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Bridges BA 《DNA Repair》2005,4(5):618-9, 634
Dean Rupp and Paul Howard-Flanders showed that, following exposure to ultraviolet light, bacteria deficient in nucleotide excision repair synthesised DNA with minimal delay and in pieces roughly the size of the distances between pyrimidine dimmers. The discontinuities or gaps between these pieces were subsequently sealed. This led directly to the hypothesis of translesion synthesis.  相似文献   

Comment on: Pseudo-DNA damage response in senescent cells. Pospelova T, et al. Cell Cycle 2009; 8:In press.  相似文献   

Quadruplex DNA: sequence, topology and structure   总被引:31,自引:20,他引:11  
G-quadruplexes are higher-order DNA and RNA structures formed from G-rich sequences that are built around tetrads of hydrogen-bonded guanine bases. Potential quadruplex sequences have been identified in G-rich eukaryotic telomeres, and more recently in non-telomeric genomic DNA, e.g. in nuclease-hypersensitive promoter regions. The natural role and biological validation of these structures is starting to be explored, and there is particular interest in them as targets for therapeutic intervention. This survey focuses on the folding and structural features on quadruplexes formed from telomeric and non-telomeric DNA sequences, and examines fundamental aspects of topology and the emerging relationships with sequence. Emphasis is placed on information from the high-resolution methods of X-ray crystallography and NMR, and their scope and current limitations are discussed. Such information, together with biological insights, will be important for the discovery of drugs targeting quadruplexes from particular genes.  相似文献   

Signal transduction networks: topology, response and biochemical processes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Conventionally, biological signal transduction networks are analysed using experimental and theoretical methods to describe specific protein components, interactions, and biochemical processes and to model network behavior under various conditions. While these studies provide crucial information on specific networks, this information is not easily converted to a broader understanding of signal transduction systems. Here, using a specific model of protein interaction we analyse small network topologies to understand their response and general properties. In particular, we catalogue the response for all possible topologies of a given network size to generate a response distribution, analyse the effects of specific biochemical processes on this distribution, and analyse the robustness and diversity of responses with respect to internal fluctuations or mutations in the network. The results show that even three- and four-protein networks are capable of creating diverse and biologically relevant responses, that the distribution of response types changes drastically as a function of biochemical processes at protein level, and that certain topologies strongly pre-dispose a specific response type while others allow for diverse types of responses. This study sheds light on the response types and properties that could be expected from signal transduction networks, provides possible explanations for the role of certain biochemical processes in signal transduction and suggests novel approaches to interfere with signaling pathways at the molecular level. Furthermore it shows that network topology plays a key role on determining response type and properties and that proper representation of network topology is crucial to discover and understand so-called building blocks of large networks.  相似文献   


The heterotrimeric eukaryotic Replication protein A (RPA) is a master regulator of numerous DNA metabolic processes. For a long time, it has been viewed as an inert protector of ssDNA and a platform for assembly of various genome maintenance and signaling machines. Later, the modular organization of the RPA DNA binding domains suggested a possibility for dynamic interaction with ssDNA. This modular organization has inspired several models for the RPA-ssDNA interaction that aimed to explain how RPA, the high-affinity ssDNA binding protein, is replaced by the downstream players in DNA replication, recombination, and repair that bind ssDNA with much lower affinity. Recent studies, and in particular single-molecule observations of RPA-ssDNA interactions, led to the development of a new model for the ssDNA handoff from RPA to a specific downstream factor where not only stability and structural rearrangements but also RPA conformational dynamics guide the ssDNA handoff. Here we will review the current knowledge of the RPA structure, its dynamic interaction with ssDNA, and how RPA conformational dynamics may be influenced by posttranslational modification and proteins that interact with RPA, as well as how RPA dynamics may be harnessed in cellular decision making.  相似文献   

Cellular genomes are vulnerable to an array of DNA-damaging agents, of both endogenous and environmental origin. Such damage occurs at a frequency too high to be compatible with life. As a result cell death and tissue degeneration, aging and cancer are caused. To avoid this and in order for the genome to be reproduced, these damages must be corrected efficiently by DNA repair mechanisms. Eukaryotic cells have multiple mechanisms for the repair of damaged DNA. These repair systems in humans protect the genome by repairing modified bases, DNA adducts, crosslinks and double-strand breaks. The lesions in DNA are eliminated by mechanisms such as direct reversal, base excision and nucleotide excision. The base excision repair eliminates single damaged-base residues by the action of specialized DNA glycosylases and AP endonucleases. Nucleotide excision repair excises damage within oligomers that are 25 to 32 nucleotides long. This repair utilizes many proteins to remove the major UV-induced photoproducts from DNA, as well as other types of modified nucleotides. Different DNA polymerases and ligases are utilized to complete the separate pathways. The double-strand breaks in DNA are repaired by mechanisms that involve DNA protein kinase and recombination proteins. The defect in one of the repair protein results in three rare recessive syndromes: xeroderma pigmentosum, Cockayne syndrome, and trichothiodystrophy. This review describes the biochemistry of various repair processes and summarizes the clinical features and molecular mechanisms underlying these disorders.  相似文献   

