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It has been proposed that tissue-specific estrogenic and/or antiestrogenic actions of certain xenoestrogens may be associated with alterations in the tertiary structure of estrogen receptor (ER) alpha and/or ERbeta following ligand binding; changes which are sensed by cellular factors (coactivators) required for normal gene expression. However, it is still unclear whether xenoestrogens affect the normal behavior of ERalpha and/or ERbeta subsequent to receptor binding. In view of the wide range of structural forms now recognized to mimic the actions of the natural estrogens, we have assessed the ability of ERalpha and ERbeta to recruit TIF2 and SRC-1a in the presence of 17beta-estradiol, genistein, diethylstilbestrol, 4-tert-octylphenol, 2',3',4', 5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl-ol, and bisphenol A. We show that ligand-dependent differences exist in the ability of ERalpha and ERbeta to bind coactivator proteins in vitro, despite the similarity in binding affinity of the various ligands for both ER subtypes. The enhanced ability of ERbeta (over ERalpha) to recruit coactivators in the presence of xenoestrogens was consistent with a greater ability of ERbeta to potentiate reporter gene activity in transiently transfected HeLa cells expressing SRC-1e and TIF2. We conclude that ligand-dependent differences in the ability of ERalpha and ERbeta to recruit coactivator proteins may contribute to the complex tissue-dependent agonistic/antagonistic responses observed with certain xenoestrogens.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationships between the loci expressing functions of estrogen receptor (ER)alpha and that of ERbeta, we analyzed the subnuclear distribution of ERalpha and ERbeta in response to ligand in single living cells using fusion proteins labeled with different spectral variants of green fluorescent protein. Upon activation with ligand treatment, fluorescent protein-tagged (FP)-ERbeta redistributed from a diffuse to discrete pattern within the nucleus, showing a similar time course as FP-ERalpha, and colocalized with FP-ERalpha in the same discrete cluster. Analysis using deletion mutants of ERalpha suggested that the ligand-dependent redistribution of ERalpha might occur through a large part of the receptor including at least the latter part of activation function (AF)-1, the DNA binding domain, nuclear matrix binding domain, and AF-2/ligand binding domain. In addition, a single AF-1 region within ERalpha homodimer, or a single DNA binding domain as well as AF-1 region within the ERalpha/ERbeta heterodimer, could be sufficient for the cluster formation. More than half of the discrete clusters of FP-ERalpha and FP-ERbeta were colocalized with hyperacetylated histone H4 and a component of the chromatin remodeling complex, Brg-1, indicating that ERs clusters might be involved in structural changes of chromatin.  相似文献   

To determine the role of each estrogen receptor (ER) form (ERalpha, ERbeta) in mediating the estrogen actions necessary to maintain proper function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, we have characterized the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in female ER knockout (ERKO) mice. Evaluation of pituitary function included gene expression assays for Gnrhr, Cga, Lhb, Fshb, and Prl. Evaluation of ovarian steroidogenic capacity included gene expression assays for the components necessary for estradiol synthesis: i.e. Star, Cyp11a, Cyp17, Cyp19, Hsd3b1, and Hsd17b1. These data were corroborated by assessing plasma levels of the respective peptide and steroid hormones. alphaERKO and alphabetaERKO females exhibited increased pituitary Cga and Lhb expression and increased plasma LH levels, whereas both were normal in betaERKO. Pituitary Fshb expression and plasma FSH were normal in all three ERKOs. In the ovary, all three ERKOs exhibited normal expression of Star, Cyp11a, and Hsd3b1. In contrast, Cyp17 and Cyp19 expression were elevated in alphaERKO but normal in betaERKO and alphabetaERKO. Plasma steroid levels in each ERKO mirrored the steroidogenic enzyme expression, with only the alphaERKO exhibiting elevated androstenedione and estradiol. Elevated plasma testosterone in alphaERKO and alphabetaERKO females was attributable to aberrant expression of Hsd17b3 in the ovary, representing a form of endocrine sex reversal, as this enzyme is unique to the testes. Enhanced steroidogenic capacity in alphaERKO ovaries was erased by treatment with a GnRH antagonist, indicating these phenotypes to be the indirect result of excess LH stimulation that follows the loss of ERalpha in the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Overall, these findings indicate that ERalpha, but not ERbeta, is indispensable to the negative-feedback effects of estradiol that maintain proper LH secretion from the pituitary. The subsequent hypergonadism is illustrated as increased Cyp17, Cyp19, Hsd17b1, and ectopic Hsd17b3 expression in the ovary.  相似文献   

