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Potential mechanistic mediators of Darwinian fitness, such as stress hormones or sex hormones, have been the focus of many studies. An inverse relationship between fitness and stress or sex hormone concentrations has been widely assumed, although empirical evidence is scarce. Feathers gradually accumulate hormones during their growth and provide a novel way to measure hormone concentrations integrated over time. Using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, we measured testosterone, corticosterone and cortisol in the feathers of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) in a wild population which is the subject of a long-term study. Although corticosterone is considered the dominant avian glucocorticoid, we unambiguously identified cortisol in feathers. In addition, we found that feathers grown during the post-nuptial moult in autumn contained testosterone, corticosterone and cortisol levels that were significantly higher in birds that subsequently died over the following winter than in birds that survived. Thus, feather steroids are candidate prospective biomarkers to predict the future survival of individuals in the wild.  相似文献   

In response to stressful events, most vertebrates rapidly elevate plasma glucocorticoid levels. Corticosterone release stimulates physiological and behavioral responses that can promote survival while suppressing behaviors that are not crucial to immediate survival. Corticosterone also has preparatory effects for subsequent stressors. Using male tree lizards (Urosaurus ornatus), we tested our prediction that elevated corticosterone is important for mediating and enhancing antipredator behaviors. Male tree lizards express developmentally fixed polymorphisms that are mediated by early organizational actions of steroid hormones, and thus we also tested the hypothesis that morph-specific differences in antipredator behaviors of adults are independent of circulating corticosterone levels. Plasma corticosterone levels were elevated exogenously for 12-16 h using non-invasive dermal patches, and we then compared the behavioral responses of these corticosterone-patched males to control-patched males during a simulated encounter with a caged predator (collared lizard, Crotaphytus nebrius) in outdoor enclosures. Elevating corticosterone did not alter the antipredator behavioral repertoire of each male morph, but did enhance their responses during the predator encounter: all corticosterone-patched males responded more quickly, hid longer, and displayed more toward the predator than control-patched males. With the corticosterone patch, the non-territorial and wary orange morph was still behaviorally the most wary morph, responding more quickly and hiding longer than either the bolder orange-blue or mottled morphs. Smaller males were generally warier than larger males, regardless of the endocrine treatment or color morph type. In sum, elevated circulating corticosterone enhances antipredator responses for all male tree lizard morphs, without altering morph-specific or size-specific differences in their behavioral responses.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of circulating corticosterone commonly occur in response to stressors in wild vertebrates. A rise in corticosterone, usually in animals of subordinate rank, results in a variety of effects on behavior and physiology. Behavioral and physiological responses to short-term increases in corticosterone are well studied. In contrast, the effects of chronic elevated levels of corticosterone are poorly understood, particularly in lizards. Here, we examined the long-term effects of exogenous corticosterone on locomotor performance, resting and active metabolic rate, and hematocrit in male side-blotched lizards Uta stansburiana. Corticosterone implantation resulted in higher levels of stamina relative to sham-surgery controls. In addition, lizards with elevated corticosterone exhibited lower resting metabolic rates relative to controls. Corticosterone had no effect on peak activity metabolism but did result in faster recovery times following exhaustive exercise. We suggest that elevated levels of corticosterone in response to dominance interactions promote enhanced locomotor abilities, perhaps as a flight response to avoid agonistic interactions. Furthermore, stressed lizards are characterized by lower resting metabolic rates, which may serve as strategy to conserve energy stores and enhance survival.  相似文献   

