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Boletus edulis is a well-known ectomycorrhizal mushroom. Although cultivation has been widely attempted, no artificial fruiting has been achieved owing to difficulties associated with mycorrhizal synthesis and acclimatization in fields. We collected fifteen B. edulis basidiomata samples from locations in Japan and identified them microscopically and by phylogenetic analysis of their nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. Pure culture isolates of B. edulis were established efficiently on malt extract agar medium, and one isolate, EN-63, was inoculated to axenic Pinus densiflora seedlings in vitro. Brownish ectomycorrhizal tips were observed on the pine lateral roots within four months of inoculation. Ten pine seedlings that formed ectomycorrhizae were acclimatized under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. At four months after transplant, mycorrhizal colonization by B. edulis was observed on newly grown root tips under laboratory conditions, but no B. edulis ectomycorrhiza survived under greenhouse conditions. These results suggest that B. edulis ectomycorrhizae synthesized in vitro with P. densiflora requires additional steps for acclimatization to greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract Estimation of soil microbial biomass in burned and unburned Japanese red pine forests was attempted using the chloroform fumigation-incubation method. As the amount of CO2-C evolved from the fumigated soil for 10–20 days after fumigation (designated as F') was always lower than that from the unfumigated soil during the same period (UF'), the formula, microbial biomass-C(M) = the amount of CO2-C evolved from the fumigated soil for 0–10 days after fumigation, F) − F'/ k c, was proposed instead of Jenkinson's conventional formula, M = (F − UF')/ k c. The k c value was also determined as 0.30 using 3 fungal and 3 bacterial cultured species as internal standards. Microbial biomass-C calculated by (F − F')/0.30 decreased with soil depth at both the burned (Nenoura, 3.5 years after fire) and unburned (Ato) sites, showing the significant correlation with the decrease of soil respiration and organic C content along soil depth. Microbial biomass-C in the 0–2 cm soil layer at the burned site at Nenoura was 130 mg/100 g dry soil and those in the HF horizon and 0–2 cm soil layer at the unburned site at Ato were 686 and 146 mg/100 g dry soil, respectively.  相似文献   

福建地区马尾松生物量转换和扩展因子的影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧强新  李海奎  杨英 《生态学报》2017,37(17):5756-5764
基于第8次国家森林资源清查福建省331块马尾松的固定样地调查数据,利用增强回归树法(BRT)研究地上生物量转换和扩展因子(BCEF)和地下BCEF的影响因素。研究结果表明:林分特征因子和地形因子是影响地上BCEF以及地下BCEF的主导因素,二者对地上BCEF影响的相对贡献率之和为87.20%、地下BCEF为86.59%。其中,龄组和坡向分别是林分特征因子和地形因子中影响地上BCEF的最大因素(41.13%和14.52%)。地上BCEF随龄组的增大而逐渐减小;在东南坡最大、西坡最小。此外,龄组和坡向分别是林分特征因子和地形因子中影响地下BCEF的最大因素(41.54%和15.16%)。地下BCEF随龄组的增大而逐渐减增大;在东南坡最小、西坡最大。土壤因子对地上BCEF以及地下BCEF的影响都较小(12.80%和13.41%),腐殖层厚度是土壤因子中影响地上BCEF以及地下BCEF的最大因素(9.02%和9.13%)。在所有的影响因素中,龄组对地上BCEF以及地下BCEF的影响均最大,依据龄组计算相应的BCEF或者建立林龄普适的BCEF模型,可以有效地提高生物量的估算精度。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to estimate the total above‐ground biomass (TAGB), stem height (H), diameter at breast height (dbh) and basal area of five tree species (ages 7‐8 years) irrigated by municipal sewage water in the Egyptian‐Chinese friendship forest, Sadat City, Egypt. From the biomass data that obtained through destructive sampling, models for predicting aboveground biomass were developed. The highest values for stem density and height were estimated for Eucalyptus citriodora, while the lowest value for density was obtained for Dalbergia sissoo and stem height for Khaya senegalensis. The highest values for basal area and dbh were obtained for Casuarina spp., while the lowest values were recorded for Dalbergia sissoo. Eucalyptus camaldulensis had the highest stand stem biomass and TAGB (55.5, 83.9 t DW ha‐1, respectively). In addition, Casuarina spp. had the highest leafy branches biomass (32.5 t DW ha‐1) while Dalbergia sissoo had the lowest values for all tree components. All the generated allometric equations had high correlation coefficients at high probability levels. Moreover, the results revealed that not only the dbh data can be used as independent variable for biomass determination, but also stem height and size index are recommended for biomass estimation (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We isolated ophiostomatoid fungi from bark beetles infesting Pinus densiflora and their galleries at 24 sites in Japan. Twenty-one ophiostomatoid fungi, including species of Ophiostoma, Grosmannia, Ceratocystiopsis, Leptographium, and Pesotum, were identified. Among these, 11 species were either newly recorded in Japan or were previously undescribed species. Some of these fungal species were isolated from several bark beetles, but other species were isolated from only a particular beetle species. Thus, it is suggested that some ophiostomatoid fungi have specific relationships with particular beetle species. In addition, fungus-beetle biplots from redundancy analysis (RDA) summarizing the effects of beetle ecological characteristics suggested that the association patterns between bark beetles and the associated fungi seemed to be related to the niches occupied by the beetles.  相似文献   

