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We have produced three different mAb specific for human IgE-Fc. Their binding pattern to either heat-denatured IgE or a family of overlapping IgE-derived recombinant peptides and their ability to affect interaction of IgE with its low affinity receptor Fc epsilon R2/CD23 demonstrate that they recognize distinct epitopes on the IgE molecule. All three mAb were able to induce basophil degranulation as measured by the induction of histamine release. mAb 173 recognizes a thermolabile epitope in the CH4 domain. It does not affect the binding of IgE to Fc epsilon R2/CD23. mAb 272 recognizes a thermostable epitope that maps to a sequence of 36 amino acids (AA) spanning part of the CH2 and CH3 domain and it does not affect the binding of IgE to Fc epsilon R2/CD23. mAb 27 recognizes a thermolabile epitope located on a 10 AA stretch (AA 367-376) in the CH3 domain. This area contains one N-linked oligosaccharide (Asn-371), but the antibody is not directed against carbohydrate because it binds to Escherichia coli-derived IgE peptides. mAb 27 inhibits the binding of IgE to Fc epsilon R2/CD23 but is still capable of reacting with IgE already bound to Fc epsilon R2/CD23. These data suggest that upon binding to Fc epsilon R2/CD23, the IgE molecule engages one of two equivalent-binding sites close to the glycosylated area of the CH3 domain.  相似文献   

A series of 2-substituted sulfamoyl arylacetamides of general structure 2 were prepared as potent kappa opioid receptor agonists and the affinities of these compounds for opioid and chimeric receptors were compared with those of dynorphin A. Compounds 2e and 2i were identified as non-peptide small molecules that bound to chimeras 3 and 4 with high affinities similar to dynorphin A, resulting in K(i) values of 1.5 and 1.2 nM and 1.3 and 2.2 nM, respectively.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (AII) AT(1) receptor mutants with replacements of aliphatic amino acids in the distal region of helix VI and the adjoining region of the third extracellular loop (EC-3) were expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells to determine their role in ligand binding and activation. The triple mutant [L262D, L265D, L268D]AT(1) (L3D) showed a marked reduction in affinity for AII and for non-peptide (losartan) and peptide ([Sar(1)Leu(8) ]AII) antagonists; in functional assays using inositol phosphate (IP) accumulation, the relative potency and the maximum effect of AII were reduced in L3D. Replacement of Leu(268) (in EC-3) and Leu(262) (in the transmembrane domain) by aspartyl residues did not cause significant changes in the receptor's affinity for the ligands and in IP production. In contrast, the point mutation L265D, at helix VI, markedly decreased affinity and ability to stimulate phosphatidylinositol turnover. Molecular modeling of the AT(1) receptor based on a recent crystal structure of rhodopsin, suggests that the side chain of Leu(265) but not that of Leu(262) is facing a cleft between helices V and VI and interacts with the lipid bilayer, thus helping to stabilize the receptor structure near the Lys(199) residue of helix V in the agonist binding site which is necessary for full activity.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that feeding a diet with a high amino acid (60% AA diet) content, as a mixture simulating casein, induced pancreatic growth and pancreatic protease production in rats. In the present study, we examined the effects of an increasing dietary content of essential amino acids (EAA, x1 - x3 in exp. 1 and x1 - x3.3 in exp. 2) and non-essential amino acids (NEAA, x1 - x3 in exp. 1 and x1 - x5.2 in exp. 2) on pancreatic growth, amylase and protease adaptation using casein-type amino acid mixtures (exp. 1, basal diet; 20% AA diet) and egg white-type amino acid mixtures (exp. 2, basal diet; 12% AA diet). Pancreatic growth and trypsin activity were induced as the dietary content of NEAA was increased in experiments 1 and 2. Amylase activity in the pancreas was also induced as the dietary content of NEAA was increased, even with the decrease in dietary carbohydrate in experiment 2. The values of all pancreatic variables decreased with the increase in dietary EAA (x2 and x3) without an increase in NEAA. The changes in the pancreas were coincident with increases in plasma arginine and lysine concentrations and a decrease in the plasma alanine concentration. In rats fed a 60% AA diet (EAA and NEAA x3), in the case of which the EAA content was balanced with the NEAA content, pancreatic growth and protease production increased and reached maximum levels as the plasma amino acid concentrations decreased, except for alanine. These results show that NEAA, not EAA, are associated with induction of pancreatic growth and protease production upon feeding a diet with a high AA content, and that some metabolites may be involved in the induction process. The suppression of pancreatic growth and protease production in rats fed the high EAA diets without balanced NEAA may be associated with impairment of amino acid metabolism rather than the increments in the concentration of one or more essential amino acids. Our results also suggest that there is an unknown mechanism or unknown factors involved in regulating pancreatic amylase.  相似文献   

