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A synthetic approach was employed to identify the haptoglobin-binding site on the alpha-chain of human haemoglobin. This approach cosists of the synthesis of a series of consecutive overlapping peptides that, together, systematically represent the entire protein chain. Fourteen peptides were synthesized (alpha 1-15, alpha 11-25, alpha 21-35, alpha 31-45, alpha 41-55, alpha 51-65, alpha 61-75, alpha 71-85, alpha 81-95, alpha 91-105, alpha 101-115, alpha 111-125, alpha 121-135 and alpha 131-141), and their ability bind human haptoglobin was studied, Only peptide alpha 121-135 bound haptoglobin significantly. On this basis we conclude that the haptoglobin-binding site on the alpha-chain of haemoglobin resides within, but does not necessarily encompass all of, the region alpha 121-135.  相似文献   

A comprehensive synthetic approach is applied here to localize the continuous antigenic sites of the beta-chain of haemoglobin. The approach was based on the synthesis and purification of the following consecutive 15-residue peptides (each overlapping by five residues at both ends with the peptides preceding it and following it in the sequence): 1-15, 11-25 etc. Quantitative radiometric titrations of protein and peptide adsorbents were performed with 125I-labelled anti-haemoglobin antibodies from three different host species. The specificity of antibody binding to peptide adsorbents was confirmed by inhibition studies and by the binding specificity of antibodies isolated from peptide adsorbents. These studies established the full profile of antigenic beta-chain regions, which was found to be independent of the host species. Five major antigenic sites were localized, and their three-dimensional and structural characteristics are discussed in relation to the immune recognition of haemoglobin and other proteins.  相似文献   

Haptoglobin binding to haemoglobin and its isolated alpha- and beta-chains was studied by use of a highly sensitive solid-phase radiometric assay. As expected, adsorbents of haemoglobin bound 125I-labelled haptoglobin more efficiently than did adsorbents of the alpha-chain. However, unexpectedly, adsorbents of the beta-chain were found to be essentially identical with those of the alpha-chain in their ability to bind haptoglobin. These results demonstrate, unequivocally, the ability of beta-chains to bind to haptoglobin, and indicate that this assay is particularly convenient and useful for studying haptoglobin interactions with haemoglobin and its alpha- and beta-chains.  相似文献   

A synthetic approach is introduced for localization of subunit interacting surfaces in oligomeric proteins. It consists of studying the binding activity of consecutive uniform overlapping peptides encompassing an entire subunit to the other, radiolabelled, subunit. This permits the establishment of the full profile of peptides that bind the other intact subunit. This approach has been demonstrated with haemoglobin, and its application here with the beta-chain peptides has enabled the localization on the beta-chain of the submolecular regions responsible for its binding to alpha-chain in solution. There was good agreement between the binding surfaces found here in solution and those expected from the crystal structure. There were also, however, some significant differences in the levels of binding found in solution and those expected from the crystal. Peptide 21-35 possessed much higher binding activity than would be expected from its contribution to subunit association in the crystal. Conversely, other regions expected to possess considerable binding capacity for alpha-chain either showed low (peptides 111-125 and 121-135) or almost no binding (peptides 91-105 and 101-115) capacity. On the other hand, two interacting surfaces (within peptides 11-25 and 71-85) that make a contribution in solution do not appear to play a role in the crystal. It is concluded that the regions of subunit association in solution are close to, but not identical with, those in the crystal. The approach should serve as an effective method for localization of subunit interacting surfaces of unknown proteins, even those that can be isolated only in traces.  相似文献   

