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Support from the National Institutes of Health and the American Heart Association is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Calcium signaling system in plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Calcium clearance mechanisms of mouse sperm   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The spermatozoon is specialized for a single vital role in fertilization. Past studies show that Ca2+ signals produced by the opening of plasma membrane entry channels initiate several events required for the sperm to reach and enter the egg but reveal little about how resting [Ca2+]i is maintained or restored after elevation. We examined these homeostatic mechanisms by monitoring the kinetics of recovery from depolarizing stimuli under conditions intended to inhibit candidate mechanisms for sequestration or extrusion of Ca2+ from the cytosol. We found that the Ca2+-ATPase pump of the plasma membrane performs the major task of Ca2+ clearance. It is essential in the final stages of recovery to achieve a low resting [Ca2+]i. With immunomethods we found a approximately 130-kD plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase protein on Western blots of whole sperm extracts and showed immunolocalization to the proximal principal piece of the flagellum. The plasma membrane Na+-Ca2+ exchanger also exports Ca2+ when [Ca2+]i is elevated. Simultaneous inhibition of both mechanisms of extrusion revealed an additional contribution to clearance from a CCCP-sensitive component, presumably sequestration by the mitochondria. Involvement of SERCA pumps was not clearly detected. Many aspects of the kinetics of Ca2+ clearance observed in the presence and absence of inhibitors were reproduced in a mathematical model based on known and assumed kinetic parameters. The model predicts that when cytosolic [Ca2+] is at 1 microM, the rates of removal by the Ca2+-ATPase, Na+-Ca2+-exchanger, mitochondrial uniporter, and SERCA pump are approximately 1.0, 0.35, 0.33, and 0 micromole l(-1) s(-1), rates substantially slower than those reported for other cells studied by similar methods. According to the model, the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger is poised so that it may run in reverse at resting [Ca2+]i levels. We conclude that the essential functions of sperm do not require the ability to recover rapidly from globally elevated cytosolic [Ca2+].  相似文献   

Ca2+ regulates many steps in cell death mechanisms, and is potentially involved in all types of cell death. Moreover, virtually all elements of the cellular Ca2+ toolbox seem to contribute to remodeling of the Ca2+ signaling machinery during cell death processes. As expected from the ubiquitous nature of Ca2+ signaling, these mechanisms are operative in all cell types, and their malfunction may lead to a wide diversity of pathological implications. The contributions in this Special Issue deal with many different aspects of the relation between Ca2+ signaling and cell death. They illustrate the complexity of this relation, and importantly they give an outlook on potential new therapeutic targets for treatment of diseases connected to defects in cell death pathways.  相似文献   

Several cation transport ATPases, sharing the common feature of a phosphorylated intermediate in the process of ATP utilization, are compared with respect to their subunit composition and amino acid sequence. The main component of these enzymes is a polypeptide chain of MW slightly exceeding 100,000, comprising an extramembranous globular head which is connected through a stalk to a membrane-bound region. With reference to the Ca2+ ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum, it is proposed that the catalytic (ATP binding and phosphorylation) domain resides in the extramembranous globular head, while cation binding occurs in the membrane region. Therefore, these two functional domains are separated by a distance of approximately 50 Å. Alignment of amino acid sequences reveals extensive homology in the isoforms of the same ATPases, but relatively little homology in different cation ATPases. On the other hand, all cation ATPases considered in this analysis retain a consensus sequence of high homology, spanning the distance between the phosphorylation site and the preceding transmembrane helix. It is proposed that this sequence provides long-range functional linkage between catalytic and cation-binding domains. Thereby, translocation of bound cation occurs through a channel formed by transmembrane helices linked to the phosphorylation site. Additional sequences at the carboxyl terminal provide regulatory domains in certain ATPases.  相似文献   

Christian Weidemüller 《BBA》2009,1787(6):721-72
This paper summarizes our present electrostatic calculations on P-type ATPases and their contribution to understand the molecular details of the reaction mechanisms. One focus was set on analyzing the proton countertransport of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA1a). Protonation of acidic residues was calculated in dependence of pH for different enzyme states in the reaction cycle of the Ca2+-ATPase. We proposed that the acidic Ca2+ ligands Glu 771, Asp 800 and Glu 908 participate in the proton countertransport whereas Glu 309 is more likely to serve as a proton shuttle between binding site I and the cytoplasm. Complementary to infrared measurements, we assigned infrared bands to specific Ca2+ ligands that are hydrogen bonded. Ion pathways were proposed based on the calculations and structural data. Another focus was set on analyzing the energy transduction mechanism of P-type ATPases. In accordance to electrophysiological experiments, we simulated an electric field across the membrane. The impact of the electric field was studied by an accumulated number of residue conformational and ionization changes on specific transmembrane helices. Our calculations on the Ca2+-ATPase and the Na+/K+-ATPase indicated that the highly conserved transmembrane helix M5 is one structural element that is likely to act as energy transduction element in P-type ATPases. Perspectives and limitations of the electrostatic calculations for future computational studies are pointed out.  相似文献   