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)-induced reduction in ligand binding affinity (negative cooperativity) requires TSH receptor (TSHR) homodimerization, the latter involving primarily the transmembrane domain (TMD) but with the extracellular domain (ECD) also contributing to this association. To test the role of the TMD in negative cooperativity, we studied the TSHR ECD tethered to the cell surface by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor that multimerizes despite the absence of the TMD. Using the infinite ligand dilution approach, we confirmed that TSH increased the rate of dissociation (k(off)) of prebound (125)I-TSH from CHO cells expressing the TSH holoreceptor. Such negative cooperativity did not occur with TSHR ECD-GPI-expressing cells. However, even in the absence of added TSH, (125)I-TSH dissociated much more rapidly from the TSHR ECD-GPI than from the TSH holoreceptor. This phenomenon, suggesting a lower TSH affinity for the former, was surprising because both the TSHR ECD and TSH holoreceptor contain the entire TSH-binding site, and the TSH binding affinities for both receptor forms should, theoretically, be identical. In ligand competition studies, we observed that the TSH binding affinity for the TSHR ECD-GPI was significantly lower than that for the TSH holoreceptor. Further evidence for a difference in ligand binding kinetics for the TSH holoreceptor and TSHR ECD-GPI was obtained upon comparison of the TSH K(d) values for these two receptor forms at 4 °C versus room temperature. Our data provide the first evidence that the wild-type TSHR TMD influences ligand binding affinity for the ECD, possibly by altering the conformation of the closely associated hinge region that contributes to the TSH-binding site.  相似文献   

We report herein that incorporating long-chain alkylphenyl-containing non-proteinogenic amino acids in place of His at the pT-2 position of the parent polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) polo box domain (PBD)-binding pentapeptide, PLHSpT (1a) increases affinity. For certain analogs, approximately two orders-of-magnitude improvement in affinity was observed. Although, none of the new analogs was as potent as our previously described peptide 1b, in which the pT-2 histidine imidazole ring is alkylated at its π nitrogen (N3), our current finding that the isomeric His(N1)-analog (1c) binds with approximately 50-fold less affinity than 1b, indicates the positional importance of attachment to the His imidazole ring. Our demonstration that a range of modified residues at the pT-2 position can enhance binding affinity, should facilitate the development of minimally-sized Plk1 PBD-binding antagonists.  相似文献   

The rational designing of binding abilities in proteins requires an understanding of the relationship between structure and thermodynamics. However, our knowledge of the molecular origin of high‐affinity binding of ligands to proteins is still limited; such is the case for l ‐lysine–l ‐arginine–l ‐ornithine periplasmic binding protein (LAOBP), a periplasmic binding protein from Salmonella typhimurium that binds to l ‐arginine, l ‐lysine, and l ‐ornithine with nanomolar affinity and to l ‐histidine with micromolar affinity. Structural studies indicate that ligand binding induces a large conformational change in LAOBP. In this work, we studied the thermodynamics of l ‐histidine and l ‐arginine binding to LAOBP by isothermal titration calorimetry. For both ligands, the affinity is enthalpically driven, with a binding ΔCp of ~?300 cal mol?1 K?1, most of which arises from the burial of protein nonpolar surfaces that accompanies the conformational change. Osmotic stress measurements revealed that several water molecules become sequestered upon complex formation. In addition, LAOBP prefers positively charged ligands in their side chain. An energetic analysis shows that the protein acquires a thermodynamically equivalent state with both ligands. The 1000‐fold higher affinity of LAOBP for l ‐arginine as compared with l ‐histidine is mainly of enthalpic origin and can be ascribed to the formation of an extra pair of hydrogen bonds. Periplasmic binding proteins have evolved diverse energetic strategies for ligand recognition. STM4351, another arginine binding protein from Salmonella, shows an entropy‐driven micromolar affinity toward l ‐arginine. In contrast, our data show that LAOBP achieves nanomolar affinity for the same ligand through enthalpy optimization. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lysyl hydroxylases (LH), which catalyze the post-translational modifications of lysines in collagen and collagen-like proteins, function as dimers. However, the amino acids responsible for dimerization and the role of dimer formation in the enzymatic activities of LH have not yet been identified. We have localized the region responsible for the dimerization of lysyl hydroxylase 3 (LH3), a multifunctional enzyme of collagen biosynthesis, to a sequence of amino acids between the glycosyltransferase activity and the lysyl hydroxylase activity domains. This area is covered by amino acids 541-547 in human LH3, but contains no cysteine residues. The region is highly conserved among LH isoforms, and is also involved in the dimerization of LH1 subunits. Dimerization is required for the LH activity of LH3, whereas it is not obligatory for the glycosyltransferase activities. In order to determine whether complex formation can occur between LH molecules originating from different species, and between different LH isoforms, double expressions were generated in a baculovirus system. Heterocomplex formation between mouse and human LH3, between human LH1 and LH3 and between human LH2 and LH3 was detected by western blot analyses. However, due to the low amount of complexes formed, the in vivo function of heterocomplexes remains unclear.  相似文献   