Repeated exposure to elevated levels of glucocorticoids during development can have long‐term detrimental effects on survival and fitness, potentially associated with increased telomere attrition. Nestling birds are regularly handled for ecological research, yet few authors have considered the potential for handling‐induced stress to influence hormonally mediated phenotypic development or bias interpretations of subsequent focal measurements. We experimentally manipulated the handling experience of the semi‐precocial nestlings of European Storm Petrel Hydrobates pelagicus to simulate handling in a typical field study and examined cumulative effects on physiology and condition in late postnatal development. Neither baseline corticosterone (the primary glucocorticoid in birds), telomere length nor body condition varied with the number of handling episodes. The absence of a response could be explained if Storm Petrels did not perceive handling to be stressful or if there is dissociation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis from stressful stimuli in early life. Eliciting a response to a stressor may be maladaptive for cavity‐dwelling young that are unable to escape or defend themselves. Furthermore, avoiding elevated overall glucocorticoid exposure may be particularly important in a long‐lived species, in which accelerated early‐life telomere erosion could impact negatively upon longevity. We propose that the level of colony‐wide disturbance induced by investigator handling of young could be important in underlining species‐specific responses. Storm Petrel nestlings appear unresponsive to investigator handling within the limits of handling in a typical field study and handling at this level should not bias physiological and morphological measurements.  相似文献   

Because some recent studies of hamster adrenocortical function have depended on older studies that may have been inadequate or misinterpreted, the present study re-examined plasma corticosterone and cortisol concentrations in hamsters under several conditions to determine which plasma glucocorticoid predominated in this animal. Sensitive radioimmunoassays were used to measure separately the two glucocorticoids in the basal condition, after adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) treatment, after acute stress, and after chronic stress. In the basal condition, corticosterone concentrations were 3-4 times higher than those of cortisol. After stimulation, this difference disappeared, but rarely were any hamster's cortisol levels higher than their corticosterone levels. Both ACTH and acute stress elevated plasma corticosterone and cortisol concentrations, but only plasma cortisol concentrations were elevated following chronic stress. The dissociation between cortisol and corticosterone concentrations after chronic stress suggests that the two glucocorticoid hormones in the hamster may be regulated independently. The data also indicate that both corticosterone and cortisol should be measured when assessing adrenocortical function in the hamster.  相似文献   

Hormones are an important interface between genome and environment, because of their ability to modify the phenotype. More particularly, glucocorticoids are known to affect both morphological, physiological and behavioral traits. Many studies suggest that prenatal stress (associated with an elevation of corticosterone) has deleterious effects on offspring, an altered physiology resulting in retardation of fetal growth and higher percentage of dead neonates. In this study, we investigate the consequences of an artificial increase of corticosterone in pregnant female Lacerta vivipara on two important fitness components: growth and survival. Do stressed females decrease or enhance offspring survival? In 2000 and 2001, we collected pregnant females from four populations of the Cevennes and kept them in the laboratory until parturition. We applied a corticosterone solution daily onto the backs of some females. A similar solution, but without corticosterone, was applied to the remaining females as a control. Immediately after birth, we measured juveniles' morphological characteristics and released them on the field. In September of the year of release and in May of the following year, we recaptured offspring to estimate growth and survival. The elevation of the corticosterone level in pregnant females L. vivipara had a profound impact on juvenile traits. The size, the body condition and the growth of juveniles were decreased by the corticosterone treatment. In contrast, in male juveniles, survival was higher for juveniles from corticosterone-treated females than from placebo females. Thus, corticosterone does not seem to have detrimental effects on offspring survival, suggesting that it may have an adaptive function.  相似文献   

Predation is a strong selective force with both direct and indirect effects on an animal’s fitness. In order to increase the chances of survival, animals have developed different antipredator strategies. However, these strategies have associated costs, so animals should assess their actual risk of predation and shape their antipredator effort accordingly. Under a stressful situation, such as the presence of predators, animals display a physiological stress response that might be proportional to the risk perceived. We tested this hypothesis in wild European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), subjected to different predator pressures, in Doñana National Park (Spain). We measured the concentrations of fecal corticosterone metabolites (FCM) in 20 rabbit populations. By means of track censuses we obtained indexes of mammalian predator presence for each rabbit population. Other factors that could modify the physiological stress response, such as breeding status, food availability and rabbit density, were also considered. Model selection based on information theory showed that predator pressure was the main factor triggering the glucocorticoid release and that the physiological stress response was positively correlated with the indexes of the presence of mammalian carnivore predators. Other factors, such as food availability and density of rabbits, were considerably less important. We conclude that rabbits are able to assess their actual risk of predation and show a threat-sensitive physiological response.  相似文献   

