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α-Synuclein (a-Syn), a protein implicated in Parkinson disease, contributes significantly to dopamine metabolism. a-Syn binding inhibits the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine synthesis. Phosphorylation of TH stimulates its activity, an effect that is reversed by protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). In cells, a-Syn overexpression activates PP2A. Here we demonstrate that a-Syn significantly inhibited TH activity in vitro and in vivo and that phosphorylation of a-Syn serine 129 (Ser-129) modulated this effect. In MN9D cells, a-Syn overexpression reduced TH serine 19 phosphorylation (Ser(P)-19). In dopaminergic tissues from mice overexpressing human a-Syn in catecholamine neurons only, TH-Ser-19 and TH-Ser-40 phosphorylation and activity were also reduced, whereas PP2A was more active. Cerebellum, which lacks excess a-Syn, had PP2A activity identical to controls. Conversely, a-Syn knock-out mice had elevated TH-Ser-19 phosphorylation and activity and less active PP2A in dopaminergic tissues. Using an a-Syn Ser-129 dephosphorylation mimic, with serine mutated to alanine, TH was more inhibited, whereas PP2A was more active in vitro and in vivo. Phosphorylation of a-Syn Ser-129 by Polo-like-kinase 2 in vitro reduced the ability of a-Syn to inhibit TH or activate PP2A, identifying a novel regulatory role for Ser-129 on a-Syn. These findings extend our understanding of normal a-Syn biology and have implications for the dopamine dysfunction of Parkinson disease.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - Constantin A. (Tino) Rebeiz, a pioneer in the field of chlorophyll biosynthesis, and a longtime member of the University of Illinois community of plant biologists, passed...  相似文献   

  • 1.1. 3,3′,4,4′-Tetrachlorobiphenyl (TCB) was 20–100 times more toxic in chick embryos than in turkey embryos when injected into eggs.
  • 2.2. The ed50-value for induction of AHH activity by TCB in the liver of early chick and turkey embryos was estimated to be 0.6 and 6 μg/kg egg, respectively.
  • 3.3. In both species α-naphthoflavone was more effective than metyrapone at inhibiting basal and TCB-induced AHH activities.
  • 4.4. The TCDD receptor was detected in the liver of 7-day-old chick embryos, while it was not found in 9-day-old turkey embryo liver.



Efforts to scale-up maternal and child health services in lower and middle income countries will fail if services delivered are not of good quality. Although there is evidence of strategies to increase the quality of health services, less is known about the way these strategies affect health system goals and outcomes. We conducted a systematic review of the literature to examine this relationship.


We undertook a search of MEDLINE, SCOPUS and CINAHL databases, limiting the results to studies including strategies specifically aimed at improving quality that also reported a measure of quality and at least one indicator related to health system outcomes. Variation in study methodologies prevented further quantitative analysis; instead we present a narrative review of the evidence.


Methodologically, the quality of evidence was poor, and dominated by studies of individual facilities. Studies relied heavily on service utilisation as a measure of strategy success, which did not always correspond to improved quality. The majority of studies targeted the competency of staff and adequacy of facilities. No strategies addressed distribution systems, public-private partnership or equity. Key themes identified were the conflict between perceptions of patients and clinical measures of quality and the need for holistic approaches to health system interventions.


Existing evidence linking quality improvement strategies to improved MNCH outcomes is extremely limited. Future research would benefit from the inclusion of more appropriate indicators and additional focus on non-facility determinants of health service quality such as health policy, supply distribution, community acceptability and equity of care.  相似文献   

Albrecht  H.  Pilgram  M. 《Plant Ecology》1997,131(1):31-43
In the first part of their investigations of the weed seed bank in a 110 ha landscape segment in southern Bavaria, Albrecht & Forster (1996) showed that there was a tremendous spatial variability in seed density as well as in species composition. The intention of the present paper was to elucidate the reasons for this variability. For this purpose, the influence of soil conditions, land use practices, and soil fauna, all of which are environmental factors potentially affecting the weed seed bank, were investigated.Highly significant correlations were observed between the soil seed bank, preceding management variables, and the available field capacity. In contrast, multiple regression analyses between seed banks and the chemical characteristics of the soil, soil fauna, and actual management showed either minor correlation or none at all. Thus, prior management and water supply must be supposed to have had the most decisive influence on the soil seed bank.Several environmental variables affect arable weed populations, not so much through the soil seed bank but through the germination, establishment, and reproduction phases in the field. For this reason the relations between the apparent weed flora and the potential vegetation in the soil also were investigated. The correlation of the soil seed content and the density of individuals on the soil surface was highly significant. The analysis for a single species revealed that the seed bank/field density-ratios of different taxa vary from below 10:1 up to 100:1 and more. This wide range may be related to the life-forms and ecological requirements characteristic for each species.Finally, comparisons of the environmental variables with the soil seed bank and surface vegetation allowed ranking of the variables as to their importance for these two stadia of plant population development. These investigations indicated that the preceding management by different farmers exerted a more decisive influence on the number of seeds in the soil. In contrast, the actual grain yield and N-content in a soil showed a closer relationship to the soil surface vegetation. With regard to the species composition, no distinct differences in the environmental relationships between the soil seed bank and the soil surface vegetation could be observed.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) is an essential trace element unevenly distributed on the Earth’s crust with low selenium regions predominating. To prevent selenium-deficiency diseases in livestock, additions of selenium to animal feed are required and were approved for all species, but the chemical form of the element to be added was not specified. Presently, sodium selenite is still widely employed, although it is not a natural nutritional form of selenium. Its use creates ecological problems and affects human selenium nutriture in as much as the meat, milk, and eggs from animals maintained on selenite contain less selenium than from animals receiving it as selenomethionine, the chief natural nutritional form of the element present in grain crops grown in selenium-adequate regions, or from high-selenium yeast added to feedstock.

