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The effect of pressure on the unfolding of the molten globule (MG) state of canine milk lysozyme (CML) was examined using ultraviolet spectroscopy. The volume changes of the MG-unfolded-state transition were observed at pH 2.0 and around 20 to 60 degrees C, but no volume change has been found for bovine alpha-lactalbumin, which is homologous to CML. Our results suggest that the MG state of CML possesses a tightly packed hydrophobic core.  相似文献   

Here, we show that an unfolded intermediate of canine milk lysozyme is extraordinarily stable compared with that of the other members of the lysozyme-alpha-lactalbumin superfamily, which has been studied previously. The stability of the intermediate of this protein was investigated using calorimetry, CD spectroscopy, and NMR spectroscopy, and the results were interpreted in terms of the structure revealed by X-ray crystallography at a resolution of 1.85 A to an R-factor of 17.8%. On the basis of the results of the thermal unfolding, this protein unfolds in two clear cooperative stages, and the melting temperature from the intermediate to the unfolded states is about 20 degrees C higher than that of equine milk lysozyme. Furthermore, the (1)H NMR spectra of canine milk lysozyme at 60 degrees C, essentially 100% of which exists in the intermediate, showed that small resonance peaks that arise from ring-current shifts of aliphatic protons are still present in the upfield region from 0 to -1 ppm. The protein at this temperature (60 degrees C) and pH 4.5 has been found to bind 1-anilino-naphthalene-8-sulfonate (ANS) with enhancement of the fluorescence intensity compared with that of native and thermally unfolded states. We interpret that the extraordinarily stable intermediate is a molten globule state, and the extraordinary stabilization of the molten globule state comes from stronger protection around the C- and D-helix of the aromatic cluster region due to the His-21 residue. The conclusion helps to explain how the molten globule state acquires its structure and stability.  相似文献   

The effect of pressure on the unfolding of the native (N) and molten globule (MG) state of canine milk lysozyme (CML) was examined using ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy at pH 4.5 and 2.0, respectively. It appeared that the thermally induced unfolding was promoted by the increase of pressure from atmospheric to 100 MPa, which indicates that both the N and MG states of CML unfolded with the decrease of the partial molar volume change (DeltaV). The volume changes needed for unfolding were estimated from the free energy change vs. pressure plots, and these volume changes became less negative from 20 to 60 degrees C. The DeltaV values at 25 degrees C were obtained for the N-MG (-46 cm3/mol) and MG-unfolded-state (U) transition (-40 cm3/mol). With regards to the MG-U transition, this value is contrastive to that of bovine alpha-lactalbumin (BLA) (0.9 cm3/mol), which is homologous to CML. Previous studies revealed that the MG state of CML was significantly more stable, and closer to the N state in structure, than that of BLA. In contrast to the swollen hydrophobic core of the MG state of BLA, our results suggest that the MG state of CML possesses a tightly packed hydrophobic core into which water molecules cannot penetrate.  相似文献   

The Gdm-HCl-induced unfolding of bovine carbonic anhydrase B and S. aureus beta-lactamase was studied at 4 degrees C by a variety of methods. With the use of FPLC it has been shown that within the transition from the molten globule to the unfolded state the distribution function of molecular dimensions is bimodal. This means that equilibrium intermediates between the molten globule and the unfolded states are absent, i.e. the molten globule unfolding follows the 'all-or-none' mechanism.  相似文献   

The nature of denatured ensembles of the enzyme human carbonic anhydrase (HCA) has been extensively studied by various methods in the past. The protein constitutes an interesting model for folding studies that does not unfold by a simple two-state transition, instead a molten globule intermediate is highly populated at 1.5 M GuHCl. In this work, NMR and H/D exchange studies have been conducted on one of the isozymes, HCA I. The H/D exchange studies, which were enabled by the previously obtained resonance assignment of HCA I, have been used to identify unfolded forms that are accessible from the native state. In addition, the GuHCl-induced unfolded states of HCA I have also been characterized by NMR at GuHCl concentrations in the 0-5 M range. The most important findings in this work are as follows: (1) Amide protons located in the center of the beta-sheet require global unfolding events for efficient H/D exchange. (2) The molten globule and the native state give similar protection against H/D exchange for all of the observable amide protons (i.e., water seems not to efficiently penetrate the interior of the molten globule). (3) At high protein concentrations, the molten globule can form large aggregates, which are not detectable by solution-state NMR methods. (4) The unfolded state (U), present at GuHCl concentrations above 2 M, is composed of an ensemble of conformations having residual structures with different stabilities.  相似文献   

