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1. Phytoplankton carbon assimilation and losses (exudation, dark carbon losses) as well as oxygen release and dark community respiration were measured regularly for 2 years at four stations along the lower Spree (Germany). Carbon balance of river phytoplankton was estimated using measured assimilation, metabolic losses and variations in algal carbon along a stretch of river. 2. The light/dark bottle method was modified to simulate vertical mixing. 3. Waxing and waning of phytoplankton populations dominated the load of particulate organic carbon as well as the oxygen budget of the river. 4. Phytoplankton assimilated 310–358 g C m?2 yr?1. A mean value of 586 mg C m?3 day?1 was fixed in photosynthesis, with 16.7 mg C being exuded during the day and 20.1 mg lost at night. The measured dark respiration was equivalent to only 28% of the daily gross oxygen production of the plankton community. Phytoplankton washed from upstream lakes and reservoirs was not measurably damaged by turbulent transport. 5. In spring, 18–22% of assimilated carbon was used for net biosynthesis of phytoplankton along the river course. At this time, the carbon balance of this part of the Spree was dominated by autochthonous net production. During summer, however, total carbon losses exceeded the intensive carbon assimilation. The decline of algal biomass along the river course in summer was not explicable by measurable physiological losses. The importance of sedimentation and grazing losses is discussed.  相似文献   

Kozerski  H.-P. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,494(1-3):51-55
Sedimentation of organic particles plays a decisive role in streams in relation to pelagic loss as well as retention of nutrients and other substances. The plate sediment trap allows for the direct measurement of these net fluxes. Biweekly measurements were undertaken in the eutrophic lowland River Spree (MQ 14 m3 s–1) 10 km upstream of Berlin in 1999 and 2000. Trapping rates between 0.5 and 25 g DW m–2 day–1 were found near the bank. The variance of seston sedimentation is controlled by the seston concentration, the settling velocity of the particles and the flow velocity. The sinking velocity exhibits significant seasonal fluctuations with highest values in summer. It is shown that the critical flow velocity for sedimentation is another important parameter. This controls the distribution of sedimentation over the width of the river and thus the effective average sedimentation rate for the entire river segment. This average rate ranged between 0.9 and 6.6 g DW m–2 day–1.  相似文献   

Spawning migrations of the chub in the River Spree, Germany   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Out of 52 chub Leuciscus cephalus tagged with internal radio‐transmitters, 46 migrated to spawning grounds in the River Spree, Germany. All chub started their first spawning migration on 21–22 May in both years of study, 1995 and 1996. They arrived at three different spawning grounds within a day and left after 1 to 6 days to return to their original sites. On 17 and 18 June 1995 and 1996 chub started their second spawning migration with the same pattern as the first. About 60% of all migrating chub moved between 1 and 13 km upstream to the nearest spawning ground. Some exceptions were observed: a few chub did not use the nearest spawning ground, some chub used different spawning grounds at first and second spawning or moved downstream to a spawning ground. Spawning grounds were characterized by 0·4 m s−1 current velocity, shallow depth (0·1–0·8 m) and a stony bottom, where most eggs adhered.  相似文献   