Verticillium balanoides, isolated from nematodes associated with pine needles of collapsing Japanese red pine trees in Tsukuba, which is new to Japan, was redescribed with illustrations.  相似文献   

As mangroves become recognized as important carbon storages, the need for reducing the uncertainty of carbon inventories becomes increasingly emphasized. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to develop allometric models to estimate the total aboveground biomass (AGB) and the biomass per compartment of Avicennia schaueriana and to compare them with other models previously published for the genus Avicennia. Fifty three A. schaueriana trees, with different diameters at breast height (DBH) and height, were felled in a mangrove from Southeastern Brazil and their dry weight determined. Simple linear regression analysis was used to develop the equations after log-transformation, using the following independent variables: DBH and DBH2 * height. All the equations were significant and presented high R a 2 (adjusted coefficient of determination). DBH provided the lowest SEE (standard error of estimation) in the regressions associated to leaves and total AGB, while DBH2 * height generated the most precise regressions for trunk, branches, and twigs. In comparison with other 11 equations previously developed for the genus Avicennia, the equation developed in the present study for total AGB showed the lowest mean deviation in relation to trees with known biomass, underscoring the importance of developing species- and site-specific equations.  相似文献   

The highest proliferation rate (9.8-fold) of embryogenic suspensor mass (ESM) was obtained from half-strength Litvay (½LM, Litvay et al. 1985) medium supplemented with 3.42 mM l-glutamine, while the lowest rate was noted when 0.84 mM l-glutamine (0.6-fold) was added to the medium. The highest growth ratio with brassinolide (BL) was observed for 1.0 μM (2.3-fold, line 05-21) and 0.05 μM (2.9-fold, line 06-22). However, in the ESM lines 05-21 and 06-22, high ESM growth rates (2.3-fold, line 05-21 and 2.1-fold, line 06-3) were seen without BL when compared with 1.0 μM (05-21) or 0.05 μM (06-22). BL-supplemented medium has been shown to have diverse, genotype-specific effects on the degree of ESM proliferation. For somatic embryo maturation with 0.05 % activated charcoal (AC), the highest number (798 g?1 FW) of cotyledonary somatic embryos (line 06-29) were obtained on a maturation medium supplemented with AC. The influence of light-emitting diode (LED) sources on the germination of somatic embryos (four genotypes) in this species was studied and was strongly genotype-dependent. Germination of somatic embryos from ESM line 05-3 was strongly inhibited by fluorescent, and red + blue light, while lines 05-12, 05-29, and 05-37 showed a similar germination frequency for the five LED sources, where red light most stimulated somatic embryo germination.  相似文献   

