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SUMMARY. 1. Cyst distribution and a possible excystment site of the dinoflagellate Peridinium penardii (Lemm.) Lemm. in a reservoir were surveyed.
2. The presence of vegetative cells of P. penardii from all lake bottom mud samples, taken from several sites throughout the reservoir and cultured in vitro , showed that viable cysts of P. penardii were ubiquitous on the bottom of the reservoir.
3. Culture bottles containing bottom mud with cysts of P. penardii were suspended at several depths at four stations in the reservoir. Vegetative cells of P. penardii were found in all bottles suspended at 0.5 m and almost none deeper than 20.0 m. Water depth was a critical environmental factor in preventing excystment.
4. The place where P. penardii first excysts annually was predicted to be at the head of the reservoir using the data of cyst distribution, excystment conditions and morphology of the lake basin.  相似文献   

Hu H  Shi Y  Cong W  Cai Z 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(22):1881-1885
The specific growth rate, cell final yields and extracellar carbonic anhydrase activity of the red tide alga Skeletonema costatum increased with increasing concentrations of Zn2+ from 0 to 12 pM, but decreased when Zn2+ was over 24 pM. However, cells grown under high concentrations of Zn2+ had higher activities of intracellular carbonic anhydrase than those grown under low concentrations of Zn2+. Chlorophyll a-specific light-saturated photosynthetic rate (P(Chla)), dark respiration rate (R(chla)) and apparent photosynthetic efficiency (alpha(chla)) significantly increased with increasing concentrations of Zn2+ from 0 to 3 pM, but decreased when increasing concentrations of Zn2+ from 3 to 66 pM. Photorespiration is the lowest when cells cultured in 3 pM Zn2+. The results suggest physiological activity of Skeletonema costatum is very sensitive to the prevailing concentration of Zn2+.  相似文献   

Heterosigma akashiwo, a red tide alga, was grown in Fe-deficient and Fe-replete batch cultures. Cell final yields and the growth rate were limited when Fe was below 10 nM and alleviated with 100 nM Fe. By comparison with the results under Fe-replete conditions, chlorophyll a-specific and cell-specific light saturated net photosynthetic capacity (Pm chl a and Pm cell), dark respiration rate (Rd chl a and Rd cell) and apparent photosynthetic efficiency (chl a and cell) decreased proportionately, whereas the cells became light saturated at higher irradiance under Fe stress (Fe-limited conditions).  相似文献   

