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Genetic polymorphism of the pig plasma vitamin D binding protein Gc was demonstrated by agarose isoelectrofocusing followed by either autoradiography or immunofixation with specific human Gc antiserum. Three different types F, FS and S were observed. Family data supported the genetic theory that the Gc types are controlled by two autosomal codominant alleles GcF and GcS. Both alleles are present in Yorkshire and Duroc. In Danish Landrace and Hampshire only the GcF allele was observed.  相似文献   

In the musk shrew ( Suncus murinus ), the electrophoretic bands in the post-albumin region were identified as vitamin D binding protein (Gc) by the [3HI vitamin D3 binding method. Three Gc phenotypes were distinguished from each other: a single faster band (Gc-A), a single slower band (Gc-B) and the double bands (Gc-AB). Results of mating experiments indicated that the Gc-A and Gc-B are controlled by two codominant alleles, Cc a and Gc b at an autosomal locus ( Cc ), respectively. It was noticed that, in the Gc-AB phenotypes, the Gc-B band was constantly more intense than the Gc-A band in the protein staining. The same tendency was also observed btween the homozygous Gc-A and Gc-B bands, and further, radioactivity of the Gc-B bound with [3H] vitamin D3 was about twofold higher than that of the Gc-A. These results suggest that the Gcb yields its protein product twofold more than the Gc a. No cross-reaction between the shrew proteins and a rabbit anti-human Gc protein was observed.  相似文献   

Cattle and horse plasma samples of known post-albumin types were radiolabelled with 14C-vitamin D3. These samples were then analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, followed by autoradiography. The patterns observed were identical to those of post-albumin variants. The polymorphic post-albumin protein of cattle and horse was thus identified as the vitamin D binding protein and homologous to the Gc protein of human plasma.  相似文献   

The vitamin D binding protein (Gc) and posttransferrin-2 (Ptf-2) phenotypes have been determined in a number of Belgian cattle breeds. A very slow migrating variant of the Gc protein — Gc C — has been found in White and Red East Flemish breed. This variant was absent from the other breeds studied. This slow variant was identified as a vitamin D binding protein by autoradiography. The Gc C protein was shown to be controlled by a codominant autosomal allele Gc C at the Gclocus. The Gc C protein is probably identical with a fraction previously described in buffalo and an Italian cattle breed. The allele frequencies for the Gc and Pft-2 systems are reported for several Belgian breeds of cattle.  相似文献   

Horizontal polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, on 10% separation gel, of horse serum revealed polymorphism of the vitamin D binding protein (Gc protein) and another post-albumin protein (Pa). Family data supported the hypothesis that Gc and Pa types were controlled by autosomal codominant alleles. For both Gc and Pa proteins, the homozygous types showed a single fraction while the heterozygous type had two fractions. Pa types were found to be identical to the post-albumin types reported earlier by starch gel electrophoresis. Two Gc alleles, Gc F and Gc S , and three Pa alleles, Pa D, Pa F and Pa S , were observed in samples from Swedish (four breeds), Lipizzaner and Arab horses. The frequency of the more common allele at the two loci, i.e. Gc F and Pa F , ranged from 0.72–0.93 and from 0.58–0.99, respectively, in the different breeds studied. Plasma samples showed an extra protein fraction near the Gc S fraction and thus were found unsuitable for Gc typing.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphism was detected in the red deer (Cervus elaphus L.), plasma proteins, plasminogen (PLG) and vitamin D binding protein (GC) using antiserum to human proteins. The affinity of the antisera to deer plasma was less than 10% that of a human standard but they bound specifically to proteins of molecular weight expected for GC and PLG. Three codominant alleles of GC and five of PLG were observed. In a set 124 farmed deer calves and their parents, six calves had genotypes which were not consistent with the expectations of inheritance. Further inconsistencies were found when variation in isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) and transferrin (TRF) was examined. Using genetic models which included pedigree error parameters the data were shown to be consistent with genetic inheritance of all loci in a data set containing approximately 4.8% (SE 1.4%) parent-progeny pedigree mismatches. In samples from four deer populations representative of the red deer introduced to New Zealand the GC and PLG polymorphisms provided a probability of paternity exclusion (PE) of between 0.34 and 0.54 and when IDH and TRF were also included the PE was between 0.46 and 0.66. The four populations differed significantly in allele frequency, which supports historical evidence that they originate from separate introductions of small numbers of European red deer.  相似文献   

