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Chromosome 21 contains genes relevant to several important diseases. Yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones, because they span > 100 kbp, will provide attractive material for initiating searches for such genes. Twenty-two YAC clones, each of which maps to a region of potential relevance either to aspects of the Down syndrome phenotype or to one of the other chromosome 21-associated genetic diseases, have been analyzed in detail. Clones total approximately 6,000 kb and derive from all parts of the long arm. Rare restriction-site maps have been constructed for each clone and have been used to determine regional variations in clonability, methylation frequency, CpG island density, and CpG island frequency versus gene density. This information will be useful for the isolation and mapping of new genes to chromosome 21 and for walking in YAC libraries.  相似文献   

The recent development of yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) vectors has provided a system for cloning fragments that are over ten times larger than those that can be cloned in more established systems. We have developed a method for the rapid isolation of terminal sequences from YAC clones. The YAC clone is digested with a range of restriction enzymes, a common linker is ligated to the DNA fragments and terminal sequences are amplified using a vector specific primer and a linker specific primer. Sequence data derived from these terminal specific products can be used to design primers for a further round of screening to isolate overlapping clones. The method also provides a convenient method of generating Sequence Tagged Sites for the mapping of complex genomes.  相似文献   

Construction of a bovine yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) library   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have constructed a bovine yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) library to provide a common resource for bovine genome research. We used leukocytes of a Japanese black bull ( Bos taurus ) as the DNA source, AB1380 for the yeast host, and pYAC4 for the vector. The library consists of 24 576 clones arranged in 256 96-well microtiter plates. An average insert size estimated from the analysis of 251 randomly selected clones was 480 kb. The rate of chimeric YACs evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis of 44 randomly selected clones was 36·4%. To estimate the number of genome equivalents, PCR-based screening was performed with 48 primer pairs and isolated 3·2 clones on average. In order to provide broad access for the scientific community, this library has been incorporated into the Reference Library system which provides high density filters for colony hybridization screening and a common database of the library.  相似文献   

We report the construction of a YAC library that provides 10-fold redundant coverage of the chicken genome. The library was made by transforming S. cerevisiae AB1380 with YAC constructs consisting of partially digested and size fractionated (>465 kb) EcoRI genomic fragments ligated to pCGS966 YAC vector arms. The primary library provides 8.5-fold redundant coverage and consists of 16,000 clones arrayed in duplicate 96-well microtiter plates and gridded on nylon membranes at high density (18,000 clones/484cm2). The average insert size, 634 kb, was derived from size fractionation of a random sample of 218 YACs. Hybridization of five unlinked chicken genes to colony blots revealed six or more positive clones. This is consistent with the theoretical expectation from average insert sizes and number of clones. A second collection of clones consists of a further 20,000 colonies, of which 20% contain inserts larger than 450 kb and 80% contain only coligated vector arms. We estimate that these clones provide a further 1.5-fold redundant coverage of the chicken genome; thus, the total collection of 36,000 clones provides 10-fold redundant coverage of the chicken genome. The library is intended as a resource for fine-scale analysis of the organization of the chicken genome and is presently being used to construct a contig map of chicken Chromosome (Chr) 16, which contains the MHC and nucleolar organizer. Received: 15 July 1996 / Accepted: 20 November 1996  相似文献   

While current sequencing efforts consider the detection of alpha satellite repeats as logical end points for map construction, detailed maps of most pericentromeric regions are lacking to confirm this hypothesis. Here we identify the different alpha satellite families present at the pericentromeric region of chromosome 12. The order, size and location of these repeats is established using radiation hybrid analysis, pulsed field gel analysis and FISH and the maps are integrated with current sequence information. For the different classes of alpha satellites present at the chromosome 12 centromere the paralogs in the human genome were mapped by FISH. Unique sequences flanking the alpha satellite repeats were identified, some of which are not represented in the current draft sequence. This mapping effort localises the different alpha satellite repeats within the pericentromeric region and anchors them in the current maps. The novel sequences identified may serve as the end point for the ongoing sequencing efforts.  相似文献   

