analysis it was found that the numbers of burned and unburned trees were not significantly related to either bird species richness or bird abundance. Two months after the fire, neither bird species richness nor bird abundance was significantly related to the number of flowering trees (Lafoensia pacari) or fruiting trees (Byrsonima crassifolia). Since fire is an annual event in Alter-do-Ch?o and is becoming frequent in the entire Amazon, bird community composition in affected areas could be constantly changing in time and space.  相似文献   

Coevolution in an Amazonian hummingbird-plant community   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PETER A. COTTON 《Ibis》1998,140(4):639-646
Relationships between hummingbirds and their food plants are often considered to have arisen through coevolution. However, while it is certainly the case that hummingbirds and plants are coevolved, it is not always clear to what extent coevolution has shaped community structure and the morphology of the birds and plants. Here I examine the hummingbird-plant community of a lowland Amazonian rainforest in southeastern Colombia and test hypotheses concerning coevolution and community structure. To determine the strength of interrelationships and the degree to which character displacement has occurred, the distributions of three floral traits (flowering phenology, nectar production and corolla length) and two hummingbird traits (culmen length and foraging ecology) have been statistically tested against random null models. Although the hummingbird-plant community at Matamatá is diverse and is highly likely to have a long shared evolutionary history, there is little evidence for pairwise coevolution. Instead, the community appears to have evolved through diffuse coevolution, resulting in guilds of hummingbirds and plants.  相似文献   

The negative scaling of plant and animal abundance with body mass is one of the most fundamental relationships in ecology. However, theoretical approaches to explain this phenomenon make the unrealistic assumption that species share a homogeneous resource. Here we present a simple model linking mass and metabolism with density that includes the effects of consumer size on resource characteristics (particle size, density, and distribution). We predict patterns consistent with the energy equivalence rule (EER) under some scenarios. However, deviations from EER occur as a result of variation in resource distribution and productivity (e.g., due to the clumping of prey or variation in food particle size selection). We also predict that abundance scaling exponents change with the dimensionality of the foraging habitat. Our model predictions explain several inconsistencies in the observed scaling of vertebrate abundance among ecological and taxonomic groups and provide a broad framework for understanding variation in abundance.  相似文献   

If common processes generate size-abundance relationships among all animals, then similar patterns should be observed across groups with different ecologies, such as parasites and free-living animals. We studied relationships among body size, life-history traits, and population intensity (density in infected hosts) among nematodes parasitizing mammals. Parasite size and intensity were negatively correlated independently of all other parasite and host factors considered and regardless of type of analyses (i.e., nonphylogenetic or phylogenetically based statistical analyses, and across or within communities). No other nematode life-history traits had independent effects on intensity. Slopes of size-intensity relationships were consistently shallow, around -0.20 on log-log scale, and thus inconsistent with the energetic equivalence rule. Within communities, slopes converged toward this global value as size range increased. A summary of published values suggests similar convergence toward a global value around -0.75 among free-living animals. Steeper slopes of size-abundance relationships among free-living animals could be related to fundamental differences in ecologies between parasites and free-living animals, although such generalizations require reexamination of size-abundance relationships among free-living animals with regard to confounding factors, in particular by use of phylogenetically based statistical methods. In any case, our analyses caution against simple generalizations about patterns of animal abundance.  相似文献   

The community of an individual: implications for the community concept   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
V. Thomas Parker 《Oikos》2004,104(1):27-34
The concept of the ecological community is examined from the perspective of its criteria and domain. The multiple definitions and uses of this concept indicate a variety of scales and approaches. In this paper, a core definition of the minimal criteria and domain is proposed. Using those criteria, a model of the ecological community is developed based on a focal individual and its interactions with other individuals. In order to increase the scale of the domain of this approach, additional criteria are required. This model is used to explore characteristics of the minimum domain and larger scales of the community concept. The structure that emerges emphasizes context dependency and the potential for indeterminacy for most types of interactions. A prominent historical argument, the nature of boundaries between communities, has no relevance in this model.  相似文献   

