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Nine newly described single-copy and lowcopy-number genomic DNA sequences isolated from a flow-sorted human Y chromosome library were mapped to regions of the human Y chromosome and were hybridized to Southern blots of male and female great ape genomic DNAs (Gorilla gorilla, Pan troglodytes, Pongo pygmaeus). Eight of the nine sequences mapped to the euchromatic Y long arm (Yq) in humans, and the ninth mapped to the short arm or pericentromeric region. All nine of the newly identified sequences and two additional human Yq sequences hybridized to restriction fragments in male but not female genomic DNA from the great apes, indicating Y chromosome localization. Seven of these 11 human Yq sequences hybridized to similarly-sized restriction endonuclease fragments in all the great ape species analyzed. The five human sequences that mapped to the most distal subregion of Yq (deletion of which region is associated with spermatogenic failure in humans) were hybridized to Southern blots generated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. These sequences define a region of approximately 1 Mb on human Yq in which HpaII tiny fragment (HTF) islands appear to be absent. The conservation of these human Yq sequences on great ape Y chromosomes indicates a greater stability in this region of the Y than has been previously described for most anonymous human Y chromosomal sequences. The stability of these sequences on great ape Y chromosomes seems remarkable given that this region of the Y does not undergo meiotic recombination and the sequences do not appear to encode genes for which positive selection might occur. Correspondence to: B. Steele Allen  相似文献   

The pseudoautosomal regions of the human sex chromosomes   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
In human females, both X chromosomes are equivalent in size and genetic content, and pairing and recombination can theoretically occur anywhere along their entire length. In human males, however, only small regions of sequence identity exist between the sex chromosomes. Recombination and genetic exchange is restricted to these regions of identity, which cover 2.6 and 0.4 Mbp, respectively, and are located at the tips of the short and the long arm of the X and Y chromosome. The unique biology of these regions has attracted considerable interest, and complete long-range restriction maps as well as comprehensive physical maps of overlapping YAC clones are already available. A dense genetic linkage map has disclosed a high rate of recombination at the short arm telomere. A consequence of the obligatory recombination within the pseudoautosomal region is that genes show only partial sex linkage. Pseudoautosomal genes are also predicted to escape X-inactivation, thus guaranteeing an equal dosage of expressed sequences between the X and Y chromosomes. Gene pairs that are active on the X and Y chromosomes are suggested as candidates for the phenotypes seen in numerical X chromosome disorders, such as Klinefelter's (47,XXY) and Turner's syndrome (45,X). Several new genes have been assigned to the Xp/Yp pseudoautosomal region. Potential associations with clinical disorders such as short stature, one of the Turner features, and psychiatric diseases are discussed. Genes in the Xq/Yq pseudoautosomal region have not been identified to date.  相似文献   

Replication studies on prometaphase chromosomes of man, the chimpanzee, the pygmy chimpanzee, the gorilla, and the orangutan reveal great interspecific homologies between the autosomes. The early replicating X chromosomes clearly show a high degree of conservation of both the pattern and the time course of replication. An early replicating segment on the short arm of the X chromosomes of man (Xp22.3) which escapes inactivation can be found on the X chromosomes of the great apes as well. Furthermore, the most early replicating segment on the Y chromosomes of all species tested appears to be homologous to this segment on the X chromosomes. Therefore, these early replicating segments in the great apes may correspond to the pseudoautosomal segment proposed to exist in man. From further cytogenetic characterization of the Y chromosomes it is evident that structural alterations have resulted in an extreme divergence in both the euchromatic and heterochromatic parts. It is assumed, therefore, that, in contrast to the X chromosomes, the Y chromosomes have undergone a rapid evolution within the higher primates.  相似文献   

Evolution of the pseudoautosomal boundary in Old World monkeys and great apes   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Mammalian sex chromosomes are divided into sex-specific and pseudoautosomal regions. Sequences in the pseudoautosomal region recombine between the sex chromosomes; the sex-specific sequences normally do not. The interface between sex-specific and pseudoautosomal sequences is the pseudoautosomal boundary. The boundary is the centromeric limit to recombination in the pseudoautosomal region. In man, an Alu repeat element is found inserted at the boundary on the Y chromosome. In the evolutionary comparison conducted here, the Alu repeat element is found at the Y boundary in great apes, but it is not found there in two Old World monkeys. During the evolution of the Old World monkey and great ape lineages, homology between the sex chromosomes was maintained by recombination in the sequences telomeric to the Alu insertion site. The Alu repeat element did not create the present-day boundary; instead, it inserted at the preexisting boundary after the Old World monkey and great ape lineages diverged.  相似文献   

