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马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata(Say)在新疆北部的危害逐年加重。本文采用点滴法检测了石河子、博州和昌吉3个地区4个马铃薯甲虫田间种群对有机磷、氨基甲酸酯、拟除虫菊酯、新烟碱类等15种杀虫药剂的抗性水平。结果表明,所检测的沙湾、玛纳斯、博乐和奇台4个马铃薯田间种群对拟除虫菊酯类高效氯氟氰菊酯和溴氰菊酯产生了11~155倍的抗性,博乐种群对高效氯氰菊酯抗性为27倍;4个种群对氨基酸酯类的丁硫克百威也产生了33~59倍的抗性。另外,对硫丹和阿维菌素也分别产生了11~23倍和4~7倍的抗性。但对水胺硫磷等4种有机磷和吡虫啉等3种新烟碱类杀虫药剂仍然比较敏感。研究结果为上述地区马铃薯甲虫的有效控制提供重要依据。  相似文献   

诊断剂量法监测新疆维吾尔自治区马铃薯甲虫的抗药性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在测定发现新疆特克斯县马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata(Say)田间种群对测定杀虫剂敏感的基础上,采用特克斯田间种群确定了19种常用农药品种的诊断剂量,监测了新疆奇台(QT)、阜康(FK)、乌鲁木齐(URMQ)、昌吉(CJ)、乌苏(US)、特克斯(TKS)、尼勒克(NLK)、察布查尔(QPQL)、新源(XY)和阿勒泰(ALT)共10个县市马铃薯甲虫对常用药剂的抗性水平。发现采自昌吉和新源的马铃薯甲虫种群对三氟氯氰菊酯分别为34.3%和65.7%;采自乌苏的马铃薯甲虫种群对高效氯氰菊酯的存活率为25.0%;采自奇台和尼勒克的马铃薯甲虫种群对马拉硫磷存活率分别为60.1%和29.0%;采自昌吉和尼勒克的马铃薯甲虫种群对丁硫克百威存活率分别为64.3%和99.0%;采自昌吉的马铃薯甲虫种群对吡虫啉存活率为50.3%。上述结果证明马铃薯甲虫在新疆局部地区已对常用农药出现明显抗性。  相似文献   

为了了解并掌握马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)在新疆的抗性水平及动态, 为科学用药提供理论依据, 利用点滴法测定了新疆北部马铃薯甲虫6个田间种群(乌鲁木齐、 阜康、 昌吉、 阿勒泰、 尼勒克和特克斯) 的4龄幼虫对14种常规药剂的敏感性, 并测试了磷酸三苯酯(TPP)、 顺丁烯二酸二乙酯(DEM)和氧化胡椒基丁醚(PBO)的增效作用。结果表明: 与已报道的基线相比, 特克斯种群对几种药剂都敏感, 因此确定特克斯田间种群为敏感品系。与特克斯敏感品系相比, 昌吉种群对三氟氯氰菊酯、 溴氰菊酯、 克百威及丁硫克百威的抗性倍数分别为108.8, 30, 17.6和24.7, 而尼勒克种群对这4种药剂的抗性倍数分别为29.4, 42.5, 10.1和89.9。此外, 昌吉和阜康种群对高效氯氰菊酯也分别产生8.9和13.0倍的中等抗性。增效测定结果显示: 对于尼勒克种群, PBO对三氟氯氰菊酯有明显增效作用; 对于昌吉种群, PBO, TPP和DEM对克百威有明显增效作用。因此推断解毒酶活性增强可能是新疆马铃薯甲虫对三氟氯氰菊酯和克百威的抗性机制之一。由于增效作用不能完全消除抗性, 因此新疆马铃薯甲虫的抗药性还可能涉及到其他机制。  相似文献   

马铃薯瓢虫与马铃薯甲虫发生动态   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
魏鸿钧 《昆虫知识》1995,32(3):187-188

马铃薯甲虫空间分布型及抽样技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata(Say)是我国马铃薯恶性入侵害虫.本研究利用聚集度指标检验、Taylor幂法则和Iwao回归法对马铃薯甲虫成虫、幼虫和卵在田间的空间分布型进行了研究.聚集度指标检测各虫态均为聚集分布,且种群聚集主要是由马铃薯甲虫各虫态本身的聚集行为,或由其本身的聚集行为与环...  相似文献   

