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Laterality of foot-use behaviour was examined in jungle crows (Corvus macrorhynchos). Consistency of laterality was also verified in comparison with two different behaviours. One was beak-scratching, and another was food-holding. Significant bias of foot-use laterality was found in 11 of 13 tested subjects for beak-scratching and in 10 of 12 tested subjects for food-holding. Bias of foot-use laterality was not common among footed subjects, suggesting no population-level bias. However, a significant number of footed subjects (10 of 12) who were tested in both behaviours showed consistent laterality irrespective of behavioural differences. These results suggest that jungle crows have strong individual-level laterality in foot-use behaviour.  相似文献   

The present study investigated effects of apoptosis observed during seasonal testicular regression in Japanese Jungle Crows. The study was conducted during January to June 2008, 2009. Testes from adults captured during non-breeding (January), prebreeding (February to mid-March), main-breeding (late March to early May), transition (mid-May to late May), and post-breeding (June) seasons were analyzed. Apoptosis was assessed by in situ terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) assay. Paired-testis volume increased 95-fold from the non-breeding to the main-breeding season (P < 0.05), and subsequently decreased 26-fold from the main breeding to the post-breeding season (P < 0.05). Testicular activity was evaluated from the total germ cell count and sperm index, which increased 42- and 5-fold, respectively, in the main-breeding season, and subsequently decreased 33- and 5-fold in the post-breeding season. In testes, TUNEL-positive germ cells were at low levels in the non-breeding season, absent in the prebreeding and the main-breeding seasons, and highest in mid-May (P < 0.05). In contrast, TUNEL-positive Sertoli cells occurred only in late-April. In addition, TUNEL-positive fibroblast-like cells were observed in the outer zone of the tunica albuginea in the post-breeding season. Collectively, these data suggested that the seasonal rise in the testicular competence occurred slowly in Japanese Jungle Crows; however, testis function was terminated rapidly after the breeding season. Furthermore, we concluded, similar to other avian species, Sertoli cell apoptosis followed by massive germ cell death was responsible for rapid testicular regression in Jungle Crows.  相似文献   

Plant ecologists continue to grapple with Reid's paradox, the observation that dispersal distances of most herbs and trees are too limited to account for their recolonization of northern latitudes following glacial recession. As global climate changes and natural habitats become increasingly fragmented, understanding patterns of seed dispersal and the potential for long-distance colonization takes on new importance. We studied the dispersal and establishment of the northern pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea, which grows commonly in isolated bogs throughout Canada and eastern North America. Median dispersal distance of S. purpurea is only 5 cm, which is insufficient to explain its occurrence throughout formerly glaciated regions of North America. Establishment probability of seeds in the field is approximately 5%, and juveniles are normally found clustered around adult plants. The large-scale population genetic structure of this species can be accounted for by rare long-distance dispersal events, but its predictable occurrence in isolated habitats requires additional explanation. Reid's paradox remains an open question, and predicting long-range colonization into fragmented habitats by species with limited dispersal ability is a novel challenge.  相似文献   

The developmental patterns of mean heart rate (MHR) and instantaneous heart rate (IHR) were investigated in embryos and chicks of altricial Corvuscorone and Corvus macrorhynchos. The MHR of embryos increased linearly with time from 250 beats · min−1 at mid-incubation to 290 beats · min−1 in hatchlings. MHR during the pipping period was maximal, but only marginally higher than in hatchlings. MHR was stable at about 290–300 beats · min−1 during the 1st week after hatching. Spontaneous heart rate (HR) decelerations and accelerations were found in embryos and chicks, disturbing the baseline HR with increasing frequency during development. However, the IHR accelerations developed later and were less frequent than in precocial species. IHR and body temperature decreased during mild cold exposure (23–25 °C) and IHR accelerations were reduced in nestlings during the 1st week. We suggest that the development of parasympathetic control of HR in crows occurs at 60% of incubation, similar to precocial embryos, but sympathetic control may be delayed and suppressed in contrast to precocial embryos. Accepted: 3 March 1999  相似文献   