Jan Köhler 《Hydrobiologia》1994,289(1-3):73-83
The River Spree (Germany) flows through an impoundment and several shallow lakes in its middle and lower course. In this river-lake system, the seasonal and longitudinal dynamics of dominant phytoplankton populations were studied in relation to retention time of water, mixing conditions and nutrient supply from 1988–92. Some phytoplankton species populated the same river section for weeks or months each year at their season. Such stable populations have to origin from river zones functioning like mixed reactors. In the Spree system, centric diatoms originated from an impoundment and filamentous cyanobacteria from a flushed lake with longer retention time of water. Downstream, biomass and composition of phytoplankton altered nearly simultaneously along the system.The fate of planktonic organisms washed from mixed reactors into the flow depended on the conditions at the zones of origin. During spring, populations dominating phytoplankton communities of the well-mixed lakes grew further under river conditions. However the biomass of summer species, adapted to intermittent stratification, was halved along the river course. These seasonal differences were probably caused by lower maximum growth rates of summer species and enhanced losses (photorespiration, sedimentation or grazing of benthic filter feeders, but not of zooplankton) of algal populations under river conditions in summer.Phytoplankton assimilation, settlement of diatoms, or denitrification caused declining (probably growth limiting) concentrations of dissolved inorganic phosphorus (spring), silicon (early summer) or nitrogen (summer) along the river course, respectively. The minimum content of DRP was often followed by a clear-water phase. Reduced DSi supply selected against diatoms and additional DIN shortage favoured N2-fixing cyanobacteria in the last lake of the system.R-strategists (sensu Reynolds) were selected in both the flushed, shallow lakes and the lowland river. In general, the biomass of cyanobacteria increased within the lakes and declined along the river course. Some diatom populations grew in the river, but were grazed or settled down in the lakes. Beside this general picture, different populations from the same phylogenetic group did not necessarily perform in similar ways.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Populations of Stalls lutaria L. were sampled quantitatively at about monthly intervals during 3 years at two localities in the macrophyte rich River Suså, Denmark.
2. The life cycle was univoltine. The larvae hatched in June-July, and the initial S. lutaria population densities varied between 10 and 370 ind. m−2. These differences were probably due to extreme variations in stream discharge during the period of recruitment, high velocities preventing the small swimming larvae from reaching the sediment.
3. The S. lutaria rate of elimination varied between 0.11 and 1.47% d−1at the two localities. The high rate of elimination was possibly due to fish predation.
4. The growth rates varied between 0.54 and 15% d−1. Growth rates differed between localities and years.
5. Numbers of potential prey organisms were not higher in sample units with S. lutaria than in sample units without S. lutaria . Numbers of leeches, which were potential competitors, did not differ significantly in sample units with and without S. lutaria .
6. Production of S. lutaria varied between 0.16 and 2.49 g ash free dry weight m−2 y−1, and the P/ ratios varied between 3.0 and 7.3 y−1. The P/ ratios increased significantly with increasing rate of elimination.  相似文献   

The ecological importance of the River Meuse phytoplankton with regard to carbon and nutrient transport has been examined in two reaches of the Belgian course of the river.Field measurements of total particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON) and particulate phosphorus (PP) show that the large autochtonous production of organic matter strongly affects the carbon and nutrient budget of the aquatic system. During the growing season, phytoplankton accounts for nearly 60% of the POC and dominates the PON. Calculations of the carbon and oxygen budget in the upper reach of the Belgian Meuse demonstrates that the ecosystem is autotrophic, i.e. that autochtonous FPOM (fine particulate organic matter) production is the major carbon input. This suggests that in large lowland rivers, primary production (P) may exceed community respiration (R), i.e. P:R>1, whereas they are assumed to be heterotrophic (P:R<1) in the River Continuum concept.The question of maintenance of phytoplankton in turbid mixed water columns is also addressed, and the case of the River Meuse is treated on the basis of studies of photosynthesis and respiration (ETS measurements). The results suggest that the potamoplankton may show some low-light acclimation, through an increase of chlorophyll a relative to biomass, when it comes to deep downstream reaches, and that algal respiration rate may be reduced. A simulation of the longitudinal development of the algal biomass shows the different phases of algal growth and decline along the river and brings support to the importation hypothesis for explaining maintenance of potamoplankton in the downstream reaches.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton of the Matanza-Riachuelo river (Buenos Aires, Argentina) was studied for a period of 15 months together with different physical and chemical variables, along an increasingly eutrophic in character downstream. 281 taxa were recorded within a seasonal succession, among these 49 percent were euglenophyta, 25 percent bacillariophyta, 15 percent chlorophyta and 10 percent cyanophyta. Multivariate procedures included cluster analyses and ordination by PCA of both species and samples, and stepwise multiple regression analyses were employed to assess the impact of the pollution on the phytoplankton. The effect of the alteration was different in each studied site. With one exception, the changes in the community structure described herein involved modifications of the basic species composition. According to the species present, it was deduced that the main pollutant was the high concentration of organic matter. Results of the Matanza-Riachuelo, Reconquista, and Luján Rivers studies are further discussed.  相似文献   

The simultaneous and lag relationships between 27 environmental variables and seven population components of a perennial calanoid copepod were examined by simple and partial correlations and stepwise regression. The analyses consistently explained more than 70% of the variation of a population component. The multiple correlation coefficient (R) usually was highest in no lag or in 3-week or 4-week lag except for clutch size in which R was highest in 1-week lag. Population control, egg-bearing, and clutch size were affected primarily by environmental components categorized as weather; food apparently was relatively minor in affecting population control or reproduction.  相似文献   

