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Briga M  Pen I  Wright J 《Biology letters》2012,8(4):533-536
With an increasing amount of data becoming available, comparative analyses have called attention to the associations between cooperative breeding, monogamy and relatedness. We focus here upon the association between allomaternal care and relatedness among females within a social unit. Previous studies found a positive association, but such results date back to before molecular tools were in common use, they considered only a few mammalian orders, neglected phylogenetic clustering and/or did not correct for group sizes. Here, we use molecular data on relatedness from 44 species of mammals to investigate the phylogenetic clustering of, and the association between, allomaternal care and relatedness among females within a social unit. We find (i) a strong phylogenetic signal for allomaternal care and a moderate one for relatedness and group size, and (ii) a positive association between relatedness and allomaternal care, even when correcting for the smaller than average group sizes in species with allomaternal care. We also find that, in species without allomaternal care, adult females often live with unrelated females even when groups are small. We discuss these results in the light of recent evidence for the role of kin selection and the monogamy hypothesis in cooperative breeding.  相似文献   

Since the early 20th century, Japanese cetacean biology relied heavily on fisheries for their materials. The work environment was challenging because research activities were controlled by industries and the fishery administration. I became a cetacean scientist in 1961 and worked mainly in the western North Pacific. There I witnessed the collapse of coastal populations of striped dolphins and sperm whales as a result of over‐hunting. Nonetheless, my research revealed fascinating aspects of cetacean biology, which still await explanation, such as the following: neighboring populations of the same species having different breeding seasons, the role of reproductively senescent females in some toothed whales, the role of “social sex” in short‐finned pilot whales, and the selective benefit of male Baird's beaked whales living longer than the females. New methodologies are required to address these questions. I propose to include the following aims for the conservation biology of cetaceans: to identify a community as a conservation unit, and to focus on conserving the cultural diversity and variability of such communities, and henceforth to focus increased research on understanding the contribution of individuals within a community. Today, marine mammal biologists of all fields need to pay more attention to conservation.  相似文献   

Neglected tropical diseases are defined operationally as diseases that prevail in “tropical” regions and are under‐researched, under‐funded, and under‐treated compared with their disease burden. By analysing the adjectives “tropical” and “neglected,” I expose and interrogate the discourses within which the term “neglected tropical disease” derives its meaning. First, I argue that the term “tropical” conjures the notion of “tropicality,” a form of Othering which erroneously explains the disease‐prevalence of “tropical” regions by reference to environmental determinism, rather than colonialism and neocolonialism. Second, I examine the way in which this Othering enables the abjection of tropical regions and their peoples, leading to neglect. I recommend that the term “neglected tropical diseases” be more carefully contextualised within health scholarship, education, and policy.  相似文献   

In this paper, I have made a theoretical calculation of the Cave bear's bite force (BF) following the “dry skull method” and I present for the first time BF data that can be of interest to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the dietary choice of the Cave bears. In the skulls studied, males show higher BF than females in absolute terms, but more similar with regard to their body mass, which partly compensates for the smaller size of the females. The whole sample studied shows lower BF in the upper carnassial than those of large cats, similar to the one calculated for the Giant panda and higher than that of Polar bear.  相似文献   

Abstract: Mammalian females change their behavior during the last stages of pregnancy and during the weaning as a response to new energetic requirements and antipredator behavior. From March 2001 to December 2004, we studied the effects of parturition and weaning on home-range sizes and habitat selection in 28 female Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) in a 1,700-ha free area in the Gran Paradiso National Park (Western Italian Alps). We calculated Kernel home range enclosing 95% of each female's locations according to seasonal and bimonthly timescales. Pregnancy did not seem to modify spatial behavior. Lactating females showed smaller home ranges than nonlactating ones after the birth period in June-July. Hot summers slowed kids' growth and prolonged maternal care, modifying mothers' behavior. In summer 2003, which was hotter and drier than usual, weaning females showed even smaller home ranges. Because of their use of antipredator tactics during the weaning season, lactating females showed a higher use of safer habitats, such as rocky slopes. Our results are consistent with the findings of previous cervid and bovid studies, and they suggest that ungulate mothers may move to suboptimal, but safer, habitats during weaning to reduce the predation risk for their offspring.  相似文献   

