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Rin is a large cell-surface glycoprotein that we have recently purified from chick brain, with a molecular weight of approximately 200 kD. Protein microsequence obtained from immunopurified rin does not match any sequences in the Genbank data base. Based on the sequences information and on its localization in the early chick embryo, rin is a novel cell-surface protein. Rin is expressed on the surface of many, but not all, axons in the developing chick nervous system. In the chick hind-brain, rin is expressed on reticular neurons, the first neurons to extend axons within the brain. Cranial motorneurons, which extend axons just a few stages later, do not express rin. Rin-positive axons pioneer the caudal section of the medial longitudinal fasciculus. The very first rin-positive axons that reach the floorplate do not enter the floorplate, but remain ipsilateral. Some of the next immunopositive axons to reach the floorplate do cross the midline, often with an alteration in trajectory, and often extending within the floorplate for some distance before reaching the other side. The failure of the very first rin-positive axons to cross the floorplate, and the changes in trajectory observed when the next axons extend onto the floorplate, suggests that early differentiating neurons cross the midline with some difficulty. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

When platelets bind certain specific ligands they are induced to secrete the contents of their cytoplasmic granules and to aggregate. Studies of the molecular events accompanying this vital physiological response have led to a greater understanding of cell activation in general since the pathways involved are common to a number of cell types. By contrast most of the information about the cell surface molecules that initiate signal transduction has emerged from work on T lymphocyte activation, a process essential to the initiation of the immune response. We have described an activation antigen on T lymphocytes that is involved in the differentiation of these cells. In the present report it is demonstrated that the antigen is expressed on the platelet membrane with about 1,200 copies/platelet. A monoclonal antibody detecting this antigen stimulates platelet secretion and aggregation with a half-maximal response at approximately 10(-8) M. Characterization of the antigen, termed PTA1, reveals a glycoprotein of Mr 67,000 showing extensive N-linked carbohydrate, much of which appears to be heavily sialated. The amino-terminal sequence of PTA1, EEVLWHTSVPFAEXMSLEXVYPSM, indicates that the protein has not previously been characterized. Preliminary investigation of the mechanism by which PTA1 mediates platelet activation suggests involvement of protein kinase C and the 47-kDa protein of platelets is rapidly phosphorylated upon antibody-mediated activation. During this process PTA1 is also phosphorylated, as it is following platelet activation by the other agonists, collagen, thrombin, and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate. These results provide the first example of a cell surface glycoprotein that is directly involved in both platelet and T lymphocyte activation.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(5):2117-2127
We have identified an integral membrane glycoprotein in rat liver that mediates adhesion of cultured hepatocytes on fibronectin substrata. The protein was isolated by affinity chromatography of detergent extracts on wheat germ lectin-Agarose followed by chromatography of the WGA binding fraction on fibronectin-Sepharose. The glycoprotein (AGp110), eluted at high salt concentrations from the fibronectin column, has a molecular mass of 110 kD and a pI of 4.2. Binding of immobilized AGp110 to soluble rat plasma fibronectin required Ca2+ ions but was not inhibited by RGD peptides. Fab' fragments of immunoglobulins raised in rabbits against AGp110 reversed the spreading of primary hepatocytes attached onto fibronectin-coated substrata, but had no effect on cells spread on type IV collagen or laminin substrata. The effect of the antiserum on cell spreading was reversible. AGp110 was detected by immunofluorescence around the periphery of the ventral surface of substratum attached hepatocytes, and scattered on the dorsal surface. Immunohistochemical evidence and Western blotting of fractionated liver plasma membranes indicated a bile canalicular (apical) localization of AGp110 in the liver parenchyma. Expression of AGp110 is tissue specific: it was found mainly in liver, kidney, pancreas, and small intestine but was not detected in stomach, skeletal muscle, heart, and large intestine. AGp110 could be labeled by lactoperoxidase-catalyzed surface iodination of intact liver cells and, after phase partitioning of liver plasma membranes with the detergent Triton X-114, it was preferentially distributed in the hydrophobic phase. Treatment with glycosidases indicated extensive sialic acid substitution in at least 10 O-linked carbohydrate chains and 1-2 N-linked glycans. Immunological comparisons suggest that AGp110, the integrin fibronectin receptor and dipeptidyl peptidase IV, an enzyme involved in fibronectin-mediated adhesion of hepatocytes on collagen, are distinct proteins.  相似文献   

