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Summary Lipid deposits in the cat kidney are mainly located in the epithelium of the proximal tubuli contorti, particularly in the pars contorta. As the amount of fatty acids in the blood of renal arteries is higher than in renal veins, the lipid inclusions are likely to be formed in the proximal convoluted tubule. Whether fat occurring in the urine has been released from the nephron epithelium and the mode of this release remains obscure. The structural equivalent of lipid extrusion into the tubules has not been observed.Components of the tubular lipids include triglycerides, phosphoglycerides and cholesterol. The results of the digitonin-cholesterol reaction favour the assumption that cholesterol is eliminated in the glomeruli and pinocytotically reabsorbed by the brush border cells, this process possibly serving recycling of this compound. The dilated basal labyrinth and intercellular space contain perpendicularly oriented lipid accumulations that reach the basal lamina. The ultrastructure of the lipid storing cells of pars contorta reacting positively for phosphoglyceride and cholesterol is characterised mainly by bodies with marginal plates. As far as can be judged from their morphology, these bodies are interpreted as large peroxisomes. A special feature of the pars recta are dumbbell shaped bodies and elongated or cup-like mitochondria concentrically surrounding cytoplasmic areas, as well as a well-developed smooth ER. In what way the organelles of the brush border cells are involved in catabolic and anabolic processes as far as renal lipid metabolism is concerned remains to be answered.This investigation was supported by a grant from the Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftThis paper is dedicated in friendship to Professor Berta Scharrer (New York) on the occasion of her 70th birthday  相似文献   

Summary Vinblastine sulfate was administered to adult rats by intravenous injections. Kidney cortex was fixed after 1, 2, or 5 hours of treatment and studied by routine transmission electron microscopy.In control animals, cells of distal convoluted tubules possessed numerous microtubules with an average diameter of 280 Å. In treated animals, the microtubules of these cells were reduced in number, and paracrystalline inclusions characteristic of vinblastine treatment were common. Macrotubules (570 Å average diameter) were also present and often were seen close to, or in apparent continuity with, paracrystals. Since the work of others indicates that vinblastine-induced paracrystals contain microtubular protein (tubulin), observation of continuities between paracrystals and macrotubules is interpreted as evidence that macrotubules are also composed of tubulin and that macrotubules may become incorporated into paracrystals.Unlike the ordinary microtubules of cells of the distal tubules, vinblastine-induced macrotubules exhibited cross-striations in longitudinal view and subunit structure in cross section.Macrotubules and paracrystals were also observed in cells of the proximal convoluted tubule, mesangium, glomerular endothelium, parietal epithelium of Bowman's capsule, and visceral epithelium of Bowman's capsule. Continuities between macrotubules and paracrystals, although relatively common in occurrence in distal tubule cells, were only rarely seen in the other kinds of cells examined. Acknowledgements. The authors gratefully acknowledge the technical help of Mrs. Dawn Bockus, Miss Judy Groombridge, Mrs. Jeri Hunter, Mrs. Jolan Pinter, Miss Franque Remington, Miss Mary Stewart, Miss Louise Young, Mr. Reginald Pickering, and Mr. W. J. Masten. This research was supported by N.I.H. grants AM 16 236, GM 00 100, and HE 03 174, by Institutional Cancer Grant IN-26L from the American Cancer Society, and by the Graduate School Research Fund of the University of Washington.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the plasma membrane and the core of microvilli of proximal tubule cells has been investigated by electron microscopy using sectioned and negatively stained material. By the technique of negative staining, a particulated coat is disclosed on the outside of the plasma membrane of microvilli of brush borders isolated from rat, rabbit and ox. This coat is composed of 30 to 60 Å particles and is 150 to 300 Å thick and appears to be a distinguishing feature for the luminal plasma membrane (brush border) of proximal tubule cells. The plasma membrane of the basal part of tubule cells is found to be smooth. By thin sectioning, an axial bundle of 50 to 70 Å diameter filaments regularly arranged in an 1+6 configuration, one axially located filament being surrounded by a ring of six, is disclosed. The distance from the ring of filaments to the inner surface of the plasma membrane is 250–300 Å, the diameter of the ring 300 Å and the center-to-center distance between filaments 120 Å. Negative staining also discloses 60 Å filaments in microvilli of isolated brush borders. Broken off, single microvilli (fingerstalls) are observed with thin filaments projecting from their broken ends. Filaments up to 1 in length are seen. At high magnification, the filaments appear beaded and show strong resemblance with actin filaments isolated from skeletal muscle. Based on present evidence, it is postulated that microvilli constituting renal brush borders possess contractile properties, which may play a role in the absorption process operating at the luminal part of the cells.The authors are indebted to Miss Kirsten Sjöberg for skilled technical assistance, and to the Danish State Research Foundation and the Tuborg Foundation for financial support.  相似文献   