Seed dispersal and early revegetation processes were studied in an area devastated by a debris avalanche that occurred on volcano Ontake, Central Japan in 1984. The avalanche was initiated by a volcanic earthquake, and a 3.4 x 107 m3 land mass destroyed the vegetation over 700 ha. The revegetation of the first five years was slow in the area of higher elevation (subalpine area). Both the speed of revegetation and the species richness of trapped seeds varied with the elevation. The post-disturbance vegetation on the deposit with surface soil or plant fragments was richer in species than that without any surface soil. Almost all of the seeds caught by sticky traps and most of the species with frequent occurrence in the vegetation after disturbance were wind dispersed. Wind dispersal was especially important on the deposit without surface soil or plant fragments.  相似文献   

The Mariana crow (Corvus kubaryi) is an endangered species that is restricted to the islands of Guam and Rota in the Mariana archipelago. Predation by the introduced brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) has decimated bird populations on Guam, and the crow population there is the last wild remnant of the endemic forest avifauna. The population on Guam is critically endangered and, despite intensive management, the population has continued to decline. Additional management options include intermixing the Guam and Rota populations, but such options are best evaluated within a population genetics framework. We used three types of molecular markers to assay genetic variation in the Mariana crow: mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences, minisatellites and microsatellites. The two populations could be differentiated by mtDNA sequencing and they differed in allele frequencies at nuclear markers. Thus, the populations could be designated as evolutionarily significant units. However, the Guam population is genetically more diverse than the Rota population, and its survival probability if managed separately is very low. All markers did indicate that the two populations are closely related and separated by a shallow genealogical division. Intermixing the populations is justified by two rationales. First, the apparent population differences may result from recent human activities. Second, a greater amount of genetic information may be preserved by joint management. The translocation of birds from Rota to Guam has begun, but strategies that will ensure maintenance of the variation in the Guam population warrant further exploration.  相似文献   

We trained jungle crows to discriminate among photographs of human face according to their sex in a simultaneous two-alternative task to study their categorical learning ability. Once the crows reached a discrimination criterion (greater than or equal to 80% correct choices in two consecutive sessions; binomial probability test, p < .05), they next received generalization and transfer tests (i.e., greyscale, contour, and ‘full’ occlusion) in Experiment 1 followed by a ‘partial’ occlusion test in Experiment 2 and random stimuli pair test in Experiment 3. Jungle crows learned the discrimination task in a few trials and successfully generalized to novel stimuli sets. However, all crows failed the greyscale test and half of them the contour test. Neither occlusion of internal features of the face, nor randomly pairing of exemplars affected discrimination performance of most, if not all crows. We suggest that jungle crows categorize human face photographs based on perceptual similarities as other non-human animals do, and colour appears to be the most salient feature controlling discriminative behaviour. However, the variability in the use of facial contours among individuals suggests an exploitation of multiple features and individual differences in visual information processing among jungle crows.  相似文献   

Allogrooming, where an individual grooms another, has been extensively studied in various social animals to understand its role in the evolution of cooperation/prosociality. In existing studies in mammals, allogrooming has been suggested to exhibit not only a hygiene but also a social function. Allopreening, a topic of increasing interest in mammals but recently also in birds, has been studied mostly with mature animals. However, in some species immature individuals also show allopreening and its function remains poorly understood. Crows, Corvus spp., are an ideal model to study this phenomenon, because juveniles form year-round aggregates during their long juvenile stage (e.g., throughout 3–4 years). Here, we investigated the function of allopreening in juvenile groups of wild-caught large-billed crows (C. macrorhynchos). Allopreening frequency and duration for three groups of wild-caught juveniles were analysed to determine whether there was a symmetrical (i.e., reciprocal) or asymmetrical allopreening pattern, and if sex composition of the dyad and/or relative dominance of donor and recipient had an effect. We found that both the frequency and duration of male allopreening correlated with frequency of aggression. Allopreening between both males and females occurred unidirectionally from dominants to subordinates but not in the opposite direction. On the contrary, allopreening between a male and a female was found to be reciprocated, though the absolute frequency and duration were both greater in males than in females. These results suggest that the social function of allopreening in juvenile crows differs depending on the sex composition of the dyad, functioning as a dominance signal for same-sex dyads, and serving a social bonding function for opposite-sex dyads. These findings may reflect the potentially crucial roles of allopreening in within-sex competition and opposite-sex attraction during the 3 year-long juvenile stage affecting future mate choice in lifelong monogamy.  相似文献   