Female hymenoptera are renowned for their ability to adjust offspring sex ratio to local mate competition. When two females share a patch, they frequently produce clutches that differ in size, the female with the larger clutch optimally producing a more female‐biased sex ratio and vice versa. Females can base their sex allocation on their own clutch size only (“self‐knowledge”) or on both females’ clutch sizes (“complete knowledge”). Few studies have genotyped offspring so that each mother's contribution can be considered separately while none has found that both sources of information are used simultaneously. We genotyped 2489 wasps from 28 figs and assigned their maternity to one of the two foundress females. We argue that likelihood is a very convenient method to compare alternative models, while fitness calculations help to appreciate the cost of maladaptation. We find that the pollinating fig wasp Platyscapa awekei simultaneously uses its own as well as the other females clutch size in allocating sex. Indeed, the complete knowledge model explains the data 36 times better than the self‐knowledge model. However, large clutches contained fewer males than the optimal predictions leading to a median selection coefficient of 0.01.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the conflict between patient confidentiality and partner notification in sero‐discordant relationships, and argues the thesis that based on a theoretical formulation of Ubuntu, a health provider is obliged to facilitate friendly relationships in which individuals are true subjects and/or objects of communal friendship. In serodiscordant relationships, the health professional can fulfil this obligation by notifying “others” (particularly a partner with whom an HIV positive patient has a “present” and “actual relationship”) of their spouse's HIV seroconversion, since without such relevant information a partner (subject) of an HIV positive patient cannot “appropriately” care for the patient's condition (object). There is a need to move away from the medical traditional emphasis that has for so long put primacy on doctor‐patient confidentiality as is the case with the Health Professions Council of South Africa Guidelines (Booklet 12) which favours patient confidentiality over partner notification. Given empirical evidence to support effectiveness of partner notification amongst sero‐discordant couples, there is thus, a need to focus emphasis on latter. This shift is necessary for achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development of Goal of ending HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030. I proposed in this study that African ethics, specifically Ubuntu, will do a better job than current ethical frameworks at ensuring that partner notification receives more emphasis in the care of serodiscordant couples. If this framework is integrated into ethical guidelines and codes, it would significantly enhance the care of serodiscordant couples, as well as further boost global effort at ending HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030.  相似文献   

<正>灵长类动物生长发育过程中,雌性往往承担着主要的育幼责任,因此,母亲是帮助灵长类婴儿尽早适应环境并独立生活的重要角色(F?rster and Cords, 2002; Xi et al., 2008; Briga et al., 2012)。对大多数群居型灵长类动物而言,母亲以外的成员也常常参与照料婴猴,该现象普遍存在于旧大陆猴中,  相似文献   

Uniparental maternal brood care often coincides with multiple paternity and single maternity of broods, possibly reflecting benefits of polyandry and costs of uniparental care. Genetic data from the maternally mouthbrooding cichlid fish Simochromis pleurospilus revealed the opposite pattern--low polyandry and allomaternal care. More than 70% of the investigated females had mated with a single male, and 14% of the females had unrelated fry in their broods. Broods with foreign fry were in the late stage of brood care, in which females guard free-swimming fry and recall the broods into their mouths for protection. With one exception, fostering females were related to their adopted fry at the level of first cousins (R(QG) > 0.12), but relatedness between fosters and adopted fry was not significantly higher than between fosters and fry tended by other females. Relatedness among breeders extended to the level of first-order relatives. Mean relatedness among contemporaneously breeding dams (R(QG) = 0.08) was significantly higher than among dams breeding in different seasons (R(QG) = -0.04), which suggests a temporal or spatial concentration of mouthbrooding relatives. Indeed, females sometimes brood in small groups. This behaviour may reduce brood predation but will increase the risk of brood mixing, which is possibly mitigated by low costs of brood care and indirect benefits accrued by relatedness among the breeders in the group. Remarkably, the apparent inbreeding potential did not give rise to bet-hedging polyandry or active avoidance of relatives, as half of the mated individuals were related at R(QG) > 0.13 and polyandry did not coincide with high within-pair relatedness.  相似文献   

