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The epifauna associated with two of the most common species of kelp in the Arctic, Laminaria digitata (Hudson) Lamouroux, 1813 and Saccharina latissima (Linnaeus) Lane, , Mayes, Druehl and Saunders 2006 [synonym: L. saccharina (Linnaeus) Lamouroux, 1813] were examined in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. The aim of this study was to test whether species richness of epifauna was influenced by seasonality of recruitment supply (spring and summer) or by age of the substrate (lamina). From 20 algae specimens (ten—L. digitata, ten—S. latissima), a total of 27 epifaunal taxa were identified with bryozoans as the most species-rich group. Total species richness ranged from one to nine species per lamina. No significant difference in species richness was observed between the two kelp species. In both macroalgae, more epifauna taxa were registered on lamina in May (mean 6) than in August (mean 3). This indicates that the time chosen for sampling had a significant impact on the species richness pattern. The number of epifaunal species was significantly negatively correlated with increasing age of the lamina. There are indications that diversity of the epifauna on lamina is influenced to a large extent by substrate (lamina) surface area, environmental stress and the presence of meroplankton in the water column.  相似文献   

Strophomenid brachiopods belonging to the generaLeptaena andLepidoleptaena are described from the uppermost Llandovery — Ludlow succession of Gotland, Sweden. In Gotland,Lepidoleptaena comprises the single speciesL. poulseni, andLeptaena includes four species:L. rhomboidalis, L. sperion, L. depressa andL. parvirugata n. sp.L. depressa shows a considerable amount of morphological variation, which is recognised in the two new subspeciesLeptaena depressa visbyensis n. ssp. from the Llandoverian — Wenlockian Visby Formation, andL. depressa lata n. ssp. from the mid-Wenlockian Slite Group. The distribution of the different species is largely substrate-dependent, withLeptaena rhomboidalis andLepidoleptaena poulseni adapted to high-energy environments with firm substrates, whereas the remaining species preferred fine-grained substrates in low-energy environments.   相似文献   

Morphology of a rare species—large-scale eelpout Lycodes macrolepis Taranetz et Andriashev, 1935—has been studied. It was shown that the main lateral line of this species has a ventrolateral configuration rather than medial, as was considered previously. Large-scale eelpout is an endemic species of the Sea of Okhotsk; evidence of its finding in the Sea of Japan is based on the erroneous classification of another eelpout species.  相似文献   

Photographic polytene chromosome maps from pupal trichogen cells of four tsetse species, Glossina austeni, G. pallidipes, G. morsitans morsitans and G. m. submorsitans were constructed and compared. The homology of chromosomal elements between the species was achieved by comparing banding patterns. The telomeric and subtelomeric chromosome regions were found to be identical in all species. The pericentromeric regions were found to be similar in the X chromosome and the left arm of L1 chromosome (L1L) but different in L2 chromosome and the right arm of L1 chromosome (L1R). The L2 chromosome differs by a pericentric inversion that is fixed in the three species, G. pallidipes, G. morsitans morsitans and G. m. submorsitans. Moreover, the two morsitans subspecies appeared to be homosequential and differ only by two paracentric inversions on XL and L2L arm. Although a degree of similarity was observed across the homologous chromosomes in the four species, the relative position of specific chromosome regions was different due to chromosome inversions established during their phylogeny. However, there are regions that show no apparent homology between the species, an observation that may be attributed to the considerable intra—chromosomal rearrangements that have occurred following the species divergence. The results of this comparative analysis support the current phylogenetic relationships of the genus Glossina.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine elemental composition of sap-feeding insects inhabiting various parts of the Ni hyperaccumulating plant Berkheya coddii Roessl., the endemic species of ultramafic outcrops in Mpumalanga, South Africa. Three species were examined: the aphid Protaphis pseudocardui (Aphididae), abundant on young leaves; the mealybug Orthesia sp. (Ortheziidae) colonizing underground parts of this plant, and the bug Norialsus berkheyae (Cixiidae) living on young shoots. Maps of Ni, K, Ca, Zn, and Fe for selected body areas of these species were generated using Dynamic Analysis method on the basis of particle-induced X-ray emission (micro-PIXE) and proton backscattering (BS) measurements. Atomic absorption spectrometry was used to determine Ni, Zn, Cu, Fe contents in the B. coddii organs, in some sap-feeding insect species including these mentioned above, and in the assassin bug hunting on Chrysolina pardalina, a monophagous beetle of B. coddii. Bioaccumulation factor for Ni in the examined species was below 0.05, and much higher for other metals (Zn ≥ 2; Fe ≤ 5). Ni distribution within body was species-dependent. It was the highest in the antennae of P. pseudocardui, in the head of Orthesia sp. and in the metathorax of N. berkheyae. Distribution patterns of other metals were different among examined species. Ca was recorded mainly in peripheral parts of the body in all species. Zn showed similar distribution to Ni. Fe distribution was similar to Ni only in the mealybugs. Uneven concentrations of metals within selected body regions indicated their relations with specific organs. Analysis of Ni transfer to higher trophic levels was done on the basis of two food nets: B. coddii—C. pardalina—Rhinocoris neavii and B. coddii—P. pseudocarduiPolyrhachis ant and led to the conclusion that the role of sap-feeding insects in Ni transfer was marginal.  相似文献   