Genetic characterization of a polymorphic murine cell-surface glycoprotein   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
As described in the preceding paper, monoclonal antibodies have been raised by immunization of rats with mouse hematopoietic cells which detect a major cell-surface glycoprotein (Mr=95 000) of mouse bone-marrow cells of the granulocytic series. While most of the monoclonal antibodies detect this molecule on bone-marrow and spleen cells of all mouse strains, two antibodies recognize alternative allelic forms of the molecule. One alloantigen is expressed in all the remaining inbred strains examined. The alloantigens are codominantly expressed on the cells of F1 mice. Backcrosses of DBA/2 and C57BL/6 with F1 mice (B6D2F1) confirmed that a single genetic locus is involved in the expression of the two antigenic forms and demonstrated linkage to Ly-m11 which has previously been mapped to mouse chromosome 2. These genetic mapping experiments and the biochemical properties of the glycoprotein suggested that it might be identical to a glycoprotein first identified on murine fibroblasts by Hughes and August and designated Pgp-1. This has been firmly established by exchange of monoclonal antibody reagents and sequential immunoprecipitations.  相似文献   

Isolated microvilli of the MAT-C1 subline of the 13762 rat mammary adenocarcinoma contain a transmembrane complex composed of a cell surface, cytoskeleton-associated glycoprotein (CAG), actin, and a 58,000-dalton polypeptide (58K). The behavior of CAG has been studied by differential centrifugation and velocity sedimentation gradient centrifugation of detergent extracts of microvilli. CAG can be pelleted along with a fraction of the microvillar actin even in the presence of ionic detergents and under microfilament-depolymerizing conditions. By velocity sedimentation analysis CAG in Triton/PBS extracts sediments as a large, heterogeneous species (sedimentation coefficient greater than 25S). In Sarkosyl and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) the size and heterogeneity are somewhat reduced. In SDS CAG sediments as a 20S species in the absence of mercaptoethanol and as a 5S species in the presence of mercaptoethanol. These results indicate that CAG is a disulfide-linked multimer in the microvillus membrane. We suggest that the stable multimeric structure of CAG permits it to act as the membrane association site for several microfilaments and plays an important role in the formation and stabilization of the microvillus structure.  相似文献   

Huang H  Schroeder F  Zeng C  Estes MK  Schoer JK  Ball JM 《Biochemistry》2001,40(13):4169-4180
The rotavirus enterotoxin, NSP4, is a novel secretory agonist that also plays a role in the unique rotavirus morphogenesis that involves a transient budding of newly made immature viral particles into the endoplasmic reticulum. NSP4 and an active peptide corresponding to NSP4 residues 114 to 135 (NSP4(114-135)) mobilize intracellular calcium and induce secretory chloride currents when added exogenously to intestinal cells or mucosa. Membrane-NSP4 interactions may contribute to these alterations; however, details of a lipid-binding domain are unresolved. Therefore, circular dichroism was used to determine (i) the interaction(s) of NSP4 and NSP4(114-135) with model membranes, (ii) the conformational changes elicited in NSP4 upon interacting with membranes, (iii) if NSP4(114-135) is a membrane interacting domain, and (iv) the molar dissociation constant (K(d)) of NSP4(114-135) with defined lipid vesicles. Circular dichroism revealed for the first time that NSP4 and NSP4(114-135) undergo secondary structural changes upon interaction with membrane vesicles. This interaction was highly dependent on both the membrane surface curvature and the lipid composition. NSP4 and NSP4(114-135) preferentially interacted with highly curved, small unilamellar vesicle membranes (SUV), but significantly less with low-curvature, large unilamellar vesicle membranes (LUV). Binding to SUV, but not LUV, was greatly enhanced by negatively charged phospholipids. Increasing the SUV cholesterol content, concomitant with the presence of negatively charged phospholipids, further potentiated the interaction of NSP4(114-135) with the SUV membrane. The K(d) of NSP4(114-135) was determined as well as partitioning of NSP4(114-135) with SUVs in a filtration-binding assay. These data confirmed NSP4 and its active peptide interact with model membranes that mimic caveolae.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate-specific monoclonal antibodies were used to demonstrate the expression of a new membrane glycoprotein on F9 murine embryonal carcinoma cells. Sialyl Lex was detected using monoclonal antibody FH6 in a sensitive, cell monolayer radioimmunoassay. The antigen codistributed in gel filtration of a crude homogenate and in a membrane-enriched fraction with two known lactosaminoglycan markers, i and SSEA-1 (Lex or X hapten). Sialyl Lex was further shown to be carried by a novel glycoprotein, termed small lactosaminoglycan-like glycoprotein (sLAG) which could be purified by immunoaffinity chromatography. In two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis this glycoprotein had an apparent molecular weight of 45 kDa and a pI of about 6.5. The more differentiated cell line PYS-2 also expressed sialyl Lex and i antigens but not Lex, and FH6-reactive sLAG could be extracted from PYS-2 membranes. Sialylation of fucosylated type 2 carbohydrate chains (X haptens) thus may be an early modification of embryonic carbohydrate antigens.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate-specific monoclonal antibodies were used to demonstrate the expression of a new membrane glycoprotein on F9 murine embryonal carcinoma cells. Sialyl LeX was detected using monoclonal antibody FH6 in a sensitive, cell monolayer radioimmunoassay. The antigen codistributed in gel filtration of a crude homogenate and in a membrane-enriched fraction with two known lactosaminoglycan markers, i and SSEA-1 (LeX or X hapten). Sialyl LeX was further shown to be carried by a novel glycoprotein, termed small lactosaminoglycan-like glycoprotein (sLAG) which could be purified by immunoaffinity chromatography. In two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis this glycoprotein had an apparent molecular weight of 45 kDa and a pI of about 6.5. The more differentiated cell line PYS-2 also expressed sialyl LeX and i antigens but not LeX, and FH6-reactive sLAG could be extracted from PYS-2 membranes. Sialylation of fucosylated type 2 carbohydrate chains (X haptens) thus may be an early modification of embryonic carbohydrate antigens.  相似文献   