A laboratory-determined critical concentration of phosphorus in the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena was used to assess the phosphorus sufficiency of field populations in the Peel-Harvey Estuarine System, Western Australia. Nutrient addition bioassays indicated that phosphorus was the limiting nutrient. Since river flow, and thus phosphorus input, to the estuary ceases 1–2 months before the onset of Nodularia blooms, the phosphorus contained in these blooms was derived from sediment release and nutrient recycling. A progressive increase in the mean cellular phosphorus concentration of Nodularia from 1981 to 1983 indicated that sediments were releasing a greater amount of phophorus each year. Although evidence suggests that the biomass of recent Nodularia blooms is now limited by physical factors, the additional phosphorus contained in each bloom will increase the supply of phosphorus to other organisms. Cellular phosphorus concentrations in Nodularia appeared to be correlated with river phosphorus loadings in the Peel Inlet but not in the Harvey Estuary.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton exhibit a diversity of morphologies, nutritional values, and potential chemical defenses that could affect the feeding and fitness of zooplankton consumers. However, how phytoplankton traits shape plant–herbivore interactions in the marine plankton is not as well understood as for terrestrial or marine macrophytes and their grazers. The occurrence of blooms of marine dinoflagellates such as Karenia brevis suggests that, for uncertain reasons, grazers are unable to capitalize on, or control, this phytoplankton growth—making these systems appealing for testing mechanisms of grazing deterrence. Using the sympatric copepod Acartia tonsa, we conducted a mixed diet feeding experiment to test whether K. brevis is beneficial, toxic, nutritionally inadequate, or behaviorally rejected as food relative to the palatable and nutritionally adequate phytoplankter Rhodomonas lens. On diets rich in K. brevis, copepods experienced decreased survivorship and decreased egg production per female, but the percentage of eggs that hatched was unaffected. Although copepods showed a 6–17% preference for R. lens over K. brevis on some mixed diets, overall high ingestion rates eliminated the possibility that reduced copepod fitness was caused by copepods avoiding K. brevis, leaving nutritional inadequacy and toxicity as remaining hypotheses. Because egg production was dependent on the amount of R. lens consumed regardless of the amount of K. brevis eaten, there was no evidence that fitness costs were caused by K. brevis toxicity. Copepods limited to K. brevis ate 480% as much as those fed only R. lens, suggesting that copepods attempted to compensate for low food quality with increased quantity ingested. Our results indicate that K. brevis is a poor food for A. tonsa, probably due to nutritional inadequacy rather than toxicity, which could affect bloom dynamics in the Gulf of Mexico where these species co-occur.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, salinity and irradiance on the growth of the red tide dinoflagellate Gyrodinium instriatum Freudenthal et Lee were examined in the laboratory. Exposed to 45 different combinations of temperature (10–30 °C) and salinity (0–40) under saturating irradiance, G. instriatum exhibited its maximum growth rate of 0.7 divisions/day at a combination of 25 °C and a salinity of 30. Optimum growth rates (>0.5 divisions/day) were observed at temperatures ranging from 20 to 30 °C and at salinities from 10 to 35. The organism could not grow at ≤10 °C. In addition, G. instriatum burst at a salinity of 0 at all temperatures, but grew at a salinity of 5 at temperatures between 20 and 25 °C. It is noteworthy that G. instriatum is a euryhaline organism that can live under extremely low salinity. Factorial analysis revealed that the contributions of temperature and salinity to its growth of the organism were almost equal. The irradiance at the light compensation point (I0) was 10.6 μmol/(m2 s) and the saturated irradiance for growth (Is) was 70 μmol/(m2 s), which was lower than Is for several other harmful dinoflagellates (90–110 μmol/(m2 s)).  相似文献   

Interaction of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition in determining growth   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
In this paper we discuss the differences and similarities in the growth response of tomato plants to N and P limitation, and to their interaction. Two detailed growth experiments, with varied N or P supply, were conducted in order to unravel the effects of N and P limitation on growth of young tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Relative growth rate (RGR) initially increased sharply with increasing plant P concentration but leveled off at higher plant P concentrations. In contrast, RGR increased gradually with increasing plant N concentration before it leveled off at higher plant N concentrations. The relationship of RGR with organic leaf N and P showed the same shape as with total N and P concentrations, respectively. The difference in response is most likely due to the different roles of N and P in the machinery of the plant's energy metabolism (e.g., photosynthesis, respiration). Plant N concentration decreased with increasing P limitation. We show that this decrease cannot be explained by a shift in dry-mass partitioning. Our results suggest that the decrease in N concentration with increasing P limitation may be mediated by a decrease in leaf cytokinin levels and is less likely due to decreased energy availability at low P conditions. Dry-mass partitioning to the roots was closely linearly related to the leaf reduced-N concentration. However, treatments that were severely P limited deviated from this relationship.  相似文献   

The effects of enrichment with phosphate (0–500 µg. 1–1) and forms of nitrogen (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia an and urea) (0–3500 µgg. –1) on the phytoplankton growth of Lobo Reservoir (Brazil) were studied in July, 1979. Suspended matter, chlorophyll a, cell concentrations and the carotenoid:cchlorophyll ratio were estimated following 14 days of in situ incubation. Phosphate alone caused no significant effects, but enrichment with nitrogen caused a substantial increase on the growth of phytoplankton. Comparison between the different forms of nitrogen showed insignificant effects after their additions with 350 µg. –1 and in combination with phosphate. However, when nitrogen was added in large quantities (3 500 µg. –1), significant differences between the nitrogeneous forms were found, with urea causing the strongest effect. In July, nitrogen is mhe main limiting nutrient to phytoplankton growth of Lobo Reservoir.Supported by CNPq and FAPESP.  相似文献   