Giambattista Brocchi’s (1814) monograph (see Dominici, Evo Edu Outreach, this issue, 2010) on the Tertiary fossils of the Subappenines in Italy—and their relation to the living molluscan fauna—contains a theoretical, transmutational perspective (“Brocchian transmutation”). Unlike Lamarck (1809), Brocchi saw species as discrete and fundamentally stable entities. Explicitly analogizing the births and deaths of species with those of individual organisms (“Brocchi’s analogy”), Brocchi proposed that species have inherent longevities, eventually dying of old age unless driven to extinction by external forces. As for individuals, births and deaths of species are understood to have natural causes; sequences of births and deaths of species produce genealogical lineages of descent, and faunas become increasingly modernized through time. Brocchi calculated that over 50% of his fossil species are still alive in the modern fauna. Brocchi’s work was reviewed by Horner (1816) in Edinburgh. Brocchi’s influence as a transmutational thinker is clear in Jameson’s (1827) “geological illustrations” in his fifth edition of his translation of Cuvier’s Theory of the Earth (read by his student Charles Darwin) and in the anonymous essays of 1826 and 1827 published in the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal—which also carried a notice of Brocchi’s death in 1827. The notion that new species replace older, extinct ones—in what today would be called an explicitly phylogenetic context—permeates these essays. Herschel’s (1830) discussion of temporal replacement of species and the modernization of faunas closely mirrors these prior discussions. His book, dedicated to the search for natural causes of natural phenomena, was read by Charles Darwin while a student at Cambridge. Darwin’s work on HMS Beagle was in large measure an exploration of replacement patterns of “allied forms” of endemic species in time and in space. His earliest discussions of transmutation, in his essay February 1835, as well as the Red Notebook and the early pages of Notebook B (the latter two written in 1837 back in England), contain Brocchi’s analogy, including the idea of inherent species longevities. Darwin’s first theory of the origin of species was explicitly saltational, invoking geographic isolation as the main cause of the abrupt appearance of new species. We conclude that Darwin was testing the predicted patterns of both Brocchian and Lamarckian transmutation as early as 1832 at the outset of his work on the Beagle.  相似文献   

In 1996, four α-methyl amino acids in the Murchison meteorite—L-isovaline, L-α-methylnorvaline, L-α-methyl-allo-isoleucine and L-α-methyl-isoleucine—were found to show significant enantiomeric excesses of the L form, ranging from 2% to 9%. Their deuterium to hydrogen isotope ratios suggest they formed in the pre-solar interstellar gas cloud rather than during a later aqueous processing phase on the asteroid parent body. In this paper we apply the techniques of the preceding two papers to compute the parity-violating energy shifts of these amino acids. We find that, in the gas phase, the PVESs of the neutral L forms of all four Murchison α-methyl amino acids are decisively negative, and there is even some correlation between the magnitudes of the L-excesses and the magnitudes of the PVESs—all of which is at least consistent with an electroweak origin of the Murchison enantiomeric excesses.  相似文献   