The EGF receptor is a transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase that is enriched in lipid rafts. Subdomains I, II and III of the extracellular domain of the EGF receptor participate in ligand binding and dimer formation. However, the function of the cysteine-rich subdomain IV has not been elucidated. In this study, we analyzed the role of the membrane-proximal portion of subdomain IV in EGF binding and signal transduction. A double Cys-->Ala mutation that breaks the most membrane-proximal disulfide bond (Cys600 to Cys612), ablated high affinity ligand binding and substantially reduced signal transduction. A similar mutation that breaks the overlapping Cys596 to Cys604 disulfide had little effect on receptor function. Mutation of residues within the Cys600 to Cys612 disulfide loop did not alter the ligand binding or signal transducing activities of the receptor. Despite the fact that the C600,612A EGF receptor was significantly impaired functionally, this receptor as well as all of the other receptors with mutations in the region of residues 596 to 612 localized normally to lipid rafts. These data suggest that the disulfide-bonded structure of the membrane-proximal portion of the EGF receptor, rather than its primary sequence, is important for EGF binding and signaling but is not involved in localizing the receptor to lipid rafts.  相似文献   

We have examined the differential binding of Hck and Fyn to HIV-1 Nef to elucidate the structural basis of SH3 binding affinity and specificity. Full-length Nef bound to Hck SH3 with the highest affinity reported for an SH3-mediated interaction (KD 250 nM). In contrast to Hck, affinity of the highly homologous Fyn SH3 for Nef was too weak (KD > 20 microM) to be accurately determined. We show that this distinct specificity lies in a variable loop, the 'RT loop', positioned close to conserved SH3 residues implicated in the binding of proline-rich (PxxP) motifs. A mutant Fyn SH3 with a single amino acid substitution (R96I) in its RT loop had an affinity (KD 380 nM) for Nef comparable with that of Hck SH3. Based on additional mutagenesis studies we propose that the selective recognition of Nef by Hck SH3 is determined by hydrophobic interactions involving an isoleucine residue in its RT loop. Although Nef contains a PxxP motif which is necessary for the interaction with Hck SH3, high affinity binding was only observed for intact Nef protein. The binding of a peptide containing the Nef PxxP motif showed > 300-fold weaker affinity for Hck SH3 than full-length Nef.  相似文献   