Per Arneberg  Johan Andersen 《Oikos》2003,101(2):367-375
Abundance data from pitfall traps are widely used to estimate the relationship between beetle body size and abundance. Such data probably overestimate densities of large bodied species and may overestimate slopes of size‐abundance relationships. Here, we test this idea by comparing size‐abundance patterns found using data from pitfall trapping with those found with data from a quantitative method of estimating abundance, quadrat sampling. We use data from a total of 47 communities. As expected, slopes of size‐abundance relationships are significantly more positive when estimated using data from pitfall traps compared to when using quadrat sampling data. This was seen when looking across different communities, within communities sampled by both methods and when focusing on the set of species found by both methods within a community. These results were also generally found regardless of method of analysis, which were done using regression with species values as independent data points and using the independent contrast method, and with slopes estimated using ordinary least square regression or the structural relation. Most important, slopes of size‐abundance relationships based on data from pitfall traps were on average significantly more positive than ?0.75 on log–log scales, and thus inconsistent with the energetic equivalence rule. Slopes based on quadrat sampling, on the other hand, were on average not significantly different from ?0.75. The rejection of the energetic equivalence rule based on data from pitfall traps here is therefore a sampling artefact. Similar problems may apply to abundance data from virtually all insect trapping methods, and should make us consider re‐examining many of the size‐abundance patterns documented so far. As a large proportion of all animal species are insects, and traps are widely used to estimate abundance, this is a potentially important problem for our general understanding of the relationship between species body size and abundance.  相似文献   

Ackerman JL  Bellwood DR  Brown JH 《Oecologia》2004,139(4):568-571
A key relationship in ecology is that between density and body size, with the emphasis placed on energetic rules constraining the abundance of larger organisms below that of smaller organisms. Most studies have focused upon the density-body size relationship at the species level. However, energy is gathered at an individual level. We therefore examined this relationship in a coral reef fish assemblage, focusing on individuals. Using a comprehensive data set, with over 14,000 observations we found that the relationship between local density and adult body size differs from the linear relationship predicted by the energetic equivalence rule. However, excluding the smallest size classes, the relationship between body size and individual abundance for intermediate to larger fish did not depart from the predicted –0.75. Unlike plants and intermediate to large reef fishes, the smallest fishes appear to have constraints that may reflect different patterns of resource acquisition.  相似文献   

An alternative hypothesis for the origin of Amazonian bird diversity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aim To determine the origin of the high diversity of birds and other animals and plants in Amazonia. Previous hypotheses are: palaeogeography hypothesis, river hypothesis, river-refuge hypothesis, refuge hypothesis, disturbance-vicariance hypothesis, gradient hypothesis, pest-pressure hypothesis, intermediate disturbance hypothesis, riverine disturbance hypothesis, models of fine-scale habitat heterogeneity, lake hypothesis, and museum hypothesis. Methods At present there is agreement between areas of high species diversity and sites located over 100 m. As these sites would have been islands during a sea-level rise of this value, it was important to determine the probable distribution of these islands in Amazonia during a marine transgression. For that purpose, I traced the 100 m contour line from topographic maps. Results Two broad marine transgressions would have been produced from the Atlantic Ocean via the Amazon and Orinoco rivers. Two very large islands would have been formed to the north of the Amazon River, and other islands and archipelagos would have been formed along the coastal lowlands of Guiana, and at the periphery of the Amazon basin. The area located between the Solimoýes and Negro rivers and in the lower Branco would have been completely covered by the sea. Main conclusions A substantial part of the high diversity of forest and nonforest birds in lowland Amazonia can be hypothetysed to have originated during sea-level rises of about 100 m in the Quaternary and late Tertiary. These transgressions would have fragmented the Amazonian lowland into a large number of true islands and archipelagos, thus favouring active allopatric speciation. Values appreciably higher than 100 m above the present sea-level during previous periods of the Tertiary would have produced segregation of the biota earlier than the Tertiary–Quaternary boundary. Sea-level rises and vegetational changes (by aridity or cooling) would thus have driven the speciation pump, and local disturbances and other processes, would maintain the diversity.  相似文献   

