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We have asked whether the Nck and Crk adaptor proteins play important roles in the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-induced signaling pathways that lead to an enhancement in cell migration. The introduction into human umbilical vein endothelial cells of a dominant-negative inhibitor for either Nck or Crk blocked the recruitment of both endogenous proteins to the KDR VEGF receptor subtype indicating that both proteins are recruited to the same docking site. The Nck and Crk dominant-negatives led to the formation of abnormally large focal adhesion, blocked VEGF-induced integrin activation, and blocked VEGF-induced actin dynamics. The dominant-negatives had no effects on these properties in cells expressing constitutively active Rac1 or RhoA. Since a DN to either Nck or Crk blocks the cellular responses mediated by both proteins, we performed experiments directed at clarifying signaling pathways specifically mediated by each protein. Inhibition of the interaction between Nck with its downstream effector PAK led to abnormally large focal adhesions, but had no effect on integrin activation or cell adhesiveness. Evidence is presented that Crk complexes with C3G in control cells, and VEGF treatment leads to the recruitment of the complex to the cell surface. Inhibition of the C3G downstream effector Rap1 leads to enlarged focal adhesions and blocks VEGF-induced integrin activation. We conclude that Nck and Crk mediate distinct VEGF-induced signaling pathways that serve overlapping functions in cell migration.  相似文献   

A permanent magnetic microneedle was developed to apply tensional forces to integrin receptors via ligand-coated magnetic microbeads while optically analyzing the mechanical properties of individual focal adhesions. Force application (130 pN for 3 s) through activated beta1 integrins produced less bead displacement than when unligated integrins were stressed. This strengthening response differed markedly on a bead-by-bead basis, correlated directly with local focal adhesion assembly, and was similar when analyzed at 4 degrees C, indicating that it was due to passive material properties of the cell. Viscoelastic analysis clarified that recruitment of focal adhesion proteins increased the local elastic stiffness of the adhesion complex without changing its viscous behavior. These data indicate that individual focal adhesions exhibit distinct mechanical properties that depend upon local focal adhesion assembly, and that these local variations in micromechanics can be detected and analyzed within living cells using the permanent magnetic microneedle technique.  相似文献   

The formation of focal adhesions governs cell shape and function; however, there are few measurements of the binding kinetics of focal adhesion proteins in living cells. Here, we used the fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) technique, combined with mathematical modeling and scaling analysis to quantify dissociation kinetics of focal adhesion proteins in capillary endothelial cells. Novel experimental protocols based on mathematical analysis were developed to discern the rate-limiting step during FRAP. Values for the dissociation rate constant kOFF ranged over an order of magnitude from 0.009 ± 0.001/s for talin to 0.102 ± 0.010/s for FAK, indicating that talin is bound more strongly than other proteins in focal adhesions. Comparisons with in vitro measurements reveal that multiple focal adhesion proteins form a network of bonds, rather than binding in a pair-wise manner in these anchoring structures in living cells.  相似文献   

Our three-dimensional (3-D) images showed that paxillin co-localized on actin filaments as fibrous structures, as well as clusters, in endothelial cells (ECs). In living ECs under flow condition, we monitored concurrently the intracellular dynamics of DsRed2-paxillin and GFP-actin by time-lapse video recording and dual-color fluorescence imaging. The results showed that the dynamic motion of paxillin as fibrous structures was associated with actin filaments, but not with microtubules. Our findings suggest that the actin network plays an important role not only in the assembly/disassembly of paxillin at focal adhesions, but also as a track for the intracellular transport of paxillin, which is involved in signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The synaptopodin family of proteins consists of at least 3 members: synaptopodin, the synaptopodin 2 proteins, and the synaptopodin 2-like proteins. Each family member has at least 3 isoforms that are produced by alternative splicing. Synaptopodin family members are basic proteins that are rich in proline and have little regular 2° or 3° structure at physiological temperature, pH and ionic strength. Like other natively unfolded proteins, synaptopodin family members have multiple binding partners including actin and other actin-binding proteins. Several members of the synaptopodin family have been shown to stimulate actin polymerization and to bundle actin filaments either on their own or in collaboration with other proteins. Synaptopodin 2 has been shown to accelerate nucleation of actin filament formation and to induce actin bundling. The actin polymerization activity is inhibited by Ca2+-calmodulin. Synaptopodin 2 proteins are localized in Z-bands of striated and heart muscle and dense bodies of smooth muscle cells. Depending on the developmental status and stress, at least one member of the synaptopodin family can occupy nuclei of some cells. Members of the synaptopodin 2 subfamily have been implicated in cancers.  相似文献   