This paper reports the localization of the regions on the beta-chain that are recognized by T cells from mice immunized with haemoglobin. The 14 overlapping peptides encompassing the entire beta-chain were examined in vitro for their ability to stimulate lymph-node cells from haemoglobin-primed B10.D2 (H-2d) and SJL (H-2s) mice. Several regions of the molecule (T sites) were found to stimulate haemoglobin-primed lymph-node cells. This strategy has enabled the localization of the full profile of T-cell recognition of the beta-chain by these mouse strains. Some of the regions that stimulated T cells appeared to coincide with those recognized by antibodies (i.e. B cells). It is noteworthy that, in addition to sites recognized by both T and B cells, the protein has other sites that are recognized exclusively by T cells and to which no detectable antibody response is directed.  相似文献   

The antigenic structure of the alpha-chain of human haemoglobin was studied by a synthetic approach consisting of the synthesis of a series of consecutive overlapping peptides that together systematically represent the entire primary structure of the protein. This approach enabled the identification of a full profile of immunochemically active alpha-chain peptides and the localization of its major 'continuous' antigenic sites. Antibodies to haemoglobin raised in each of three different species (goat, rabbit and mouse) recognize similar sites on the alpha-chain. Further, the molecular locations of these sites coincide with alpha-chain regions extrapolated from antigenic sites of the conformationally similar myoglobin molecule. These findings support our earlier proposed concept of 'structurally inherent antigenic sites', namely that antigenicity is conferred on certain surface regions of proteins by virtue of their three-dimensional locations. Thus the antigenic sites of conformationally related proteins are likely to have similar molecular locations.  相似文献   

The binding sites for four monoclonal antibodies, rho 1D4, rho 3C2, rho 3A6, and rho 1C5, have been localized within the C-terminal region of bovine rhodopsin: Asp18'-Glu-Ala16'-Ser-Thr-Thr-Val12'-Ser-Lys-Thr-Gl u8'-Thr-Ser-Gln-Val4'-Ala-Pr o -Ala1'. Antibody binding sites were localized by using synthetic C-terminal peptides in conjunction with solid-phase competitive inhibition assays and limited proteolytic digestion of rhodopsin in conjunction with electrophoretic immunoblotting techniques. Binding of the rho 1D4 and rho 3C2 antibodies to immobilized rhodopsin was inhibited with peptides of length 1'-8' and longer. Antibody rho 1D4 binding was not inhibited by peptides 2'-13' or 3'-18', indicating that the C-terminal alanine residue of rhodopsin was required. Similar competitive inhibition studies indicated that the antibody rho 3A6 required peptides of length 1'-12' and longer whereas rho 1C5 required peptide 1'-18'. Peptide 3'-18' was as effective as 1'-18' in inhibiting rho 3A6 binding to rhodopsin, but replacement of glutamic acid in position 8' with glutamine abolished competition. This substitution had little effect on the binding of antibody rho 1C5. Thus, Glu8' was essential for rho 3A6 binding but not for the binding of the rho 1C5 antibody. Cleavage of the seven amino acid C-terminus from rhodopsin and further cleavage to F1 (Mr 25 000) and F2 (Mr 12 000) fragments with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease abolished binding of rho 1D4 antibody to the membrane-bound rhodopsin fragments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. Gel electrofocusing followed by gel gradient electrophoresis separated the haptoglobins and their complexes with haemoglobin into characteristic two-dimensional patterns of protein bands. 2. Molecular weights of 107 000, 139 000 and 168 000 were obtained for the three bands seen after a purified preparation of haptoglobin type 1 was partially saturated with haemoglobin. This indicated that free haptoglobin, the intermediate haptoglobin-haemoglobin complex containing one half-haemoglobin and the saturated complex with two half-haemoglobins were present. 3. The three proteins showed considerable microheterogeneity and gave a number of isoelectric points in the pH ranges 4.58-4.77, 5.20-5.40 and 5.74-5.93, free haptoglobin type 1 being the lowest group. These ranges were all 0.15-0.30pH units lower if other values were taken for the isoelectric points of markers used to calibrate the pH gradient. 4. All three proteins were present over a wide range of haemoglobin concentrations, from 0.5% to 92% of that required for saturation. This would be expected if both binding sites have similar affinities for haemoglobin.  相似文献   