Documenting patterns of spatiotemporal change in hyper-diverse communities remains a challenge for tropical ecology yet is increasingly urgent as some long-term studies have shown major declines in bird communities in undisturbed sites. In 1982, Terborgh et al. quantified the structure and organisation of the bird community in a 97-ha. plot in southeastern Peru. We revisited the same plot in 2018 using the same methodologies as the original study to evaluate community-wide changes. Contrary to longitudinal studies of other neotropical bird communities (Tiputini, Manaus, and Panama), we found little change in community structure and organisation, with increases in 5, decreases in 2 and no change in 7 foraging guilds. This apparent stability suggests that large forest reserves such as the Manu National Park, possibly due to regional topographical influences on precipitation, still provide the conditions for establishing refugia from at least some of the effects of global change on bird communities.  相似文献   

Eye size shows a large degree of variation among species, even after correcting for body size. In birds, relatively larger eyes have been linked to predation risk, capture of mobile prey, and nocturnal habits. Relatively larger eyes enhance visual acuity and also allow birds to forage and communicate in low‐light situations. Complex habitats such as tropical rain forests provide a mosaic of diverse lighting conditions, including differences among forest strata and at different distances from the forest edge. We examined in an Amazonian forest bird community whether microhabitat occupancy (defined by edge avoidance and forest stratum) was a predictor of relative eye size. We found that relative eye size increased with edge avoidance, but did not differ according to forest stratum. Nevertheless, the relationship between edge avoidance and relative eye size showed a nonsignificant positive trend for species that inhabit lower forest strata. Our analysis shows that birds that avoid forest edges have larger eyes than those living in lighter parts. We expect that this adaptation may allow birds to increase their active daily period in dim areas of the forest. The pattern that we found raises the question of what factors may limit the evolution of large eyes.  相似文献   



We assessed patterns of avian species loss and the role of morpho‐ecological traits in explaining species vulnerability to forest fragmentation in an anthropogenic island system. We also contrasted observed and detectability‐corrected estimates of island occupancy, which are often used to infer species vulnerability.


Tucuruí Hydroelectric Reservoir, eastern Brazilian Amazonia.


We surveyed forest birds within 36 islands (3.4–2,551.5 ha) after 22 years of post‐isolation history. We applied species–area relationships to assess differential patterns of species loss among three data sets: all species, forest specialists and habitat generalists. After controlling for phylogenetic non‐independence, we used observed and detectability‐corrected estimates of island occupancy separately to build competing models as a function of species traits. The magnitude of the difference between these estimates of island occupancy was contrasted against species detectability.


The rate of species loss as a function of island area reduction was higher for forest specialists than for habitat generalists. Accounting for the area effect, forest fragmentation did not affect the overall number of species regardless of the data set. Only the interactive model including natural abundance, habitat breadth and geographic range size was strongly supported for both estimates of island occupancy. For 30 species with detection probabilities below 30%, detectability‐corrected estimates were at least tenfold higher than those observed. Conversely, differences between estimates were negligible or non‐existent for all 31 species with detection probabilities exceeding 45.5%.

Main conclusions

Predicted decay of avian species richness induced by forest loss is affected by the degree of habitat specialisation of the species under consideration, and may be unrelated to forest fragmentation per se. Natural abundance was the main predictor of species island occupancy, although habitat breadth and geographic range size also played a role. We caution against using occupancy models for low‐detectability species, because overestimates of island occupancy reduce the power of species‐level predictions of vulnerability.

