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The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique is a widely used multi-purpose DNA fingerprinting tool. The ability to size-separate fluorescently labelled AFLP fragments on a capillary electrophoresis instrument has provided a means for high-throughput genome screening, an approach particularly useful in studying the molecular ecology of nonmodel organisms. While the 'per-marker-generated' costs for AFLP are low, fluorescently labelled oligonucleotides remain costly. We present a cost-effective method for fluorescently end-labelling AFLPs that should make this tool more readily accessible for laboratories with limited budgets. Both standard fluorescent AFLPs and the end-labelled alternatives presented here are repeatable and produce similar numbers of fragments when scored using both manual and automated scoring methods. While it is not recommended to combine data using the two approaches, the results of the methods are qualitatively comparable, indicating that AFLP end-labelling is a robust alternative to standard methods of AFLP genotyping. For researchers commencing a new AFLP project, the AFLP end-labelling method outlined here is easily implemented, as it does not require major changes to PCR protocols and can significantly reduce the costs of AFLP studies.  相似文献   

A fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (FAFLP) fingerprinting assay is evaluated for its ability to differentiate DNA hybridization groups in the genus Aeromonas. After empirical determination of optimal assay conditions using a limited set of strains, 98 well-characterized type and reference strains encompassing all known Aeromonas taxa were subjected to FAFLP fingerprinting using the standardized protocol. The present study clearly indicates that the use of fluorescent dye-labeled primers does not significantly affect the high capacity of this technique to differentiate among genotypically closely related Aeromonas taxa. Compared to the original AFLP protocol involving the application of radio-isotopes, the new FAFLP technology offers a better performance when considering speed of analysis and user safety. On the other hand, FAFLP fingerprints exhibited a significant reduction in the relative number of bands compared to the corresponding autoradiographic patterns. In our hands, the omission of the preselective amplification step and the use of a size standard mix enhanced the cost effectiveness and the reproducibility of the technique. Cluster analysis of FAFLP band patterns generated from Aeromonas type and reference strains demonstrated once more the high correlation of AFLP-generated data with DNA-DNA homology data.  相似文献   

使用MseI限制性内切酶对放线菌链霉菌属中的12株菌基因组DNA进行酶切,与接头连接后,引物使用一个选择性碱基对模板进行PCR扩增,PCR产物在琼脂糖凝胶上进行电泳检测。结果表明,对于MseI内切酶产生的模板,选择性碱基采用A、T、C和G都能够获得清晰丰富的条带。MseI内切酶产生的图谱上有72个位点,多态性位点71个,达98.6%。因此,使用MseI内切酶适合构建放线菌的单酶切AFLP指纹图谱。  相似文献   

Deterministic paternity exclusion using RAPD markers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique can potentially provide hundreds of polymorphic markers for use by ecologists studying mating systems in natural populations. We consider here the implications of the dominance displayed by RAPD markers for deterministic paternity assignment. Our goal was to provide a means for assessing the costs associated with such a study for ecologists who might be considering the use of RAPD markers for paternity analysis. The theoretical expected proportion of offspring for which all males except the true father can be exlucded (P(ET)) is calculated for both dominant and codominant marker systems. The ability to assign paternity unambiguously generally increases with the number of loci and the frequency of the recessive allele (but only up to a point), and decreases with increasing sample size (number of individuals surveyed). The gain in P(ET) with decreasing sample size is unexpectedly slight. Not surprisingly, the performance of dominant markers at paternity exclusion is, in general, greatly exceeded by codominant markers, with the exception of the case in which the frequency of the recessive allele is high at all loci. In this case, codominant markers perform only slightly better than do dominant markers. Thus, a researcher should expect to score more than 50 RAPD loci for each offspring for most applications of paternity exclusion analysis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

AIMS: To use amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis to evaluate the genetic relatedness among 254 Campylobacter jejuni reference and field strains of diverse origin representing all defined 'Penner' serotypes for this species. METHODS AND RESULTS: Field strains (n = 207) from human diarrhoea and diverse animal and environmental sources were collected mainly through a National surveillance programme in Denmark and serotyped by use of the established 'Penner' scheme. Genetic relationships among these isolates, and the archetypal serotype reference strains, were assessed by numerical analysis of AFLP profiles derived from genomic DNA. Extensive genetic diversity was seen among the strains examined; however, 43 groups of isolates were identified at the 92% similarity (S-) level. Thirteen groups contained isolates from a single host, possibly representing genotypes of 'low risk' to human health. The remaining 30 groups contained isolates from humans, chickens and associated food products, cattle, sheep, turkeys, ostriches and/or dogs. Strains assigned to serotypes 2, 6/7, 11 and 12 formed major clusters at the 77.6% S-level. Most other serotypes did not form homogeneous clusters. CONCLUSIONS: High-resolution genotyping applied to strains from a comprehensive range of sources provides evidence for multiple sources of sporadic C. jejuni infection. The results suggest that public health protection measures should be directed at all foods of animal origin. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The genetic relatedness among all 'Penner' serotypes of C. jejuni is assessed by AFLP analysis. In addition, further evidence of epidemic and host-specific clones of C. jejuni is provided.  相似文献   