Myocilin, a novel matricellular protein found in the human eye, can modify signaling events mediated by the Heparin II domain of fibronectin. Using myocilin produced in sf9 insect cells, myocilin inhibited spreading of cycloheximide-treated human skin fibroblasts plated on substrates co-coated with myocilin and either fibronectin or its Heparin II domain. Cell spreading could be rescued by adding back either substrate adsorbed or soluble Heparin II domains. Myocilin did not inhibit cell attachment to fibronectin even in the presence of a 2400 M excess of myocilin. Myocilin impaired focal adhesion formation and specifically blocked the incorporation of paxillin, but not vinculin, into focal adhesions. The Heparin II domain mediated the incorporation of paxillin into focal adhesions, since paxillin was not assembled into focal adhesions unless the Heparin II domain was present. The effect of myocilin on focal adhesions could be overcome by treating cells with either phorbol 12-myristate (PMA) or oleoyl-L-alpha-lysophosphatidic acid (LPA). Myocilin bound to the fibroblast cell surface, but its binding could not be competed with excess fibronectin, suggesting that myocilin does not compete for cell surface binding sites of fibronectin. Myocilin therefore appears to specifically block functions mediated by the Heparin II domain possibly through direct interactions with it.  相似文献   

Initial integrin-mediated cell-matrix adhesions (focal complexes) appear underneath the lamellipodia, in the regions of the "fast" centripetal flow driven by actin polymerization. Once formed, these adhesions convert the flow behind them into a "slow", myosin II-driven mode. Some focal complexes then turn into elongated focal adhesions (FAs) associated with contractile actomyosin bundles (stress fibers). Myosin II inhibition does not suppress formation of focal complexes but blocks their conversion into mature FAs and further FA growth. Application of external pulling force promotes FA growth even under conditions when myosin II activity is blocked. Thus, individual FAs behave as mechanosensors responding to the application of force by directional assembly. We proposed a thermodynamic model for the mechanosensitivity of FAs, taking into account that an elastic molecular aggregate subject to pulling forces tends to grow in the direction of force application by incorporating additional subunits. This simple model can explain a variety of processes typical of FA behavior. Assembly of FAs is triggered by the small G-protein Rho via activation of two major targets, Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) and the formin homology protein, Dia1. ROCK controls creation of myosin II-driven forces, while Dia1 is involved in the response of FAs to these forces. Expression of the active form of Dia1, allows the external force-induced assembly of mature FAs, even in conditions when Rho is inhibited. Conversely, downregulation of Dia1 by siRNA prevents FA maturation even if Rho is activated. Dia1 and other formins cap barbed (fast growing) ends of actin filaments, allowing insertion of the new actin monomers. We suggested a novel mechanism of such "leaky" capping based on an assumption of elasticity of the formin/barbed end complex. Our model predicts that formin-mediated actin polymerization should be greatly enhanced by application of external pulling force. Thus, the formin-actin complex might represent an elementary mechanosensing device responding to force by enhancement of actin assembly. In addition to its role in actin polymerization, Dia1 seems to be involved in formation of links between actin filaments and microtubules affecting microtubule dynamics. Alpha-tubulin deacetylase HDAC6 cooperates with Dia1 in formation of such links. Since microtubules are known to promote FA disassembly, the Dia1-mediated effect on microtubule dynamics may possibly play a role in the negative feedback loop controlling size and turnover of FAs.  相似文献   

Over the past several years, it has become clear that the Rho family of GTPases plays an important role in various aspects of neuronal development including cytoskeleton dynamics and cell adhesion processes. We have analysed the role of MEGAP, a GTPase-activating protein that acts towards Rac1 and Cdc42 in vitro and in vivo, with respect to its putative regulation of cytoskeleton dynamics and cell migration. To investigate the effects of MEGAP on these cellular processes, we have established an inducible cell culture model consisting of a stably transfected neuroblastoma SHSY-5Y cell line that endogenously expresses MEGAP albeit at low levels. We can show that the induced expression of MEGAP leads to the loss of filopodia and lamellipodia protrusions, whereas constitutively activated Rac1 and Cdc42 can rescue the formation of these structures. We have also established quantitative assays for evaluating actin dynamics and cellular migration. By time-lapse microscopy, we show that induced MEGAP expression reduces cell migration by 3.8-fold and protrusion formation by 9-fold. MEGAP expressing cells also showed impeded microtubule dynamics as demonstrated in the TC-7 3x-GFP epithelial kidney cells. In contrast to the wild type, overexpression of MEGAP harbouring an artificially introduced missense mutation R542I within the functionally important GAP domain did not exert a visible effect on actin and microtubule cytoskeleton remodelling. These data suggest that MEGAP negatively regulates cell migration by perturbing the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton and by hindering the formation of focal complexes.  相似文献   