环化二磷酸腺苷核糖(cyclic ADP-ribose,cADPR)是烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NAD+)的代谢产物,是新近发现的一种细胞内第二信使.在许多哺乳类和无脊椎动物细胞中,cADPR能引起胞内钙库释放钙离子,其可能机制是:cADPR受体结合cADPR,通过Ryanodine受体或类Ryanodine受体介导的钙通道使cADPR敏感的钙库释放钙离子,此外,一条由一氧化氮(NO)、环化鸟苷酸(cGMP)和cADPR组成的细胞内信号转导途径可能存在于许多细胞中.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the contribution of pinocytosis to basal (no agonist) and lanthanide-insensitive store-activated Ca2+ inflow in freshly-isolated rat hepatocytes, the uptake of extracellular fluid by pinocytosis was measured at 20°C and used to predict the amount of extracellular Ca2+ taken up by pinocytosis. This was compared with the measured rate of Ca2+ uptake in the basal state, and with the measured lanthanide-insensitive component of divalent cation uptake stimulated by 2,5-di-tert-butylhydroquinone (DBHQ), an inhibitor of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (Ca2+ + Mg2+)ATP-ase. Fluid uptake by pinocytosis was measured using [14C]sucrose. In hepatocytes incubated at 20°C, DBHQ increased the initial rate of sucrose uptake by about 35%. The data for sucrose uptake were used to calculate the volume of extracellular fluid taken up by pinocytosis which, in turn, was used to predict the amount of extracellular Ca 2+ taken up through pinocytosis in the basal and DBHQ-stimulated states. Rates of divalent cation inflow in the basal state were determined at 20°C by measuring the uptake of 45Ca2+. The degree of stimulation of Ca2+ inflow by DBHQ and the lanthanide-insensitive component of DBHQ-stimulated divalent cation inflow were determined by measuring the rate of Mn2+-induced quenching of intracellular quin-2 in the absence of an agonist, and in the presence of DBHQ or DBHQ plus Gd3+. It was calculated that the process of pinocytosis accounts for at least 15% of Ca2+ uptake in the basal (no agonist) state, and for about 10% of DBHQ-stimulated lanthanide-insensitive Ca2+ uptake. It is concluded that in isolated hepatocytes (i) the release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores stimulates pinocytosis and (ii) the process of pinocytosis can account for a substantial proportion of basal Ca2+ inflow and a small proportion of DBHQ-stimulated lanthanide-insensitive Ca2+ inflow.Abbreviations RACC receptor-activated Ca2+ channel - DBHQ 2,5-di-tert-butylhydroquinone - [Ca2+] intracellular free Ca2+ concentration  相似文献   

Applications of intrinsic fluorescence measurements in the study of Ca2+-transport ATPases are reviewed. Since the initial reports showing that the fluorescence emission was sensitive to Ca2+ binding, a substantial amount of work has focused on the use of both steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy to investigate structure-function relationships in sarcoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPases. These studies have revealed ligand-induced conformational changes, as well as provided information on protein-protein, protein-solvent and/or protein-lipid interactions in different functional states of these proteins. The main results of these studies, as well as possible future prospects are discussed.  相似文献   

高胆固醇血症病人的红细胞膜ATP酶活性变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究表明高胆固醇血症病人的红细胞膜Na+-K+-ATP酶和Ca2+-Mg2+-ATP酶活性均降低,并且血浆总胆固醇和低密度脂蛋白-胆固醇浓度与这两种酶活性呈高度负相关,而血浆高密度脂蛋白-胆固醇浓度与Na+-K+-ATP酶活性呈正相关。这些变化的研究,对于进一步探讨动脉粥样硬化的发生机制及其防治可能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Ductal epithelial cells of the exocrine pancreas secrete HCO3 rich, alkaline pancreatic juice, which maintains the intraluminal pH and washes the digestive enzymes out from the ductal system. Importantly, damage of this secretory process can lead to pancreatic diseases such as acute and chronic pancreatitis. Intracellular Ca2+ signaling plays a central role in the physiological regulation of HCO3 secretion, however uncontrolled Ca2+ release can lead to intracellular Ca2+ overload and toxicity, including mitochondrial damage and impaired ATP production. Recent findings suggest that the most common pathogenic factors leading to acute pancreatitis, such as bile acids, or ethanol and ethanol metabolites can evoke different types of intracellular Ca2+ signals, which can stimulate or inhibit ductal HCO3 secretion. Therefore, understanding the intracellular Ca2+ pathways and the mechanisms which can switch a good signal to a bad signal in pancreatic ductal epithelial cells are crucially important. This review summarizes the variety of Ca2+ signals both in physiological and pathophysiological aspects and highlight molecular targets which may strengthen our old friend or release our nasty enemy.  相似文献   