Summary. Evidence is presented for close genetic linkage between the structural loci for serum albumin and the vitamin D binding protein (Gc) in Belgian Blue and White cattle. Five recombinants were observed in a total of 342 informative offspring. The recombination frequency between the two loci was estimated as 1.5%± 0.9. The observed distribution of the haplotypes deviated from the expected one in the population, probably due to selection and significant linkage disequilibrium.  相似文献   

Polymorphism at the GC locus in goats was detected using isoelectric focusing (pH 4.5-5.4) and immunoblotting with antiserum to human GC. Three variants, designated A, B and C in order of decreasing mobility to the anode, were detected and were shown to be controlled by three codominant alleles, GCA, GCB and GCC. GCA and GCB occurred in all four breeds (Australian and Texan Angora, Cashmere and Dairy) with GCA being the most common and having gene frequencies ranging from 0.851 to 0.993. GCC was found only in Australian Angora and Cashmere animals. The products of the three GC alleles had isoelectric points in the range pH 4.63-4.95 and M(r) of approximately 54,375. The major isoforms of the three alleles were shown to contain sialic acid. Linkage between the GC and albumin loci was unable to be demonstrated due to the low frequency of ALBA (0.02) in the Cashmere breed.  相似文献   

On the basis of the results of activity studies, previous reports have suggested that vitamin D binding protein (DBP) is significantly or even completely deglycosylated in cancer patients, eliminating the molecular precursor of the immunologically important Gc macrophage activating factor (GcMAF), a glycosidase‐derived product of DBP. The purpose of this investigation was to directly determine the relative degree of O‐linked trisaccharide glycosylation of serum‐derived DBP in human breast, colorectal, pancreatic, and prostate cancer patients. Results obtained by electrospray ionization‐based mass spectrometric immunoassay showed that there was no significant depletion of DBP trisaccharide glycosylation in the 56 cancer patients examined relative to healthy controls. These results suggest that alternative hypotheses regarding the molecular and/or structural origins of GcMAF must be considered to explain the relative inability of cancer patient serum to activate macrophages.  相似文献   

T Shibata  T Abe 《Animal genetics》1996,27(3):195-197
Vitamin D binding protein ( GC ) and serum protease inhibitor ( PI ) have been added to genetic markers in the Japanese quail. Both loci were controlled by autosomal codominant alleles named GCA, GCB and PIA, PIB, PIC, respectively. Close linkage between the loci for serum albumin ( ALB ) and GC protein is reported. Two recombinants were observed in 145 informative offspring of 14 families. The recombination frequency between the loci was estimated as 0.014±0.006. Thus, GC was assigned to linkage group II in the Japanese quail. No signs of linkage were observed among the loci for the ALB-GC complex, PI. serum prealbumin 2 ( PA2 ), phosphoglucose isomerase ( PG1 ), 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase ( PGD ) and esterase-D ( ESD ).  相似文献   

Evidence for close genetic linkage between the loci for serum albumin (ALB) and vitamin D binding protein (GC) in sheep is presented. No recombinants were found in 28 informative offspring of a single ram family. The recombination frequency between the two loci was estimated to be in the range of 0 to 10%. No sign of linkage was observed between the ALB-GC complex and transferrin.  相似文献   

One-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1D PAGE) followed by immunoblotting revealed genetic polymorphism of GC protein in sheep (variants F, S, V) and mouflon (variants F and S, apparently identical to F and S of sheep). The frequency of Gcs allele ranged from 0.84 to 1.0 in the 12 breeds of sheep studied. GcV allele was observed only in Tsigai breed with a frequency of 0.017.  相似文献   

The distribution of the DBP (vitamin D binding protein) polymorphism is now well characterized among human populations but for primates only limited results are known. The aim of this paper is to describe the electrophoretic polymorphism of this protein among various species. Using three different electrophoretic methods, we are able to detect an unknown polymorphism and to classify the different alleles observed. These results may be used to set an international nomenclature for further comparisons. The different electrophoretic mobilities between Old and New World Monkeys show that: 1) the Cercopithecoïdea are presenting the largest genetic heterogeneity; 2) the DBP among the Galago corresponds to the lowest isoelectric points observed among Primates; 3) during the evolution from nonhuman Primates to Man, the DBP is able to keep its affinity for vitamin D derivatives despite the occurrence of significant molecular modifications; 4) among Anthropoïdea, the electrophoretic patterns of DBP are very close to the human Gc 1 proteins. These results show that evolution at the DBP level can be considered as a continous mechanism of structural modifications. A significant transition occurs during the differentiation between Cercopithecoïdea and Anthropoïdea. It is not too speculative to consider that some electrophoretic forms detected among Gorilla, Pongo, or Pan may be identical to rare variants observed among humans.  相似文献   