We describe 11 microsatellite loci isolated from the American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos), the most wide‐spread cooperatively breeding bird in North America. Polymorphism at these loci ranged from four to 43 alleles, and observed heterozygosities from 0.53 to 0.92. Genetic parentage analyses using these markers will allow us to describe the mating system of this common but socially complex species, and to interpret their behavioural interactions in light of relatedness.  相似文献   

Obozova  T. A.  Smirnova  A. A.  Zorina  Z. A. 《Biology Bulletin》2018,45(8):794-802
Biology Bulletin - The early ontogeny of behavior of corvid juveniles in their natural habitat was studied, and the large-billed crow (Corvus macrorhynchos) taken as an example. Research was...  相似文献   

Jungle crows (Corvus macrorhynchos) flexibly change their social forms depending on their age, time of the day, and the season. In the daytime, paired adults behave territorially and unpaired subadults form small flocks of ten birds, whereas at night hundreds of birds roost together. In the breeding season, pairings remain in their nest all day. This fission-fusion raises questions about the underlying social structure and the cognitive capability of jungle crows. In this study, dyadic encounters were used to investigate dominance relationships (linear or non-linear) and the underlying mechanisms in captive jungle crows. Fourteen crows were tested in 455 encounters (i.e., 5 encounters per dyad), and a stable linear dominance relationship emerged. Sex and aggressiveness were determinants as individual characteristics for dominance formation. Males dominated females, and more aggressive individuals dominated less aggressive ones. Aggressive interactions in dyads occurred primarily during the first encounter and drastically declined during subsequent encounters without any signs of a confidence effect. These results suggest that, in captive jungle crow, a linear form of dominance is intrinsically determined by sex and aggressiveness and maintained extrinsically by memories of past outcomes associated with specific individuals, implying individual recognition.  相似文献   

Summary Seed dispersal and seedling emergence of common taxa growing in a Solidago-dominated old field in central New York (USA) were monitored from May 1982 to June 1984. Over 3.5x104 seeds per m2 were captured on seed traps in each of the two years, with peaks occuring in July (due to Hieracium) and in November (due to Solidago). About 4.0x103 seedling/m2 emerged beneath the intact community in each of the two years. Although seedlings emerged predominantly in the early spring, a secondary peak occurred in September and October when many seedlings of introduced grasses appeared. Two additional aspects of the reproductive biology of the major taxa were related to the seasonal timing of seed dispersal: As the date of peak seed dispersal (among taxa) became progressively later in the season, (1) the duration of dispersal increased from about one week to about one-half year, and (2) the delay between the peak of seed dispersal and the peak of seedling emergence increased from a few days to about one-half year.  相似文献   

The European crow (Corvus corone) occurs in two subspecies (or species) with distinct plumage coloration: the black carrion crow (C. c. corone) and the grey and black hooded crow (C. c. cornix). We tested 42 passerine microsatellite loci for amplification in the European crow and identified 20 loci that were both polymorphic and easy to score. In 50 individuals sampled in the Danish part of the species’ pan‐European hybrid zone, the number of alleles ranged between two and 21. One locus deviated from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium and had a high estimated null allele frequency. These 20 loci were highly successful in amplifying polymorphic products also in other crow populations and in another Corvidae species, the rook (Corvus frugilegus).  相似文献   

