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Isolation of a Bacillus sp. capable of transforming isoeugenol to vanillin   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Natural aroma compounds are of major interest to the flavor and fragrance industry. Due to the limited sources for natural aromas, there is a growing interest in developing alternative sources for natural aroma compounds, and in particular aromatic aldehydes. In several microbial species aromatic aldehydes are detected as intermediates in the degradation pathway of phenylpropanoids. Thus, bioconversion of phenylpropanoids is one possible route for the production of these aroma compounds. The present work describes the isolation of microbial strains, capable of producing vanillin from isoeugenol. Bacterial strains isolated from soil, were screened for their ability to transform isoeugenol to vanillin. One of these strains, strain B2, was found to produce high amounts of vanillin when grown in the presence of isoeugenol, and was also capable of growing on isoeugenol as the sole carbon source. Based on its fatty acids profile, strain B2 was identified as a Bacillus subtilis sp. The bioconversion capabilities of strain B2 were tested in growing cultures and cell free extracts. In the presence of isoeugenol, a growing cultures of B. subtilis B2 produced 0.61 g l-1 vanillin (molar yield of 12.4%), whereas cell free extracts resulted in 0.9 g l-1 vanillin (molar yield of 14%).  相似文献   

alpha-Amanitin-resistant vaccinia virus mutants were isolated after serial viral passages in BSC-40 cells that were carried out in the presence of inhibitory levels (6 micrograms/ml) of alpha-amanitin. One such mutant, alpha-27, was highly refractory (greater than 95%) to alpha-amanitin-mediated inhibition and was selected for further study. In the absence of drug, the phenotypes of alpha-27 and wild-type vaccinia virus were indistinguishable with respect to growth kinetics. DNA synthesis, protein synthesis, and morphogenesis. Infections in the presence of alpha-amanitin revealed two striking differences, however. First, wild-type virus was unable to catalyze proteolytic processing of the two major capsid proteins VP62 and VP60, whereas alpha-27 was most efficient at this process. Second, wild-type viral morphogenesis within the infected cells was arrested by alpha-amanitin at an apparently analogous step to that previously described for enucleated cells. This observation was supported by the ability of alpha-27 virus to replicate in enucleated BSC-40 cells. Restriction enzyme analyses of alpha-27 versus wild-type genomes revealed that a XhoI cleavage site was altered in the alpha-27 DNA molecule, suggesting a possible location for the alpha-amanitin resistance locus.  相似文献   

A critical step in immunologically mediated inflammation is the migration of T cells between endothelial cells of postcapillary venules and into the tissues. To determine whether specific cells are capable of transendothelial migration, T cells that had migrated through endothelial monolayers were retrieved and analyzed. To accomplish this, human umbilical vein endothelial cells (EC) were cultured to confluence on collagen gels and incubated with human T cells. T cells that were nonadherent to the EC, those that bound to the endothelium, and cells that had migrated through the endothelial monolayer and into the collagen were individually harvested and characterized. After a 4-h incubation with EC, T cells distributed themselves such that 77 +/- 2% were nonadherent, 13 +/- 2% were bound to EC, and 10 +/- 1% had migrated into the collagen. The CD4+ T cells that had migrated into the collagen were predominantly CD29bright/CD45RObright and CD45RA-. CD8+ T cells demonstrated a greater transendothelial migratory capacity than the CD4+ T cells. The migrated CD8+ T cells were mainly CD29bright but CD45RA+. Additional phenotypic analysis of the migrating cells indicated that they contained fewer cells that expressed L-selectin. Moreover the surface expression of CD7 was less dense in the T cells that had migrated than in the nonadherent T cells. Finally the T cells that migrated were not enriched for CD45RBdim T cells. Prolonging the incubation with EC to 36 h increased the number of T cells that migrated but did not alter the predominance of CD29bright T cells in the migrated population. Stimulation of EC with IL-1 or IFN-gamma also increased the number of adherent and migrating T cells, respectively, but did not alter the phenotype of the migrating cells. These results indicate that the capacity for transendothelial migration is an intrinsic ability of certain subpopulations of T cells and is related to their stage of differentiation as identified by their surface phenotype.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus 1 genome consists of two covalently linked components, L and S, that invert relative to each other to yield four equimolar isomeric populations designated P (prototype), Is (inversion of S component), Il (inversion of L component), and Ils (inversion of L and S components) differing in the orientation of the two components. Previous studies have yielded recombinant genomes frozen in the P isomeric arrangement, reinforcing suggestions that the four isomers may not be functionally equivalent. We report the isolation of recombinants produced by insertional mutagenesis with alpha TK mini-Mu that are frozen in Is and Ils arrangements. Thus, all isomeric forms of herpes simplex virus DNA appear to be capable of independent replication and must be considered as functionally equivalent.  相似文献   