Movement and pattern of activity of the roach in the River Spree, Germany   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Water body and bank structure use of adult roach Rutilus rutilus were examined to increase the knowledge of the most abundant species in the River Spree, Germany. Six tracking series were conducted between 1994 and 1995 to analyse the seasonal and diel movements of the fish. In each series, four to 12 roach were tagged externally and located every 2 h for up to 14 days using radiotelemetry. Roach were highly active, moving up to 10 km downstream to Lake Dämeritzsee, and up to 6 km upstream from their release site. The fish, which mostly swam greater distances upstream during the day and downstream at night, were most active during the spawning season. Their habitat range varied greatly. Close-range habitat, based on 50% of all radiolocations, varied between 5 and 1350 m (mean, ̄=296 m). Wide-range habitat, based on 90% of all radiolocations, varied between 75 and 3820 m (̄=1006 m). The fish preferred different sections of water at different times of year, casting doubt on the relevance of the term home range. Generally, roach stayed close to the bank structures of the main channel during the day and moved to the stagnant waters at night. Consequently, they were most active at dawn and dusk.  相似文献   

Using an individual-based and genetically explicit simulation model, we explore the evolution of sociality within a population-ecology and nonlinear-dynamics framework. Assuming that individual fitness is a unimodal function of group size and that cooperation may carry a relative fitness cost, we consider the evolution of one-generation breeding associations among nonrelatives. We explore how parameters such as the intrinsic rate of growth and group and global carrying capacities may influence social evolution and how social evolution may, in turn, influence and be influenced by emerging group-level and population-wide dynamics. We find that group living and cooperation evolve under a wide range of parameter values, even when cooperation is costly and the interactions can be defined as altruistic. Greater levels of cooperation, however, did evolve when cooperation carried a low or no relative fitness cost. Larger group carrying capacities allowed the evolution of larger groups but also resulted in lower cooperative tendencies. When the intrinsic rate of growth was not too small and control of the global population size was density dependent, the evolution of large cooperative tendencies resulted in dynamically unstable groups and populations. These results are consistent with the existence and typical group sizes of organisms ranging from the pleometrotic ants to the colonial birds and the global population outbreaks and crashes characteristic of organisms such as the migratory locusts and the tree-killing bark beetles.  相似文献   

The contribution of nanoplankton (< 10 µm fraction)to winter – spring (1977 – 78) and summer (1978,1979) phytoplankton nitrogen dynamics in lower NarragansettBay was estimated from ammonium, nitrate and urea uptake ratesmeasured by 15N tracer methods. During the winter – spring,an average of 80% of chlorophyll a and nitrogen uptake was associatedwith phytoplankton retained by a 10 µm screen. In contrast,means of 51 – 58% of the summer chlorophyll a standingcrops and 64 – 70% of nitrogen uptake were associatedwith cells passing a 10 µm screen. Specific uptake ratesof winter – spring nanoplankton populations were consistentlylower than those of the total population. Specific uptake ratesof fractionated and unfractionated summer populations were notsignificantly different. Ammonium uptake averaged between 50and 67% of the total nitrogen uptake for both the total populationand the < 10µm fraction. The total population and the10 µm fraction displayed similar preferences for individualnitrogen species. Though composed of smaller cells, flagellatedominated nanoplankton assemblages may not necessarily takeup nitrogen at faster rates than diatom dominated assemblagesof larger phytoplankters in natural populations. 1Present address: Australian Institute of Marine Science, P.M.B.No. 3, Townsville M.S.O., Qld. 4810, Australia  相似文献   

The marine ecosystem in Kongsfjorden (79°N), a glacial fjord in Svalbard, is to a large extent well known with regard to hydrography, mesozooplankton and higher trophic levels. Research on primary production and lower trophic levels is still scare and especially investigations from winter and spring periods. The spring bloom dynamics in Kongsfjorden were investigated in 2002. The development in nutrient conditions, phytoplankton, protozoans and primary production were followed from 15 April until 22 May. The winter/spring in 2002 was categorized as a cold year with sea ice cover and water masses dominated by local winter-cooled water. The spring bloom started around 18 April and lasted until the middle of May. The bloom probably peaked in late April, but break-up of sea ice made it impossible to sample frequently in this period. Diatoms dominated the phytoplankton assemblage. We estimated the total primary production during the spring bloom in 2002 to range 27–35 g C m−2. There was a mismatch situation between the mesozooplankton and the phytoplankton spring bloom in 2002.  相似文献   

