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Amelioration of aluminium toxicity in wheat by fluoride   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  

Summary The effects of aluminium concentrations between 0.2 and 30 mM at pH 3.8 ±0.2 on small plants of Norway spruce [(Picea abies (L.) Karst], Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and Scots pine infected with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Suillus bovinus (L. ex Fr.) O. Kuntze were investigated. The plants were grown at maximum relative growth rate (RG % day–1) with free access but very low external concentrations of nutrients. Steady-state conditions with respect to relative growth rate (RG) and internal nutrient concentrations were achieved before addition of aluminium, which was added as AlCl3 and/or Al(NO3)3. There were reductions in rg at aluminium concentrations of 0.3 mM in spruce, 6 mM in pine and 10 mM in ectomycorrhizal pine, i. e. at aluminium concentrations considerably higher than those normally occurring in the top layer of the mineral soil where most fine roots are found. Nutrient uptake rate per unit root growth rate was calculated for different nutrient elements. The uptake rate of calcium and magnesium was reduced at aluminium concentrations of 0.2 mM (spruce), 1 mM (pine) and 3 mM (ectomycorrhizal pine), without influencing Rg. The results question the validity of the hypothesis of aluminium toxicity to forest tree species at low external concentrations.  相似文献   

Ruan J  Ma L  Shi Y  Han W 《Annals of botany》2004,93(1):97-105
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Tea plants (Camellia sinensis L.) accumulate large amounts of fluoride (F) from soils containing normal F concentrations. The present experiments examined the effects of pH and Ca on F uptake by this accumulating plant species. METHODS: The effect of pH was assessed in two experiments, one using uptake solutions with different pHs, and the other using lime, as CaO, applied to the soil. The effect of Ca was examined by analysing F concentrations in plants supplied with varying amounts of Ca, as Ca(NO3)2, either in uptake solutions or through the soil. KEY RESULTS: F uptake was highest at solution pH 5.5, and significantly lower at pH 4.0. In the soil experiment, leaf F decreased linearly with the amounts of lime, which raised the soil pH progressively from 4.32 to 4.91, 5.43, 5.89 and, finally, 6.55. Liming increased the water-soluble F content of the soil. Including Ca in the uptake solution or adding Ca to soil significantly decreased leaf F concentrations. The distribution pattern of F in tea plants was not altered by Ca treatment, with most F being allocated to leaves. The activity of F- in the uptake solution was unaffected and water-soluble F in the soil was sometimes increased by added Ca. CONCLUSIONS: F uptake by tea plants, which are inherently able to accumulate large quantities of F, was affected both by pH and by Ca levels in the medium. The reduced F uptake following Ca application appeared not to be due simply to the precipitation of CaF2 in solution and soil or to the complexing of Ca and F in roots, although these factors cannot be dismissed. It was more likely due to the effect of Ca on the properties of cell wall or membrane permeability in the solution experiments, and to alteration of F speciations and their quantities in soil solutions following Ca application.  相似文献   

Uptake of aluminium by plant cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Summary Effects of three solution aluminium concentrations (0, 25 and 100 M) on nodulation ofStylosanthes hamata andStylosanthes scabra inoculated with Rhizobium CB 756 were studied using nutrient solution culture. Aluminium strongly affected nodulation by delaying nodule appearance and reducing the number and dry weight of nodules in both species. The effects of aluminium toxicity on nodulation were more pronounced inStylosanthes scabra than inStylosanthes hamata. These effects of aluminium on nodulation occurred before any significant effect of aluminium on top growth, root growth or root elongation. A plant transfer experiment suggested that aluminium interfered with root infection and/or nodule initiation in both species. The detrimental effect of aluminium on nodulation appeared to be associated with a reduction in lateral root density, thus decreasing the potential number of sites for root infection and nodule formation.  相似文献   