The use of DNA markers to evaluate genetic diversity is an important component of the management of animal genetic resources. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) has published a list of recommended microsatellite markers for such studies; however, other markers are potential alternatives. This paper describes results obtained with a set of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers as part of a genetic diversity study of European pig breeds that also utilized microsatellite markers. Data from 148 AFLP markers genotyped across samples from 58 European and one Chinese breed were analysed. The results were compared with previous analyses of data from 50 microsatellite markers genotyped on the same animals. The AFLP markers had an average within-breed heterozygosity of 0.124 but there was wide variation, with individual markers being monomorphic in 3-98% of the populations. The biallelic and dominant nature of AFLP markers creates a challenge for their use in genetic diversity studies as each individual marker contains limited information and AFLPs only provide indirect estimates of the allelic frequencies that are needed to estimate genetic distances. Nonetheless, AFLP marker-based characterization of genetic distances was consistent with expectations based on breed and regional distributions and produced a similar pattern to that obtained with microsatellites. Thus, data from AFLP markers can be combined with microsatellite data for measuring genetic diversity.  相似文献   

A dominant plant of the California grasslands, purple needlegrass [Nassella pulchra (Hitchc.) Barkworth] is an important revegetation species in its native range. The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) method was used to elucidate mode of reproduction and nucleotide variation among 11 natural populations and three selected natural germplasm releases of N. pulchra. A total of 12 co-dominant AFLPs, informative within eight populations, failed to reveal any heterozygous individuals, indicating very high selfing rates (S(H)=1). Estimates of nucleotide diversity within populations ranged from 0 to 0.00069 (0.00035 average), whereas the total nucleotide divergence among populations ranged from 0.00107 to 0.00382 (0.00247 average). Measures of population differentiation (GS) in terms of Shannon-Weaver diversity values and estimated nucleotide substitutions were 0.90 and 0.86, respectively. Although some of the sample populations contained a mixture of true breeding genotypes, most populations could be distinguished unambiguously. Moreover, geographical distance between the natural source populations was significantly correlated with genetic distance (r = 0.60) among the corresponding sample populations. Results indicate that inbreeding, combined with founder effects and/or selection, has contributed to the differentiation of N. pulchra populations. Foundation seed populations of the selected natural germplasm releases were genetically well defined and most similar to natural seed collected near the corresponding source populations. Thus, these commercial germplasm sources will be made practically available and useful for conservation plantings within the intended areas of utilization.  相似文献   

Moringa oleifera is an important multipurpose tree introduced to Africa from India at the turn of this century. Despite limited knowledge of the levels of genetic diversity and relatedness of introduced populations, their utilization as a source of seed for planting is widespread. In order to facilitate reasoned scientific decisions on its management and conservation and prepare for a selective breeding programme, genetic analysis of seven populations was performed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. The four pairs of AFLP primers ( Pst I/ Mse I) generated a total of 236 amplification products of which 157 (66.5%) were polymorphic between or within populations. Analysis of molecular variance ( AMOVA ) revealed significant differences between regions and populations, even though outcrossing perennial plants are expected to maintain most variation within populations. A phenetic tree illustrating relationships between populations suggested at least two sources of germplasm introductions to Kenya. The high levels of population differentiation detected suggest that provenance source is an important factor in the conservation and exploitation of M. oleifera genetic resources.  相似文献   

Three molecular tools, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, were explored for their usefulness to identify isolates of Malassezia yeasts. All seven species could be separated by AFLP and DGGE. Using AFLP, four genotypes could be distinguished within M. furfur. AFLP genotype 4 contained only isolates from deep human sources, and ca. 80% of these isolates were from patients with systemic disease. Most of the systemic isolates belonged to a single RAPD genotype. This suggests that systemic conditions strongly select for a particular genotype. Although the clinical use of DGGE may be limited due to technical demands, it remains a powerful tool for the analysis of complex clinical samples.  相似文献   