Summary The pars descendens (pars recta) of the proximal tubule in the male rat kidney, consisting of the terminal part of the second proximal segment (P2) and of the third proximal segment (P3), was studied with the electron microscope. A technique of tissue orientation and trimming was used which permitted precise topographic definition of the tubules studied in the electron microscope. The terminal descending part of the P2 showed some minor differences from the convoluted part of this segment, and ultrastructure also changed along the course of the P3. In the beginning of the latter segment numerous, shallow interdigitations were observed between adjacent cells; along the course of the segment they decreased in number or disappeared. In the initial part of the P3 mitochondria were more abundant than in the terminal portion of the segment and at least as numerous as in the straight part of the P2. Also, the dense, acid phosphatase-positive cytoplasmic bodies decreased somewhat in size along the course of the P3. The smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum reached a higher development in the P3 than anywhere else in the proximal tubules.Investigation supported by grants from: Fonden til Lægevidenskabens Fremme and the Danish Medical Research Council. — The authors are indebted to Mrs. J. Barslund and Mrs. M. Jacobsen for excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Following perfusion fixation of the rat kidney with glutaraldehyde the proximal tubule cells display small apical vacuoles, large apical vacuoles, and apical vacuoles in which a part of the limiting membrane is invaginated into the vacuole. These invaginated apical vacuoles occur more frequently in proximal convoluted tubules than in proximal straight tubules. One tubular cell may contain apical vacuoles of different sizes and stages of invagination, ranging from larger vacuoles with a wide lumen and a small area of invaginated membrane to smaller elements with no apparent lumen and a large area of invaginated membrane. Invaginated apical vacuoles lie either singly in the cytoplasm or close to the membranes of other apical vacuoles, but never in contact with the cell membrane or the membranes of lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria and peroxisomes.These findings suggest that the invaginated apical vacuoles are not fixation artifacts, but rather develop in living state in cells of the proximal tubule from spherical endocytotic elements.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 105)  相似文献   

Summary Normal rat kidney proximal tubule epithelial cell cultures were obtained by collagenase digestion of cortex and studied for 10 days. To assess the purity of the seeding suspension, we histochemically demonstrated γ-glutamyltranspeptidase in >95% of the starting material. To identify cell types in cultures, we investigated several markers. Cells stained positively for lectinArachis hypogaea (rat proximal tubule) and negatively forLotus tetragonolobus (rat distal tubule). Intermediate filament expression of cytokeratin confirmed the epithelial differentiation of the cultured cells. Using indirect immunofluorescence, we found that cultures were negative for vimentin and Factor VIII. Cells exhibited activities of two brush border enzymes, γ-glutamyltranspeptidase and leucine aminopeptidase, and Na+-dependent glucose transport activity. Multicellular domes were evident in the Week 2 of culture. Proliferation was studied by comparing growth factor-supplemented serum-free medium to cells grown in serum; growth enhancers included insulin, hydrocortisone, transferrin, glucose, bovine albumin, and epidermal growth factor. Cells proliferate best in medium with 5 or 10% serum and in serum-free medium supplemented with insulin, hydrocortisone, transferrin, glucose, and bovine albumin. Proliferation was assessed by determining cell number (population doublings). By light microscopy, the cells were squamous with numerous mitochondria, a central nucleus, and a rather well-defined homogeneous ectoplasm. By electron microscopy, the cells were polarized with microvilli and cell junctions at the upper surface and a thin basal lamina toward the culture dish. These data show that the proximal tubule epithelial cells retain a number of functional characteristics and that they represent an excellent model for studies of normal and abnormal biology of the renal proximal tubule epithelium. This project was supported by grant 2-R01-DK15440-16A1 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and by grant N0001 4-88-K-0427 from the Department of the Navy, Washington, DC.  相似文献   