Calreticulin (CRT) and calnexin (CLNX) are lectin chaperones that participate in protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). CRT is a soluble ER lumenal protein, whereas CLNX is a transmembrane protein with a cytosolic domain that contains two consensus motifs for protein kinase (PK) C/proline- directed kinase (PDK) phosphorylation. Using confocal Ca(2+) imaging in Xenopus oocytes, we report here that coexpression of CLNX with sarco endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA) 2b results in inhibition of intracellular Ca(2+) oscillations, suggesting a functional inhibition of the pump. By site-directed mutagenesis, we demonstrate that this interaction is regulated by a COOH-terminal serine residue (S562) in CLNX. Furthermore, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate- mediated Ca(2+) release results in a dephosphorylation of this residue. We also demonstrate by coimmunoprecipitation that CLNX physically interacts with the COOH terminus of SERCA2b and that after dephosphorylation treatment, this interaction is significantly reduced. Together, our results suggest that CRT is uniquely regulated by ER lumenal conditions, whereas CLNX is, in addition, regulated by the phosphorylation status of its cytosolic domain. The S562 residue in CLNX acts as a molecular switch that regulates the interaction of the chaperone with SERCA2b, thereby affecting Ca(2+) signaling and controlling Ca(2+)-sensitive chaperone functions in the ER.  相似文献   

Ligand binding to transport sites constitutes the initial step in the catalytic cycle of transport ATPases. Here, we consider the well characterized Ca2+ ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SERCA) and describe a series of Ca2+ binding isotherms obtained by equilibrium measurements in the presence of various H+ and Mg2+ concentrations. We subject the isotherms to statistical mechanics analysis, using a model based on a minimal number of mechanistic steps. The analysis allows satisfactory fits and yields information on occupancy of the specific Ca2+ sites under various conditions. It also provides a fundamental method for analysis of binding specificity to transport sites under equilibrium conditions that lead to tightly coupled catalytic activation.  相似文献   

Ca2+ (sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA)) and Cu+ (ATP7A/B) ATPases utilize ATP through formation of a phosphoenzyme intermediate (E-P) whereby phosphorylation potential affects affinity and orientation of bound cation. SERCA E-P formation is rate-limited by enzyme activation by Ca2+, demonstrated by the addition of ATP and Ca2+ to SERCA deprived of Ca2+ (E2) as compared with ATP to Ca2+-activated enzyme (E1·2Ca2+). Activation by Ca2+ is slower at low pH (2H+·E2 to E1·2Ca2+) and little sensitive to temperature-dependent activation energy. On the other hand, subsequent (forward or reverse) phosphoenzyme processing is sensitive to activation energy, which relieves conformational constraints limiting Ca2+ translocation. A “H+-gated pathway,” demonstrated by experiments on pH variations, charge transfer, and Glu-309 mutation allows luminal Ca2+ release by H+/Ca2+ exchange. As compared with SERCA, initial utilization of ATP by ATP7A/B is much slower and highly sensitive to temperature-dependent activation energy, suggesting conformational constraints of the headpiece domains. Contrary to SERCA, ATP7B phosphoenzyme cleavage shows much lower temperature dependence than EP formation. ATP-dependent charge transfer in ATP7A and -B is observed, with no variation of net charge upon pH changes and no evidence of Cu+/H+ exchange. As opposed to SERCA after Ca2+ chelation, ATP7A/B does not undergo reverse phosphorylation with Pi after copper chelation unless a large N-metal binding extension segment is deleted. This is attributed to the inactivating interaction of the copper-deprived N-metal binding extension with the headpiece domains. We conclude that in addition to common (P-type) phosphoenzyme intermediate formation, SERCA and ATP7A/B possess distinctive features of catalytic and transport mechanisms.  相似文献   

TRPC channels are Ca2+-permeable cation channels which are regulated downstream from receptor-coupled PIP2 hydrolysis. These channels contribute to a wide variety of cellular functions. Loss or gain of channel function has been associated with dysfunction and aberrant physiology. TRPC channel functions are influenced by their physical and functional interactions with numerous proteins that determine their regulation, scaffolding, trafficking, as well as their effects on the downstream cellular processes. Such interactions also compartmentalize the Ca2+ signals arising from TRPC channels. A large number of studies demonstrate that trafficking is a critical mode by which plasma membrane localization and surface expression of TRPC channels are regulated. This review will provide an overview of intracellular trafficking pathways as well as discuss the current state of knowledge regarding the mechanisms and components involved in trafficking of the seven members of the TRPC family (TRPC1–TRPC7).  相似文献   