Peroxidase activity of red raspberry canes was dependent on the cultivar and influenced the subsequent lignification. After inoculation with Didymella applanata, responsible for the spur blight cane disease, the activity of soluble cytoplasmic enzyme increased in the moderately resistant ‘Latham’ and susceptible ‘Malling Promise’, similarly for syringaldazine and guaiacol as hydrogen donors. Systemic induction found in ‘Latham’ was recognized as a symptom of defence mechanism responsible for fungal restriction. Locally enhanced peroxidase activity in the ‘M.Promise’ tissues was related to the local lignification and/or may be associated with the loss of cell integrity caused by pathogen penetration. Pathogen-induced changes of cell wall peroxidases were similar in both cultivars mentioned above. No influence of the infection was found in the high susceptible Zeva cultivar. Using native-PAGE analysis and horizontal starch electrophoresis of soluble fraction five constitutive acidic isoperoxidases were detected in ‘Latham’ and three in ‘M. Promise’. The infection process was accompanied by the appearance of two new anodic isoforms.  相似文献   

Relationships between gibberellins and floral initiation were investigated in a conditional non-flowering mutant of red clover, Trifolium pratense. Untreated mutant plants will not flower under long-days, but will do so when certain GAs are applied. Gibberellins, A3, A1, A7, and A5 all resulted in both stem elongation and flowering whilst GA4 produced the elongation only. Applications of GA20, GA8 and GA13 under long-days had no detectable effect. Thus, by combining the use of the mutant with the application of different GAs, the correlation between the processes of stem elongation and floral initiation, which is normally strongly expressed in this species, was broken. Endogenous gibberellins shown to be present in normal plants were also found in the mutant genotype. Gibberellins alone were not sufficient to initiate floral development in the mutant, there being an essential element of interaction with long-days. These results are discussed in relation to the nature of the lesion in the mutant and the signal provided by the applied gibberellin.  相似文献   

The effects of particle concentration and season on the filtration rates of the freshwater clamSphaerium striatinum Lamarck were assessed by measuring clearance rates of small (2.02 μm) latex beads from dilute suspensions. Filtration rates decreased as particle concentration increased over a range of 2–64 mg 1−1, with rates decreasing in similar proportion for clams of all sizes. For a 1-mg clam, rates decreased from approximately 8.4 to 0.57 ml clam−1 h−1. Seasonal filtration rates for adult clams peaked during periods of greatest reproduction. The patterns for smaller clams are similar, though proportional changes in filtration rates differ for various sizes of clams. It is estimated that clams occupying 1 m2 of stream substrate removed about 3.67 gCa−1. This is equivalent to 0.0004% of the carbon that flows past them annually. Filter-feeding provided only 24% of the calculated energy needs of the population, suggesting that another mode of feeding (e.g. deposit-feeding) may provide an important energy source for these forms. Funded in part by a grant-in-aid to D. J. Hornbach from Sigma-Xi, The Research Society. Funded in part by a grant-in-aid to D. J. Hornbach from Sigma-Xi, The Research Society.  相似文献   

Structural cell wall proteins and their immobilisation through formation of covalent cross-links belong to important defense response mechanisms. In this work, the D. applanata — induced increase of wall-bound proline and hydroxyproline contents were associated with red raspberry resistance. The effect did not depend on the developmental stage and lignification degree of infected primocanes. Pathogen-induced accumulation of hydroxyproline noted in susceptible plants suggested the post-translational hydroxylation of proline-rich proteins and/or may be of other wall proteins. Moreover, the developmentally related increase of hydroxyproline content was associated with the resistance acquirement noted at the end of the summer period. The increase of cell wall structural protein levels was accompanied by free proline accumulation in the cytosol fraction.  相似文献   

