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Résumé L'ultrastructure des éléments cytoplasmiques de deux Dinoflagellés a révélé des différences fondamentales directement liées à leur mode de vie.Chez Noctiluca (Dinoflagellé libre, incolore), les corps de Golgi jouent un rôle important dans la formation des sphères archoplasmiques au moment des divisions et lors de l'élaboration de l'endoglée. Les mitochondries de grande taille, parfois géantes, ont des crêtes nombreuses et une matrice réduite. Elles offrent souvent des relations de contiguïté avec les granulations lipidiques et l'enveloppe nucléaire; elles sont très abondantes dans le tentacule du trophozoïte. Il n'existe pas de plastes. Les inclusions lipidiques abondent ainsi que les trichocystes fibreux et les poches mucifères dont le contenu est polysaccharidique.Chez Blastodinium (Dinoflagellé parasite, coloré sauf une espèce), les corps de Golgi sont très réduits dans le trophocyte, assez rares mais de structure classique dans les sporocytes. Les mitochondries sont de petite taille, pauvres en crêtes et ont une matrice importante chez le trophocyte; elles sont plus grandes dans les sporocytes. Les plastes bien développés, périphériques, possèdent des lamelles stromatiques formées de trois thylakoïdes chez les sporocytes; par contre, chez l'individu végétatif, le plus souvent incolore et relativement protégé de la lumière par plusieurs rangées de sporocytes, les plastes, de grande taille ont un aspect dégénéré: lamelles stromatiques rares, thylakoïdes tassés et stroma important; ce sont des étioplastes. Le cas de Blastodinium contortum hyalinum toujours incolore, est particulier: les plastes existent encore mais sont totalement dégénérés. Il y a très peu de lipides dans le trophocyte, mais ils sont par contre abondants dans les sporocytes. Il existe des trichocystes fibreux et chez l'individu végétatif, des figures myéliniques.Ces importantes variations structurales illustrent parfaitement, dans l'échelle évolutive des Dinoflagellés, l'exemple de deux modes de vie très différents.
Fine structure of endoplasm and vacuoles in two types of dinoflagellates of the genus Noctiluca and Blastodinium
Summary The fine structure of cytoplasmic elements of two Dinoflagellates reveals fundamental differences directly linked to their way of life.In Noctiluca, free-living, colourless dinoflagellate, the Golgi bodies play an important role in the formation of archoplasmic spheres at the moment of division and when the endoglea is elaborated. The mitochondria of great size, sometimes giant, have very abundant cristae and a reduced matrix. They often show relations of contiguity with the lipid granules and the nuclear envelope; they are very abundant in the tentacle of the trophozoïd. There are no plastids. The lipid inclusions are very abundant and so are fibrous trichocysts and muciferous bags whose content is polysaccharidic.In Blastodinium, parasitic dinoflagellate, coloured except for one species, the Golgi bodies are much reduced in the trophocyte, rather rare but of classical structure in the sporocytes. The mitochondria are of small size, with rare cristae and have an enlarged matrix in the trophocyte; they are bigger in the sporocytes. The plastids are well developed, peripheral, and have stromatic lamellae formed of three thylakoïds in the sporocytes. On the other hand, in the vegetative individual, usually colourless since it is protected from the light by many rows of sporocytes, the large plastids have a degenerated aspect, rare stromatic lamellae, packed thylakoïds and enlarged stroma; they are etioplastids. The case of Blastodinium contortum hyalinum, always colourless, is special: the plastids still exist but are completely degenerated. There are very few lipids in the trophocyte but abundant ones in the sporocytes. Some fibrous trichocysts occur, and in the vegetative individual, some myelinic vacuoles.These important structural variations illustrate very well the example of two very different ways of life, in the evolutionary tree of dinoflagellates.
Cet article fait partie d'un travail d'ensemble constituant une Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat intitulée: La cytologie et la division de deux types de Dinoflagellés: Noctiluca Suriray (genre libre) et Blastodinium Chatton (genre parasite).  相似文献   

Conclusion Nous avons démontré des échanges assez importants du liquide entre les Abeilles aux températures élevées. Cette répartition est exprimée pour la première fois quantitativement. Nous supposons que c'est un phénomène d'une réaction thermorégulatrice sur le plan social. Nous sommes en train de vérifier si cette réaction crée un microclimat différent autour des Abeilles dans ces conditions expérimentales.  相似文献   