We investigated how physiological stress in an area-sensitive old-growth forest passerine, the Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris), is associated with forest fragmentation and forest structure. We found evidence that the concentrations of plasma corticosterone in chicks were higher under poor food supply in dense, young forests than in sparse, old forests. In addition, nestlings in large forest patches had lower corticosterone levels and a better body condition than in small forest patches. In general, corticosterone levels were negatively related to body condition and survival. We also found a decrease in corticosterone levels within the breeding season, which may have been a result of an increase in food supply from the first to the second broods. Our results suggest that forest fragmentation may decrease the fitness of free-living individual treecreepers.  相似文献   

Little is known about baseline concentrations of adrenal hormones and hormonal responses to stress in sea ducks, although significant population declines documented in several species suggest that sea ducks are exposed to increased levels of environmental stress. Such declines have been observed in geographically distinct harlequin duck populations. We performed an adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) challenge to evaluate adrenal function and characterize corticosterone concentrations in captive harlequin ducks and investigated the effects of capture, surgery, and short term confinement on corticosterone concentrations in wild harlequin ducks. Harlequin ducks responded to the ACTH challenge with an average three-fold increase in serum corticosterone concentration approximately 90 min post injection, and a four- to five-fold increase in fecal glucocorticoid concentration 2 to 4 h post injection. Serum corticosterone concentrations in wild harlequin ducks increased within min of capture and elevated levels were found for several hours post capture, indicating that surgery and confinement maintain elevated corticosterone concentrations in this species. Mean corticosterone concentrations in wild harlequin ducks held in temporary captivity were similar to the maximum response levels during the ACTH challenge in captive birds. However, large variation among individuals was observed in responses of wild birds, and we found additional evidence suggesting that corticosterone responses varied between hatch year and after hatch year birds.  相似文献   

Little is known about baseline concentrations of adrenal hormones and hormonal responses to stress in sea ducks, although significant population declines documented in several species suggest that sea ducks are exposed to increased levels of environmental stress. Such declines have been observed in geographically distinct harlequin duck populations. We performed an adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) challenge to evaluate adrenal function and characterize corticosterone concentrations in captive harlequin ducks and investigated the effects of capture, surgery, and short term confinement on corticosterone concentrations in wild harlequin ducks. Harlequin ducks responded to the ACTH challenge with an average three-fold increase in serum corticosterone concentration approximately 90 min post injection, and a four- to five-fold increase in fecal glucocorticoid concentration 2 to 4 h post injection. Serum corticosterone concentrations in wild harlequin ducks increased within min of capture and elevated levels were found for several hours post capture, indicating that surgery and confinement maintain elevated corticosterone concentrations in this species. Mean corticosterone concentrations in wild harlequin ducks held in temporary captivity were similar to the maximum response levels during the ACTH challenge in captive birds. However, large variation among individuals was observed in responses of wild birds, and we found additional evidence suggesting that corticosterone responses varied between hatch year and after hatch year birds.  相似文献   

Although sibling competition in avian species has been extensively studied, the proximate mechanisms remain largely unknown. Recent research proposed that steroid hormones, in particular testosterone (T) and corticosterone (CORT), might play a role either in promoting competitive behavioral displays or in response to chronic nutritional stress accompanied by a sustained competitive situation. Here, we examine body condition, endogenous T levels and fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGM) as non-invasive measures of CORT in sibling broods of wild common tern chicks (Sterna hirundo) during three post-natal developmental stages. In this species, distinct within-brood size asymmetries are imposed by an asynchronous hatching interval, and sexes show slightly different growth patterns. First-hatched (a-)chicks were in better condition than their later-hatched sibling (b-chick). FGM levels inversely covaried with condition and were elevated at the end of pre-fledging development. T levels of a- and b-chicks changed with age, although the direction of the changes differed, with b-chicks eventually having higher levels than their older siblings. Survival to fledging was not associated with FGM but with T levels, which tended to be higher in surviving chicks. Our results are discussed with regard to how plasticity in steroid hormones could be involved in mediating sibling competition in common terns.  相似文献   

