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The MSJ-1 gene encodes a murine DnaJ homologue that is expressed specifically in adult testis. DnaJ proteins act as cochaperones of Hsp70 proteins in promoting diverse cellular functions. In this study we used recombinant MSJ-1 proteins to produce MSJ-1 antiserum and to carry out in vitro binding assays. In a wide immunoscreening of mouse tissues, affinity-purified MSJ-1 antibodies recognize a unique protein of 30 kDa in male germ cells only. MSJ-1 is able to interact with the testis-specific Hsp70-2 protein and can be coimmunoprecipitated with Hsp70-2 from spermatogenic cells; binding of these two chaperones is consistent with the presence of a third component, which is so far unknown. MSJ-1 is weakly detected in early round spermatids, and its protein content increases in cytodifferentiating spermatids where it colocalizes with the developing acrosome and their postnuclear region. Hsp70-2, which is known to be highly expressed in meiotic cells, shows a subcellular localization in late differentiating spermatids that overlaps that of MSJ-1. MSJ-1 is also maintained in testicular and epididymal spermatozoa, where it sharply demarcates into two distinct cell areas; the outer surface of the acrosomal vesicle, and the centrosomal area. On the whole, our findings are consistent with a role for MSJ-1 in acrosome formation and centrosome adjustment during spermatid development, whereas its presence in mature spermatozoa suggests a special function during fertilization, shortly afterward, or both.  相似文献   

Peroxisomal testis-specific 1 gene (Pxt1) is the only male germ cell-specific gene that encodes a peroxisomal protein known to date. To elucidate the role of Pxt1 in spermatogenesis, we generated transgenic mice expressing a c-MYC-PXT1 fusion protein under the control of the PGK2 promoter. Overexpression of Pxt1 resulted in induction of male germ cells' apoptosis mainly in primary spermatocytes, finally leading to male infertility. This prompted us to analyze the proapoptotic character of mouse PXT1, which harbors a BH3-like domain in the N-terminal part. In different cell lines, the overexpression of PXT1 also resulted in a dramatic increase of apoptosis, whereas the deletion of the BH3-like domain significantly reduced cell death events, thereby confirming that the domain is functional and essential for the proapoptotic activity of PXT1. Moreover, we demonstrated that PXT1 interacts with apoptosis regulator BAT3, which, if overexpressed, can protect cells from the PXT1-induced apoptosis. The PXT1-BAT3 association leads to PXT1 relocation from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. In summary, we demonstrated that PXT1 induces apoptosis via the BH3-like domain and that this process is inhibited by BAT3.  相似文献   

The Drosophila Trithorax‐like (Trl) gene encodes a GAGA factor which regulates a number of developmentally important genes. In this study, we identify a new function for Drosophila GAGA factor in male germ cell development. Trl mutants carrying strong hypomorphic alleles display loss of primordial germ cells during their migration in embryogenesis and severe disruption in mitochondria structure during early spermatogenesis. The mutation resulted in small testes formation, a deficit of germ cells, abnormal mitochondrial morphogenesis, spermatocyte death through autophagy, and partial or complete male sterility. Pleiotropic mutation effects can be explained by the misexpression of GAGA factor target genes, the products of which are required for germ cell progression into mature sperm. genesis 52:738–751, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The last 100 years have seen a concerning decline in male reproductive health associated with decreased sperm production, sperm function and male fertility. Concomitantly, the incidence of defects in reproductive development, such as undescended testes, hypospadias and testicular cancer has increased. Indeed testicular cancer is now recognised as the most common malignancy in young men. Such cancers develop from the pre-invasive lesion Carcinoma in Situ (CIS), a dysfunctional precursor germ cell or gonocyte which has failed to successfully differentiate into a spermatogonium. It is therefore essential to understand the cellular transition from gonocytes to spermatogonia, in order to gain a better understanding of the aetiology of testicular germ cell tumours. MicroRNA (miRNA) are important regulators of gene expression in differentiation and development and thus highly likely to play a role in the differentiation of gonocytes. In this study we have examined the miRNA profiles of highly enriched populations of gonocytes and spermatogonia, using microarray technology. We identified seven differentially expressed miRNAs between gonocytes and spermatogonia (down-regulated: miR-293, 291a-5p, 290-5p and 294*, up-regulated: miR-136, 743a and 463*). Target prediction software identified many potential targets of several differentially expressed miRNA implicated in germ cell development, including members of the PTEN, and Wnt signalling pathways. These targets converge on the key downstream cell cycle regulator Cyclin D1, indicating that a unique combination of male germ cell miRNAs coordinate the differentiation and maintenance of pluripotency in germ cells.  相似文献   

Presence of specific growth factors and feeder layers are thought to be important for in vitro embryonic stem cell (ESCs) differentiation. In this study, the effect of bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) co-culture system on germ cell differentiation from mouse ESCs was evaluated. One-day-old embryoid body was cultured for 4?d in simple culture systems or on top of the MEFs, both in the presence or absence of BMP4. Data showed significant higher viability percent and proliferation rate in simple culture media compared to co-culture systems. Analysis of gene expression indicated that the germ cell-specific genes (VASA and Stra8) were expressed in a significant higher ratio in BMP4-treated cells in simple culture system. Also, the results of immunocytochemistry in simple culture systems showed that the mean percentage of immunostaining cells of VASA, the primordial germ cell (PGC) marker, was increased significantly in BMP4-treated cells compared with BMP4-free group. Meanwhile, CDH1, the late premiotic germ cell marker, showed no significant difference between these two groups. The results suggest that BMP4 is an efficient inducer in PGC derivation from mouse ESC. However, the employment of MEFs as feeder has no apparent effect on PGC derivation.  相似文献   