In Amazonian societies, autonomy is said to be a core value motivating egalitarian politics. This article shows how the quest for autonomy and productiveness presently sets in motion processes that encroach upon these very values. Among the Shuar of Amazonian Ecuador, the realization of autonomy and productiveness increasingly depends on the capture of state resources. Shuar interact with the local state as members of relatively recent sedentary communities and through the mediation of elected leaders. In these processes, ‘community’ itself is transformed: being a channel to regenerate domestic livelihoods, it also becomes an end in itself, giving rise to new economistic attitudes while legitimizing inequalities between commoners and leaders. The article suggests that the pursuit of autonomy and productiveness within a process of village formation is central to the transformation of egalitarianism that occurs when small-scale Amazonian polities engage with nation-state politics.  相似文献   

Giving access to sequence and annotation data for genome assemblies is important because, while facilitating research, it places both assembly and annotation quality under scrutiny, resulting in improvements to both. Therefore we announce Avianbase, a resource for bird genomics, which provides access to data released by the Avian Phylogenomics Consortium.Access to complete genome sequences provides the first step towards the understanding of the biology of organisms. It is the template that underpins the phenotypic characteristics of individuals and ultimately separates species due to the accumulation and fixation of mutations over evolutionary timescales. In terms of the available genomic datasets for species, birds, as our more distant relatives, have been historically underrepresented. The high cost of sequencing and annotation in the past led to a bias towards accumulating data for species that are either established model organisms or economically significant (that is, chicken, turkey and duck, representing two sister orders within the Galloanseriformes clade from the large and diverse phylogeny of birds). The recent release of genome assemblies and initial predictions of protein-coding genes [1-4] for 44 bird species, including representatives from all major branches of the bird phylogeny, is, therefore, highly significant.One of the major challenges with the release of this number of newly sequenced genomes and the many more to come [5] is how to make these available to the various research communities in a way that supports basic research. Providing access to the sequences and initial annotations in the format of text files will limit the potential usage of the data as they require significant resources, including bioinformatics personnel and computer infrastructure in place to access and mine - for example, searching for genes belonging to certain protein families or searching for orthologous genes. These overheads pose a serious bottleneck that can hinder research and requires concerted action by the relevant research communities.Once genomes are submitted to public databases, genome-wide annotations are frequently generated and released either via the Ensembl project [6] or by the National Center for Biotechnology Information [7] and sequence and annotation are then made visually available online in integrated views via the Ensembl or the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) genome browsers [8]. These systems provide search facilities, sequence alignment tools like BLAT/BLAST and various analysis tools to facilitate subsetting and computational retrieval of the data, including UCSC’s Table Browser or Ensembl’s Perl and REST APIs and BioMart system.While these systems have become almost indispensable for research, not all sequenced genomes are annotated and displayed in genome browsers. Full genome annotation remains time consuming and resource intensive: a full evidence-based Ensembl genebuild takes approximately 4 months. Thus, the list of species represented is currently limited and depends on various factors, including the completeness of the assembled genome sequence and the overall demand in the scientific community for the resources, including whether the species is a model organism (for example, human or mouse), economically important (for example, farmed animals) or of specific phylogenetic interest. Many of the recently sequenced bird genomes do not obviously fall within these categories.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of forest fragmentation on bird assemblages in an Amazonian savannah landscape with forest fragments that have been isolated for more than 100 years. The study was conducted in areas surrounding the village of Alter do Chão (2°31′S, 55°00′W), Santarém, Brazil. Bird surveys and measurements of tree density were undertaken in 25 areas, with 19 plots in forest fragments of different sizes and six in an area of continuous forest. Data on forest‐fragment size, perimeter, and isolation were obtained from a georeferenced satellite image. Variation in number of bird species recorded per plot was not related to vegetation structure (tree density). The number of bird species recorded per plot increased significantly only with fragment area, but was not influenced by fragment shape or degree of isolation, even when considering species from the savannah matrix in the analysis. Fragments had fewer rare species. Multivariate ordination analyses (multiple dimensional scaling, [MDS]) indicated that bird species composition changed along a gradient from small to large forest fragments and continuous‐forest areas. In the Amazonian savannah landscapes of Alter do Chão, the organization and composition of bird assemblages in forest fragments are affected by local long‐term forest‐fragmentation processes. Differences in the number of bird species recorded per plot and assemblage composition between forest fragments and continuous forest were not influenced by forest structure, suggesting that the observed patterns in species composition result from the effects of fragmentation per se rather than from preexisting differences in vegetation structure between sites. Nevertheless, despite their long history of isolation, the forest fragments still preserve a large proportion (on average 80%) of the avifauna found in continuous‐forest areas. The fragments at Alter do Chão are surrounded by natural (rather than planted) grassland, with many trees in the savannah matrix and the landscape has vast areas covered by forest, which may have helped to ameliorate the influences of forest fragmentation.  相似文献   