The genomes of four primate species, belonging to the families Pongidae (chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan) and Hylobatidae (gibbons), have been analyzed for the presence and organization of two human GC-rich heterochromatic repetitive sequences: Satellite (Sat) and LongSau (LSau) repeats. By Southern blot hybridization and PCR, both families of repeats were detected in all the analyzed species, thus indicating their origin in an ape ancestor. In the chimpanzee and gorilla, as in man, Sat sequences showed a 68-bp Sau3A periodicity and were preferentially organized in large clusters, whereas in the orangutan, they were organized in DNA fragments of 550 bp, which did not seem to be characterized by a tandem organization. On the contrary, in each of the analyzed species, the bulk of LSau sequences showed a longer Sau3A periodicity than that observed in man (450–550 bp). Furthermore, only in the chimpanzee genome some of LSau repeats seemed to be interspersed within blocks of Sat sequences. This sequence organization, which also characterizes the human genome, is probably absent in the gorilla. In fact, the analysis of a gorilla genomic library suggested that LSau repeats are not preferentially in linkage with Sat sequences. Moreover, LSau sequences were found in a genomic sector characterized by the simultaneous presence of L1 and (CA) repeats, as well as of anonymous sequences and known genes. In spite of the different sequence organization, the nucleotide differences between complete human and gorilla LSau repeats were very few, whereas one gorilla LSau repeat, interrupted by a probably-truncated L1 transposon, showed a higher degree of divergence. Besides the gorilla, this unusual sequence organization was detected in man, and, to a lesser extent, in the chimpanzee. Correspondence to: R. Meneveri  相似文献   

The mitochondrial DNA D-Loop region was sequenced, analyzed and used as a molecular marker for populations of chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), bonobo (P. paniscus) and gorilla (Gorilla gorilla and G. beringei), and also compared with data previously reported for these taxa. In Gorilla, a main disjunction between western (G. gorilla) and eastern (G. beringei, including G. b. graueri) species was observed, as well as high mitochondrial diversity within the western species. The genetic distance values within G. gorilla (0.14) were higher than those between subspecies (eastern lowland and mountain 0.12). Likewise, values of genetic diversity within this species (0.05) were higher than those between species (western and eastern lowland gorilla 0.04). Similarly, in genus Pan a main differentiation between western (P. t. verus) and central forms (P. t. troglodytes and P. t. schweinfurthii) was observed. The obtained values of genetic distance and genetic diversity revealed that the central subspecies are closer to each other than either of them is to the western one, while bonobos composed a distinct clade that expresses a well-defined specific identity. The current distribution, phylogeny and levels of genetic diversity in African great ape populations are consistent with the hypothesis that Pleistocene climatic events led to cyclical periods of isolation in forest refugia followed by expansion and dispersal. The implications of this high level of genetic diversity for taxonomic classification, wildlife management and conservation are discussed.  相似文献   

The sequences of both of the human sex chromosomes and of a substantial part of the chimpanzee Y chromosome have now been determined, and most of the protein-coding genes have been identified. The X chromosome codes for more than 800 proteins but the Y chromosome for only approximately 60, illustrating their very different evolutionary histories since their origin from an autosomal pair approximately 300 million years ago and explaining their differential importance in disease. These sequences have provided the basis for understanding normal patterns of variation, such as the distribution of SNPs, and patterns of linkage disequilibrium. In addition, they have been useful for identifying variants associated with simple Mendelian disorders such as microphthalmia or mental retardation, and more complex disorders such as osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Two pseudoautosomal loci DXYS15 and DXYS17 from the pairing region of the human sex chromosomes display a high variability with at least eight alleles each. The structural elements responsible for the polymorphisms have been isolated and sequenced. In both cases the variations result from DNA rearrangements occurring in tandemly repeated sequences (minisatellites) of 21-29 nucleotides for DXYS15 and 28-33 nucleotides for DXYS17. At reduced stringency, the DXYS15 minisatellite detects other hypervariable sequences located in other parts of the genome and hence represents a new family of minisatellites. In contrast to most other known hypervariable families, the DXYS15 hypervariable sequence displays a very high AT content.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes are believed to be stable in endotherms, but young and evolutionary unstable in most ectothermic vertebrates. Within lacertids, the widely radiated lizard group , sex chromosomes have been reported to vary in morphology and heterochromatinization, which may suggest turnovers during the evolution of the group. We compared the partial gene content of the Z‐specific part of sex chromosomes across major lineages of lacertids and discovered a strong evolutionary stability of sex chromosomes. We can conclude that the common ancestor of lacertids, living around 70 million years ago (Mya), already had the same highly differentiated sex chromosomes. Molecular data demonstrating an evolutionary conservation of sex chromosomes have also been documented for iguanas and caenophidian snakes. It seems that differences in the evolutionary conservation of sex chromosomes in vertebrates do not reflect the distinction between endotherms and ectotherms, but rather between amniotes and anamniotes, or generally, the differences in the life history of particular lineages.  相似文献   