广西主要树种(组)异速生长模型及森林生物量特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于广西11类主要树种(组)5个龄组(245株样木、345块样地)的生物量实测调查,建立了各树种(组)的生物量优化异速生长模型,探讨广西森林生态系统总生物量及不同森林类型、不同龄组、不同层次的生物量组成与分配。结果表明:(1)广西11类树种(组)叶、枝、干、根、全株生物量(除了杉树叶、桉树叶生物量)、地上-地下、胸径-树高的优化回归模型均为幂函数,经t检验均达到显著水平(P0.05),其中11类树种(组)以全株生物量的模拟效果最好;(2)广西森林总生物量为1425.37 Tg,平均生物量为105.36 Mg/hm2,各森林类型总生物量为松树林(366.14 Tg)硬阔(291.08 Tg)软阔(239.75 Tg)石山林(165.51 Tg)杉木林(164.01 Tg)桉树林(99.55 Tg)栎类(46.34 Tg)八角林(20.21 Tg)油茶林(19.59 Tg)竹林(13.19 Tg),均随年龄的增加而增加,各层次生物量均以乔木层占绝对优势,所占比例为78.30%—97.47%,各龄组地上生物量均大于地下生物量;(3)考虑统计学与实际应用之间的平衡及异速生长模型的可解释量、回归系数的显著性,以胸径为变量的生物量模型能有效估算广西主要树种(组)各器官及总生物量;(4)优化筛选的广西各树种(组)的地上-地下优化异速生长模型及推算的地上-地下生物量比,对于估计广西森林地下生物量具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Since red pine (Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc.) often forms sparse forest floors where herbaceous plants do not grow well, allelopathy of red pine was investigated. A growth inhibitory substance was isolated from an aqueous methanol extract of red pine needles and determined by spectral data as abscisic acid-β-d-glucopyranosyl ester (ABA-GE). This substance inhibited root and shoot growth of cress and E. crus-galli seedlings at concentrations greater than 0.1 μM. The concentrations required for 50% growth inhibition on roots and shoots of cress were 0.23 and 0.61 μM, respectively, and those of E. crus-galli were 1.1 and 2.8 μM, respectively. The activity of ABA-β-d-glucosidase, which liberates free ABA from ABA-GE, in cress and E. crus-galli seedlings was 13–29 nmol mg−1 protein min−1. Endogenous concentration of ABA-GE in the pine needles was 4.1–21.5 μmol kg−1 and the concentration in soil water of the pine forest was 2.5 μM. The effectiveness of ABA-GE on growth inhibition and the occurrence of ABA-GE in pine needles and soil water suggest ABA-GE may play an important role in the allelopathy of red pine resulting in the formation of sparse forest floors.  相似文献   

松材线虫病(Pine wilt disease)传入我国以来,造成了大面积松林枯死,严重威胁我国的林业和生态建设的发展,但目前分析林分和景观水平因子对松材线虫病综合影响的研究较少。本文基于松材线虫病危害后期的山东威海地区的松林,利用野外调查数据、森林资源二类调查数据和高分辨率遥感影像,获取了影响松材线虫病危害的林分水平和景观水平的各种因子,通过逐步回归分析、线性回归分析和建立广义线性模型(GLM),探讨了景观分析的最适尺度,分析不同因子在解释松材线虫病危害程度方面的作用和相对重要性,以期为松材线虫病的防控技术及宏观管理政策制定提供科学依据。结果显示,750 m尺度下景观格局指数对松材线虫病发病率的解释效果最好。景观因子中,距疫源地距离、景观分离度与距人为活动区域距离对发病率影响最显著(相对重要性值为1.00),其中景观分离度和距疫源地距离与发病率呈负相关,距人为活动区域距离与发病率呈正相关;松林斑块连接度的相对重要性次之(相对重要性值为0.69),与发病率呈正相关;斑块丰富度密度、相关外接圆指数的相对重要性值较低(0.33)。林分因子中,林分密度的相对重要性值最低(0.23)。综合分析林分因子和景观因子的作用发现,在威海地区松材线虫病暴发后期的林分中,相较于林分因子,景观因子起主导作用。研究结果有助于提高对松材线虫病发生的驱动机制的了解。  相似文献   