Isolation of a cell-surface receptor for chick neural retina adherons   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:7  
Embryonic chick neural retina cells release glycoprotein complexes, termed adherons, into their culture medium. When absorbed onto the surface of petri dishes, neural retina adherons increase the initial rate of neural retina cell adhesion. In solution they increase the rate of cell-cell aggregation. Cell-cell and adheron-cell adhesions of cultured retina cells are selectively inhibited by heparan-sulfate glycosaminoglycan, but not by chondroitin sulfate or hyaluronic acid, suggesting that a heparan-sulfate proteoglycan may be involved in the adhesion process. We isolated a heparan-sulfate proteoglycan from the growth-conditioned medium of neural retina cells, and prepared an antiserum against it. Monovalent Fab' fragments of these antibodies completely inhibited cell-adheron adhesion, and partially blocked spontaneous cell-cell aggregation. An antigenically and structurally similar heparan-sulfate proteoglycan was isolated from the cell surface. This proteoglycan bound directly to adherons, and when absorbed to plastic, stimulated cell-substratum adhesion. These data suggest that a heparan-sulfate proteoglycan on the surface of chick neural retina cells acted as a receptor for adhesion-mediating glycoprotein complexes (adherons).  相似文献   

Teratocarcinoma cells have a Ca2+-dependent cell-cell adhesion site (t-CDS) that is unique in being inactivated with trypsin in the absence of Ca2+ but not in the presence of Ca2+. Fab fragments of antibodies raised against teratocarcinoma F9 cells dissociated by treatment with trypsin and calcium (anti-TC-F9) inhibit the aggregation of teratocarcinoma cells mediated by t-CDS. This inhibitory effect of Fab is removed when anti-TC-F9 is absorbed with F9 cells treated with trypsin and calcium (TC-F9), but not when it is absorbed with F9 cells treated with trypsin and EGTA (TE-F9). Comparisons of cell-surface antigens reactive to anti-TC-F9 in TC-F9 cells with those in TE-F9 cells reveal that only one component, with an approximate molecular weight of 140,000 (p140), is detected specifically on the surface of TC-F9 cells. When TC-F9 cells are retrypsinized in the absence of Ca2+, a substance with an approximate molecular weight of 34,000 (p34) is released that can neutralize the aggregation-inhibitory effect of the Fab. This p34 interferes with the immunoprecipitation of p140 with anti-TC-F9, suggesting that p34 is a tryptic fragment of p140. Anti-TC-F9 Fab causes the dissociation of the monolayers of teratocarcinoma cells. This effect is removed by absorption of the Fab with p34 as well as with TC-F9 cells, but not with TE-F9 cells. These results suggest that p140 is essential for the function of t-CDS, and that this is an actual cell-adhesion molecule active in the establishment of monolayers of teratocarcinoma cells.  相似文献   