Avena sativa (oats) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomatoes) were grown in dilute nutrient solutions containing varying concentrations of fluoride (F). Shoot and root growth of tomatoes were limited when calculated F ion activities (F-) were greater than 1473 M in solution. However, F- activities up to 5130 m had no effect on the dry weights of oat shoots or roots, suggesting that tomatoes are more sensitive to F toxicity. At low F activities in solution (<1684 M) F concentrations in plant shoots increased almost linearly with activity, but then increased rapidly before reaching an upper asymptote. These findings are discussed in relation to plant uptake and toxicity of F. The complexation of Ca with F has been proposed as the mechanism of selectively altering membrane permeability to F, but further studies are required to confirm the role of Ca. Data recalculated from the literature and from this paper also suggest that growth solution ionic strength is positively related to uptake of F- by plants.  相似文献   

Effects of aluminium on canola roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clune  Timothy S.  Copeland  Les 《Plant and Soil》1999,216(1-2):27-33
There is little information on the effects of aluminium (Al) on canola (Brassica napus var. napus L.), which is a commercially important crop species in many parts of the world. In this report, we describe the effects of Al on roots of canola seedlings grown hydroponically in a nutrient solution at pH 4.5. The morphological and ultrastructural changes that accompanied these growth effects were examined. Additions to the nutrient solution of Al at concentrations below 40 μM stimulated root growth of canola seedlings, increasing both the size and number of central cap cells. The stimulation of root growth did not appear to be due to the alleviation of a proton toxicity at the root surface. At concentrations of Al above 60 μM, root growth was strongly inhibited, with cellular damage being observed primarily in peripheral root cap cells. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Role of calcium in aluminium toxicity   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  

Varietal differences in net nutrient uptake rate and transport efficiency in the presence of aluminium have seldom been investigated in rice. Therefore, effects of Al on growth, uptake and transport of macronutrients (K, P, Ca, and Mg) and micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn) were evaluated in 3 rice cultivars (BG35, DA14 and IR45) with different Al sensitivity. The plants were grown in nutrient solution at pH 4.1. An initial growth was completed in the time interval 1 to 5 days immediately before the addition of Al. The final growth period with Al (0, 140, 280 or 560 μ M ) was completed on day 26. With Al, a comparatively high P accumulation occurred in shoots and roots of the Al tolerant cultivar BG35. In contrast, the Al sensitive cultivar IR45 maintained a relatively high Ca accumulation during the Al treatment. A reduced total net uptake rate of P and Ca by IR45 in the time period 5 to 26 days was due to both a reduced root fresh weight and a reduced net uptake rate per g fresh weight of root. Moreover, net Ca transport to the shoots higher than net uptake rate in DA14 and IR45 at > 140 μ M Al during the test period suggests restricted Ca uptake by the roots in combination with a continuous net loss of Ca from the roots to the shoots as time proceeds. In the case of Mg and Mn, there was a general reduction of net uptake rates, irrespective of Al sensitivity of cultivars. With Al treatment, comparatively high accumulation of Fe, Zn and Cu occurred in the roots of IR45, concomitant with a high net Zn and Cu uptake rate. It is concluded that differences in Al sensitivity among rice cultivars BG35, DA14 and IR45 are not primarily linked to the depressed internal Mg or Mn status of the plants but rather to changes in the uptake and distribution of Ca and P.  相似文献   

Two cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cvs Kadett and WW 20299) were grown for 9 days with 20% relative increase in nutrient supply per day at pH 4.1. Aluminium at 50 μ M retarded the growth of roots more than that of shoots in both cultivars, thus decreasing the root/shoot ratio. The inhibition was largest in WW 20299. With long term Al treatment (9 days), Km for K+(86Rb) influx increased five times in both cultivars and Vmax decreased in WW 20299. Efflux of K+(86Rb) was little affected. When the roots were treated with aluminium for two days, only relative growth rate of roots was retarded, while growth of shoots was unaffected and influx of K+(86Rb) adjusted to the actual K+ demand of the plants. It is concluded that the effects of aluminium on K+ uptake in these wheat cultivars are not primary factors contributing to aluminium sensitivity. However, in soil with Al the demand for a comparatively high concentration of K+ to maintain an adequate K+ uptake rate, in combination with a slow growth rate of the roots, may secondarily lead to K+ deficiency in the plants.  相似文献   