The N-terminal half of the alpha-domain (residues 1 to 34) is more important for the stability of the acid-induced molten globule state of alpha-lactalbumin than the C-terminal half (residues 86 to 123). The refolding and unfolding kinetics of a chimera, in which the amino acid sequence of residues 1 to 34 was from human alpha-lactalbumin and the remainder of the sequence from bovine alpha-lactalbumin, were studied by stopped-flow tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy. The chimeric protein refolded and unfolded substantially faster than bovine alpha-lactalbumin. The stability of the molten globule state formed by the chimera was greater than that of bovine alpha-lactalbumin, and the hydrophobic surface area buried inside of the molecule in the molten globule state was increased by the substitution of residues 1 to 34. Peptide fragments corresponding to the A- and B-helix of the chimera showed higher helix propensity than those of the bovine protein, indicating the contribution of local interactions to the high stability of the molten globule state of the chimera. Moreover, the substitution of residues 1-34 decreased the free energy level of the transition state and increased hydrophobic surface area buried inside of the molecule in the transition state. Our results indicate that local interactions as well as hydrophobic interactions formed in the molten globule state are important in guiding the subsequent structural formation of alpha-lactalbumin.  相似文献   

In the study of protein folding, much attention has focused on the characterization of folding intermediates. We report here molecular dynamics simulations in which the initial stages of the thermal denaturation of hen egg white lysozyme in aqueous solution are examined in detail. It is found that lysozyme unfolds in a two-stage process with the initial formation a quasi-stable state in which significant rearrangement of the secondary structure takes place. No evidence for distinct folding domains was found. The simulations suggest that the formation of well-defined secondary structure occurs after the initial collapse of the peptide chain and thus tend against the framework model of protein folding.  相似文献   

The mechanism of secretion of the milk fat globule   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Vibrational Raman optical activity (ROA) spectra of the calcium-binding lysozyme from equine milk in native and nonnative states are measured and compared with those of the homologous proteins hen egg white lysozyme and bovine alpha-lactalbumin. The ROA spectrum of holo equine lysozyme at pH 4.6 and 22 degrees C closely resembles that of hen lysozyme in regions sensitive to backbone and side chain conformations, indicating similarity of the overall secondary and tertiary structures. However, the intensity of a strong positive ROA band at approximately 1340 cm(-1), which is assigned to a hydrated form of alpha helix, is more similar to that in the ROA spectrum of bovine alpha-lactalbumin than hen lysozyme and may be associated with the greater flexibility and calcium-binding ability of equine lysozyme and bovine alpha-lactalbumin compared with hen lysozyme. In place of a strong sharp positive ROA band at approximately 1300 cm(-1) in hen lysozyme that is assigned to an alpha helix in a more hydrophobic environment, equine lysozyme shows a broader band centered at approximately 1305 cm(-1), which may reflect greater heterogeneity in some alpha-helical sequences. The ROA spectrum of apo equine lysozyme at pH 4.6 and 22 degrees C is almost identical to that of the holo protein, which indicates that loss of calcium has little influence on the backbone and side chain conformations, including the calcium-binding loop. From the similarity of their ROA spectra, the A state at pH 1.9 and both 2 and 22 degrees C and the apo form at pH 4.5 and 48 degrees C, which are partially folded denatured (molten globule or state A) forms of equine lysozyme, have similar structures that the ROA suggests contain much hydrated alpha helix. The A state of equine lysozyme is shown by these results to be more highly ordered than that of bovine alpha-lactalbumin, the ROA spectrum of which has more features characteristic of disordered states. A positive tryptophan ROA band at approximately 1551 cm(-1) in the native holo protein disappears in the A state, which is probably due to the presence of nonnative conformations of the tryptophans associated with a previously identified cluster of hydrophobic residues.  相似文献   

