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Here, we describe the novel use of a volatile surfactant, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), for shotgun proteomics. PFOA was found to solubilize membrane proteins as effectively as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). PFOA concentrations up to 0.5% (w/v) did not significantly inhibit trypsin activity. The unique features of PFOA allowed us to develop a single-tube shotgun proteomics method that used all volatile chemicals that could easily be removed by evaporation prior to mass spectrometry analysis. The experimental procedures involved: 1) extraction of proteins in 2% PFOA; 2) reduction of cystine residues with triethyl phosphine and their S-alkylation with iodoethanol; 3) trypsin digestion of proteins in 0.5% PFOA; 4) removal of PFOA by evaporation; and 5) LC-MS/MS analysis of the resulting peptides. The general applicability of the method was demonstrated with the membrane preparation of photoreceptor outer segments. We identified 75 proteins from 1 μg of the tryptic peptides in a single, 1-hour, LC-MS/MS run. About 67% of the proteins identified were classified as membrane proteins. We also demonstrate that a proteolytic (18)O labeling procedure can be incorporated after the PFOA removal step for quantitative proteomic experiments. The present method does not require sample clean-up devices such as solid-phase extractions and membrane filters, so no proteins/peptides are lost in any experimental steps. Thus, this single-tube shotgun proteomics method overcomes the major drawbacks of surfactant use in proteomic experiments.  相似文献   



A goal of proteomics is to distinguish between states of a biological system by identifying protein expression differences. Liu et al. demonstrated a method to perform semi-relative protein quantitation in shotgun proteomics data by correlating the number of tandem mass spectra obtained for each protein, or "spectral count", with its abundance in a mixture; however, two issues have remained open: how to normalize spectral counting data and how to efficiently pinpoint differences between profiles. Moreover, Chen et al. recently showed how to increase the number of identified proteins in shotgun proteomics by analyzing samples with different MS-compatible detergents while performing proteolytic digestion. The latter introduced new challenges as seen from the data analysis perspective, since replicate readings are not acquired.  相似文献   

The target-decoy approach to estimating and controlling false discovery rate (FDR) has become a de facto standard in shotgun proteomics, and it has been applied at both the peptide-to-spectrum match (PSM) and protein levels. Current bioinformatics methods control either the PSM- or the protein-level FDR, but not both. In order to obtain the most reliable information from their data, users must employ one method when the number of tandem mass spectra exceeds the number of proteins in the database and another method when the reverse is true. Here we propose a simple variation of the standard target-decoy strategy that estimates and controls PSM and protein FDRs simultaneously, regardless of the relative numbers of spectra and proteins. We demonstrate that even if the final goal is a list of PSMs with a fixed low FDR and not a list of protein identifications, the proposed two-dimensional strategy offers advantages over a pure PSM-level strategy.  相似文献   



Abnormal activation of protease activities during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in rats, a rodent model of multiple sclerosis, have been implicated in either the direct destruction of myelin components or the intracellular signal transduction pathways that lead to lymphocyte infiltration, oligodendrocyte destruction, neuronal dysfunctions and axonal degeneration. The identification of changes in regulated proteolytic events during EAE is crucial for uncovering activated proteases that may underline the pathological features such as inflammation and demyelination. We searched for either non-tryptic or semi-tryptic peptides from a previous shotgun proteomics study using isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ) to compare the proteomes of normal and EAE rat lumbar spinal cords.  相似文献   