Actin binding proteins (ABPs) have been considered components of the cytoskeleton, which gives structure and allows mobility of the cell. The complex dynamic properties of the actin cytoskeleton are regulated at multiple levels by a variety of proteins that control actin polymerization, severing of actin filaments and cross-linking of actin filaments into networks, which may be used by molecular motors. Proteins that cross-link F-actin are important for the maintenance of the viscoelastic properties of the cytoplasm and for the integrity of plasma membrane-associated macromolecules. Most of these F-actin cross-linking proteins have an actin-binding domain homologous to calponin. In addition, some of them have been considered scaffolds. Through the years, several research groups have found different proteins that interact with ABPs; however, the effect of these interactions on ABPs remains mostly unknown. In addition to organize the cytoskeletal structure, recent data indicate that ABPs can also migrate to the nucleus. This fact is in agreement and could be relevant to the recently found role that actin might play in nuclear function. Recent data and analysis of published results have also indicated that scaffold proteins like filamin A (FLNa) may be processed by proteolysis and that the degradation products generated by this reaction may play a role as signaling molecules, integrating nuclear and cytosolic pathways. Some of the relevant information in this area is reviewed here.  相似文献   

Mechano-transduction was studied in wildtype and focal adhesion (FA) protein-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). Using a cell stretcher, we determined the effect of stretch on cell morphology, apoptosis, and phosphorylation of ERK1/2. After 20% cyclic, uniaxial stretch, FA-deficient MEFs showed morphological changes and levels of apoptosis of the order: focal adhesion kinase > p130Cas > vinculin compared to wildtype cells. ERK1/2 phosphorylation peaked in wildtype cells at around 10 min, and in all FA-deficient cells at around 5 min. The relative change in strain energy of FA-deficient cells compared to wildtype cells was of the order: vinculin > FAK > p130Cas. Taken together, FAK and p130Cas are more important in the stretch-mediated downstream signaling and cell survival pathway, while vinculin is more critical in maintaining cell contractility.  相似文献   

Serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT) has been localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by subcellular fractionation and enzymatic assays, and fluorescence microscopy of epitope-tagged SPT; however, our studies have suggested that SPT subunit 1 might be present also in focal adhesions and the nucleus. These additional locations have been confirmed by confocal microscopy using HEK293 and HeLa cells, and for focal adhesions by the demonstration that SPT1 co-immunoprecipitates with vinculin, a focal adhesion marker protein. The focal adhesion localization of SPT1 is associated with cell morphology, and possibly cell migration, because it is seen in most cells before they reach confluence but disappears when they become confluent, and is restored by a standard scratch-wound healing assay. Conversely, elimination of SPT1 using SPTLC1 siRNA causes cell rounding. Thus, in addition to its “traditional” localization in the ER for de novo sphingolipid biosynthesis, SPT1 is present in other cellular compartments, including focal adhesions where it is associated with cell morphology.  相似文献   

Senyo SE  Koshman YE  Russell B 《FEBS letters》2007,581(22):4241-4247
The effect of interval, direction and rate of strain on mechanotransduction in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes is determined for focal adhesion kinase (Y397pFAK), extracellular signal-regulated kinase ERK1/2 (Thr(183)/Tyr(185)) and paxillin (pY31) and phosphorylation time courses to 10% strain assessed. Cells are non-responsive at 5 min but recover at 15 min (P<0.03) with FAK nuclear translocation by 30 min. Cyclic biaxial strain increased phosphorylation from slower to faster rates (P<0.05). Uniaxial strain to groove-aligned myocytes increased FAK and ERK1/2 phosphorylation transversely more than longitudinally (P<0.05). Mechanotransduction may have a refractory period of 5 min and differentiate directions and rates of strain.  相似文献   

The strength of integrin binding between neutrophils and endothelial cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The firm adhesion of activated polymorphonuclear neutrophils to endothelial cells in blood vessels is achieved through binding of the integrin intercellular adhesion molecule. To contribute to the better understanding of this adhesion step, our investigation is aimed at the relationship between integrin expression and the strength of neutrophil binding to endothelial cells. Flow cytometry and 3D scanning microscopy are used to study integrin expression and distribution, respectively. It is found that CD11b/CD18 integrin expression is localized in clusters distributed irregularly over the neutrophil surface. After cell activation, the cluster distribution polarizes, increasing the local CD11b/CD18 density concurrently with nearly doubled integrin expression. The neutrophil adhesion efficiency is measured in a flow chamber coated successively by various substrates, including endothelial cells in an activated state. Analysis of the flow dependence of the number of attached cells reveals the prevailing number of neutrophils with stronger binding to the endothelium when both cells are in the activated state in comparison with non-activated cells.  相似文献   