The molten globule state of equine lysozyme is more stable than that of alpha-lactalbumin and is stabilized by non-specific hydrophobic interactions and native-like hydrophobic interactions. We constructed a chimeric protein which is produced by replacing the flexible loop (residues 105-110) in human alpha-lactalbumin with the helix D (residues 109-114) in equine lysozyme to investigate the possible role of the helix D for the high stability and native-like packing interaction in the molten globule state of equine lysozyme. The stability of the molten globule state formed by the chimeric protein to guanidine hydrochloride-induced unfolding is the same as that of equine lysozyme and is substantially greater than that of human alpha-lactalbumin, although only six residues come from equine lysozyme. Our results also suggest that the non-native interaction in the molten globule state of alpha-lactalbumin changes to the native-like packing interaction due to helix substitution. The solvent-accessibility of the Trp residues in the molten globule state of the chimeric protein is similar to that in the molten globule state of equine lysozyme in which packing interaction around the Trp residues in the native state is partially preserved. Therefore, the helix D in equine lysozyme is one of the contributing factors to the high stability and native-like packing interaction in the molten globule state of equine lysozyme. Our results indicate that the native-like packing interaction can stabilize the rudimentary intermediate which is stabilized by the non-specific hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

To address the contribution of hydrophobic interaction to the stability of molten globule (MG) of proteins, the effects of various polyols (ethylene glycol, glycerol, erythritol, xylitol, sorbitol, and inositol) on the structure of acid-unfolded horse cytochrome c were examined at pH 2, by means of circular dichroism (CD), partial specific volume, adiabatic compressibility, and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Addition of polyols induced the characteristic CD spectra of MG, the effect being enhanced with an increase in their concentration and chain length (the number of OH groups) of polyols except for ethylene glycol. The free energy change of MG formation by sorbitol was comparable with those for the salt-induced MG formation but the heat capacity change was negligibly small. The partial specific volume did not change within the experimental error but the adiabatic compressibility largely increased by MG formation. The sorbitol-induced MG showed a highly cooperative DSC thermogram with a large heat capacity change in comparison with the salt-induced one. These results demonstrate that polyols can stabilize the MG state of this protein through the enhanced hydrophobic interaction overcoming the electrostatic repulsion between charged residues. The stabilizing mechanism and structure of MG state induced by polyols were discussed in terms of the preferential solvent interactions and osmotic pressure of the medium, in comparison with the salt-induced one.  相似文献   

Thermodynamics of thermal transitions of a calcium-binding lysozyme, canine milk lysozyme (CML), was studied using differential scanning calorimetry and compared with those for homologous proteins, human alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-hLA) and equine milk lysozyme (EML). The results showed that CML and EML exhibit two clear heat absorption peaks in the absence of calcium ions (apo-form), although the cooperative thermal transition of alpha-hLA is apparently absent in this form. The first peak represents the unfolding transition from the native to an unfolding intermediate state (N-I transition) and the second peak represents that from the intermediate to the thermally unfolded state (I-U transition). We interpret that the cooperative thermal transition, which is observed between the intermediate and the thermally unfolded states of CML and EML, comes from the native-like packing interaction in their intermediate states. Furthermore, to examine the role of the stabilization mechanism of CML intermediate, we constructed four variant CMLs (H21G, I56L, A93S and V109K), in which the residues of CML are substituted for those of EML, and also investigated their thermal stability. Especially the His21 and Val109 of CML play a role in stabilization of the intermediate state and their contributions to the unfolding free energy are estimated to be 2.0 and 1.8 kJ/mol, respectively. From the results of the mutational analysis, a few differences in the local helical interactions within the alpha-domain are found to be predominant in stabilizing the intermediate state.  相似文献   