Recent studies of long-distance migratory birds show that behavioural and physiological changes associated with predictable or unpredictable challenges during the annual cycle are distinctively regulated by hormones. Corticosterone is the primary energy regulating hormone in birds. Corticosterone levels are elevated during stresses but they are also modulated seasonally according to environmental conditions and life-history demands. We measured the baseline and stress-induced levels of corticosterone in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica L.) just before spring and autumn migrations in South Africa and Finland, respectively. Barn swallows completing their pre-breeding moult had low body condition (residual body mass) and high baseline corticosterone levels in the wintering grounds. In contrast, baseline corticosterone levels in Finland were low and not related to residual mass. These data contradict the first prediction of the migration modulation hypothesis (MMH) by showing no association with baseline corticosterone levels and pre-migratory fuelling. Yet, the adrenocortical response to the capture and handling stress was notably blunted in South Africa compared to a strong response in Finland. Further, individuals that had started fuelling in Finland showed a reduced response to the handling stress. Taken together, elevated baseline corticosterone levels and high residual mass may blunt the adrenocortical response in long-distance migrants and aerial feeders such as the barn swallow. This observation lends support to the second prediction of the MMH.  相似文献   

Introducing an aggressive intruder into a cage of mice (social disruption, SDR) resulted in intense fighting and defeat of the cage residents. Defeat was accompanied by elevated levels of serum corticosterone and nerve growth factor (NGF). Repeated exposure to an intruder induced a state of glucocorticoid resistance in peripheral immune cells. The present study sought to examine the behavioral factors that mediated the development of glucocorticoid resistance following SDR. Glucocorticoid resistance developed in animals that exhibited a subordinate behavioral profile, which consisted of a low tendency for social investigation and a high level of submissive behavior in response to the intruder's attacks. Glucocorticoid resistance was also linked to the presence of injuries due to fighting, but not to changes in systemic levels of either corticosterone or NGF. Since a submissive behavioral profile is associated with increased risk for injuries due to fighting, it may be that the development of glucocorticoid resistance is an adaptive mechanism that allows the inflammatory component of wound healing to occur in the presence of high levels of corticosterone. Together, these findings demonstrate that the outcomes of social stress may be modified by physiological changes associated with wounding, as well as by behavioral variables such as social status.  相似文献   

