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An assay is described that detects in vivo a single round of initiation and DNA synthesis directed by a linear molecule containing an exposed single copy of an adenovirus (Ad) origin of replication. This and a previously described assay, which measures multiple rounds of DNA replication, were used to identify DNA sequences within the Ad2 and Ad4 origins of replication that are important for ori function. Linear DNA molecules containing sequences from the Ad2 or Ad4 genome termini were cotransfected with homologous and heterologous helper virus, and net amounts of DNA synthesis were compared. Linear molecules containing the Ad4 inverted terminal repeats were replicated 20-fold better in the presence of the homologous helper, whereas both Ad2 and Ad4 inverted terminal repeats were utilized efficiently by Ad4. DNA sequence analysis of the Ad2 ori and the corresponding region in Ad4 indicated that, although there are only ten variant base-pairs, eight are located within the Ad2 DNA sequence recognized by the cellular protein nuclear factor I. This protein is required to achieve the maximal rate of Ad2 DNA replication in vitro, and these differences therefore identify DNA sequences that are crucial to Ad2 ori function. The Ad4 ITR does not contain a functional nuclear factor I binding site, and deletion analysis has demonstrated that this region of the Ad4 genome is not required for ori function. In contrast to Ad2, the DNA sequences required for the initiation of Ad4 DNA replication were shown to reside entirely within the terminal 18 base-pairs of the Ad4 inverted terminal repeat.  相似文献   

Nuclear factor I is a 47-kd protein, isolated from nuclei of HeLa cells, that binds specifically to the inverted terminal repeat of the adenovirus (Ad) DNA and enhances Ad DNA replication in vitro. We have studied the DNA sequence specificity of nuclear factor I binding using cloned terminal fragments of the Ad2 genome and a set of deletion mutants. Binding of nuclear factor I protects nucleotides 19-42 of Ad2 DNA against DNase I digestion. Filter binding assays show that deletion of the first 23 nucleotides does not impair binding while a deletion of 24 nucleotides reduces binding severely. However, binding studies on Ad12 DNA indicate that nucleotide 24 can be mutated. Fragments containing the first 40 bp are bound normally while the first 38 bp are insufficient to sustain binding. Taken together, these results indicate that the minimal recognition site of nuclear factor I contains 15 or 16 nucleotides, located from nucleotide 25 to nucleotide 39 or 40 of the Ad2 DNA. This site contains two of the four conserved nucleotide sequences in this region. Sequences flanking the minimal recognition site may reduce the binding affinity of nuclear factor I. In accordance with these binding studies, DNA replication of a fragment that carries the sequence of the terminal 40 nucleotides of Ad2 at one molecular end is enhanced by nuclear factor I in an in vitro replication system.  相似文献   

We have studied the binding of nuclear factor 1 (NFI), a human sequence-specific DNA-binding protein, to a DNA fragment substituted in vitro with 5-bromodeoxycytidine (5-BrdC). Even at low substitution grades binding of NFI to its recognition sequence was considerably lower than with the unsubstituted control fragment. We developed a procedure to cleave substituted DNA specifically at a BrdC residue and searched for contacts between NFI and 5-BrdC residues by an interference assay. Surprisingly, no specific contacts were found in or near the recognition sequence. It appeared instead that interference was inversely related to the distance of a 5-BrdC residue from the NFI binding site. Models to explain these results, including a possible sliding mechanism, are discussed.  相似文献   