A set of seven peptides constituting the various loops and most of the surface areas of -bungarotoxin (BgTX) was synthesized. In appropriate peptides, the cyclical (by a disulfide bond) monomers were prepared. In all cases, the peptides were purified and characterized. The ability of these peptides to bindTorpedo californica acetylcholine receptor (AChR) was studied by radiometric adsorbent titrations. Three regions, represented by peptides 1–16, 26–41, and 45–59, were able to bind125I-labeled AChR and, conversely,125I-labeled peptides were bound by AChR. In these regions, residues Ile-1, Val-2, Trp-28 and/or Lys-38, and one or all of the three residues Ala-45, Ala-46, and Thr-47, are essential contact residues in the binding of BgTX to receptor. Other synthetic regions of BgTX showed little or no AChR-binding activity. The specificity of AChR binding to peptides 1–16, 26–41, and 45–59 was confirmed by inhibition with unlabeled BgTX. It is concluded that BgTX has three main AChR-binding regions (loop I with N-terminal extension and loops II and III extended toward the N-terminal by residues 45–47).  相似文献   

In order to map cyclosporin A (CsA) binding sites of cyclophilin (CyP), we synthesized the complete set of overlapping 157 octapeptides corresponding to human CyP A using the multi-pin peptide synthesis system. The pin-coupled synthetic octapeptides were examined in terms of binding ability to CsA by a modification of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Significant binding of CsA was detected with 35 synthetic N alpha-acetylated octapeptides possessing the N-terminal amino acids corresponding to the residues in positions 24-26, 42-44, 69-73, 75, 76, 89-91, 102, 116, 124-131, 144-151 and 152 in human CyP A, respectively. Other eight octapeptides showed moderate CsA binding activity. The distinct binding of octapeptides covering the C-terminal region of the CyP A was particularly significant. These data are to be compared with the information provided by X-ray and NMR studies on the CsA binding sites and furnish thus a test of the reported method. The present study also gave added insight into the CsA interaction sites of CyP.  相似文献   

The interaction of microtubule-associated proteins MAP-1 and MAP-2 with different peptides containing sequences covering the C-terminal region of beta-tubulin isoforms has been analyzed. Our results indicate that MAP-1 and MAP-2 bind to a common sequence within the variable C-terminal region of the different beta-tubulin isoforms, while MAP-2 also interacts with the subdomain beta (422-434) of the constant region, in agreement with previous results (Maccioni, R.B., Rivas, C., & Vera, J.C. (1988) EMBO J. 7, 1957-1963). The productive interaction of MAP-2 with the latter domain appears to be involved in the assembly of microtubules.  相似文献   

In order to study the structure and function relationships of the thyrotropin (TSH)-specific beta-subunit, we produced 11 synthetic overlapping peptides containing the entire 112-amino acid sequence of human beta TSH and tested them for activity in TSH radioreceptor assay using both human and porcine thyroid membranes. Synthetic peptides representing four regions of the beta-subunit demonstrated the ability to inhibit binding of 125I-bovine TSH to crude thyroid membranes. The peptide representing the -COOH terminus of the subunit (beta 101-112) possessed highest binding activity, inhibiting binding of labeled TSH with an EC50 of 80 microM. The remaining active peptides were: beta 71-85 (104 microM), beta 31-45 (186 microM), beta 41-55 (242 microM), and beta 1-15 (331 microM). Specificity of the binding activity was shown by the inability of the peptides representing the remainder of the subunit to inhibit binding of label and by the inability of any of the peptides to inhibit binding of 125I-epidermal growth factor to the same thyroid membranes. The low affinity of the peptides as compared with native hormone is in agreement with previous studies of synthetic alpha-subunit peptides and, further, suggests that the interaction of beta TSH with receptor is multifaceted, requiring cooperative binding of these sites for the observed high affinity of the whole hormone. These studies are in agreement with previous predictions of active regions by chemical modification but add two regions to the list, showing the utility of the synthetic peptide strategy in the study of peptide hormone structure-activity relationships.  相似文献   