Tyulmenkov VV  Klinge CM 《Steroids》2000,65(9):505-512
Antibodies are widely used to detect estrogen receptor (ER) in ER-DNA complexes in electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA). We compared the specificity of antibodies raised to different regions of ERalpha or ERbeta for detecting recombinant human ERalpha (rhERalpha) and recombinant rat ERbeta (rrERbeta) when bound to a consensus estrogen response element (ERE). ERalpha-specific antibodies specifically slowed the migration of the ER-ERE complex by 32 to 84% and inhibited rhERalpha-ERE binding by 17 to 75%. None of antibodies to ERbeta supershifted rhERalpha-ERE complex. Some ERalpha-specific antibodies increased whereas some decreased rrERbeta-ERE binding. Anti-ERbeta antibodies supershifted different amounts of the rrERbeta-ERE complex. Our results indicate that supershift and inhibition of ER-ERE interaction with a specific antibody are equally reliable in the detection of rhERalpha and rrERbeta. ERalpha antibody Ab10, antisera G20 and AT3B, and ERbeta-antiserum Y19 offered the best discrimination between ERalpha and ERbeta. Comparison of the peptide sequences against which various antibodies were raised indicate directions for new ERalpha and ERbeta- specific antibody development. We conclude that a cognate ER antibody that retards the migration of the ER-ERE complex by at least 40% or inhibits ER-ERE interaction by at least 8% provides a reliable detection of a specific ER isoform in EMSA.  相似文献   

The functions of estrogen receptors (ERs) in mouse ovary and genital tracts were investigated by generating null mutants for ERalpha (ERalphaKO), ERbeta (ERbetaKO) and both ERs (ERalphabetaKO). All ERalphaKO females are sterile, whereas ERbetaKO females are either infertile or exhibit variable degrees of subfertility. Mast cells present in adult ERalphaKO and ERalphabetaKO ovaries could participate in the generation of hemorrhagic cysts. Folliculogenesis proceeds normally up to the large antral stage in both ERalphaKO and ERbetaKO adults, whereas large antral follicles of ERalpha+/-ERbetaKO and ERalphabetaKO adults are markedly deficient in granulosa cells. Similarly, prematurely developed follicles found in prepubertal ERalphaKO ovaries appear normal, but their ERalphabetaKO counterparts display only few granulosa cell layers. Upon superovulation treatment, all prepubertal ERalphaKO females form numerous preovulatory follicles of which the vast majority do not ovulate. The same treatment fails to elicit the formation of preovulatory follicles in half of the ERbetaKO mice and in all ERalpha+/-/ERbetaKO mice. These and other results reveal a functional redundancy between ERalpha and ERbeta for ovarian folliculogenesis, and strongly suggest that (1) ERbeta plays an important role in mediating the stimulatory effects of estrogens on granulosa cell proliferation, (2) ERalpha is not required for follicle growth under wild type conditions, while it is indispensable for ovulation, and (3) ERalpha is also necessary for interstitial glandular cell development. Our data also indicate that ERbeta exerts some function in ERalphaKO uterus and vagina. ERalphabetaKO granulosa cells localized within degenerating follicles transform into cells displaying junctions that are unique to testicular Sertoli cells. From the distribution pattern of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) in ERalphabetaKO ovaries, it is unlikely that an elevated AMH level is the cause of Sertoli cell differentiation. Our results also show that cell proliferation in the prostate and urinary bladder of old ERbetaKO and ERalphabetaKO males is apparently normal.  相似文献   