The solution behavior of the single-stranded CCAAT-containing octamer 1 , d(AGCCAATA), that comprises part of the nuclear factor I (NF-I) recognition site at the origin of replication of human adenovirus has been studied by nmr spectroscopy at 500 and 600 MHz. Proton resonance assignments for 1 were aided by selective 13C enrichment at C1′ of A1 or A5. High-resolution 13C-1H heteronuclear multiple-bond coherence spectra of the 13C-labeled oligomers permitted the selective detection of furanosyl ring protons within each labeled residue due to short- and long-range 13C-1H couplings to the enriched C1′. The resulting assignments provided firm starting points in the interpretation of double quantum filtered correlated spectra, yielding information supplemented by total correlated spectroscopy (TOCSY) and rotating frame nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopic data to completely assign the 1H-nmr spectrum of 1 and extract 3JHH values for furanose con-formational analysis. Several 13C-1H spin-coupling constants within the 13C-enriched A1 or A5 residues were measured from cross-peak shifts in TOCSY spectra, and their signs determined by inspection of the relative orientations of these shifts. 1H-2-H and 13C-1H spin-couplings both indicate a preference (> 75%) for south (C2′-endo) conformations by the furanosyl rings of 1 . © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The template requirements for efficient adenovirus DNA replication were studied in vitro in a reconstituted system with cloned DNA fragments, containing the Ad2 origin region, as templates. Replication is enhanced by nuclear factor I, a cellular protein that binds specifically to the Ad2 origin. This stimulation is shown to be strongly dependent on the concentration of the adenovirus DNA binding protein. Using synthetic oligonucleotides we have constructed plasmids with base substitutions in the nuclear factor I binding region. Footprint analysis and competition filter binding studies show that two of the three small blocks of conserved nucleotides in this region are involved in the binding of nuclear factor I. The binding affinity can be influenced by the base composition of the degenerate region just outside these two blocks. In vitro initiation and DNA chain elongation experiments with the mutants demonstrate that binding of nuclear factor I to the Ad2 origin is necessary for stimulation. However, binding alone is not always sufficient since a mutation which only slightly disturbs binding is strongly impaired in stimulation of DNA replication by nuclear factor I.  相似文献   

Intranuclear site of replication of adenovirus DNA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Direct observation of the intranuclear site of newly replicated adenovirus DNA by electron microscope autoradiography indicates that the continuing replication of viral DNA does not occur in association with the nuclear envelope. This result was obtained in the absence of host cell DNA synthesis and was independent of variations in the length of exposure to radioactivity or the appearance of viral-induced changes in nuclear morphology.  相似文献   

Nuclear factor I (NFI) is shown to be of importance for the activity of the enhancer element of a T-cell leukemogenic murine retrovirus, SL3-3, and for the regulation of this element by glucocorticoid. Each nucleotide of the binding site of the NFI proteins was mutated, and the effects of the mutations were quantitated with an electrophoretic mobility shift assay. Mutations in the inverted repeat of the binding site have symmetric effects which strongly support the notion that NFI proteins preferentially bind to dyad symmetry sites. Such binding sites were shown to be more than 100 fold stronger than the corresponding single binding sites. We find dyad symmetry sequences which are much stronger NFI binding sites than NFI sites identified in different genes and also stronger than previously proposed consensus binding sequences for NFI.  相似文献   

The DNA-binding domain of Nuclear Factor I (NFIBD) enhances initiation of adenovirus DNA replication up to 50-fold by binding to the auxiliary region of the origin and positioning the viral DNA polymerase. To study if and when NFIBD dissociates from the template, we immobilized origin DNA to glutathione-agarose beads by means of a GST-NFIBD fusion protein. This immobilized template is active in replication. By analyzing the release of prelabeled templates from the beads under different conditions, we show that NFIBD dissociates already early during initiation. During preinitiation NFIBD remains bound, but as soon as dCTP, dATP or dTTP are added, efficient dissociation occurs. A much lower dissociation level was induced by addition of dGTP. Since dCTP, dATP and dTTP are required for formation of a pTP-CAT initiation intermediate, we explain our results by conformational changes occurring in the polymerase during initiation leading to disruption of both the interaction between the polymerase and NFI as well as the interaction between NFI and the DNA.  相似文献   

Nuclear factor I (NFI) or its isolated DNA-binding domain (NFI-BD) enhances initiation of adenovirus DNA replication up to 50-fold at low concentrations of the precursor terminal protein-DNA polymerase (pTP-pol) complex. Both in solution and when bound to DNA, NFI-BD can form a complex with pTP-pol. To investigate the mechanism of enhancement by NFI, we determined the stability of a functional preinitiation complex formed in vitro between pTP-pol and the origin. Challenge experiments with a distinguishable template containing an identical origin revealed that in the absence of NFI, this preinitiation complex was very sensitive to competition for pTP-pol. Addition of NFI-BD increased the half-life of the complex at least 10-fold and led to the formation of a template-committed preinitiation complex. In agreement with this, binding of pTP-pol to origin DNA in band-shift assays was enhanced by NFI. By DNase I footprinting we show that the specificity of binding as well as induction of structural changes in origin DNA by pTP-pol are increased by NFI. These results indicate that NFI, by binding and positioning pTP-pol, stabilizes the complex between pTP-pol and the core origin, and thus enhances initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

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