Germ line specification is an early cell fate decision essential for the transmission of totipotency over generations. Two types of germ line stem cells populate the male gonads in mammals. Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are the germ line founders only present during prenatal life. Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) appear a few days after birth and divide asymmetrically to give rise to one stem cell and one spermatogonia that initiates differentiation to produce spermatozoa. Germ cell specification and differentiation involve specific environmental stimuli and a sequential order of maturing phases required for gamete function. Spatio-temporal controls similarly dictate the erasure of somatic methylation marks and the subsequent acquisition of sex-specific marks at imprinted genes in gametes. We review here the recent advancements in male germ cell derivation from ES cells and discuss the limits of these in vitro methods in providing a kinetics and a microenvironment suitable for the programming of a proper gametic and parental identity.  相似文献   

mAbs were raised in mice against cultured human endothelial cells (EC) and screened by indirect immunofluorescence for their ability to stain intercellular contacts. One mAb denoted 7B4 was identified which, out of many cultured cell types, specifically decorated cultured human EC. The antigen recognized by mAb 7B4 is bound at the appositional surfaces of cultured EC only as they become confluent and is stably expressed at intercellular boundaries of confluent monolayers. EC recognition specificity was maintained when the antibody was assayed by immuno-histochemistry in tissue sections of many normal and malignant tissues and in blood vessels of different size and type. The antigen recognized by 7B4 was enriched at EC intercellular boundaries similarly in vitro and in situ. In vitro, addition of mAb 7B4 to confluent EC increased permeation of macromolecules across monolayers even without any obvious changes of cell morphology. In addition, when EC permeability was increased by agents such as thrombin, elastase, and TNF/gamma IFN, its distribution pattern at intercellular contact rims was severely altered. mAb 7B4 immunoprecipitated a major protein of 140 kD from metabolically and surface-labeled cultured EC extracts which appeared to be an integral membrane glycoprotein. On the basis of its distribution in cultured cells and in tissues in situ, 7B4 antigen is distinct from other described EC proteins enriched at intercellular contacts. NH2-terminal sequencing of the antigen, immunopurified from human placenta, and sequencing of peptides from tryptic peptide maps revealed identity to the cDNA deduced sequence of a recently identified new member of the cadherin family (Suzuki, S., K. Sano, and H. Tanihara. 1991. Cell Regul. 2:261-270.) These data indicate that 7B4 antigen is an endothelial-specific cadherin that plays a role in the organization of lateral endothelial junctions and in the control of permeability properties of vascular endothelium.  相似文献   

Throughout spermatogenesis, developing germ cells remain attached to Sertoli cells via testis-specific anchoring junctions. If adhesion between these cell types is compromised, germ cells detach from the seminiferous epithelium and infertility often results. Previously, we reported that Adjudin is capable of inducing germ cell loss from the epithelium. In a small subset of animals, however, oral administration of Adjudin (50 mg per kg body weight (b.w.) for 29 d) resulted in adverse effects such as liver inflammation and muscle atrophy. Here, we report a novel approach in which Adjudin is specifically targeted to the testis by conjugating Adjudin to a recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) mutant, which serves as its 'carrier'. Using this approach, infertility was induced in adult rats when 0.5 microg Adjudin per kg b.w. was administered intraperitoneally, which was similar to results when 50 mg per kg b.w. was given orally. This represents a substantial increase in Adjudin's selectivity and efficacy as a male contraceptive.  相似文献   

The 14-3-3 family of proteins is expressed in a broad range of organisms and tissues. Based on data essentially obtained with tissue culture cells and yeast, 14-3-3 proteins have been implicated as potential regulators of diverse signaling pathways, in particular those involving the activity of the Raf family protein kinases. The 14-3-3 theta mouse isoform is expressed almost exclusively in testis and brain. In an effort to understand the function of 14-3-3 theta in testis, we sought to identify endogenous proteins that interact with 14-3-3 theta in spermatogenic cells. A recombinant 14-3-3 theta fusion protein was used in Far Western and GST pulldown assays. Here we report that 14-3-3 theta interacts in vivo and in vitro with 93- to 95-kDa B-Raf, originally described as specific of neural tissues and never reported in male germ cells. Moreover, in mouse spermatids, i.e., the haploid cytodifferentiating cells, a so far unidentified protein complex formed by endogenous Rap1/B-Raf/14-3-3 theta can be coimmunoprecipitated. The intracellular localization of endogenous 14-3-3 theta, B-Raf, and Rap1 was analyzed in distinct spermatogenic cell types and a peculiar codistribution of the three proteins was immunorevealed in differentiating spermatids. Together, these data demonstrate that a protein complex formed by endogenous Rap1, 93- to 95-kDa B-Raf, and 14-3-3 theta exists in vivo and the finding that this has been detected in cytodifferentiating, not dividing cells, strengthens the hypothesis for a role of Rap1/B-Raf-mediated signaling in cell morphogenesis and differentiation.  相似文献   

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