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Mineral soils from a chronosequence of landslide scars ranging in age from 1 to more than 55 years in a subtropical montane rain forest of eastern Puerto Rico were used to determine the rate at which labile P capital recovers during primary succession. Nine organic and inorganic soil P fractions were measured using the Hedley sequential extraction procedure. Deep soil cores (9 m) from a nearby site were also analyzed to determine the distribution of P fractions below the solum. Litterfall P was measured for two years in the landslide scars to estimate allochthonous litter P inputs, and published precipitation data were used to estimate annual atmospheric inputs of P to the recovering forests. In the upper solum (0–10 cm), organic matter increased with landslide age, as did resin‐Pi, labile P (defined here as resin‐Pi + HCO3‐Pi + HCO3‐Po) and total organic P. Occluded P decreased with increasing landslide age. No significant changes in P concentrations or pools were observed in 10 to 35 or in 35 to 60 cm depth intervals across the chronosequence. Labile soil P increased to approximately two‐thirds of the pre‐disturbance levels in the oldest landslide scar (>55 yr). Thus, plants, their associated microflora/fauna, and P inputs from off‐site substantially altered the distribution of soil P fractions during forest recovery. Across the chronosequence, the increase in labile P accumulated in soil and biomass appeared to be greater than the estimated allochthonous inputs from litter and precipitation, indicating that as the forest developed, some occluded P may have been released for use by soil biota. Resin‐Pi and labile P were correlated with soil organic matter content, suggesting, as in other highly weathered soils, organic matter accumulation and turnover are important in maintaining labile P pools. Primary mineral P (apatite) was scarce, even in deep soil cores.  相似文献   

Long-term studies are needed to understand the dynamics of tropical forests, particularly those subject to periodic disturbances such as hurricanes. We studied a flood plain Prestoea montana palm forest in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico over a 15-yr period (1980–1995), which included the passage of Hurricane Hugo in September 1989. The passage of the hurricane caused the dominant species to become more dominant and created low instantaneous tree mortality (1% of stems) and reductions in tree biomass (-16 Mg/ha/yr) and density, although not in basal area. Five years after the hurricane, the palm flood plain forest had exceeded its prehurricane aboveground tree biomass, tree density, and basal area. Aboveground tree biomass accumulated at a rate of 9.2 Mg/ha/yr, 76 percent of which was due to palms. Before the hurricane this rate was on the order of 3 Mg/ha/yr. Forest floor litter decreased to prehurricane levels (6.7 Mg/ha), within 5 yr, mostly due to the disappearance of woody litter. Thirteen tree species not represented in the canopy entered the forest by regeneration, and 2 species suffered almost 20 percent/yr mortality over a 5-yr period after the storm (floodplain average of 2%/yr). Delayed tree mortality was twice as high as instantaneous tree mortality after the storm and affected dicotyledonous trees more than it did palms. Regencration of dicotyledonous trees, palms, and tree ferns was influenced by a combination of factors including hydroperiod, light, and space. Redundancy Data Analysis showed that the area near the river channel was the most favorable for plant regeneration. Palm regeneration was higher in locations with longer hydroperiods, while regeneration of dicotyledonous trees was higher in areas with low risk of flooding. This study shows how a periodic disturbance provides long-term opportunities for species invasions and long-term ecosystem response at the patch scale of < 1 ha.  相似文献   

Hurricanes account for much of the spatial and temporal variation in forest productivity and soil organic matter pools in many forest ecosystems. In this study, we used an ecosystem level model, TOPOECO, to simulate the effects of Hurricane Hugo (18 September 1989) on spatial and temporal patterns of gross primary productivity (GPP), net primary productivity (NPP), soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen over the entire Luquillo Experimental Forest (LEF), Puerto Rico, a tropical rainforest. Our simulation results indicated that simulated annual GPP increased by an average of 30% five years after Hugo in the Tabonuco forest at low elevations where there was a fast recovery of the canopy, whereas simulated GPP decreased by an average of 20% in the Palm and Dwarf forests at high elevations as a result of the slow recovery of the canopy. Simulated annual NPP in the Palm and Dwarf forests also did not recover to pre-Hugo levels within 5 years. Simulated storages of SOC, CO2 emission from decomposition of SOC and total soil nitrogen increased slightly but N mineralization rate increased significantly in all four vegetation types due to the massive input of plant materials from Hugo at low elevations and the slow decomposition at high elevations.  相似文献   

