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Sperm ultrastructure of four acotylean (Idioplana atlantica, Armatoplana leptalea, Styloplanocera fasciata, Melloplana ferruginea) and three cotylean polyclads (Pseudoceros bicolor, Phrikoceros mopsus, Enchiridium evelinae) was investigated. All spermatozoa are biflagellate, exhibiting a 9+"1" axoneme pattern. All acotylean axonemes originate and extend within the sperm shaft, and once exiting the shaft, remain attached to it. The flagella of all cotylean spermatozoa exit the shaft immediately and remain free. Structures shared by all species include: an elongated nucleus, in acotyleans located only in the posterior part of the shaft, whereas in cotyleans it extends along the entire sperm body; mitochondria along with small and large dense bodies arranged in a specific pattern; and a ring of microtubules that extends along the entire sperm shaft just beneath the cell membrane. A unique spermatozoon has been found in E. evelinae, where round vesicle-like structures fill the anterior part of the nucleus, and a different type of large dense bodies is present. The spermatozoa of all studied species exhibit numerous characters (axoneme/flagella position, distribution and position of large and small dense bodies, of mitochondria, presence of nuclear vesicles) that may be of phylogenetic value at the family and higher taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of tropical marine cotylean polyclads is presently poorly known. Reproductive aspects of 16 polyclad species from the family Pseudocerotidae in the genera Acanthozoon, Nymphozoon, Phrikoceros, Pseudobiceros, Pseudoceros, Thysanozoon, and Tytthosoceros from Singapore were documented for the first time. Penis fencing was observed to be just a mating ritual and not necessary for insemination, not always aggressive, and could also result in eventual reciprocal insemination. Results showed that all species underwent similar embryonic developmental stages and hatched as Müller's larvae. Only Pseudoceros concinnus and Pseudoceros laingensis, with mean developmental times of >20 days and mean brood sizes of <1,000 eggs, displayed long‐term parental care. Polyclads producing larger brood sizes had shorter developmental times and only covered their egg masses for about one day. Phrikoceros baibaiye and Pseudobiceros spp. produced egg capsules with pointed opercula, whereas all other species possessed smooth, rounded opercula. All genera hatched with brownish‐orange larvae, except for Pseudoceros spp., which hatched with reddish‐purple larvae regardless of the initial embryo color (either grayish‐yellow or reddish‐purple). These could potentially complement current taxonomic characters in distinguishing polyclad genera and species.  相似文献   