We describe the types of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) markers that we have isolated using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) in closely related taxa from diverse plant genera. With these markers, both inter- and intraspecific differences have been identified. The characterization of the nucleotide sequences and fragment length polymorphisms of such AFLP-derived PCR markers is promising for investigating the ecology and evolution of closely related plant taxa.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is a novel molecular fingerprinting technique that can be applied to DNAs of any source or complexity. Total genomic DNA is digested using two restriction enzymes. Double-stranded nucleotide adapters are ligated to the DNA fragments to serve as primer binding sites for PCR amplification. Primers complementary to the adapter and restriction site sequence, with additional nucleotides at the 3′-end, are used as selective agents to amplify a subset of ligated fragments. Polymorphisms are identified by the presence or absence of DNA fragments following analysis on polyacrylamide gels. This technique has been extensively used with plant DNA for the development of high-resolution genetic maps and for the positional cloning of genes of interest. However, its application is rapidly expanding in bacteria and higher eukaryotes for determining genetic relationships and for epidemiological typing. This review describes the AFLP procedure, and recent, novel applications in the molecular fingerprinting of DNA from both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. Received 19 December 1997/ Accepted in revised form 3 June 1998  相似文献   

This study was set up to evaluate the genetic similarity or dissimilarity of persistent and sporadic Listeria monocytogenes strains existing in eleven food processing facilities, including fish, dairy, meat and poultry processing plants. In each plant persistent and sporadic strains were selected on the basis of PFGE typing results. A total of 17 strains representing persistent strains and 38 sporadic strains originating from eleven food processing plants were included in the study. PFGE macrorestriction patterns of persistent and sporadic strains from different processing plants were compared and the strains were further studied by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), being a characterisation method giving more whole genome based information. The 17 persistent and 38 sporadic strains showed 14 and 35 pulsotypes, 14 and 28 AFLP types, respectively. The combination of PFGE and AFLP typing results yielded a total of 48 genotypes. Thirteen of 15 genotypes presented by persistent strains were only associated with persistent strains and similarly 94% (33/35) of genotypes showed by sporadic strains were recovered among sporadic strains only. Our results showed that L. monocytogenes strains causing persistent contamination differ from sporadic strains. In AFLP analysis persistent strains did not, however, form any specific clusters and neither was there any difference between the known two genomic groups. These results indicate that even though persistent strains differ from sporadic strains there seems not to be any specific evolutional lineage of persistent strains.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae strains based on determination of amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) is described. AFLP fingerprints of 38 strains derived from different countries in Africa and the Middle East consisted of over 100 bands in the size range of 40-500 bp. The similarity between individual AFLP profiles, calculated by Jaccard's coefficient, ranged from 0.92 to 1.0. On the basis of the polymorphisms detected, the analysed strains can explicitly be grouped into two major clusters, equivalent to two evolutionary lines of the organism found by 16S rDNA analysis. The present data support previous observations regarding genetic homogeneity of M. capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae, and confirm the two evolutionary lines of descent found by analysis of 16S rRNA genes.  相似文献   

Eryngium alpinum L. is an endangered species found across the European Alps. In order to obtain base-line data for the conservation of this species, we investigated levels of genetic diversity within and among 14 populations from the French Alps. We used the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique with three primer pairs and scored a total of 62 unambiguous, polymorphic markers in 327 individuals. Because AFLP markers are dominant, within-population genetic structure (e.g. FIS) could not be assessed. Analyses based either on the assumption of random-mating or on complete selfing lead to very similar results. Diversity levels within populations were relatively high (mean Nei's expected heterozygosity = 0.198; mean Shannon index = 0.283), and a positive correlation was detected between both genetic diversity measurements and population size (Spearman rank correlation: P = 0. 005 and P = 0.002, respectively). Moreover, FST values and exact tests of differentiation revealed high differentiation among populations (mean pairwise FST = 0.40), which appeared to be independent of geographical distance (nonsignificant Mantel test). Founder events during postglacial colonizations and/or bottlenecks are proposed to explain this high but random genetic differentiation. By contrast, we detected a pattern of isolation by distance within populations and valleys. Predominant local gene flow by pollen or seed is probably responsible for this pattern. Concerning the management of E. alpinum, the high genetic differentiation leads us to recommend the conservation of a maximum number of populations. This study demonstrates that AFLP markers enable a quick and reliable assessment of intraspecific genetic variability in conservation genetics.  相似文献   