Focal adhesions (FAs) are large assemblies of proteins that mediate intracellular signals between the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix (ECM). The turnover of FA proteins plays a critical regulatory role in cancer cell migration. Plasma membrane lipids locally generated or broken down by different inositide kinases and phosphatase enzymes to activate and recruit proteins to specific regions in the plasma membrane. Presently, little attention has been given to the use of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2) and Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PtdIns(3,4,5)P3) fluorescent biosensors in order to determine the spatiotemporal organisation of PtdIns(4,5)P2 and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 within and around or during assembly and disassembly of FAs. In this study, specific biosensors were used to detect PtdIns(4,5)P2, PtdIns(3,4,5)P3, and FAs proteins conjugated to RFP/GFP in order to monitor changes of PtdIns(4,5)P2 and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 levels within FAs. We demonstrated that the localisation of PtdIns(4,5)P2 and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 were moderately correlated with that of FA proteins. Furthermore, we demonstrate that local levels of PtdIns(4,5)P2 increased within FA assembly and declined within FA disassembly. However, PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 levels remained constant within FAs assembly and disassembly. In conclusion, this study shows that PtdIns(4,5)P2 and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 localised in FAs may be regulated differently during FA assembly and disassembly.  相似文献   

Vinculin couples as a focal adhesion protein the extracellular matrix (ECM) through integrins to the actomyosin cytoskeleton. During the last years vinculin has become the focus of cell mechanical measurements and a key protein regulating the transmission of contractile forces. In earlier reports vinculin has been described as an inhibitor of cell migration on planar substrates, because knock-out of vinculin in F9 mouse embryonic carcinoma cells and mouse embryonic fibroblasts showed increased cell motility on 2D substrates. The role of vinculin in cell invasion through a 3D extracellular matrix is still fragmentarily investigated. This review presents vinculin in its role as a regulator of cellular mechanical functions. Contractile force generation is reduced when vinculin is absent, or enhanced when vinculin is present. Moreover, the generation of contractile forces is a prerequisite for cell invasion through a dense 3D ECM, where the pore-size is smaller than the diameter of the cell nucleus (<2 μm). Measurements of cell’s biophysical properties will be presented. In summary, vinculin’s leading role among focal adhesion proteins in regulating the mechanical properties of cells will be discussed.  相似文献   

Enabled/vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (Ena/VASP) proteins are established regulators of actin-based motility, platelet aggregation, and growth cone guidance. However, the molecular mechanisms involved essentially remain elusive. Here we report on a novel mechanism of VASP action, namely the regulation of tensile strength, contractility, and rigidity of the actin cytoskeleton. Compared to wild-type cells fibroblasts derived from VASP-deficient mice have thicker and more stable actin stress fibres. Furthermore focal adhesions are enlarged, myosin light chain phosphorylation is increased, and the rigidity of the filament-supported plasma membrane is elevated about three- to fourfold, as is evident from atomic force microscopy. Moreover, fibronectin-coated beads adhere stronger to the surface of VASP-deficient cells. The resistance of these beads to mechanical displacement by laser tweezers is dramatically increased in an F-actin-dependent mode. Cytoskeletal stabilization coincides with slower cell adhesion and detachment, while overall adhesion is increased. Interestingly, many of these effects observed in VASP (−/−) cells are recapitulated in VASP-overexpressing cells, hinting towards a balanced stoichiometry necessary for appropriate VASP function. Taken together, our results suggest that VASP regulates surface protrusion formation and cell adhesion through modulation of the mechanical properties of the actin cytoskeleton.Annette B. Galler, Maísa I. García Arguinzonis these authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