马铃薯甲虫是一种外来的有害生物,已在新疆、黑龙江等地建立种群,危害马铃薯、番茄等农作物,危害范围在中国逐年蔓延扩大。预测马铃薯甲虫在中国的适生区,有利于制定该虫的早期监测预警及控制。根据马铃薯甲虫现有的分布记录,筛选出主要的环境变量,采用MaxEnt模型和ArcGIS软件对其在中国的潜在分布区进行预测和分析。结果表明:用主成分分析法、相关性检验结合刀切法筛选出7个主要环境变量,MaxEnt模型模拟的AUC值为0.917,预测结果与实际拟合度非常高; ArcGIS软件中重分类方法计算出马铃薯甲虫当代适生区总面积为3.72×106km2,占中国国土面积的38.67%;高适生区仅占中国国土面积的0.08%,主要位于内蒙古自治区包头市和呼和浩特市辖区;中适生区面积为1.26×106km2,占中国国土面积的13.07%,包括黑龙江、辽宁和河北的东部,四川的西部,甘肃的西南部,河南的西北部,山西的南部,新疆的北部,江苏、湖北、贵州和安徽的中部地区,山东广大地区以及内蒙古包头市周边;低适生区面积为2.45×106km2,占中国国土面积的25.52%,主要分布在内蒙古中部、新疆北部、东北东部、华北、华...  相似文献   

马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)是马铃薯上一种最主要的毁灭性害虫。由于其严重的抗药性, 急需寻找一种替代杀虫剂的防治方法。本实验从开发马铃薯甲虫引诱剂的目的出发,用“Y”型嗅觉仪测定了马铃薯甲虫对来自植物的7种挥发物单体、8个挥发物混合物配方以及马铃薯甲虫聚集素的行为反应,并进一步进行了田间诱集试验。室内生测结果表明,2-苯乙醇对马铃薯甲虫雌雄虫都有明显的引诱作用。芳樟醇+水杨酸甲酯+顺乙酸-3-己烯酯的混合物对马铃薯甲虫雄虫有很强的引诱作用(81.67%), 但是对雌虫引诱作用不明显(63.33%)。在其中加入马铃薯甲虫聚集素不但提高了对雄虫的引诱率(88.33%),还消除了之前的雌雄性别间反应差异现象,使对雌虫的引诱率达到了83.33%。田间诱集结果显示,芳樟醇+水杨酸甲酯+顺乙酸-3-己烯酯+马铃薯甲虫聚集素在所研究的引诱剂配方中引诱效果最好。从而为马铃薯甲虫发生的预测预报和诱杀技术提供了研究基础。  相似文献   

危害茄科蔬菜的外来入侵害虫——马铃薯甲虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张润志  刘宁  李颖超 《生命科学》2010,(11):1118-1121
马铃薯甲虫是世界著名的入侵害虫,是我国的重要检疫性有害生物,主要危害马铃薯、茄子和西红柿等茄科蔬菜。该甲虫目前分布于美洲、欧洲和亚洲等30多个国家和地区,于1993年入侵我国新疆,到2010年扩散到36个县市,最前沿为木垒县。该文介绍了马铃薯甲虫的扩散历史、危害情况、发生规律以及防治措施,指出我国在西北方向遭受新疆马铃薯甲虫入侵内地威胁的同时,也在东北方向遭受俄罗斯滨海边区马铃薯甲虫对黑龙江及东北地区入侵的严重威胁,应加强防范。  相似文献   

斜纹夜蛾抗药性及其防治对策的研究进展   总被引:57,自引:4,他引:57  
周晓梅  黄炳球 《昆虫知识》2002,39(2):98-102
斜纹夜蛾Spodopteralitura是多种作物的重要害虫 ,对有机氯、有机磷、氨基甲酸酯类、拟除虫菊酯类以及Bt制剂等杀虫剂均产生抗药性。本文对斜纹夜蛾抗药性的形成与发展、抗性机理及其防治对策等方面进行了综述  相似文献   