Cycling of soil carbon was measured synthetically and quantitatively throughout a year in two Japanese red pine forest stands on mid- and foot-slopes at Mt. Takao, Hiroshima Prefecture, west Japan. There was no distinct difference of soil temperature along the slopes, but the soil water content was higher on the foot-slope than on the midslope. The carbon flow (litterfall, soil respiration, etc.) rates were larger on the foot-slope than on the mid-slope, but there was no significant difference of the accumulation of soil carbon (A0 layer or human in mineral soil) between the areas. The results of the analysis of soil carbon cycling based on a compartment model show that the relative decomposition rate of A0 layer and humaus in mineral soil increased 1.4–1.5 fold from the mid- to the foot-slopes, corresponding to the soil moisture condition. The relative decomposition rate of A0 layer was, however, about one-third of that in a evergreen oak forest. This fact suggests that the great resistance of needle litter to decomposition is one of the main limiting factors of the cycling of soil carbon and prevents the fertilization of mineral soil in the pine forest, which was also proven by the simulation of dynamics of soil carbon cycling.  相似文献   

Natural forest growth and expansion are important carbon sequestration processes globally. Climate change is likely to increase forest growth in some regions via CO2 fertilization, increased temperatures, and altered precipitation; however, altered disturbance regimes and climate stress (e.g. drought) will act to reduce carbon stocks in forests as well. Observations of asynchrony in forest change is useful in determining current trends in forest carbon stocks, both in terms of forest density (e.g. Mg ha?1) and spatially (extent and location). Monitoring change in natural (unmanaged) areas is particularly useful, as while afforestation and recovery from historic land use are currently large carbon sinks, the long‐term viability of those sinks depends on climate change and disturbance dynamics at their particular location. We utilize a large, unmanaged biome (>135 000 km2) which spans a broad latitudinal gradient to explore how variation in location affects forest density and spatial patterning: the forests of the North American temperate rainforests in Alaska, which store >2.8 Pg C in biomass and soil, equivalent to >8% of the C in contiguous US forests. We demonstrate that the regional biome is shifting; gains exceed losses and are located in different spatio‐topographic contexts. Forest gains are concentrated on northerly aspects, lower elevations, and higher latitudes, especially in sheltered areas, whereas loss is skewed toward southerly aspects and lower latitudes. Repeat plot‐scale biomass data (n = 759) indicate that within‐forest biomass gains outpace losses (live trees >12.7 cm diameter, 986 Gg yr?1) on gentler slopes and in higher latitudes. This work demonstrates that while temperate rainforest dynamics occur at fine spatial scales (<1000 m2), the net result of thousands of individual events is regionally patterned change. Correlations between the disturbance/establishment imbalance and biomass accumulation suggest the potential for relatively rapid biome shifts and biomass changes.  相似文献   

Zeatin-9-riboside was identified in shoots and roots of Pinus resinosa by GC-MS analysis of its permethyl derivative. Based on their chromatographic properties on Sephadex LH-20 and C18 HPLC, and their susceptibility to enzymatic degradation, several other cytokinins have been tentatively identified. The basic fraction of both the roots and shoots contained zeatin, whereas the shoots contained dihydrozeatin-O-glucoside and the roots contained zeatin-O-glucoside. Zeatin-9-riboside monophosphate, isopentenyladenosine monophosphate ([9R-5P]iP) and glucosyl phosphate derivatives were detected in the acidic fractions from both roots and shoots. There were equivalent amounts of [9R-5P]iP in both roots and shoots. The presence of equivalent amounts of [9R-5P]iP in both the roots and shots suggests that cytokinin biosynthesis may be occurring in both locations.Abbreviations AMP adenosine-5-monophosphate - BAP benzylaminopurine - BSA bovine serum albumin - BuOH butan-1-ol - CK cytokinin - (diH)Z dihydrozeatin - (diH OG)Z dihydrozeatin-O-glucoside - (diH OG)[9R]Z dihydrozeatin-9-riboside-O-glucoside - DW dry weight - EtOH ethanol - FW fresh weight - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - [9R]iP isopentenyladenosine - [9R-5P]iP isopentenyladenosine monophosphate - MeOH methanol - PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone - RFE rotary film evaporation - TEAB triethyl ammonium bicarbonate - Z zeatin - [9R]Z zeatin-9-riboside - (OG)Z zeatin-O-glucoside - [7G]Z zeatin-7-glucoside - [9R-5P]Z zeatin-9-riboside monophosphate  相似文献   