An optimization and comparison of trypsin digestion strategies for peptide/protein identifications by microLC-MS/MS with or without MS compatible detergents in mixed organic-aqueous and aqueous systems was carried out in this study. We determine that adding MS-compatible detergents to proteolytic digestion protocols dramatically increases peptide and protein identifications in complex protein mixtures by shotgun proteomics. Protein solubilization and proteolytic efficiency are increased by including MS-compatible detergents in trypsin digestion buffers. A modified trypsin digestion protocol incorporating the MS compatible detergents consistently identifies over 300 proteins from 5 microg of pancreatic cell lysates and generates a greater number of peptide identifications than trypsin digestion with urea when using LC-MS/MS. Furthermore, over 700 proteins were identified by merging protein identifications from trypsin digestion with three different MS-compatible detergents. We also observe that the use of mixed aqueous and organic solvent systems can influence protein identifications in combinations with different MS-compatible detergents. Peptide mixtures generated from different MS-compatible detergents and buffer combinations show a significant difference in hydrophobicity. Our results show that protein digestion schemes incorporating MS-compatible detergents generate quantitative as well as qualitative changes in observed peptide identifications, which lead to increased protein identifications overall and potentially increased identification of low-abundance proteins.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry has become a key technology for modern large-scale protein sequencing. Tandem mass spectrometry, the process of peptide ion dissociation followed by mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) analysis, is the critical component for peptide identification. Recent advances in mass spectrometry now permit two discrete, and complementary, types of peptide ion fragmentation: collision-activated dissociation (CAD) and electron transfer dissociation (ETD) on a single instrument. To exploit this complementarity and increase sequencing success rates, we designed and embedded a data-dependent decision tree algorithm (DT) to make unsupervised, real-time decisions of which fragmentation method to use based on precursor charge and m/z. Applying the DT to large-scale proteome analyses of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and human embryonic stem cells, we identified 53,055 peptides in total, which was greater than by using CAD (38,293) or ETD (39,507) alone. In addition, the DT method also identified 7,422 phosphopeptides, compared to either 2,801 (CAD) or 5,874 (ETD) phosphopeptides.  相似文献   

A new result report for Mascot search results is described. A greedy set cover algorithm is used to create a minimal set of proteins, which is then grouped into families on the basis of shared peptide matches. Protein families with multiple members are represented by dendrograms, generated by hierarchical clustering using the score of the nonshared peptide matches as a distance metric. The peptide matches to the proteins in a family can be compared side by side to assess the experimental evidence for each protein. If the evidence for a particular family member is considered inadequate, the dendrogram can be cut to reduce the number of distinct family members.  相似文献   

Computational analysis of shotgun proteomics data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Proteomics technology is progressing at an incredible rate. The latest generation of tandem mass spectrometers can now acquire tens of thousands of fragmentation spectra in a matter of hours. Furthermore, quantitative proteomics methods have been developed that incorporate a stable isotope-labeled internal standard for every peptide within a complex protein mixture for the measurement of relative protein abundances. These developments have opened the doors for 'shotgun' proteomics, yet have also placed a burden on the computational approaches that manage the data. With each new method that is developed, the quantity of data that can be derived from a single experiment increases. To deal with this increase, new computational approaches are being developed to manage the data and assess false positives. This review discusses current approaches for analyzing proteomics data by mass spectrometry and identifies present computational limitations and bottlenecks.  相似文献   

Shotgun proteomics uses liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to identify proteins in complex biological samples. We describe an algorithm, called Percolator, for improving the rate of confident peptide identifications from a collection of tandem mass spectra. Percolator uses semi-supervised machine learning to discriminate between correct and decoy spectrum identifications, correctly assigning peptides to 17% more spectra from a tryptic Saccharomyces cerevisiae dataset, and up to 77% more spectra from non-tryptic digests, relative to a fully supervised approach.  相似文献   