The aims of this paper were to determine the phytoavailability and phytotoxicity of hydrogen fluoride (HF) and fluoroborate (BF 4 - ) in solution when exposed to the root of the plant. As fluoroborate undergoes a slow hydrolysis to F and borate ions, the stability of BF 4 - under solution culture conditions was determined. Fluoroborate was found to have a zero order rate constant of 0.0136 and took approximately 72 days to hydrolyse completely.Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and oat (Avena sativa) plants were grown in dilute nutrient solutions which contained a range of activities of HF and BF 4 - . Dry matter production of both tomato and oat plants grown in nutrient solutions were found to be restricted by increased activity of HF and BF 4 - in solution. Tomatoes were more sensitive to HF and BF 4 - than oats. Limitations to dry matter production coincided with increased uptake of F for F concentrations in tissue of both tomatoes and oats. Fluoride uptake of both HF and BF by tomatoes and oats was orders of magnitude higher compared to similar activities of other ionic species of F reported in previous studies. Possible mechanisms of uptake are discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of aluminium on nitrate uptake and assimilation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A study was conducted to examine the hypothesis that the effects of external Al on NO3? uptake and assimilation depend upon the concentration of Al present. Young soybean seedlings [Glycine max (L.) Merrill, cv. Essex], growing under moderate acidity stress at pH 4-2, were exposed to a range of {A13+} in solution for 3d, and to labelled 99 atom %15NO3? during the final hour of Al exposure. Uptake of 15NO3?g?1 root dry weight was increased by about 28% in the presence of Al at {A13+} below 10 mmolm?3, and NO3? uptake was decreased by about 12% when the {A13+} increased to 44mmoln?3. The stimulation phase closely paralleled stimulation of root elongation. At higher {A13+}, the inhibition of root elongation was much more severe than that of NO3? uptake. There was no indication of a separate effect of Al on root 15NO3? reduction in situ, as the accumulation of reduced 15N in the root remained a similar percentage of 15NO3? uptake at all {A13+}. At higher {A13+}, the atom %15N enrichment of the insoluble reduced-N (protein) fraction of root tips increased. This suggests that the Al inhibition of root elongation did not result from disruption of the N supply to the root apex.  相似文献   

Stevens  D. P.  McLaughlin  M. J.  Randall  P. J.  Keerthisinghe  G. 《Plant and Soil》2000,227(1-2):223-233
Recent findings have highlighted the possibility of increased fluoride (F) concentrations in herbage through F taken up from soil via the plant root. This paper aimed to assess the risk of F concentrations reaching phytotoxic or zootoxic concentrations in pasture plants. Five plant species commonly found in improved pastures in Australia, the sown species subterranean clover (Trifolium subterranean) and cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata), and weeds barley grass (Hordeum leporinum), scotch thistle (Onopordum acanthium) and sorrel (Rumex acetosella) were grown in complete nutrient solutions with graded levels of added F to determine the effects of F activity in solution on phytotoxicity and uptake of F by their roots. A model was developed using data from these solution culture experiments and data from the literature. The model assessed uptake of F by plants grown over a range of soil pH values and determined the risk of F taken up through the plant roots reaching phytotoxic concentrations, or concentrations potentially injurious to grazing animals, in the plant shoots. Modelling data suggested that the plants studied would not accumulate phytotoxic concentrations of F in shoots or concentrations of F deleterious to grazing animals through root uptake in neutral pH agricultural soils. The risks from F addition to soils in phosphatic fertilisers leading to reduction in pasture growth or animal health are therefore low. However, in highly F-polluted soil, as the soil becomes more acidic or alkaline, the risk of zootoxic concentrations of F in shoots of plants would increase. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The relationship between cellular growth and aluminium (Al) uptake was examined by applying brefeldin A, a vesicle transport inhibitor, to cultured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. BY-2) cells. Cultured cells almost completely lost the capacity for Al uptake when pre-incubated for 1–3 h in a minimal medium. Pre-incubation also diminished subsequent growth in a culture medium. However, competency for Al uptake (20 μm, pH 4.5) was sustained in a dose-dependent and reversible manner when cells were treated with brefeldin A (10 μm), an inhibitor of Golgi-mediated secretion, prior to and during the incubation in minimal medium. Received: 24 September 1998 / Revision received: 24 November 1998 / Accepted: 5 December 1998  相似文献   

