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Bery, A. and Martínez, P. 2010. Acetylcholinesterase activity in the developing and regenerating nervous system of the acoel Symsagittifera roscoffensis. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 383–392. The use of the cholinergic system is widespread in the animal kingdom. It controls different processes, including reproduction and neural transmission. However, its evolutionary history is not yet well understood. For instance, the role played by the cholinergic system in the nervous system of basal bilaterian taxa, where the first signs of architectural complexity appear, is still unknown. Here, we describe the structure of the cholinergic system during the development and regeneration of the acoel flatworm Symsagittifera roscoffensis, using acetylcholinesterase (AchE) activity as a marker. In this species, AchE activity is observed at all developmental stages, including in the early embryos. The juvenile and adult patterns reveal the presence of a complex nervous system that includes three pairs of longitudinal neurite bundles, which are connected to an anterior centralized mass of neurons and neural processes formed by two pairs of connectives and four commissures. The power of the technique also allows the detection of newly born neurons as they are incorporated into the growing nervous system (during regeneration).  相似文献   

The neuroarchitecture of Acoela has been at the center of morphological debates. Some authors, using immunochemical tools, suggest that the nervous system in Acoela is organized as a commissural brain that bears little resemblance to the central, ganglionic type brain of other flatworms, and bilaterians in general. Others, who used histological staining on paraffin sections, conclude that it is a compact structure (an endonal brain; e.g., Raikova 2004; von Graff 1891; Delage Arch Zool Exp Gén 4:109-144, 1886). To address this question with modern tools, we have obtained images from serial transmission electron microscopic sections of the entire hatchling of Symsagittifera roscoffensis. In addition, we obtained data from wholemounts of hatchlings labeled with markers for serotonin and tyrosinated tubulin. Our data show that the central nervous system of a juvenile S. roscoffensis consists of an anterior compact brain, formed by a dense, bilobed mass of neuronal cell bodies surrounding a central neuropile. The neuropile flanks the median statocyst and contains several types of neurites, classified according to their types of synaptic vesicles. The neuropile issues three pairs of nerve cords that run at different dorso-ventral positions along the whole length of the body. Neuronal cell bodies flank the cords, and neuromuscular synapses are abundant. The TEM analysis also reveals different classes of peripheral sensory neurons and provides valuable information about the spatial relationships between neurites and other cell types within the brain and nerve cords. We conclude that the acoel S. roscoffensis has a central brain that is comparable in size and architecture to the brain of other (rhabditophoran) flatworms.  相似文献   

Several molecular data sets suggest that acoelomorph flatworms are not members of the phylum Platyhelminthes but form a separate branch of the Metazoa that diverged from all other bilaterian animals before the separation of protostomes and deuterostomes. Here we examine the Hox gene complement of the acoel flatworms. In two distantly related acoel taxa, we identify only three distinct classes of Hox gene: an anterior gene, a posterior gene, and a central class gene most similar to genes of Hox classes 4 and 5 in other Bilateria. Phylogenetic analysis of these genes, together with the acoel caudal homologue, supports the basal position of the acoels. The similar gene sets found in two distantly related acoels suggest that this reduced gene complement may be ancestral in the acoels and that the acoels may have diverged from other bilaterians before elaboration of the 8- to 10-gene Hox cluster that characterizes most bilaterians.  相似文献   

Gu JL  Chen SX  Dou TH  Xu MJ  Xu JX  Zhang L  Hu W  Wang SY  Zhou Y 《Genomics》2012,99(1):59-65
Hox genes are characterized by a highly conserved peptide domain and contribute to antero-posterior axis patterning during embryogenesis. These genes have been widely studied in a variety of animal species due to their central role in evolutionary developmental biology. Based on the published genome assembly and unpublished re-sequencing project data, we present the first genome-wide characterization and comparative genomic analysis of the Hox gene family within Schistosoma japonicum. Eight Hox genes were identified and validated in our investigation. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that these genes are distributed among seven orthology groups of the Hox gene family. Our study further suggested that differences in the Lox5 gene copy number existed between the two closely related species, S. japonicum and Schistosoma mansoni. Semi-quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction experiments revealed that Lox5 and Hox4 gene expression was high in the schistosomulum stage, and all four genes investigated showed highest expression within the eggs.  相似文献   