Summary The colony of antDolichoderus quadripunctatus allows the observation of proctodeals trophallactic exchanges.Those exchanges are very important in the trophic activity of the colony. They are seasonal, in relation with the biological cycle. They are observable essentially during the evolution time of larvaes.In colony wich exclusively are composed with workers, they are loosed by the presence of second and third larvals stages.In colony with queen, proctodeals exchanges are loosed by the retaking of oviposition cycle by the female.They are bound to the female at first, and after, secondary to the workers. With the apparition of second and third larvals stages, the proctodeal food is generalized at the differents units of the colony (larva and adult).Proctodeal food is produced exclusively by workers. It is the principal form of larvae's food, important form for the female, and less for the workers.
Zusammenfassung Die Ameisenhaufen desDolichoderus Quadripunctatus typus erlauben es, die trophällactischen proctodealen Stoffwechsel zu beobachten.Diese Stoffwechsel sind in der trophischen Tötigkeit des Ameisenvolkes sehr wichtig. Sie sind an den Jahreszeiten gebunden, hängen mit dem biologischen Zyklus zusammen und treten wesentlich in der Entwicklungsperiode der Brut zum Vorschein.In den Kolonien, die ansschliesslich aus Arbeitsameisen bestehen, scheint es, als ob die Gegenwart von Larven der 2. und 3. Stufe diese Stoffwechsel hervorriefe.In den Völkern mit einer Königin werden sie durch die Wiederaufnahme der Legetätigkeit herbeigefürht. Dann sind sie hauptsächlich den Arbeitsameisen bestimmt. Sobald die Larven der 2. und 3. Stufe erscheinen wird die proctodeale Nahrung in denselben Kolonien mit Königin allen Mitgliedern der ganzen Gemeinschaft (d. h. Larven und Erwachsenen) zuteil.Endlich wird die proctodeale Nahrung nur von den Arbeitsameisen erzeugt. Sie ist die hauptsächliche Speisungsform der Brut; aber sie ist ausserdem eine sehr wichtige Ernährungsweise für das Weibchen und eine minder wichtige für die Arbeitsameisen.

The trophozoït of Noctiluca miliaris has a large nucleus (30 ) with several nucleoli of considerable size that contain DNA fibrillae lying in the interspaces. — Before and during the first sporogenetic divisions, the nucleoli disintegrate, releasing towards the cytoplasma numerous groups of ribonucleic granules passing through the nuclear ampullae. At the end of the sporulation, there are no nucleoli visible in the nuclei and no ampullae. — The nucleoplasm diminishes, as the DNA filaments are built up, to form the meshes of a network which limit the masses of chromatic material that take the shape of chromosomes characterized by regular fibrillar arches, at the 8–16 nuclei stage. In their centre, there is an axial structure which remains intact during the chromosomal segregation; its function during mitosis seems to be important: supplementary layers of arches appear at this level. — The progressive condensation of the chromosomes is correlated to the sporogenetic evolution of the nuclei, not to the different phases of the mitotic cycle. — The karyokinesis is brought about, during early stages, by mere splitting of the chromatic mass and of its envelope, and later one by separation into two lots of chromosomes. The segregation of these chromosomes is effected by partial intervention and growth of the envelope of the nucleus; there is no centromeric structure visible. At the end of divisions, the nucleus is almost entirely formed by its chromosomes. — The nucleolar structure, the karyokinesis, the structure of the nuclear envelope and the chromosomal cycle show the particularly high evolution of Noctiluca, within the Dinoflagellata.  相似文献   

In the Sorbas basin, the diatomites represent one of the main sedimentary components of the Messinian together with its two marginal carbonate platforms and the central gypsum deposits. Several vertical sections were taken in the infra-gypsum diatomites from successively more distal paleogeographic areas, ranging from the reef slopes (Cariatiz) to the basin (Los Yesos, Los Molinos). A total of 88 diatom species were determined: 50 centric and 38 pennate. Characteristic assemblages were defined for each category type, revealing ecological variations. In the three sections, plankton forms represent 90 % of the diatoms, with oceanic forms dominating the meroplanktonic and neritic. Nevertheless, some levels clearly indicate a coastal environment, attesting to the carbonate platform influence which progrades toward the basin. The diatom assemblages are relatively homogeneous throughout the three sections, indicating that, before gypsum deposition, the basin was still substantially open to the ocean, with waters sufficiently warm to allow coral reef development. Nevertheless, the basin might also have experienced episodes of colder Atlantic influences.  相似文献   

Bacterial interspersed mosaic elements (or BIMEs) are repeated sequences identified in several enterobacterial genomes. BIMEs are a mosaic combination of small sequence motifs. It has been estimated that 500 BIMEs are scattered over the bacterial genome. BIMEs have been identified in several enterobacteria: Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Klebsiella sp. and relatives of these bacteria. BIME function is not known, but their interactions with specific proteins (DNA polymerase I, gyrase and integration host factor) suggest that they could be involved in functional organization of bacterial chromosomes. Four other families of interspersed repetitive sequences have been shown to exist in a variety of bacterial genomes. Like BIMEs, these sequences are rather small, contain a region of dyad symmetry, and are found in extragenic locations. Unlike BIMEs, IRU (or ERIC), box C sequences and RSA sequences occur in enterobacteria but also in other Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