Chimeric molecules which effect intracellular degradation of target proteins via E3 ligase-mediated ubiquitination (e.g., PROTACs) are currently of high interest in medicinal chemistry. However, these entities are relatively large compounds that often possess molecular characteristics which may compromise oral bioavailability, solubility, and/or in vivo pharmacokinetic properties. Accordingly, we explored whether conjugation of chimeric degraders to monoclonal antibodies using technologies originally developed for cytotoxic payloads might provide alternate delivery options for these novel agents. In this report we describe the construction of several degrader-antibody conjugates comprised of two distinct ERα-targeting degrader entities and three independent ADC linker modalities. We subsequently demonstrate the antigen-dependent delivery to MCF7-neo/HER2 cells of the degrader payloads that are incorporated into these conjugates. We also provide evidence for efficient intracellular degrader release from one of the employed linkers. In addition, preliminary data are described which suggest that reasonably favorable in vivo stability properties are associated with the linkers utilized to construct the degrader conjugates.  相似文献   

Venous ulcers are the predominant form of chronic wound in the elderly, accounting for around 70% of all cases. The steroid sex hormone estrogen plays a crucial role in normal human skin maintenance and during cutaneous wound repair following injury. Estrogen can reverse age-related impaired wound healing by dampening the inflammatory response and increasing matrix deposition at the wound site. The molecular actions of estrogen are mediated through two nuclear sex steroid hormone receptors, estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) and beta (ERbeta). We have conducted a case-control study to investigate whether dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms in the estrogen receptor genes are associated with venous ulceration in the UK Caucasian population. Genomic fragments containing the ERalpha dinucleotide (TA)(n) repeat polymorphism or the ERbeta dinucleotide (CA)(n) repeat polymorphism were amplified by polymerase chain reaction in subject DNA samples and genotyped according to fragment length by capillary electrophoresis. There was no evidence to suggest that the TA repeat polymorphism of ERalpha was associated with venous ulceration. However, the CA*18 allele of the ERbeta CA repeat polymorphism was significantly associated with venous ulceration (n = 120, OR = 1.8, 95% CI = 1.1-2.8, P = 0.02). When the CA repeats alleles were grouped together into either low (L < or = 18) or high (H > 18) numbers of CA repeats, the low (L) repeat allele was significantly associated with venous ulceration (OR = 1.5, 95% CI = 1.0-2.2, P = 0.03). Our results show that a specific ERbeta variant is associated with impaired healing in the elderly, predisposing individuals to venous ulceration.  相似文献   

In an earlier study, we showed that estradiol (E2) inhibits proliferation and transformation in cultured rat hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) and that the actions of E2 are mediated through estrogen receptors (ERs). This study reports on an investigation of the cellular localization of ER subtypes ERalpha and ERbeta using immunohistochemistry in experimental fibrotic liver rats and of each ER subtype expression in cultured rat HSCs by evaluating the produced mRNA and protein. The results indicate that high levels of ERbeta expression and low or no levels of ERalpha expression were observed in normal and fibrotic livers and in quiescent and activated HSCs from both males and females. The specificity of E2-mediated antiapoptotic induction through the ERbeta was shown by dose-dependent inhibition by the pure ER antagonist ICI 182,780 in HSCs which were undergoing early apoptosis. These findings demonstrate for the first time that rat HSCs possess functional Erbeta, but not Eralpha, to respond directly to E2 exposure.  相似文献   