A truncated human c-Ha-ras gene product, ras(1-171) protein, was prepared and chemically modified with maleimide spin-label (MSL). By trypsin digestion of the MSL-labeled ras(1-171) protein, MSL-labeled peptide fragments were isolated and sequenced. The cysteine residue in position 118 of the protein, but not the other cysteine residues, Cys-51 or Cys-80, was found to be specifically labeled by MSL. The ESR spectrum of the MSL-labeled ras(1-171) protein indicates that the MSL group attached to Cys-118 is strongly immobilized. Proton NMR spectra at 400-MHz were measured for this MSL-labeled ras(1-171) protein and also for a control sample of a labeled ras(1-171) protein whose MSL was reduced by sodium ascorbate. In the difference spectra for these two proteins, resonances of protons in the vicinity of the MSL group attached to Cys-118 of the ras(1-171) protein were observed. Thus, the MSL group was found to be in the vicinity of the protein-bound GDP. A phenylalanine residue and two histidine residues, which were characterized by 2D HOHAHA and DQF-COSY spectra, were also found to be in the vicinity of MSL. NOE and pH titration analyses indicate that this phenylalanine residue is close to the bound GDP and one of the two histidine residues. By carboxypeptidase digestion, the two histidine residues near MSL were identified as His-27 and His-94.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Our previous studies involving chimeric thyrotropin-lutropin/choriogonadotropin (TSH-LH/CG) receptors suggest that multiple segments spanning the entire extracellular domain of the human TSH receptor contribute to the TSH binding site. Nevertheless, the mid-region (segment C, amino acid residues 171-260) of the receptor extracellular domain is particularly important in TSH binding. In the present studies, we constructed seven new chimeric receptors in order to analyze segment C in further detail. Seven small segments spanning segment C of the TSH receptor were replaced with the counterpart of the rat LH/CG receptor. These mutant receptors were stably introduced into Chinese hamster ovary cells and were tested for hormone binding and cAMP responsiveness to hormone stimulation. The results indicate that 11 amino acids of the TSH receptor (Lys-201 to Lys-211) and the corresponding region of the LH/CG receptor (Thr-202 to Ile-212) are important for specific TSH and human CG binding, respectively. In addition, nine amino acids of the TSH receptor (Gly-222 to Leu-230) are also involved in TSH binding. A further conclusion from these data is that TSH and human CG bind to partially overlapping sites on their respective receptor molecules.  相似文献   

When co-expressed with a receptor activity-modifying protein (RAMP) accessory protein, calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CRLR) can function as a calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor (CRLR-RAMP1) or an adrenomedullin (AM) receptor (CRLR-RAMP2/3). Here we report on the structural domain(s) involved in selective AM binding that were examined using various RAMP chimeras and deletion mutants. Co-expression of chimeric RAMPs and CRLR in HEK293 cells revealed that residues 77-101, situated in the extracellular N-terminal domain of human RAMP2 (hRAMP2), were crucial for selective AM-evoked cAMP production. More detailed analysis showed that deletion of hRAMP2 residues 86-92 significantly attenuated high-affinity (125)I-AM binding and AM-evoked cAMP production despite full cell surface expression of the receptor heterodimer and that deletion of hRAMP3 residues 59-65 had a similar effect. There is little sequence identity between hRAMP3 residues 59-65 and hRAMP2 residues 86-92; moreover, substituting alanine for Trp(86) (Ala(87)), Met(88), Ile(89), Ser(90), Arg(91), or Pro(92) of hRAMP2 had no effect on AM-evoked cAMP production. It thus seems unlikely that any one amino acid residue is responsible for determining selective AM binding or that AM binds directly to these peptide segments. Instead these findings suggest that the respective seven-amino acid sequences confer selectivity either by directly contributing to the structure of ligand binding pocket or by allosteric modulation of the conformation of CRLR.  相似文献   

In vitro exposure to alcohols unmasks additional binding sites for gonadotropin in cell/membrane preparations of the corpus luteum of rhesus monkeys. In the current study, we compared the effects of ethanol on gonadotropin receptors solubilized from macaque luteal membranes to those on receptors associated with the lipid bilayer. Treatment with 1% Triton X-100 for 30 min at 4C, followed by precipitation with polyethylene glycol, resulted in recovery of 50% more binding sites for 125I-human luteinizing hormone (hLH) than were available in particulate preparations (p less than 0.05). However, the soluble receptors displayed a 3-fold lower affinity for 125I-hLH (p less than 0.05). Conditions which enhanced LH binding to particulates, i.e., 1-8% ethanol at 25C, decreased specific 125I-hLH binding to soluble receptors. Steady-state LH binding to soluble receptors during incubation at 4C was half of that observed at 25C. The presence of 8% ethanol at 4C restored LH binding to levels observed in the absence of ethanol at 25C. Thus, LH binding sites in the primate corpus luteum can be effectively solubilized with Triton X-100. The different binding characteristics of particulate and soluble receptors, including the response to ethanol exposure, suggest that the lipid environment in the luteal membrane modulates the availability and affinity of gonadotropin receptors.  相似文献   