The interactions between water and soil nutrient availability in determining leaf nutritional composition and structural features were investigated in forests on serpentine in Maricao and Susua (Puerto Rico). These forests grow under contrasting rainfall regimes: Maricao is a wet forest located at altitudes above 500 m and receiving more than 2500 mm rainfall, while Susua is a humid forest located well below 500 m, with less than 1500 mm rainfall and a well defined dry season. Dominant tree species and soils were analysed for N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Ni. Soils can be differentiated according to their K content (higher in Maricao) and P contents (higher in Susua). Mature leaves of both forests have sclerophyllous characteristics as judged from the Specific Leaf Areas (<80 cm2 g-1) and low P contents. Leaf area development is strongly correlated with leaf N and P contents in both forests, but Maricao samples appear to be more limited by P availability. In concordance with soil values, the Susua leaf sample set has significantly higher contents of P, but lower contents of K when compared with the Maricao sample set. Analyses of soluble K, Ca, and Mg reveal strong physiological selectivity in the absorption of these cations. K/Ca and Ca/Mg ratios are markedly higher in the soluble leaf extracts than in the soil extracts. It seems that restriction to vegetation development in the serpentine areas investigated are more related to nutritional deficiencies and not to high contents of either Mg or Ni in the upper soil layers. Only two strong Ni accumulators were found, Cassine xylocarpa (1.2 mol Ni g-1 dry mass or 70 g g-1) from Susua, and Chionanthus domingensis (12.2 mol g-1, or about 700 g g-1) from Maricao. These species are not restricted to serpentine areas in Puerto Rico.  相似文献   

Changes in light or water availability can result in synchronous leaf production, concentrating food availability for herbivores of young leaves to only a few months. To determine the importance of food availability on herbivory, leaf phenology and leaf damage were studied in the Luquillo Experimental Forest (LEF) of Puerto Rico. We studied 20 individuals of eight species for two years. Every month, new leaves were marked; the following month, leaf area and area of damage were measured. Over two years, comparison of leaf production and percent herbivory were performed for each species, and for all species taken together. More than 30 percent of the annual leaf production occurred in May and June. Leaf production was associated with an increase in PFD (photon flux density) and was not related to the patterns of rainfall. Although leaf production was synchronous, there were no differences in herbivory between the peak and non‐peak periods of leaf production. Possible explanations for the constant levels of herbivory throughout the year are the presence of a generalist herbivore community, the ability of herbivores to track changes in food availability, or high densities of herbivore predators that control herbivore populations.  相似文献   

Decomposition rates, initial chemical composition, and the relationship between initial chemistry and mass loss of fine roots and foliage were determined for two woody tropical species, Prestoea montana and Dacryodes excelsa, over a gradient of sites in two watersheds in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. At all locations, fine roots decayed significantly more slowly than foliage during the initial 6 months.Substrate quality of the initial tissue showed marked differences between roots and foliage when using cell wall chemistry, secondary chemistry and total elemental analysis as indices. Quantity of acid detergent fiber (ADF) (non-digestible cell wall fiber) and lignin content were higher for roots than leaves: D. excelsa roots had 55.3% ADF and 28.7% lignin while leaves had 36.2% ADF and 11.8% lignin; P. montana roots had 68.0% ADF and 26.8% lignin while leaves had 48.5% ADF and 16.1% lignin. Aluminum concentrations were higher in fine roots (843 mg kg–1 in D. excelsa, 1500 mg kg–1 in P. montana) than leaves (244 mg kg–1 in D. excelsa, 422 mg kg–1 in P. montana), while calcium concentrations were higher in foliage (5.5 mg g–1 in D. excelsa, 7.8 mg g–1 in P. montana) than roots (3.4 mg g–1 in D. excelsa, 3.1 mg g–1 in P. montana). Nitrogen did not show any trend with tissue or species type. A linear model between mass remaining after 6 months and initial tissue chemistry could be developed only for calcium (r2=0.64).  相似文献   