Heterochromatic regions of chromosomes contain highly repetitive, tandemly arranged DNA sequences that undergo very rapid variation compared to unique DNA sequences that are predominantly conserved. In this study the chromosomal basis of speciation has been looked at in terms of repeat sequences. We have hybridized twenty-one chromosome-specific human alphoid satellite DNA probes to metaphase spreads of the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), and orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) to investigate the evolutionary relationship of heterochromatic regions among such hominoid species. The majority of the probes did not hybridize to their corresponding equivalent chromosome but presented hybridization signals on non-corresponding chromosomes. Such observations suggest that rapid changes may have occurred in the ancestral alphoid satellite DNA sequence, resulting in divergence among the great ape species. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In humans, acute myelomonocytic leukemia (AMML) with abnormal bone marrow eosinophilia is diagnosed by the presence of a pericentric inversion in chromosome 16, involving breakpoints p13;q23 [i.e., inv(16)(p13;q23)]. A pericentric inversion involves breaks that have occurred on the p and q arms and the segment in between is rotated 180° and reattaches. The recent development of a “human micro-coatasome” painting probe for 16p contains unique DNA sequences that fluorescently label only the short arm of chromosome 16, which facilitates the identification of such inversions and represents an ideal tool for analyzing the “divergence/convergence” of the equivalent human chromosome 16 (PTR 18, GGO 17 and PPY 19) in the great apes, chimpanzee, gorilla and orangutan. When the probe is used on the type of pericentric inversion characteristic of AMML, signals are observed on the proximal portions (the regions closest to the centromere) of the long and short arms of chromosome 16. The probe hybridized to only the short arm of all three ape chromosomes and signals were not observed on the long arms, suggesting that a pericentric inversion similar to that seen in AMML has not occurred in any of these great apes. Received: 4 July 1996 / Accepted: 18 September 1996  相似文献   

Summary Satellite DNA isolated from female Elapid snakes contains nucleotide sequences which are quantitatively derived from the W sex-determining chromosome. Certain of these sequences are highly conserved in vertebrates, including mammals, where they are arranged in a sex-specific pattern in Southern blots. Sex reversed mice (Sxr) show a DNA arrangement of these sequences in conformity with their phenotypic sex, suggesting that this DNA is closely connected with the determination of sex. In situ hybridization of the snake sequences with mouse chromosomes reveals a concentration of related DNA at the proximal tip of the mouse Y chromosome. The possible nature and significance of these observations is discussed.  相似文献   

Through use of a refined measurement of learning-set capacity, a comparative study of 45 great apes, six gibbons, and representative monkey groups was conducted to determine the relationship between cortical evolution and cognitive skills. The measurement employed. termed the Transfer Index, entailed criterional achievement on each of a series of two-choice visual discrimination problems, then test trials in which the initial cue values were reversed. The pre-reversal criterional mastery served as an empirical basis for matching subjects of the diverse primate groups on a performance criterion prior to the procurement of the critical measures taken on the reversal trials to assess learning and transfer-to-training capabilities. The results reveal the following: (1) general superiority of the great apes over all other primate groups tested; (2) interactions between species, pre-reversal criterional level employed, and reversal performance; and (3) support for the conclusion that learning and transfer-of-training skills are positive correlates of cortical evolution.  相似文献   

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