CARNA 5, the disease regulatory RNA associated with cucumber mosaic virus, consists of a family of sequence-related variant molecules. This type of multiplicity is the result of the selectivity with which specific combinations of virus strain and host species during infection allow certain CARNA 5 variants to emerge and replicate faster than others.  相似文献   

In this study, our goal was to generate a chimeric adenovirus-parvovirus (Ad-PV) vector that combines the high-titer and efficient gene transfer of adenovirus with the anticancer potential of rodent parvovirus. To this end, the entire oncolytic PV genome was inserted into a replication-defective E1- and E3-deleted Ad5 vector genome. As we found that parvoviral NS expression inhibited Ad-PV chimera production, we engineered the parvoviral P4 early promoter, which governs NS expression, by inserting into its sequence tetracycline operator elements. As a result of these modifications, P4-driven expression was blocked in the packaging T-REx-293 cells, which constitutively express the tetracycline repressor, allowing high-yield chimera production. The chimera effectively delivered the PV genome into cancer cells, from which fully infectious replication-competent parvovirus particles were generated. Remarkably, the Ad-PV chimera exerted stronger cytotoxic activities against various cancer cell lines, compared with the PV and Ad parental viruses, while being still innocuous to a panel of tested healthy primary human cells. This Ad-PV chimera represents a novel versatile anticancer agent which can be subjected to further genetic manipulations in order to reinforce its enhanced oncolytic capacity through arming with transgenes or retargeting into tumor cells.  相似文献   

Several chimeric murine retroviruses were constructed to test whether the gag sequence of Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) could influence the in vitro specificity of two sarcoma-inducing oncogenes: src of Rous sarcoma virus and fps of Fujinami sarcoma virus. Although the src- or fps- containing chimerae could transform fibroblasts, they were unable to mimic the action of A-MuLV in causing lymphoid transformation in vitro. A-MuLV-derived gag sequences could, however, functionally replace the 5' end of src and restore the transformation potential of a 5'-truncated src gene. To investigate this functional similarity, we replaced the gag sequence of an A-MuLV virus with the 5' end of src. This recombinant virus behaved like the A-MuLV virus from which it was derived: it transformed both fibroblasts and lymphoid cells in vitro. Taken together, these results suggest that lymphoid transformation in vitro is a specific property of abl and not of src or fps. Furthermore, it shows that a functional homology exists between the gag sequence of A-MuLV and the 5' end of src.  相似文献   

Enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) relies on diverse but specialized microbial communities to mediate the cycling and ultimate removal of phosphorus from municipal wastewaters. However, little is known about microbial activity and dynamics in relation to process fluctuations in EBPR ecosystems. Here, we monitored temporal changes in microbial community structure and potential activity across each bioreactor zone in a pilot‐scale EBPR treatment plant by examining the ratio of small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) to SSU rRNA gene (rDNA) over a 120 day study period. Although the majority of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in the EBPR ecosystem were rare, many maintained high potential activities based on SSU rRNA : rDNA ratios, suggesting that rare OTUs contribute substantially to protein synthesis potential in EBPR ecosystems. Few significant differences in OTU abundance and activity were observed between bioreactor redox zones, although differences in temporal activity were observed among phylogenetically cohesive OTUs. Moreover, observed temporal activity patterns could not be explained by measured process parameters, suggesting that other ecological drivers, such as grazing or viral lysis, modulated community interactions. Taken together, these results point towards complex interactions selected for within the EBPR ecosystem and highlight a previously unrecognized functional potential among low abundance microorganisms in engineered ecosystems.  相似文献   