Trypanosomes in their mammalian host are covered by the densely packed variant surface glycoprotein (VSG). Depending on the presence or absence of a glycosyl-phosphatidyl inositol anchor. VSG is accessible as soluble globular protein (sVSG), or as insoluble membrane form (mfVSG). In order to get insight into the two-dimensional association of VSG within the surface layer, protein-protein interactions were investigated in a wide range of protein concentrations. No self-assembly of sVSG could be detected even at protein concentrations close to the local packing in the surface layer. The absence of preferential interactions with soybean phospholipid or lysolecithin monolayers (spread on a Langmuir trough) suggests that the soluble form of the protein is not integrated into a model lipid-water interface. Thus, the two-dimensional arrangement of the protein in situ seems to be determined by hydrophobic interactions of the lipid components rather than protein-lipid interactions. In contrast to sVSG, the membrane form (mfVSG) undergoes aggregation and shows a strong tendency to absorb to surfaces and chromatographic matrices, thus interfering with standard techniques of protein purification.  相似文献   

Neurofascin (NF) is a cell surface protein belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF). Different polypeptides of 186, 180, 166 and 155 kDa are generated by alternative splicing. Expression of these isoforms is temporally and spatially regulated and can be roughly grouped into embryonic, adult and glial expression. NF interacts with many different interaction partners both extra- and intracellularly. Interactions of NF166 and NF180 selectively regulate mechanisms of plasticity like neurite outgrowth and the formation postsynaptic components. By contrast, NF155 and NF186 confer stabilization of neural structures by interaction with voltage-gated sodium channels and ankyrinG at axon initial segments (AIS) or nodes of Ranvier as well as neuron-glia interactions at the paranodes. Alternatively spliced isoforms of neurofascin may therefore balance dynamic and stabilizing mechanisms of the CNS.  相似文献   

Processes such as cell-cell recognition and the initiation of signal transduction often depend on the formation of multiple receptor-ligand complexes at the cell surface. Synthetic multivalent ligands are unique probes of these complex cell-surface-binding events. Multivalent ligands can be used as inhibitors of receptor-ligand interactions or as activators of signal transduction pathways. Emerging from these complementary applications is insight into how cells exploit multivalent interactions to bind with increased avidity and specificity and how cell-surface receptor organization influences signaling and the cellular responses that result.  相似文献   

A newly discovered family of cytoplasmic proteins--the NALPs--has been implicated in the activation of caspase-1 by the Toll-like receptors (TLRs) during the cell's response to microbial infection. Like the structurally related apoptotic protease-activating factor-1 (APAF-1), which is responsible for the activation of caspase-9, the NALP1 protein forms a large, signal-induced multiprotein complex, the inflammasome, resulting in the activation of pro-inflammatory caspases.  相似文献   

Summary Until five years ago, it was believed that the oligosaccharide chains of most, if not all, glycoproteins were assembled by the stepwise transfer of single sugar residues from their nucleotide derivatives to growing oligosaccharide chains attached to a polypeptide core. It is now becoming widely accepted that polyisoprenol-linked mono- and oligosaccarides function as activated glycosyl carriers in the biosynthesis of some glycoproteins in animal tissues. The lipophilic glycosyl carrier of monosaccharides is the phosphomonoester of dolichol, the C80-100-polyisoprenol, containing a saturated terminal isoprene unit. In this biosynthetic process, sugars are initially transferred to dolichol monophosphate from their nucleotide derivatives by membrane-associated glycosyltransferases. These dolichol-linked monosaccharides serve as glycosyl donors in the glycosylation of oligosaccharide phospholipids. It appears likely that dolichol is also the lipid moiety of the oligosaccharide intermediates. Detailed enzymatic studies with oligosaccharide phospholipids formed by rat liver, a mouse myeloma tumor and hen oviduct have revealed that these intermediates function as oligosaccharide donors in the assembly of at least one class of glycoproteins.The exact nature of the glycoproteins glycosylated by lipid intermediates and the sub-cellular site(s) of this assembly process remain to be established. The possibility, that the mannose and GlcNAc-containing core found in many glycoproteins, is assembled at the lipid-level is now being investigated.At the current rate of progress in this area of research, the identity of the glycoproteins glycosylatedvia lipid intermediates and the subcellular site of this assembly process will soon be known.An invited article.  相似文献   