Nine restriction enzyme combinations and 108 different primer combinations were initially tested for suitability for amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of Listeria monocytogenes; the combination of HindIII and HpyCH4IV showed consistently strong signals on gels, amplified an adequate number of DNA fragments and detected polymorphism among closely related strains based on AscI macrorestriction profiles. AFLP also distinguished between L. monocytogenes, L. innocua, L. ivanovii, L. seeligeri, L. welshimeri and L. grayi species. All Listeria species showed species-specific clusters, with less than 33% similarity between different species. A total of 34 L. monocytogenes strains were characterised by using both AFLP and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The results of AFLP analysis of L. monocytogenes strains were in concordance with those obtained by PFGE. Both methods identified 29 different genotypes of L. monocytogenes and had a high discrimination index (> 0.999). By combining the results of AFLP and PFGE, subtype discrimination was further improved. Numerical analysis of both AFLP and PFGE profiles yielded three genomic groups of L. monocytogenes strains. AFLP was found to be faster and less labour-intensive than PFGE. We conclude that the AFLP protocol is a highly discriminatory, reproducible and valuable tool in characterisation of Listeria strains and may also be suitable for Listeria species identification.  相似文献   

广东地区嗜肺军团菌的扩增片段长度多态性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】了解广东部分地区2002~2007年环境水中嗜肺军团菌的基因型及遗传学关系。【方法】参考欧洲军团菌感染工作组(the European Working Group for Legionella Infections, EWGLI)制定的分型草案(1.2版),采用PstⅠ酶对我室保存的2株标准菌株及41株不同时间、不同地点的嗜肺军团菌环境分离株进行扩增片段长度多态性(amplified fragment length polymorphism, AFLP)分析,电泳图谱与EWGLI进行比对。【结果】AFLP分型结果稳定,重复性好;43株嗜肺军团菌,其不同来源菌株呈现多态性分布,经AFLP分析得到33个基因型,辨别力指数为99.79%,其中Kingmed AFLP 011为优势基因型。按Dice系数≥0.8,可分为18个群,Kingmed AFLP D群为优势群,占总菌株数的34.88%。由电泳图谱的相似性,初步推断存在EWGLI 001 Lugano型、002 Lugano、012 Rome、013 London、014 London型、015 Dresden型、021 Lyon等7个基因型,以及多个未报道的新基因型。【结论】广东地区嗜肺军团菌的基因型十分丰富,AFLP技术是其分子流行病学研究的有效手段。  相似文献   

Orobanche cumana Wallr., an obligate root parasite of sunflower can cause severe damage to this crop. The genetic diversity obtained with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) on two Orobanche populations were compared. Nei and Li distance matrices obtained with both methods among the two populations were correlated significantly according to Mantel's test and could partition the populations. The sampling variance of genetic distances within and among populations estimated using bootstrap procedure were not significantly different between the two techniques. The principal difference between the two techniques is that AFLP markers gave a higher degree of resolution for discriminating closely related germplasm than RAPD.  相似文献   

AIM: To examine the occurrence, diversity and transmission of Campylobacter in a poultry slaughterhouse. METHODS AND RESULTS: During a 4-week period, a slaughterhouse was sampled alternately during slaughtering and the following mornings post-disinfection. Samples were taken from poultry at six stages in the slaughter process and from 25 environmental sites. For positive broiler flocks slaughtered on one occasion, 92% and 48% of the environmental sites were positive during slaughter and post-disinfection, respectively. For positive laying hen flocks slaughtered on three occasions, 8-56% and 12-20% of the environmental sites were positive during slaughter and post-disinfection, respectively. Genetic fingerprinting by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) of the 109 isolates obtained resulted in 28 different AFLP clones. Five AFLP clones were present for more than 1 week. CONCLUSIONS: Slaughtering of Campylobacter-positive broilers resulted in extensive contamination of the slaughterhouse, including the air. A high proportion of the laying hen flocks were Campylobacter positive, but these caused less environmental contamination than the broilers. This, together with the freezing of all layer carcasses, results in a lower public health risk from laying hens, when compared with broilers. Significance and Impact of the Study: When slaughtering Campylobacter-positive broilers, the implementation of preventive measures is important to reduce contamination of negative carcasses and to protect the workers against infection.  相似文献   

A modified AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) technique is described. Fluorescence-labelled primers were used in the selective amplifications. The amplified fragments were detected on denaturing polyacrylamide gels using an automated ALF DNA sequencer with the fragment option. The modified AFLP technique avoids the use of isotopes or silver staining, but gives a much higher resolution than other AFLP detection systems.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), a widely used method for DNA fingerprinting, has shifted from polyacrylamide gel to capillary electrophoresis over the last years. Currently, most AFLP data are generated in a computer-readable format, and several programs are available that automatically score raw data into binary profiles. Good scoring parameters are the key to good AFLP profiles. optiFLP is the first open source program for automatic optimization of AFLP scoring parameters. It searches parameter space to maximize the contrast among groups of AFLP profiles, with the allocation of profiles to groups in either a supervised or an unsupervised mode. The software produces output files ready for use in a range of downstream applications.  相似文献   

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