A comparative lightmicroscopical study of the male atrial system of the Polycystididae is presented. Firstly, the different glandular structures associated with the male atrial system are compared. This has lead to the recognition of eight different types of glandular vesicles, four of which are considered prostate, the other four accessory. Secondly, the different hard structures that can be found in the male atrium are discussed and compared. These hard structures can consist of numerous hard spines (armed cirrus), but mostly the hard structure is a single- or double-walled tubiform stylet, or a plate-shaped stylet. Different types of stylets can be recognised, some of which are associated with a prostate vesicle and therefore considered prostate stylets. Using the criteria of position and conjunction, conjectures of homologies are put forward. These primary homologies are compared with homology assessments found in earlier literature.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the female reproductive system of the polyclad flatworm Pleioplana atomata is described. Numerous ovaries are scattered throughout the entire body but are mainly concentrated on the dorsal side. Within an ovary, a germinative zone with oogonia and prefolicular cells is located in the dorsal part of the ovary. The remaining part of the gonad is filled with previtellogenic and early vitellogenic oocytes enwrapped by follicular cells. During previtellogenesis, oocytes produce numerous eggshell globules, which are distributed into the cortical area of the cell in later stages. Eventually, these globules release their contents into the space between the eggshell cover and oolemma. Similar types of globules are also found in others flatworms, and may represent useful phylogenetic characters. Entolecital, vitellogenic oocytes pass to paired uteri, where vitellogenesis is completed. The remainder of the female reproductive system consists of paired thin uterine ducts that join a vagina. The distal part of the long, curved vagina forms a large Lang's vesicle, while the proximal part is connected to a female atrium leading to a female gonopore. We hypothesize that Lang's vesicle functions in the digestion of excess sperm received. Two kinds of different shell (cement) glands that release their secretion into the vagina are identified. Both are unicellular glands and each gland cell connects to the lumen of the vagina via an individual canal. Similar glands in other acotylean polyclads have been implicated in the formation of eggshell covers. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Using the Phalloidin-Rhodamine flourescence-labelling technique for F-actin, we have studied the development of the body wall musculature in Macrostomum hystricinum marinum and in thepolyclad Hoploplana inquilina. The structure of the muscle grid in the freshly hatched Macrostomum (see also Rieger & Salvenmoser, 1991) and the young larva of Holplana served as reference systems for the embryonic development of the body wall musculature. In Macrostomum muscle fiber differentiation starts around 60% of developmental time between egg-laying and hatching, and in Hoploplana around 80% of embryonic development.In Macrostomum, early stages show TV-antenna-like arrangements of one longitudinal and several circular fibers. In Hoploplana our preliminary results show a particularly large, longitudinal fiber on either side of the body. These primary longitudinal fibers may serve as a founder cell for other longitudinal fibers and as spatial guides for the circular muscles. Similar founder cells have been reported during early muscle differentiation in leeches (Jellies & Kristan, 1988; Jellies, 1990). In Hoploplana, a special muscle system is present at the outset under the apical organ. It consists of what seems to be a spirally toranged fiber — when seen in head-on view — and of two additional fibers crossing this spiral, from the later developing posterior to the anterior lobe.TEM-studies of embryos of Macrostomum suggest that the longitudinal nerve cords represent an important guide during early differentiation of the pattern within the body wall musculature. Young stages of myoblasts can be identified along the main lateral nerve cord. Commonly, the myoblasts are seen to alternate with young neurons in their position along the nerve cord. Embryonic stages of Macrostomum hystricinum marinum were obtained from our cultures (Rieger et al., 1988). Immediately prior to fixation (Paraformaldehyde, Stephanini's fixative) the eggshells were punctured with tungsten needles. We noted some variability of developmental time for certain embryonic stages, which we cannot explain. Developmental stages of Hoploplana inquilina were collected at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA according to the procedure outlined in Boyer (1987) and Boyer (1989). They have been timed in relation to normal developmental time to an early Müller's larva at about 100 hours.  相似文献   

Phototaxis by larvae of the flatworm Maritigrella crozieri was used to determine spectral sensitivity, the ontogeny of the phototactic pattern, and the lowest light intensity to induce a directional response (intensity threshold). Adult M. crozieri live in shallow water with the tunicate Ecteinascidia turbinata and have a planktonic larval phase lasting longer than 3 weeks. The primary spectral sensitivity maximum was at 500 nm, which is probably an adaptation to the spectrum available underwater at twilight. The phototactic threshold changed with age, as dark-adapted, 1-week-old larvae had a threshold (1.84×1017 photons m−2 s−1) an order of magnitude higher than that of 3-week-old larvae. Flatworm larvae are relatively insensitive to light as compared to other invertebrate larvae. Young larvae were positively phototactic at high light intensities and negative at low, a pattern typical of a predator avoidance shadow response. In contrast, older larvae were only positively phototactic, which would be useful for transport to shallow-water adult habitats.  相似文献   