Birds respond to deterioration in environmental conditions by elevating their corticosterone levels, which can enhance their survival. It is less clear if animals constantly living in energetically challenging environment show similar increases in adrenocortical function. Previous work has demonstrated that under controlled conditions black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapilla) from northern latitudes cache more food and perform better on spatial memory tasks than their southern conspecifics. As elevated levels of corticosterone have been shown previously to correlate with spatial memory performance in chickadees, this study aimed to investigate whether black-capped chickadees from northern latitudes have elevated baseline levels of corticosterone and/or a stronger adrenocortical stress response than their southern conspecifics, irrespective of their immediate environment. We found no differences between Alaskan and Colorado chickadees maintained under identical conditions for 3 months in either baseline levels of corticosterone or maximum levels of corticosterone achieved during the stress response. Baseline corticosterone levels were negatively correlated with relative body mass across both groups of birds. Our results suggest that the population differences in food catching behavior and spatial memory were not related to differences in corticosterone levels. We conclude that many reported population differences in baseline levels and in strength of adrenocortical stress response may often reflect differences in local environmental conditions rather than population-specific physiological traits.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of genetic and environmental factors in determining variation in life-history traits is of central interest to evolutionary biologists, but the physiological mechanisms underlying these traits are still poorly understood. Here we experimentally demonstrate opposing effects of nutritional stress on immune function, endocrine physiology, parental care, and reproduction between red and black head-color morphs of the Gouldian finch (Erythrura gouldiae). Although the body condition of black morphs was largely unaffected by diet manipulation, red birds were highly sensitive to dietary changes, exhibiting considerable within-individual changes in condition and immune function. Consequently, nutritionally stressed red birds delayed breeding, produced smaller broods, and reared fewer and lower-quality foster offspring than black morphs. Differences in offspring quality were largely due to morph-specific differences in parental effort: red morphs reduced parental provisioning, whereas black morphs adaptively elevated their provisioning effort to meet the increased nutritional demands of their foster brood. Nutritionally stressed genetic morphs also exhibited divergent glucocorticoid responses. Black morphs showed reduced corticosterone-binding globulin (CBG) concentrations and increased levels of free corticosterone, whereas red morphs exhibited reduced free corticosterone levels and elevated CBG concentrations. These opposing glucocorticoid responses highlight intrinsic differences in endocrine sensitivities and plasticity between genetic morphs, which may underlie the morph-specific differences in condition, behavior, and reproduction and thus ultimately contribute to the evolution and maintenance of color polymorphism.  相似文献   

In nestlings, glucocorticoid (GC) secretion has short-term and long-term f itness consequences. For example, short-time elevations trigger begging activity, whereas chronically elevated GC levels impair body condition, growth and cognitive abilities. Despite a growing body of literature on personality traits, the effects of selection for fast and slow exploration on GC secretion have received little attention. We compared baseline and stress-induced hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis activity of hand-reared great tit nestlings of lines selected for fast and slow exploration. Nestling droppings were collected under three conditions: control, test (following handling stress, day 14 after hatching) and the following day. The concentrations of excreted immunoreactive corticosterone metabolites (CM) were determined via an enzyme immunoassay. We also observed nestlings' begging behaviour. CM differed significantly between the lines. Nestlings of the fast line excreted lower CM than slow-line birds. In response to handling stress, nestlings excreted significantly higher concentrations of CM than during the control and on the day after handling. Sex and begging activity were not related to CM levels. Under the control condition, but not after handling, males begged significantly more often than females. In both lines, adults excreted significantly less CM compared to nestlings. Both nestlings and adults of the slow line produced higher baseline CM values than fast-line birds. Fast-line nestlings excreted lower baseline CM than nestlings of a wild population not selected for fast or slow exploration. Slow-line nestlings did not. Our results show that selection on the basis of exploratory behaviour affected HPA axis reactivity.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a complex phenomenon affected by multiple factors. Among the factors that influence dispersal in the common lizard (Lacerta vivipara), poor maternal body condition and stress are known to decrease dispersal propensity of juveniles. But the effect of individual factors on dispersal could change when several of them act concurrently or at different developmental stages. Prenatal factors can affect clutch and/or juvenile characteristics that later affect dispersal. Postnatal influences are mainly exerted on juvenile dispersal behavior. We investigated the role of body condition and stress on dispersal at a prenatal and a postnatal stage. Stress was mimicked by experimentally increasing corticosterone levels in pregnant females and recently born juveniles. We considered (1). the influence of maternal body condition and prenatal corticosterone treatment on clutch, juvenile characteristics and on dispersal behavior and (2). the influence of juvenile body condition and postnatal corticosterone treatment on juvenile dispersal behavior. There was an interaction between maternal condition and prenatal corticosterone treatment on juvenile dispersal. Dispersal decreased with maternal corticosterone increase only in juveniles from the more corpulent females, while it increased with juvenile body condition. Good maternal body condition affected clutch and juvenile characteristics favoring dispersal, while elevation of corticosterone level (stress) exerted the opposite effect. Juvenile body condition favored dispersal, while there was no effect of postnatal corticosterone treatment on juvenile dispersal propensity.  相似文献   