We sampled a 300-km transect along the Mackenzie River and its associated coastal shelf system (western Canadian Arctic) in July–August of 2004 to evaluate the gradients in optical, phytoplankton and photosynthetic characteristics. The attenuation of photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) was best explained by coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and turbidity (non-algal particles), while UV attenuation correlated most strongly with CDOM. Bacillariophyceae and Chlorophyceae dominated in the river, and shifted to Cryptophyceae and Prasinophyceae in the estuarine transition zone. In the coastal shelf waters, picoplanktonic cells dominated the surface autotrophic communities while both large and small cells occurred in the deep chlorophyll maximum. High PAR attenuation reduced the integral primary production rate in the river, while at an offshore marine site, 55% of integral production was at or below the pycnocline, under low PAR. Climate change is likely to increase the sediment and CDOM loading to these waters, which would exacerbate light limitation of photosynthesis throughout the system.  相似文献   

Inés O'Farrell 《Hydrobiologia》1994,289(1-3):109-117
The phytoplankton of fifteen lowland courses of the River Plate Basin is compared and characterized by means of multivariate analyses.The cluster analysis performed with the more abundant species of each fluvial system reveals three main groups. Rivers with a high discharge and a large floodplain are grouped on the basis of the dominance of several Aulacoseira species. An eutrophic flora typified by Cyclotella meneghiniana, Synedra ulna and several green algae occurs in the smaller rivers with high conductivity, low transparency and important discharge variations. A third group comprises the Uruguay River and its tributaries, characterized by the presence of several pennatae diatoms and flagellates: Amphipleura pellucida, Surirella tenera, Terpsinoe musica, Navicula cuspidata, Eudorina elegans, Pandorina morum and Peridinium gatunense.The Principal Component Analysis based on a data matrix of physical, chemical and hydrological parameters revealed similar results. The ordination according to the first two components reflects the geographic location of these systems in the River Plate Basin, responding to a decreasing gradient of conductivity, pH and solids and an increasing minimum temperature. The rivers were ordinated by means of a Correspondence Analysis based on the main algal groups.  相似文献   

The longitudinal distribution and seasonal fluctuation of phytoplankton communities was studied along the middle to lower part of a regulated river system (Nakdong River, Korea). Phytoplankton biomass decreased sharply in the middle part of the river (182 km upward the estuary dam), and then increased downstream reaching a maximum at the last sampling station (27 km upward the estuary dam). In contrast, there was little downstream fluctuation in species composition, irrespective of pronounced differences in nutrient concentrations (TN, TP, NO3, NH4, PO4) as well as in algal biomass. In the main river channel, small centric diatoms (Stephanodiscus hantzschii, Cyclotella meneghiniana) and pennate diatoms (Synedra, Fragilaria, Nitzschia) were dominant from winter to early spring (November–April). A mixed community of cryptomonads, centric and pennate diatoms, and coenobial greens (Pediastrum, Scenedesmus) was dominant in late spring (May–June). Blue-green algae (Anabaena, Microcystis, Oscillatoria) were dominant in the summer (July–September). A mid-summer Microcystis bloom occurred at all study sites during the dry season, when discharge was low, though the nutrient concentration varied in each study site. Nutrients appeared everywhere to be in excess of algal requirement and apparently did not influence markedly the downstream and seasonal phytoplankton compositional differences in this river.  相似文献   

A model of population growth is studied in which the Leslie matrix for each time interval is chosen according to a Markov process. It is shown analytically that the distribution of total population number is lognormal at long times. Measures of population growth are compared and it is shown that a mean logarithmic growth rate and a logarithmic variance effectively describe growth and extinction at long times. Numerical simulations are used to explore the convergence to lognormality and the effects of environmental variance and autocorrelation. The results given apply to other geometric growth models which involve nonnegative growth matrices.  相似文献   