Two processes are thought to generate positive relationships between species richness and island area. The areaper se hypothesis states that larger islands maintain larger populations, which are less susceptible to extinction. The habitat hypothesis states that larger islands contain more habitats, and therefore a greater number of habitat specialists. However, the importance of each mechanism is debated. I tested the areaper se and habitat hypotheses by comparing relationships between plant abundance, age and island area in five shrub species on islands off the coast of British Columbia, Canada. Results showed that two shrub species increased in both abundance and age with island area. The remaining three species showed no differences in abundance and age with island area. Conifer abundances increased with island area, which generated differences in habitat availability. Smaller islands were dominated by open habitat, while larger islands contained both open and forested habitats. Changes in habitat availability with island area could explain patterns in plant abundance and age. The two species that increased in abundance with island area were commonly found in conifer forest on the mainland, and their distributions were consistent with the distribution forest habitat. Positive relationships between plant age and island area in these two species may result from lower survivorship in the open habitat, which dominated small islands. The three species that showed no relationship between abundance and island area are commonly found in open habitat on the mainland, and their island distributions paralleled the availability of open habitat on islands. Similar plant ages on different sized islands may result from their occurrence in open habitat on both large and small islands. Overall results support the habitat hypothesis and indicate that species distributions result from the interaction between habitat affinities and changes in habitat availability with island area.  相似文献   

Individual variation in life-history trade-offs can be causedby differences in quality and age. We tested for individualvariation in parental investment in incubating tree swallows(Tacyhcineta bicolor) subjected to a feather-clipping manipulation.Individual quality influenced how females were affected by featherclipping; lower quality clipped females showed a greater reductionin incubation and a greater loss of body condition than higherquality clipped females compared with controls. Most importantly,responses during incubation influenced nestling traits; lowerquality clipped females, particularly those losing the mostbody mass, raised nestlings in the poorest condition. Therewas no difference in incubation patterns of control females,but older clipped females suffered self-maintenance costs andraised offspring in better condition. In contrast, younger clippedfemales passed costs on to offspring through lower egg temperaturesand reduced nestling condition while maintaining their own condition.Overall, we found a strong individual quality effect: at thepopulation level, there was a trade-off between investing inincubation and maintaining parental condition, but among individuals,there was a positive correlation between change in parentalcondition and offspring quality. Individual differences in parentalstrategy can be important causes of life-history variation,especially through subtle, but important, aspects of reproductionsuch as maintaining egg temperature during incubation.  相似文献   

Joanna Overing 《Ethnos》2013,78(3):293-316
The article states the high evaluation that an Amazonian people, the Piaroa, place upon the artful skills of everyday existence. It is argued that their emphasis upon the creativity of daily practice is forthcoming from a powerful and egalitarian social philosophy. The difficulties of translating such a philosophy, where the human self is contextualised within a wider cosmic setting, are raised. The aim of translation would be to enable us to engage in dialogue with the Piaroa about common concerns (upon the relation of the individual to the collectivity, for instance, or upon the idea of freedom, or the question of the relation of customs to rational decision making). These are a people who overtly shun the idea of a social rule, yet strongly value sociality, their own customs, and the mutuality of the ties of community. At the same time they demonstrate even more forcefully an ‘obstinate individualism’. A major puzzle to be discussed is the notion that personal autonomy is understood as a social capacity, and a cultural one as well: the volitional I, the social relation, and the cultural artifice are an associated set of values. The centrality of the notions of reflective reason and personal trust to this particular egalitarian ethics will be discussed.  相似文献   

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