A fine physical map of the rice (Oryza sativa spp. Japonica var. Nipponbare) chromosome 5 with bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) and PI-derived artificial chromosome (PAC) clones was constructed through integration of 280 sequenced BAC/PAC clones and 232 sequence tagged site/expressed sequence tag markers with the use of fingerprinted contig data of the Nipponbare genome. This map consists of five contigs covering 99% of the estimated chromosome size (30.08 Mb). The four physical gaps were estimated at 30 and 20 kb for gaps 1–3 and gap 4, respectively. We have submitted 42.2-Mb sequences with 29.8 Mb of nonoverlapping sequences to public databases. BAC clones corresponding to telomere and centromere regions were confirmed by BAC-fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) on a pachytene chromosome. The genetically centromeric region at 54.6 cM was covered by a minimum tiling path spanning 2.1 Mb with no physical gaps. The precise position of the centromere was revealed by using three overlapping BAC/PACs for ~150 kb. In addition, FISH results revealed uneven chromatin condensation around the centromeric region at the pachytene stage. This map is of use for positional cloning and further characterization of the rice functional genomics. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users. Chia-Hsiung Cheng and Mei-Chu Chung have equal contributions.  相似文献   

Isolation of cDNA clones using yeast artificial chromosome probes.   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
The cloning of large DNA fragments of hundreds of kilobases in Yeast artificial chromosomes, has simplified the analysis of regions of the genome previously cloned by cosmid walking. The mapping of expressed sequences within cosmid contigs has relied on the association of genes with sequence motifs defined by rare-cutting endonucleases, and the identification of sequence conservation between species. We reasoned that if the contribution of repetitive sequences to filter hybridizations could be minimised, then the use of large cloned DNAs as hybridisation probes to screen cDNA libraries would greatly simplify the characterisation of hitherto unidentified genes. In this paper we demonstrate the use of this approach by using a YAC, containing 180 kb of human genomic DNA including the aldose reductase gene, as a probe to isolate an aldose reductase cDNA from a lambda gt11 human foetal liver cDNA library.  相似文献   

The region surrounding the steroid sulfatase (STS) locus on Xp22.3 is of particular interest since it represents a deletion hot spot, shares homology with the proximal long arm of the Y chromosome (Yq11.2), and contains genes for several well-described X-linked disorders. Here we describe yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) covering 450 kb around the STS gene. Eight YAC clones were isolated from a human YAC library. Their STS exon content was determined and the overlap of the clones characterized. Two of the YAC clones were found to contain the entire STS gene. The most proximal and the most distal ends of the YAC contig were cloned but neither of them crossed the breakpoints in any of the previously described patients with entire STS gene deletions. This is consistent with deletions larger than 500 kb in all these patients. One of the YAC clones was found to contain sequences from the STS pseudogene on Yq11.2. Two anonymous DNA sequences, GMGXY19 and GMGXY3, previously mapped in the vicinity of the STS locus, were found within the YAC contig and their assignment with respect to the STS locus was thus possible. This contig is useful for the overlap cloning of the Xp22.3 region and for reverse genetic strategies for the isolation of disease genes in the region. Furthermore, it may provide insight into the molecular mechanisms of deletion and translocation events on Xp22.3 and in the evolution of sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Human chromosomal DNA contains many repeats which might provide opportunities for DNA repair. We have examined the consequences of a single double-strand break (DSB) within a 360-kb dispensable yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) containing human DNA (YAC12). An Alu-URA3-YZ sequence was targeted to several Alu sites within the YAC in strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae; the strains contained a galactose-inducible HO endonuclease that cut the YAC at the YZ site. The presence of a DSB in most YACs led to deletion of the URA3 cassette, with retention of the telomeric markers, through recombination between surrounding Alus. For two YACs, the DSBs were not repaired and there was a G2 delay associated with the persistent DSBs. The presence of persistent DSBs resulted in cell death even though the YACs were dispensable. Among the survivors of the persistent DSBs, most had lost the YAC. By a pullback procedure, cell death was observed to begin at least 6 h after induction of a break. For YACs in which the DSB was rapidly repaired, the breaks did not cause cell cycle delay or lead to cell death. These results are consistent with our previous conclusion that a persistent DSB in a plasmid (YZ-CEN) also caused lethality (C. B. Bennett, A. L. Lewis, K. K. Baldwin, and M. A. Resnick, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90:5613-5617, 1993). However, a break in the YZ-CEN plasmid did not induce lethality in the strain (CBY) background used in the present study. The differences in survival levels appear to be due to the rapid degradation of the plasmid in the CBY strain. We, therefore, propose that for a DSB to cause cell cycle delay and death by means other than the loss of essential genetic material, it must remain unrepaired and be long-lived.  相似文献   