In the chick (Gallus domesticus) embryo, otoconium formation started first over the macula sacculi around the 4th day of incubation, and a day later over the macula utriculi. It was determined that each otoconium formed as a result of the segmentation of the immature otolithic membrane, and that the calcium responsible for otoconium calcification was incorporated into the organic matrix of each otoconium in the form of small electron-dense granules (20-150 nm in diameter). The presence of calcium in these granules was confirmed by histochemical staining with osmic-potassium pyroantimonate, by EDTA chelation, and by X-ray microanalysis under the electron microscope.  相似文献   

Rabbit kidney proximal convoluted tubule (RPCT) and proximal straight tubule (RPST) cells were independently isolated and cultured. The kinetics of the sodium-dependent glucose transport was characterized by determining the uptake of the glucose analog alpha-methylglucopyranoside. Cell culture and assay conditions used in these experiments were based on previous experiments conducted on the renal cell line derived from the whole kidney of the Yorkshire pig (LLC-PK1). Results indicated the presence of two distinct sodium-dependent glucose transporters in rabbit renal cells: a relatively high-capacity, low-affinity transporter (V(max) = 2.28 +/- 0.099 nmoles/mg protein min, Km = 4.1 +/- 0.27 mM) in RPCT cells and a low-capacity, high-affinity transporter (V(max) = 0.45 +/- 0.076 nmoles/mg protein min, K(m) = 1.7 +/- 0.43 mM) in RPST cells. A relatively high-capacity, low-affinity transporter (V(max) = 1.68 +/- 0.215 nmoles/mg protein min, Km = 4.9 +/- 0.23 mM) was characterized in LLC-PK1 cells. Phlorizin inhibited the uptake of alpha-methylglucopyranoside in proximal convoluted, proximal straight, and LLC-PK1 cells by 90, 50, and 90%, respectively. Sodium-dependent glucose transport in all three cell types was specific for hexoses. These data are consistent with the kinetic heterogeneity of sodium-dependent glucose transport in the S1-S2 and S3 segments of the mammalian renal proximal tubule. The RPCT-RPST cultured cell model is novel, and this is the first report of sodium-dependent glucose transport characterization in primary cultures of proximal straight tubule cells. Our results support the use of cultured monolayers of RPCT and RPST cells as a model system to evaluate segment-specific differences in these renal cell types.  相似文献   

In this study it was shown that the injection of retinoic acid (RA) into incubated eggs on day 9 or 14 induced entry the males germ cells into preleptotene stage of prophase I on day 17, which are absent in the control embryos. At the same time the meiosis marker SCP3 was detected in the germ cells. Which was also absent at control embryos. On day 19 in male embryos the number of male germ cells at the stage preleptoteny increased, but there were no germ cells in the following stages of the prophase of meiosis. In 20-day-old chicks meiotic germ cells were absent. Thus, white it is shown that the influence of RA on the developing chicken embryos induces the entry of germ cells into preleptotene stage of prophase I meiosis. However, further meiotic transformations don't occur. Thus RA is only one of many factors providing meiotic cell division.  相似文献   

We investigated dopamine immunoreactivity in the kidney of gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). For that purpose a sensitive and selective antibody against glutaraldehyde-conjugated dopamine was applied. Dopamine-immunoreactive cells were found in the epithelium of the proximal convoluted tubule, where these cells revealed a typical segment-like distribution pattern. Dopamine-immunoreactive precipitates were small and concentrated at the apical pole of the labeled cells. This study has directly identified dopamine as a constituent of certain cells of the proximal convoluted tubule in gerbils. The functional significance of dopamine in these cells is discussed in relation to the present view of renal dopaminergic actions.  相似文献   