Human dietary selenium intakes are sub-optimal in many countries but are considered to be adequate if they reach the currently adopted Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs). Their upward revision will be required if the health benefits of selenium are to be fully utilized.  相似文献   

The relationship between platelet calpain-activity and platelet procoagulant-activity was investigated by comparison of the time course of their generation after platelet stimulation by calcium ionophore A23187, or by the combined action of collagen and thrombin, or during exposure of platelets to the local anesthetics dibucaine or tetracaine. In addition, the Ca2+ dose-response curves of both activities in intact platelets, obtained by stimulation with A23187 in the presence of Ca2+/HEDTA-buffers, were compared. Platelet procoagulant activity was determined by assaying for prothrombinase activity in the presence of saturating concentrations of factors Xa, Va, and prothrombin. Platelet calpain activity was monitored by the degradation of its major substrates (filamin, talin, myosin) and the formation of their fragments as judged from protein patterns after gel electrophoresis. Platelet stimulation by A23187 resulted in a fast increase in prothrombinase activity, reaching its maximum level after about 20 seconds. Filamin and talin were completely hydrolysed within 15 s, and myosin was partly degraded between 15 and 30 s after platelet activation. When platelets were activated by collagen plus thrombin, prothrombinase activity was generated with a sigmoid time course, the steepest increase being observed between 1 and 2 min after platelet activation. Proteolysis of filamin and talin occurred between 0.5 and 1.5 min after platelet activation, while degradation of myosin became visible after 2 to 2.5 min. Dibucaine and tetracaine were both found to be potent stimulators of prothrombinase activity, with half-maximal activities obtained at 0.7 and 2.8 mM, respectively. Using suboptimal concentrations of both local anesthetics, it was found that the generation of prothrombinase activity closely paralleled that of calpain activity over a time course of 1 hour. Ca2+ titration of intact platelets using A23187 and Ca2+/HEDTA buffers, revealed half-maximal response at about 15 microM free Ca2+ for both calpain and prothrombinase activity. These findings strongly suggest a causal relationship between generation of a procoagulant platelet surface and calpain-mediated degradation of filamin, talin, and myosin. Since an increased procoagulant activity reflects an increased exposure of phosphatidylserine at the platelet outer surface, the present findings suggest that platelet cytoskeletal proteins are involved in the regulation of membrane lipid asymmetry.  相似文献   

The relationship between platelet calpain-activity and platelet procoagulant-activity was investigated by comparison of the time course of their generation after platelet stimulation by calcium ionophore A23187, or by the combined action of collagen and thrombin, or during exposure of platelets to the local anesthetics dibucaine or tetracaine. In addition, the Ca2+ dose-response curves of both activities in intact platelets, obtained by stimulation with A23187 in the presence of Ca2+/HEDTA-buffers, were compared. Platelet procoagulant activity was determined by assaying for prothrombinase activity in the presence of saturating concentrations of factors Xa, Va, and prothrombin. Platelet calpain activity was monitored by the degradation of its major substrates (filamin, talin, myosin) and the formation of their fragments as judged from protein patterns after gel electrophoresis. Platelet stimulation by A23187 resulted in a fast increase in prothrombinase activity, reaching its maximum level after about 20 seconds. Filamin and talin were completely hydrolysed within 15 s, and myosin was partly degraded between 15 and 30 s after platelet activation. When platelets were activated by collagen plus thrombin, prothrombinase activity was generated with a sigmoid time course, the steepest increase being observed between 1 and 2 min after platelet activation. Proteolysis of filamin and talin occurred between 0.5 and 1.5 min after platelet activation, while degradation of myosin became visible after 2 to 2.5 min. Dibucaine and tetracaine were both found to be potent stimulators of prothrombinase activity, with half-maximal activities obtained at 0.7 and 2.8 mM, respectively. Using suboptimal concentrations of both local anesthetics, it was found that the generation of prothrombinase activity closely paralleled that of calpain activity over a time course of 1 hour. Ca2+ titration of intact platelets using A23187 and Ca2+/HEDTA buffers, revealed half-maximal response at about 15 μM free Ca2+ for both calpain and prothrombinase activity. These findings strongly suggest a causal relationship between generation of a procoagulant platelet surface and calpain-mediated degradation of filamin, talin, and myosin. Since an increased procoagulant activity reflects an increased exposure of phosphatidylserine at the platelet outer surface, the present findings suggest that platelet cytoskeletal proteins are involved in the regulation of membrane lipid asymmetry.  相似文献   