A. E. Douglas 《Hydrobiologia》1984,109(3):207-210
Samples of the acoel turbellarian Convoluta roscoffensis and of sediment were taken from several beaches on the Channel Islands. A positive relationship between the mean length of the animals and median particle size of the sediment is demonstrated by regression analysis. It is suggested that the size of C. roscoffensis is limited by the size of spaces between the particles.  相似文献   

Among the bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic animals (the Bilateria), a conserved set of developmental regulatory genes are known to function in patterning the anterior–posterior (AP) axis. This set includes the well-studied Hox cluster genes, and the recently described genes of the ParaHox cluster, which is believed to be the evolutionary sister of the Hox cluster ( Brooke et al. 1998 ). The conserved role of these axial patterning genes in animals as diverse as frogs and flies is believed to reflect an underlying homology (i.e., all bilaterians derive from a common ancestor which possessed an AP axis and the developmental mechanisms responsible for patterning the axis). However, the origin and early evolution of Hox genes and ParaHox genes remain obscure. Repeated attempts have been made to reconstruct the early evolution of Hox genes by analyzing data from the triphoblastic animals, the Bilateria ( Schubert et al. 1993 ; Zhang and Nei 1996 ). A more precise dating of Hox origins has been elusive due to a lack of sufficient information from outgroup taxa such as the phylum Cnidaria (corals, hydras, jellyfishes, and sea anemones). In combination with outgroup taxa, another potential source of information about Hox origins is outgroup genes (e.g., the genes of the ParaHox cluster). In this article, we present cDNA sequences of two Hox-like genes ( anthox2 and anthox6 ) from the sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that anthox2 (=Cnox2) is homologous to the GSX class of ParaHox genes, and anthox6 is homologous to the anterior class of Hox genes. Therefore, the origin of Hox genes and ParaHox genes occurred prior to the evolutionary split between the Cnidaria and the Bilateria and predated the evolution of the anterior–posterior axis of bilaterian animals. Our analysis also suggests that the central Hox class was invented in the bilaterian lineage, subsequent to their split from the Cnidaria.  相似文献   

Acoel embryos exhibit a unique form of development that some investigators argue is related to that found in polyclad turbellarians and coelomate spiralians, which display typical quartet spiral cleavage. We generated the first cell-lineage fate map for an acoel flatworm, Neochildia fusca, using modern intracellular lineage tracers to assess the degree of similarity between these distinct developmental programs. N. fusca develops via a "duet" cleavage pattern in which second cleavage occurs in a leiotropically oblique plane relative to the animal-vegetal axis. At the four-cell stage, the plane of first cleavage corresponds to the plane of bilateral symmetry. All remaining cleavages are symmetrical across the sagittal plane. No ectomesoderm is formed; the first three micromere duets generate only ectodermal derivatives. Endomesoderm, including the complex assemblage of circular, longitudinal, and oblique muscle fibers, as well as the peripheral and central parenchyma, is generated by both third duet macromeres. The cleavage pattern, fate map, and origins of mesoderm in N. fusca share little similarity to that exhibited by other spiralians, including the Platyhelminthes (e.g., polyclad turbellarians). These findings are considered in light of the possible evolutionary origins of the acoel duet cleavage program versus the more typical quartet spiral cleavage program. Finally, an understanding of the cell-lineage fate map allows us to interpret the results of earlier cell deletion studies examining the specification of cell fates within these embryos and reveals the existence of cell-cell inductive interactions in these embryos.  相似文献   

A revision of evolutionary relationships of the Arthropoda has provided fresh impetus to tracing the origins of the nervous system of this group of animals: other members of the Ecdysozoa possess a markedly different type of nervous system from both the arthropods and the annelid worms, with which they were previously grouped. Given their status as favoured sister taxon of the arthropods, Onychophora (velvet worms) are a key group for understanding the evolutionary changes that have taken place in the panarthropod (Arthropoda + Onychophora + Tardigrada) lineage. This article reviews our current knowledge of the structure and development of the onychophoran nervous system. The picture that emerges from these studies is that the nervous system of the panarthropod ancestor was substantially different from that of modern arthropods: this animal probably possessed a bipartite, rather than a tripartite brain; its nerve cord displayed only a limited degree of segmentation; and neurons were more numerous but more uniform in morphology than in living arthropods. These observations suggest an evolutionary scenario, by which the arthropod nervous system evolved from a system of orthogonally crossing nerve tracts present in both a presumed protostome ancestor and many extant worm-like invertebrates, including the onychophorans.  相似文献   