在北方马铃薯病害中晚疫病和病毒病一直是困扰马铃薯产量和品质发展的重要原因,病害损失可达20~40%。本文介绍一下马铃薯晚疫病和病毒病症状、发生规律及防治方法。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Limonin and its five derivatives were evaluated in feeding bioassays for depression effects on feeding, growth and development of the fourth stadium Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Epilimonol and limonin diosphenol were most effective in depression of feeding and growth, with ED50s 10 and 8 μg/cm2. At a dosage of 31.6 μg/cm2, epilimonol, limonin diosphenol and limonin caused both significant feeding reduction and developmental delay, while deoxylimonol, tetrahydrolimonin and limonol were not effective. Mouth-part coating and antifeedant bioassays show that feeding inhibition at host acceptance level seems to be the primary mode of action of epilimonol and limonin diosphenol.  相似文献   

Three Turkish isolates of the entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema carpocapsae, Steinernema feltiae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora were evaluated under laboratory conditions (in different temperatures and doses) for their biocontrol efficiency against last instar Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Herein, the effects of infective juveniles in aqueous suspension against L. decemlineata were evaluated. S. feltiae appeared to be the most pathogenic nematode among the tested species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The behaviour of newly emerged adult Colorado potato beetles on preferred hosts follows a stereotyped pattern of sampling, feeding, grooming and rest. Reduced meal sizes on less-preferred hosts is accompanied by increased sampling and frequent interruptions in feeding. A systematic increase in pre-ingestive sampling on less-preferred foodplants indicates that beetles discriminate among closely related species within the Solanaceae. This ability may depend primarily on stimuli perceived at, and near, the leaf surface. Three geographic populations of beetles have adapted to different local host plants, but have not lost their preference for feeding on an ancestral host species. Host shifts by oligophagous insects to related plant species may evolve through selection for feeding generalists in isolated populations, and may not require genetic changes affecting the perception of a particular novel host.  相似文献   

Rhythmic body movements and their role as triggers of intermittent heartbeats were studied in pupae of Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say. Heartbeats and body movements were recorded simultaneously by means of an optical method (infra‐red cardiography) combined with respirometry. IR‐cardiography allows heartbeats and body movements to be distinguished on the basis of their different rates (40–80 min?1 and 4–8 min?1, respectively) and amplitude. In the mid‐interecdysial period, abdominal movements in the pupae were always accompanied by heart activity beginning after the first 5–12 abdominal strokes. Simultaneous periods of abdominal movements and heartbeats lasted 2–5 min, while the intervening pause ranged from 40 to 72 min at 24°C. Experiments of forced heart activity showed that a slight external tactile stimulus (prodding once with a single hair), applied prior to an expected heartbeat bout, evoked abdominal movements followed soon afterwards by contractions of the dorsal vessel. Repeated prodding with a hair evoked body rotating movements (1–3 strokes) at any time with heartbeats starting at the first movement. We surmise that rhythmic body movements play an active role in the triggering of heart activity in pupae according to the principle of cardiac reflex response. This is a possible mechanism for synchronizing periods of heart activity with periods of rhythmic body movements. Haemolymph circulation in pupae is favoured when heartbeat bouts are accompanied by active body movements.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The difference in ecdysteroid activity in short-day (10-h photo-phase) and long-day (16-h photophase) Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say adults was characterized by high performance liquid chromatography, which revealed that for short-day beetles ecdysterone and ecdysone are the major constituents of the free ecdysteroids, whereas in long-day beetles products co-migrating with 2-deoxyecdysone and 2-deoxyecdysterone are just as abundant. Ecdysteroids were detected (15 ng/ml) only in the haemolymph of females. Ligation experiments showed that the induction of the diapause syndrome by inactivation of the corpora allata or the brain not only resulted in the formation of the typical diapause proteins but also in an increase of the ecdysteroid activity. It is suggested that adult diapause in L.decemlineata is regulated by a multifactorial system.  相似文献   

The Colorado potato beetle (CPB), Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), is an infamous invasive species worldwide that aggressively attacks potato and other Solanaceae crops. CPB was first found in China in 1993 and has since spread across 2.77 × 105 km2 in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. To better understand genetic variation and migration patterns, we used seven polymorphic microsatellite loci to elucidate the genetic relationships and gene flow among 10 CPB populations across Xinjiang. (i) Overall low levels of genetic diversity were detected on the entire population in Xinjiang but most of the diversity was retained among populations during invasion. (ii) The mean pairwise FST was low (0.071 ± 0.043) among populations. The genetic differentiation was little (pairwise FST 0.038 ± 0.016) between the five interior populations (Wusu, Urumqi, Jimsar, Qitai and Mulei) and Tacheng population. The six populations might come from the same genetic group via Bayesian clustering and were closely related on a neighbor‐joining tree. Combining the history data, the five interior populations may have originated from Tacheng. (iii) Gene flow was frequent, especially among the five interior populations. Individuals from the interior populations could be assigned to Tacheng at higher probabilities (means 0.518 ± 0.127) than vice versa (means 0.328 ± 0.074), suggesting that the beetle population has spread from the border to the interior in Xinjiang.  相似文献   