The responses to local stimulation have been recorded from neurons in the intermediate part of the medial hyperstriatum ventrale (IMHV) of the domestic chick, by using an in vitro slice preparation. When the slice is bathed in gassed Krebs' solution, a single stimulus evokes a short-lasting diphasic response. The first phase is negative and lasts some 3 ms, whereas the second, positive phase is often of lower amplitude and usually persists for about 15 ms. The first phase is little altered by perfusion with either Ca2(+)-free Krebs' solution or Krebs' solution containing a high concentration of Mg2+. In contrast, the second phase is abolished by these procedures. The post-synaptic phase is positive when it is recorded anywhere between 0.1-1.25 mm from the stimulated point; however, in the immediate vicinity (0.0-0.1 mm) of the stimulating electrodes, the post-synaptic response is strongly negative. A pair of stimuli has to be separated by at least 10 s to guarantee complete recovery of excitability of the post-synaptic response. The recovery curve for this response shows a refractory period of some 5 ms, a peak of excitability at an interval of about 20 ms, and then a sharp trough of relative inexcitability at about 200 ms. The post-synaptic response is considerably reduced in magnitude and duration by the addition of AP-5 to the perfusion fluid; the remaining post-synaptic response is completely abolished by kynurenic acid. The addition of bicuculline methiodide in concentrations of at least 1 x 10(-6) M increases both the magnitude and duration of the second, positive phase of the response to single stimuli. This extended positive response (which may last from 500-800 ms) is abolished by perfusion with bicuculline dissolved in Ca2(+)-free Krebs' solution. For the entire duration of the extended post-synaptic positive response produced by bicuculline, the irregular discharge of single neurons can be recorded. Like the post-synaptic positive response in Krebs' solution, the much larger response produced by bicuculline shows a very localized negativity beneath the stimulating electrodes and displays an almost identical time-course for the recovery of excitability following a single stimulus. The bicuculline induced positive response is also considerably reduced by the presence of AP-5; the addition of kynurenic acid abolishes the remaining post-synaptic response completely. A post-synaptic response, similar to that produced under bicuculline, can be produced by the addition of a maximally effective dose of d-tubocurarine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Monolayers of human proximal tubule (HPT) cells, when grown on permeable supports and mounted in Ussing chambers, spontaneously display a transepithelial potential difference (PD), short-circuit current (Isc), and transepithelial specific resistance (RT). These electrical parameters were used to determine the degree of heterogeneity among independent isolates of human proximal tubule cell cultures. Seventeen independent isolates of cells were assessed, totaling 260 individual determinations of spontaneous electrical properties. On average, these cell monolayers displayed an apicalnegative PD of 1.5 ± 0.1 mV, an Isc of 2.7 ± 0.2 μA/cm2, and an RT of 480 ± 19 ohms × cm2. Each independent cell isolate, however, displayed electrical values within a narrow range, in some cases allowing isolates to be distinguished from one another. The individual isolates were also assessed for Na-coupled glucose transport, Na+,K+-ATPase activity, cAMP stimulation by parathyroid hormone (PTH), forskolin stimulation of Isc, and ouabain inhibition. With the exception of a strong correlation between Na+,K+-ATPase activity and Isc, these parameters, in contrast to electrical properties, were found to be consistent and did not reveal distinctions among the isolates. HPT cell cultures seem to consistently retain important features of proximal tubule differentiation while maintaining the variability, as demonstrated by electrical properties, that might be expected of cells isolated from a random population.  相似文献   