Chromosome replication in Escherichia coli is initiated by the DnaA protein. Binding of DnaA to the origin, oriC, followed by formation of an open complex are the first steps in the initiation process. Based on in vivo studies the SeqA protein has been suggested to function negatively in the initiation of replication, possibly by inhibiting open complex formation. In vitro studies have shown that SeqA inhibits oriC-dependent replication. Here we show by KMnO(4) probing that SeqA inhibits open complex formation. The inhibition was not caused by prevention of DnaA binding to the oriC plasmids, indicating that SeqA prevented strand separation in oriC either directly, by interacting with the AT-rich region, or indirectly, by changing the topology of the oriC plasmids. SeqA was found to restrain the negative supercoils of the oriC plasmid. In comparison with the effect of HU on plasmid topology, SeqA seemed to act more cooperatively. It is likely that the inhibition of open complex formation is caused by the effect of SeqA on the topology of the plasmids. SeqA also restrained the negative supercoils of unmethylated oriC plasmids, which do not bind SeqA specifically, suggesting that the effect on topology is not dependent on binding of SeqA to a specific sequence in oriC.  相似文献   

This paper reports the previously unknown interactions between eight low molecular weight commercially available drugs (130–800 Da) and DNA repair protein photolyase using computational docking simulations and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) experiments. Theoretical dissociation constants, Kd, obtained from molecular docking simulations were compared with the values found from SPR experiments. Among the eight drugs analyzed, computational and experimental values showed similar binding affinities between selected drug and protein pairs. We found no significant differences in binding interactions between pure and commercial forms of the drug lornoxicam and DNA photolyase. Among the eight drugs studied, prednisone, desloratadine, and azelastine exhibited the highest binding affinity (Kd = 1.65, 2.05, and 8.47 μM, respectively) toward DNA photolyase. Results obtained in this study are promising for use in the prediction of unknown interactions of common drugs with specific proteins such as human clock protein cryptochrome. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tuteja N  Ahmad P  Panda BB  Tuteja R 《Mutation research》2009,681(2-3):134-149
Plant cells are constantly exposed to environmental agents and endogenous processes that inflict damage to DNA and cause genotoxic stress, which can reduce plant genome stability, growth and productivity. Plants are most affected by solar UV-B radiation, which damage the DNA by inducing the formation of two main UV photoproducts such as cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoproducts (6-4PPs). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are also generated extra- or intra-cellularly, which constitute yet another source of genotoxic stress. As a result of this stress, the cellular DNA-damage responses (DDR) are activated, which transiently arrest the cell cycle and allow cells to repair DNA before proceeding into mitosis. DDR requires the activation of Ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) and Rad3-related (ATR) genes, which regulate the cell cycle and transmit the damage signals to downstream effectors of cell-cycle progression. Since genomic protection and stability are fundamental to ensure and sustain plant diversity and productivity, therefore, repair of DNA damages is essential. In plants the bulky DNA lesions, CPDs and 6-4PPs, are repaired by a simple and error-free mechanism: photoreactivation, which is a light-dependent mechanism and requires CPD or 6-4PP specific photolyases. In addition to this direct repair process, the plants also have sophisticated light-independent general repair mechanisms, such as the nucleotide excision repair (NER) and base excision repair (BER). The completed plant genome sequences reveal that most of the genes involved in NER and BER are present in higher plants, which suggests that the network of in-built DNA-damage repair mechanisms is conserved. This article describes the insight underlying the DNA damage and repair pathways in plants. The comet assay to measure the DNA damage and the role of DNA repair helicases such as XPD and XPB are also covered.  相似文献   

The RecA family of recombinases (RecA, Rad51, RadA and UvsX) catalyse strand-exchange between homologous DNA molecules by utilising conserved DNA-binding modules and a common core ATPase domain. RadB was identified in archaea as a Rad51-like protein on the basis of conserved ATPase sequences. However, RadB does not catalyse strand exchange and does not turn over ATP efficiently. RadB does bind DNA, and here we report a triplet of residues (Lys-His-Arg) that is highly conserved at the RadB C terminus, and is crucial for DNA binding. This is consistent with the motif forming a "basic patch" of highly conserved residues identified in an atomic structure of RadB from Thermococcus kodakaraensis. As the triplet motif is conserved at the C terminus of XRCC2 also, a mammalian Rad51-paralogue, we present a phylogenetic analysis that clarifies the relationship between RadB, Rad51-paralogues and recombinases. We investigate interactions between RadB and ATP using genetics and biochemistry; ATP binding by RadB is needed to promote survival of Haloferax volcanii after UV irradiation, and ATP, but not other NTPs, induces pronounced conformational change in RadB. This is the first genetic analysis of radB, and establishes its importance for maintaining genome stability in archaea. ATP-induced conformational change in RadB may explain previous reports that RadB controls Holliday junction resolution by Hjc, depending on the presence or the absence of ATP.  相似文献   