Antipeptide sera were used to identify a novel glycoprotein encoded by the UL53 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). The UL53 gene product is thought to play a central role in regulating membrane fusion because mutations giving rise to the syncytial phenotype, wherein cells are extensively fused, frequently map to this gene. A single 40-kDa protein, designated gK (the ninth HSV-1 glycoprotein to be described), was detected with antipeptide sera in cells infected with both wild-type and syncytial strains of HSV-1 which were labelled with [35S]methionine and [35S]cysteine or with [3H]glucosamine, and this protein was sensitive to treatment of cells with tunicamycin. With all other HSV glycoproteins studied to date, at least two glycosylated species, often differing substantially in electrophoretic mobility, have been observed in infected cells; thus, gK is unusual in this respect. The 40-kDa gK protein was also immunoprecipitated from cells infected with a recombinant adenovirus vector carrying the UL53 gene. Two glycosylated species of 39 and 41 kDa were produced when UL53 mRNA was translated in vitro in the presence of microsomes, and these proteins differed from gK produced in infected cells not only because they possessed different electrophoretic mobilities but also because they were unable to enter gels after being heated. In addition, a 36-kDa protein was detected in extracts from cells infected with HSV-2 with use of these sera.  相似文献   

We have produced a new mouse mAb that identifies a sheep T cell activation Ag. The mAb B5-5 is specific for low m.w. components on nearly all sheep thymocytes and peripheral T and B lymphocytes but does not label immature B cells in Peyer's patches or germinal centers. After cross-linking of target structures either directly by plastic-bound mAb or indirectly using anti-Ig reagents, peripheral T cells, but not thymocytes or peripheral B cells, were activated. IL-2 was secreted by T cells after cross-linking and activation was strongly augmented in the presence of PMA. The addition of soluble B5-5 mAb to mitogen-stimulated cultures of sheep lymphocytes resulted in a suppression of PHA responses and augmentation of PWM responses and had a variable effect on Con A responses but had no effect on LPS- or protein A-induced proliferation. When added to alloantigen-stimulated cultures, B5-5 augmented the proliferative response. The B5-5 membrane component consists of 14- to 19-kDa glycoproteins but the banding patterns obtained during SDS-PAGE analysis of 125I-labeled Ag differed between thymocytes, peripheral T cells, and peripheral B cells. On the basis of its range of expression on lymphoid cells and known biochemical and functional properties, we conclude that the B5-5 component on sheep lymphocytes is different from T cell activation Ag in other species.  相似文献   

Treatment of cutinase, an extracellular glycoprotein produced by Fusarium solani f. pisi, with NaB3H4 at pH 7.0 generated labeled enzyme. Acid hydrolysis showed that all of the label was in an acidic carbohydrate which was identified as gulonic acid. The N-terminal amino group of the enzyme is blocked; the precursor of gulonic acid has a free reducing group and it is attached via a linkage resistant to β-elimination. Furthermore, pronase digestion of NaB3H4-treated cutinase gave rise to a ninhydrin negative compound which contained the bulk of the 3H and this compound was identified as N-gulonyl glycine. These results strongly suggest that the amino group of glycine, the N-terminal amino acid of this enzyme, is in amide linkage with glucuronic acid.  相似文献   

DM-GRASP is an immunoglobulin superfamily cell adhesion molecule that is expressed in both the developing nervous and immune system. Specific populations of neurons respond to DM-GRASP substrates appears to require homophilic interactions between DM-GRASP molecules. We were interested in determining whether DM-GRASP interacts heterophilically with other ligands as well. We have found that eleven proteins from embryonic chick brain membranes consistently bind to and elute from a DM-GRASP-Sepharose affinity column. One of these proteins is DM-GRASP itself, consistent with its known homophilic binding. Another protein, at 130 kD, is immunoreactive with monoclonal antibodies to NgCAM. Other neural cell adhesion molecules were not detected in the eluate. The DM- GRASP-Sepharose eluate also contains a potent neurite stimulating activity, which cannot be accounted for by either DM-GRASP or NgCAM. To investigate the interaction of DM-GRASP and NgCAM, antibodies against DM-GRASP were added to neuronal cultures extending neurites on an NgCAM substrate. The presence of antibodies to DM-GRASP decreased neurite extension on laminin, suggesting that the antibody is not toxic or generally inhibiting motility. We present two possible models for the DM-GRASP-NgCAM association and a hypothesis for neural cell adhesion function that features the dimerization of cell adhesion molecules.  相似文献   

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