Summary Nerve fibers and perikarya containing gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH-like) immunoreactivity were investigated in the brain of the three-week-old chick, Gallus domesticus using the technique of immunocytochemistry. Six major groups of perikarya were found to include the olfactory bulb, olfactory tubercle/lobus parolfactorius, nucleus accumbens, septal preoptic hypothalamic region (three sub-nuclei), lateral anterior thalamic nucleus and in and about the oculomotor complex. The immunostaining was unusual in the latter group, suggesting that the neurons may contain a GnRH-II like material. Immunoreactive fibers for GnRH were found throughout the entire brain extending from the olfactory bulbs to the caudal brainstem. Two anatomical areas, not emphasized in the past literature, which had distinct GnRH-like immunoreactivity, included the lateral anterior thalamic nucleus and the preoptic recess. The former included a group of GnRH perikarya that is also known to be a retino-recipient area while the latter contained neuronal terminals some of which appeared to be contacting the cerebrospinal fluid of the preoptic recess. An attempt was made to list all anatomical structures that contained or were juxta-positioned to sites that displayed immunoreactive perikarya and fibers including circumventricular organs.Abbreviations used in figure legends Ac Nucleus accumbens - Ap Archistriatum posterior - APH Area parahippocampalis - AVT Area ventralis (Tsai) - BO Bulbus olfactorius - CA Commissura anterior (rostralis) - CDL Area corticoidea dorsolateralis - CO Chiasma opticum - CP Commissura posterior - CPi Cortex piriformis - CPP Cortex praepiriformis - CT Commissura tectalis - CTz Corpus trapezoideum - EW Nucleus of Edinger-Westphal - FV Funiculus ventralis - GCt Substantia grisea centralis - GLv Nucleus geniculatus lateralis, pars ventralis - HD Hyperstriatum dorsale - HM Nucleus habenularis medialis - Hp Hippocampus - ICo Nucleus intercollicularis - IH Nucleus inferior hypothalami - IN Nucleus infundibuli hypothalami - IP Nucleus interpeduncularis - LA Nucleus lateralis anterior (rostralis) thalami - LHy Regio lateralis hypothalami - LPO Lobus parolfactorius - LSO Organum septi lateralis (lateral septal organ) - LT Lamina terminalis - ME Eminentia mediana - INT. Z Internal zone - EXT. Z External zone - ML Nucleus mamillaris lateralis - MM Nucleus mamillaris medialis - nBOR Nucleus opticus basalis (n. of basal optic root) - nCPa Nucleus commissurae pallii - N III Nervus oculomotorius - N V Nervus trigeminus - n V M Nucleus mesencephalicus nervi trigemini - OA Nucleus olfactorius anterior (rostralis) - OMdl Nucleus nervi oculomotorii, pars dorsomedialis - OMv Nucleus nervi oculomotorii, pars ventralis - OVLT Organum vasculosum laminae terminalis - P Glandula pinealis - PA Palaeostriatum augmentatum (caudate putamen) - PHN Nucleus periventricularis hypothalami - POM Nucleus praeopticus medialis - POMn Nucleus praeopticus medianus - POP Nucleus praeopticus periventricularis - PP Palaeostriatum primitivum - PT Nucleus praetectalis - PVN Nucleus paraventricularis magnocellularis - RPaM Nucleus reticularis paramedianus - RPR Recessus praeopticus - b, RPR Basal region, RPR - F, RPR Floor, RPR - R, RPR Roof, RPR - S Nucleus tractus solitarii - SCO Organum subcommissurale - SGP Stratum griseum periventriculare - SHL Nucleus subhabenularis lateralis - SL Nucleus septalis lateralis - SM Nucleus septalis medialis - SO Stratum opticum - SSO Organum subseptale - TO Tuberculum olfactorium - TIO Tractus isthmo-opticus - TPc Nucleus tegmenti pedunculopontinus, pars compacta (substantia nigra) - TrO Tractus opticus - TSM Tractus septomesencephalicus - VeD Nucleus vestibularis descendens - VeM Nucleus vestibularis medialis - VL Ventriculus lateralis - VLT Nucleus ventrolateralis thalami - VO Ventriculus olfactorius - V III Ventriculus tertius (third ventricle)  相似文献   