In an effort to understand the phylogeny of the Platyhelminthes, the patterns of body-wall musculature of flatworms were studied using fluorescence microscopy and Alexa-488-labeled phalloidin. Species of the Catenulida have a simple orthogonal gridwork of longitudinal and circular muscles. Members of the Rhabditophora have the same gridwork of musculature, but also have diagonal muscles over their entire body. Although a few species of Acoelomorpha possessed a simple orthogonal grid of musculature, most species typically have distinctly different patterns of dorsal and ventral body-wall musculature that include sets of longitudinal, circular, U-shaped, and several kinds of diagonal muscles. Several distinct patterns of musculature were identified, including 8 patterns in 11 families of acoels. These patterns have proven to be useful in clarifying the phylogeny of the Acoelomorpha, particularly with regard to the higher acoels. Patterns of musculature as well as other morphological characters are used here for revisions of acoel systematics, including the return of Eumecynostomum sanguineum (Mecynostomidae) to the genus Aphanostoma (Convolutidae), the revision of the family Childiidae, and the formation of a new family, Actinoposthiidae.  相似文献   

We analyzed the adult musculature of two prolecithophoran species, Cylindrostoma monotrochum (von Graff, 1882) and Monoophorum striatum (von Graff, 1878) using a phalloidin-rhodamine technique. As in all rhabdithophoran flatworms, the body-wall musculature consisted of three muscle layers: on the outer side was a layer of circular muscle fibers and on the inner side was a layer of longitudinal muscle fibers; between them were two different types of diagonally orientated fibers, which is unusual for flatworms. The musculature of the pharynx consisted of a basket-shaped grid of thin longitudinal and circular fibers. Thick anchoring muscle fibers forming a petal-like shape connected the proximal parts of the pharynx with the body-wall musculature. Male genital organs consisted of paired seminal vesicles, a granular vesicle, and an invaginated penis. Peculiar ring-shaped muscles were only found in M. striatum, predominantly in the anterior body part. In the same species, seminal vesicles and penis only had circular musculature, while in C. monotrochum also longitudinal musculature was found in these organs. Female genital organs were only present in M. striatum, where we characterized a vagina interna, and a bursa seminalis. Transverse, crossover, and dorsoventral muscle fibers were lacking in the middle of the body and greatly varied in number and position in both species.  相似文献   

Summary In the epidermis of turbellarians septate junctions of the pleated sheet type have been demonstrated in conventional thin sections and freeze fractured preparations. The structure of these junctions entirely agrees with that found in molluscs and arthropods.Financially supported by DFG (Sto 75/3,4; We 380/5)  相似文献   

Comparative morphology of the leaf epidermis in Schisandra (Schisandraceae)   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The leaf epidermis of 127 samples representing ten species within Schisandra Michaux. and one species of the related genus, Kadsura Kaempf. ex Juss., was investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. Many characters of the leaf epidermis in Schisandra , such as pattern of epidermal cells, type of stomata, shape of guard cell pairs and cuticular ornamentation, are usually constant within species and thus make good characters for studying the relationship between and within genera. A new character, rim number, of the outer stomatal rim in the genus is introduced. It is shown that double outer stomatal rims occur only in evergreen Schisandra species, whereas a single rim occurs in deciduous species. This character supports the classification of Schisandra into two subgenera based on habit and androecial organs. This classification is also supported by additional morphological and molecular taxonomic characters. Kadsura coccinea (Lem.) Smith A. C. is the most primitive taxon in the related genus Kadsura . The outer stomatal rim of this species also has double rims. Combined with morphological and molecular evidence, this suggests that Schisandra and Kadsura are closely related and may share a recent common ancestor.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 39–56.  相似文献   

We conducted a field survey for flatworms to select species as potential biological control agents against Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens (Diptera, Culicidae) breeding in artificial containers. Laboratory experiments were performed to determine the daily predation rate, differential predation on each mosquito larval instar, selective predation on either A. aegypti or C. pipiens, and predator tolerance to water from artificial containers. Girardia anceps (Tricladida, Paludicola, Dugesiidae), Mesostoma ehrenbergii and Bothromesostoma cf. evelinae (Rhabdocoela, Typhloplanoida, Typhloplanidae) were found in temporary puddles and permanent pools. In the laboratory, they killed between 52% and 100% of immature mosquitoes coexisting in the same habitat. No preference of flatworms for mosquito preys was detected. Predation rate was related to predator size and instar of preys. Girardia anceps and B. evelinae survived after a dry period and when re-flooding occurred, they laid eggs. Tolerance to water from artificial containers was highest in G. anceps and this species could be a suitable predator to reduce mosquito populations from artificial containers using an inoculative approach.  相似文献   