The Ca2+ transport ATPase (SERCA) of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) plays an important role in muscle cytosolic signaling, as it stores Ca2+ in intracellular membrane bound compartments, thereby lowering cytosolic Ca2+ to induce relaxation. The stored Ca2+ is in turn released upon membrane excitation to trigger muscle contraction. SERCA is activated by high affinity binding of cytosolic Ca2+, whereupon ATP is utilized by formation of a phosphoenzyme intermediate, which undergoes protein conformational transitions yielding reduced affinity and vectorial translocation of bound Ca2+. We review here biochemical and biophysical evidence demonstrating that release of bound Ca2+ into the lumen of SR requires Ca2+/H+ exchange at the low affinity Ca2+ sites. Rise of lumenal Ca2+ above its dissociation constant from low affinity sites, or reduction of the H+ concentration by high pH, prevent Ca2+/H+ exchange. Under these conditions Ca2+ release into the lumen of SR is bypassed, and hydrolytic cleavage of phosphoenzyme may yield uncoupled ATPase cycles. We clarify how such Ca2+pump slippage does not occur within the time length of muscle twitches, but under special conditions and in special cells may contribute to thermogenesis.  相似文献   

Plant Ca2+ signals are involved in a sizable array of intracellular signaling pathways after pest invasion. Upon herbivore feeding there is a dramatic Ca2+ influx, followed by the activation of Ca2+-dependent signal transduction pathways that include interacting downstream networks of kinases for defense responses. Notably, Ca2+-binding sensory proteins such as Ca2+-dependent protein kinases (CPKs) have recently been documented to mediate the signaling following Ca2+ influx after herbivory, in phytohormone-independent manners. Here, we review the sequence of signal transductions triggered by herbivory-evoked Ca2+ signaling leading to CPK actions for defense responses, and discuss in a comparative way the involvement of CPKs in the signal transduction of a variety of other biotic and abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

Mammalian mitochondria are able to enhance Ca2+ accumulation in the presence of polyamines by activating the saturable systems of Ca2+ inward transport and buffering extramitochondrial Ca2+ concentrations to levels similar to those in the cytosol of resting cells. This effect renders them responsive to regulate free Ca2+ concentrations in the physioloical range. The mechanism involved is due to a rise in the affinity of the Ca2+ transport system, induced by polyamines, most probably exhibiting allosteric behaviour. The regulatory site of this mechanism is the so-called S1 binding site of polyamines, which operates in physiological conditions and is located in the energy well between the two peaks present in the energy profile of mitochondrial spermine transport. Spermine is bidirectionally transported across teh inner membrane by cycling, in which influx and efflux are driven by electrical and pH gradients, respectively. Most probably, polyamine affects the Ca2+ transport system when it acts from the outside-that is, in the direction of its uniporter channel, in order to reach the S1 site. Important physiological functions are related to activation of Ca2+ transport systems by polyamines and their interactions with the S1 site. These functions include a rise in the metabolic rate for energy supply and modulation of mitochondrial permeability transition induction, with consequent effects on the triggering of the apoptotic pathway.  相似文献   

The ATP dependent Ca2+ uptake of platelet vesicles was inhibited by the two hydrophobic drugs trifluoperazine (TFP) and propranolol (PROP). Inhibition was significantly lowered when Pi was used instead of oxalate as a precipitant agent. When the ATPase ligands substrate (Mg2+ and Pi) were absent of the efflux medium, a slow release of Ca2+ which did not couple with ATP synthesis (passive Ca2+ efflux) was observed. Both, TFP and PROP enhanced the passive Ca2+ efflux. This enhanced efflux was partially inhibited only when Mg2+ and Pi were added together to the efflux reaction media, but it was not affected by spermidine, ruthenium red or thapsigargin (TG). The Ca2+ ionophores A23187 and ionomycin, also enhanced passive Ca2+ efflux. However, in this case, Ca2+ efflux was inhibited just by inclusion of Mg2+ to the medium. Ca2+ efflux promoted by Triton X-100 was not affected by either Mg2+ or Pi, included together or separately into the efflux medium. The ATP Pi measured in the presence of Triton X-100 and millimolar Ca2+ concentrations was inhibited by both TFP and PROP, but not by Ca2+ ionophores up to 4 M. The data suggest that the observed enhancement of passive Ca2+ efflux promoted by TFP and PROP could be attributed to a direct effect of these drugs over the platelet Ca2+ pump isoforms (Sarco Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPase, SERCA2b and SERCA3) themselves, as it was reported for the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA1).  相似文献   

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