《Hormones and behavior》2011,59(5):864-871
In nestlings, glucocorticoid (GC) secretion has short-term and long-term f itness consequences. For example, short-time elevations trigger begging activity, whereas chronically elevated GC levels impair body condition, growth and cognitive abilities. Despite a growing body of literature on personality traits, the effects of selection for fast and slow exploration on GC secretion have received little attention. We compared baseline and stress-induced hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis activity of hand-reared great tit nestlings of lines selected for fast and slow exploration. Nestling droppings were collected under three conditions: control, test (following handling stress, day 14 after hatching) and the following day. The concentrations of excreted immunoreactive corticosterone metabolites (CM) were determined via an enzyme immunoassay. We also observed nestlings' begging behaviour. CM differed significantly between the lines. Nestlings of the fast line excreted lower CM than slow-line birds. In response to handling stress, nestlings excreted significantly higher concentrations of CM than during the control and on the day after handling. Sex and begging activity were not related to CM levels. Under the control condition, but not after handling, males begged significantly more often than females. In both lines, adults excreted significantly less CM compared to nestlings. Both nestlings and adults of the slow line produced higher baseline CM values than fast-line birds. Fast-line nestlings excreted lower baseline CM than nestlings of a wild population not selected for fast or slow exploration. Slow-line nestlings did not. Our results show that selection on the basis of exploratory behaviour affected HPA axis reactivity.  相似文献   

The immune system is essential for health and survival of vertebrates, yet still little is known about the ontogeny of the immune system in wild birds. The southern rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome) is a semi-altricial seabird with a long developmental period and reversed hatching asynchrony, favouring the survival of B-chicks. We compared leucocyte counts and baseline corticosterone levels of southern rockhopper penguin chicks under different preconditions such as sex and origin from an A- or B-egg from 4 to 51 days of age. We conducted an experiment to compare leucocyte profiles and baseline corticosterone levels in A- and B-chicks in single-egg clutches as well as in B-chicks from normal two egg-clutches (one A- and one B-egg). None of these treatments influenced leucocyte counts or corticosterone levels, indicating a similar investment in the immune system. Our main finding was an increase of leucocytes/10,000 erythrocytes with age, which was mainly caused by an increase in lymphocyte numbers. This suggests differential investment into acquired immunity at this stage of development. As the granulocyte/lymphocyte (G/L) ratio did not change with age or body condition, G/L ratios seem not to reflect stress caused by poor provisioning of penguin chicks. This was also reinforced by the decrease of plasma corticosterone levels with age. Body condition was negatively correlated with monocyte numbers, suggesting a poorer health status of penguin chicks in poorer body condition. Yet, there was no link between body condition and other leucocyte parameters, indicating that chicks in a good body condition did not additionally invest into their immune system.  相似文献   

The glucocorticoid (GC) stress response is thought to be an individual trait associated with behaviour and life history strategies. Studies exploring such relationships typically assume measured hormone values to be repeatable within an individual. However, repeatability of GCs has proven variable in wild animals and underlying reasons remain unknown. We assessed individual repeatability of circulating stress-induced cortisol, the primary GC in teleost fish, and glucose concentrations in a wild teleost fish held under consistent laboratory conditions. We also tested the hypothesis that the magnitude of intra-individual variability in stress-induced cortisol concentrations (“cortisol variability”) is influenced by body condition. Wild-caught bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) were subjected to repeated standardized stressors and blood sampled (3 times over 6 days) once cortisol concentrations peaked. Various indicators of fish condition, both whole body and physiological, were also measured. Overall, stress-induced circulating cortisol concentrations were repeatable but stress-induced glucose was not. Cortisol variability was related to Fulton's condition factor and size (eviscerated mass) where smaller fish in poor condition exhibited increased cortisol variability. The findings have implications for the interpretation of studies that examine correlates of GC concentrations as they suggest consistency in stress responsiveness is influenced by factors such as size and condition.  相似文献   

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