This paper examines maternal trade-offs between subsistence/economic activities and caregiving, and it explores the effect of allomaternal investment on maternal time allocation and child care. I examine how nonmaternal investment in two multiple caregiving populations may offset possible risk factors associated with reductions in maternal caregiving. Behavioral observations were conducted on 8- to 12-month-old infants and their caregivers among the Aka tropical forest foragers and Ngandu farmers of Central Africa. Analysis demonstrates that mothers face trade-offs between subsistence/economic activities and infant care. Infants receive less investment when their mothers engage in subsistence/economic activities, indicating a potential risk to those infants. However, results indicate that allomothers target their assistance during times when mothers are engaged in work activities, partially offsetting potential risks associated with the maternal trade-off. The effects of intercultural variability on maternal time allocation and allomaternal investment are also explored as a means of examining the potential impact of their behaviors on infant care.  相似文献   

I made observations of a central California population of Wilson''s Warbler, Cardellina pusilla, after July 1 over 10 breeding seasons. I sighted males in definitive prebasic molt from July 4 (in 2007) to September 1 (in 1999). Most territorial males molted on their breeding territories, and individual molt lasted up to 46 days. Following prebasic molt, territorial males engaged in subdued “post‐molt singing,” which lasted about 7 days in some males, and which I first heard on August 13 (in 2004) and last heard on September 6 (in 1999). I sighted no female in definitive prebasic molt, or in fresh basic plumage, during the study. Of 13 females sighted ≥ July 21, 11 were in late breeding season uniparental brood care, and I could not rule out late brood care for the other two. Most, and possibly all, females not engaged in late season uniparental brood care apparently vacated their breeding territories before July 21. This departure was much earlier than for resident males, the last of which I sighted on September 10 (in 1999). Early‐departing females presumably underwent prebasic molt after July 21 at locations not known. Remaining late‐nesting females must have molted much later than resident males and likely later than early‐departing females, and at locations unknown. I last sighted two uniparental brood‐tending females, still in worn plumage, on August 26 and 29, respectively. Two unique findings of this study are a male/female difference in location of prebasic molt, and a likely dichotomy of prebasic molt timing between females leaving their breeding territories early and those remaining in uniparental brood care. Another finding, post‐molt singing in most and possible all territorial males, is a largely unrecognized behavior, but one previously reported in several passerine species. Post‐molt singing may reliably indicate completion of prebasic molt.  相似文献   

In heterogeneous habitats with limited resources, spacing behaviour will affect individual variation in breeding success and density of populations, and is thus of general interest to ecologists. We investigated how red squirrels Sciurus vulgaris adapt their social organisation to tine‐grained heterogeneity in habitat quality, studying spacing behaviour, habitat use and population dynamics in a forest in north Italy, characterised by a mosaic of high‐quality (chestnut‐pine) and poor‐quality patches. We compared the data with those from more homogeneous broadleaf and mixed woodlands with similar overall tree seed abundance (“stable” habitats). Squirrels lived at lower densities (pre‐breeding density 0.39‐0.58 ha‐1) than in “stable” habitats, although breeding rate was not reduced. Female breeding success was related to being primiparous as yearlings, and increased with body mass and proportion high‐quality habitat in the home range. Persistency rate of females was as in stable habitats, It was higher than male persistency, but immigration and recruitment rates were male biased, resulting in even sex‐ratio. All residents occupied high‐quality patches, and no subadults established a permanent home range in poor‐quality habitat. Home range and core‐area size was typically larger in males than in females and a male's core‐area overlapped those of other males and of females. Female core‐areas were overlapped by males but not. or very little, by other females (intrasexual territoriality). Home ranges, or core‐areas, were not smaller than in “stable” habitats, nor did we find a higher degree of core‐area overlap. We conclude that in patchy habitats dominant, resident red squirrels exclude dispersing animals from preferred, high‐quality habitat, producing a spacing pattern referred to as ideal despotic distribution, and that poor patches were only used temporarily by transient individuals, resulting in a reduction of density in comparison to populations in “stable” habitats.  相似文献   

Tams Szkely 《Ibis》1996,138(4):749-755
Uniparental male care combined with polyandry is rare in birds, and the best known examples are in shorebirds Charadrii. There are two current hypotheses explaining why males care for the brood, whereas females desert and remate: either males are more capable than females at providing uniparental care (“parental quality hypothesis”) or females gain a greater increase in reproductive success by deserting than do males (“remating opportunity hypothesis”). I experimentally tested both hypotheses in Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus, one of the few avian species in which either parent may desert the brood. By experimentally removing one parent when the chicks hatched, I found that male-tended broods had better survival than female-tended ones, particularly up to 6 days after hatching. It is unlikely that differential brood mortality was caused by chilling of the chicks, since the brooding behaviour of males and females was not different. The results of this study are consistent with the explanation that male-tended broods survived better because males were better able to protect the brood from attacks by conspecifics and predators. The remating opportunity hypothesis was also corroborated because single females acquired new mates faster than did single males. The results of this study suggest that both the better parental capability of males and the greater remating opportunities of females predispose Kentish Plovers for uniparental male care, desertion by the female parent and sequential polyandry.  相似文献   

Maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was originally thought to prevent any response to selection on male phenotypic variation attributable to mtDNA, resulting in a male‐biased mtDNA mutation load (“mother's curse”). However, the theory underpinning this claim implicitly assumes that a male's mtDNA has no effect on the fitness of females he comes into contact with. If such “mitochondrially encoded indirect genetics effects” (mtIGEs) do in fact exist, and there is relatedness between the mitochondrial genomes of interacting males and females, male mtDNA‐encoded traits can undergo adaptation after all. We tested this possibility using strains of Drosophila melanogaster that differ in their mtDNA. Our experiments indicate that female fitness is influenced by the mtDNA carried by males that the females encounter, which could plausibly allow the mitochondrial genome to evolve via kin selection. We argue that mtIGEs are probably common, and that this might ameliorate or exacerbate mother's curse.  相似文献   

We report here self‐suckling in four wild female Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus), living in two troops (i.e. “Flat face” and “Large” troop) in the middle‐Atlas Mountains, Morocco. The four females lost their infants due to predation or for unknown causes. Self‐suckling was observed before and after the infants died in the four females living in the “Flat face” troop. When the infants were still alive, self‐suckling was of short duration and it was probably a method to improve milk flow when the infant switched from one nipple to the other. After the infants died, self‐suckling lasted significantly longer and the females were apparently drinking their own milk. Self‐suckling was never observed among the four lactating females in the “Large” troop (including one monkey who lost her infant) and it could thus represent a cultural difference. Moreover, self‐suckling after the death of an infant may be explained by the energetic and immunological benefits that a monkey may gain from drinking their own milk. Finally, self‐suckling may have a stress‐releasing effect on the mothers who have lost their infants. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

If a social‐living animal has a long life span, permitting different generations to co‐exist within a social group, as is the case in many primate species, it can be beneficial for a parent to continue to support its weaned offspring to increase the latter's survival and/or reproductive success. Chimpanzees have an even longer period of dependence on their mothers' milk than do humans, and consequently, offspring younger than 4.5–5 years old cannot survive if the mother dies. Most direct maternal investments, such as maternal transportation of infants and sharing of night shelters (beds or nests), end with nutritional weaning. Thus, it had been assumed that a mother's death was no longer critical to the survival of weaned offspring, in contrast to human children, who continue to depend on parental care long after weaning. However, in theory at least, maternal investment in a chimpanzee son after weaning could be beneficial because in chimpanzees' male‐philopatric society, mother and son co‐exist for a long time after the offspring's weaning. Using long‐term demographic data for a wild chimpanzee population in the Mahale Mountains, Tanzania, we show the first empirical evidence that orphaned chimpanzee sons die younger than expected even if they lose their mothers after weaning. This suggests that long‐lasting, but indirect, maternal investment in sons continues several years after weaning and is vital to the survival of the sons. The maternal influence on males in the male‐philopatric societies of hominids may be greater than previously believed. Am J Phys Anthropol, 153:139–143, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Why do most animal species not provide parental care to their eggs or progeny? The “cost” hypothesis suggests that parental care can reduce food intake, probable survivorship, and/or subsequent fecundity of the reproductive female, and parental care is not adaptive unless it is balanced by considerable fitness trade-offs. Therefore, parental care would be expected to evolve most often in species in which such costs are minor or insignificant. Although parental care has been reported in more than 140 species of reptiles, few records unambiguously demonstrate the cost of parental care. In the current study, I report the “costs” of maternal activities and survivorship, as well as egg attendance times, and within- and between-seasonal body size variations, of females of Mabuya longicaudata after engaging in parental care. I used those data to test whether parental care necessarily entailed large costs to mother lizards. The proportion of nests guarded decreased with time after eggs were laid, with most females remaining at the nest for at least 1 week, but then some beginning to leave. The loss of mass by females over the first week of egg guarding was on average balanced by a gain in mass during subsequent foraging bouts. The snout–vent length (SVL), body mass (BM), recapture (survival) rates, fecundity, timing of a second clutch, and clutch frequencies of females that exhibited long-term parental care (more than 28 days; mean, 31.6 ± 2.2 days) did not significantly differ from that of females that showed short-term parental care (9~16 days; mean, 12.5 ± 2.3 days). Thus, my data indicate that intense parental care over a long period does not necessarily entail major energy costs for the mother in terms of SVL, BM, recapture (survival) rates, or fecundity.  相似文献   

