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Examining calcium dynamics within the neural crest (NC) has the potential to shed light on mechanisms that regulate complex cell migration and patterning events during embryogenesis. Unfortunately, typical calcium indicators are added to culture media or have low signal to noise after microinjection into tissue that severely limit analyses to cultured cells or superficial events. Here, we studied in vivo calcium dynamics during NC cell migration and patterning, using a genetically encoded calcium sensor, GCaMP3. We discovered that trunk NC cells displayed significantly more spontaneous calcium transients than cranial NC cells, and during cell aggregation versus cell migration events. Spontaneous calcium transients were more prevalent during NC cell aggregation into discrete sympathetic ganglia (SG). Blocking of N-cadherin activity in trunk NC cells near the presumptive SG led to a dramatic decrease in the frequency of spontaneous calcium transients. Detailed analysis and mathematical modeling of cell behaviors during SG formation showed NC cells aggregated into clusters after displaying a spontaneous calcium transient. This approach highlights the novel application of a genetically encoded calcium indicator to study subsets of cells during ventral events in embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The neural crest provides an excellent model system to study invasive cell migration, however it is still unclear how molecular mechanisms direct cells to precise targets in a programmed manner. We investigate the role of a potential guidance factor, neuropilin-1, and use functional knockdown assays, tissue transplantation and in vivo confocal time-lapse imaging to analyze changes in chick cranial neural crest cell migratory patterns. When neuropilin-1 function is knocked down in ovo, neural crest cells fail to fully invade the branchial arches, especially the 2nd branchial arch. Time-lapse imaging shows that neuropilin-1 siRNA transfected neural crest cells stop and collapse filopodia at the 2nd branchial arch entrances, but do not die. This phenotype is cell autonomous. To test the influence of population pressure and local environmental cues in driving neural crest cells to the branchial arches, we isochronically transplanted small subpopulations of DiI-labeled neural crest cells into host embryos ablated of neighboring, premigratory neural crest cells. Time-lapse confocal analysis reveals that the transplanted cells migrate in narrow, directed streams. Interestingly, with the reduction of neuropilin-1 function, neural crest cells still form segmental migratory streams, suggesting that initial neural crest cell migration and invasion of the branchial arches are separable processes.  相似文献   

Loss of Twist function in the cranial mesenchyme of the mouse embryo causes failure of closure of the cephalic neural tube and malformation of the branchial arches. In the Twist(-/-) embryo, the expression of molecular markers that signify dorsal forebrain tissues is either absent or reduced, but those associated with ventral tissues display expanded domains of expression. Dorsoventral organization of the mid- and hindbrain and the anterior-posterior pattern of the neural tube are not affected. In the Twist(-/-) embryo, neural crest cells stray from the subectodermal migratory path and the late-migrating subpopulation invades the cell-free zone separating streams of cells going to the first and second branchial arches. Cell transplantation studies reveal that Twist activity is required in the cranial mesenchyme for directing the migration of the neural crest cells, as well as in the neural crest cells within the first branchial arch to achieve correct localization. Twist is also required for the proper differentiation of the first arch tissues into bone, muscle, and teeth.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to evoke briefly the progress that has been made in our knowledge about the contribution of the neural crest to the vertebrate body since it was discovered by Wilhelm His in 1868. Although first studied essentially in amphibian embryos, a large amount of what is known on this very special structure was gained by experimental work carried out on the avian embryo. The making of chimeras between quail and chick has permitted not only to analyse the normal course of neural crest cell migration and differentiation but also to reveal some of the cellular interactions that regulate these events. Looking to the future, we can foresee that the novel methods, which now allow to manipulate gene activities in definite groups of cells and at elected times in the developing embryo, will make the avian model even more instrumental than ever to approach the developmental problems raised by neural crest cell differentiation.  相似文献   

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