鸟枪法蛋白质鉴定质量控制方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸟枪法串联质谱蛋白质鉴定策略由于其高可靠和高效率而被广泛应用于蛋白质组学研究中,这种方法直接对蛋白质混合物进行酶切,以肽段为鉴定单元,继而推导真实的样品蛋白质.由于利用质谱图推导肽段存在一定的假阳性率,而且直接对蛋白质混合物的酶切也导致了肽段和蛋白质之间关联信息的丢失,所鉴定的蛋白质难免存在部分不可靠结果.因此,蛋白质鉴定的质量控制在蛋白质组学研究中极为重要.蛋白质鉴定的质量控制包含两大类主要方法,其一为利用肽段进行蛋白质组装,当前最常用也被证明最有效的方法是使用简约原则,即用最少的蛋白质解释所有鉴定肽段,现有的方法可以分为布尔型和概率型,其二为鉴定蛋白质的可靠性评估,包括单个蛋白质鉴定置信度和蛋白质鉴定整体水平的假阳性率计算.综合各种可辅助蛋白质鉴定的先验信息,构建普适的概率统计模型,是目前蛋白质鉴定质量控制方法的发展趋势.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: We present an approach to statistically pinpoint differentially expressed proteins that have quantitation values near the quantitation threshold and are not identified in all replicates (marginal cases). Our method uses a Bayesian strategy to combine parametric statistics with an empirical distribution built from the reproducibility quality of the technical replicates. AVAILABILITY: The software is freely available for academic use at http://pcarvalho.com/patternlab.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2020,124(2):91-101
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi (AMF, Glomeromycota) form obligate symbiotic associations with the roots of most terrestrial plants. Our understanding of the molecular mechanisms enabling AMF propagation and AMF-host interaction is currently incomplete. Analysis of AMF proteomes could yield important insights and generate hypotheses on the nature and mechanism of AMF-plant symbiosis. Here, we examined the extraradical mycelium proteomic profile of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus irregularis grown on Ri T-DNA transformed Chicory roots in a root organ culture setting. Our analysis detected 529 different peptides that mapped to 474 translated proteins in the R. irregularis genome. R. irregularis proteome was characterized by a high proportion of proteins (9.9 % of total, 21.4 % of proteins with functional prediction) mediating a wide range of signal transduction processes, e.g. Rho1 and Bmh2, Ca-signaling (calmodulin, and Ca channel protein), mTOR signaling (MAP3K7, and MAPKAP1), and phosphatidate signaling (phospholipase D1/2) proteins, as well as members of the Ras signaling pathway. In addition, the proteome contained an unusually large proportion (53.6 %) of hypothetical proteins, the majority of which (85.8 %) were Glomeromycota-specific. Forty-eight proteins were predicted to be surface/membrane associated, including multiple hypothetical proteins of yet-unrecognized functions. However, no evidence for the overproduction of specific proteins, previously implicated in promoting soil health and aggregation was obtained. Finally, the comparison of R. irregularis proteome to previously published AMF proteomes identified a core set of pathways and processes involved in AMF growth. We conclude that R. irregularis growth on chicory roots requires the activation of a wide range of signal transduction pathways, the secretion of multiple novel hitherto unrecognized Glomeromycota-specific proteins, and the expression of a wide array of surface-membrane associated proteins for cross kingdom cell-to-cell communications.  相似文献   



The cornea is a specialized transparent connective tissue responsible for the majority of light refraction and image focus for the retina. There are three main layers of the cornea: the epithelium that is exposed and acts as a protective barrier for the eye, the center stroma consisting of parallel collagen fibrils that refract light, and the endothelium that is responsible for hydration of the cornea from the aqueous humor. Normal cornea is an immunologically privileged tissue devoid of blood vessels, but injury can produce a loss of these conditions causing invasion of other processes that degrade the homeostatic properties resulting in a decrease in the amount of light refracted onto the retina. Determining a measure and drift of phenotypic cornea state from normal to an injured or diseased state requires knowledge of the existing protein signature within the tissue. In the study of corneal proteins, proteomics procedures have typically involved the pulverization of the entire cornea prior to analysis. Separation of the epithelium and endothelium from the core stroma and performing separate shotgun proteomics using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry results in identification of many more proteins than previously employed methods using complete pulverized cornea.  相似文献   


Introduction: The last decade has yielded significant developments in the field of proteomics, especially in mass spectrometry (MS) and data analysis tools. In particular, a shift from gel-based to MS-based proteomics has been observed, thereby providing a platform with which to construct proteome atlases for all life forms. Nevertheless, the analysis of plant proteomes, especially those of samples that contain high-abundance proteins (HAPs), such as soybean seeds, remains challenging.

Areas covered: Here, we review recent progress in soybean seed proteomics and highlight advances in HAPs depletion methods and peptide pre-fractionation, identification, and quantification methods. We also suggest a pipeline for future proteomic analysis, in order to increase the dynamic coverage of the soybean seed proteome.

Expert opinion: Because HAPs limit the dynamic resolution of the soybean seed proteome, the depletion of HAPs is a prerequisite of high-throughput proteome analysis, and owing to the use of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis-based proteomic approaches, few soybean seed proteins have been identified or characterized. Recent advances in proteomic technologies, which have significantly increased the proteome coverage of other plants, could be used to overcome the current complexity and limitation of soybean seed proteomics.  相似文献   