Physical mapping of the rice genome with YAC clones   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Construction of a rice physical map covered by YAC clones which have been arranged over half of the genome length is presented here. A total of 1285 RFLP and RAPD markers almost evenly distributed on the rice genetic map could select 2974 YAC clones and 2443 clones of them were located on their original positions. Rice YACs carrying 350 kb average insert fragments of 2443 clones could cover 222 megabase length of the rice genome, corresponding to 52% of the whole genome size (4.3 Mb). Chromosome landing with many YAC clones on the high-density genetic map loci efficiently integrated the genetic map with a physical map. This is the first step to generate a comprehensive genome map of rice. An integrated genome map should be an indispensable tool to figure out genome structure as well as to clone trait genes by map-based cloning.  相似文献   

Ustilago maydis, a basidiomycete, is a model organism among phytopathogenic fungi. A physical map of U. maydis strain 521 was developed from bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones. BAC fingerprints used polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to separate restriction fragments. Fragments were labeled at the HindIII site and co-digested with HaeIII to reduce fragments to 50-750 bp. Contiguous overlapping sets of clones (contigs) were assembled at nine stringencies (from P < or = 1 x 10(-6) to 1 x 10(-24)). Each assembly nucleated contigs with different percentages of bands overlapping between clones (from 20% to 97%). The number of clones per contig decreased linearly from 41 to 12 from P < or = 1 x 10(-7) to 1 x 10 (-12). The number of separate contigs increased from 56 to 150 over the same range. A hybridization-based physical map of the same BAC clones was compared with the fingerprint contigs built at P < or = 1 x 10(-7). The two methods provided consistent physical maps that were largely validated by genome sequence. The combined hybridization and fingerprint physical map provided a minimum tile path composed of 258 BAC clones (18-20 Mbp) distributed among 28 merged contigs. The genome of U. maydis was estimated to be 20.5 Mbp by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and 24 Mbp by BAC fingerprints. There were 23 separate chromosomes inferred by both pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and fingerprint contigs. Only 11 of the tile path BAC clones contained recognizable centromere, telomere, and subtelomere repeats (high-copy DNA), suggesting that repeats caused some false merges. There were 247 tile path BAC clones that encompassed about 17.5 Mbp of low-copy DNA sequence. BAC clones are available for repeat and unique gene cluster analysis including tDNA-mediated transformation. Program FingerPrint Contigs maps aligned with each chromosome can be viewed at http://www.siu.edu/~meksem/ustilago_maydis/.  相似文献   

There are about 17 chromosomes in yeast Saccharomycescerevisiae.A middle sized chromosome,chromosome V,waschosen in this work for studying and constructing the physi-cal maps.Chromosome V from strain A364a was isolatedby pulsed-field gradient gel electrophoresis(PFGE).Gelslices containing chromosome V DNA were digestedwith two rare cutting enzymes,NotⅠand SfiⅠ,and three6-Nt recognizing enzymes,SmaⅠ,SstⅡ and ApaⅠ.Several strategies-partial or complete digestions,digestion with different sets of two enzymes,and hybrid-ization with cloned genetically mapped probes(CAN1,URA3,CEN5,PRO3,CHO1,SUP19,RAD51,RAD3)——were used to align the restriction fragments.There are 9,9,15,17,and 20 sites for NotⅠ,SfiⅠ,SmaⅠ,SstⅡ and ApaⅠrespectively in the map of the A364a chromosome V.Itstotal length was calculated to be 620 Kb(Kilo-bases).Thedistributions of the cutting sites for these five enzymesthrough the whole chromosome are not uniform.A comp-arison between the physical map and the genetic map wasalso made.  相似文献   