Compositional patterns of vegetation and their relationship to temporal and spatial environmental variation, with emphasis on climatic factors, were investigated in plant communities located in the southernmost portion of the North American Graminetum, in central México. Data from 353 samples, obtained in four ecologically contrasting plant communities during 11 years, were analyzed by partial canonical correspondence analysis. Eight climatic variables and eighteen covariables (seventeen edaphic and one resource management) were included in the ordination. A relationship between floristic change and weather variation, once covariables effects were fitted, was examined. Despite a strong contrast in ecological conditions among study sites, a set of four climatic variables was finally found in which each variable contributed independently and statistically (P < 0.01) to the total variance in the vegetation data. Thus, environmental variables other than climatic could not conceal the important role of weather as a mediator of floristic change through time. Summer precipitation and summer maximum temperature showed the highest correlations with the first two species axes, 0.77 and –0.39, respectively. Contribution of these two climatic variables to variance in the vegetation data explained by environmental variables was approximately 81%. Annual species were abundant during rainy years, while abundance of perennial grasses and shrubs showed no clear relationship to weather variation. This study explicitly probes the important role of rain patterns in shaping structure and composition of semiarid communities and considers how other environmental factors can affect plant communities at the southernmost part of the North American Graminetum.  相似文献   

Molecular species in the three major mitochondrial lipids cardiolipin, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine were analysed in bovine heart and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In both organisms cardiolipin contains mainly diacylglycerol moieties with two unsaturated chains and a significant higher proportion of C18-C18 species than phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. To study whether the specific acyl composition of cardiolipin has a functional significance in lipid-protein interaction, experiments were made with the isolated ADP/ATP carrier of bovine heart mitochondria since this dimeric protein is known to be tightly associated with six molecules of cardiolipin [Beyer, K. and Klingenberg, M. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 3821-3826]. This association seems to be very strong as protein-bound cardiolipin does not exchange with soluble cardiolipin on a time scale of hours. Analysis of the species composition suggests that one carriers dimer is associated with four molecules of tetralinoleoyl cardiolipin and two molecules of trilinoleoyl-monolinolenoyl cardiolipin. Catalytic hydrogenation of the acyl chains of carrier-bound cardiolipin does not result in release of cardiolipin as judged by 31P-NMR spectroscopy. The ADP/ATP carrier was reconstituted with saturated phosphatidylcholines and spin-labelled cardiolipin whose double bonds were subsequently saturated by catalytic hydrogenation. ESR spectroscopy shows that saturation of spin-labelled cardiolipin has no significant impact on its association with the ADP/ATP carrier. However, precipitation of the detergent-solubilized ADP/ATP carrier can only be induced by addition of unsaturated but not by saturated cardiolipin. It is concluded that the specific acyl composition of cardiolipin is not a prerequisite of its high affinity for the ADP/ATP carrier, at least when the protein is reconstituted in a saturated phosphatidylcholine environment.  相似文献   

Glucokinase (GLK) and Hexokinase (HK) have been characterized as essential targets in Trypanosoma cruzi (Tc)-mediated infection. A recent study reported the propensity of the concomitant inhibition of TcGLK and TcHK by compounds GLK2-003 and GLK2-004, thereby presenting an efficient approach in Chagas disease treatment. We investigated this possibility using atomic and molecular scaling methods. Sequence alignment of TcGLK and TcHK revealed that both proteins shared approximately 33.3 % homology in their glucose/inhibitor binding sites. The total binding free energies of GLK2-003 and GLK2-004 were favorable in both proteins. PRO92 and THR185 were pivotal to the binding and stabilization of the ligands in TcGLK, likewise their conserved counterparts, PRO163 and THR237 in TcHK. Both compounds also induced a similar pattern of perturbations in both TcGLK and TcHK secondary structure. Findings from this study therefore provide insights into the underlying mechanisms of dual inhibition exhibited by the compounds. These results can pave way to discover and optimize novel dual Tc inhibitors with favorable pharmacokinetics properties eventuating in the mitigation of Chagas disease.  相似文献   

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