Understanding of N2O fluxes to the atmosphere is complicated by interactions between chemical and physical controls on both production and movement of the gas. To better understand how N2O production is controlled in the soil, we measured concentrations of N2O and of the proximal controllers on its production in soil water and soil air in a field study in the Rio Icacos basin of the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. A toposequence (ridge, slope-ridge break, slope, slope-riparian break, riparian, and streambank) was used that has been previously characterized for groundwater chemistry and surface N2O fluxes. The proximal controls on N2O production include NO3 , NH4 +, DOC, and O2. Nitrous oxide and O2 were measured in soil air and NO3 , NH4 +, and DO were measured in soil water. Nitrate and DOC disappeared from soil solution at the slope-riparian interface, where soil N2O concentrations increased dramatically. Soil N2O concentrations continued to increase through the flood plain and the streambank. Nitrous oxide concentrations were highest in soil air probes that had intermediate O2 concentrations. Changes in N2O concentrations in groundwater and soil air in different environments along the catena appear to be controlled by O2 concentrations. In general, N processing in the unsaturated and saturated zones differs within each topographic position apparently due to differences in redox status.  相似文献   

How important is ecotypic differentiation along elevational gradients in the tropics? Reciprocal transplants of two shrubs, Clibadium erosum (Asteraceae) and Psychotria berteriana (Rubiaceae), and a palm, Preitoea acuminata var. montana (Palmaceae), were used to test for the effect of environment and population origin on growth and physiology in the Luquillo Experimental Forest of Puerto Rico. Two sites were used, one at Pico del Este (1000 m in cloud forest) and one at El Verde (350 m in lower montane rain forest). At the cloud forest site, plastic barriers were erected around a subset of the plants to examine if protection from wind affected survival or biomass accumulation. Survival of C. erosum and P. berteriana was not affected by site, population origin, or the presence of barriers. For P. acuminata var. montana, survival was higher for plants with barriers, but not affected by site and population origin. Plants of C. erosum and P. berteriana at El Verde grew larger than at Pico del Este, but there was no effect of population origin or barrier treatment on biomass accumulation for these species. For P. acuminata var. montana, there was no effect of environment, population origin, or barrier treatment on biomass accumulation. Light‐saturated photosynthetic rate (Amax) of C. erosum, P. berteriana, and P. acuminata var. montana, as well as leaf anatomical characteristics of C. erosum, were unaffected by environment, population origin, and barrier treatment. On balance, there seems to be little evidence of ecotypic differentiation in these species along the gradient.  相似文献   

The growth phenology of Cyrilla racemiflora L., the dominant tree species of the montane rain forest, (subtropical lower montane rain forest, sensu Holdridge) of the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico was studied intensively during 1989, and then semiannually through mid-1993 to determine the periodicity of changes in xylem structure. Four trees at 770 m were monitored for flowering, branch elongation, leaf litterfall, and xylem cell growth and differentiation in the lower stem, and these events were related to local seasonal patterns of rainfall and temperature. Hurricane Hugo defoliated study trees in September, 1989. Bud-break and branch elongation in March, 1989 were followed by earlywood xylem cell production in the lower stem in April and the onset of flowering in May. Leaf litterfall was greatest between April and June, coinciding with peak branch growth and new leaf formation. Latewood xylem was produced in December. The general phenological pattern was synchronized between trees and over study years. Vessel diameter and density were monitored along with thickness of earlywood and latewood and the former converted to vessel lumen area, a measure of xylem conductance capacity. Annual growth rings were formed with periods of earlywood and latewood production coinciding with traditional summer (rainy) and winter (dry) seasons, respectively, in the Luquillo Mountains. Hurricane defoliation was followed by heavy flowering in 1990, a year of reduced branch elongation and annual xylem ring width, and was associated with maximum vessel lumen area, as was flowering in 1989, prior to the hurricane. Hurricane Hugo provided a perturbation that, through its elicited stress response, allowed for the demonstration of the interplay between flowering, branching, structural growth of xylem, and xylem function.  相似文献   

Summary Cluster analysis and canonical ordination were used as complementary techniques to identify major associations in a lower montane rain forest in Puerto Rico. These techniques were applied to forestry inventories from both secondary and primary communities. Eight major forest types were identified from the analyses and were confirmed by field checks. Distribution of these types was strongly correlated with past land-use and topographic position.Comprehensive ecological surveys are rare in moist tropical forests; however, forestry inventories are common and the results of this study suggest that valuable ecological information can be obtained from these data sets as well.Scientific Journal Series No. 10793 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experimental Station. Plant nomenclature according to Little & Wadworth (1964) and Little, Woodbury & Wadsworth (1974).This research was conducted while the senior author was stationed at the Institute of Tropical Forestry, USDA Forest Service, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico.  相似文献   