Synthetic overlapping peptides of the alpha-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) were made by solid-phase peptide synthesis employing a comprehensive synthetic approach. The entire primary structure of the alpha-subunit was synthesized as a series of nine consecutive peptides, each 15 residues in length, and overlapping with its two adjacent neighbors by 5 residues on each side. Receptor binding activity of each synthetic peptide was measured by the inhibition of binding of 125I-labeled hCG to rat ovarian receptor. Peptides alpha 21-35, alpha 31-45, alpha 71-85, and alpha 81-92 were shown to compete for binding with native hCG, thus demonstrating that at least two regions on the alpha-subunit may be part of the binding site(s) of the hormone. The low affinity of the peptides (10(-5)-10(-6) M) compared to native hormone (10(-10) M) for receptor is not unexpected due to the probability of discontinuous and multiple sites involved in receptor binding. An ultrapure preparation of hCG alpha-subunit also had low affinity (10(-5), suggesting that conformational changes upon combination with beta-subunit to form dimer or changes in conformation after binding are necessary for high affinity interaction. These results correlate with previous predictions of binding sites based on studies employing chemical and enzymatic modifications of intact hormone and show that synthetic peptide strategies are helpful in the elucidation of protein structure and function.  相似文献   

Doolittle RF  Pandi L 《Biochemistry》2007,46(35):10033-10038
In a recent report, we showed that alanine can replace glycine at the amino terminus of synthetic B-knobs that bind to human fibrin(ogen). We now report a survey of 13 synthetic peptides with the general sequence XHRPYam, all tested with regard to their ability to delay fibrinolysis in an in vitro system activated by t-PA, the results being used as measures of binding affinity to the betaC hole. Unexpectedly, some large and bulky amino acids, including methionine and arginine, are effective binders. Amino acids that branch at the beta carbon (valine, isoleucine, and threonine) do not bind effectively. Crystal structures were determined for two of the peptides (GHRPYam and MHRPYam) complexed with fibrin fragment D-dimer; the modeling of various other side chains showed clashing in the cases of beta-carbon substituents. The two crystal structures also showed that the enhanced binding observed with pentapeptides with carboxyl-terminal tyrosine, compared with that of their tetrapeptide equivalents, is attributable to an interaction between the tyrosine side chain and a guanidino group of a nearby arginine (beta406). The equivalent position in gamma-chains of human fibrin(ogen) is occupied by a lysine (gamma338), but in chicken and lamprey fibrin(ogen), it is an arginine, just as occurs in beta chains. Accordingly, the peptides GPRPam and GPRPYam, which are surrogate A-knobs, were tested for their influence on fibrin polymerization with fibrinogen from lamprey and humans. In lampreys, GPRPYam is a significantly better inhibitor, but in humans, it is less effective than GPRPam, indicating that in the lamprey system the same tyrosine-arginine interaction can also occur in the gamma-chain setting.  相似文献   

Opiate binding sites were measured in different placental membrane fractions which were characterized by marker enzyme analysis and electron microscopic examination. The distribution pattern of opiate binding sites in the different fractions closely parallels that of placental alkaline phosphatase. These results clearly show thatopiate binding sites are mainly located on the syncitial brush border membrane. The opiate binding sites found on microvillus membrane fraction have the same pharmacological characteristics as the Kappa opiate binding site previously characterized on placental crude membrane fraction.  相似文献   