Hirose E  Hirose M 《Zoological science》2007,24(12):1241-1246
Convolutriloba longifissura is a red flatworm with white dots that harbors unicellular green algae within its body. The red pigment of the flatworm that is present in round cells is soluble in ethanol or acetone, whereas the white pigment contained in the crystalline (retractile) platelets of amoeboid-shaped cells is soluble in 1% NH4OH. These two types of pigment cells form the body coloration and are probably involved in light protection of the algal symbionts, as many algal cells are distributed beneath the body wall and some are in the highly vacuolated parenchyma. The ultrastructural features of these cells suggest a close relationship with Tetraselmis spp. The morphology of sagittocysts within the mantle is also described by means of scanning and transmission electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Two burgeoning research trends are helping to reconstruct the evolution of the Hox cluster with greater detail and clarity. First, Hox genes are being studied in a broader phylogenetic sampling of taxa: the past year has witnessed important new data from teleost fishes, onychophorans, myriapods, polychaetes, glossiphoniid leeches, ribbon worms, and sea anemones. Second, commonly accepted notions of animal relationships are being challenged by alternative phylogenetic hypotheses that are causing us to rethink the evolutionary relationships of important metazoan lineages, especially arthropods, annelids, nematodes, and platyhelminthes.  相似文献   

The enormous diversity of extant animal forms is a testament to the power of evolution, and much of this diversity has been achieved through the emergence of novel morphological traits. The origin of novel morphological traits is an extremely important issue in biology, and a frequent source of this novelty is co-option of pre-existing genetic systems for new purposes (Carroll et al., 2008). Appendages, such as limbs, fins and antennae, are structures common to many animal body plans which must have arisen at least once, and probably multiple times, in lineages which lacked appendages. We provide evidence that appendage proximodistal patterning genes are expressed in similar registers in the anterior embryonic neurectoderm of Drosophila melanogaster and Saccoglossus kowalevskii (a hemichordate). These results, in concert with existing expression data from a variety of other animals suggest that a pre-existing genetic system for anteroposterior head patterning was co-opted for patterning of the proximodistal axis of appendages of bilaterian animals.  相似文献   

Across the animal kingdom, Hox genes are organized in clusters whose genomic organization reflects their central roles in patterning along the anterior/posterior (A/P) axis . While a cluster of Hox genes was present in the bilaterian common ancestor, the origins of this system remain unclear (cf. ). With new data for two representatives of the closest extant phylum to the Bilateria, the sea anemone Nematostella and the hydromedusa Eleutheria, we argue here that the Cnidaria predate the evolution of the Hox system. Although Hox-like genes are present in a range of cnidarians, many of these are paralogs and in neither Nematostella nor Eleutheria is an equivalent of the Hox cluster present. With the exception of independently duplicated genes, the cnidarian genes are unlinked and in several cases are flanked by non-Hox genes. Furthermore, the cnidarian genes are expressed in patterns that are inconsistent with the Hox paradigm. We conclude that the Cnidaria/Bilateria split occurred before a definitive Hox system developed. The spectacular variety in morphological and developmental characteristics shown by extant cnidarians demonstrates that there is no obligate link between the Hox system and morphological diversity in the animal kingdom and that a canonical Hox system is not mandatory for axial patterning.  相似文献   

Recent studies of the sea urchin embryo have elucidated the mechanisms that localize and pattern its nervous system. These studies have revealed the presence of two overlapping regions of neurogenic potential at the beginning of embryogenesis, each of which becomes progressively restricted by separate, yet linked, signals, including Wnt and subsequently Nodal and BMP. These signals act to specify and localize the embryonic neural fields - the anterior neuroectoderm and the more posterior ciliary band neuroectoderm - during development. Here, we review these conserved nervous system patterning signals and consider how the relationships between them might have changed during deuterostome evolution.  相似文献   

Forebrain neurosecretory systems are widespread in the animal kingdom. This review focuses on recent molecular data from protostomes, discusses the original complexity of the bilaterian forebrain neurosecretory system, provides an evolutionary scenario for the emergence of the vertebrate preoptic area/hypothalamus/neurohypophysis and suggests a possible function for an ancient set of sensory-neurosecretory cells present in the medial neurosecretory bilaterian forebrain.  相似文献   

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