Shotgun proteomics data analysis usually relies on database search. However, commonly used protein sequence databases do not contain information on protein variants and thus prevent variant peptides and proteins from been identified. Including known coding variations into protein sequence databases could help alleviate this problem. Based on our recently published human Cancer Proteome Variation Database, we have created a protein sequence database that comprehensively annotates thousands of cancer-related coding variants collected in the Cancer Proteome Variation Database as well as noncancer-specific ones from the Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Database (dbSNP). Using this database, we then developed a data analysis workflow for variant peptide identification in shotgun proteomics. The high risk of false positive variant identifications was addressed by a modified false discovery rate estimation method. Analysis of colorectal cancer cell lines SW480, RKO, and HCT-116 revealed a total of 81 peptides that contain either noncancer-specific or cancer-related variations. Twenty-three out of 26 variants randomly selected from the 81 were confirmed by genomic sequencing. We further applied the workflow on data sets from three individual colorectal tumor specimens. A total of 204 distinct variant peptides were detected, and five carried known cancer-related mutations. Each individual showed a specific pattern of cancer-related mutations, suggesting potential use of this type of information for personalized medicine. Compatibility of the workflow has been tested with four popular database search engines including Sequest, Mascot, X!Tandem, and MyriMatch. In summary, we have developed a workflow that effectively uses existing genomic data to enable variant peptide detection in proteomics.  相似文献   

Granholm V  Käll L 《Proteomics》2011,11(6):1086-1093
The peptide identification process in shotgun proteomics is most frequently solved with search engines. Such search engines assign scores that reflect similarity between the measured fragmentation spectrum and the theoretical spectra of the peptides of a given database. However, the scores from most search engines do not have a direct statistical interpretation. To understand and make use of the significance of peptide identifications, one must thus be familiar with some statistical concepts. Here, we discuss different statistical scores used to show the confidence of an identification and a set of methods to estimate these scores. We also describe the variance of statistical scores and imperfections of scoring functions of peptide-spectrum matches.  相似文献   

Detecting differentially expressed proteins is a key goal of proteomics. We describe a label-free method, the spectral index, for analyzing relative protein abundance in large-scale data sets derived from biological samples by shotgun proteomics. The spectral index is comprised of two biochemically plausible features: relative protein abundance (assessed by spectral counts) and the number of samples within a group with detectable peptides. We combined the spectral index with permutation analysis to establish confidence intervals for assessing differential protein expression in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from cystic fibrosis and control subjects. Significant differences in protein abundance determined by the spectral index agreed well with independent biochemical measurements. When used to analyze simulated data sets, the spectral index outperformed four other statistical tests (Student's t-test, G-test, Bayesian t-test, and Significance Analysis of Microarrays) by correctly identifying the largest number of differentially expressed proteins. Correspondence analysis and functional annotation analysis indicated that the spectral index improves the identification of enriched proteins corresponding to clinical phenotypes. The spectral index is easily implemented and statistically robust, and its results are readily interpreted graphically. Therefore, it should be useful for biomarker discovery and comparisons of protein expression between normal and disease states.  相似文献   

Measurements of mass spectral peak intensities and spectral counts are promising methods for quantifying protein abundance changes in shotgun proteomic analyses. We describe Serac, software developed to evaluate the ability of each method to quantify relative changes in protein abundance. Dynamic range and linearity using a three-dimensional ion trap were tested using standard proteins spiked into a complex sample. Linearity and good agreement between observed versus expected protein ratios were obtained after normalization and background subtraction of peak area intensity measurements and correction of spectral counts to eliminate discontinuity in ratio estimates. Peak intensity values useful for protein quantitation ranged from 10(7) to 10(11) counts with no obvious saturation effect, and proteins in replicate samples showed variations of less than 2-fold within the 95% range (+/-2sigma) when >or=3 peptides/protein were shared between samples. Protein ratios were determined with high confidence from spectral counts when maximum spectral counts were >or=4 spectra/protein, and replicates showed equivalent measurements well within 95% confidence limits. In further tests, complex samples were separated by gel exclusion chromatography, quantifying changes in protein abundance between different fractions. Linear behavior of peak area intensity measurements was obtained for peptides from proteins in different fractions. Protein ratios determined by spectral counting agreed well with those determined from peak area intensity measurements, and both agreed with independent measurements based on gel staining intensities. Overall spectral counting proved to be a more sensitive method for detecting proteins that undergo changes in abundance, whereas peak area intensity measurements yielded more accurate estimates of protein ratios. Finally these methods were used to analyze differential changes in protein expression in human erythroleukemia K562 cells stimulated under conditions that promote cell differentiation by mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway activation. Protein changes identified with p<0.1 showed good correlations with parallel measurements of changes in mRNA expression.  相似文献   

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