Ma JF  Hiradate S 《Planta》2000,211(3):355-360
 The forms of Al for uptake by the roots and translocation from the root to the shoot were investigated in a buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench, cv. Jianxi) that accumulates Al in its leaves. The Al concentration in the xylem sap was 15-fold higher in the plants exposed to AlCl3 than in those exposed to an Al-oxalate (1:3) complex, suggesting that the roots take up Al in the ionic form. The Al concentration in the xylem sap was 4-fold higher than that in the external solution after a 1-h exposure to AlCl3 solution and 10-fold higher after a 2-h exposure. The Al concentration in the xylem sap increased with increasing Al concentration in the external solution. The Al uptake was not affected by a respiratory inhibitor, hydroxylamine, but significantly inhibited by the addition of La. These results suggest that Al uptake by the root is a passive process, and La3+ competes for the binding sites for Al3+ on the plasma membrane. The form of Al in the xylem sap was identified by 27Al-nuclear magnetic resonance analysis. The chemical shift of 27Al in the xylem sap was around 10.9 ppm, which is consistent with that of the Al-citrate complex. Furthermore, the dominant organic acid in the xylem sap was citric acid, indicating that Al was translocated in the form of Al-citrate complex. Because Al is present as Al-oxalate (1:3) in the root, the present data show that ligand exchange from oxalate to citrate occurs before Al is released to xylem. Received: 10 December 1999 / Accepted: 3 February 2000  相似文献   

In the present study we examine the effects of Al on the uptake of Ca2+ and H2PO-4 in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) grown in inorganic nutrient solutions and nutrient solutions supplied with natural fulvic acids (FA). All the solutions used were chemically well characterized. The uptake of Al by roots of intact plants exposed to solutions containing 0, 0.15 or 0.3 mM AlCl3 for 24 h, was significantly less if FA (300 mg l−1) were also present in the solutions. The Ca2+(45Ca2+) uptake was less affected by Al in solutions supplied with FA than in solutions without FA. There was a strong negative correlation between the Al and Ca2+ uptake (r2=0.98). When the Al and Ca2+ (45Ca2+) uptake were plotted as a function of the Al3+ activity (or concentration of inorganic mononuclear Al), almost the same response curves were obtained for the -FA and +FA treatments. We conclude that FA-complexed Al was not available for root uptake and therefore could not affect the Ca2+ uptake. The competitive effect of Al on the Ca2+ uptake was also shown in a 5-week cultivation experiment, where the Ca concentration in shoots decreased at an AlCl3 concentration of 0.3 mM. The effect of Al on H2PO4 uptake was more complex. The P content in roots and shoots was not significantly affected, compared with the control, by cultivation for 5 weeks in a solution supplied with 0.3 mM AlCl3, despite a reduction of the H2PO4 concentration in the nutrient solution to about one-tenth. At this concentration Al obviously had a positive effect on H2PO4 uptake. The presence of FA decreased 32P-phosphate uptake by more than 60% during 24 h, and the addition of 0.15 or 0.3 mM AlCl3 to these solutions did not alter the uptake of 32P-phosphate.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation, popularly known as ‘green technology’ has been employed in the present investigation to examine the potential of fluoride removal from water by some aquatic plants. Fluoride contamination in drinking water is very much prevalent in different parts of the world including India. Batch studies were conducted using some aquatic plants e.g., Pistia stratiotes, Eichhornia crassipes, and Spirodela polyrhiza which profusely grow in natural water bodies. The experimental data exhibited that all the above three aquatic floating macrophytes could remove fluoride to some relative degree of efficiency corresponding to initial concentration of fluoride 3, 5, 10, 20 mg/l after 10 days exposure time. Result showed that at lower concentration level i.e., 3 mg/L removal efficiency of Pistia stratiotes (19.87%) and Spirodela polyrhiza (19.23%) was found to be better as compared to Eichhornia crassipes (12.71%). Some of the physiological stress induced parameters such as chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoid, total protein, catalase, and peroxidase were also studied to explore relative damage within the cell. A marginal stress was imparted among all the plants for lower concentration values (3 mg/L), whereas at 20 mg/l, maximum damage was observed.  相似文献   