c-IAP1 is a member of the Inhibitor of Apoptosis protein family. Functions ascribed to c-IAP1 include inhibition of apoptosis and activation of NF-kappaB. Herein, we show that murine c-IAP1 (mIAP1) undergoes alterative splicing, generating two truncated proteins; one that lacks the CARD and RING domains (mIAP1-DeltaCARDDeltaRING) and the other that lacks only the CARD domain (mIAP1-DeltaCARD). mIAP1-DeltaCARDDeltaRING mRNA is expressed at 2-3% of the levels of full-length mIAP1 (FL-mIAP1) in mouse tissues, yet it encodes a protein that accumulates at 50-fold higher levels than the FL-mIAP1 in cultured cells. This protein has an enhanced ability to inhibit Bax-induced apoptosis, but does not activate an NF-kappaB reporter. In contrast to mIAP1-DeltaCARDDeltaRING, the mIAP1-DeltaCARD mRNA displays distinct tissue variation, ranging from 5% to 15% of the FL-mIAP1 mRNA levels and its levels increase in the mammary gland during involution. This isoform also has enhanced anti-apoptotic activity, but diminished NF-kappaB activation. In summary, mIAP1 is alternatively spliced, generating protein isoforms with distinct functional characteristics.  相似文献   

We previously described two plasmids that replicate autonomously in both Neurospora and E. coli (Stohl and Lambowitz, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S.A. 80, 1058-1062, 1983). One plasmid, pALS1, consists of the Neurospora ga-2+ gene (3 kb Hind III-fragment), the mitochondrial plasmid from N. intermedia strain P405-Labelle, and E. coli plasmid pBR325. The other, pALS2, is a putative deletion derivative of pALS1 that lacks most or all of the Labelle insert and that was repeatedly recovered from Neurospora transformants. We have now sequenced the region encompassing the deletion in five pALS2 plasmids isolated independently in two different laboratories. All five plasmids are identical in this region and completely lack the Labelle insert. We have also characterized an additional deletion derivative that retains a small (approximately 0.5 kb) segment of the Labelle insert. The results for pALS2 suggest that pBR325 plus the ga-2+ segment constitute a Neurospora replicon.  相似文献   

Abaxial stomata from Vicia faba leaves grown in a growth chamber under constant light, temperature and humidity showed an elaborate pattern of aperture changes over the course of a light cycle. These aperture changes were tightly correlated with changes in chamber CO2 concentration (r2=0.83). Changes in chamber [CO2] resulted, in turn, from substantial daily fluctuations in ambient [CO2], typical of the Los Angeles environment, with a constant offset caused by photosynthesis and respiration of the plants within the chamber. The dominant role of the stomatal response to CO2 in the control of aperture was confirmed by manipulation of chamber [CO2]. Fast (15 min) increases and decreases in [CO2] caused rapid decreases and increases in aperture, while constant [CO2] resulted in constant aperture. In contrast, aperture changes in comparable plants grown under greenhouse conditions were tightly correlated with changes in incident solar radiation (r2=0.80), and poorly correlated with changes in [CO2] (r2=0.09). Greenhouse-grown plants transferred to growth chamber conditions showed no apparent response to CO2. These data indicate that growth-chamber-grown V. faba leaves provide an experimental system optimally suited for the study of the stomatal response to CO2, and suggest that acclimation to environmental conditions alters the sensitivity of stomata to CO2.  相似文献   

A derivative of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki HD1 (HD1-9) released transducing phage (TP21) from late exponential cultures. Three of seven markers tested were transduced into Bacillus cereus, but only two of these (cysC and trpB/F) were transduced at a frequency of more than 100 times the reversion rates. A limited transduction capacity was given further support in that few chromosomal markers were carried in the HD1-9 lysate, as demonstrated by Southern hybridization. Restriction fragments from the phage DNA and from total B. thuringiensis DNA hybridized to an insertion sequence (IS231-like) probe, which may provide a region of homology for transduction. All of the B. cereus transductants contained the phage as a 44-kb plasmid, and each could transduce both the cys and trp genes to other B. cereus auxotrophs, albeit at lower frequencies than those for the B. thuringiensis transducing phage. In some cases, especially for cys, the transduced gene was integrated into the chromosome of the recipient, whereas the trp gene in many cases appeared to be lost with curing of the 44-kb plasmid. In addition, some B. cereus transductants lost prototrophy but retained a 44-kb plasmid, consistent with the presence of TP21 helper phage. These phage may mediate the subsequent transduction from B. cereus phototrophs. TP21 replicates as a plasmid and, at least under the conditions studied, selectively transfers markers to B. cereus.  相似文献   