The South East Asian arboreal Formicine Echinopla melanarctos, as well as some other members of this genus possess a cuticular structure unique in ants, the pedestal hairs. In E. melanarctos, about 700 pedestal hairs are situated on the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the head, the alitrunk, the petiole and the gaster. They are arranged in a polygon-like figuration. On the summit of each of the up to 200-μm high pedestals, a single central hair inserts. This hair (up to 500-μm long) is innervated by a single bipolar mechanosensitive sensory cell. The lumen of each tube-like pedestal contains (1) epithelial cells (2) the sensory cell and the auxiliary cells of the central hair and (3) the long efferent ductules of up to ten isolated bicellular glandular units. Each glandular unit is composed of a secretory glandular cell and a duct cell, all of which are located at the base of a pedestal. The cytoplasm of a glandular cell contains a well-developed end apparatus and is characterised by stacks of smooth and granular endoplasmic reticulum, numerous polyribosomes, a lot of mitochondria and some up to 5-μm large secretory vesicles. The secretion of the gland cells is released on the apex of the pedestal wall via small pores. Approximately 30 μm below their summit, some pedestals possess additionally (up to six) mechanosensitive hairs that are arranged ray-like. We suppose that the pedestal hairs are important in nest-space protection and find that only in ants with high pedestals on the head (Echinopla melanarctos and Echinopla pallipes), the compound eyes are stalked thus overtopping the pedestals.  相似文献   

Some taxonomic groups are less amenable to mitochondrial DNA barcoding than others. Due to the paucity of molecular information of understudied groups and the huge molecular diversity within flatworms, primer design has been hampered. Indeed, all attempts to develop universal flatworm-specific COI markers have failed so far. We demonstrate how high molecular variability and contamination problems limit the possibilities for barcoding using standard COI-based protocols in flatworms. As a consequence, molecular identification methods often rely on other widely applicable markers. In the case of Monogenea, a very diverse group of platyhelminth parasites, and Rhabdocoela, representing one-fourth of all free-living flatworm taxa, this has led to a relatively high availability of nuclear ITS and 18S/28S rDNA sequences on GenBank. In a comparison of the effectiveness in species assignment we conclude that mitochondrial and nuclear ribosomal markers perform equally well. In case intraspecific information is needed, rDNA sequences can guide the selection of the appropriate (i.e. taxon-specific) COI primers if available.  相似文献   

By means of immunohistochemistry with antisera to tetrapeptide FMRFamide and regulatory peptides neurotensin and calcitonin intestines of marine turbellarians Notoplana atomata, N. humilis (Polycladida) and Procerodes littoralis (Tricladida) were investigated. In all flatworms polymorphous cells and processes reacting with antibodies to FMRFamide and neurotensin but not with calcitonin were revealed. These cell elements are localized both in the epithelium and beneath it. FMRFamide-immunoreactive cells and processes of investigated turbellarians and neurotensin-immunoreactive elements in P. littoralis obviously belong to the nervous system, while intraepithelial neurotensin-immunoreactive cells of polyclads share some morphological features with endocrine-like cells.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the epidermis of two species of salmonid fish has been described. Gross characteristics have been noted along with many apparent differences in the epidermis of different body regions of the fish. The major cell type is the filamentcontaining cell and this has been described in detail. The major inclusions of the cell are the tonofilaments. Differences in basal, mid-epidermal and peripheral filament-containing cells have been characterised. Comparisons of fish epidermis with that of other vertebrates has been made.We would like to thank Mrs. A. Watson and Mr. K. Oates for invaluable assistance with the microscopy, the Lancashire River Authority for the provision of fish and the Natural Environment Research Council for research funds (Grant No.: GR/3/1152).  相似文献   