四种一年生荒漠植物构件形态与生物量间的异速生长关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
谢然  陶冶  常顺利 《生态学杂志》2015,34(3):648-655
1年生草本植物是古尔班通古特沙漠夏秋季节草本层片的主要组成部分。选择4种藜科1年生草本植物(刺沙蓬、沙蓬、角果藜和对节刺)作为研究对象,对比分析了各物种构件形态特征、生物量分配以及它们之间的异速生长关系。结果表明:沙蓬个体最大,其次为刺沙蓬,角果藜和对节刺个体最小;对节刺具有最大的根冠比(R/S),其次是刺沙蓬,沙蓬和角果藜R/S最小。4种植物构件形态与生物量间均呈显著正相关,表现出强烈的协同变化趋势。R/S与绝大部分指标间呈显著负相关,表明随个体增大地下生物量分配比例逐渐减小。4种植物各构件形态、地上及地下生物量间大部分呈指数1.0的异速生长关系,但各物种间的异速生长指数绝大部分无显著差异且具有共同的异速生长指数。研究表明:尽管物种不同、个体大小迥异,但4种1年生植物构件特征间多具有相同的生长速率和协同变化特征,体现了1年生植物这一生活型内的不同物种对干旱荒漠环境的趋同适应。  相似文献   

Biometric-based carbon flux measurements were conducted in a pine forest on lava flow of Mt. Fuji, Japan, in order to estimate carbon cycling and sequestration. The forest consists mainly of Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora) in a canopy layer and Japanese holly (Ilex pedunculosa) in a subtree layer. The lava remains exposed on the ground surface, and the soil on the lava flow is still immature with no mineral soil layer. The results showed that the net primary production (NPP) of the forest was 7.3 ± 0.7 t C ha?1 year?1, of which 1.4 ± 0.4 t C ha?1 year?1 was partitioned to biomass increment, 3.2 ± 0.5 t C ha?1 year?1 to above-ground fine litter production, 1.9 t C ha?1 year?1 to fine root production, and 0.8 ± 0.2 t C ha?1 year?1 to coarse woody debris. The total amount of annual soil surface CO2 efflux was estimated as 6.1 ± 2.9 t C ha?1 year?1, using a closed chamber method. The estimated decomposition rate of soil organic matter, which subtracted annual root respiration from soil respiration, was 4.2 ± 3.1 t C ha?1 year?1. Biometric-based net ecosystem production (NEP) in the pine forest was estimated at 2.9 ± 3.2 t C ha?1 year?1, with high uncertainty due mainly to the model estimation error of annual soil respiration and root respiration. The sequestered carbon being allocated in roughly equal amounts to living biomass (1.4 t C ha?1 year?1) and the non-living C pool (1.5 t C ha?1 year?1). Our estimate of biometric-based NEP was 25 % lower than the eddy covariance-based NEP in this pine forest, due partly to the underestimation of NPP and difficulty of estimation of soil and root respiration in the pine forest on lava flows that have large heterogeneity of soil depth. However, our results indicate that the mature pine forest acted as a significant carbon sink even when established on lava flow with low nutrient content in immature soils, and that sequestration strength, both in biomass and in soil organic matter, is large.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for obtaining allometric regression equations to estimate non-destructively and in a cost-effective manner the current year's above-ground vegetative and reproductive biomass of Vitis vinifera L. Merlot' throughout the growing season. Significant relationships were obtained over a 3-year period (1998-2000) between the dimensions of an individual shoot per vine (i.e. diameter and length) and dry weights of its primary stem, primary leaves and lateral growth. The dry mass of a grape was best estimated from measurements of the basal diameter of the bunch peduncle. Introducing cumulative degree-days as an additional explanatory variable in the equations allowed them to be used irrespective of year and growth stage. Multi-year regressions were used to quantify in detail the seasonal evolution of mature grapevine biomass under the climatic conditions of the Bordeaux area, France, and for differing levels of soil nitrogen.  相似文献   

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