The chromosomal replication origin of the plasmidless derivative (TK21) from Streptomyces lividans 66 has been cloned as an autonomously replicating minichromosome (pSOR1) by using the thiostrepton resistance gene as a selectable marker. pSOR1 could be recovered as a closed circular plasmid which shows high segregational instability. pSOR1 was shown to replicate in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) and in S. lividans 66 and hybridized with DNA from several different Streptomyces strains. Physical mapping revealed that oriC is located on a 330-kb AseI fragment of the S. coelicolor A3(2) chromosome. DNA sequence analyses showed that the cloned chromosomal oriC region contains numerous DnaA boxes which are arranged in two clusters. The preferred sequence identified in the oriC region of Escherichia coli and several other bacteria is TTATCCACA. In contrast, in S. lividans, which has a high GC content, the preferred sequence for DnaA boxes appears to be TTGTCCACA.  相似文献   

DNA fragments that function as autonomously replicating sequences (ARSs) have been isolated from Ustilago maydis. When inserted into an integrative transforming vector, the fragments increased the frequency of U. maydis transformation several-thousandfold. ARS-containing plasmids were transmitted in U. maydis as extrachromosomal elements through replication. They were maintained at a level of about 25 copies per cell but were mitotically unstable. One ARS characterized in detail, which we called UARS1, was localized to a 1.7-kilobase fragment. UARS1 contained a cluster of active sequences. This element could be reduced further into three separate subfragments, each of which retained ARS activity. The smallest one was 383 base pairs (bp) long. Although not active itself in yeast, this small fragment contained seven 8-bp direct repeats, two contiguous 30-bp direct repeats, and five 11-bp units in both orientations with sequences similar but not identical to the consensus sequence found to be crucial for ARS activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Functional cytodifferentiation of seminal vesicle epithelium was investigated in tissue recombinants. Neonatal rat and mouse seminal vesicles were separated into epithelium and mesenchyme using trypsin. Epithelium and mesenchyme were then recombined in vitro to form interspecific rat/mouse homotypic recombinants. Growth as renal grafts in adult male athymic mice resulted in seminal vesicle morphogenesis in 70% of the recombinants (the remaining 30% failed to grow). Functional cytodifferentiation was judged by the expression of the major androgen-dependent secretory proteins characteristic of the seminal vesicles of adult rats and mice. Antibodies specific for each of these proteins were used to screen tissue sections by immunocytochemistry and to probe protein extracts by immunoblotting techniques. The heterospecific recombinants synthesized the full range of seminal vesicle secretory proteins that typifies the species providing the epithelium of the recombinant, not the mesenchyme. There was little functional variation between individual recombinants. The time course of development corresponded to that of intact neonatal seminal vesicles grown under the same conditions. Morphogenesis and functional cytodifferentiation were not evident after one week, but were well advanced after two weeks. Seminal vesicle recombinants grown for three weeks were indistinguishable morphologically and functionally from normal adult seminal vesicles. In addition, the ability of adult seminal vesicle epithelium to be induced to proliferate was examined. In association with neonatal seminal vesicle mesenchyme, the epithelium of the adult seminal vesicle proliferated and retained its normal functional activity. Thus, seminal vesicle functional cytodifferentiation can be faithfully reproduced in homotypic tissue recombinants. The methods used in this study will be used to investigate seminal vesicle development in instructive inductions of heterotypic epithelia.  相似文献   

Two integrative transforming plasmids of Neurospora crassa that differed only by the presence of almost all of a ribosomal DNA repeat unit on one plasmid were constructed. The plasmids were used to test the target concentration hypothesis which states that the transformation frequency is proportional to the number of genomic copies of a homologous sequence located on the transforming plasmid. Since there are approx. 200 copies of the rDNA sequences in the genome, the target concentration hypothesis would have been proved if the transformation frequency was 200-fold higher for the rDNA-containing plasmid compared with the plasmid without rDNA. The results indicated no difference in the transformation for the two plasmids, thereby providing no support for the hypothesis. The target concentration hypothesis has been proved for yeast, and thus mechanisms different from that responsible for integrative transformation in yeast must operate in N. crassa, perhaps including non-homologous recombination events.  相似文献   

The c-kit proto-oncogene, the cellular homolog of the transforming gene of a feline retrovirus, encodes a transmembrane tyrosine kinase homologous to receptors for growth factors. To study the cellular function of c-kit, we constructed a chimeric molecule composed of the extracellular portion of the receptor for epidermal growth factor (EGF) and the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of p145kit. The hybrid molecule was properly expressed in murine fibroblasts and displayed specific binding of EGF (Kd, 3 x 10(-8) M). Activation of the chimeric receptor by EGF stimulated the tyrosine kinase activity of kit and led to the generation of a potent mitogenic signal. Moreover, cells expressing the chimeric receptor acquired a transformed phenotype once they were stimulated with the heterologous ligand.  相似文献   

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