Abstract. Seed production, composition of the seed rain, germination, and seedling mortality, as well as vegetative growth characteristics of common pioneer plant species were studied on the foreland of the retreating Morteratsch glacier in the Swiss Alps. The frequency of diaspores trapped in different successional stages was related to their dispersal mode and was highly skewed towards a few species. Plenty of diaspores well adapted for dispersal by wind are a precondition for the most important pioneer species. Seeds from all pioneer species investigated had a good germination success, provided that the moisture content of the soil was high enough. However, requirement for seedling establishment differed among sites of increasing terrain age and among species. Only specialized pioneers such as Cerastium pedunulatum, Linaria alpina, Oxyria digyna and Saxifraga aizoides tolerate the cold and moist conditions near the glacier. However, these species are restricted to early successional stages. Seedlings of Epilobium fleischeri are affected not only by the cold and moist conditions near the glacier but also by moderately dry conditions on older sites. Availability of safe sites becomes crucial for most species with increasing age of sites and with drier conditions. Most species playing a dominant role during early succession and persisting during later successional stages have a distinctive ability to spread clonally and have a growth form with more or less widely spaced ramets: Achillea moschata. Cerastium pedunculatum. Epilobium fleischeri and Hieraium staticifolium. The growth strategy and demography of the clonal E. fleischeri is presented as an example. The life cycle of this species is characterized in succession by (1) the colonization of safe sites by small seeds adapted for wind dispersal, (2) horizontal spread by clonal growth, and (3) the persistence through phenotypic morphological plasticity in later successional stages. Seedling establishment and clonal growth are thus complementary mechanisms in plant succession on recently deglaciated terrain.  相似文献   

Seedling recruitment in many highly serotinous populations of Pinus coulteri on California's central coast depends almost entirely on periodic, stand-replacing fire. Compared to serotinous pines of the Mediterranean Basin, little detailed information is available on the postfire demography of California closed-cone pines, including P. coulteri. In September 1996 a wildfire burned the 760-ha American Canyon Research Natural Area (RNA). Using aerial photography, we mapped burn severity of P. coulteri-chaparral woodlands and forests within the RNA. From May to September of 1997, we also quantified seedling establishment and mortality in relation to biophysical site characteristics including fire severity. Seventy-six percent of P. coulteri forests and woodlands experienced high-severity burns, 9% moderate-severity burns, and 15% low-severity or unburned. Of the 53 plots used for seedling counts, 70% were high-severity, 26% moderate-severity, and 4% low-severity. Seedling densities 13 months postfire were low (0.21 m–2), but seedling mortality also was low (8.4%). Aerial seed bank size increased from north-facing to south-facing slopes and from high-severity to low-severity burns. Seedling recruitment was unrelated to burn severity and increased with the size of the canopy seed bank (cone density). Many seedlings established from rodent seed caches; 23% of the seedlings established in clumps from seeds cached by Dipodomys agilis, Chaetodipus californicus and Peromyscus maniculatus. Pinus coulteri seeds have low potential for dispersal by wind, but secondary dispersal by rodents moves seeds away from source trees and into neighboring chaparral. We discuss the potential importance of rodent seed caching to postfire demography of California and Mediterranean serotinous pines.  相似文献   

Populus alba L. is an autochthonous species dominating the overstory of the floodplain forests across the Mediterranean region. In contrast to some other Populus spp., very little is known about its regeneration strategies. Poplars yearly disperse huge amounts of wind- and water-dispersed, non-dormant, short-lived tiny seeds that need the bare, open and moist substrates created by fluvial-geomorphic events to germinate and establish. To survive, the growing roots must keep pace with the falling water table and associated soil moisture zone. Using a greenhouse experimental facility, 9-day-old P. alba seedlings were subjected to five hydrological treatments (permanent saturation, drawdown rates of 1, 2.5, 5 cm day−1 and immediate drainage) in two different substrates (coarse and sandy), and their survival and growth were evaluated. Also, P. alba seed dispersal was monitored in the field, and seed germinability and longevity were tested in the laboratory. No seedlings survived the water table declines in the coarse substrate although survival was high (85%) under saturated conditions. In the sandy soil, survival was significantly greater in the permanent saturation (87%) and 1 cm day−1 (88%) treatments than in the 2.5 cm day−1 (58%), 5 cm day−1 (25%) and immediate drainage (22%) treatments. The lowest root and shoot growth rates occurred under the saturated and immediate drainage conditions. Seed dispersal lasted 6–8 weeks and peaked in mid-April, initial seed germinability was high (92%) and seed longevity was relatively long (half viability period, 30 days). The creation of nursery sites and release of controlled floods in mid-April, followed by water table declines of less than 1 cm day−1 in coarse substrates and less than 5 cm day−1 in sandy substrates are recommended for enhancing the initial establishment of P. alba seedlings.  相似文献   

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