Certain partly ordered protein conformations, commonly called “moltenglobule states,” are widely believed to represent protein folding intermediates. Recentstructural studies of molten globule states ofdifferent proteins have revealed features whichappear to be general in scope. The emergingconsensus is that these partly ordered forms exhibit a high content of secondary structure, considerable compactness, nonspecific tertiary structure, and significant structural flexibility. These characteristics may be used to define ageneral state of protein folding called “the molten globule state,” which is structurally andthermodynamically distinct from both the native state and the denatured state. Despite exaatensive knowledge of structural features of afew molten globule states, a cogent thermodynamic argument for their stability has not yetbeen advanced. The prevailing opinion of thelast decade was that there is little or no enthalpy difference or heat capacity differencebetween the molten globule state and the unfolded state. This view, however, appears to beat variance with the existing database of protein structural energetics and with recent estimates of the energetics of denaturation of α-lactalbumin, cytochrome c, apomyoglobin, and T4 lysozyme. We discuss these four proteins at length. The results of structural studies, together with the existing thermodynamic values for fundamental interactions in proteins, provide the foundation for a structural thermodynamic framework which can account for the observed behavior of molten globule states. Within this framework, we analyze the physical basis for both the high stability of several molten globule states and the low probability of other protential folding intermediates. Additionally, we consider, in terms of reduced enthalpy changes and disrupted cooperative interactions, the thermodynamic basis for the apparent absence of a thermally induced, cooperative unfolding transition for some molten globule states. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Asparaginyl deamidation is a common form of nonenzymatic degradation of proteins and peptides. As it introduces a negative charge spontaneously and irreversibly, charge heterogeneity can be accumulated in protein solution during purification, preservation, and experiments. In this study, canine milk lysozyme (CML), a useful model for the study of the molten globule state, exhibited charge heterogeneity after sample purification. Four Asn residues in CML deamidated rapidly under mild conditions: pH 8.0 and 30 degrees C. Other than these residues, one Asn residue, which was stable in the native state, was labile to deamidation in the unfolded state. This suggests that the structural formation around Asn can suppress deamidation. Substitutions of these labile Asn residues to Gln residues prevented deamidation effectively. Because the substitutions did not disrupt the structural formation of the native and molten globule states, they will enable more precise analyses for physical and structural studies.  相似文献   

Thermal and chemical unfolding studies of the calcium-binding canine lysozyme (CL) by fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy show that, upon unfolding in the absence of calcium ions, a very stable equilibrium intermediate state is formed. At room temperature and pH 7.5, for example, a stable molten globule state is attained in 3 M GdnHCl. The existence of such a pure and stable intermediate state allowed us to extend classical stopped-flow fluorescence measurements that describe the transition from the native to the unfolded form, with kinetic experiments that monitor separately the transition from the unfolded to the intermediate state and from the intermediate to the native state, respectively. The overall refolding kinetics of apo-canine lysozyme are characterized by a significant drop in the fluorescence intensity during the dead time, followed by a monoexponential increase of the fluorescence with k = 3.6 s(-1). Furthermore, the results show that, unlike its drastic effect on the stability, Ca(2+)-binding only marginally affects the refolding kinetics. During the refolding process of apo-CL non-native interactions, comparable to those observed in hen egg white lysozyme, are revealed by a substantial quenching of tryptophan fluorescence. The dissection of the refolding process in two distinct steps shows that these non-native interactions only occur in the final stage of the refolding process in which the two domains match to form the native conformation.  相似文献   

The equilibrium and kinetics of canine milk lysozyme folding/unfolding were studied by peptide and aromatic circular dichroism and tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy. The Ca2+-free apo form of the protein exhibited a three-state equilibrium unfolding, in which the molten globule state is well populated as an unfolding intermediate. A rigorous analysis of holo protein unfolding, including the data from the kinetic refolding experiments, revealed that the holo protein also underwent three-state unfolding with the same molten globule intermediate. Although the observed kinetic refolding curves of both forms were single-exponential, a burst-phase change in the peptide ellipticity was observed in both forms, and the burst-phase intermediates of both forms were identical to each other with respect to their stability, indicating that the intermediate does not bind Ca2+. This intermediate was also shown to be identical to the molten globule state observed at equilibrium. The phi-value analysis, based on the effect of Ca2+ on the folding and unfolding rate constants, showed that the Ca2+-binding site was not yet organized in the transition state of folding. A comparison of the result with that previously reported for alpha-lactalbumin indicated that the folding initiation site is different between canine milk lysozyme and alpha-lactalbumin, and hence, the folding pathways must be different between the two proteins. These results thus provide an example of the phenomenon wherein proteins that are very homologous to each other take different folding pathways. It is also shown that the native state of the apo form is composed of at least two species that interconvert.  相似文献   