The effects of aeration of the N-free rooting medium with elevated CO2 on (a) acetylene reduction by perlite-grown plants and (b) N2-fixation and long-term growth of nutrient solution-grown plants were determined for nodulatedAlnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. In the former experiments, roots of intact plants were incubated in acetylene in air in darkened glass jars for 3 hr, followed by a further 3 hr incubation period in air enriched with CO2 (0–5%). During incubation, the CO2 content of the jars increased by 0.17% per hour due to respiration of the root system, so that the CO2 content at 3 hr was 0.5%. Additional enrichment of the rooting medium gas-phase with CO2 equivalent to 1.1% and 1.75% CO2 of the gas volume significantly increased nitrogenase activity (ethylene production) by 55% and 50% respectively, while enrichment with greater than 2.5% CO2 decreased activity. In contrast, ethylene production by control plants, where CO2 was not added to the assay jars, decreased by 8% over the assay period. In long-term growth experiments, nodulated roots of intactAlnus glutinosa plants were sealed into jars containing N-free nutrient solution (pH 6.3) and aerated with air, or air containing elevated levels of CO2 (1.5% and 5%). Comparison of the appearance of CO2-treated with air treated plants suggested that 1.5% CO2 stimulated plant growth. However, at harvest after 5 or 6 weeks variability between plants masked the significance of differences in plant dry weight. A significant increase of 33% in total nitrogen of plants aerated with 1.5% CO2, compared with air-treated plants, was demonstrated, broadly in line with the short-term increase in acetylene reducing activity observed following incubations with similar CO2 concentrations. Shoot dry weight was not affected significantly by long-term exposure to 5% CO2, the main effect on growth being a 20% reduction in dry weight of the root system, possibly through inhibition of root system respiration. However, in contrast to the inhibitory effects of high CO2 on acetylene reduction there was no significant effect on the amounts of N2 fixed.  相似文献   

J. R. Caradus 《Plant and Soil》1992,146(1-2):209-217
Ninety eight white clover genotypes were cloned and grown in pots at two levels of phosphorus (P) supply in soil. After harvest the nitrogen (N) and P content of shoot (leaf, petiole and unrooted stolon), stolon and root tissue was determined. Broad sense heritabilities for %N, %P, and proportion of total N or P in each tissue type were calculated. Heritabilities ranged from 0.22 to 0.68. They were generally higher for %P than %N; and higher in shoot and stolon tissue than root tissue for %P, %N, and proportion of N or P. Level of P in which plants were grown had little effect on heritability values. Genotypes from bred cultivars differed from those collected from hill country pastures for plant size, and partitioning of N and P to shoot, stolon and root. Relationships between plant characters were examined to determine the consequences of selection.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to elucidate the effect of N form, either NH4 + or NO3 , on growth and solute composition of the salt-tolerant kallar grass [Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth] grown under 10 mM or 100 mM NaCl in hydroponics. Shoot biomass was not affected by N form, whereas NH4 + compared to NO3 nutrition caused an almost 4-fold reduction in the root biomass at both salinity levels. Under NH4 + nutrition, salinity had no effect on the biomass yield, whereas under NO3 nutrition, increasing salinity from 10 mM to 100 mM caused 23% and 36% reduction in the root and shoot biomass, respectively. The reduced root growth under NH4 + nutrition was not attributable to impaired shoot to root C allocation since N form did not affect the overall root sugar concentration and the starch concentration was even higher under NH4 + compared to NO3 nutrition. The low NH4 + (2 mM) and generally higher amino-N concentrations in NH4 +- compared to NO3 -fed plants indicated that the grass was able to effectively detoxify NH4 +. Salinity had no effect on Ca2+ and Mg2+ levels, whereas their concentration in shoots was lower under NH4 + compared to NO3 nutrition (over 66% reduction in Ca2+; over 20% reduction in Mg2+), but without showing deficiency symptoms. Ammonium compared to NO3 nutrition did not inhibit K+ uptake, and the K+-Na+ selectivity either remained unaffected or it was higher under NH4 + than under NO3 nutrition. Results suggested that while NH4 + versus NO3 nutrition substantially reduced root growth, and also strongly modified anion concentrations and to a minor extent concentrations of divalent cations in shoots, it did not influence salt tolerance of kallar grass.  相似文献   