Dorsal root ganglia were extirpated from 9-day old embryonic chickens and solubilized in phosphate buffered saline containing 0.5% Noniodet P 40 detergent. When nerve growth factor binding studies are performed on these samples, the expected curvilinear Rosenthal (Scatchard) plot is obtained. However, when the solubilized cell sample is made 1-2 mM in phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and nerve growth factor binding is determined, a linear Rosenthal (Scatchard) plot is obtained. The equilibrium dissociation constant obtained from the slope of the line is 1.9 X 10(-9) M, identical to the equilibrium dissociation constant of the low affinity receptor. A similar phenomenon is observed when rat pheochromocytoma cells are solubilized in the non-ionic detergent and nerve growth factor binding is determined. No high affinity binding can be detected for either cell type when detergent solubilized cells are incubated with phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride.  相似文献   

Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored high density lipoprotein-binding protein 1 (GPIHBP1) is an endothelial cell protein that transports lipoprotein lipase (LPL) from the subendothelial spaces to the capillary lumen. GPIHBP1 contains two main structural motifs, an amino-terminal acidic domain enriched in aspartates and glutamates and a lymphocyte antigen 6 (Ly6) motif containing 10 cysteines. All of the cysteines in the Ly6 domain are disulfide-bonded, causing the protein to assume a three-fingered structure. The acidic domain of GPIHBP1 is known to be important for LPL binding, but the involvement of the Ly6 domain in LPL binding requires further study. To assess the importance of the Ly6 domain, we created a series of GPIHBP1 mutants in which each residue of the Ly6 domain was changed to alanine. The mutant proteins were expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, and their expression level on the cell surface and their ability to bind LPL were assessed with an immunofluorescence microscopy assay and a Western blot assay. We identified 12 amino acids within GPIHBP1, aside from the conserved cysteines, that are important for LPL binding; nine of those were clustered in finger 2 of the GPIHBP1 three-fingered motif. The defective GPIHBP1 proteins also lacked the ability to transport LPL from the basolateral to the apical surface of endothelial cells. Our studies demonstrate that the Ly6 domain of GPIHBP1 is important for the ability of GPIHBP1 to bind and transport LPL.  相似文献   

Interleukin-13 (IL-13) is a pleiotropic cytokine that controls growth, differentiation, and apoptosis of immune and tumor cells. To understand the mechanisms of interaction between IL-13 and IL-13 receptors (IL-13R), and the role of the IL-2 receptor common gamma chain (gammac) in IL-13 binding and processing, we have examined IL-13 binding kinetics, dissociation/shedding, and internalization in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cell lines. We observed a new phenomena in that the apparent rate of association, but not the dissociation, was strongly related to IL-13 concentration. We also observed cooperativity phenomena in IL-13 and IL-13R interaction in control RCC (MLneo) cells, but not in cells transfected with gammac chain (MLgammac). The number of IL-13 binding sites, the effective rate of ligand association, and the dissociation rate constants were reduced in gammac-transfected cells compared to control RCC cells. Two forms of IL-13R were detected in these cell lines, which differed in the kinetics of endocytosis and dissociation/exocytosis. Only a small fraction of bound receptors (14-24%) was rapidly internalized and the same fraction of the ligand-receptor complexes was shed and/or dissociated. The expression of gammac chain did not change any of these processes. A two independent high-affinity and moderate-affinity receptor model fit the kinetic observations in gammac-transfected cells. However, in control cells, the binding kinetics were more complicated. A mathematical model that fit a set of kinetic and steady state data in control cells was selected from a set of possible models. This best-fit model predicts that 1) two different IL-13R are expressed on the cell membrane, 2) a minor fraction of IL-13R exist as microclusters (homodimers and/or heterodimers) without exogenous IL-13, 3) high morphological complexity of the gammac-negative control cell membrane affects the cooperativity phenomena of IL-13 binding, and 4) a large number of co-receptor molecules is present, which helps keep the ligand on the cell surface for a long period of time after fast IL-13 binding and provides a negative control for ligand binding via production of the high affinity inhibitor bound to IL-13. Our data demonstrate that gammac exerts dramatic changes in the kinetic mechanisms of IL-13 binding.  相似文献   

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