本文以微量电泳方法在细胞水平上检查了属涡鞭毛虫(亦称甲藻)类的夜光虫(Noctiluca miliaris)营养体细胞核的碱性蛋白。为此而提出的单个细胞核的分离、匀浆及其碱性蛋白的提取和电泳分析方法,表明是有效而可靠的。夜光虫的核碱性蛋白提取物及作对照的小牛胸腺组蛋白在100微米口径的毛细凝胶管中的对比电泳检测中,发现夜光虫细胞核的碱性蛋白只出现单独的一条蛋白带,其电泳迁移率与组蛋白H4组份的相当。这一碱性蛋白在一个营养体夜光虫细胞核中的含量,估计约为60微微克。实验结果说明,夜光虫的细胞核虽然根据细胞学的研究是比典型的涡鞭毛虫类高等而更接近于典型的真核生物,但是它们并不含有典型真核生物普遍所含的五种组蛋白成份。在这一点上看来,它是又跟典型的涡鞭虫类相似的。  相似文献   

The new approach of the fluviatile sequence preserved downstream of Abbeville from Port-le-Grand to Saint-Valery, brings together two sets of complementary data in a same canvas. The first set combines the field records of V. Commont and A. Briquet slightly above the basal cravels. The second set encompasses the data gained for the high and very high terraces mapped in the eighties. They point to a succession of ten main terraces and two second order ones, occurring in continuity with the Abbeville terrace system. The upper terrace being related to Jaramillo, we are dealing with one million year strong regional record with a high-resolution palaeoenvironmental signature fitting in with the ODP 677 marine isotopic record and with the Chinese loess record. In this way, the laminar tool-kit of Croix-l’Abbé could be positioned in the middle part of MIS 8, around 250 ka.  相似文献   

Les analyses polliniques ont été effectuées sur 40 échantillons de miel qui proviennent des deux grandes régions phytogéographiques situées dans la province de León (N.O. de l'Espagne). La densité pollinique (grains de pollen/g de miel), est de moins de 10.000 grains/g dans 27 échantillons, de 10.000 à 50.000 grains/g dans 12 miels et de 50.000 à 100.000 grains/g dans 1 seul cas.

Treize miels monofloraux ont été typifiées: 3 de châtaignier (Castanea sativa) 1 de bruyère dont 4 d'Erica sp, 2 d'E. umbellata et 1 d'E. arborea, 1 de tournesol (Helianthus annuus) et 2 de lavande (type Lavandula pedunculata). Les autres miels sont tous multifloraux.

Dans l'ensemble des miels analysés, 122 formes de pollen on pu être identifiées. Les types polliniques Erica australis, Genista florida, Lotus corniculatus, Trifolium repens, Mentha aquatica, Plantago lanceolata, Poaceae, Prunus, Rubus ulmifolius et Salix fragilis ont été identifiées dans 80% des échantillons provenant des deux régions phytogéographiques alors que ceux de Cistus ladanifer et de Lavandula pedunculata sont typiques des seuls miels de la région Méditerranéenne. Dans la région phytogéographique Eurosibérienne, les communautés végétales les mieux représentées dans les spectres polliniques ce sont celles à gênets, à bruyères et à épineux. Dans les miels de la région Méditerranéenne il y a également une bonne représentation des genêts, des bruyères et des épineux qui font cependant partie d'associations végétales différentes comme l'indique la présence de Lavandula pedunculata, Lavandula sampaiana et Cistus sp.  相似文献   

A Laberge  P M Bernard  L Bernard 《CMAJ》1988,138(9):824-826
To estimate the incidence of fracture of the proximal end of the femur in people aged 50 years or older living in the Quebec area in 1971, 1976 and 1981 we determined the number of admissions for such fractures to the 15 acute care hospitals in the region. From 1971 to 1981 the number of fractures increased by 71%; the increases for those aged 75 to 84 years and 85 years or over were 98% and 118% respectively. The variation is only partly explained by changes in sex and age distribution of the population; the incidence rates also increased. Among men aged 75 to 84 years the incidence rate per 1000 person-years rose from 2.63 in 1971 to 5.22 in 1981, an increase of 98%; the corresponding figures for men aged 85 years or more were 9.76 and 16.91, an increase of 73%. Among women aged 75 to 84 years the rate rose from 7.28 to 8.81, an increase of 21%; the corresponding figures for women aged 85 years or more were 20.40 and 24.27, an increase of 21% and 19% respectively.  相似文献   

Lemée  Georges 《Plant Ecology》1954,5(1):534-541
Plant Ecology - Les conditions climatiques déjà franchement désertiques de Beni-Ounif créent un milieu extrême pour l'économie de l'eau des Graminées...  相似文献   

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