Haemophilus influenzae has an absolute requirement for heme, which may be supplied as the haemoglobin-haptoglobin complex. Utilization of haemoglobin-haptoglobin by H. influenzae is mediated by a family of proteins termed the haemoglobin-haptoglobin binding proteins (Hgps), of which a given strain may contain up to four genes. Human haptoglobin occurs in three phenotypes (1-1, 2-1 and 2-2). Using mutant derivatives of an H. influenzae type b strain that expressed single Hgps we analysed the ability of each Hgp to utilize haemoglobin complexed to the various haptoglobin phenotypes. A strain expressing only HgpB was able to utilize haemoglobin bound to all haptoglobin phenotypes significantly better than strains expressing either HgpA or HgpC.  相似文献   

Although several recent studies employing various truncated fragments of streptokinase (SK) have demonstrated that the high-affinity interactions of this protein with human plasminogen (HPG) to form activator complex (SK-HPG) are located in the central region of SK, the exact location and nature of such HPG interacting site(s) is still unclear. In order to locate the "core" HPG binding ability in SK, we focused on the primary structure of a tryptic fragment of SK derived from the central region (SK143-293) that could bind as well as activate HPG, albeit at reduced levels in comparison to the activity of the native, full-length protein. Because this fragment was refractory to further controlled proteolysis, we took recourse to a synthetic peptide approach wherein the HPG interacting properties of 16 overlapping 20-mer peptides derived from this region of SK were examined systematically. Only four peptides from this set, viz., SK234-253, SK254-273, SK274-293, and SK263-282, together representing the contiguous sequence SK234-293, displayed HPG binding ability. This was established by a specific HPG-binding ELISA as well as by dot blot assay using 125I-labeled HPG. These results showed that the minimal sequence with HPG binding function resided between residues 234 and 293. None of the synthetic SK peptides was found to activate HPG, either individually or in combination, but, in competition experiments where each of the peptides was added prior to complex formation between SK and HPG, three of the HPG binding peptides (SK234-253, SK254-273, and SK274-293) inhibited strongly the generation of a functional activator complex by SK and HPG. This indicated that residues 234-293 in SK participate directly in intermolecular contact formation with HPG during the formation of the 1:1 SK-HPG complex. Two of the three peptides (SK234-253 and SK274-293), apart from interfering in SK-HPG complex formation, also showed inhibition of the amidolytic activity of free HPN by increasing the K(m) by approximately fivefold. A similar increase in K(m) for amidolysis by HPN as a result of complexation with SK has been interpreted previously to arise from the steric hinderance at or near the active site due to the binding of SK in this region. Thus, our results suggest that SK234-253 and SK274-293 also, like SK, bound close to the active site of HPN, an event that was reflected in the observed alteration in its substrate accessibility. By contrast, whereas the intervening peptide (SK254-273) could not inhibit amidolysis by free HPN, it showed a marked inhibition of the activation of "substrate" PG (human or bovine plasminogen) by activator complex, indicating that this particular region is intimately involved in interaction of the SK-HPG activator complex with substrate plasminogen during the catalytic cycle. This finding provides a rational explanation for one of the most intriguing aspects of SK action, i.e., the ability of the SK-HPG complex to catalyze selectively the activation of substrate molecules of PG to PN, whereas free HPN alone cannot do so. Taken together, the results presented in this paper strongly support a model of SK action in which the segment 234-293 of SK, by virtue of the epitopes present in residues 234-253 and 274-293, binds close to the active center of HPN (or, a cryptic active site, in the case of HPG) during the intermolecular association of the two proteins to form the equimolar activator complex; the segment SK254-273 present in the center of the core region then imparts an ability to the activator complex to interact selectively with substrate PG molecules during each PG activation cycle.  相似文献   

Cat haemoglobin binds 2 mol of triethyltin/mol of haemoglobin. Pretreatment of the haemoglobin with diethyl pyrocarbonate at pH6.0 prevents binding to one site only, whereas photo-oxidation with Methylene Blue removes both sites. Pretreatment of rat haemoglobin with diethyl pyrocarbonate also leads to the loss of one binding site. The possibility is discussed that the two binding sites for triethyltin on both cat and rat haemoglobin have a different chemical nature.  相似文献   

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