We evaluated the hypothesis that Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) (CPB) flight frequency is related to diet, and that it changes with duration of food unavailability or exposure to poor quality food by exposing adult overwintered and summer CPB populations to an acceptable host plant (conventional foliage), a poor host (insect resistant transgenic foliage expressing Bacillus thuringiensis tenebrionis[Btt] Cry3a toxin) and no host. Exposure to poor host and no host treatments (with or without water) decreased mean daily flight frequencies and the overall number of overwintered CPB flying, but increased the mean daily flight frequency and number of summer population CPB that flew. Overwintered CPB did not react to an absence of plants at emergence whereas summer CPB increased mean daily flight frequencies when plants and water were not available. The flight response to insect resistant foliage was similar to that for starvation treatments in both populations indicating that flight may not be triggered by Btt toxins but by starvation brought on by feeding on poor quality food. Flight was observed in all treatments for the duration of the test with two exceptions; overwintered beetles fed insect resistant foliage ceased flying after day 17 and summer beetles starved without water ceased after day 8 of a 29‐day study.  相似文献   

A differentially expressed cDNA fragment (P311) from Colorado potato beetle (CPB), Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), was identified by restriction fragment differential display-polymerase chain reaction (RFDD-PCR) technique, and showed a strong similarity to ferritin heavy chain subunits of other organisms. Based on P311, we constructed specific primers and obtained a 840-bp cDNA fragment spanning the open reading frame of CPB ferritin subunit using the rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) technique. The sequence encodes 213 amino acid residues, including a 19 amino acid signal peptide. The sequence has a conserved cysteine in the N-terminus and has the seven conserved residues that comprise the ferroxidase center, which is the feature of heavy chain ferritins of vertebrates. The CPB ferritin subunit has high amino acid sequence identity with the Apriona germari (69.3%), Galleria mellonela (54.5%), Manduca sexta (54.0%), Drosophila melanogaster (53.2%), Calpodes ethlius (51.4%), and Nilaparvata lugens (47.6%) but lower identity with the Anopheles gambiae (38.7%) and Aedes aegypti (37.8%). Using Northern blot analysis, the subunit mRNA was identified from fat body and midgut of 4th instars with much higher mRNA levels found in midgut than that in fat body (2.5-fold). Nevertheless, only the levels of mRNA in fat body was induced by dexamethasone (1.5-fold).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Responses of galeal sensilla of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), to leaf sap from Solanum tuberosum and a number of other solanaceous and non-solanaceous plants are described. A single cell responds vigorously to expressed sap from S.tuberosum , -and even to ten-fold dilutions of expressed sap. The response is characterized by a high spike frequency, low phasic activity and a tonic phase which can last for tens of seconds. At 8 s following stimulus application the primary response is typically 50% of its original activity, indicating slow adaptation to the sap stimulus. The primary response varies little among multiple stimulations of single sensilla and among sensilla on the same animal. There is a secondary response to potato leaf sap from one or more cells which have low spike amplitudes. This is usually of much lower frequency than the response from the primary cell, and it is highly variable.
The prominent and reproducible single cell response to potato sap may be an important component in signalling the presence of a host plant. This hypothesis is tested using saps from two other species of Solanum which are hosts, and several solanaceous and non-solanaceous non-hosts. Responses of galeal sensilla to the three host-plants tested were qualitatively similar and reproducible while responses to the non-hosts were highly variable and qualitatively different from responses to host saps. These results are interpreted and discussed in the context of a possible mechanism for chemosensory coding of complex stimuli in the insect/plant relationship.
Analysis of the raw electrophysiological data required extensive use of a microcomputer and several programs were developed during the course of this study. The computer analyses are briefly described in the paper and additional information and copies of the programs are available from the authors.  相似文献   

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