We created a nonclassical estrogen receptor (ER) knock-in mouse model by introducing a mutation that selectively eliminates classical ER signaling through estrogen response elements, while preserving the nonclassical ER pathway. Heterozygous nonclassical ER knock-in (NERKI) females are infertile. Their ovaries contain no corpora lutea, reflecting a defect in ovulation, and the stromal cells contain lipid droplets, suggesting altered steroidogenesis. The uteri are enlarged with evidence of cystic endometrial hyperplasia, and the mammary glands are hypoplastic. These phenotypic features indicate differential ER effects on growth and development in various estrogen-responsive tissues. These findings suggest that nonclassical ER signaling pathways play an important physiological role in the development and function of the reproductive system.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue deposition is highly responsive to estrogen; ovariectomy increases adipose deposition, and estrogen replacement reverses this. Estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) plays a major role in adipose tissue. ERalpha knockout (alphaERKO) mice show an increase in adipose tissue of over a 100 % compared to wild-type mice. However, alphaERKO mice undergo a 10-fold increase in 17beta-estradiol (E2), and persistent or even increased signaling through ERbeta could be a factor in obesity of alphaERKO mice. To test the hypothesis that ERbeta plays a role in adipose tissue, adult female alphaERKO mice were ovariectomized or sham-ovariectomized and fed a phytoestrogen-free diet. Ovariectomized mice were treated with vehicle or E2, and bodyweights and food consumption were measured. Mice were killed after 28 days and inguinal and parametrial fat pads collected. Sham-ovariectomized alphaERKO mice had increased body weight, ovariectomized alphaERKO mice showed a 6 % decrease, and E2 replacement restored body weight to sham levels. Fat pads of ovariectomized alphaERKO mice showed 45 % and 16 % decreases in weight and adipocyte circumference, respectively, compared to sham-ovariectomized or E2-replaced ovariectomized alphaERKO mice. Ovariectomized alphaERKO mice showed a trend towards decreased feed consumption that did not reach significance. Blood glucose levels were lower both before and after glucose injection in ovariectomized compared to sham alphaERKO mice, and E2 treatment reversed this. Insulin levels following glucose challenge were lower in ovariectomized compared to sham-ovariectomized alphaERKO mice, indicating that ovariectomy ameliorated the glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in alphaERKO mice. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed strong staining for ERbeta in adipose tissue. These observations indicate that removing E2/ERbeta signaling in alphaERKO mice by ovariectomy decreases body and fat-pad weights and adipocyte size, while improving insulin and glucose metabolism. ERbeta mediated effects on adipose tissue are opposite those of ERalpha, although E2 effects on adipose tissue are predominately through ERalpha.  相似文献   

Earlier studies have shown that the efferent ductules (ED) of the male mouse are a target for estrogen. The loss of estrogen receptor (ER) function through either knockout technology (alpha ERKO mouse) or chemical interference (pure antagonist, ICI 182 780) results in a failure of a major function of the ED, the reabsorption of testicular fluids. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that estrogen controls fluid (water) reabsorption in the ED by modulating ion transporters important for passive water movement through a leaky epithelium such as the ED. Northern blot analysis was used to detect the mRNA levels for key ion transporters in the following experimental groups: 1) wild-type (WT) control for the 14-day experiment, 2) ER alpha knockout (alpha ERKO) control for the 14-day experiment, 3) WT treated with ICI 182 780 (ICI) for 14 days, 4) alpha ERKO treated with ICI for 14 days, 5) WT control for the 35-day experiment, and 6) WT treated with ICI for 35 days. Estrogen differentially modulated the mRNA levels of key ion transporters. ER alpha mediated carbonic anhydrase II mRNA abundance, and there was a decrease in Na(+)/H(+) exchanger 3 mRNA levels in the alpha ERKO that appeared to be a cellular effect and not a direct estrogen effect. The loss of ER alpha control resulted in an increase in mRNA abundance for the catalytic subunit of Na(+)-K(+) ATPase alpha 1, whereas an increase in the mRNA abundance of the Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchanger and the chloride channel cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator was significantly ER beta mediated. Our results indicate for the first time that estrogen acting directly and indirectly through both ER alpha and ER beta probably modulates fluid reabsorption in the adult mouse ED by regulating the expression of ion transporters involved in the movement of Na(+) and Cl(-).  相似文献   

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