Aim Tropical dry forests in the Caribbean have an uniquely short, shrubby structure with a high proportion of multiple‐stemmed trees compared to dry forests elsewhere in the Neotropics. Previous studies have shown that this structure can arise without the loss of main stems from cutting, grazing, or other human intervention. The Caribbean has a high frequency of hurricanes, so wind may also influence forest stature. Furthermore, these forests also tend to grow on soils with low amounts of available phosphorus, which may also influence structure. The objective of this study was to assess the role of high winds in structuring dry forest, and to determine whether soil nutrient pools influence forest response following hurricane disturbance. Location Guánica Forest, Puerto Rico. Methods Over 2000 stems in five plots were sampled for hurricane effects within 1 week after Hurricane Georges impacted field sites in 1998. Sprout initiation, growth, and mortality were analysed for 1407 stems for 2 years after the hurricane. Soil nutrient pools were measured at the base of 456 stems to assess association between nutrients and sprout dynamics. Results Direct effects of the hurricane were minimal, with stem mortality at < 2% and structural damage to stems at 13%, although damage was biased toward stems of larger diameter. Sprouting response was high – over 10 times as many trees had sprouts after the hurricane as before. The number of sprouts on a stem also increased significantly. Sprouting was common on stems that only suffered defoliation or had no visible effects from the hurricane. Sprout survival after 2 years was also high (> 86%). Soil nutrient pools had little effect on forest response as a whole, but phosphorus supply did influence sprout dynamics on four of the more common tree species. Main conclusions Hurricanes are able to influence Caribbean tropical dry forest structure by reducing average stem diameter and basal area and generating significant sprouting responses. New sprouts, with ongoing survival, will maintain the high frequency of multi‐stemmed trees found in this region. Sprouting is not limited to damaged stems, indicating that trees are responding to other aspects of high winds, such as short‐term gravitational displacement or sway. Soil nutrients play a secondary role in sprouting dynamics of a subset of species. The short, shrubby forest structure common to the Caribbean can arise naturally as a response to hurricane winds.  相似文献   

Microbiological and physico-chemical characteristics of tropical forest, grassland and cropfield soils from India were investigated. The study revealed that the conversion of natural forest led to a reduction of soil organic C (26–36%), total N (26–35%), total P (33–44%), microfungal biomass (44–66%) and total microbial biomass C, N and P (25–60%) over a period of 30–50 years. Comparative analysis of microbial activity in terms of basal soil respiration revealed maximum activity in the forest and minimum in the cropfield soil. Analysis of microbial metabolic respiratory activity (qCO2) indicated relatively greater respiratory loss of CO2-C per unit microbial biomass in cropfield and grassland than in forest soil. Considering the importance of the microbial component in soil, we conclude that the conversion of the tropical forest to different land uses leads to the loss of biological stability of the soil.  相似文献   

Methane fluxes were measured, using static chambers, across a disturbance gradient in a West African semi-deciduous humid forest. Soil-feeding termite biomass was simultaneously determined, in an attempt to examine its influence on the net soil-atmosphere exchange of CH4. CH4 emission rates from individual termite species were determined under laboratory conditions, permitting the gross production of CH4 to be compared with net fluxes to the atmosphere. Both net CH4 oxidation(-) and emission were observed, and CH4 fluxes ranged from – 24.6 to 40.7 ng m–2 s–1. A statistically significant relationship between termite biomass and CH4 flux was observed across the forested sites such that: CH4 flux (ng m–2 s–1) = 4.95 × termite biomass (gm–2)–10.9 (P < 0.001). Rates of CH4 oxidation were on average 60% smaller at the clearfelled and Terminalia plantation sites than at the near-primary forest site. Two of the disturbed sites were net CH4 sources during one of the sampling periods. Disturbance of tropical forests, resulting in a decrease in the CH4 sink capacity of the soil, may therefore increase the contribution of termite-derived CH4 to the atmosphere. Measurements from the mounds of the soil-feeding termites Thoracotermes macrothorax and Cubitermes fungifaber from the old plantation site gave a CH4 emission of 636 and 53.4 ng s–1 mound–1, respectively. The forest floor surrounding the mounds was sampled in three concentric bands. Around the mound of T. macrothorax the soil was a net source of CH4 estimated to contribute a further 148 ng s–1. Soil surrounding the mound of C. fungifaber was mostly a net sink. The mounds of soil-feeding termites are point sources of CH4, which at the landscape scale may exceed the general sink capacity of the soil, to an extent dependent on seasonal variations in soil moisture and level of disturbance.  相似文献   