The nervous system of the polyclad turbellarian Notoplana acticola consists of a series of nerve plexuses and a central ganglion, the brain. The brain contains a variety of cell types including multipolar heteropolar and bipolar neurons. These cell types are rare in other invertebrate ganglia. Individual neurons also contain a variety of different ion channels. both spiking and nonspiking neurons are found. Some neurons are multimodal interneurons. Habituation appears to be a postsynaptic phenomenon. Sensitization and long-term potentiation have not been demonstrated. Polyclads appear to represent a stage in the evolution of centralized nervous systems where much of the neuronal machinery underlying behavior occurs in the peripheral nervous system and the brain's main functions are the coordination and sequencing of peripherally placed reflexes. Even at this stage, however, the brain already contains cells that seem as advanced as those found in higher organisms.  相似文献   

5S rRNAs from 12 species of free living and parasitic platyhelminthes were sequenced. In the phylogenetic analysis, attention was focused on the statistical estimates of the trees corresponding to existing phylogenetic hypotheses. The available 5S rRNA data agree well with widely accepted views on the relationships between the Acoela, Polycladida, Tricladida, and Neorhabdocoela; our analysis of the published 18S rRNA sequences also demonstrated good correspondence between these views and molecular data. With available 5S rRNA data the hypothesis that the dalyellioid turbellarians is the sister group of the Neodermata is less convincing than the hypotheses proposing the Neodermata as the sister group of the Neorhabdocoela, or of the Seriata, or of the branch uniting them. A relatively low rate of base replacement in parasitic flatworms, probably, accounts for the uncertain position of the Neodermata, while a relatively high rate in planarians may explain a relatively too early divergence of the Tricladida in several published phylogenetic trees constructed from various rRNA data.  相似文献   

Four new species of Otoplanidae (Platyhelminthes: Rhabditophora: Proseriata) with ranges restricted to the central Mediterranean are described. These species are characterized by the presence of a tubular copulatory stylet and by a bursa lacking an open connection to the atrium. Both characters are novel for the family Otoplanidae. The four species differ mainly in details of the morphology of the sclerotized structures of the copulatory organ. Generic attribution of the new species has been problematic. Morphological characters shared with either Parotoplanina or Parotoplanella were detected. Molecular data (based on 18S rRNA and 28S D1‐D6 rRNA genes) evidenced that the new species constitute a monophyletic group falling within species of Parotoplana, with a sister/taxon relationship with Parotoplana spathifera. The genus Parotoplana, however, appears to be paraphyletic, as Parotoplanella progermaria nests within Parotoplana species. The inadequate molecular sampling, combined with the lack of sequences from the type species of both Parotoplana and Parotoplanina, suggested a cautionary taxonomic approach, and the new species are therefore attributed to the earliest generic taxon available, Parotoplana.  相似文献   

A morphological and taxonomical account of the taxon Rogneda is given. A new interpretation of the stylet morphology is presented and a new terminology pertaining to these hard parts is proposed. All known species are discussed and additional information is provided when necessary. Seven new species are described. Five of these are from the Mediterranean: R. colpaerti sp. nov. , R. licyae sp. nov. , R. schaereri sp. nov. , R. valckei sp. nov. and R. vangronsveldi sp. nov . R. verveckeni sp. nov . is from the Atlantic coast of Spain (Galicia). The seventh, R. martensi sp. nov. , is from Indonesia and is the first species of Rogneda to be found outside the Northeast Atlantic and the Mediterranean. All new species can be recognized based on the morphology of the stylets in the male system. A discussion on the similarities and differences of the 22 species is provided, resulting in the grouping of the species into seven morphological groups: the capulata -group, the falcata -group, the hibernica -group, the polyrhabdota -group, the steueri -group, the tripalmata -group and the westbladi -group. R. minuta cannot be placed into any of these groups and therefore stands alone within the taxon. An identification key is provided to facilitate further study of the taxon Rogneda .  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 153 , 1–28.  相似文献   

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