The previously published serum protein polymorphisms Gl-1 (Moutier, Toyama & Charrier, 1973) and tf (Bender & Gunther, 1978) are identical and represent genetic variation at the locus of the vitamin D-binding arglobulin, also known as Gc or group-specific component. The identity was established by comparative protein staining, by functional tests with ;4C-vitamin D3, by immunological studies with specific anti-Gc sera and by the strain distribution patterns. The Gc polymorphism in the rat may initiate interesting physiological and genetical studies.  相似文献   

Eldecalcitol [1α,25‐dihydroxy‐2β‐(3‐hydroxypropyloxy)vitamin D3], a vitamin D analog with enhanced efficacy for treatment of osteoporosis, has been found to be less potent than 1,25‐dihydroxyvitamin D3 (calcitriol) in suppressing PTH in vivo. To define the mechanism for the latter observation, we compared the effects of eldecalcitol and calcitriol on PTH secretion by bovine parathyroid cells. While the two compounds showed similar potency when the cells were cultured in medium containing 15% newborn calf serum, eldecalcitol was 100 times more potent than calcitriol in the absence of serum. Eldecalcitol has a higher affinity for the serum vitamin D‐binding protein (DBP), and therefore binding to DBP, and possibly other serum components, appears to limit the uptake and activity of eldecalcitol in parathyroid cells, providing an explanation for the lower PTH suppressing activity in vivo (100% serum). However, the 100‐fold higher activity of eldecalcitol in the absence of serum was unexpected since the VDR affinity for eldecalcitol is eightfold lower than for calcitriol. The enhanced activity was not due to preferential uptake, but to a resistance to metabolism. While 1 nM [3H]calcitriol was completely degraded within 24 h, [3H]eldecalcitol was not metabolized, despite the induction of the vitamin D catabolic enzyme, 24‐hydroxylase (CYP24A). The resistance to metabolism is the likely explanation for the higher potency of eldecalcitol in suppressing PTH in cell culture lacking serum. Thus, the unique properties of eldecalcitol in vivo can be attributed, at least in part, to its high‐DBP affinity which increases the half‐life, but limits the uptake of eldecalcitol, and to its reduced metabolism, which prolongs the activity of this analog in target tissues. J. Cell. Biochem. 112: 1348–1352, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Two hundred and six patients with rheumatoid arthritis were examined for their association with the subtypes of Gc (vitamin D binding protein). In patient groups there is 11% excess of individuals with Gc*2 allele compared to the control group, giving a relative risk of 1.55. This risk increases with the humoral status of the individual. A possible physiological basis between the association of vitamin D binding protein and rheumatoid arthritis is discussed.  相似文献   



The vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene serves as a good candidate gene for susceptibility to several diseases. The gene has a critical role in regulating the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) influencing the regulation of blood pressure. Hence determining the association of VDR polymorphisms with essential hypertension is expected to help in the evaluation of risk for the condition.


The aim of this study was to evaluate association between VDRFok I polymorphism and genetic susceptibility to essential hypertension.


Two hundred and eighty clinically diagnosed hypertensive patients and 200 normotensive healthy controls were analyzed for Fok I (T/C) [rs2228570] polymorphism by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis. Genotype distribution and allele frequencies in patients and controls, and odds ratios (ORs) were calculated to predict the risk for developing hypertension by the individuals of different genotypes.


The genotype distribution and allele frequencies of Fok I (T/C) [rs2228570] VDR polymorphism differed significantly between patients and controls (χ2 of 18.0; 2 degrees of freedom; P = 0.000). FF genotype and allele F were at significantly greater risk for developing hypertension and the risk was elevated for both the sexes, cases with positive family history and habit of smoking.


Our data suggest that VDR gene Fok I polymorphism is associated with the risk of developing essential hypertension  相似文献   

Using agarose gel isoelectric focusing and immunoblotting with rabbit anti-rabbit C6, a genetic polymorphism has been found in the sixth component of complement (C6) in six breeds of pigs. The C6 locus was highly polymorphic. Family data indicated that pig C6 pheno-types were inherited by means of five codomonant alleles named C6 A, C6 B, C6 C, C6 D and C6 E at a single autosomal locus. C6 deficiency in two of 241 individuals tested was found, which suggested the presence of a null allele in pig populations. Marked breed differences among the gene frequencies and heterozygosities at C6 locus were observed.  相似文献   

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