Human‐mediated habitat transformation is increasingly evident around the world. Yet, how this transformation influences species’ niche width and overlap remains unclear. On the one hand, human‐mediated habitat transformation promotes increased species similarity through trait‐based filtering, and an increased prevalence of generalist species with broad niches, resulting in functional homogenization. On the other hand, species that colonize transformed habitats could use empty niches, resulting in decreased species similarity and an expansion of assemblage‐level niche space. Here we explore these two alternatives in eight highly diverse passerine assembles in natural, rural and urban habitats in south and southwest China, a rapidly developing region of the world. Based on stable isotopes, we found that species’ niche width increased from natural to human‐made habitats, but there were no differences in niche overlap among habitats. Therefore, we found evidence for niche expansion, with generalists appearing to use empty niches created by human habitat modification, and with assemblages being comprised of complementary species. Further research is needed to determine whether increased between‐ or within‐individual niche variation is the main driver of niche expansion in transformed habitats.  相似文献   

Soil samples from mature and secondary forests and agricultural sites in three subtropical life zones of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands were collected to determine the effects of forest conversion to agriculture and succession on soil organic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) contents. Site characteristics that may affect soil C and N (slope, elevation, aspect, and texture) were as uniform as possible. Carbon contents (to 50 cm depth or bedrock) of cultivated sites, as a percent of corresponding mature forests, were lower in the wet (44%) and moist (31%) than in the dry (86%) life zones whereas N contents were relatively high regardless of life zone (60–130% of the mature forests). Conversion of forests to pasture resulted in less soil C and N loss than conversion to crops. The time for recovery of soil C and N during succession was approximately the same in all three life zones, about 40–50 yr for C about 15–20 yr for N. However, the rate of recovery of soil C was faster in the wet and moist life zone, whereas N appeared to recover faster in the dry life zone. Evidence for loss of soil C during cultivation and gain during succession to soil depths of 50–100 cm is presented.  相似文献   

The density and floristic composition of the soil seed bank was assessed in six cloud forest fragments with different levels of human disturbance in central Veracruz, Mexico. A total of 8416 seeds germinated in 60 soil samples, at 5‐cm depth, corresponding to 107 species, 85 genera, and 48 families. Significant differences were found among study sites in seed densities with values ranging from 873 to 3632/m2. Tree species contributed 20 percent of the total soil seed bank in four sites and herbs accounted for the majority of the species in each site. Among tree species, Trema micrantha displayed the highest seed density, accounting for 84 percent of the germinated seeds. In general, the tree species composition of the soil seed bank did not closely reflect the composition of the tree community. Results suggest that disturbance produced by human activities (trail use, selective cutting of trees, livestock) may influence the size and composition of the soil seed bank in forest fragments. Sites where human activity has been reduced showed the highest proportion of dormant seeds.  相似文献   

We examined the possibility that microbial adaptation to temperature could affect rates of CO2, N2O and CH4 release from soils. Laboratory incubations were used to determine the functional relationship between temperature and CO2, N2O and CH4 fluxes for five soils collected across an elevational range in Hawaii. Initial rates of CO2 production and net N mineralization increased exponentially from 15 °C to 55 °C; initial rates of CH4 and N2O release were more complex. No optimum temperature (in which rates decline at higher and lower temperatures) was apparent for any of the gases, but respiration declined with time at higher temperatures, suggesting rapid depletion of readily available substrate. Mean Q10S for respiration varied from 1.4 to 2.0, a typical range for tropical soils. The functional relationship between CO2 production and temperature was consistent among all five soils, despite the substantial differences in mean annual temperature, soils, and land-use among the sites. Temperature responses of N2O and CH4 fluxes did not follow simple Q10 relationships suggesting that temperature functions developed for CO2 release from heterotrophic respiration cannot be simply extrapolated. Expanding this study to tropical heterotrophic respiration, the flux is more sensitive to changes in Q10 than to changes in temperature on a per unit basis: the partial derivative with respect to temperature is 2.4 Gt C ·° C?1 with respect to Q10, it is 3.5 Gt C · Q10 unit?1. Therefore, what appears to be minor variability might still produce substantial uncertainty in regional estimates of gas exchange.  相似文献   

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