The analysis presents earthworm distribution in eight designated tectonic units (C—Cyprus, EP—East Pondites, ET—East Taurus block, Sc—Sakarya continent, Kb—Kırşehir block, L—the Levant, TM—Taurus–Menderes block, WP—West Pondites) in the East Mediterranean region (EM). It represents a full list of earthworm species (N = 81) of the region and reveals significant faunal similarities between Sc + WP, and between Kb + TM. The new Sc + WP unit is characterized by the presence of archaic (Spermophorodrilus) as well as modern earthworm fauna. In contrast, the second newly established Kb + TM unit is characterized by poorly presented earthworm autochthonous fauna and by a lack of endemic species. The analysis done on the species list (N = 73) representing the autochthonous family Lumbricidae showed statistically supported separation of L and EP between themselves and from other designated units. The Levant, part of the Arabian tectonic plate, is characterized by a high level of endemism in ancient (Healyella) and modern (Dendrobaena, Perelia) genera, and by the lack of archaic genera. The EP harbors unique species representing archaic (Eophila), ancient (Healyella), and modern (Allolobophora, Aporrectodea, Dendrobaena and Eisenia) earthworm genera in the EM. The analysis also indicates origin of earthworm fauna in TM and faunistic relationships among the designated units. Clearly, the present-day division of the EM earthworm fauna shows recognizable influences of tectonic history.  相似文献   

The indriid genus Propithecus comprises the sifakas, medium-sized lemurs endemic to the forests of Madagascar. Traditionally, scientists divided the genus into only 2 or 3 species —Propithecus diadema, P. verreauxi, and, since 1988, P. tattersalli— with 4 or 5 subspecies in each of the first 2 taxa, but recent authors have suggested that many more distinct species should be recognized. We draw from quantitative and qualitative studies of craniodental traits to evaluate further the phenetic distinctiveness and taxonomic status of each named form of Propithecus. We recognize 9–10 species in the genus. The 4 or 5 species of the Propithecus diadema group —P. diadema, P. candidus, P. perrieri, P. edwardsi, and perhaps P. holomelas, if distinct— share several derived features, including large average body size and a mandible specialized for rotational chewing, and clearly comprise a closely related complex. The 5 species of the Propithecus verreauxi group —P. verreauxi, P. coquereli, P. deckenii, P. coronatus, P. tattersalli— are each highly distinctive morphologically and likely do not comprise a monophyletic group. In particular, we point out the highly distinctive cranial features of Propithecus coronatus, which researchers have traditionally largely overlooked.  相似文献   

It was shown that compensatory base changes (CBCs) in internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) sequence-structure alignments can be used for distinguishing species. Using the ITS2 Database in combination with 4SALE — a tool for synchronous RNA sequence and secondary structure alignment and editing — in this study we present an in-depth CBC analysis for placozoan ITS2 sequences and their respective secondary structures. This analysis indicates at least two distinct species in Trichoplax (Placozoa) supporting a recently suggested hypothesis, that Placozoa is “no longer a phylum of one”. The first two authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Detailed analysis of Darwin’s scientific notes and other writings from the Beagle voyage reveals a focus on endemism and replacement of allied taxa in time and in space that began early in the journey. Though it is impossible to determine exactly when Darwin became a transmutationist, the evidence suggests that he was conversant with the transmutational ideas of Lamarck and others and testing (“experimenting” with) them—before he received a copy of Lyell’s Principles of Geology, vol. 2, in November 1832, in which Lyell describes and disputes Lamarck’s theory. To the two rhea species of Patagonia and the four mockingbird species of the Galapagos, we can now add the living Patagonian cavy (rodent) species, and its extinct putatively related species that Darwin collected at Monte Hermoso (Bahia Blanca) in the Fall of 1832, as a replacement pattern absolutely critical to the development of Darwin’s transmutational thinking. Darwin developed his first transmutational theory by adopting “Brocchi’s analogy” (Rudwick 2008)—i.e. that births and deaths of species are analogous to the births and deaths of individuals. Births and deaths of species, as of individuals, are thus explicable in terms of natural causes. Darwin explored these themes and the replacement of the extinct cavy by the modern species explicitly in his February 1835 essay (Darwin 1835a).
Niles EldredgeEmail:

Full classification of Drosophila melanogaster retrotransposons with long terminal repeats (LTR-retrotransposons) has been recomposed, and their evolutional analysis in sequenced genomes of different species of drosophila and other arthropods has been carried out. D. melanogaster LTR-retrotransposons are divided into three groups: gypsy (one, two, or three open reading frames (ORFs)), copia (one ORF), and BEL (one ORF). The gypsy group is divided into three subgroups. Subgroup I is underrepresented by retrotransposons-retroviruses with three ORFs and their derivatives, which have lost the env gene (ORF3). Subgroup II is underrepresented by retrotransposons with two ORFs, and subgroup III is underrepresented by retrotransposons with one ORF. A comparative analysis of homologs of gypsy group LTR-retrotransposons evidences that subgroups I and II are represented only in the genomes of Lepidoptera and Diptera. The gypsy group of LTR-retrotransposons with one and two ORFs is found in almost all genomes of arthropods. Most of the families of D. melanogaster gypsy group LTR-retrotransposons have close homologs in the genomes of other species of drosophila. A degree of identity of retrotransposons sequences is correlated with a degree of relation between species of drosophila, indicating vertical transmission of retrotransposons. Obvious cases of horizontal transfer of some mobile elements have been detected including retrotransposons without the env gene. Homologs of distinct ORFs of retrotransposons—genes gag and env—have been found. Gene-homolog of the gag gene—Grp (CG5680)—is under purifying selection, so it has an important function in drosophila genome.  相似文献   

We have limited understanding of architecture and morphology of fine root systems in large woody trees. This study investigated architecture, morphology, and biomass of different fine root branch orders of two temperate tree species from Northeastern China—Larix gmelinii Rupr and Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr —by sampling up to five fine root branch orders three times during the 2003 growing season from two soil depths (i.e., 0–10 and.10–20 cm). Branching ratio (R b) differed with the level of branching: R b values from the fifth to the second order of branching were approximately three in both species, but markedly higher for the first two orders of branching, reaching a value of 10.4 for L. gmelinii and 18.6 for F. mandshurica. Fine root diameter, length, SRL and root length density not only had systematic changes with root order, but also varied significantly with season and soil depth. Total biomass per order did not change systematically with branch order. Compared to the second, third and/or fourth order, the first order roots exhibited higher biomass throughout the growing season and soil depths, a pattern related to consistently higher R b values for the first two orders of branching than the other levels of branching. Moreover, the differences in architecture and morphology across order, season, and soil depth between the two species were consistent with the morphological disparity between gymnosperms and angiosperms reported previously. The results of this study suggest that root architecture and morphology, especially those of the first order roots, should be important for understanding the complexity and multi-functionality of tree fine roots with respect to root nutrient and water uptake, and fine root dynamics in forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

A new species of Neodiaptomus, N. intermedius n. sp. is described and illustrated. It is compared with related species of the strigilipes — physalipus species group.  相似文献   

In this work, the variability of spo0A gene in the genus Geobacillus and applicability of this gene for the taxonomy within this genus were evaluated. The protein Spo0A is the master regulator of the endospore-forming process in the all endospore-forming bacteria. Geobacillus genus-specific primers GEOSPO were designed based on the sequences of Geobacillus spo0A gene available through the public databases. Inter and intraspecific variability of Geobacillus spo0A gene was determined after sequencing of the GEOSPO-PCR products. Geobacillus spo0A sequence analysis showed that three species—Geobacillus thermodenitrificans, G. stearothermophilus, and G. jurassicus—could be easily identified. Similarity between the sequences of these species and the other species were in the range of 83.3%–92.0%. In contrast, intraspecific similarity of G. thermodenitrificans and G. stearothermophilus was high—above 99.0%. Similarity of spo0A sequences of G. subterraneus–G. uzenensis species cluster also matched this interval. Intercluster similarity between G. lituanicus–G. thermoleovorans–G. kaustophilus–G. vulcani and G. thermocatenulatus–G. gargensisG. caldoxylosilyticus–G. toebii–G. thermoglucosidasius species clusters, as well as interspecific similarity within these two clusters was in the range of the intraspecific similarity determined for G. thermodenitrificans and G. stearothermophilus. It was also determined that spo0A cannot be used as the phylogenetic marker for the genus Geobacillus.  相似文献   

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