Taxonomic composition and production dynamics of phytoplankton assemblages in Crater Lake, Oregon, were examined during time periods between 1984 and 2000. The objectives of the study were (1) to investigate spatial and temporal patterns in species composition, chlorophyll concentration, and primary productivity relative to seasonal patterns of water circulation; (2) to explore relationships between water column chemistry and the taxonomic composition of the phytoplankton; and (3) to determine effects of primary and secondary consumers on the phytoplankton assemblage. An analysis of 690 samples obtained on 50 sampling dates from 14 depths in the water column found a total of 163 phytoplankton taxa, 134 of which were identified to genus and 101 were identified to the species or variety level of classification. Dominant species by density or biovolume included Nitzschia gracilis, Stephanodiscus hantzschii, Ankistrodesmus spiralis, Mougeotia parvula, Dinobryon sertularia, Tribonema affine, Aphanocapsa delicatissima, Synechocystis sp., Gymnodinium inversum, and Peridinium inconspicuum. When the lake was thermally stratified in late summer, some of these species exhibited a stratified vertical distribution in the water column. A cluster analysis of these data also revealed a vertical stratification of the flora from the middle of the summer through the early fall. Multivariate test statistics indicated that there was a significant relationship between the species composition of the phytoplankton and a corresponding set of chemical variables measured for samples from the water column. In this case, concentrations of total phosphorus, ammonia, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and alkalinity were associated with interannual changes in the flora; whereas pH and concentrations of dissolved oxygen, orthophosphate, nitrate, and silicon were more closely related to spatial variation and thermal stratification. The maximum chlorophyll concentration when the lake was thermally stratified in August and September was usually between depths of 100 m and 120 m. In comparison, the depth of maximum primary production ranged from 60 m to 80 m at this time of year. Regression analysis detected a weak negative relationship between chlorophyll concentration and Secchi disk depth, a measure of lake transparency. However, interannual changes in chlorophyll concentration and the species composition of the phytoplankton could not be explained by the removal of the septic field near Rim Village or by patterns of upwelling from the deep lake. An alternative trophic hypothesis proposes that the productivity of Crater Lake is controlled primarily by long-term patterns of climatic change that regulate the supply of allochthonous nutrients.  相似文献   

The relative importance of biotic (top-down) vs. abiotic (bottom-up) controls on phytoplankton dynamics was investigated in the York River estuary, Virginia (USA) by a combination of extensive analyses of long-term data sets collected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) monitoring program over 17 years (1984–2001), field studies (1996–1997) and ecosystem modeling analyses. Results from the analysis of long-term data records collected at three stations along the salinity gradient suggested that phytoplankton are more likely controlled by abiotic mechanisms such as resource limitation than biotic mechanisms such as grazing since annual cycles of primary production and phytoplankton biomass were similar and no grazing effects were evident based on the observed relationship between phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass (R 2 < 0.2, p > 0.1). This scenario was supported by short-term field observations made over an annual cycle at three stations in the mid-channel of the estuary where both chlorophyll a and primary production demonstrated similar patterns of seasonal variation. Ratios of fluorescence before and after acidification at all study sites were relatively high suggesting low grazing pressure in the estuary. A tidally-averaged, size-structured plankton ecosystem model was previously developed and verified for the lower York River estuary. The validated ecosystem model was also used to examine this issue and simulation results supported the importance of bottom-up control in the York River estuary.  相似文献   

During the period of 1988–2000, three alien gammarid species, i.e. Gammarus tigrinus Sexton, 1939, Pontogammarus robustoides G. O. Sars, 1894, and Dikerogammarus haemobaphes (Eichwald, 1841) were recorded in the Odra estuary. This study, the first record of G. tigrinus and P. robustoides in Poland, focuses on the distribution, abundance, and biomass as well as on population structure of the three new species found in the coastal zone of the estuary. G. tigrinus and P. robustoides were first sampled in the Szczecin Lagoon (mid-part of the estuary) in 1988. The densities of both species were high from the time they were first recorded and exceeded 10 000 ind. m–2, while the biomass was 25 and 140 g m–2, respectively. G.tigrinus occurred at higher densities in northern and eastern parts of the Lagoon, while P. robustoides was particularly abundant in the south-eastern part, most heavily affected by River Odra discharge. In 1999, the third gammarid, D. haemobaphes, was recorded in the southern part of the estuary. Both in 1999 and 2000, the species was found in qualitative samples (dredge collections of Dreissena polymorpha) taken from the western branch of the river. As estimated from quantitative samples, densities and biomass in the eastern branch were rather low and did not exceed 150 ind. m–2 and 2.7 g m–2, respectively. The Szczecin Lagoon population of G. tigrinus produces at least two generations within a year: a summer one and an overwintering one. The latter is dominated by older and larger specimens. The species may reproduce in the Lagoon from April until November.  相似文献   

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