The interaction of annexin A6 (AnxA6) with membrane phospholipids and either specific extracellular matrix (ECM) components or F-actin suggests that it may influence cellular processes associated with rapid plasma membrane reorganization such as cell adhesion and motility. Here, we examined the putative roles of AnxA6 in adhesion-related cellular processes that contribute to breast cancer progression. We show that breast cancer cells secrete annexins via the exosomal pathway and that the secreted annexins are predominantly cell surface-associated. Depletion of AnxA6 in the invasive BT-549 breast cancer cells is accompanied by enhanced anchorage-independent cell growth but cell–cell cohesion, cell adhesion/spreading onto collagen type IV or fetuin-A, cell motility and invasiveness were strongly inhibited. To explain the loss in adhesion/motility, we show that vinculin-based focal adhesions in the AnxA6-depleted BT-549 cells are elongated and randomly distributed. These focal contacts are also functionally defective because the activation of focal adhesion kinase and the phosphoinositide-3 kinase/Akt pathway were strongly inhibited while the MAP kinase pathway remained constitutively active. Compared with normal human breast tissues, reduced AnxA6 expression in breast carcinoma tissues correlates with enhanced cell proliferation. Together this suggests that reduced AnxA6 expression contributes to breast cancer progression by promoting the loss of functional cell–cell and/or cell–ECM contacts and anchorage-independent cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Dynamic actin network at the leading edge of the cell is linked to the extracellular matrix through focal adhesions (FAs), and at the same time it undergoes retrograde flow with different dynamics in two distinct zones: the lamellipodium (peripheral zone of fast flow), and the lamellum (zone of slow flow located between the lamellipodium and the cell body). Cell migration involves expansion of both the lamellipodium and the lamellum, as well as formation of new FAs, but it is largely unknown how the position of the boundary between the two flow zones is defined, and how FAs and actin flow mutually influence each other. We investigated dynamic relationship between focal adhesions and the boundary between the two flow zones in spreading cells. Nascent FAs first appeared in the lamellipodium. Within seconds after the formation of new FAs, the rate of actin flow decreased locally, and the lamellipodium/lamellum boundary advanced towards the new FAs. Blocking fast actin flow with cytochalasin D resulted in rapid dissolution of nascent FAs. In the absence of FAs (spreading on poly-L-lysine-coated surfaces) retrograde flow was uniform and the velocity transition was not observed. We conclude that formation of FAs depends on actin dynamics, and in its turn, affects the dynamics of actin flow by triggering transition from fast to slow flow. Extension of the cell edge thus proceeds through a cycle of lamellipodium protrusion, formation of new FAs, advance of the lamellum, and protrusion of the lamellipodium from the new base.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) regulate a number of angiogenic cellular responses such as migration of endothelial cells. To examine the role of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in endothelial cell migration, chemotaxis toward FGF-2 was determined in murine brain capillary endothelial cells, denoted IBE cells. PD98059, a specific inhibitor for MAPK/Erk kinase, inhibited FGF-2-induced chemotaxis of IBE cells. It has been reported that c-Src tyrosine kinase phosphorylates focal adhesion kinase at tyrosine 925 within focal adhesions, which in turn creates the binding site for Grb2, leading to MAPK activation. The Src family tyrosine kinase inhibitor, PP1, as well as overexpression of kinase-inactive c-Src, attenuated chemotaxis toward FGF-2. To investigate the signaling events involved in FGF-2-induced chemotaxis, MAPK activation was monitored in IBE cells by indirect immunofluorescence staining. Activated MAPK was initially observed in the cytoplasm and gradually moved into nuclei. A fraction of MAPK was activated by FGF-2 within focal adhesions, where FGF receptor-1 and Src family kinases were also colocalized. MAPK activation within focal adhesions was remarkably decreased in kinase-inactive c-Src-expressing IBE cells. Our data suggest that activation of MAPK by FGF-2 within focal adhesions may depend on c-Src activity and is crucial for FGF-2-induced migration of IBE cells.  相似文献   

Salmosin, a disintegrin purified from a Korean snake (Agkistrodon halys brevicaudus) venom, interacts with integrin alpha(v)beta(3) and inhibits the proliferation of bovine capillary endothelial (BCE) cells induced by basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). We investigated salmosin's mechanism of inhibition of BCE cell proliferation by examining changes in the cytoskeleton and activation of integrin-mediated signaling molecules. Salmosin disassembled cortical actins at focal adhesions and induced cells to be rounded and detached, but it did not alter microtubule structures in the early stage of cells being rounded. Immunolocalization of paxillin also demonstrated that focal adhesions were disassembled by salmosin. In salmosin-treated BCE cells, focal adhesion kinase (FAK) was dephosphorylated and expression of paxillin and p130(CAS) was decreased, but PI3 kinase, ILK, and beta-catenin were not expressed in decreased amounts or modified, suggesting that salmosin inactivated FAK-dependent integrin signaling pathways. While BCE cells proliferated normally on plates coated with salmosin, cells treated with salmosin eventually underwent apoptosis. These observations strongly suggest that salmosin disorganizes focal contacts to detach cells by competing with the extracellular matrix (ECM) for direct binding to integrin alpha(v)beta(3) on the cell surface, eventually leading to apoptosis.  相似文献   

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