The embryonic lethal phenotype observed when DDK females are crossed with males from other strains results from a deleterious interaction between the egg cytoplasm and the paternal pronucleus soon after fertilization. We have previously mapped the Om locus responsible for this phenotype, called the DDK syndrome, to an approximately 2-cM region of chromosome 11. Here, we report the generation of a physical map of 28 yeast and bacterial artificial chromosome clones encompassing the entire genetic interval containing the Om locus. This contig, spanning approximately 2 Mb, was used to map precisely genes and genetic markers of the region. We determined the maximum physical interval for Om to be 1400 kb. In addition, 11 members of the Scya gene family were found to be organized into two clusters at the borders of the Om region. Two other genes (Rad51l3 and Schlafen 2) and one EST (D11Wsu78e) were also mapped in the Om region. This integrated map provides support for the identification of additional candidate genes for the DDK syndrome.  相似文献   

The cloning of large DNAs as yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) holds the promise of greatly expanding the scope of physical genomic mapping. Recent improvements in YAC clone libraries and their screening, as well as in the analysis of YAC-cloned DNA, are beginning to fulfill the potential of this system.  相似文献   

We have constructed a high-density comparative radiation hybrid map of the interstitial region of bovine chromosome 5 (BTA5) using a recently constructed 12,000-rad, whole-genome, cattle-hamster radiation hybrid (WGRH) panel. Sixty-two bovine EST markers were selected which have orthologous sequences on human chromosomes 12 and 22 (HSA12 and HSA22). Sixty markers were included in the multi-point framework map at LOD 3.0. Our comprehensive RH map contains more than twice as many markers (88) than previous generation maps. Because of a higher marker density and increased resolution of the RH(12,000) panel, all markers were placed into a single linkage group based on two-point analysis at a LOD score 6.0. As a result, this new comparative map reveals new blocks of synteny and extensive gene order alterations between species. Breakpoints of synteny are located with high accuracy. Overall, this work reveals widespread chromosomal rearrangements between bovine, human and mouse genomes.  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between genetic and physical chromosome maps, we constructed a diploid strain of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae heterozygous for 12 restriction site mutations within a 23-kilobase (5-centimorgan) interval of chromosome III. Crossovers were not uniformly distributed along the chromosome, one interval containing significantly more and one interval significantly fewer crossovers than expected. One-third of these crossovers occurred within 6 kilobases of the centromere. Approximately half of the exchanges were associated with gene conversion events. The minimum length of gene conversion tracts varied from 4 base pairs to more than 12 kilobases, and these tracts were nonuniformly distributed along the chromosome. We conclude that the chromosomal sequence or structure has a dramatic effect on meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

The enormous size of the human dystrophin gene (2300 kb) has so far hindered the analysis of its organization and the characterization at the genomic level of the deletion and duplication mutations causing Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy. A detailed physical map of the gene locus would considerably simplify these studies. We constructed a refined, long-range restriction map of the entire human dystrophin gene, using 12 overlapping YAC clones as DNA sources. The sites for six rare cutting enzymes (SfiI, NruI, EagI, BssHII, SacII, and NotI) were mapped by partial digest analysis of YACs over a region of 2600 kb, within a level of resolution of about 10 kb. Such a map provides the first detailed representation of the physical structure of the dystrophin gene. It will be useful for mapping unlocalized exons and, eventually, for the characterization of deletions and duplications leading to disease.  相似文献   

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