Stores and flows of carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen in a littoral Equisetum stand were studied in 1978–1980 in the oligotrophic, mesohumic lake Pääjärvi, southern Finland. The major carbon and nutrient stores were sediment and Equisetum. The seasonal cycle of the macrophyte vegetation had a profound influence on the whole littoral ecosystem. In spring, when only dead remains of Equisetum were present above ground, there were few differences in nutrient, chlorophyll a and zooplankton concentrations between the littoral and the open lake; phytoplankton and epiphytes were the major producers.In early June, when new shoots of Equisetum reached the water surface, water exchange between the littoral and the open lake started to diminish, and the characteristic features of a closed macrophyte zone gradually developed: by August the P, Chl a and zooplankton concentrations in the littoral were 5–10 times those in the open lake. From late June until autumn Equisetum was overwhelmingly dominant both in biomass and in production.The measured total primary production and respiration values indicated a high rate of internal cycling of carbon and nutrients. The daily P requirements of plant growth exceeded the total P stored in the water by a factor of 2–4, and also exceeded the release of nutrients in excretion. High N:P ratios in the water (total 10–64, inorganic 18–171) suggested that P was probably always the limiting nutrient.The P content of the annual production of Equisetum in Pääjärvi was 2.3% of the mean annual P load, and 5.3% of the mean total P storage in the water volume of the lake.  相似文献   

Thomson  C. J.  Bolger  T. P. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):285-288
Subterranean clover seed (Trifolium subterraneum cv. Dalkeith) with phosphorus concentrations of 0.75% (high P seed) and 0.48% (low P seed) and of uniform size (2.0–2.4 mm diameter) was used to measure the effect of seed P concentrations on seedling emergence and growth.Seedling emergence numbers were 35% greater for the high P seed, and this effect was independent of external P supply. High P seed also emerged more quickly than low P seed.Leaf emergence was faster and shoot dry weight was greater for seedlings grown from high compared with low P seed, but only when external P supply was deficient for plant growth. Phosphorus concentrations in the shoots of two-week old seedlings were 32–51% higher for high P seed, although by four weeks plants grown from high and low P seed had similar concentrations of P in their shoots. We suggest that establishing pastures using high P seed would improve both early and late season pasture production.  相似文献   

Unionid clams were collected at 1–2 m, 3–4 m and 6–7 m depth in lake Mattsee, a moderately mesotrophic lake, to investigate the effect of depth on clam growth and age structure. No significant differences in age structure of Anodonta cygnea were found (p=0.65). Three and ten years old clams were present at all depths, but in different percentages. Whereas at 1–2 m 13.3% of the collected clams were <4 years old, this percentage was 4.4% at 6–7 m and 7.1% at 3–4 m. A greater percentage (6.7%) of older mussels (9, 10 years) were collected at 6–7 m than at 1–2 m (2.2%). Growth declined with depth. Total length at a given age of clams at 1–2 m and 3–4 m did not differ (p=0.54), whereas differences were significant between clams at 1–2 m and 6–7 m (p<0.05) as well as between 3–4 m and 6–7 m (p<0.05). The Growth constant k was highest at 1–2 m depth.  相似文献   

Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty from the Philippines was grown in the subtropical waters of Shikoku Is., Japan (33°2635 N, 133°2500 E). The growth rate, carrageenan yield, viscosity and gel strength were compared to values for plants cultured in the Philippines and between spring-summer, autumn-winter and winter periods in Japan. Maximum daily growth rates up to 8% occurred in Japan in October to November (autumn) while die-back occurred in winter due to low seawater temperature (15 °C). The average growth rate (ca 5%) in spring-summer to autumn was comparable to that in the Philippines. During the winter (December), the daily growth rate was approximately 1%. Gel strength, determined in a 1.5% solution in both water and 0.2% KCl, was 850 g cm-2 and 2000 g cm-2, respectively. Sol viscosity was 890 cP at 75 ° C. These values are quite similar to values obtained in the Philippines.  相似文献   

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