The Fanconi anemia (FA) protein network is necessary for repair of DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs), but its control mechanism remains unclear. Here we show that the network is regulated by a ubiquitin signaling cascade initiated by RNF8 and its partner, UBC13, and mediated by FAAP20, a component of the FA core complex. FAAP20 preferentially binds the ubiquitin product of RNF8-UBC13, and this ubiquitin-binding activity and RNF8-UBC13 are both required for recruitment of FAAP20 to ICLs. Both RNF8 and FAAP20 are required for recruitment of FA core complex and FANCD2 to ICLs, whereas RNF168 can modulate efficiency of the recruitment. RNF8 and FAAP20 are needed for efficient FANCD2 monoubiquitination, a key step of the FA network; RNF8 and the FA core complex work in the same pathway to promote cellular resistance to ICLs. Thus, the RNF8-FAAP20 ubiquitin cascade is critical for recruiting FA core complex to ICLs and for normal function of the FA network.  相似文献   



Sepsis is a life-threatening condition of organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host immune response to infection. We performed network analysis of cytokine molecules and compared network structures between a systematic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) or normal control (NC) group and a sepsis group.


We recruited SIRS (n = 33) and sepsis (n = 89) patients from electronic medical records (EMR) according to whether data on PCT, CRP, interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-9, IL-10, IL-12p70, IL-13, IL-17, IL-22, TNF-α, and IFN-γ levels were available. From the public GEO dataset, GSE66099, GSE9960, GSE95233, GSE57065 were downloaded. Genes corresponding to 15 molecules were extracted from an expression array. A correlation matrix was formed for the 15 molecules and statistically significant molecular pairs were used as pairs for network analysis of coexpression. The number of molecular or gene expression pairs significantly correlated among the SIRS or control and sepsis groups are as follows for datasets: EMR, 15 and 15; GEO66099-1, 13 and 15; GEO9960, 13 and 11; GSE95233, 13 and 8; GSE66099-2, 15 and 14; GSE57065, 14 and 13, respectively. Network analysis revealed that network diameter, number of nodes and shortest path were equal to or lower in the sepsis group.


The coexpression network in sepsis patients was relatively small sized and had lower shortest paths compared with the SIRS group or healthy control group. Cytokines with one degree (k = 1) are increased in sepsis group compared with SIRS or healthy control group. IL-9 and IL-2 were not included in network of sepsis group indicating that these cytokines showed no correlation with other cytokines. These data might imply that cytokines tend to be dysregulated in the sepsis group compared to that of SIRS or normal control groups

Molecular differences between HLA alleles vary up to 57 nucleotides within the peptide binding coding region of human Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) genes, but it is still unclear whether this variation results from a stochastic process or from selective constraints related to functional differences among HLA molecules. Although HLA alleles are generally treated as equidistant molecular units in population genetic studies, DNA sequence diversity among populations is also crucial to interpret the observed HLA polymorphism. In this study, we used a large dataset of 2,062 DNA sequences defined for the different HLA alleles to analyze nucleotide diversity of seven HLA genes in 23,500 individuals of about 200 populations spread worldwide. We first analyzed the HLA molecular structure and diversity of these populations in relation to geographic variation and we further investigated possible departures from selective neutrality through Tajima's tests and mismatch distributions. All results were compared to those obtained by classical approaches applied to HLA allele frequencies.Our study shows that the global patterns of HLA nucleotide diversity among populations are significantly correlated to geography, although in some specific cases the molecular information reveals unexpected genetic relationships. At all loci except HLA-DPB1, populations have accumulated a high proportion of very divergent alleles, suggesting an advantage of heterozygotes expressing molecularly distant HLA molecules (asymmetric overdominant selection model). However, both different intensities of selection and unequal levels of gene conversion may explain the heterogeneous mismatch distributions observed among the loci. Also, distinctive patterns of sequence divergence observed at the HLA-DPB1 locus suggest current neutrality but old selective pressures on this gene. We conclude that HLA DNA sequences advantageously complement HLA allele frequencies as a source of data used to explore the genetic history of human populations, and that their analysis allows a more thorough investigation of human MHC molecular evolution.  相似文献   

The formation of protein aggregates (foci) at sites of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is mainly studied by immunostaining and is hence limited by the low resolution of light microscopy and the availability of appropriate and selective antibodies. Here, we describe a system using enzymatic creation of site-specific DNA DSBs within the human genome combined with chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) that enables molecular probing of a DSB. Following induction of the I-PpoI enzyme and generation of DSBs, cellular DNA and proteins are crosslinked and analyzed by ChIP for specific proteins at the site of the break. The system allows the direct detection of protein and chromatin dynamics at the site of the break with high resolution, as well as direct measurement of DNA repair defects in human cells. Starting with fragmented chromatin, results can be achieved in 2-3 d.  相似文献   

With the aim of investigating how motor proteins negotiate DNA nanostructures, we produced test circuits based on recombination intermediates in which 1D translocation across a Holliday junction (HJ) could be assessed by subsequent triplex displacement signals on each DNA arm. Using the EcoR124I restriction-modification enzyme, a 3′–5′ double-strand DNA (dsDNA) translocase, we could show that the motor will tend to follow its translocated strand across a junction. Nonetheless, as the frequency of junction bypass events increases, the motor will occasionally jump tracks.  相似文献   

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