We studied a population of sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) near the northern edge of the species' range in coastal Sweden. We captured, marked, released and recaptured 98 adult female lizards over 5 years. Hatchlings from 146 laboratory-incubated clutches (1279 eggs) from field-caught gravid females were measured, weighed, marked and released at the study site. Female sand lizards usually laid only a single clutch of 4 to 15 eggs each year, but varied considerably in the time of year at which they laid their eggs. Oviposition dates shifted between years depending on weather (basking opportunities), but the relative timing of oviposition was consistent within a given female from year-to-year. The first females to oviposit each year were large animals in good physical condition, that had grown rapidly in previous years. “Early” clutches were larger than “later” clutches, had higher hatching success, and tended to have higher post-hatching survival rates. Offspring from early clutches were larger than “later” hatchlings, and differed in body proportions (probably because seasonal changes in maternal temperatures directly modified offspring phenotypes). Overall, our study documents several strong correlates of the timing of oviposition, and suggests that variation in this trait among females has strong fitness consequences, perhaps related to maternal “quality”. The correlations we observed between oviposition date and other traits that have been invoked as determinants of hatchling survival in reptiles (e.g., hatchling size, body shape, opportunities for multiple mating by the mother) suggest that hypotheses advocating simple causal connections between these traits and hatchling success should be viewed with caution.  相似文献   


“Women's film” in Hollywood is associated both with the genre of melodrama, the “weepie”, and with female spectatorship. In the Indian context of popular Hindi cinema, first, genre analysis itself is a questionable line of inquiry since several genres, the melodrama, musical, gangster, or mystery, combine in a single film, known locally as the masala (spicy) film; and second, films are scarcely divided by a gendered viewership. Yet I identify “women's films” as a distinct category in Hindi cinema, emerging around the ‘70s. These women's films typically center on female protagonists, dramatize their victimization and vindication; by the ‘80s under a range of influences these films mutated into rape‐revenge narratives.

However, another strain emerged within the ‘70s’ “women's film,” which drew on cinema's rich visual iconographic tradition of the sight gag, promulgating the comedic/tomboy heroine figure. It favored laughing and mocking patriarchal structures rather than surrendering to them in tears. Focusing on Ramesh Sippy's Sita aur Gita [1972] emblematic of this trend I explore theoretical concerns about associating genres with gender. In keeping with recent poststructuralist theories about gender and media ‘consumption I show how the film destabilized clear‐cut gender identification and stood for a promising trend that was sadly undercut. Thus, while genre might still be a useful analytical tool for Hindi cinema, defining women's film as female‐centered narratives is a viable category as long as we appreciate the instability in gendered viewer identification.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of three handling treatments, imposed from birth to 8 weeks, on the approach behaviour of 24 pigs to humans at 10–24 weeks of age. Piglets in two treatments, weaning/handling and handling, regularly received human contact, while piglets in the third treatment, no handling, only received human contact during routine husbandry. Piglets in the weaning/handling treatment were artificially reared, while those in the other two treatments remained on the sow until weaning at 4 weeks of age. Pigs in the weaning/handling and handling treatments showed increased approach to a stationary human in six tests from 10 to 24 weeks of age. For example, piglets in the weaning/handling and handling treatments spent more (P<0.01) time within 0.5 m of the human and were quicker (P<0.05) to physically interact with the human than pigs in the no handling treatment. Observations on the sexual behaviour of the boars from 25 to 35 weeks of age indicated that handling had no adverse effects on sexual behaviour.It is concluded that early handling of pigs will influence their behavioural response to humans later in life. Therefore, early handling may be a practical method for man to manipulate the pig's subsequent relationship with humans. The possibility of the existence of a “sensitive period” for “socialization” in pigs is discussed in the light of the present results.  相似文献   

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