C. Clry  F. Renault  P. Masson 《FEBS letters》1995,370(3):212-214
The denaturing effect of pressure on the structure of human butyrylcholinesterase was examined by gel electrophoresis under pressure and by 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS) binding. It was found that the fluorescence intensity of bound ANS is increased by pressure between 0.5 and 1.5 kbar and that the hydrodynamic volume of the enzyme swells when pressures around 1.5 kbar are applied. These findings indicate that pressure denaturation of butyrylcholinesterase is a multi-step process and that the observed transient pressure-denatured states have characteristics of molten globules.  相似文献   

A molten globule-like state of hen egg-white lysozyme has been characterized in 25% aqueous hexafluoroacetone hydrate (HFA) by CD, fluorescence, NMR, and H/D exchange experiments. The far UV CD spectra of lysozyme in 25% HFA supports retention of native-like secondary structure while the loss of near UV CD bands are indicative of the overall collapse of the tertiary structure. The intermediate state in 25% HFA exhibits an enhanced affinity towards the hydrophobic dye, ANS, and a native-like tryptophan fluorescence quenching. 1-D NMR spectra indicates loss of native-like tertiary fold as evident from the absence of ring current-shifted 1H resonances. CD, fluorescence, and NMR suggest that the transition from the native state to a molten globule state in 25% HFA is a cooperative process. A second structural transition from this compact molten globule-like state to an "open" helical state is observed at higher concentrations of HFA (> or = 50%). This transition is characterized by a dramatic loss of ANS binding with a concomitant increase in far UV CD bands. The thermal unfolding of the molten globule state in 25% HFA is sharply cooperative, indicating a predominant role of side-chain-side-chain interactions in the stability of the partially folded state. H/D exchange experiments yield higher protection factors for many of the backbone amide protons from the four alpha-helices along with the C-terminal 3(10) helix, whereas little or no protection is observed for most of the amide protons from the triple-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet domain. This equilibrium molten globule-like state of lysozyme in 25% HFA is remarkably similar to the molten globule state observed for alpha-lactalbumin and also with the molten globule state transiently observed in the kinetic refolding experiments of hen lysozyme. These results suggest that HFA may prove generally useful as a structure modifier in proteins.  相似文献   

The rate of exchange of the labile hydrogens of lysozyme was measured by out-exchange of tritium from the protein in solution and from powder samples of varied hydration level, for pH 2, 3, 5, 7, and 10 at 25 degrees C. The dependence of exchange of powder samples on the level of hydration was the same for all pHs. Exchange increased strongly with increased hydration until reaching a rate of exchange that is constant above 0.15 g of H2O/g of protein (120 mol of H2O/mol of protein). This hydration level corresponds to coverage of less than half the protein surface with a monolayer of water. No additional hydrogen exchange was observed for protein powders with higher water content. Considered in conjunction with other lysozyme hydration data [Rupley, J. A., Gratton, E., & Careri, G. (1983) Trends Biochem. Sci. (Pers. Ed.) 8, 18-22], this observation indicates that internal protein dynamics are not strongly coupled to surface properties. The use of powder samples offers control of water activity through regulation of water vapor pressure. The dependence of the exchange rate on water activity was about fourth order. The order was pH independent and was constant from 114 to 8 mol of hydrogen remaining unexchanged/mol of lysozyme. These results indicate that the rate-determining step for protein hydrogen exchange is similar for all backbone amides and involves few water molecules. Powder samples were hydrated either by isopiestic equilibration, with a half-time for hydration of about 1 h, or by addition of solvent to rapidly reach final hydration. Samples hydrated slowly by isopiestic equilibration exhibited more exchange than was observed for samples of the same water content that had been hydrated rapidly by solvent addition. This difference can be explained by salt and pH effects on the nearly dry protein. Such effects would be expected to contribute more strongly during the isopiestic equilibration process. Solution hydrogen exchange measurements made for comparison with the powder measurements are in good agreement with published data. Rank order was proven the same for all pHs by solution pH jump experiments. The effect of ionic strength on hydrogen exchange was examined at pH 2 and pH 5 for protein solutions containing up to 1.0 M added salt. The influence of ionic strength was similar for both pHs and was complex in that the rate increased, but not monotonically, with increased ionic strength.  相似文献   

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