Short-term uptake and initial localization of aluminium (Al) were investigated in cultured cells of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. BY-2. Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and an in vivo Al-sensitive fluorometric assay, employing morin, yielded similar results in all experiments. Aluminium uptake was critically dependent on cell growth. As opposed to negligible uptake in stationary-phase cells, Al uptake (20 μ M AlCl3, pH 4.5, 23°C) by actively growing cells was detectable within 5 min, with an initial rate of 16 nmol Al (106 cells)−1 h−1. Increased CaCl2 levels (up to 20 m M ), low temperature (4°C), and pre-chelation of Al to citrate greatly reduced Al uptake (by 75–90%). A pH-associated permeabilization of cells at pH 4.5, as monitored by trypan blue, was observed in some growing cells. Although permeability to trypan blue was not a requirement for Al uptake, enhanced membrane permeability at pH 4.5, relative to pH 5.6, may contribute to Al uptake. Aluminium was observed to localize mainly in a pronounced and discrete fluorescent zone at the cell periphery (2–30 μm wide), presumably in the cortical cytosol and/or the adjoining plasma membrane section, although the possibility cannot be excluded that some Al resided in the cell wall apposing this discrete region. However, as judged by the Al-morin assay, there were no detectable Al levels in the remaining, larger portion of the cell wall. The potential of the Al-morin method in Al toxicity studies is illustrated.  相似文献   

Availability of fluoride to plants grown in contaminated soils   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Two pot experiments were carried out to study uptake of fluoride (F) in clover and grasses from soil. Fluoride concentrations in t Trifolium repens (white clover) and t Lolium multiflorium (ryegrass) were highly correlated with the amounts of H2O– and 0.01 t M CaCl2–extractable F in soil when increasing amounts of NaF were added to two uncontaminated soils (r=0.95–0.98, t p<0.001). The amounts of H2O– or 0.01 t M CaCl2–extractable F did not explain the F concentrations to a similar extent in t Agrostis capillaris (common bent) grown in 12 soils (Cambic Arenosols) collected from areas around the Al smelters at Å: rdal and Sunndal in Western Norway (r=0.68–0.78). This may be due to variation in soil pH and other soil properties in the 12 soils. Soil extraction with 1 t M HCl did not estimate plant–available F in the soil as well as extraction with H2O or 0.01 t M CaCl2. Fluoride and Al concentrations in the plant material were positively correlated in most cases. Fluoride and Ca concentrations in the plant material were negatively correlated in the first experiment. No consistent effects were found on the K or Mg concentrations in the plant material. The F accumulation in clover was higher than in the grasses. The uptake from soil by grasses was relatively low compared to the possible uptake from air around the Al smelters. The uptake of F in common bent did not exceed the recommended limit for F contents in pasture grass (30 mg kg–1) from soil with 0.5–28 mg F(H2O) kg–1 soil. The concentration in ryegrass was about 50 mg F kg–1 when grown in a highly polluted soil (28 mg F(H2O) kg–1 soil). Concentrations in clover exceeded 30 mg F kg–1 even in moderately polluted soil (1.3–7 mg F(H2O) kg–1 soil). Liming resulted in slightly lower F concentrations in the plant material.  相似文献   

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