Summary The inner zone of the renal medulla of rats, gerbils, and rabbits was investigated to determine whether or not there are any characteristic ultrastructural differences between the interstitial cells of these species. The effects on the interstitial cells of water deprivation and water loading were also investigated.In all three species, the Type 1 interstitial cells, the lipid containing cells, were abundant and their distribution and topographical relations as well as their general ultrastructure were similar. The previously reported significantly higher frequency in desert rats could not be confirmed. Although the lipid droplets of the interstitial cells were smaller in gerbils and rabbits when compared to rats, their fine structure was similar. Their electron dense outer zone was sometimes associated with a granular material and/or a lamellar material with a periodicity of about 40 Å resembling phospholipid myelin figures.Water-loaded rats showed a considerable increase in the number of lipid droplets when compared to dehydrated or untreated animals. In contrast, the interstitial cells of waterloaded gerbils and rabbits were depleted of lipid droplets.We are indebted to Professor A.B. Maunsbach for valuable discussions and criticism and to Mrss. Hanne Weiling and Birthe Overgaard for competent technical assistance. The gerbils used in this study were a gift from Leo AB, Helsingborg, Sweden. This study was supported by the Danish Medical Research Council (J. nos. 512-1067, 512-1545, 512-3633)  相似文献   

Histochemical monitoring of developmental processes is presently centered on protein-protein interactions. However, oligosaccharides have the potential to store and transmit biological information. Carbohydrate chains of cellular glycoconjugates present determinants for binding of endogenous lectins. This interaction can be relevant for developmental processes. In fact, beta-galactosides and their derivatives serve as ligands for members of the lectin family of galectins. Since it is unclear to what extent functions of different galectins differ or overlap, hereby introducing redundancy into this system, monitoring of galectin presence during tissue maturation should include more than one type of galectin (galectin fingerprinting). Here, we focus on the two most frequently described ones, namely the homodimeric prototype galectin-1 and the chimera-type galectin-3, the latter one so far not characterized from bovine tissue. In the first step, we have detected its presence biochemically in addition to the abundant galectin-1 in bovine respiratory and digestive tracts during development. Evidently, diversification of the primitive foregut will not lead to an alteration of this property. Immunohistochemistry revealed clear differences in the galectins' localization profiles. Galectin-1 expression is strong in mesenchymal cells, especially smooth muscle cells, while epithelial lining harbors galectin-3. A gradual increase in staining intensity with development is especially observed in the case of galectin-3. Notably, this change is accompanied by a shift from primarily nuclear localization to the cytoplasm, an alteration not seen for galectin-1. However, nuclear presence of galectin-1 is encountered. Thus, the delineation of differences in expression of galectin-1 and -3 with respect to cell types and in the developmental course of subcellular localization argues in favor of mediation of nonoverlapping functions by these two homologous, endogenous lectins.  相似文献   

Summay Before the usefulness of a new in vitro model can be ascertained, the model must be properly defined and characterized. This study presents the growth rate and biochemical characteristics of rabbit renal proximal tubule cells in primary culture over a 2-wk culture period. When grown in a hormonally defined, antibiotic-free medium these cells form confluent monolayer cultures within 7 d after plating. Multicellular done formation, an indicator of transepithelial solute transport, was expressed after confluent cultures were formed. The activity of the cytosolic enzyme, lactate dehydrogenase, and the lysosomal enzyme,N-acetyl-glucosaminidase, increased 14- and 2-fold during the first 8 d of culture. respectively. In contrast, the activity of a brush border enzyme, alkaline phosphatase, decreased 85% within the first 8 d of culture. Release of these enzyme markers into the culture medium, which are routinely used to measure cytoxicity, stabilized after 8 d in culture. The ratio of cellular protein to DNA changed according to the state of cellular growth. Values rose from 0.035 mg protein/μg DNA in preconfluent cultures to 0.059 mg protein/μg DNA in confluent cultures. These results document the characteristics of a primary proximal tubule cell culture system for future studies in in vitro toxicology. This paper was resented at a Symposium on the Physiology and Toxicology of the Kidney In Vitro co-sponsored by The Society of Toxicology (SOT) and the Tissue Culture Association held at the 27th annual meeting of the SOT in Dallas, Texas in 1988. This work was supported by grants GM 07145, The Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing, and a Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research Award.  相似文献   

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